The future of golf club management Anticipating the unexpected David Wood @dw2 Chair, London Futurists Principal, Delta Wisdom @dw2 Page 2 Spotted Anticipated trends convergence Positive feedback cycle Built a software platform for collaboration Vision: June 1998 @dw2 Page 3 Newspaper ad revenue ? US Newspaper Advertising Revenue Adjusted for Inflation 1950 to 2014 @dw2 Page 4 Collapse of newspaper ad revenue US Newspaper Advertising Revenue Adjusted for Inflation 1950 to 2014 @dw2 Page 5 precipitous-free-fall-and-its-probably-not-over-yet/ Disruption via convergence Are impacted & transformed @dw2 Page 6 Disruption: collisions and collapses @dw2 Page 7 Advice given to HMV CEO, 2002 “Greatest threats to HMV… online retailers, downloadable music…” The dotcom bubble had just burst… The CEO’s reply: But the deeper trends were still up… Trends of computation & digitisation “I have never heard such rubbish” “Downloadable music is just a fad” “People will always want the atmosphere and experience of a music store rather than online shopping” @dw2 Page 8 Disruption: collisions and collapses Blockbuster could have bought Netflix for $50M Blockbuster laughed at the Netflix proposal Netflix is today valued >$20B @dw2 Page 9 Kindle books vs. physical books E-books leapfrog physical books at Amazon in less than 3 years 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 @dw2 Page 10