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Antimicrobial Resistance in Indonesia Prevalence, determinants and genetic basis The printing of this thesis was fi nancially supported by the Department of Medical Micro- biology and Infectious Diseases, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam. Cover design: Batik by Wien’s Hand Creation & Nature, Semarang, Indonesia, photo- graphed by Duta Indah Foto, Semarang, Indonesia Printed by: Optima Grafi sche Communicatie, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 978-90-8559-606-6 © E. S. Lestari and J. A. Severin, Rotterdam, 2009. All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the prior written permission of the authors, or where appropriate, of the publisher of the articles. Antimicrobial Resistance in Indonesia Prevalence, determinants and genetic basis Antimicrobiële resistentie in Indonesië Prevalentie, determinanten en genetische basis Thesis to obtain the degree of Doctor from the Erasmus University Rotterdam by command of the rector magnifi cus Prof.dr. H.G. Schmidt and in accordance with the decision of the Doctorate Board. The public defense shall be held on Tuesday, December 15th, 2009 at 13.30 hours by Endang Sri Lestari born in Purwodadi – Grobogan, Central Java, Indonesia and Juliëtte Astrid Severin born in Amsterdam, The Netherlands DOCTORAL COMMITTEE Promoters: Prof.dr. H.A. Verbrugh Prof.dr. K. Kuntaman Other members: Prof.dr. A. van Belkum Prof.dr. Ariawan Soejoenoes Prof.dr.ir. J.D.F. Habbema Copromoters: Dr. W.H.F. Goessens Dr. M. Keuter Untuk yang tercinta dan tersayang Suamiku Achmad Fuadi dan anak-anakku mas Qorri dan dik Vaza Aan mijn ouders Voor Marcelo en Sibolt The studies in this thesis were performed on behalf of the Antimicrobial Resistance in Indonesia: Prevalence and Prevention (AMRIN) study group: Dr. Soetomo Hospital-School of Medicine, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indo- nesia: Prof. Widjoseno Gardjito, MD; Erni P. Kolopaking, MPPM; Prof. Karjadi Wirjoatmodjo, MD; Prof. Djoko Roeshadi, MD PhD; Prof. Eddy Suwandojo, MD; Prof. Eddy Rahardjo, MD PhD; Prof. Ismoedijanto MD PhD; Prof. Paul Tahalele, MD PhD; Prof. Hendromartono, MD PhD; Hari Parathon, MD; Usman Hadi, MD PhD; Nun Zairina, HospPharm; Mariyatul Qibtiyah, HospPharm; Endang Isbandiati, MD PhD; Kartuti Deborah, MD; Prof. K. Kunta- man, MD PhD; Prof. Ni Made Mertaniasih, MD PhD; Marijam Purwanta, MSc; Lindawati Alimsardjono, MD; Maria Inge Lusida, MD PhD. Dr. Kariadi Hospital-School of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indo- nesia: Prof. Ariawan Soejoenoes, MD; Budi Riyanto, MD, MSc; Prof. Hendro Wahjono, MD PhD; Musrichan Adhisaputro, MD; Winarto, MD, PhD; Subakir, MD; Bambang Isbandrio, MD; Bambang Triwara, HospPharm; Johnny Syoeib, MD; Endang Sri Lestari, MD; Bambang Wibowo, MD; Muchlis A.U. Sofro, MD; Helmia Farida, MD MSc; M.M.D.E.A.H. Hapsari, MD; Tri Laksana Nugraha, MD MSc. Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands: Prof. Peterhans van den Broek, MD PhD; D. Offra Duerink, MD PhD MA. Erasmus MC University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Prof. Henri A. Verbrugh, MD PhD; Inge C. Gyssens, MD PhD. Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands: Monique Keuter, MD PhD. Contents Chapter 1 Introduction and outline of the thesis 9 Part I Background Chapter 2 Antimicrobial resistance among pathogenic bacteria in 17 Southeast Asia: A review Chapter 3 Rationale and design of the AMRIN study 63 Part II Prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in Indonesia Chapter 4 Comparison of the accuracy of disk diffusion zone diameters 81 obtained by manual zone measurements to that by automated zone measurements to determine antimicrobial susceptibility Chapter 5 Antimicrobial resistance among commensal isolates of 93 Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus in the Indonesian population inside and outside hospitals Part III Focus on Staphylococcus spp. Chapter 6 Determinants of carriage of resistant Staphylococcus aureus 109 among S. aureus carriers in the Indonesian population inside and outside hospitals Chapter 7 Unusually high prevalence of Panton-Valentine leukocidin 131 genes among methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus strains carried in the Indonesian population Chapter 8 Nasal carriage of methicillin-resistant and methicillin-sensitive 149 strains of Staphylococcus sciuri in the Indonesian population: epidemiology and risk factors Part IV Focus on Enterobacteriaceae Chapter 9 Determinants of carriage of resistant Escherichia coli in the 171 Indonesian population inside and outside hospitals Chapter 10 Fluoroquinolone-resistant Escherichia coli, Indonesia 193 8 Contents Chapter 11 Quinolone resistance mechanisms in commensal Escherichia 209 coli isolated in a population-based survey in Indonesia Chapter 12 Fecal carriage of extended-spectrum -lactamase-producing 219 Enterobacteriaceae among patients and healthy persons from Java, Indonesia Chapter 13 Molecular characterization of extended-spectrum -lactamases 235 in clinical Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from Surabaya, Indonesia Part V Discussion Chapter 14 General discussion and conclusion 255 Chapter 15 Summary 275 Nederlandse samenvatting (Dutch summary) 281 Ringkasan dalam bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian summary) 285 Ucapan terimakasih / Dankwoord (Acknowledgments) 289 Curriculum vitae 297 List of publications 301 PhD portfolio 309 Appendix: Antimicrobial resistance, antibiotic usage and infection A1 control. A self-assessment program for Indonesian hospitals Chapter 1 I ntroduction and outline of the thesis

Brunei, East Timor, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Singapore. The region is a mix of developed and developing countries, with East Timor and of the indole-positive Thai isolates were resistant (Supplementary Table
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