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Antifungal Traits of a 14 kDa Maize Kernel Trypsin Inhibitor Protein in Transgenic Cotton PDF

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Preview Antifungal Traits of a 14 kDa Maize Kernel Trypsin Inhibitor Protein in Transgenic Cotton

Antifungal Traits of a 14 kDa Maize Kernel Trypsin Inhibitor Protein in Transgenic Cotton Kanniah Rajasekaran Jeffrey W. Cary Zhi-Yuan Chen Robert L. Brown Thomas E. Cleveland ABSTRACT. Transgenic cotton plants expressing the maize kernel trypsin inhibitor protein (TIP) were produced and evaluated for antifungal traits. This 14 kDa trypsin inhibitor protein has been previously associated with resistance to aflatoxin-producing fungus Aspergillus flavus. Successful transformation of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and expression of trypsin inhibitor was demonstrated by PCR and Northern analysis, respec- tively. Proteins extracted from cottonseed and leaf tissues of transgenic plants were separated using SDS-PAGE, and it indicated the presence of a 15-16 kDa protein in transgenic tissues as compared to control. Only transgenic cottonseed tissue reacted with the TIP antibody, indicating the expression in cottonseed. No cross-reaction to the TIP antibody was K. Rajasekaran, J.W. Cary, R.L Brown, and T.E. Cleveland are affiliated with the Food and Feed Safety Research Unit, Southern Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture, 1100 Robert E. Lee Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70124-4305. Z.-Y. Chen is affiliated with the Department of Plant Pathology and Crop Physiol- ogy, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-2110. The authors thank Kurt Stromberg, Mark Cambre, and Pamela Harris for their excellent technical assistance. Address correspondence to: Kanniah Rajasekaran at the above address (E-mail: [email protected]). Journal of Crop Improvement, Vol. 22(1) (#43) 2008 Available online at http://jcrip.haworthpress.com © 2008 by The Haworth Press. All rights reserved. doi:10.1080/15427520802042457 1 JOURNAL OF CROP IMPROVEMENT detected from leaf extracts, indicating the TIP was either not expressed or expressed at a level too low to be detected by Western blot. Crude leaf extracts from transgenic cotton plants did not show significant control of colonies from pre-germinated spores of A spergillus flavus or Verticjf/jum dahljae; however, extracts from transgenic cottonseed tissue showed about 60% reduction of V. dahliae colonies, indicating the antifungal nature of the maize TIP by itself. Cotton bolls inoculated with a green fluorescent protein (GFP) expressing A. flavus strain showed no difference among controls or transgenic cotton plants indicating that the expression of TIP in cottonseed is not high enough to prevent A. flavus colonization. KEYWORDS. Aflatoxin, A.spergillusflavu.c, disease resistance, Gossypium hi,utum, maize trypsin inhibitor, transgenic cotton, Verijcj//ju,n dahliae ABBREVIATIONS. (TIP) trypsin inhibitor protein; (GFP) green fluorescent protein; (GUS) ,B-glucuronidase; (PDA) potato dextrose agar; (PDB) potato dextrose broth; (CFU) colony forming units INTRODUCTION Aspergillusfiavus and A. parasiticus that produce aflatoxin in sev- eral crop species including cotton, peanuts, tree nuts, and maize, are not true plant pathogens but opportunistic, saprophytic fungi. Plant defense mechanisms against phytopathogens are not specific to these saprophytic fungi. Success in conventional breeding for resistance to mycotoxin-producing or phytopathogenic fungi is dependent on the availability of resistance gene(s) in the germplasm. Even when it is available, breeding for disease-resistant crops is very time consuming, especially in perennial crops such as tree nut crops, and does not lend itself ready to combat the evolution of new virulent fungal races. Sev- eral reports indicate the association between maize kernel morphology, including wax and cutin in pericarp (Guo et al., 1995), or kernel pro- teins (Huang, White, and Payne, 1997; Guo et al., 1998; Chen et al., 1998; Brown et al., 2006) and resistance to aflatoxin accumulation. Considerable progress has been made in identifying resistance markers through proteomic comparisons of differentially resistant maize variet- ies, thus indicating protein markers that could be used in breeding or 3 Rajasekarafl et al. gene insertion technologies to enhance resistance in crops to aflatoxin contamination. For example, after extensive analysis of kernel protein profiles, Chen et at. (1998) demonstrated the preponderance of a 14 kDa trypsin inhibitor protein (TIP) in relatively high concentration in kernels of seven maize genotypes that are naturally resistant to infection compared to none or low concentration in six A.flavus susceptible ones. They concluded that the trypsin inhibitor protein may not act alone in resisting A. flavus infection in kernels. The TIP was also demonstrated to inhibit the growth of A. flavus and several other pathogenic fungi, possibly through the inhibitory effect of TIP on fungal a-amylase (Chen et al., 1999a, 1999b). The objective of our research is to evaluate the antifungal activity of maize trypsin inhibitor in transgenic cotton. Disease-resistant cottons have been developed with some efficacy for resistance to a limited number of foliar and vascular fungal pathogens (Murray et al., 1999; Emani et al., 2003; Tohidfar, Mohammadi, and Ghareyazie, 2005; Rajasekaran et at., 2005b). Emani et al. (2003) transformed cotton plants with a cDNA clone encoding a 42 kDa endochitinaSe from the mycoparasitic fungus, Homozygous T2 plants of the high endochitinase- Trichoderma virens. expressing cotton lines showed significant resistance against a soil- borne pathogen, Rhizoctonia solani, and a foliar pathogen, Alternaria alternata. Expressing the Talaromyces flavus glucose oxidase (GO) gene in transgenic cottons resulted in a limited antifungal activity against the root pathogen, V. dahliae (Murray et al., 1999). However, these authors also discovered that the expression of GO in cottons resulted in phytotoxicity and reduced yield. There are no known naturally resistant among cotton cultivars. The availability of varieties to Aspergillus transgenic varieties with antifungal traits will be extremely valuable in cotton breeding. Rajasekaran et al. (2005b) demonstrated the efficacy of A. flavus, transgenic cottons expressing a synthetic peptide in controlling Fusariurn vertjcillioides; and• Thielaviopsis basicola. Thus, disease- resistant transgenic crops would not only control mycotoxinprodUcing organisms such as A. flavus, A. parasiticus, and Fusarium spp., but also several other microbial (fungal, bacterial, and viral) diseases which cause significant economic losses in crop production. Although is often a polygenic trait in maize (Paul et al., resistance to A. flavus 2003; White et at., 1999), we conducted this study to evaluate th individual contribution of the 14 kDa trypsin inhibitor protein from maize kernels in controlling mycotoxinproducing organisms such as and other microbial pathogens in transgenic cotton. A. flavus JOURNAL OF CROP IMPROVEMENT MATERIALS AND METHODS Construction of TIP Binary Vector and Agrobacterium Transformation of Cotton The maize TIP gene (Wen et al., 1992) was subcloned into a pVC- based plasmid vector that placed it under the control of the CaMV double 35S RNA-TMV 5' untranslated RNA leader promoter and the nopaline synthase transcriptional terminator ( pUC-05SQ-nos) (Cary et al., 2000). The TIP coding sequence including the N-terminal 28 amino acid signal sequence was PCR amplified from maize genomic DNA using the prim- ers 5' Ncol TIP, S'-CCATGGCGTCGTCGTCTAGCAGCAGC 3' and 3' Sacl TIP, S'GAGCTCTFACTFGGAGGGCATCGnCCGc 3' and Pfu polymerase (Stratagene). The amplified TIP gene was subcloned into pCR-Script Cam (Stratagene) and the sequence confirmed by DNA sequencing. The TIP coding region was ligated into NcoI-SacI digested pUC-d35SQ-nos vector following NcoI-SacI digestion of the pCR - Script-TIP vector to generate the vector pUC-05SçT1P05 The CaMVd355ç .. Jp DNA region was introduced into the plant binary vector pBIl 21 (referenced in Cary et al., 2000) by Hind III-Sacl digestion and ligation into Hind III-Sad digested pBIl21 to generate the vector pBI-CaMV 05SQ-TIp nos The binary vector was introduced into Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA 4404 (Gibco-BRL, Bethesda, Maryland) as described previously (Cary et al., 2000). Agrobacjerjz4m cultures for transformation experiments were initiated in 50 mL of YEB liquid medium using frozen glycerol stocks (500 j.IL) as inoculum.Fhese cultures were grown overnight for about 18 hat 26 ± 2°C on a gyratory shaker. The optical density (A600) values were adjusted to 0.6 - 0.8 in liquid MS medium prior to use. The A transforma- tion of seedling explants of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Coker 312) was carried out using G418 (Agri Bio, Bay Harbor, FL) selection according to the published protocols (Rajasekaran, 2004; Rajasekaran et al., 1996, 2005b). Plants transformed with the PBId35SuidA..nos construct (CGUS) served as controls. All the primary transformants and their progenies were grown in a greenhouse until maturity. PCR Analysis of Transgenjc Plant DNA To determine if the CaMV 05SI-TJp region was integrated into the cotton genome, a 620 bp segment of DNA encompassing the 5 Rajasekaran et aL CaMV d35SQ promoter-TIP coding region was PCR amplified from genomic DNA of transgefliC plants. Genomic DNA was isolated from the C801 and C804 transgenic cottons and the cotton CGUS negative control plant by extracting leaf disks using the REDExtract-N-Amp Plant PCR Kit (Sigma, St. Louis, MO). Oligonucleotide primers designed to an internal region of the CaMV d35SQ promoter, 5'- ATGACGCACAATC CCACTATCCTTC -3' and to the 3' end of the TIP gene, SGTTACTTGGAGGGT TT CCGC-3' were used to amplify cotton plant genomic DNA using AmpliTaq Gold polymerase (Applied Biosystems). The following thermocycler (PTC-100, MJ Research Inc., Watertown, MA) parameters were used: I cycle of 95°C, 10 mm; 65°C, 30 sec.; 72°C, 30 sec.; 34 cycles of 95°C, I mm.; 65°C, 30 sec.; 72°C, 30 sec.; and a final extension of 72°C for 7 mm. Presence of the nptll gene in cotton tissue was also determined by PCR using the primers NPTII internal, 5'TTGCCGAATATT GTGGAAAATGGCC3' and NPTII/nos term, 5'-GATAATCATCGC AAGACCGGCAACAGG3. The expected product was 670 bp. Therriocycler parameters were the same as above except annealing was performed at 68°C. The pBICaMV35SQ-TIPfl05 plasmid DNA was used as a positive control template. PCR products obtained were analyzed by I% agarose gel electrophoresis followed by ethidium bro- mide staining. Validity of PCR products was determined by DNA sequencing. Northern Hybridization Total RNA was purified using the method of Bugos et al. (1995). Ten micrograms of each RNA sample were electrophoreSed on a 2.2M formaldehyde/l% agarose gel in 1X MOPS buffer followed by blot- ting to nylon membranes (Nytran Plus nylon membranes, Schleicher and Schuell Inc., Keene, NH) by vacuum transfer. The nylon mem- branes were hybridized with a random-primed (Rediprime II Kit; 32P-dCTP-labelled 470 bp Amersham Biosciences; Piscataway, NJ), PCR fragment representing the TIP coding region. Hybridization was performed overnight at 42°C in ULTRAhyb Buffer (Ambion Inc., Austin, TX) followed by two 5 min washes in 2 X SSC/0.l% SDS at 42°C, and a final wash for 15 min in 0.IX SSC/0.1% SDS at 50°C. Nylon membranes were placed on Kodak X-OMAT AR autoradiogra- phy film (Eastman Kodak, Rochester, NY) and allowed to expose overnight with intensification at —80°C. JOURNAL OF CROP IMPROVEMENT DNA Sequencing PCR products were subcloned into plasmid vector pCR-Script Cam (Stratagene). The nucleotide sequence of the subcloned PCR products was determined by non-radioactive sequencing using the ABI PRISM 377 Automated DNA Sequencer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) using standard —21 M13 forward and M13 reverse primers. Sequence informa- tion was analyzed using DNAMAN (Lynon Biosoft: Quebec, Canada) analysis software. Gel Electrophoresis and Western Blotting Cotton leaf or immature seed (28 dpa) tissues of both transgenic and control (2 g) were ground with liquid nitrogen and extracted with 10 mL of extraction buffer (0.25 M NaCl, 50 mM Tris-HCI pH 8.0, 14 mM ,B-mercaptoethanol) for 2 h at 4°C. The supernatant was recovered by centrifugation at 17,000 g. Protein concentration in the supernatant was determined according to Bradford (1976). Then, 10 jig of each superna- tant was separated on two SDS-PAGE gels (Laemmli, 1970). One was stained with Coomassie R-250. The other was Western-blotted to nitro- cellulose membrane and probed with the 14 kDa maize trypsin inhibitor antibody (at 1:1000 dilution) raised in rabbit against the purified protein. The trypsin inhibitor levels were quantified using gel densitometer. In Vitro Analysis of Antifungal Activity of Plant Extracts to A. flavus, F. verticillioides, and V. dahliae The inhibitory activity of extracts from cotton plants transformed with maize TIP gene was assessed in vitro following the method of Cary et al. (2000). Briefly, conidial suspensions were prepared from cultures grown on potato dextrose agar (PDA; Difco, Detroit, Ml) slants for seven days at 30°C (Aspergillus flavus) or 22°C (Verticillium dahliae). Conidial sus pensions in I % (w/v) potato dextrose broth (PDB; pH 6.0) were adjusted to a density of 105 conidialmL and were germinated in PDB for 8 h at 30°C (A.flavus) or overnight at 22°C (V. dahliae) prior to assay. Plant homogenates were prepared by directly grinding cotton leaves or immature cottonseeds (28 dpa) into a fine powder in liquid nitrogen with no buffer added. Ground tissues were then centrifuged at 8200 x g for 10 min at room temperature and extract collected from each sample. Conic!-- ial suspensions (25 I.tl) were then added to 225 sl of plant extract, mixed, and incubated for I h at 30°C (A.flavus) or 22°C (V. dahliae). Three 50 j.tl Rajasekaran el al. aliquots from each sample were then spread onto PDA plates and incu- bated at 30°C or 22°C for 24-48 h and fungal colonies counted. One- way ANOVA was used to determine the significance of the effect of transgenic plant extracts on germinating conidia. Mean separations were performed using the method of Tukey (Sokal and Rohif, 1981) using the GraphPad Prism software (GraphPad Software Inc., San Diego, CA). In Planta bioassays Construction and Transformation of the GFP Expression Vector The EGFP gene (ClonTech) was placed under control of the constitu- tively expressed A. nidulans glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase (gpdA) gene promoter and the A. parasiticus nmt-1 gene transcriptional terminator. All of these elements were subcloned into the plasmid vector pBlueScript-SK (Stratagene) to produce the vector gpd-EGFP (Rajaseka- ran et al. 2005b, 2008). Plasmid gpd-EGFP was cotransformed with the A. parasiticus niaD gene into the niaD vector 'pSL82 harboring the mutant of A. flavus 70. One isolate stably expressing high levels of GFP, designated A. Jlavus 70-GFP, was used in all experiments. Boll Inoculation with A. flavus-70 GFP Strain Cotton boils were inoculated with A. flavus 70-GFP according to the published procedures (Rajasekaran et at., 2005b, 2008). Six to eight cotton bolls (25-28 dpa) in each of greenhouse-grown controls and transgenic plants were wounded in the center of one of the locuies to a depth of 5-10 mm with a 3 mm diameter cork borer. A small aliquot (10 ilL) of the 70-GFP suspension (104 conidialmL) was dropped into the hole, A. flavus and the fungus was allowed to coloniie boils for three weeks. Seeds from each boll (50 dpa) were harvested separately and ground in phosphate buffer (pH7.2; 50 mM), vortexed and centrifuged for 10 mm. at 10,000 RPM with a swing bucket rotor. One hundred Ill_ aliquots of supernatant from each sample were placed in a 96-well Black Viewplate (Packard Instrument Company, Meriden, CT), and the fluorescence was measured 535 at an excitation wavelength at 485 nm and an emission wavelength of nm using the Perkin-Elmer HTS 7000 fluorometer. Relative fluorescence values were obtained for each sample and were subjected to non-parametric ANOVA using the GraphPad Prism software. GFP fluorescence output due to A. flavus 70-GFP was expressed per g of seed cotyledon tissue. JOURNAL OF CROP IMPROVEMENT RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Traizsforn,atjo,, of Cotton There was no difference between controls and the transgenic cotton plants with regard to plant morphology, flowering, and seed set. Three putatively transformed cotton lines with the maize trypsin inhibitor gene (C801, C802, C804) were extensively analyzed for disease resistance along with the CGUS negative control plants, transformed with the visual marker gene only (CGUS). A minimum of 10 RI plants was used in each transgenic line and control for all the assays. All these plants were regen- erated from callus cultures subjected to selection at a sublethal level (10 g/mL) of the antibiotic G418. PCR Analysis The presence of the CaMV d35SQ promoter-TIP coding region in DNA isolated from cotton leaf tissue was determined by PCR (Figure 1). Analysis of DNA isolated from Ri transgenic cotton tissues and control DNAs showed that the expected PCR product of 620 bp representing the CaMV d35SQ promoter-TIP DNA region was present in tissues from transgenic plants C801 and C804, as well as the pBI-CaMVd35SçJp plasmid positive control DNA, but not in C802, an escape. No PCR prod- uct was detected in CGUS, transformed with p13I121 or the C802 DNA. The presence of a 670 bp PCR product representing an internal region of the nptll gene was also confirmed by PCR in all samples except the C802. This indicated that cotton C802 was a non-transformed escape. Northern Analysis Northern hybridization analysis of total RNAs isolated from RI cotton plants C801, C802, C804, and cotton CGUS was performed with p32_ labeledTIP gene probe (Figure 2). Hybridization signals at the expected size of about 0.55 kb were detected for C801 and C804 while the cotton p131121 and C802 (a non-transformed escape) samples did not demon- strate transcripts that hybridized with the probe as expected. Gel Electrophoresis and Western Blotting Proteins were extracted from cottonseed and leaf tissues, and separated using SDS-PAGE (Figure 3). A 15-16 kDa protein was visible in the transgenic cottonseed, but missing in the control seed. A protein of similar Rajasekarafl et al. FIGURE 1. PCR analysis of genomic DNA isolated from cotton leaf tissues. DNA from putative transgenic cotton and control DNAs were nptll analyzed for the presence of the TIP coding region as well as the gene (see Materials & Methods). Note: PCR results showed that both cotton plants C801 and C804 were transgenic, while the C802 sample did not generate PCR products with either primer pair indicating that this plant was a non-transformed escape. Plasmid=pBI-CaMV d35SQ-TIP- nos DNA; No DNA sample had no template DNA added to the PCR reaction. Z Z U U U U TIP 6?() bp Nfl II 7O bp size was also visible in all leaf protein extracts (including the control leaf extract). In order to determine whether this protein band in the leaf tissue is the maize trypsin inhibitor protein or the small subunit of ribulose-1,5- biphosphate carboxylase/oxygeflaSe (which has a molecular mass of about 15.5 kDa), a duplicate SIDS-PAGE gel was blotted to a nitrocellu- lose membrane and probed with an antibody raised against maize trypsin inhibitor protein (Figure 3). Only the protein extracts from the transgenic cottonseed tissues reacted with the TIP antibody, indicating the expres- sion of maize TIP in RI cottonseed. The presence of two bands in the Western may indicate the presence of two forms of TIP: unprocessed TIP 10 JOURNAL OF CROP IMPROVEMENT FIGURE 2. Northern hybridization of cotton leaf total RNA with radiolabelled maize TIP probe. Equivalent amounts of total RNA (1 0ig) of each sample were loaded in each lane. This was confirmed by ethidium bromide staining (data not shown). The membrane was probed with a P32-labeled DNA fragment representing the TIP coding region. The expected transcript of about 0.55 kb was observed for cotton C801 and C804 samples, while no transcript was detected for the C802 escape and CGUS samples as expected. kb U U U 27 1.35 0.55 0.24- with the leader sequence (top band) and the mature TIP, after removal of the leader sequence (lower band). No cross-reaction with the TIP antibody was detected from leaf extracts, indicating the TIP was either not expressed or expressed at a level too low to be detected by Western blot. In Vitro Assay of AntifungalActivity There was no significant antifungal activity from crude leaf extracts of the transgenic RI cotton plants compared to controls expressing the GUS marker gene only when assayed against pre-germinated conidia (Figure 4) or V. dahliae (Figure 5). However, extracts from seed ocfo Aty.lJelrdno'unss from the RI transgenic cotton plants C801 and C804 showed significant reduction (an average of 60%) against V. dahliae compared to CGUS controls and the non-transformed escape C802 (Figure 6). V. dahliae is one of the very sensitive pathogens (for example, against a synthetic peptide, [Rajasekaran et al., 20011), and it appears that it is susceptible to maize trypsin inhibitor protein as well.

with resistance to aflatoxin-producing fungus Aspergillus flavus. Successful trypsin inhibitor was demonstrated by PCR and Northern analysis, respec- tively. Proteins .. formation of plastids or chloroplasts has been demonstrated to increase the genome and maternal inheritance of transgenes.
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