UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff TTeennnneesssseeee,, KKnnooxxvviillllee TTRRAACCEE:: TTeennnneesssseeee RReesseeaarrcchh aanndd CCrreeaattiivvee EExxcchhaannggee Masters Theses Graduate School 3-1972 AAnnttiiggoonnee,, AAnnttiiggoonnee Jeanette Lanning Payne Davis University of Tennessee - Knoxville Follow this and additional works at: https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_gradthes Part of the Theatre and Performance Studies Commons RReeccoommmmeennddeedd CCiittaattiioonn Davis, Jeanette Lanning Payne, "Antigone, Antigone. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1972. https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_gradthes/2905 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Masters Theses by an authorized administrator of TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. To the Graduate Council: I am submitting herewith a thesis written by Jeanette Lanning Payne Davis entitled "Antigone, Antigone." I have examined the final electronic copy of this thesis for form and content and recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts, with a major in Theatre. Paul L. Soper, Major Professor We have read this thesis and recommend its acceptance: Albert J. Harris, G. A. Yeomans Accepted for the Council: Carolyn R. Hodges Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School (Original signatures are on file with official student records.) Februa1ry9 1,79 2 Tot hGer aadtuCeou nc:i l submitthiengr ewitthh iessaw rit.b.Yt eJneaneLatnntieng I am PayDnaev is e"nAtngitoteinl,Aen dit gnoe.I" r eocmmendt hati tb e acecptfeodnr i nqeur atehro uorrsc erdiitnpa rtifuallf illmoern t three quiremfeotnrht dese groerMae s teorr A rt's wimatjhro i an SpeeacndhT hea.t re Weh ave trheitasehd s is anrde omcmenidt ascc eptaen:c Accpetedf otrh Ceou cnli: VIceC baDoellor tor GraduSatdtuiee asn Rde search ANTIGONAEN.T IGONE ATh esis Preenstteod thGer aduCaountceio lf TheU nviersoiftT ye nnessee InP artFUilafli llment oft hRee quiremefnottrhs De � gree MasteorfA rts by JeanetteP aLaynnnDeia nvgi s Marc1h97 2 AC<WLEOKNOEMENTS Iw isthoe xprsesm yr espfeocartn add miraotfti hodeni snti guisDhr.edP auLl.S opeHre,ao dft hDee partmoefSn pte hea cndT heatre att hUen vieirtsoyr T ennseees,f ohri isn spiguriidnaegnb cotahsa taechaenrgd ruaadtaed svroit hurgohomy ugtr aadtuset ud.i Theese ncour agemeannthd e loprt hiwse -llmlownA tuho,Dr irecatndoP rrfo essroa re deleypa ppreci.a Itam e adsloi ndebtteotd h tael ented Director and Prfoessro,D rA.l berJt.H airsr,f ohri esn utshiacsnomce rninmgyw ork antdh itseh sissbu jec.t F inallyI w isthot hasntki alnlo tfhienre , Prosfroe,sD r.G .A .Y eoman,sw h,o while I iwnah si csl ean,sr solled IntrtodiuoctnoG raadtuRee easrchi nS pehea cndTh eat.rh eelpmedet o beomcem oraec utaeaw�r oef trhesep iobnsiliatnide ssoj ro,yc noducting reesahri cna t rulsyhc orlalwya y. ii 131.4930 ABSTRACT Mani st rulaym aervlsouc erat.i oHinss pieacgli fitnslc ude thaeb iyl tiott hiannkrd e asaoswn e lals atbhiey lt ioti magianned cerat.e Soplheoascn Adn ou,id lehsptihtweei nodfst imet hastpe arate theliirt eraahcryi evtems,ea nrtewo exam pleso fima ginati,vc eerative litergairya ntTsh itseh siiss an isnut-dydo eftp wott hr agedies • whiacrhbe o tbahs deo na na nciGernete k mywthhi acarhnbe do tchal led Antig.o ne Chaptbeegri nwIsi tahc moparsinoo ft haetc io,tn ime, ktehyem es anpda ttewrnhshia creev idiennt th tew tor aigee.sd Many important psasgaewsh hii cllustrtahtaeet titaunddr eeaslt ionosfth himaepj or characatreeexr psl .o rIendtriacnaayltisesi sp reseonftt ehpeda ral leliasnmldc a ko fpa rallealsei vsimd eedin nct htew pola y.s Thisst udy ofe acphl abye giwnistA hn ti'goshn eeadstdroeingcis otno f ollhowe r own cnosiceena csi tr elateKsi ngC ·rte'oos en dcit,a ne dict dwehniicehs Polyneesit ch e ribugrhita lTo.hf be r eakdoowfnt hpel oetn dwist thh e unple,a seaimdnmitaatnefd a ra-crheicngno sueeqncoefAns t igondeei'cs soinw hichki ntgmuh set face. ChaptIeIrd eawlist thh relo eo fS oplheoscC'h oruasn odf A nouilh's Choruasse videinnct ehtdewo d raams. Int hisset ciorne fneecr eis made tot hfea moSuohspo lceanOd es. Fi�ll,yc mpaorisnosa rceti ewdh idceahl witthh reae ctnio ofS ooplches'lea der ofC htohruaesn Adn ouilChh'os rus, imtpoo rtansti utatiodnaelvJ:in eelnotsRem arkasr qeu otwedh ich o rangfer omt hedisirovc eryt haAntt igohnaebs r oktehnpe r oclaimleadw oft hlea ntdoc mmoentusp otnh ter iept lragi�n T heb.e s ChaptIeIreI xp lorseitsla ld diticoonnatslrt abest wetehnpe l ays iii iv whicmahy bep inpoinatsae rde suolftr esearchtihnedg i vergreenlti giousa ndp hiloopshailcv iwesv alub,ye dS ophloecsa ndA noiul.h This investigaitnitotonh er ealm ort hep ersobnaell iehfesl b,yd these writers ehxpellipcsaw t�e in SophloecsA'n tigotnheeh eroinnoeb � dietso u phoald spiritual trraatdhitetharin oa n m an-dmeas tatute and why inA noui'lsAh ntigotnheei conloacsdtie st or evenhgeeri dealistic viewo rl itrea thtehra anc ecpta fadicngmo promsied •purit.y" TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF THE 'IWO ANTIGONE'S 5 • II. CHORAL ELEMENTS OF THE TWO ANTIGON'ES 47 • • III. THOUGHTE LEMENTS IN THE 'IWO ANTIGON'ES 56 BIBLIOGRAPHY 94 • • • • • • VITA 98 • • • • v "Tragediyst hpeo etoryrm an". --JoGhans sner vi INTRODUCTION Thef ollowpainpge ,r" Antnie,gA onti,g"o i nsde eisgnteod uisl-l trastmoee o rt hseim ilaraintddii efsf eersbe entcwtewewoni ldyer ead play,sb otcha lleAdng toin,bye Soplheoascn Andou ilh. Althoutghhe boigarphioefbs o tahr tiasrteesx treimenlyt seitrnegdu,e t ot he nature ort hipsae pr, sIh aomlilt m osotrt hdee tacinolcse rninthge ir ,l ives anidn cliundth ei sI nturtcodino onlfewyo sbae rvataiboontusht bae c k- groundosf S ophocalneAdsn ouilh. Sohpocels,b orni nA theinn s945 B . c• ,l ivuendd tehroue t tsanding rulePre ricalnwedi set sndst ehrea pgirdow tahn edx npsania osocsaited witthh hei stootr.yG re ecdeu rintgh e fcinetfutr.yh Peric"lfeoss - B.C. terseedf-l governme,imn ptr ovetdeh l aws ancdul tivattehvdea rious • • • art.1 s nDuring tShaem iWaarn,S ohpocles, cavi i-mcind,ec drevaeti inid- vid,us aelrveadsa g eneurndaelPr e rleis.c Inf ac"tt,r adrietocirdosn tha[.Atn tigosncuec']es sl setdo h iesl teicnoa sg enael.r2" Bowra, c. M. inS pohocleaTnr eadg,yg oeso nt os uggest: Wem igthhte reefxoptret ech Aet henpioeapnlt eoh aveel ecStoepdh o celst om ilitoafir.yfc beec auhsehae d g loritfhieeaidcr eh viements orc eelbrastomeedpe cluiarlnya tniaoclha ractteirs.ci sBut.hte Angtoindeeo sn othoitnt gh kei n.d It nhaosw orda bouAtt h,en nos politpircoapalg ,an ndoca notempoarlalryu s,in ooa npspeatlopa tri oti.s Imti sc oncernweidt whh amti gbeh tc alleadp olitiisucsea, l butt hiisss eenf rom an edxeatlatcehmades n itan incd einnth is retlai no_bse tweeannd ma gn.3od Iti s munfoosrtt unatteah t,a tlhoughS ohpoclewsr oatpep roximately onhenu drtewde nptlya, yo snly sevaernie n e xtiesent coda.y Theex tant plays intehlfeuo dlel owing":A1 ax( 4 51?),A ngtoin(e44 1,)Oe diputsh e !in&. Elcetra,Th eT rachWiomnei,nanP h iltocest( e490),[ an]d Oedipus!1 Cloonu(sp odruceind 4 0a1f ttehrpe o etd'esab tyht hyeou gneSro hpocels.n)4 1