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Antibiotic resistance patterns and extended-spectrum ?-lactamase production among Acinetobacter spp. isolated from an intensive care Unit of a hospital in Kerman, Iran. PDF

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Preview Antibiotic resistance patterns and extended-spectrum ?-lactamase production among Acinetobacter spp. isolated from an intensive care Unit of a hospital in Kerman, Iran.

Shakibaieetal.AntimicrobialResistanceandInfectionControl2012,1:1 http://www.aricjournal.com/1/1/1 RESEARCH Open Access Antibiotic resistance patterns and extended- b spectrum -lactamase production among Acinetobacter spp. isolated from an intensive care Unit of a hospital in Kerman, Iran Mohammad Reza Shakibaie*, Saied Adeli and Mohammad Hosain Salehi Abstract Background: TheglobalincreaseinmultidrugresistanceofAcinetobacterspp.hascreatedwidespreadproblemsinthe treatmentofpatientsinintensivecareunits(ICUs)ofhospitals.ToassessthesensitivityofAcinetobacterisolatesto antibioticsroutinelyusedinICUs,weinvestigatedantibioticresistancepatternsandextended-spectrumb-lactamase (ESBL)productionamongAcinetobacterspp.isolatedfromtheICUofauniversityhospitalinKerman,Iran. Methods: FifteenisolatesofAcinetobacterspp.wererecoveredfromonehundredclinicalspecimenscollectedfrom theICUofAfzalipoorHospitalinKerman,Iran,fromOctober2010toJune2011.Preliminaryantibioticsensitivitytesting wascarriedoutusingthedisk-diffusionbreakpointassay,andMICsofdifferentantibioticsweredeterminedusingthe E-test.ESBLproductionwasdetectedbyadouble-disksynergytestandconfirmedbyaphenotypicconfirmatorytest. Substratehydrolysisinthepresenceandabsenceofthefollowinginhibitorswascarriedoutusingtherapidfixed-time method:para-chloromercuribenzoate(p-CMB),clavulanicacid,sulbactam,andNaCl. Results: Overall, 73.3% of the isolates were resistant to imipenem (MIC range 240-128 µg/mL) and 66% to ciprofloxacin (MIC range 240-64 ± 0.08 µg/mL). All of the isolates were fully resistant (MIC 240 µg/mL) to piperacillin, while 93.3%, 53.3%, and 93.3% were resistant to piperacillin + tazobactam (MIC 240 µg/mL), amikacin (MIC range 128-16 µg/mL), and cefepime (MIC range 240-60 µg/mL), respectively. The isolates were also resistant to chloramphenicol and tetracycline: MICs of these two agents were ≥ 240 µg/mL. The test for ESBL production was positive for only three isolates (nos. 1, 10, and 15). The rate of substrate hydrolysis was highest in the presence of p-CMB (80.2 ± 0.02) and lowest in the presence of NaCl (2.1 ± 0.01) (P ≤ 0.05). Conclusions: Many isolates of Acinetobacter spp. are resistant to almost all antibiotics routinely used in the ICU of our hospital, including imipenem, ciprofloxacin, and piperacillin + tazobactam. Three isolates were ESBL producers. The other isolates exhibited high resistance to b-lactams, but they did not produce any ESBL enzymes. Keywords: Acinetobacter spp, antibiotic resistance, MIC, extended-spectrum β-lactamase Introduction pathogeninthe hospitalenvironment. The contribution Acinetobacter is a genus of gram-negative bacteria of Acinetobacter spp. to nosocomial infection has belonging to the Gammaproteobacteria. They are non- increased over the past three decades, and many out- motile,oxidasenegative,highlypleomorphicandusually breaks ofhospitalinfection involving Acinetobacterspp. occurinpairs.ThegenusAcinetobacterhasoccupiedan havebeenreportedworldwide[1-3]. increasingly important position as an opportunistic Although generally regarded as commensals ofhuman skin and the human respiratory tract, Acinetobacter spp. havealsobeenimplicatedasthecauseofseriousinfectious *Correspondence:[email protected]/mohammadreza.shakibaie@gmail. com diseasessuchaspneumonia,urinarytractinfections,endo- DepartmentofMicrobiology,KermanUniversityofMedicalSciences,Kerman, carditis, wound infections, meningitis, and septicemia, Iran ©2011Shakibaieetal;licenseeBioMedCentralLtd.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreative CommonsAttributionLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0),whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,and reproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Shakibaieetal.AntimicrobialResistanceandInfectionControl2012,1:1 Page2of8 http://www.aricjournal.com/1/1/1 involvingmostlypatientswithimpairedhostdefenses[2]. nonsusceptible Acinetobacter baumannii isolates, Acinetobacterspp.haveemergedasparticularlyimportant respectively. organisms late-onset ventilator associated pneumonia in Sinhaetal.[9]recovered150clinicalisolatesofAcineto- theintensivecareunit(ICU).Thisisprobablyrelated,at bacterandidentifiedthemusingvariousphenotypictests. least in part, to the increasingly invasive diagnostic and Antibiotic susceptibility wasdetermined by the standard therapeutic procedures used in hospital ICUs in recent disk-diffusionmethod.Mostisolateswereresistanttothe years[4-6]. antibioticstested,includingthethird-generationcephalos- Acinetobacter spp. have acquired resistance to almost porins. ESBL production wasdetected in 28% of the iso- allcurrentlyavailableantimicrobialagents,includingthe lates. In the double-disk approximation test, most of the aminoglycosides,thequinolones,andbroad-spectrumb- ESBLs in Acinetobacter isolates could be detected with lactams. The spectrum of antibiotic resistance of these cefepimeandcefotaxime. organisms, together with their survival capabilities, InonestudyintheUK, theantimicrobialsusceptibility makes them a threat in hospital environments, as docu- of Acinetobacter obtained from clinical specimens in 54 mentedbyrecurringoutbreaksbothinhighlydeveloped laboratorieswasinvestigated.Themajorityoftheisolates countries and elsewhere. Most strains are resistant to were found to be more resistant to cefotaxime, ceftazi- cephalosporins,whileresistancetocarbapenemsisbeing dime, piperacillin, piperacillin+tazobactam,gentamicin, reported increasingly [7,8]. One particular attribute of and tetracycline than the other gram negative bacteria these strains is the production of extended-spectrum [12]. beta-lactamase(ESBL)enzymes that conferresistanceto Littleinformationisavailableontheantibioticresistance b-lactams[9].Guillouetal.[10]screened 100isolatesof ofAcinetobacterspp.isolatedfromhospitalsinIran.Khos- Acinetobacterspp.andfoundthat81%ofthestrainspro- roshahi andSharifi [13]recovered 400isolates from ICU ducedtwotypesofb-lactamases(TEMandCARB). patients in four university hospitals in Isfahan, Iran, of Acinetobacter baumannii hospital isolates produce which 15 (3.75%) belonged to A. baumannii. Antibiotic mainly cephalosporinase-type enzyme and are inhibited sensitivitytestingshowedfour(26.6%)isolateswereresis- by 25 mM of clavulanic acidbut not by 1 mM EDTA or tanttoimipenemandmeropenem.Similarly,Farhanietal. 100 mM para-chloromercuribenzoate (p-CMB). The b- [14]recovered60isolatesofAcinetobacterspp.fromSha- lactamases produced by Acinetobacter lwoffii ULA-501, hid Beheshti Hospital in Kashan, Iran. Among these, 48 A.baumanniiULA-187,andA.baumanniiAC-14strains wereA.baumannii,sixwereA.lwoffi,andsixwereother have been purified and characterized, and their kinetic Acinetobacterspp.Theywereresistanttoamikacin,tobra- interactions with several b-lactam molecules, including mycin,ampicillin+sulbactam,andimipenem. substrates and inhibitors, have been studied in detail Toassessthelevelofsensitivitytoantibioticsroutinely [11]. Three b-lactamase enzymes were identified and usedintheICUofourhospitalandtodeterminethepro- appeared tobe cephalosporinase-type b-lactamaseswith ductionofESBLs,weinvestigatedtheantibioticresistance different acylation efficiencies (kcat/Km ratio values). pattern and ESBL production in Acinetobacter spp. iso- Their hydrolytic activitieswere inhibitedby benzylpeni- latedfromtheICUoftheAfzalipoorHospitalinKerman, cillin, piperacillin, and cefotaxime, none of which Iran. behavedassubstratesfortheenzyme.Carbenicillinwasa substrate for the b-lactamase from A. lwoffii ULA-501, Methods althoughitactedasatransientinactivatoroftheenzymes Source of bacteria produced by the two A. baumannii strains. Clavulanic Morethanonehundredclinicalspecimenswerecollected acid was unable to inactivate the three b-lactamases, fromtheICUofAfzalipoorHospital(themainuniversity whereas sulbactam behaved as an inactivator only at a hospital) inthe city ofKerman,Iran, from October 2010 high concentration (1 mM) that was difficult to achieve to June 2011. The majority of the patients were hospita- duringantibiotictherapy[11]. lized for 4 days, and 73% of them were on ventilator- Kimetal.[7]studiedtheprevalenceanddiversityofcar- assisted life support. The average age ofthe patientswas bapenemases among imipenem-nonsusceptible Acineto- 63 ± 0.8 years. Specimens of lung aspirates, blood, or bacter isolates in Korea. A total of 190 imipenem- urinewerecollectedbyalaboratorytechnicianandtrans- nonsusceptibleAcinetobacterisolatesfrom12Koreanhos- ferredimmediatelytotheMicrobiologyDepartmentofthe pitalsin2007wereusedtodeterminespecies,prevalence, Kerman University of Medical Sciences in sterile screw- andantimicrobial susceptibility ofOXA carbapenemase- captubescontaining5mLoftrypticsoybroth(TSB)med- producing and metallo-b-lactamase-producing isolates. ium.Priortocollectionofthespecimens,criteriasuchas bla -like and ISAba1-associated bla -like previousantimicrobialtherapy,immunosuppression,and OXA-23 OXA-51 genes were detected in 80% and 12% of 178 imipenem- presenceofbacteremiaduetootherpathogensbeforeand Shakibaieetal.AntimicrobialResistanceandInfectionControl2012,1:1 Page3of8 http://www.aricjournal.com/1/1/1 after colonization by Acinetobacter were taken into Substrate hydrolysis in the presence and absence of consideration. inhibitors Inordertoeliminatethepossibilityoffalse-positiveESBL Bacterial identification testsduetointrinsicsusceptibilityofisolatestob-lacta- Isolates were identified preliminarily by the chromoso- mase inhibitors (which could result in false-positive or mal transformation assay [15] using an auxothrophic false-negative tests), the rapid fixed-time assay wasused strain of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus BD143 trpE27, and to measure b-lactamase activity, based on the reduction species identification was carried out using the biochem- of iodine by hydrolysis of cefotaxime/ceftazidime under ical and sugar utilization tests as described by Bouvet anultravioletlightspectrophotometerat450nm.Inthis and Grimont [16]. Isolates were further identified by case, the cultures were centrifuged at 8,000 rpm at 4°C Gram stain, motility, characteristics on nutrient agar for 15 minutes after overnight growth in Luria-Bertani and Cysteine-Lactose-Electrolyte-Deficient (CLED) agar, broth medium, and the cell pellet was washed with 0.01 catalase and oxidase tests, acidity or alkalinity in triple Msterilephosphatebuffer(pH8.0).Thesuspensionwas sugar iron (TSI) agar slants, growth on citrate agar sonicated with a Lab sonic sonicator (Germany) for 15 slants, hemolytic patterns on blood agar, glucose oxida- secondsusinga 50% on/off pulsedcycle.Sonication was tion in Hugh and Leifson medium containing 1% glu- followedbyfreeze-thawingat-70°Cfor10minutes.The cose, and ability to grow at 44°C. sonicated cells were centrifuged at 12,000 rpm for 10 minutes and then observed microscopically to see the Antibiotic susceptibility tests disintegratedbacterialcells. Antibiotic sensitivity of the isolates was determined The sonicated solutions of the Acinetobacter isolates using the Kirby-Bauer disk-diffusion breakpoint assay on werethendilutedwith2.5mLof0.01Mphosphatebuffer Mueller-Hinton agar using Oxoid disks (purchased from (pH8.0).To this preparation, 0.5mL of 200µg/mL sub- Hi-Media, India) as recommended previously by the strate(cefotaxime andceftazidime)wasaddedseparately Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI, pre- and incubated at room temperature for 30 minutes. In viously called NCCLS) (2007 guidelines) [17]. MICs of caseofb-lactamaseinhibitors,0.5mLof0.5mMp-CMB different antibiotics were determined using the E-test (Fluka, Germany),100mMNaCl,200µg/mLsulbactam/ (Hi-Media). Susceptibility to the following antimicrobial clavulanic acid, and200µg/mLcloxacillinwereaddedto agents was tested: cefotaxime, cefepime, cefazolin, cipro- thecrudeenzymepreparation15minutesbeforeaddition floxacin, piperacillin, piperacillin + tazobactam, ceftazi- ofthesubstrates.Thereactionwasstoppedbytheaddition dime, imipenem, tetracycline, gentamicin, amikacin, and of5mLiodinereagentcontaining0.32NI and1.2MKI 2 chloramphenicol. Isolates were considered susceptible if withrapidstirringatroomtemperature.Absorbancewas the MIC was ≤ 2 µg/mL and resistant if the MIC was ≥ measuredat540nm,andtheresultswerecomparedwith 8 µg/mL. A standard culture of A. calcoaceticus BD413 preparationcontainingtheinhibitors.Simultaneously,two was used as sensitive bacterium at an inoculum of 1.5 × blanks, one containing 3 mL phosphate buffer (pH 7.5) 107CFU/mL. and5mLofiodinereagentandtheothercontaining5mL of phosphate buffer (pH 7.5), were run alongside of the Detection of ESBL tests. Two disk-diffusion methods were employed in this investigation, both described previously [18]. Briefly, the Statistical analysis first method is based on the original double-disk stan- All analyses were performed using SPSS, version 16.0 dard test (DDST); isolates are examined for the expan- (SPSSInc,Chicago,IL,USA).AllPvaluesweretwo-tailed; sion of the cefotaxime + clavulanic acid inhibition zone P≤0.05wasconsideredstatisticallysignificant.Meansand adjacent to disks containing cefotaxime alone and amox- standard deviations (SD) were calculated as required for icillin + clavulanic acid 30 + 10 mg. In the second numericalvariables. method, a disk containing 30 mg of ceftazidime is placed adjacent to a combination disk containing cefta- Results zidime (30 mg) with clavulanic acid (10 mg) on sterile Bacterial isolates Mueller-Hinton agar inoculated with ESBL-positive and FromOctober2010toJune2011,morethanonehundred non-ESBL-producing standard cultures of Acinetobacter specimenswerecollectedfromtheICUofAfzalipoorHos- isolates. An expansion of > 5 mm or 50% (according to pital inKerman, Iran.Fromthese specimens, fifteeniso- the manufacturer’s guidelines) indicates ESBL produc- lates were iden tified as Acinetobacter spp. by different tion. The antibiotic disks described above were obtained biochemical tests and a chromosomal transformation from Oxoid, Mast, and Beckton Dickinson, UK. assay using an auxothrophic strain of A. calcoaceticus Shakibaieetal.AntimicrobialResistanceandInfectionControl2012,1:1 Page4of8 http://www.aricjournal.com/1/1/1 BD413trpE27. The study was conducted in the ICU of +tazobactam,andciprofloxacinisofparticularlyconcern AfzalipoorHospitalinKerman,Iran.Patientswereeither becausetheseantibioticsareusuallyreservedforseverely admitted directly to the ICU or transferred from other ill patients. The breakpoints obtained by disk-diffusion wards,namelyinternalmedicine,surgery,obstetrics,neu- testingwerefurtherconfirmedbydeterminationofMICs, rology, and cardiology wards. Post-operative patients asshowninTable2. Forisolatenumbers1,2, 5,7,9,10, requiring ventilation were admitted to the critical care and15,theMICsofimipenem,piperacillin,piperacillin+ unit,whilepatientswithmedicalconditionsnecessitating tazobactam,andciprofloxacinwere240µg/mL. ventilationwereadmittedtotheICU. All of the Acinetobacter isolates were also highly resis- Overall,71%ofthehospitalizedpatientsweremaleand tant to third-generation cephalosporins (cefotaxime and 29% were female (P ≤ 0.5). The average age of the ceftazidime), with MICs exceeding 240 µg/mL. For iso- patients was 63 ± 0.8 years. The specimens were col- late number 13, the MICs of imipenem and amikacin lected from the lung, blood, and urine of the patients were each 4 µg/mL, and the MICs of ceftazidime + cefo- hospitalized for 4 days in the ICU. A greater proportion taxime and ciprofloxacin were each 5 µg/mL. Figure 1 (a of Acinetobacter spp. was isolated from lung aspirates and b) shows the MICs of gentamicin and amikacin for (76%) than from urine samples (4%) from patients with Acinetobacter isolates 1 and 12, respectively, as deter- urinary sepsis. The lung aspirates were homogenized mined by the E-test. The imipenem-resistant isolates with5mL0.05mMPIPSbufferandcentrifugedat8,000 were multiresistant, but, most (46%) were sensitive to rpmbeforebeinginoculatedontothemedium. amikacin using the CLSI breakpoint of 4µg/mL. The ThecoloniesonCLEDagarwerecircular,smooth,con- important observation was the complete resistance of all vex, translucent, mucoid, and nonpigmented. They were isolates when tested with the amoxicillin + clavulanic gram-negative,encapsulated,non-spore-formingcoccoba- acid combination disk (Table 2). cilli.The lactose utilization testforallisolateswasnega- tive.Theorganismswerenonmotileandnonhemolytic. ESBL production TheDDSTmethodwasusedtodetecttheproductionof Antibiotic susceptibility ESBL, and results were confirmed by the presence of a Theresultsofantibioticsusceptibilitytestingbythedisk- zone of inhibition around a disk containing a combina- diffusiontestareshowninTable1. Isolatenumbers1,2, tion of the cephalosporin (ceftazidime) and clavulanic 4, 5, 10, and 15 were completely resistant to antibiotics acid when compared with the zone around a disk con- routinely used in the ICU, while isolate no. 13 was the tainingthecephalosporin(ceftazidime)alone.Onlythree only one sensitive to most of the antibiotics. The emer- isolates (nos. 1, 10, and 15) were capable of producing gence ofresistancetoimipenem,piperacillin,piperacillin ESBL. The remaining isolates exhibited a highdegree of Table 1Antibiotic susceptibility of Acinetobacter spp.isolated fromthe ICUofAfzalipoor Hospital Acinetobacter CTX CPM CZ CP PIP CAZ IMP Te Gm AK PIT C Isolates 1 R R R R R R R R R R R R 2 R R R R R R R R R S R R 3 R R R S R S S R I I R R 4 R R R R R R R R R I R R 5 R R R S R R R R R I R R 6 R R R R R R S R I S R R 7 R R R R R R R R I R R I 8 R R R S R R S S R R R R 9 R R R R I R R R R I R R 10 R R R R R R R R R R R R 11 R R R S R I S R I S R R 12 R R R R R R R I S S R R 13 S R R S I S S R S S S I 14 R R R I R R R R R S R I 15 R R R R R R R R R I R R Susceptibilitywasdeterminedbythedisk-diffusionbreakpointmethod. CTX=cefotaxime,CPM=cefepime,CZ=cefazolin,CP=ciprofloxacin,PIP=piperacillin,PIT=piperacillin+tazobactam,CAZ=ceftazidime,IMP=imipenem,Te =tetracycline,Gm=gentamicin,AK=amikacin,C=chloramphenicol,R=resistant,I=intermediate,S=sensitive.SterileMuller-Hintonagarwasusedfor determinationofantibioticsusceptibilityandtheinoculumconcentrationwas1.5×107 Shakibaieetal.AntimicrobialResistanceandInfectionControl2012,1:1 Page5of8 http://www.aricjournal.com/1/1/1 Table 2Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) ofdifferentantibiotics for Acinetobacterspp. isolatedfrom the ICU ofAfzalipoor Hospital Acinetobacter MIC* isolates (µg/mL) CPM Gm AK Am PIT CAZ C PIP Te IMP CP 1 120 240 128 >240 >240 >240 60 >240 >240 240 >240 2 30 240 4 >240 >240 >240 >240 >240 >240 240 >240 3 10 10 4 240 30 240 >240 >240 >240 4 2 4 240 >240 16 >240 >240 >240 60 >240 >240 128 128 5 >240 >240 16 >240 240 >240 60 >240 >240 240 >240 6 30 5 4 240 120 240 120 128 >240 10 5 7 240 >240 32 >240 >240 >240 60 >240 >240 240 240 8 60 240 64 >240 5 >240 10 128 4 10 4 9 240 >240 16 240 >240 240 >240 16 >240 240 >240 10 240 >240 128 >240 >240 >240 120 >240 >240 240 >240 11 10 5 4 240 60 240 120 128 16 10 4 12 60 5 32 >240 >240 >240 120 >240 >240 128 >240 13 5 5 4 >240 30 5 10 16 >240 4 5 14 60 120 4 >240 60 >240 10 >240 >240 128 64 15 30 240 4 240 30 240 60 128 240 240 240 *MICforeachantibioticwasdeterminedtwicebytheE-testonMueller-Hintonagar,andCFU/mLwaskeptat1.5×107. CPM=cefepime,Gm=gentamicin,AK=amikacin,Amp=ampicillin,PIT=piperacillin+tazobactam,CAZ=ceftazidime,C=chloramphenicol,PIP=piperacillin, Te=tetracycline,IMP=imipenem,CP=ciprofloxacin. resistancetothird-generationcephalosporinsbutdidnot equipmentwasreportedbyCefaietal.[21].Inourinvesti- produceESBL. gation, specimens were collected from the lung, blood, and,inone case (isolate12),urine ofseverelyill patients Substrate hydrolysis hospitalized inthe ICU for 4days. The average ofage of Theratesofsubstratehydrolysisandtheinhibitorprofiles theinfectedpatientswas63±0.8years.TheMICsofanti- of b-lactamase produced by the Acinetobacter isolates bioticsroutinelyusedintheICUofourhospitalindicated fromtheICUofAfzalipoorHospitalareshowninTable3. theemergenceofresistanceinsomeAcinetobacterisolates Thehighestrateofceftazidimeandcefotaximehydrolysis (numbers1,2,5,7,9,10,and15)toalmostalltheantibio- wasobservedinthepresenceofp-CMB(80.2±0.02µM/ tics used,including imipenem,ciprofloxacin, andpipera- mL), while lowest rate was observed when NaCl (2.1 ± cillin+tazobactam.Thesefindingscomplicatethetherapy 0.01µM/mL)wasusedassubstrate(P≤0.05).Therateof of infections caused by Acinetobacter spp. It has been substrate hydrolysis decreased inthe presence ofsulbac- suggestedthattheoverwhelminguseofantibiotics,parti- tam(Table3).Toeliminatethepossibilityoffalse-positive cularlyfluoroquinolones(e.g.,ciprofloxacin)andcarbape- ESBL tests due to intrinsic susceptibility of b-lactamase nems (e.g., imipenem), has resulted in the emergence of inhibitors or the other mechanisms, the MICofcefotax- more resistant forms of colonizing strains [6]. ESBL was imeandceftazidimefortheESBL-producingisolateswas produced by three isolates, while the remaining isolates measuredinthepresenceandabsenceoftheb-lactamase demonstratednoenzymaticactivity.Theseresultssuggest inhibitor clavulanic acid. The MICs of ceftazidime and thatintrinsicresistancetoantibioticsinnon-ESBL-produ- cefotaximeweredecreasedfrom>240µg/mLto8µg/mL cing isolates may be due to mutation(s) in the genome and4µg/mL,respectively. involvedinantibioticsusceptibility,resultinginhighMIC values.Theimportantobservationwastheinsensitivityof Discussion theAcinetobacterisolatestoamoxicillin+clavulanicacid, Acinetobacter spp. are resistant to the most commonly despitesusceptibilitytoceftazidime+clavulanicacid. availableantibiotics;hence,theyareabletosurviveinthe In a recent study, a DDST method that combined hospitalenvironmentunderhostileconditionsandalsoto amoxicllin+clavulanicacidwithcefepimeweresuccess- colonizesusceptiblepatientstreatedwithbroad-spectrum fully detected the SHV-5 b-lactamase in a Klebsiella antibiotics. They are able to survive on various surfaces pneumoniaestrainthatproducedaplasmid-borneAmpC (bothmoistanddry)inthehospitalenvironment[19,20]. enzyme [22]. In another report, the use of cefepime An outbreak of Acinetobacter respiratory tract infection increased the sensitivity of the DDST with extended- resulting from incomplete disinfection of ventilator spectrum cephalosporins for the detection of ESBLs in Shakibaieetal.AntimicrobialResistanceandInfectionControl2012,1:1 Page6of8 http://www.aricjournal.com/1/1/1 Figure 1 MICs of gentamicin [Gm (a)] and amikacin [AK (b)] for Acinetobacter isolates as determined by the E-test. The MIC was measuredaslowestconcentrationoftheantibioticthatinhibitsthevisiblegrowthoftheorganism.Mueller-HintonagarwithinitialCFU/mL1.5 ×107after24hoursofincubationat37°Cwasusedasmedium. enterobacteria from 16% to 61% when the disks were were applied at a shorter distance (20 mm) [23]. These appliedatthestandarddistanceof30mmfromamoxicil- results suggested that the inh ibition of the activities of lin + clavulanic acid and from 71% to 90% when disks the AmpC enzyme andeffluxpumps mightenhance the Shakibaieetal.AntimicrobialResistanceandInfectionControl2012,1:1 Page7of8 http://www.aricjournal.com/1/1/1 Table 3Rates ofsubstrate(b-lactam) hydrolysis andinhibitor profiles ofAcinetobacter spp.isolated fromthe ICUof Afzalipoor Hospital. Substrate MIC(µg/mL) b-lactamase Substrate inhibitor hydrolysis(µmol) CTX >240 - 80±0.04 CTX >240 P-CMB(50mM) 80.2±0.02 CTX >240 NaCl(100mM) 2.1±0.01 CTX >240 Sulbactam(200µg/ml) 10.2±0.03 CTX >240 Clavulanic(200µg/ml) 7.5±0.02 CAZ >240 - 80±0.04 CAZ >240 P-CMB(50mM) 80.2±0.02 CAZ >240 NaCl(100mM) 2.1±0.01 CAZ >240 Sulbactam(200µg/ml) 30.2±0.03 CAZ >240 Clavulanic(200µg/ml) 7.5±0.02 b-lactamaseinhibitorswereadded15minbeforeadditionofthesubstrate. P≤0.05wasconsideredsignificantofassociation.Theaboveresultsrepresentthemeanoftwoindependentexperiments.Meansandstandarddeviations(SD) werecalculatedasrequiredfornumericalvariables. CTX=cefotaxime,CAZ=ceftazidime. abilities of DDST to detect ESBLs in Pseudomonas duringa4-monthperiodfrom12patientshospitalizedat aeruginosa. theValenciennesHospital.Sevenclonallyrelatedbla VEB-1 Inourstudy,therateofhydrolysisofceftazidime/cefo- positive A. baumannii strains were identified in the taximewashighestinthepresenceofp-CMBandlowest immediateenvironmentofthehospitalizedpatients. whenNaClandclavulanic acid(200µg/ml)were usedas Wefoundsimilarresultsinourstudywithisolateno.1, substrate (P ≥0.05). The results possibly explain the which might be a carbapenemase-producing, blaVIM- expandedzoneofinhibitionaroundtheceftazidime/cefo- positive isolate. Further research must be conducted to taxime+clavulanicaciddiskandconfirmedthattheESBL determine the mechanism of resistance to the above productionamongtheisolateswasnotduetotheintrinsic antibiotics. sensitivity of Acinetobacter isolates to b-lactamase inhibitors. Conclusions The resultsofantibiotic susceptibility testing of gram- The results of this study showed that the majority of negative bacilli strains isolated fromthe ICUofthe Fun- ICU isolates of Acinetobacter spp. were highly resistant deni Clinical Institute, Bucharest, Romania [4], showed to the antibiotics most commonly used in the ICU set- that80%of19strainsofAcinetobacterspp.isolatedfrom ting, including imipenem, ciprofloxacin, cefepime, and nasal and pharyngeal exudates and bronchial secretions piperacillin + tazobactam, all of which are already used from immune-deficient patients were highly resistant to extensively in Iranian hospitals. Tests for ESBL produc- imipenem and were also resistant to the majority of the tion and substrate hydrolysis by resistant strains antibioticstested. revealed the unique property of the ESBL (sensitivity to Similarly,inonestudyonAcinetobactersusceptibilityin cefotaxime + clavulanic acid and to ceftazidime + clavu- Iran [24], it was found that the rates of sensitivity of the lanic acid, and high rate of hydrolysis by p-CMB) pro- isolatestoimipenem,piperacillin+tazobactam,andAmi- duced by our isolates. These findings have important kacinwere50.7%,50%,and38.2%,respectively.However, implications for physicians, microbiologists, and hospital ithasrecently become obvious that increasedexpression administrators involved in the treatment of ICU patients of chromosomal genes for efflux systems plays a major in Iran. role in multidrug resistance [25]. Lagatolla et al. [26] reportedthatMICsofimipenemfortheblaVIM-positive isolates were always ≥ 64 µg/mL (range 64-512 µg/mL). Acknowledgements TheauthorsthanktheUniversityCouncilforResearchAffairsofKerman Most of the blaVIM-positive isolates (49 of 64 [76%]) UniversityofMedicalSciencesforprovidinggrantno.89/77toMR exhibited a multidrug-resistant phenotype that included Shakibaie.TheMicrobiologyDepartmentandICUstaffofAfzalipoorHospital, Kerman,Iran,arealsoacknowledgedforhelpprovidedduringthisresearch. all of the drugs tested (imipenem, meropenem, ceftazi- dime,piperacillin,aztreonam,amikacin,gentamicin,tobra- Authors’contributions mycin,andciprofloxacin)[26].InoneoutbreakinFrench MRSandSAhavemadesubstantiveintellectualcontributionstothisstudy. MHShelpedinthelaboratorypreparationandsetting.Allauthorsreadand hospital[27],twelveclonallyrelatedandmultidrug-resis- approvedthefinalmanuscript. tant Acinetobacter baumannii isolates were recovered Shakibaieetal.AntimicrobialResistanceandInfectionControl2012,1:1 Page8of8 http://www.aricjournal.com/1/1/1 Competinginterests 22. 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