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ANALYTIC REVIEWS Antidote Use in the Critically Ill Poisoned Patient David P. Betten, MD* Rais B. Vohra, MD† Matthew D. Cook, DO† Michael J. Matteucci, MD†‡ Richard F. Clark, MD† of these treatments have long since fallen out of The proper use of antidotes in the intensive care setting favor because they were found to offer little or no when combined with appropriate general supportive care benefit and in many cases produce significant detri- may reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with severe poisonings. The more commonly used antidotes mental effects. Strychnine, cocaine, and other stim- that may be encountered in the intensive care unit ulants, for example, were commonly used in the (N-acetylcysteine, ethanol, fomepizole, physostigmine, 1920s and 1930s for barbiturate overdoses. Their naloxone, flumazenil, sodium bicarbonate, octreotide, inherent toxicity and the low mortality rate associ- pyridoxine, cyanide antidote kit, pralidoxime, atropine, ated with barbiturate poisonings treated with sup- digoxin immune Fab, glucagon, calcium gluconate and chloride, deferoxamine, phytonadione, botulism anti- portive care alone led to their eventual dismissal [1]. toxin, methylene blue, and Crotaline snake antivenom) Antidotes commonly used today, when adminis- are reviewed. Proper indications for their use and knowl- tered in conjunction with aggressive supportive edge of the possible adverse effects accompanying antido- care, are often able to decrease the severity and tal therapy will allow the physician to appropriately duration of symptoms while possessing safety pro- manage the severely poisoned patient. files more benign than their predecessors. In certain Key words: antidote, poisoning, overdose circumstances, when used promptly and appropri- ately, their use may be life saving. The infrequent presentation of individuals The use of antidotes for poisonings has been requiring particular antidotes and the relatively high explored for thousands of years. The vast majority cost of antidotes has resulted in many hospitals car- rying inadequate quantities of some of the more From *Department of Emergency Medicine, Sparrow Health commonly used antidotes [2,3]. Antidote stocking System, Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, guidelines were recently established by a multidis- Lansing, Michigan, †University of California, San Diego, California Poison Control System, San Diego, California, and ‡Department of ciplinary panel of 12 health care professionals. Sixteen antidotes were unanimously identified by Emergency Medicine, Naval Medical Center, San Diego, California. the consensus panel for stocking (Table 1) [4]. Received Sep 30, 2005, and in revised form Feb 24, 2006. Hospitals not possessing these antidotes should at Accepted for publication Mar 1, 2006. the minimum have pre-identified neighboring Address correspondence to David P. Betten, MD, Department health care centers that will readily be able to trans- of Emergency Medicine, Sparrow Health System, Michigan State port these antidotes on an emergency basis. University College of Human Medicine, 1215 E. Michigan Ave, The following is a brief review of some of the Lansing, MI 48912-1811, or e-mail: [email protected]. more commonly used antidotes that may be used in Betten DP, Vohra RB, Cook MD, Matteucci MJ, Clark RF. Antidote the intensive care setting. Given the complexity of use in the critically ill poisoned patient. J Intensive Care Med. management of severely poisoned patients and 2006;21:255-277. subtleties in the use of many antidotes, further con- This review was co-written by LCDR Michael J. Matteucci, MC, sultation with a medical toxicologist or poison cen- USN, while a Fellow at UCSD Medical Center training in Medical ter (national poison center hot line: 1-800-222-1222) Toxicology. The views expressed in the article are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the should be considered. The management of acute Department of the Navy, Department of Defense, nor the US and chronic heavy metal poisonings (arsenic, lead, Government. mercury, etc) is not addressed, and the reader is DOI: 10.1177/0885066606290386 referred to several excellent reviews pertaining to Copyright © 2006 Sage Publications 255 Betten et al Table 1. Consensus Stocking Guidelines of 20 Commonly Encountered Antidotes for Hospitals That Accept Emergency Admissions as Determined by an Expert Multidisciplinary Panel [4] Consensus Not Reached Not Recommended Recommended for Stocking for Routine Stocking for Routine Stocking N-acetylcysteine Flumazenil Black widow antivenin Crotalid snake antivenin Physostigmine Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid Calcium gluconate/chloride Sodium bicarbonate Cyanide antidote kit Deferoxamine Digoxin immune Fab Dimercaprol Atropine Ethanol Fomepizole Glucagon Methylene blue Naloxone Pralidoxime Pyridoxine appropriate indications for treatment and methods sulfate that promotes acetaminophen metabolism of administration of common chelation agents [5-9]. through the nontoxic sulfation pathway. (2) NAC directly converts NAPQI to nontoxic cysteine and mercaptate conjugates. (3) NAC reduces NAPQI back to acetaminophen, where it may be further elimi- Acetaminophen Poisoning nated by other nontoxic routes. In the setting of pro- gressive hepatic failure, NAC may offer further Acetaminophen misuse is responsible for more hos- benefit as a result of its nonspecific antioxidant pitalizations following overdose than any other effects and free radical scavenging properties in addi- common pharmaceutical agent. Although aceta- tion to NAC-mediated improvement in microvascular minophen possesses an outstanding safety profile at perfusion [12,13]. therapeutic doses, a rapid course of progressive When administered early (<8 hours) after acute hepatic failure leading to death may occur following ingestion, NAC is almost completely effective in large overdoses when treatment is delayed. It has preventing significant hepatotoxicity. The benefit of been estimated that 450 deaths annually and nearly this antidote is lessened beyond 8 hours following 40% of all cases of acute liver failure in the United overdose as glutathione stores become further States are secondary to the inappropriate use of depleted [14]. Treatment should be initiated imme- acetaminophen [10,11]. Toxicity occurs as a result of diately for any suspected toxic acetaminophen inges- acetaminophen’s metabolism via cytochrome p450 tion beyond 8 hours. Current US Food and Drug to N-acetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine (NAPQI). At thera- Administration (FDA)–approved treatment options peutic doses of acetaminophen, NAPQI is detoxified include either oral or intravenous NAC. Oral NAC is by glutathione to nontoxic conjugates; however, administered as a 140 mg/kg loading dose followed with excess dosing and exhaustion of glutathione by 70 mg/kg every 4 hours for an additional 17 reserves, NAPQI accumulates, initiating a cascade of doses for any patient with a toxic ingestion as plot- events capable of producing hepatocyte damage and ted on the Rumack-Matthew nomogram. Should fulminant hepatic failure. signs of progressive hepatic damage be present after this 72-hour period, treatment with NAC may N-acetylcysteine still be of some benefit and should be continued until a definitive clinical and laboratory improve- N-acetylcysteine (NAC) prevents NAPQI-induced ment is noted. Success has been demonstrated with hepatoxicity through several mechanisms: (1) NAC a shortened treatment duration of oral NAC in functions as a glutathione (GSH) precursor that may several studies when administered to appropriate increase GSH availability as well as provide inorganic candidates [15-17]. Early NAC discontinuation 256 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 21(5); 2006 Antidote Use should be considered only after a minimum of at N-acetylcysteine given orally is often poorly tol- least 20 hours of oral NAC administration when no erated due to its “rotten egg” sulfur smell. High-dose further acetaminophen is detectable in the serum antiemetics may be needed to prevent emesis. Any and hepatic transaminases and prothrombin times NAC dose vomited within 1 hour from ingestion are normal. should be readministered. If vomiting is present and Intravenous NAC has been used throughout persistent beyond 8 hours following acetaminophen Europe, Canada, Australia, and portions of the United ingestion, intravenous NAC should be strongly con- States for more than 2 decades with success demon- sidered. Intravenous NAC has been used effectively strated in treatment durations of 20 to 48 hours [18- and relatively safely throughout the world for more 20]. Intravenous NAC recently gained FDA approval than 20 years [19]. Anaphylactoid reactions with in the United States for patients treated within 8 to 10 intravenous NAC may occur as a dose- and rate- hours following an acute toxic acetaminophen inges- related effect; however, these reactions are generally tion. It is administered as a 140-mg/kg loading dose minor (pruritis, vomiting) and usually respond to over 15 minutes followed by a 50-mg/kg infusion antihistamines and a slowing of the NAC infusion over 4 hours, concluding with a 16-hour infusion of rate [20,24]. Major adverse effects and death follow- 100 mg/kg. When intravenous NAC is initiated ing intravenous NAC administration are exceedingly beyond 8 to 10 hours postingestion, it should be con- rare and are most commonly related to rapid intra- tinued beyond the 20-hour infusion if needed until venous loading in patients with underlying airway acetaminophen is no longer measurable and transam- disease or in the case of NAC dosing errors [25,26]. inases are normal or returning to normal. The indication and duration of NAC therapy in chronic acetaminophen poisoning are less clearly Toxic Alcohol Poisoning defined. Healthy adults can likely tolerate at least 7 g of acetaminophen over 24 hours without risk of Ingestions of methanol and ethylene glycol are ine- hepatotoxicity. Individuals with underlying liver dis- briating to the central nervous system but are oth- ease, HIV, or malnutrition may be at increased risk erwise nontoxic prior to their enzymatic conversion with smaller ingestions. Treatment should be consid- by alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and aldehyde ered with greater than 4 g per day in this population dehydrogenase (ALD) to their acidic metabolites. if there is any laboratory evidence of hepatotoxicity ADH and ALD convert methanol to formate, a reti- or if serum acetaminophen concentrations are ele- nal toxin causing visual defects and papilledema vated (>10 mg/L). Treatment of individuals meeting [27-29]. Ethylene glycol is metabolized by ADH and these criteria is reasonable given the uncertainty of ALD to glycolic acid and later to oxalic acid, which the ingestion, the difficulty in predicting who will precipitates with calcium in renal tubules and other develop subsequent hepatic damage, and the lack of tissues [30]. Each of these metabolites is acidic, and clinical studies that address chronic overdose man- their accumulation results in a “wide anion gap” agement [21]. Treatment with NAC, either orally or acidosis. This acidosis may be delayed for several intravenously, should continue until acetaminophen hours after initial ingestion because of delayed is not detected and transaminases and prothrombin metabolism, especially in the presence of ethanol. time are normal or normalizing. Poisoning with other alcohols such as propylene Death following single acute acetaminophen glycol and isopropanol is intoxicating but does not ingestions in children less than age 5 has not been require antidotal therapy, because their metabolites reported despite extremely elevated acetaminophen generally do not lead to irreversible organ toxicity. levels and delays in treatment onset. A predomi- nance of the sulfation pathway (which produces nontoxic metabolites), increased glutathione Fomepizole/Ethanol reserves, and improved regenerative capabilities of young livers are theorized to account for this pro- The goal of antidotal therapy in toxic alcohol poi- tective effect [22]. Misdosed infants and children soning is to prevent metabolism of the parent com- with acute febrile illnesses who experience chronic pounds to their toxic metabolites. Competitive acetaminophen poisoning are not afforded a similar inhibition of ADH can be achieved by administra- protection and appear to be an at-risk group [23]. tion of either ethanol or 4-methylpyrrazole (fomepi- Those receiving greater than 75 mg/kg/day should zole) (Fig 1). When given early following methanol have laboratory evaluation performed and treatment or ethylene glycol ingestion, these antidotes are with NAC initiated if transaminase abnormalities are completely protective against metabolic conversion; present or acetaminophen levels are elevated. however, once metabolism has occurred, supportive Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 21(5); 2006 257 Betten et al Fomepizole/ Ethanol Methanol Ethylene Glycol Alcohol dehydrogenase Alcohol dehydrogenase Formaldehyde Glycoaldehyde Aldehyde dehydrogenase Aldehyde dehydrogenase Formic Acid Glycolic Acid Folic acid Glycoxylic Acid H2O + CO2 Thiamine Mg2+, Pyryidoxine α-hydroxy- β Oxalic acid Hipurric acid -ketoadipic aicd Fig 1. Competitive enzymatic inhibition of alcohol dehydrogenase by fomepizole and ethanol prevents metabolism of methanol and ethylene glycol to toxic metabolites (bold type). Enzymatic cofactor supplementation (boxes) may offer greater rate of metabolism to nontoxic metabolites. care, treatment of acidosis with sodium bicarbonate, levels greater than 50 mg/dL. Further indications for and enhancement of elimination of the toxic dialysis include deteriorating vital signs despite metabolites with hemodialysis are required to atten- intensive supportive care, metabolic acidosis (pH uate injury [29,31,32]. <7.25) refractory to sodium bicarbonate administra- Because serum levels of methanol and ethylene tion and supportive care, renal failure, and severe glycol are often unavailable immediately, antidotal electrolyte derangements. All patients should therapy for toxic alcohol poisoning is often indi- receive supplemental cofactors (discussed below). cated in the presence of surrogate markers of toxic- Ethanol is administered as a 10% solution in D5W ity. The presence of an unexplained serum osmolar and should be infused to maintain a serum concen- gap or a high anion gap metabolic acidosis should tration of 100 to 150 mg/dL. The loading dose is 600 prompt the consideration of toxic alcohol poison- to 700 mg/kg over 30 minutes, followed by a main- ing. Significant toxic alcohol poisoning may occur tenance infusion of 66 mg/kg/h (for nondrinkers) to even with a “normal” osmolar gap given the 154 mg/kg/h (for chronic drinkers) [33]. Hourly interindividual variability of baseline osmolar gaps. serum ethanol concentrations are required to titrate This is particularly true with ethylene glycol poison- the infusion rate for the desired level. During dialy- ing. The presence of urinary crystals and urine fluo- sis, the maintenance dose of ethanol should be rescence (occasionally seen because of fluorescene increased to 169 to 257 mg/kg/h (higher rates for present in many antifreeze products) following eth- chronic ethanol abusers) because ethanol will also ylene glycol ingestion can aid in the diagnosis when be removed. Oral dosing with ethanol can be initi- present but is unreliable and may be absent even ated in the rare circumstance that neither intra- with high-level exposures. venous ethanol nor fomepizole is available; the Treatment with ethanol or fomepizole should be suggested initial oral loading dose is 4 ounces of 80- administered to all patients with a history concern- proof whiskey (40% ethanol by volume) [28,30]. ing for methanol or ethylene glycol ingestion and Fomepizole is a potent ADH inhibitor, displaying those with documented levels of 20 mg/dL or an affinity that is 500 times that of ethanol and 5000 greater of either agent. Treatment should also be to 10000 times that of methanol and ethylene gly- considered in the setting of large anion gap meta- col [32]. Fomepizole is more expensive than ethanol bolic acidosis or significant osmolar gaps of uncer- but offers a more desirable side effect profile [34]. It tain etiology. Antidotal treatment of toxic alcohol does not cause inebriation, hypoglycemia, hyperos- poisoning should be continued until the levels of molarity, or vasodilation. It is not metabolized and methanol or ethylene glycol are below 20 mg/dL therefore will not further deplete reduced nicoti- and clinical symptoms of toxicity are resolving namide adenine dinucleotides (NADH) or generate [28,30]. Given the long half lives of methanol (43-54 more acid as the metabolism of ethanol would. No hours) and ethylene glycol (14-18 hours) during serum levels of fomepizole are necessary to guide ethanol and fomepizole administration, hemodialy- dosing [31]. The loading dose is 15 mg/kg, followed sis should be considered for plasma toxic alcohol by 4 maintenance doses at 10 mg/kg. Thereafter, the 258 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 21(5); 2006 Antidote Use maintenance dose should be increased to 15 mg/kg both central and peripheral sites [39,40,42,43]. In to offset an increased rate of degradation of fomepi- recent decades, enthusiasm for this agent has zole [35,36]. Hemodialysis removes a significant pro- waned because of concerns of precipitating portion of circulating fomepizole, necessitating a seizures and reported cardiotoxicity in the setting of decrease in the maintenance-dosing interval to 4 TCA overdose [44-48]. hours during the procedure [27,33]. Alternatively, a Diagnostic use of physostigmine can be consid- continuous infusion of 1.5 mg/kg/h has been ered in patients with altered mental status and signs reported to achieve a therapeutic level of fomepi- of antimuscarinic toxicity. Complete reversal of signs zole during hemodialysis [28,30]. and symptoms (particularly altered mental status) Following toxic alcohol poisoning, certain vita- after physostigmine administration suggests the pres- mins can function as cofactors, potentially maxi- ence of antimuscarinic toxicity. The therapeutic use mizing degradation of the alcohol to nontoxic of physostigmine is recommended by some authors metabolites (Fig 1). For methanol toxicity, folic acid to reverse life-threatening tachycardia, hyperthermia, or folinic acid (leucovorin) at a daily dose of 1 or severe agitation resulting from antimuscarinic tox- mg/kg intravenously (IV) should be given to all icity; however, this agent should be used only as a patients [36]. For patients with suspected ethylene therapeutic adjunct to conventional treatments for glycol toxicity, administration of pyridoxine (50 mg these conditions [41]. IV every 6 hours), thiamine (100 mg daily by oral Although in past decades physostigmine had or IV routes), and magnesium (usually 2 g daily by been administered safely to thousands of TCA- oral or IV routes) is recommended.36 The mecha- poisoned patients, convulsions and dysrhythmias nism by which these cofactors reduce the toxic following physostigmine have been described in effects caused by methanol and ethylene glycol is multiple case reports of TCA overdose [45,46,47,49]. not well understood; thus, their use should be con- These reports are difficult to interpret because TCAs sidered an adjunctive measure with fomepizole, are proconvulsants by themselves in overdose. ethanol, and, if needed, hemodialysis. Sodium Pentel [44] reported 2 individuals who developed bicarbonate can correct severe acidosis and slow seizures before, and asystole following, physostig- central nervous system (CNS) penetration of the mine administration. Both individuals were relatively injurious metabolites but does not stop their gener- bradycardic before administration of physostigmine, ation or enhance elimination. and 1 had a first-degree atrioventricular block. Another case series reported a single convulsion among 39 patients given diagnostic physostigmine Antimuscarinic Poisoning for varying antimuscarinic substance ingestions; this patient had also convulsed prior to physostigmine Anticholinergic drugs competitively block mus- administration [50]. These and other similar reported carinic acetylcholine receptors in the CNS, in termi- cases suggest that physostigmine-related complica- nal parasympathetic synapses, and on the salivary tions can be avoided through careful selection of and sweat glands. These agents typically produce patients without high-risk characteristics, such as the “antimuscarinic toxidrome” characterized by electrocardiographic (ECG) evidence of TCA over- tachycardia, mydriasis, dry, flushed skin, urinary dose. We suggest that contraindications to the use of retention, dry mucosae, ileus, and confused delir- physostigmine include QRS or QTc prolongation, ium with mumbling speech, seizures, hallucinations, relative bradycardia or intraventricular conduction and agitation [37,38]. Many compounds can induce block, a cardiotoxic TCA ingestion (generally at least the antimuscarinic syndrome, including antihista- 1 g), or underlying seizure disorder. mines, tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), antiparkin- In adults, the standard dose of physostigmine is sonian agents, typical and atypical antidepressants, 1 to 2 mg IV given by slow push (1 mg over 1-2 and atropine-like alkaloids in Datura stramonium minutes) in a monitored setting. The use of benzo- and Atropa belladonna plant species.39,40,41 diazepines prior to physostigmine administration is recommended by some clinicians to reduce the risk of adverse drug reactions. Lack of complete rever- Physostigmine sal after 4 mg makes antimuscarinic toxidrome an unlikely cause of altered mental status. The onset of Reversal of antimuscarinic symptoms is achieved effect occurs within 5 to 20 minutes, and duration with the use of physostigmine. Physostigmine is a is 45 minutes to 1 hour. Antimuscarinic toxicity tertiary carbamate that reversibly disables acetyl- returns often with milder severity once the anti- cholinesterase, increasing levels of acetylcholine in dote’s effects wane [42]. Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 21(5); 2006 259 Betten et al The clinician must be prepared to recognize and respiratory depression for at least 2 hours after the treat cholinergic effects that may occur following last dose of naloxone prior to medical clearance physostigmine administration, such as emesis, [51,55,58]. hypersalivation, bradycardia, diaphoresis, diarrhea, Serious adverse events after even high doses of bronchorrhea, and bronchospasm. Less commonly, naloxone are extremely rare. However, naloxone nicotinic effects of fasciculations, weakness, and should be cautiously used in a patient with normal paralysis may be present as well. Severe bradycar- respirations, even when opioid overdose is sus- dia or bronchorrhea should be treated with pected. Opioid-dependent patients may experi- atropine (one-half the physostigmine dose), which ence withdrawal after naloxone administration and should be readily available. Seizures are generally become only more agitated and dysphoric [59]. Use brief and self-limited and should be treated with of naloxone may also “unmask” the toxicity of standard doses of benzodiazepines. coingestants, such as TCAs, and concurrently abused substances (a popular drug combination is heroin with cocaine, also termed a “speedball”) Opioid Poisoning [51]. Naloxone has been rarely reported to induce noncardiogenic pulmonary edema following infu- The term opioids encompasses the naturally occur- sion, but these reports also suggest the possibility ring opiate compounds from the poppy plant of pre-existing acute lung injury prior to naloxone (Papaver somniferum) as well as synthetic and administration [51,60]. semisynthetic compounds that have similar clinical Long-acting opioid antagonists (nalmefene, nal- effects [49]. Opioids are potent agonists of the µ, κ, trexone) have similar effects but longer durations of and δ receptors in the CNS [51]. Sedation and action (nalmefene 4-6 hours; naltrexone 10-24 hypoventilation are among the most common symp- hours) than naloxone [51,61]. Long-acting opioid toms of overdose. Complications of opioid overdose reversal agents are not appropriate first-line anti- include hypoxic injury to virtually any organ system, dotes because undesirable withdrawal symptoms rhabdomyolysis, intestinal ileus, nerve compression can persist for several hours. Furthermore, a pro- injury, intravenous injection-related infectious dis- longed observation period after the last dose may eases, and a poorly understood phenomenon of be necessary because life-threatening effects of opi- noncardiogenic pulmonary edema [52-54]. oid toxicity may recur after naltrexone or nalme- fene have been metabolized [61]. Naloxone Benzodiazepine Poisoning Naloxone is a synthetic antagonist of opioid receptors and reverses apnea in opioid overdose. The onset of Poisoning with benzodiazepine compounds is gen- action is almost immediate after intravenous, intra- erally marked by mild to moderate sedation but muscular, intranasal, or endotracheal dosing, and the most often follows a benign course. However, duration of effect is 1 to 4 hours [55,56]. when these agents are combined in overdose with Suspected or known opioid toxicity with demon- other sedating compounds such as ethanol, they strable respiratory depression (rate <8/min) is the can cause respiratory arrest and severe morbidity primary indication for naloxone. The smallest dose [62]. Symptoms of benzodiazepine poisoning that effectively restores respiratory drive should be include decreased responsiveness, hyporeflexia, administered. The required intravenous dose is hypothermia, hypotension, and respiratory depres- typically 0.04 to 0.4 mg, although administration by sion. Significant derangements in vital signs are not other routes or following overdose of high-potency consistent with benzodiazepine overdose. A para- synthetic compounds such as fentanyl or pro- doxical excitatory reaction may rarely accompany poxyphene may require higher doses [51].If there the therapeutic use of benzodiazepines for proce- is no increase in respiratory drive after administra- dural sedation [63]. Benzodiazepines have a specific tion of 10 mg of naloxone, a search should con- binding site on the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) tinue for alternative etiologies of CNS depression. type A receptor complex in the CNS, a chloride Recurrent or prolonged sedation, such as can be channel that causes neuronal hyperpolarization the case in methadone intoxication, may require [64]. Binding of benzodiazepines increases the fre- treatment with continuous intravenous infusion of quency of channel opening when GABA (the major two thirds of the initial effective dose per hour [57]. inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS) binds at a Patients must be monitored for recurrence of separate site on the complex [65]. 260 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 21(5); 2006 Antidote Use Table 2. Medications Commonly Associated With QRS or barbiturates may be needed to stop further seizure Prolongation Due to Impaired Sodium Channel Influx [4] activity. The diagnostic use of flumazenil for coma of unknown cause must be weighed against the possi- Tricyclic antidepressants bility of precipitating seizures or withdrawal symp- Carbamezapine toms in high-risk patients. Diphenhydramine Quinidine Propoxyphene Procainamide Cocaine Flecainide Thioridazine Encainide Cardiac Sodium Channel Poisoning Mesoridazine Amantadine Fluoxetine Quinine Tricyclic antidepressants are the classic example of agents causing toxicity by inhibiting rapid sodium channel influx in the cardiac conduction system. Flumazenil Cardiac toxicity results from a slowing of cardiac action potentials by slowing sodium channel influx Flumazenil is a competitive antagonist at the benzo- in phase 0. This leads to a delay in depolarization diazepine site on the GABA-A receptor complex resulting in electrocardiogram QRS and QT prolon- [66]. By preventing the binding of benzodiazepines, gation and an increased risk of ventricular dys- flumazenil decreases the inward chloride current; rhythmias. Similar sodium channel blocking effects the subsequent neuronal depolarization reverses on the heart can be seen in overdose with numer- CNS and respiratory depression [64,66]. It is effective ous other substances that should be evaluated and in reversing sedation of benzodiazepine and non- treated in a similar fashion (Table 2) [76]. benzodiazepines that share activity at the benzodi- azepine receptor, such as zolpidem [64,67-69]. It is also effective in the treatment of paradoxical excita- Sodium Bicarbonate tory reactions to benzodiazepines [63].63Intravenous flumazenil induces reversal in 5 to 10 minutes and Sodium bicarbonate should be considered for the has a duration of action of 15 to 245 minutes in management of toxic ingestion of all substances healthy adults. Patients with hepatic failure may with sodium channel effects and evidence of car- have a prolonged response to flumazenil [70,71]. diac toxicity. The effectiveness of this agent is a Repeat doses may be required to treat ingestions of result of both the increased sodium concentration compounds with prolonged effects. produced and increased serum alkalinization. In adults, the starting dose of flumazenil to Tricyclic antidepressants are weak bases. As a reverse benzodiazepine-induced sedation is 0.2 mg result, serum alkalinization will increase the pro- IV. If the initial dose of flumazenil is ineffective, it portion of non-ionized drug. The non-ionized TCA can be followed by 0.3- to 0.5-mg doses every form may have a greater distribution throughout tis- minute as needed up to a maximum of 3 mg [72]. sue, causing a greater proportion of drug to move Lack of any response after this dose makes coma away from the cardiac conductive system, resulting attributable to benzodiazepines highly unlikely. A in less sodium channel blockade. Alkalinization continuous flumazenil infusion of 0.1 to 0.5 mg/h also accelerates recovery of sodium channels by may be needed to prevent resedation in some cases neutralizing the protonation of the drug-receptor [73].Following flumazenil discontinuation, patients complex [77,78]. This results in a more rapid move- should be observed for several hours to ensure that ment of the neutral form of the drug away from the resedation from longer acting benzodiazepines sodium channel receptor. A similar benefit of serum does not occur. alkalinization can be duplicated with controlled Flumazenil is well tolerated and effective in hyperventilation [79]. sedated patients with isolated benzodiazepine over- Increased extracellular sodium concentrations pro- dose. In chronic users and those with physical duced by sodium bicarbonate may produce a more dependence on benzodiazepines, flumazenil can rapid sodium channel influx by way of an increased precipitate withdrawal symptoms and seizures [74]. sodium concentration gradient [80]. Experimental Flumazenil has caused convulsions in patients with models testing alkalinization with sodium free buffers head injury, those with underlying seizure disorders, for TCA toxicity were not as effective as sodium and those who have coingested proconvulsant bicarbonate in reducing cardiotoxicity. A role for drugs, such as TCAs, and should be avoided in these hypertonic saline administration has been proposed populations [74,75]. Should seizures occur following in the setting of persistent cardiotoxicity and QRS flumazenil administration, high-dose benzodiazepines prolongation when alkalinization has been optimized Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 21(5); 2006 261 Betten et al (pH 7.45-7.55), although controlled trials supporting act similarly by depolarizing pancreatic β-islet cells, this in humans are lacking [81]. triggering exocytosis of preformed insulin and Administration of sodium bicarbonate should be resulting in facilitated end-organ glucose uptake [85- considered in individuals with cardiac conduction 87]. In overdose, or in the absence of adequate delays, ventricular dysrhythmias, or hypotension food intake, sulfonylureas can cause prolonged, when the ingestion of a sodium channel-blocking life-threatening hypoglycemia [88]. Onset of drug is suspected. QRS durations of greater than 160 sulfonylurea-induced hypoglycemia is typically milliseconds are typically implicated in cases that within 8 hours of ingestion, with hypoglycemic progress into ventricular dysrhythmias and in which effects lasting 6 to 72 hours depending on the agent seizure activity is most likely to develop [82]. ingested [89-91]. The shorter acting meglitinides typi- Treatment with sodium bicarbonate should be con- cally take effect in less than 1 hour, with hypo- sidered with QRS duration greater than 100 to 120 glycemic effects lasting 1 to 4 hours [91,92]. Case milliseconds, because this affords an ample margin of reports and animal studies, however, have found pro- safety should an individual quickly decompensate. longed hypoglycemic effects of 6 to 24 hours follow- An R wave in lead aVR greater than or equal to 3 mm ing meglitinide ingestion [93,94]. Although there are has been found to be equally predictive of individu- few data on meglitinide overdose, treatment options als who may develop ventricular dysrhythmias [83]. are expected to be similar to sulfonylureas. In addition, sodium bicarbonate appears to be of some benefit in improving blood pressure and car- Dextrose diac output in hypotensive patients with narrow com- plex rhythms following tricyclic antidepressant Any patient who overdoses with an oral hypo- ingestions [84]. Although capable of reversing cardiac glycemic agent should be observed for a minimum conduction sodium channel effects, sodium bicar- of 8 hours, during which glucose levels should be bonate is unable to affect other TCA properties such monitored every 1 to 2 hours [90]. Patients should as seizures, anticholinergic toxicity, and α-adrenergic be allowed to eat and drink freely during this obser- receptor antagonism and thus should be considered vation period. If hypoglycemia occurs, patients as only part of TCA overdose management. should receive IV dextrose as a bolus (D50W or Sodium bicarbonate is most typically adminis- D25W) or infusion (D10W or D5W) in order to tered as a 50-mL ampule of 8.4% solution. The maintain euglycemia. Overly aggressive dextrose amount of sodium bicarbonate necessary for rever- administration leading to hyperglycemia may result sal of cardiotoxicity in these cases may vary. In the in further pancreatic insulin release and rebound setting of QRS widening or hypotension, 2 ampules hypoglycemia [85,86]. Prolonged hypertonic dex- administered over 1 to 2 minutes is an appropriate trose (>10%) infusion through a peripheral IV site is starting dose. The serum pH of the patient should not recommended because phlebitis may occur. Any be closely monitored, with a goal of 7.45 to 7.55. patient with hypoglycemia requiring IV dextrose fol- Serial blood gas analyses may be needed to guide lowing sulfonylurea or meglitinide overdose should further treatment. If QRS widening remains or be admitted and observed for a minimum of 24 recurs, additional sodium bicarbonate ampules hours [90,92]. Patients should be monitored for sev- should be infused if the goal pH has not been eral hours after discontinuation of IV dextrose to exceeded. Death from TCA toxicity occurs gener- ensure no recurrence of hypoglycemia. ally within the first 1 to 2 hours, making continuous infusions of sodium bicarbonate unnecessary in most situations. In addition, bolus infusions of Octreotide sodium bicarbonate may be more appropriate to rapidly raise extracellular sodium concentrations. Octreotide is a long-acting, synthetic somatostatin Alkalinization can be discontinued with hemody- anologue [95]. In the setting of oral hypoglycemic namic stability and resolution of ECG abnormalities. agent overdose, octreotide potently and selectively binds to somatostatin receptors on pancreatic β- islet cells, decreasing insulin secretion to near basal Oral Hypoglycemic Poisoning rates and inhibiting rebound hypoglycemia [96-99]. Octreotide is well absorbed via subcutaneous or IV Sulfonylureas and meglitinides are widely used for routes and has a duration of action of approxi- treatment of non-insulin-dependent diabetes melli- mately 6 to 12 hours. Diazoxide, previously used tus, and together they account for the majority of with regularity for sulfonylurea-induced hypo- cases of drug-induced hypoglycemia. These drugs glycemia, is less efficacious and is associated with 262 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 21(5); 2006 Antidote Use more frequent adverse side effects (hypotension, INH-depleted pyridoxine and pyridoxal-5-phosphate tachycardia, nausea, and vomiting) than octreotide, stores and stop further seizures. Paradoxically, reple- and it is now rarely used [95,100]. tion of pyridoxine stores reverses both the CNS Octreotide is indicated for cases of oral hypo- excitatory (seizure) and inhibitory (coma) effects of glycemic agent–induced hypoglycemia after initial INH [112,113]. control of hypoglycemia with IV dextrose or when Intravenous pyridoxine is indicated for the treat- hypoglycemia is refractory to dextrose therapy [91]. ment of INH-induced seizures and coma. When the Adults may receive 50 µg and children 1 µg/kg IV or amount of INH ingested is known, 1 g of pyridox- subcutaneously every 6 to 12 hours as needed ine per gram of INH ingested should be adminis- [90,101]. Octreotide has been found to be superior to tered immediately. If the amount of INH ingested is IV dextrose and diazoxide in maintaining euglycemia unknown, an empiric dose of 5 g of pyridoxine is and has decreased or eliminated the need for IV dex- suggested in adults, or 70 mg/kg (maximum 5 g) in trose in simulated human sulfonylurea overdoses [95]. children. Should seizures persist, the initial dose Patients should be monitored for recurrence of hypo- should be repeated every 20 minutes until the glycemia for 24 hours or more after the last octreotide desired effect is achieved [114]. Pyridoxine should dose in cases of long- acting sulfonylurea overdose be mixed in 50 to 100 mL of 5% dextrose in water [98,102]. Adverse effects following administration and may be administered at a rate of 0.5 g/min include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, crampy abdomi- [114,115]. With appropriate pyridoxine dosage nal pain, injection site pain, dizziness, fatigue, flush- administration, desired effects should be evident ing, headache, and hyperglycemia [103]. within minutes [112,113,116]. A prophylactic IV dose of 5 g of pyridoxine has been suggested for asymptomatic patients who present within 2 hours Isoniazid Poisoning of a significant INH ingestion, but the efficacy of this therapy has not been studied [107]. Isoniazid (isonicotinic hydrazide, INH) has been Pyridoxine hydrochloride for IV administration is used for the treatment and prophylaxis of tubercu- supplied in 1-mL vials containing 100 mg/mL [115]. losis since 1952 [104]. It is rapidly absorbed after Given the high doses that may be needed and the oral ingestion with peak blood concentrations and manufacturer’s packaging of just 100 mg/vial, 50 to toxic effects occurring within 1 to 6 hours [105]. 150 or more vials may be required to adequately INH toxicity is a result of its ability to produce a treat INH-poisoned patients. Many hospitals lack deficiency of pyridoxal-5-phosphate, the active adequate IV pyridoxine to treat even 1 severely form of pyridoxine and a required cofactor for glu- intoxicated individual [117]. In the event IV pyri- tamic acid decarboxylase (GAD). In the absence of doxine is unavailable, the oral form may be functional GAD, glutamic acid is unable to be con- crushed and administered orally as a slurry at a sim- verted to GABA, the primary CNS inhibitory neuro- ilar dosage to the IV form [114]. Pyridoxine should transmitter. Following INH overdose, decreased be administered concomitantly with benzodi- production and activity of GABA on postsynaptic azepines because a synergistic anticonvulsive effect receptors result in seizures and metabolic acidosis has been demonstrated in animal studies [118]. secondary to seizure-induced lactic acidosis [106]. Pyridoxine may also have an antidotal role in INH-induced seizures may be prolonged and poisonings by monomethylhydrazine, a structurally refractory to GABA agonists such as benzodi- similar substance to INH found in the Gyromitra azepines [104,107]. Coma is another prominent fea- mushrooms and rocket fuel that is capable of pro- ture of INH overdose, the exact mechanism of ducing toxicity similar to INH [104]. Large acute (IV) which is yet to be defined [108,109]. and chronic (oral) pyridoxine overdoses have been associated with isolated sensory neuropathies in a stocking-glove pattern; however, this should not be Pyridoxine of concern in the acute management of the above poisonings [110,119]. Pyridoxine is a water-soluble essential vitamin that has no known metabolic effects by itself [110,111]. Pyridoxine must be converted to the active Cyanide Poisoning pyridoxal-5-phosphate before it can act as a coen- zyme for the decarboxylation of glutamic acid to Exposure to cyanide occurs through various routes GABA [110,111]. When administered at appropriate including inhalation (hydrogen cyanide), ingestion doses, exogenous pyridoxine is able to replenish (sodium and potassium cyanide salts, laetrile, Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 21(5); 2006 263 Betten et al plant-derived cyanogenic glycosides), and intra- sodium thiosulfate (10 mg of thiosulfate per 1 mg of venous administration of cyanide-containing medica- nitroprusside) is recommended during rapid and pro- tions (nitroprusside). Cyanide rapidly diffuses into longed nitroprusside infusions (>3 µg/kg/min).132 tissues and binds to the cytochrome oxidase complex, Amyl nitrite pearls may be crushed into gauze disrupting the mitochondrial electron transport and held near the patient’s mouth and nose or chain. The result is inhibition of oxidative phosphory- under the lip of an oxygen mask for inhalation (30 lation and cellular hypoxia leading to anaerobic seconds of each minute) while IV access is metabolism, metabolic acidosis, seizures, coma, car- obtained. Once IV access is established, sodium diovascular collapse, and death. Clinical effects fre- nitrite may be administered as 10 mL of 3% solution quently occur rapidly following cyanide exposure; (300 mg) for adults, or 0.2 to 0.33 mL/kg (maximum however, compounds such as acetonitrile and propi- 10 mL) for children at 2.5 mL/min [123,124]. A lower onitrile may result in delayed toxicity as parent com- dose may be necessary in anemic patients to avoid pounds are hepatically converted to cyanide [120-122]. severe methemoglobin effects [124]. Co-oximetry should be used to monitor and maintain methemo- globin levels below 30% [124]. Pulse oximetry read- Cyanide Antidote Kit ings are inaccurate in methemoglobin-poisoned patients and will plummet even further following The current FDA-approved antidote kit for cyanide methylene blue administration. After sodium nitrite poisoning consists of amyl nitrite, sodium nitrite, infusion, sodium thiosulfate may be administered IV and sodium thiosulfate (Taylor Pharmaceutical/ as 50 mL of 25% solution (12.5 g) for adults or 1.65 Akorn Inc, Decatur, IL).123 Amyl nitrite and sodium mL/kg (maximum 50 mL) for children [124]. If initial nitrite induce methemoglobinemia by oxidizing patient response is inadequate, repeat doses of iron in hemoglobin from the ferrous (Fe2+) to sodium nitrite and thiosulfate (half of the initial the ferric (Fe3+) form. This ferric iron rapidly doses) may be given 30 minutes later [124]. removes cyanide from cytochrome oxidase forming cyanomethemoglobin and restoring cellular respira- tion. Cyanomethemoglobin reacts with thiosulfate Hydroxocobalamin, Hyperbaric to form thiocyanate, a reaction catalyzed by the Oxygen, and Normobaric Oxygen enzyme rhodenase. Thiocyanate is renally excreted leaving methemoglobin free to bind more cyanide Hydroxocobalamin, a cobalt-containing cyanide [124,125]. Whereas both nitrites and thiosulfate are chelator, has been used safely and effectively in individually protective in cyanide poisoning, when combination with thiosulfate outside the United used together they appear to have synergistic effects States since 1970 and is reviewed in detail elsewhere [124,126]. Nitrite-induced vasodilation may improve [133]. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for isolated end-organ perfusion and has been suggested as an cyanide toxicity remains an unproven and contro- alternative mechanism contributing to the apparent versial modality [134]. Its use is reserved for cases of effectiveness of the cyanide antidote kit [127]. concomitant carbon monoxide and cyanide expo- Immediate empiric use of the cyanide antidote kit sure. Normobaric oxygen administration, however, should be strongly considered for patients with sus- enhances the antidotal effects of nitrites and thiosul- pected exposure to cyanide, especially those who are fate in animal studies of cyanide poisoning [134,135]. unresponsive or with significant acidosis. Nitrites should be used cautiously in smoke inhalation victims because concomitant methemoglobinemia Cholinergic Poisoning and carboxyhemoglobinemia may severely worsen oxygen-carrying capacity [128]. In such cases, sodium Cholinergic agents include acetylcholinesterase thiosulfate may be safely given without prior nitrite (AChE) inhibitors such as carbamate and organophos- therapy [129]. It has been suggested that the danger phorus (OP) insecticides, and organophosphorus of sodium nitrite treatment following smoke inhala- nerve agents used in chemical warfare (sarin, tion is overestimated because carboxyhemoglobin soman, tabun, VX). These agents are well absorbed may clear more rapidly than methemoglobinemia by ingestion, dermal contact, and inhalation [136]. develops. Potential benefits and risks of treatment Organophosphorus insecticides and nerve agents should be considered prior to treatment initiation deposit a phosphoryl group at the active site of [130]. Rapid (or even recommended) infusion rates of AChE, binding and disabling this enzyme. The result- sodium nitrite may cause hypotension, and vasopres- ing accumulation of acetylcholine (ACh) causes sor support may be required [128,131]. Prophylactic parasympathetic muscarinic (salivation, lacrimation, 264 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 21(5); 2006

manage the severely poisoned patient. Key words: antidote, poisoning, overdose . The use of antidotes for poisonings has been explored for thousands of years.
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