ANIMAL-GROWTH, STIMULANTS. FM. WEHER, TD HOG. LUTHER, BS. M.ChE. W. M. RESNOLDS, BS, Aion sets have vse Ly been uid 29 excise not only chert mat tae seo grostivtinscaing setio, Une row er te auras Sich a2 peuiley aud goin fave "erm nese! I ikovase thraeah she Teen lse cowenttines of anebovice ooh 36 eranyein, pes, survingeiny and ania, Tes snpolntealssotairine ure er oth ff tana sures are one Se prodaced convey and aes widely Tees i ly aoulage avd eiseaiiag induc, Historias Sour ef tae cay srk wh 2k proscdod ais develymacat was vemcerned swith che cols cf inestial Eom: in che muciiea no aivuly, Creilershke Tess is ve el wis peers wh Iie ann HS psaareion fo sutageanidine by Mershall ard coswerksrs + at the dexcspton of Tis stseivouess yi ¢ biceinlalie geen tor ym esta “as cian. Tin romps nha He ikon a wiears whereby there oro swgarinry avahe Se takebkes fe mas thon possible 10 investigate Ue purntieael le slyly 10 yes elena. Pralalsy thy a {So fein thin ee sag that Sy H ack, MEKINGin & Eeefoan+ Te wu found ie eis eds thee wher swchaguanidce was Red at y Ive! of 0.3% fea sscUlet et ev sely nied the prs vee af Yoga 1 eas nbsonved hat Usa" exact ahd pannsheracie ald areaponzed thi Fee Some ue Kier Mure anil eoacuske's? walended their stn ‘os inastv al spithaes 8 muericoral errs wa istuds suosinglelalbiacle fund “te andsiot exep-olaiia and suepicmta, Ahiee des ere Fred engi ants Suaristae’ some ef the ndings ars summasind in nee | Tr this Suh sae ser uaerecal ity sane obtaisa i thal iy done fold lve. stot sialated hs grotherane oF the ohiske ander Us 50 YM ERRER, HL 6, TITER 2, RUE Silty. hicks fed | g of suscnylulfetianel per 190 g of Basel svn al aeite Lok oA ext a eoaeierable ere in gx0Hth favor he fainted contol. "The ald cok of seeped y the alten bad xo sgniteant sect aa tho prosnhate. Reading 2 ecmbination af succicybullubiuccle ame sieplemyein secubed in growtb-raes sightly leet a es given hy ihe wy eal, Sul ane, Howes than in the folieacid oot, 1. ss Auten Ube tbe eimalation of gromik vblained sity hese rugs “tty caine bythe ivliition we Eien teria which lle Droduce toxic mateial or sends" cera vitanir'® in de let wo Yonge svuiibie to the crit, 1 e interes (© note tat ix chs esperiment Ae ae chugs nd sophie sail to tiie fei ‘As a mater of et. thore Ras Le sine change ik the etal count of intents bates, Ne fede poston us qae rae of thse nbservations nd several yomy passed boitre ths groblem sag reineetgatod tirana diferen ppraach, Many wurkery in the fil ot poly nuaior hid inane that foe optiniaas germaicrnis » source of sided tint, cal ‘he vnimal protir tector. ad te be ineadod ie aay allsegcable ration. ‘The work POM, Rises & nl” Fakes Ia yrs Jeg as eicive i promotigg th grow of chick sneiained on an al-vegslahe dit, Free om he umisl prorin Escar, ‘The rovuls five beer sonimod ty aetna der Following the cepon by Ricks at oo-norksts™ the: sitaniy By sua prodnced in cases benche of <td Simprnpse #poeah and ta it cold be ioluted in getline fre Sore “he streptosnela formation bovIh,clner sive: eerertadons were investiga. 8 gs Ex by Sleiat f. aL that ber tie swe Nergompes serena Vas used as x sore oF vial Rye gest geet stinnfaton ee Uhtsinen uw curle he sree Jor By ie emia coun, Sbeequen! tan stiri? tr gen aneeomcin al sion cin wee fe reduc anttfoie content of sho fermenaron inthe. 98 reaporiPe Tor ibe slded yao stimubcion, Ae wus on ehown tha! probably all aminahis nev art 46 amecalersth simulans Rt wat eniog Bruce of Cheney eee fin Th It has ges func that 2 lini Drosably vary in their efecdverase in eiMeceat snimaca: hat inn WSOURLMENTAL Gronth Responee to Tereumysia Touemysis ca he ees £5 an example ofc atisitc abil le been four ce peslicukely eetive us an aniqu-e-ovth sti:reane © le the soe chiskets (ae experimsntal den hier fa tube Uf are ‘isi of Ue resulls obama ken this ancdoiotic is Ineerporated is eM, UFR, Th THER eM. KEYROUE teri aequere in azote gronth faster, 238%) ard in all know: fckiding stauno By, "az Cie was somipseed tala She Bln So Fane tesnmocte “60 Hal wrig tbe alien of 6 g of tovietysin pos on of base clon (9 raga, inroass i Nolet all grow:h index wore cbseree, a ell su diauien in she prtily ales Hf of lane thes wwe a 1 days Thane i gond evidence tht teeangein i etorciing ¢ postive inbusooe on ths growebrats a: 57 day te arnblosotrsta birds show ar over [33g ott over tne conta gene The wiasion of ences tals ie spi aed of res. practical importenos orks The sepa of guy of 125 turkeys «10 ang of levemytin per keg of asi non i suo ie able AL, Foo: Mase rsa Ica be eer Rt Lae rel spn akg in a High a8 20% in 3 dope ne low Teel af 10 mg of seeariyi. pe” Ag OF rabca is use. pir: Bom the growth espunve, ake loner asia ate of tho acne gran Moould be considered, tay ele > putkvlalle sits the case OC Linke whi nly ages quits 39h ome af merle le a Foss Tee gpoit popes of igs & euaangels fe ewe3 moro deme Fires geo Barn fond want hen the 9 eel fl ony of himsin ss added to ca mite thon, kg avsags gale oF 19% reskzo! iq the gpring sce dtseen AC Te 8 29) ad 399 I PL Ke Nov esrate inatane of zee dy roe a ernie sie eH prowtnrate perio’ ete dt (16 egy and 125 8457 to). Meeks ower (oh te oy eve 128 Te 57 RB) £38 200 oD] kA, te sme ih proativate ie Sm. Tbe 19h! teriee seen ine weight onde Ey angen 26 th DH ba 1F hg and 14 Th G6 a eee fo These Ihrem pv Gown Response to Other Anubis J: was iniiscted preooie'y div all sien ll ped sie ‘orne sell onal proth osponae ‘9 apral, 3eC with varva deyress OL Thacg. Esporiscea wore ee op I Ue velo a ier aes aos aves fa wit 28 ng of aii go bse 1 Lo, EMRE, a TARE WL M ReNOEDS ‘twkee The eiderencsa in grovah respanee wt Rrkeyy he fe ble 1, ae worthy ot mole: abu the sigiliean:Feduotion in peraaage ert nt fhe irae hon le level, nf arisalcy ee sled 0 Th eats, oes Table ¥ stows grosch indioss for hogy tal va Menor data sl inisatag the advaniiges of ineorperadag inthe dit Tow wie of att ivi, Gna Response wo Mised Antibia One of the qustion® necwaly asked is Whol ips of respomee busied i's wiatuce of srtbises is used PAs eppers roe tao WU, tu conitmaion of euiibiots ws found to exert a signreane eras romain deel, te our ond dolls were mu reore eEtS AS EMEETECS As BONE Gow SLL LAOS bs shes sal sambisoron than whe oie sony, Lbs is uP interes, ence if catibiotis fnetiog rows contol of the insane! fava, sue would taraly feel thar alsin tayzae oth devon eallbaessial apse as pure Tir ord stesraayia slew’ show ative cit Ben wed io combination, se Withdramal af Anthines Um the eeomeas Poin: of SIS iL was ern eter 20% nrg artic snpotereniuion rans be maltesined 1, in her irl, te lig at sheer inl be wile oeiaia bids oa ates Toe wale # Les wosks ead shoe wer’ te helene ev lbh ifsive gies, "Tao noad for ceria ssppleanealution using Wis eetive gitar hte sf he Bird is odisatce be the data fs able WIL © sarypgmson oF the anion youep ees both the S and I wess3 knee wih thowe fer Patods af erly four iy and phe wes, si cat al i acowthe Fale ilo iuareiately ape Che vatdrawal of Fy art atk Bovina! mowtirirs ace fad to doped on bie Histol ol psbioes, sili Ihg, me be protein deve: cf he sation teed. Te et revogaized vary eany i he ook rv anion pri emt thal in cider iv pis ke muniavara gran vespnie Hut snes Adecpor ssa Uy Be sup ied in THe Et 136 2M WERK, 1, LEAKE a 6 RECT NG itu th, Svadag Acttls Wh aes Sno hat Pers exo a anodes» degree olin It soaring activey. Ia older unl lie eNotes ve ineapfated Ir he fit, the masinin zh alecan heohsned an everewleofvcamin By lone fg, A feshoula he parce wt thatthe wee edstiva of tits Fr noc sofiiens to mals, rue lion al fa poor cts. Adequare preva, nell alse lem, mak o presemcin arder ts Enduce us mene anscussiey ‘tut possible reshanians or mechenisms tan be sPonsible or the smonounesd gioith mimicition in animals by aisle saeels ) Mb y Reaves uve sree peupnsn vf us aRsevimentl eidsaee 10 aupport ‘hem is ealeevely tnesgre. Mur worker tn Lae Held tral ibe he efsetivonsre af uacbiolcy Wir eallveetia ative Suto sL2* postdzte the “urninmn vf took pokced By anseroses, nani, the Clstiy. In a similar soi Growehh™ and lene ave etiney fr €us vo uke Eurpate clive fron oe festa rat of Undearyble bic etie SII stor ncchanism is poss, Tat oF the Ulin often baer hich nem carapee wil thesia oration. Sora sell eadeace for Us ise Pays sarng ation of antibitin. Tee eso Uy mua wechers tos yrived i tilted because the satbielics ounirn try svete subsea! ens. An the voy she overall disse Lose Held down ard rhe aniral devises rae Tega howell Gal ainine it ble ly atk soge Las and ore "Wher. tbe problea: oF corsclling Intstiaa: Aora. and chelr vole i sings ruilsnis sorte, ie york whl Perper dicks By Reyaice AM! oosvorhsre™ aheald be wersmed, Te as found hy Reyes Met “oneal fori ew otic rear cor periods of tour 19 eigat seeks <n Pxpertental Zn euaw end Ceelopel oe wel som so erick fe the fatce diet, Tee addition of sources of nidsntitiod glewlvfaco a ‘iloses il nel spill Seezese th promttrates cf serates chive. ry Fisting ne that Inge cunion ne u.b5 vee found in be soosal ssnronce of gormetese a 21 a8 sorta cits Shon the Vee silane ape aor necevely af scala eo Since te bacterclageal study af possible sei orflor chen ToLewing tat wi of vtitisdss, Bas oct yield whar are balled to by Sigua sats, tie prsblen as ltachal homo ileert nope in oth Taboraaves, If she mate of fete ontiol ware anit spay he frerilurbmerabil epecno were taken inte cearderntina f anght be pusibe Io éelezmine Wht eae types of microorgcaizm we afkted Thaw I's reson te unlfli,rvvuilin os fet fo sky ce deter 136 few MHARR, BL UTHER. mua RoLD hai gro veporse mighe reat ate table VAUD, The amt Wiswibiet acter or thie able limite tons. caps? 19 Ee Fargh, bosb pacborame mlz: mv auton ety wou haus an escumely side range 2? akco-orgpans i emoen one tor ay high a3 399 pg 19 etacr onl riwdein esevualy Fungal in acts, Howser, cable VILL dukes emsidenasle growl aimulation in cicks by rirgln,_Testiald be veoaTod that giowerstizmating. ant biotin mich ae pon Sia ad ‘erraajen show Atle or ue seul et igy thee action being ere sky sya Pas hacer a the 12 coments mal ‘Us: Wide ferences in he atinicrobiel spectro wersanve ma a rimostain auggened iat a amin, of the Io antibiotoe iat sa tuned tales ers found Sovmone, thee when cbese suetansee tree ised in dfeest repecatioss wb ola zaibiodc evel 1 we There Was no videoue of setecysri J) weg es somme en eon Saabs te ah sv hy single ee, vrs thege Wut ond ia the Hmiony 9 the expeimealy, i is iia to ase how anes Ja prea em meta anette Stieunats by spe vad asst val seahial en, Wi thas the Irecharies enusisvahhy mere omplex in mata, tbereore, Lm Setvky eiuply involving intestinal ars ‘One very Tntsteting abeeration zie by Cand se Hhat hops fed sid an annibigtc srplemert consuried, 4 An average tries a AGH Trofer # conta groans We Rave ade @ eeily controled check om