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Antilambda production in Au+Au collisions at 11.7 A·GeV/c B.B. Back,1 R.R. Betts,1,2 J. Chang,3 W.C. Chang,3 C.Y. Chi,4 Y.Y. Chu,5 J.B. Cumming,5 J.C. Dunlop,6 W. Eldredge,3 S.Y. Fung,3 R. Ganz,2 E. Garcia,7 A. Gillitzer,1 G. Heintzelman,6 W.F. Henning,1 D.J. Hofman,2 B. Holzman,2 J.H. Kang,8 E.J. Kim,8 S.Y. Kim,8 Y. Kwon,8 D. McLeod,2 A.C. Mignerey,7 M. Moulson,4 V. Nanal,1 C. Ogilvie,6 R. Pak,9 A.Ruangma,7 D. Russ,7 R. Seto,3 P.J. Stanskas,7 G.S.F. Stephans,6 H. Wang,3 F.L.H. Wolfs,9 A.H. Wuosmaa,1 H. Xiang,3 G.H. Xu,3 H. Yao,6 and C.M. Zou3 (The E917 Collaboration) 1Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 2University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607 3University of California Riverside, Riverside, CA 92521 1 0 4Columbia University, Nevis Laboratory, Irvington, NY 10533 0 5Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973 2 6Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 7University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 n 8Yonsei University, Seoul 120-749, South Korea a 9University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 J (Dated: February 8, 2008) 3 2 We present results from Experiment E917 for antilambda and antiproton production in Au+Au collisionsat11.7A·GeV/c. Wehavemeasuredinvariantspectraandyieldsforbothspeciesincentral 1 and peripheral collisions. We find that the Λ¯/p¯ratio near mid-rapidity increases from 0.26+0.19 in −0.15 v peripheralcollisions to3.6+4.7 in centralcollisions, a valuethat issubstantially larger than current 8 −1.8 theoretical estimates. 0 0 PACSnumbers: 25.75.-q,13.85.Ni,21.65.+f 1 0 1 Enhancedantimatterandstrangenessproductionhave tions of cascade models above a ratio of ∼1 [6]. Recent 0 both beenproposedassignaturesof the phase transition data from E877 on the anti-flow of p¯[9] are successfully / x from normalhadronic matter to the quark-gluonplasma described by the hadronic cascades that use the normal e (QGP) [1, 2, 3]. The yields of strange antibaryons com- antiproton annihilation cross-section. - l binebothofthesesignaturesinasingleproductionchan- Enhanced antibaryon production may also be due to c u nel, and may prove to be a particularly sensitive probe many-body collisions between pions, e.g. nπ → p¯+p n for the formation of the QGP. Of particular interest is [10, 11]. The rate of antibaryon production can be es- v: the ratio Λ¯/p¯ [1], which reflects the relative abundance timated from the inverse reaction p¯+ p → nπ. Cal- i of s¯quarks to light antiquarks. culations by Rapp [10] and Greiner [11] indicate that a X However, both Λ¯ and p¯ are also produced when the significantnumberofbothp¯andΛ¯ maycomefromthese r a collision does not form a QGP. Hadronic matter with processes,butitisnotyetclearhowtoincorporatethese sufficient rescattering can reach a chemical equilibrium many-body collisions into current hadronic cascade cal- containing the full spectrum of hadrons. Equilibrium culations. chemicalmodelsofheavy-ioncollisionsaregenerallyable In summary, hadronic models with reasonable inputs to reproduce the measured ratios of total yields of par- generallypredictΛ¯/p¯≤1. Thus the experimentaldetec- ticles such as pions and kaons. Such models also predict tion of a Λ¯/p¯ratio significantly larger than 1 may signal values for the ratio Λ¯/p¯ in the range 0.15–0.9 at AGS thebreakdownofthesehadronicmodels,andpossiblythe beam energies [4, 5]. A thermal model analysis that ac- onset of other degrees of freedom in the system. Of par- counts for the measured K+/π+ and K−/K+ ratios [6] ticular interest is the centrality dependence of the Λ¯/p¯ gives a most probable value of Λ¯/p¯= 1, with unrealistic ratio, which may discriminate [12] between the various values yielding an upper limit of 2 for Au+Au collisions. models attempting to describe antibaryon production: Hadronic cascade models which explicitly follow the QGP, hadronic scattering, and thermal models. Canon- reactionsandtrajectoriesofhadronsinthecollisionzone ical thermal models should be used in this comparison, [7, 8] predict values for the Λ¯/p¯ ratio of less than 1. since the volume of the emitting system has been shown Theabsorptioncross-sectionforΛ¯-Nprocessesisnotwell to affect the ratio of strange to non-strange particles by known at these energies, opening the possibility for dif- up to a factor of four [13]. ferential absorption of the two species to play a role in There are indications of an abnormally large value of determining the value of the ratio Λ¯/p¯ and its rapidity the Λ¯/p¯ratio from other experiments. ExperimentE859 dependence. However, a study has shown that a reason- reportedadirectlymeasuredΛ¯/p¯ratioof2.9±0.9(stat)± able interpretationof this value cannot bring the predic- 0.5(sys)nearmid-rapidityincentralSi+Aucollisions,at 2 abeamenergyof14.6A·GeV/c[14]. Anindirectestimate estimate of the timing resolutionbasedon the TOF wall of Λ¯/p¯> 2.3 (98% C.L.) at y=1.6 for p⊥ ∼ 0 in central resolutioncombinedwithaMonteCarlosimulationofthe Au+Pb collisionswas obtained at a beam energy of 11.5 tracking in the spectrometer. The ∆t distributions are A·GeV/c by comparing inclusive antiproton yields from parameterized by a Gaussian for the true p¯ signal and two different experients (E864 and E878) with largely a background with two components: an exponentially − − different acceptances [15]. falling contribution from the tails of K and π bands, In this letter, we presenta directmeasurementofΛ¯ in andaflatrandomcontributionduetomisidentifiedparti- Au+Aucollisionsnearmid-rapidityandoveranextended cles. The backgroundsextractedrangefrom15%to 75% rangeinp⊥. Wealsomeasurethetotalp¯spectrum,which of the total signal, with the largest backgrounds at the includescontributionsfrombothdirectp¯productionand extremes of the momentum ranges. Rapidity-transverse Λ¯ decay. Using the Λ¯ measurement,we can estimate the massbinsforwhichthebackgroundfractionexceeds50% contributiontop¯fromΛ¯ decayandthusextracttheyield have been excluded from further analysis. of directly produced antiprotons (p¯ ). We find the Thecountingstatisticsindeterminingthe background direct ratioΛ¯/p¯ tobe largeincentralcollisions,andmuch are included in the reported statistical error bars. We direct lower in more peripheral collisions. estimate an additional systematic error in the extracted The experiment was carried out using the magnetic p¯ yield due to background corrections and acceptance tracking spectrometer previously employed in AGS ex- uncertainties to be 10%, and the error in the p¯ inverse periments E802, E859, and E866 as described in detail slope, arising mostly from acceptance uncertainties, to in Refs. [16, 17, 18, 19]. An efficient second-level trigger be 5%. The measured p¯ invariant spectra are shown as was used in order to study the production of rare parti- open circles in Fig. 1 as a function of transverse mass clessuchasantiprotons. A197Aubeamwithmomentum (m⊥ = p2⊥+m20), along with independent fits (dashed 11.7A·GeV/cwasincidentona1-g/cm2thickAutarget. lines) ofpa Boltzmann form, B(T), i.e. The movable spectrometer subtended polar angles from 19◦ to 34◦. Magnetic field settings of ±0.4 T were used, 1 d2N dN = B(T) for which the momentum resolutionofthe spectrometer, 2πm⊥dm⊥dy dy δp/p, ranges from 1% to 2%. At these angle and field dN 1 exp(−(m⊥−m0)/T) settings, we have acceptance for p¯ and Λ¯ in the rapid- = dy 2πm⊥m2T +2m T2+2T3. 0 0 ity range 1.0 < y < 1.4, where mid-rapidity is y = 1.6 at this beam energy. Particle identification is based on The parameters of the fit to the total p¯ spectra the measured momentum combined with a time-of-flight (dN /dy, T ) are given in columns two and three p¯total p¯total (TOF)wallwitharesolutionof135pssituated6mfrom of Table I. These spectra include contributions from the target. both direct production (p¯ ) and anti-hyperon decay direct We define centrality classes based on the fraction of (p¯ ), which we now consider. decay the totalinteractioncross-section(σtot =6.8barns[20]). We reconstruct Λ¯’s through direct measurement of Usingthetotalkineticenergyofspectatorparticlesmea- (p¯,π+) pairs. This decay channel has a branching ratio suredinazero-degreecalorimeter,the dataweredivided of 63.9% [21]. The spectrum of reconstructed invariant intotwocentralityclasses,called“Central”and“Periph- mass for accepted (p¯,π+) pairs is shown in Fig. 2. The eral”, containing 0%−12% and 12%−77% of σtot, re- experimental resolution for reconstructing Λ¯’s is found spectively. We also report a “Minimum Bias” data set by initially reconstructing the Λ invariant mass spec- without centrality cuts. trum in the same data set. The peak of the Λ spec- Thereconstruction,particleidentificationandtracking trumisfoundtobeat1.1161±0.0004GeV/c2,consistent algorithms have been described in detail elsewhere [18]. with the accepted value of m = 1.1157 GeV/c2. The Λ Antiprotons are accepted up to momentum 2.9 GeV/c, Gaussian width of the peak is σ = 1.3 MeV/c2, which abovewhichthe 3σ identificationbands of the K− and p¯ is attributable to experimental resolution. To define Λ¯ timeofflightspectrumbegintooverlap. Alowermomen- candidates, a cut of ±3σ is taken around the nominal tumcutoffof0.5GeV/cwasnecessitatedbyhadronicin- m . To estimate the background under the Λ¯ peak, we Λ teraction rates in the spectrometer material. Pions used have constructed a mixed-event background, shown as to reconstruct Λ¯’s were required to have momenta be- the solid histogram in Fig. 2. Pairs are constructed by tween 0.35–1.8 GeV/c. selecting random p¯’s and π+’s from the set of all pairs A firm understanding of the background in the TOF- inthe centralityclassbeing considered. The background identified p¯ sample is required for the measurement of is normalized to the region outside the Λ¯ peak, defined the p¯ spectrum. Spectra of the time-of-flight residuals as more than 6σ from m . Both real and mixed pairs Λ ∆t = (t −t )/σ were created in order to es- wereincludedonlyiftheiropeninganglewasgreaterthan meas expected timate these backgrounds in the p¯ sample. Here t 15 mrad. This removes most of the inefficiency for de- meas and t are the measured and expected flight times tectingclosetracks. Theremainingtwo-trackinefficiency expected of p¯’s to the TOF wall, and σ is a particle-by-particle isestimatedbycomparisonwiththemixed-eventsample. 3 The correction is then applied on a pair-by-pair basis in that the Λ¯ production increases sharply with central- generating the background invariant mass spectrum as ity, from dN = 1.2+0.7x10−3 in peripheral collisions to dy −0.6 well as to the signal’s final m⊥ spectra. This correction dN = 19+4x10−3 in central collisions. The total p¯ pro- dy −5 has less than a 5% effect on the yields. ductionisofcomparablemagnitudetotheΛ¯ yield,witha We further correct the estimated background for the substantialfractionofthemeasuredp¯signalattributable residualcorrelationsarisingfromthepresenceofparticles to decay products from the Λ¯. from signal pairs in the mixed-event background. Pairs We findthatthe ratioΛ¯/p¯nearmid-rapidityincreases inthemixed-eventbackgroundwithamemberthatcame from0.26+0.19inperipheralcollisionsto3.6+4.7incentral from the signalregionare assigneda weightequalto the −0.15 −1.8 collisions. When combined with the prior observations background fraction. This must be done in an iterative ofelevatedratiosincentralSi+Aucollisions[14]andthe fashion; four iterations are sufficient to attain conver- gence. This correction increases the extracted Λ¯ yields indirect evidence from experiments E864 and E878 [15], the present results indicate that Λ¯ production is larger by approximately 15%. From the small remaining dis- crepancy between the shape of the mixed-event sample thandirectp¯productionincentralcollisions—andnotin and the actual sample, we estimate the systematic error peripheralcollisions—atAGS beamenergies. This effect on the measured Λ¯ yield arising from background sub- is clearly shown in Fig. 3. The mechanism responsible traction to be 15%. The Λ¯ invariant spectra are shown for the large Λ¯/p¯ratio is currently unknown. as solid circles in Fig. 1 as a function of transverse mass ThisworkissupportedbytheU.S.DepartmentofEn- in all centrality classes. ergyundercontractswithANL(No.W-31-109-ENG-38), Since the p¯ spectra have a strong contribution from BNL (No. DE-AC02-98CH10886), MIT (No. DE-AC02- Λ¯ decays, it is advantageous to perform a simultaneous 76ER03069), UC Riverside (No. DE-FG03-86ER40271), fit to both spectra, in order to obtain the most accu- UIC (No. DE-FG02-94ER40865) and the University of rate measure of the Λ¯/p¯ ratio. We have used a Monte Maryland(No. DE-FG02-93ER40802),the National Sci- Carlo study to parameterize the distribution of p¯’s orig- ence Foundation under contract with the University of inating from Λ¯ decay, as a function of the character- Rochester (No. PHY-9722606), and the Ministry of Ed- istics of the original Λ¯ spectrum. For a Λ¯ spectrum ucation and KOSEF (No. 951-0202-032-2)in Korea. of Boltzmann form with inverse slopes T in the range 150 MeV < T < 300 MeV, we find that the result- ing spectrum of p¯’s within the E917 spectrometer is also Boltzmann in shape, with parameters: [1] J.Rafelski,B.Mueller, Phys.Rev.Lett.481066(1982), Tp¯decay = (0.834±0.006)TΛ¯ +(0.004±0.001) (GeV) [2] Jer.rRataufemlskPih,yPsh.yRse.vR.eLpe.t8t.85363123(31498(21)9.82). dNp¯decay = 0.639 dNΛ¯. [3] P. Koch, B. Mueller, J. Rafelski, Phys. Rep. 142 167 dy dy (1986). [4] J. Rafelski, M. Danos, Phys. Rev.C 50 1684 (1994). TheerrorsreflectthequalityoftheBoltzmannfitstothe [5] F. Becattini et al., hep-ph/0002267; The Λ¯/p¯ratio is es- p¯ spectra,andresultinanegligiblesystematicerror timatedherebyassumingthecalculatedyieldoflambda decay to the final results. equalsthecalculatedyieldofK+,multiplyingquotedra- TheΛ¯ andp¯transversemassspectrawerethereforefit tios, and correcting for Λ¯ feed-down. [6] G.J. Wang, G. Welke, R. Bellwied, and C. Pruneau, simultaneously using the functions Advances in Nuclear Dynamics 4, Plenum Press, 1998, eds. W. Bauer and H. G. Ritter, pp. 369-378; nucl- 2π1m⊥ddm2N⊥dΛ¯y = ddNyΛ¯B(TΛ¯), and [7] Ethx/a9c8t0v7a0l3u6e.sfortheΛ¯/p¯direct ratioatAGSenergiespre- 2π1m⊥ddm2⊥Ndp¯y = ddNyΛ¯ (cid:18)BΛ¯(/Tp¯p¯ddiirreecctt) +0.639B(Tp¯decay)(cid:19). dveliisecwtuendadrbetyricpltreresadnoiscnpttobrryatnamspfoaodcrettolsmrhooafdvteehlsrne[o8et]tbsoteafietnveepttuhhbaetlimsthheeeadsm.uRoreded-- Si + Au ratio of Λ¯/p¯=2.9±0.9±0.5. From these fits, shown in Fig. 1, we obtain values of the [8] S. Bass et al.,J. Phys.G 25 R1 (1999). four freeparametersTp¯direct, dNΛ¯/dy,TΛ¯,andΛ¯/p¯direct, [9] J. Barrette et al.,E877 Collaboration, Phys.Lett.B485 listed in Table I. The Λ¯/p¯ ratio and Λ¯ yield obtained 319 (2000). in this manner are consistent with those obtained from [10] R. Rapp and E. Shuryak,hep-ph/0008326. separate fits to the Λ¯ and p¯ spectra, but the precision [11] C. Greiner and S. Leupold, nucl-th/0009036. [12] M. Bleicher et al.,Phys.Rev. C 59 R1844 (1999). ofthe simultaneousfitting methodis superior due to the additional constraint on the Λ¯ inverse slope provided by [13] S. Hamieh et al.,Phys. Lett. B486, 61 (2000). [14] G.S.F. Stephans for E859 Collaboration, J. Phys. G: the shape of the p¯spectrum. Nucl. Part. Phys. 23 1895 (1997). In summary, we have made a direct measurement of [15] T.A. Armstrong et al., E864 Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Λ¯ production in Au+Au collisions at the AGS. We find C 59 2699 (1999). 4 TABLEI:Parametersofanindependentfittothetotalmeasuredp¯spectrum(dNp¯total/dy,Tp¯total)andasimultaneousfit(the remaining values) to p¯and Λ¯ spectra, for the three centrality bins. See text for an explanation of the parameters. Errors are statistical followed by systematic. Bin dNp¯total/dy Tp¯total Tp¯direct dNΛ¯/dy TΛ¯ Λ¯/p¯direct (x10−3) (GeV) (GeV) (x10−3) (GeV) 0-12% 17.7±0.5±1.8 0.200±0.008±0.010 0.23 +0.15+0.01 19 +4+3 0.22 +0.04+0.01 3.6 +4.7 +2.7 −0.06−0.01 −5−2 −0.03−0.01 −1.8 −1.1 12-77% 5.5±0.1±0.6 0.175±0.004±0.008 0.18 +0.02+0.01 1.2 +0.7+0.2 0.19 +0.06+0.01 0.26 +0.19 +0.5 −0.01−0.01 −0.6−0.2 −0.03−0.01 −0.15 −0.4 0-77% 7.4±0.1±0.7 0.185±0.004±0.009 0.183 +0.017+0.014 5.3 +1.1+1.0 0.218 +0.026+0.020 1.3 +0.6+0.6 −0.014−0.003 −1.1−1.0 −0.020−0.004 −0.4−0.3 0-12% 12-77% 0-77% [16] T. Abbott et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods A290 41 10-2 (1990). -22Vc) Λ [17] L(1.9A98h)l.eet al.,E866 Collaboration, Phys.Rev.C 57 466 Ge 10-3 p [18] L.Ahleetal.,E866Collaboration, Phys.Rev.C583523 y) ( (1998). d m⊥10-4 (x0.1) [19] L.Ahleetal.,E866andE917Collaborations,Phys.Lett. d⊥ (x0.1) B. 476 (2000). πm (x0.1) [20] L.Y. Geer et al.,Phys. Rev.C 52 334 (1995). N/(2 10-5 [21] Particle Data Book, European Physical Journal C15 1 2d (2000). 10-6 1 1.5 2 1 1.5 2 1 1.5 2 Transverse mass, m (GeV/c2) ⊥ FIG.1: Invariantspectraasafunctionoftransversemassfor Λ¯ (solidcircles)andp¯(opencircles,multipliedby0.1forclar- ity)inthethreecentralityclasses. Theerrorbarsincludea2% point-to-pointsystematicerrorduetoacceptancecorrections. The solid lines are from the simultaneous fit as described in the text and the dashed lines are from independent fits to Λ¯ and p¯spectra shown for comparison. Solid and dashed fit lines overlap for thep¯spectra. 5 60 Central 0-12% 40 s t ni 20 u y r a 0 r t bi Ar 60 Peripheral 12-77% 40 20 0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2 Invariant mass (GeV/c ) FIG.2: TheΛ¯ invariantmassspectraforcentralandperiph- eralcollisionsforthedatainFig.1. Solidpointsaremeasured data, andthehistogram is thenormalized mixed-eventback- ground after all corrections have been applied. The Λ¯ mass peak is shaded. E864/E878 10 E917 1 o ati r p Λ/ 0.1 0.01 0 20 40 60 80 100 Centrality (% of σ ) tot FIG.3: TheΛ¯/p¯ratioisshownasafunctionofthecentrality givenintermsofthepercentageofthetotalinteractioncross section, σtot. The E917 data are integrated over all p⊥ and 1.0<y<1.4andareshownassolidcircleswith1σstatistical error bars for the Λ¯/p¯ratio. The E864/E878 indirect results [15]areatp⊥ ∼0andy=1.6andareshownasmostprobable values with the 98% confidence level of the minimum value indicated by the lower error bar. Upperlimits are not given. Horizontal bars indicate bin widths.

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