Fellows Symposium on Transplantation Medicine Saturday, September 24 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Antibody Mediated Rejection and Desensitization Protocols Breakout Session Peter W. Nickerson, MD and Milagros D. Samaniego, MD September 23-25, 2011 Hilton DFW Lakes Executive Conference Center Grapevine, Texas www.a-s-t.org September 23-25, 2011 American Society of Transplantation Grapevine, TX Fellows Symposium AAnnttiibbooddyy MMeeddiiaatteedd RReejjeeccttiioonn aanndd Rejection pathways (humoralrejection) DDeesseennssiittiizzaattiioonn PPrroottooccoollss ((PPaarrtt 11)) Endothelium Neutrophils FcReceptor mediated binding (ADCC) AASSTT FFeelllloowwss CCoouurrssee Mǿǿǿǿ DDaallllaass 2233 SSeepptt 22001111 NK C’Activation (CDC) anti-MHC-Ab C4a +C4b Platelet microthrombi PPeetteerr NNiicckkeerrssoonn Donor MHC I/II MAC C4d FFllyynnnn FFaammiillyy CChhaaiirr iinn RReennaall TTrraannssppllaannttaattiioonn PPrrooffeessssoorr ooff IInntteerrnnaall MMeeddiicciinnee aanndd IImmmmuunnoollooggyy Effectorpathways of humoralrejection Histology Complement activation (cid:1)cell lysis(necrosis) Neutrophils, Mǿin vessels ADCC (cid:1)cell death (necrosis/apoptosis) Microthrombi C4d staining in immunohistochemistry 43 yr male, 1stdeceased donor renal transplant – Remote blood transfusion Pre-Transplant DSA – Current / Historical Sera AHG % PRA = 0 – 1 DR and 1 A Match 4 Antigen MM What is the risk when unrecognized? – CDC T-cell & AHG-CDC T-cell cross-match -ve What is the natural history without induction therapy? What is the natural history when recognized and pre-transplant Immunologic Risk:Low Decision:Transplant treatment applied? »Primary non-function of the graft at 24 hours »Renal Scan showed no blood flow »Taken to the OR and the kidney was removed 3 Peter Nickerson, MD and Milagros D. Samaniego, MD www.a-s-t.org 1 September 23-25, 2011 American Society of Transplantation Grapevine, TX Fellows Symposium 4433 yyrr mmaallee,, 11ssttddeecceeaasseedd ddoonnoorr rreennaall ttrraannssppllaanntt HistologicDiagnosis:Antibody Mediated Rejection ––RReemmoottee bblloooodd ttrraannssffuussiioonn ––CCuurrrreenntt // HHiissttoorriiccaall SSeerraa AAHHGG %% PPRRAA == 00 ––11 DDRR && 11 AA MMaattcchh EEnnddootthheelliiuumm FFccRReecceeppttoorr ––AAHHGG--CCDDCC TT--cceellll ccrroossssmmaattcchh--vvee AADDCCCC PMN MMeeddiiaatteedd BBiinnddiinngg ––HHiissttoollooggiiccDDiiaaggnnoossiiss:: AAnnttiibbooddyy MMeeddiiaatteedd RReejjeeccttiioonn aannttii--HHLLAA AAbb CC44CC11 CC’’AAccttiivvaattiioonn CCDDCC – Retrospective Flow CXM: +ve with current & remote sera CC44aa ++CC44bb – Retrospective Flow PRA: 5% Class I HLA antibody PPllaatteelleett mmiiccrrootthhrroommbbii DDoonnoorr HHLLAA MMAACC CC44dd ––HHLLAA MMiissmmaattcchheedd AAnnttiiggeennss:: AA2233 BB3377 5533 DDRRBB1133 – Flow Specificity Analysis: A23 antibody (titer 8) Manitoba Experience ( 243 Primary Transplants Jun 92 -Jun 03 ) Retrospective study in 334 patients AHG T-cell –ve, CDC B-cell –veat transplant (No Depletion Rx) (Flow Crosssmatch+ve Retrospective study of all consecutive transplantations Flow Single Antigen Beads) performed between 1999-2004 (n=372) Donor Reactive Rejection Time to AbMediated Time to no serum available induction therapy with ATG HLA Antibody First Month Rejection Graft Loss Graft Loss (n=13) (n=25) Class I (15) 14 (93%) 6 (1-17) 4 (27%) 4 (1-14) final population (n=334; 90%) all had negative T-/B-cell CDC-XM Class II (10) 8 (80%) 5 (2-7) 3 (30%) 5 (2-9) HLA-antibody analysis by SAFB (Luminex platform) Controls in day-of-transplant serum No Donor Reactive Ab definition of HLA-DSA by virtual XM 3 (14%)* 13 (13-19)* 0 ( 0%) * p<0.001 3rdParty HLA Ab (21) vs. Class I or II 60 (31%)* 12 (4-28)* 0 ( 0%) Outcomes No HLA Ab (195) AMRand allograft survival Karpinskiet al, J Am Soc Nephrology 2001:12:2807-2814 Nickerson et al, ATC Abstract #362, Am J Transplantation 2004:4:S8:257 AmicoP. Transplantation (2009) 87:1681-1688 Incidence of AMR Death-censored graft survival 55% of patients with HLA-DSA developed clinical/subclinical AMR, Patients with HLA-DSA andclinical/subclinical AMR had a 20% but 45% of patients did not. lower death-censored graft survival at 5 years AmicoP. Transplantation (2009) 87:1681-1688 AmicoP. Transplantation (2009) 87:1681-1688 Peter Nickerson, MD and Milagros D. Samaniego, MD www.a-s-t.org 2 September 23-25, 2011 American Society of Transplantation Grapevine, TX Fellows Symposium Readily available parameters of HLA-DSA Amount of HLA-DSA pre-transplant and AMR were not predictive for AMR HLA-DSA amount pre-transplant determined by FC-XM was not predictive for the occurrence of AMR AmicoP. Transplantation (2009) 87:1681-1688 Burns JM. Am J Transplant 8, 2008 3366 yyrr FFeemmaallee,, 11ssttrreennaall ttrraannssppllaanntt ((lliivviinngg rreellaatteedd ((BBrrootthheerr)))) SSoolluuttiioonnss ffoorr tthhee SSeennssiittiizzeedd PPaattiieenntt ––NNoo hhiissttoorryy ooff PPrreeggnnaanncciieess oorr TTrraannssffuussiioonnss ––CCuurrrreenntt // HHiissttoorriiccaall SSeerraa AAHHGG %% PPRRAA == 00 ––AAHHGG--CCDDCC CCXXMM:: TT--cceellll --vvee CCDDCC CCXXMM BB--cceellll --vvee »»FFllooww CCXXMM:: RReemmootteeTT--cceellll --vvee BB--cceellll ++vvee »»AAuuttoo FFllooww CCXXMM:: TT--cceellll --vvee BB--cceellll --vvee Immunomodulate Living Donor Paired Exchange »»FFllooww PPRRAA:: 00 %% ccllaassss II 1144 %% ccllaassss IIII (Local Solution) (National Solution) (not for everyone) »»FFllooww SSppeecciiffiicciittyy:: DDRRββ11--0077 ((ttiittrree88 iinn ccuurrrreenntt sseerraa)) Acceptable Mismatch (National Solution) HHLLAA RReecciippiieenntt:: AA11 22 BB 88 88 DDRRBB111177 1177 HHLLAA DDoonnoorr:: AA11 33 BB 77 88 DDRRBB11 771177 Types of Living Donor Exchanges (Chains) LDPE as of January 14, 2011 Paired N-Way Exchange Chain 8match cycles completed Chain 185pairs registered: 21in first run; 100in most recent 20 non-directed donors Domino Chain 65transplants completed 17 Coordinated and/or managed by Canadian Blood Services 18Coordinated and/or managed by Canadian Blood Services Peter Nickerson, MD and Milagros D. Samaniego, MD www.a-s-t.org 3 September 23-25, 2011 American Society of Transplantation Grapevine, TX Fellows Symposium Transplanted Recipients AAcccceeppttaabbllee MMiissmmaattcchh PPrrooggrraamm Patients with CDC PRA >85% Blood Group # % PRA Percentage # % Months on Dialysis # % A 30 46% 0% 27 42% 0 17 26% B 12 18% 1 to 50% 17 26% 1 to 12 12 18% Extensively Defined HLA Ab AB 4 6% 51 to 79% 8 12% 13 to 24 8 12% O 19 29% 80% + 13 20% 25 to 36 8 12% TOTAL 65 TOTAL 65 37+ 20 31% Specificity Pre-Transplant TOTAL 65 EEuurroo--TTrraannssppllaanntt ((UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff LLeeiiddeenn)) 19 FF CCllaaaass aanndd II DDooxxiiaaddiiss Coordinated and/or managed by Canadian Blood Services DDoonnoorr sseelleeccttiioonn oonn bbaassiiss ooff AAcccceeppttaabbllee MMiissmmaattcchheess Chance of every newHSP patient to receive a suitable crossmatchnegative organ within 12 mo. Patient: A24,31; B27,51;DR4,- and 100% PRA AM: A25, A26, B44 Offer [%] Possible kidney donors:A25, A31; B27, B51; DR4 A26, A31; B27, B51; DR4 A24, A25; B27, B51; DR4 A24, A26; B27, B51; DR4 A24, A31; B44, B51; DR4 A24, A31; B27, B44; DR4 A25, A31;B44, B51; DR4 A26, A31; B44, B51; DR4 A25, A31; B27, B44; DR4 A26, A31; B27, B44; DR4 A24, A25; B44, B51; DR4 A24, A26; B44, B51; DR4 KAS AM A25, A31; B27, B44; DR4 etc. (( CCllaaaasseett aall.. TTrraannssppllaannttaattiioonn,, 22000044)) ( Courtesy FransClaas) EEqquuiittyy ddooeess nnoott ccoommee aatt tthhee eexxppeennssee ooff UUttiilliittyy SSttrraatteeggyy UUssee nneeww ssoolliidd pphhaassee tteecchhnnoollooggiieess ttoo ffuullllyy ddeeffiinnee lleevveell ooff rriisskk tthheenn pprroocceeeedd ttoo mmoodduullaattee tthhee iimmmmuunnee ssyysstteemmpprriioorr ttoo aanndd aarroouunndd tthhee ttiimmee ooff ttrraannssppllaanntt RReeqquuiirreess ssppeecciiffiicc ttaarrggeettiinngg ooff BB--cceellllss aanndd HHLLAA AAbb BB--cceellll PPllaassmmaa cceellll HHLLAA AAbb ––IIVVIIGG ++ -- ++++ ––PPllaassmmaa PPhheerreessiiss -- -- ++++ ––RRiittuuxxiimmaabb((αα--CCDD2200)) ++++++ -- -- (( CCllaaaasseett aall.. TTrraannssppllaannttaattiioonn,, 22000044)) Peter Nickerson, MD and Milagros D. Samaniego, MD www.a-s-t.org 4 September 23-25, 2011 American Society of Transplantation Grapevine, TX Fellows Symposium DDoonnoorr bbiiooppssyy ccvv00 FFKK550066 ™™ MMMMFF ™™ PPrreeddnniissoonnee IIVVIIGG ((22gg//kkgg)) ccii00cctt11 aahh11 mol/L)mol/L) BBiiooppssyy µµ (( CreatinineCreatinine 1133..88 1111..33 99..99 FFKK TTrroouugghh LLeevveellss ii22 iinntteerrssttiittiiaall iinnffllaammmmaattiioonn tt22 ttuubbuulliittiiss PPTTCC iinnffllaammmmaattiioonn gg11 gglloommeerruulliittiiss Peter Nickerson, MD and Milagros D. Samaniego, MD www.a-s-t.org 5 September 23-25, 2011 American Society of Transplantation Grapevine, TX Fellows Symposium vv11 vvaassccuulliittiiss TT aanndd BB --cceellll mmeemmoorryy ooccccuurr ttooggeetthheerr HHLLAA AA22 PPrreeggnnaannccyy aassssoocciiaatteedd sseennssiittiizzaattiioonn aannttii−−HHLLAA AA22 AAbb TTrraannssppllaannttaattiioonn ((11999966)) 6622::667722 B TTrraannssffuussiioonn aassssoocciiaatteedd sseennssiittiizzaattiioonn IIFFNNγγ TTrraannssppllaannttaattiioonn ((11999900)) 4455::998877 Th APC IILL--22 CTL FFaass GGrraannzzyymmeeBB PPeerrffoorriinn AAnnttiibbooddyy aanndd TT--cceellll mmeeddiiaatteedd rreejjeeccttiioonn ooccccuurr ttooggeetthheerr AAbbmmeeddiiaatteedd rreejjeeccttiioonn:: TT22 ++ TT33 TTuubbuulliittiiss5500%% ((1122//2244)) ooff ccaasseess TTrraannssppllaannttaattiioonn ((11999966)) 6611::11558866 SSttrraatteeggyy UUssee nneeww ssoolliidd pphhaassee tteecchhnnoollooggiieess ttoo ffuullllyy ddeeffiinnee lleevveell ooff rriisskk tthheenn pprroocceeeedd ttoo mmoodduullaattee tthhee iimmmmuunnee ssyysstteemmpprriioorr ttoo aanndd aarroouunndd tthhee ttiimmee ooff ttrraannssppllaanntt XM - NO DSA RReeqquuiirreess aapppprrooaacchheess ssppeecciiffiicc ttoo TT && BB cceellll mmeemmoorryy FCXM <300 Cl/II DSA<5,000 FCXM >300 Cl/II DSA>5,000<10,000 TT--cceellll BB--cceellll PPllaassmmaa cceellll HHLLAA AAbb IIVVIIGG -- ++ -- ++++ AHG+ Cl/II DSA >10,000 PPhheerreessiiss -- -- -- ++++ RRiittuuxxiimmaabb -- ++++++ -- -- TThhyymmoogglloobbuulliinn ++++++ ++++ ++ -- ((MM.. ZZaanndd,, TTrraannssppllaannttaattiioonn 22000055)) Summary Part I DSA detected pre-transplant Unrecognized portends an increase risk for oAMR and Graft Loss oCumulative bead MFI did not reliably predict who was at risk for AMR XM - oRisk is independent of whether Class I or II DSA are present NO DSA Recognized and immune modulated still portends an increase risk for FCXM <300 Cl/II DSA<5,000 oAMR and risk correlates with strength of FCXM and bead MFI oTG and risk did not correlate with the strength of the FCXM andbead MFI FCXM >300 Cl/II DSA>5,000<10,000 AHG+ No DSA pre-transplant (even if sensitized) Cl1/II DSA >10,000 Low risk for earlyAMR and subsequent TG => should be our goal 36 Peter Nickerson, MD and Milagros D. Samaniego, MD www.a-s-t.org 6 September 23-25, 2011 American Society of Transplantation Grapevine, TX Fellows Symposium Should we accept the offers for these patients? A B Cw DRB1 DQ DP FCXM Donor 1 8 7 03 (17) DRB3 02 0401 Recipient #1 1 8 7 03(17) DRB3 02 0101 B+ve (PRA 100%) (2ndTx) Recipient #2 1 8 7 03(17) DRB3 02 0401 -ve (PRA 100%) (Pregx3) Recipient #1 has DP*0401 DSA –Does he get the kidney? Peter Nickerson, MD and Milagros D. Samaniego, MD www.a-s-t.org 7 Fellows Symposium on Transplantation Medicine Saturday, September 24 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Liver Medical Cases Breakout Session Kimberly Brown, MD and Shawn J. Pelletier, MD There are no advance slides for this session. September 23-25, 2011 Hilton DFW Lakes Executive Conference Center Grapevine, Texas www.a-s-t.org Fellows Symposium on Transplantation Medicine Saturday, September 24 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Heart Medical Cases: Immunosuppressive Management, Acute Rejection Breakout Session Maryl R. Johnson, MD and Josef Stehlik, MD, MPH There are no advance slides for this session. September 23-25, 2011 Hilton DFW Lakes Executive Conference Center Grapevine, Texas www.a-s-t.org