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THE JOURNAL OF A GROUP ANALYZING THE POWER MECHANISMS WHICH PRODUCE AND MAINTAINT HE PRESENTD IVISIONOSF KNOWLEDGE. Anti-Oedipus FroPms ychoantaoSl cyhsiizso politics semiotextte ANTI-OEDIPUS "Beneatthh eb eacht,h ep avings tone.s. . " SEMIOTEXT(E) 522P hilosopHhayl l ColumbUinai versity NewY orkN,. Y.1 0027 SEMIOTEXiTs(t Eh)es elf·supnpoonr-tpijrnoogfiu,tr o nfaa l g rouapn a­ lyzitnhpgeo wemre chanwihsimcpshr odauncmdea inttahien prdeisveinsti ons ofk nowledge (psLyicnhgouaiLnsiattlieycrssPai,hts iu,rl eo,sa onSpdeh myi otics). EditorCioamlm titeDe:e niHso llJiaemreL,se ighS,y lvLoetrrei n(gGeern eral EdoirtR)o,g eMrc KeoJno,hR na jch(mSaenc reMtiacrhRyeo)ls, e nfeld. ArEtd itoGri:El i sner. ManagEidintgoT rh:o smG aora. AssistEadnitt oPra:t rTircukh n. TranslatSitnagf( fAl tlh ter anslpautbiloinhsseh reheda v e rbeeveineb wye d fufeo llowJioneCg a)s:s iEdlyiG;zh ai Pla;t rLiozmibaa rRdoog;eM rc Keon (TransEldaittiMooyrnu) n;g PsaucnMk i;c hReols enfeld. ProudctioSnt afJf:o eC assiEdlys;pF ertahs Seurs;a n FlEeltiGczhhaie lr;; WaynGeu ymoGne;o rgHionrav aBfeut;Kt ayn eL;o uMiasr viEcikl;eM eunl ­ ladDya;nM oshenLbaenrgg-;H PohaanmS ;y lvRiiec haArdddsiR;eu sso. SpecEidailt oSry:l vLeorter inger. BenefactGoerrs:aB rudc hKeart,h lDeuednaS ,y lvLeorter iDnagveNired,i ger, JohRna jchPmaamne,Tl yat elL SponsoArns;nB oweIrasBn,o weSruss,Fa lna Wtaoy,n Geu ymoMni,La o trin­ geT, RMiibcahlekla . {Contriobfu$ t5i0o.0no0srm oraer lei satseB den efactaonrd$s 2 5.a00s SponsoAlrlsc .o ntribaurtteai xo-ndsae bdluec.t] IndivSiudbusaclr i$p7t.i5po0en vrso :l ume; In$s1t8i.t0Tu0h.tr ieioesn ssu:e s comproinsveeo luAmded.$ 2.0p0e vro ulmef osru rfacoeu tmsatiihdUlee. S. and CanaCdhae.cs kh oublemd a dpea yatbolS eem ioteIxnct.{ e), Semioteisx itn(dee)xi enMd L AB ibliograFprheyn XcXah Bn idb liography. Pleacshee ck forthcoimsisnuge sw ritaetn odt heS pecEidailt Aolrl. Our manuscsrhiopubtlesad c companais etda mbpsyee dl f-adednrveeslsoepde . CovGeirEl i sner © by SemioInlce.1x 9t7(7e ), SEMIOTEXT(E) ANTI-OEDIPUS VOLUMIEINU M BER3 1,977 SylveLrOeT RINGER LibidUon bountdh:e P olitoif'c Ssc hizophrenia' 5 Jean-Fra�noiLsY OTA RD EnergumCeanp italism 11 JacquDeOsN ZELOT ,A n Anti-Sociology 27 JohnR AJCHMAN AnalyisinPs o we.r. ......,. .., . ...,. , , , . .,. .4 5, . . . AntonAiRnT AUD The Bodyi st heB ody. .' .,. ...,.. .., .. .,, . . .. .. 5 .9 . ToH aveD onew itthh eJ udgmeonftG od ...., .,'.", 61 FeliGxU ATTARI MaryB arnesT'r i.p. , . ,,. ... ....,.. . ., . ...,.. ., . . 62 Freudo-Mar,x. i.s..m. .............,. ... .. .... .7 2. PsychoanaalnydSs cihsi �oana.l,.y s..i .s . . . .. .. 7.6 . . . . EveryboWdayn tTso B ea F asc.i.s, t .. .,., . ., . ., . ., . 86 GillDeEsL EUZE ThreGer oupP roblem,s , , .,. ..... .,., . . . .,., . .., 99 . IH aveNo thiTnogA dmi.t. , . .., . ............". 1.1.0 DELEUZEjGUATTARI BalanSchee et-ProfgorDrae ms iring-Ma.c.h.,i. n.e, s.. 1 17 May1 4,1 914O.n eo r SevWeorlavl,e . s .,. ....,. , ... 1 .3 6 GuyH OCQUENGHEM FamilCya,p italAinsums.,, . .............,.. ....,. 1 48 RoberDtY ER/R.AB.R INKLEY ...r eturnhso me( MytholoDgiiaelse, ctSitcrtsuu,cr es): Disrupt.i.o.n..s. ....... .................. 159 . . . . SylveLrOeT RINGER TheF ictioofAn n alysis 173 Inde.x. ................... .. ...... ..... . 190 . . . . . . . . . BackIs su.e s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 9.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ForthmcionIgs sues. ...... .......... ....1 92 . . . . . . . . . . . . FrancPiisc abi"aM:a chinTeu rnQ uickly("1 916�1918) Inscrtiob"peM da chTionuer nez 1V.i"1t1.eF "e;m me2/ H omme" LibiUdnob ound: The Poloif't Sicchspi hzroenia' SYLVEREL OTR INGER "IfM arxism and Psycahroeat nhaetl wyosb iisgl oseorfst hel ast fifteyeena rist,i sn ots om ucht hatth eys oltdh emseltvoet sh e clasisnp owerb,u tt hat tphaeryt icipina tthedev ermye chanisms ofp ower" -MicheFlo ucau(l1t9 75) I fA nti·Opeudshi*a dm ereltyh rowpns ychoanailnytsqoiu se stiaosni ,t s titwloeu lds eemt oi ndicaittwe o,u lnde vehra vaer ousine dF rancteh ek ind ofp assionaatttee nttioow nh icsho meo ft hep iecceosl lechteerdae t test. Sinciet s incetphteip osny choanalytical eshtaasub nldiesrhgmoennet quitae n umbeorf a ttacbkust,i ta lwaymsa nagetdo m odifiyt msa ke-up som�whalti,kt eh ef luv iruisno, rdetroo utlitvheem orep owerfaunlt idotes. TheA mericaEng o-psychoglroagyd uaelnlsyh eatihtesde ilnfa neo�behav� ioricshta in-mwahiilc ht ieddo wni ntra-familialt ot bheeht ahveioororyf communicatIinotne.r pretpaotwievrme a intaiintegsdr iopn t hes lyt,h rough binary lOong itch.eo thesri deof theA tlantoilcd,F reudianwishmi,c h hadn'qtu itmea dei tt hef irtsitm eg,r ewa seconmdo,r eg loriosuksi,n by jumpinognt heb andw agono fS tructuralism. Lhienlgpuetidhs etriecasft toe r justitfhye" retutrno Freuda"d vocatbeyd J acqueLsac anO.e dipuasn d castrawtieornet urnedi ntion controvesrctiiebnlteti rfuitcha nsd t he uncon­ sciouisn toa n objecotf purek nowledge reservefdo rts etcrhincot­ly academiTchsi.si sw hy Deleuzaen dG uattafreili tt n ecesstaord yi reicnt respontsheeb runotf t heifri rasttt acakg ainpssty choanaalnyds" ipss ycho­ analysi(semfJ".a cquDeosn zelo"tA:nA ntisociology"). PROJEFCTO RA REVOLUTIIONNN E WY ORK Yett her easlc opoef t heiart tempitst ob e founde lsewheirnet ,h e moreg eneral otfi Catpliet alainsdSm c ihzophrPesnyichao.a nalisyt shies specifyiectr, e strictive, apploifc aa rteifolne-cptotiihonantta ctualelny­ dorsetsh ee ntire economy, asl wieblilad si pnoalli tiocfa il,n dustrial societAifetse.tr h eb atterdienaglt to p sychoanablyyW siilsh elRme ichi,ti s thew holper obleomf trheel ationosfh idpe stiotr hee s pheroef socfioracle s thaDte leuazned G uattaartit emtpotr ecahsetr ien a newl ight. Anti-Oedciompeusts ou si nt hew akeo fM ay '68a,t a timew hent he radicaloifst mh e6 0s seemtso h avev anishoerdr ,a thhears e xhausttehde ­ "'CapitaanlScdih simz ophrenia: AbynG tiil-DlOeeelsde i&up zFuets H,Gi uxa tt(artranis latbeydR obeHrutr lHeeyl,eR n.L anaen dM arSke emA) R,i chard Seatvheer Book, VikiPnrge Nsesw:Y ork1,9 77. 5 Lotnrgier moste xpedieanntda ll-encompfaosrsmiisnt ga ssumeidnt hec onditioofn s acutseo ciowpolcirtiis(cicasil v riilg htVsi,e tnawma r,et c.E)c.o nomince u* rosisc,a refuelnltye rtaainndee dx ploitneodwp, r evaAitlt sh.e m icro.political levetlh,o ugsho,m ep owerfeunle rgyi ss till sbtliirnrdfilonyrgc hangaen di t is precisientl hyi rse spetchtaA tn tOie�dicpaunbs e p utt og oodu se. Itosr iginaolnit thyeF rencshc ene residient sh efa alcsttoh aitn steoafd grudgingly remaasiJ neianng-,PS aaurlt hraed t od o,t heu neasbye dfelolfow bureaucrsaotciica liitst mu,r nsso mewhapta radoxictaolwlayrt dhse U nited Statteosd iscover afnaoctoehf er re volutTihoantw. h iccha nn o longebre expectferdo ms ociacloiusntt raipepse asrusd denaltyt hev erhye arotf t he capitamlaieslts trAomme.r icwai,t h firtese .floaantdis nhgif tbionrgd eritss, impenitpernatgm atiasnmd i tusn restraeinneerdgya fforad bse ttveire wpoint onm odern industriatlh asmno ocsitEe utrioepse caonu ntrsiuecsah,s F rance, whichha vleo nbge ens edentaanrdyc entralTihzeeg da.m bloef A nti-Oedipus is tor eformulraetveo lutiopnearrsyp ectfirvoemts h es tronpgo intasn,dt he weakl inkosf,c apitalNios ml.o ngemro vinagg aintshteg ran,ib utr ather pushintgh el ogiocfK apitfaulr thtehra ni te vearl lowietds etlobf e l ed-to itbsr eakipnogi1 n. THE NEUROTICS MOKE-SCREEN "Thosweh o suffferro mt heO edipus-comaprlene oxt s ickt,h ey makeu p theq uasi-tootfat lhiept eyo pl.eT ot hec ontrairsyo,l ated anda ffectaesId a m bys implaenxt i-oedIic pouusl,pd a, raphrasing Saint-Thehroewslla i,k ae b anshee It shuaftf er tonsu oftf e.r " . . -ReneC reveElt,e s·tvaouu(ss1? 9 29) Freunde vecro nsidetrheerd elationosfhd iepssi arned s ocieetxyc epitn termosf de-sexualization: sublimated fhoorhm iomst ehxeu ality remains vercye menotf s ocicaolh esi(oCnfG .u yH ocquenghem: "FCaampiiltya,l ism, Anus")F.u rthermhoere ex plicrietcloygn izmeodd ersno cieatsye ssentially repressainvdce o,n sequenbtoluyn da ndb oundetdo n eurosIifns e.u rosiiss thei ntrilnaswit,ch en onno fa liln dustsroicaile twiheosc ,a nd elivuesfr r om thinso rmality? Surelnyo tp sychoanalwyhsiiccshu, r else ss tihtra eng ulanteeusr osfoirs thes implree ason itnht ahte,f mala nalyspissy,c hoanaalnydsn iesu roasrise twos idoesft hes ame coin. Whot henV?e rtiginmooumse nti:fn ormaliitsya bnormatlh,e nt hev ery notioonf " patiebnetgi"n tso v acitlel.Na evertheFlreesuscd o nclud"eAss: regarthed st herapeuatpiplci catoifoo nu rk nowledwghea,tw oulbde t heu se of them ostc orreacnta lyosifs s ocinaelu rosseisn,c neo onep ossesses authortioti ym pose sau tchhe rauppyo nth e group?("O vilizaantidit osn DiscontTheen tthesr)a.pe uctoinct raicsta sociacoln tratchte:a nalyst derivhise sp ower·to-fcruormse o cietFyr.o mh ereo n,n o onec anw rest SOcietfyr omi tnse uros"iBsu.it n s pitoeft hese diffiFcruelutadid edssf,,o" r thes akoef a rgumeHnwte,m aye xpectth aotn ed ays omeonwei lvle ntutroe embarku pona patholoogyf culturcaolm munitiWese. s"u rely nae ed 6 LibiUndboo unTdh:e l iPtooif<c Shsci zonpihar'e Supermafno rs ucha superanalUynsliessa.sn alycsainsd issociitasteefl rfo m anya uthor.i.t.y Freud's reasoning reliperse suopnp osciettrhitaoatsni hsno uld be elucidda itfew e aret o escape atphpiasr einmtp ass(e1:T )h ereex isat s "correcotb,j"e ctdiivsei,n terkensotwelde dogfem an;( 2T)I rkinso wledcgaen be" applieodrn" o ta ccordtiont gh ea uthorwiittyhw ltiocnhe i si nvested; (3T)h erseh oulbde an appointreedp resentwahtoi wvilel " imposet"h e theraopnyt ot heg roup(.4 S)o cipaalt holoigysd efinbedy", a nalogya,l"o ng withi ndividdeuvaell opmeinntt e,r mosf n eurosis. To thiIs willr epltye,l escotphienf gi rtstw op ointtsh,a ftr omt he outset knowolfem dagne c onstitaunt "easp plicatoifos no"c iaault hority. Powern eedtso e recatn i dentifioabbjleeci tno rdetro e xerciitscseo ntrol overi t.K nowledgeev,e ni ni tsp ositiavsep ectisn,v olveexsc lusiaonnds repressiofo nasl lk indsI.t i st hee xerciosfe p,o werb y otherm eans. Consequentthleiy n diviedxupallo rbeydt heh umanS Cienicsecs o rrelattoi ve a specififco rmo fs ubjugatTihoens .i ckneosfs m an isn othinbgu th is individuaalni tuyn,t encaobnlset ructthiaotrn e quirae cso ntinual libidinal inv�stmoennttor epressTioo bne.o neseolrfn othintgo,p osseosrst od ie: paltErryo st rappine da ne itherd/eosri gnteord o ckh imb acka ndf ortihn to anguiosrha nnihilaThtei ovne.r dye mandosf t hep ersopnr,o ppeudp a st hey areb y thea ffectdievaed locokfs c onjugalaintdy t heO edipafla mily, tributtahreym selvoefsa certamianc hineorfym eaninmga.k eu pa ni nternal policfeo rcfea r more potwhearnft uhlea ctuaoln e.O ned oesn otc ure neurosoinsec, h angae sso ciewthyi ccha nnodto w ithoiutt. Certaibnulyth, o w?H erew ea rea tt hec losepsoti ntto ,a ndt hef arthest remove ftrhoemp ,o sitioofnA sn ti-PsychainadRt ardyi cTahle rapFyo.r m y thirpdo inits t hati ti sn'etn ougtho t ransftehre rapeuatuitch oristtyi,l l conceivbeyd F reuind personlailb etrearlm tso,a ne xtra-facmoimlmiuanli ty (eL bento n securiannge w,m agnifiOeedd ipuast t heg roulpe vel Felix Guatta"rMia:r yB arnes'Tr ip"o)r t os impleyq uatteh erawpiyt hp olitical struggTlweo. e xcesstihvaeit,s m aladjusrteeadc,t itohnaspt a rticulaanrdi ze reduc(em icro-repreosrs giloonb)a lainzdet ransce(nmda cro-strtughgel e) complexiotfyp ower-relatthiaostnt sr atsiofcyi eTthye.d iscontoenfot usr civilizraetsiuoflnrt o mt he faitlour receo gniazned connectd itfhfeesree nt, specidfiimce nsi(obnets h ey somcaotnijcu,g faalm,i lial, proeftecS.S)i onal, Freudc onceivseodc ial patahsom leorgeyla yn extensioof tnh e" pri­ vaten"e urosoifts h ei ndividIutia sla .tt hitsh,e f ourtpho,i ntth aDte leuze andG uattairnit ervmeonsetf orcefuwliltyh refleocntt ihoegn rso uopr t he horde( "ThreeG roupP roblemasn"d " May 14,1 914On.e or Several Wolves"S)u.c ha n extensiiosna ctualal sye condopaeryr atiao nm,e re opticialllu sisoinn ce dtihset incbteitowne etnh estew o" entitiaelsr"e ady partakeosf r epreSSTihoeni .n stituitsin oontf illweidt hi ndividluiaklaes fIsbho wlw ithf ishN.o ri st hef amiltyh em icrocofsomr s ocieftoyr,i th as no moreu nitsya vaet t hel eveolf i deologriecparle sentaAltlio ofnt .h ese trumped-aUnpa logiceosn stitau teb asic logico-mpaonliiptuilcaatbliy o n whiccha pitalsitsrma itonc sh okoef fi tosw no verflowing. 7 Lotnrgier Fort hem ovemenptr opetroc apitaldiosemsn oti n awnayy a nswetro neurosiitps :r-oducneesu rosoinst he ,ls iikadene a rchaiisnmd ispentsoa ble itss urvivaa lle,s ser peervfielc dtelsyi gnetdo k eept hep sychoanaalnyds ts theipra tienit.se,v. i rtuaelvleyr yonbeu,s yB.e hintdh en eurotsimco ke­ screetnh,o ughe,v erm ore powerfmualc hineosf a differkeinntd a re churninmga,c hinbeesf orweh ichF reuds itssi lentCleyl.i batmoarcyh ines, nomadipcr,o teaenl,u S,im veeaninglSecshsi.z ophrenic. ACTION-ANALYSIS "Psychoanaliyts'lisis k,te h eR ussian revoylouutc iaonn't,te ll wheni ts tarttosg ob ad." -Anti-Oedipus Whatc apitalseitssmd irectilny m otioins a prodigiporuosc eosfs decodiwnhgi chu nceasinogpleyn esv erythiinni gt sp athS.i nceev erything becomeisn terchang(elaabwol fev aluen)o,t hinogr,a hnosnto thinrge,s ists the flowo fc apitwahlo see conomiys o nea, tl eapsottt eina,wl iltyht haotf desirSec.h izophrdeenfiian leodo selayn,dn otc linicaalst lhye,u ncontrol­ ablep,o lymorphmoouvse menotf d esiermea natifnrgo mw ithitnh es ocial producticoonn,s tituttheusst het hreshoalndd t het hreaotf industrial SOCieHtCya:p italtihsrmo,u igthp sr oceosfsp roductiporno,d ucaensi ncred­ iblsec hizoplucehnaircgo enw hiciht d umpsa ltlh ew eighotfr epressbiuotn , whicnho nethelceosnst intuoees n gendietrs ealstf h el imiotft hep roce.s.s. Capitaliinssmt itourtr eess toarleslso rtosf r esidaunadla rtificial territorial· itiebset, h eyi maginaorrys ymboloincw ,h iciht a ttempatssb ,e sitt c ant,o recodteo,p igeon-hole persofnrso ma dbesrtirvaecdt quEavnetriyttihesi.n g returnosrr ecurSst:a tensa,t iofnasm,i li(esAn.t"Oi e-disp)Ru.ep ressiisno ont jusitm posegldo ballayn df romt heo utsidieti, sg eneraattee dv ersyi ngle levoeflS OCietya fbuyn damentaanlalyr chaincdi ntensrievgei mael wayosn the brinikt so owfn dissolutEinogenru. meCna iptal(iesJLmea n-Fran90is Lyotard's article). wPhsiycwchah sot ahnefa ilrytssotir se,c ogntihzete h rust ofl ibiadsos uchh,a stenteode ncloistei na formatioonf p owerm eantt o patchu p thei ncreaSionbgsloyl estter uctuorf et hef amil(ye f.J ohn Rajchman: "Ainn aPloywseirs" w)h,i lMea rXism-Lenionnicsev mi,c torious, crushead llr evolutioennaerryg iuensd ert heh eelo f State-nation-family. Therwea sn o mored istortoifo Mna rxt hanp erversoifoF nr eudE.x itth e Freduo-Marxailstte rna(teiLvF ee liGxu attariin'tse rviaenwd"s E verybody Wantst oBe a FaSCist"r)e taunNrndi etzs(cohuenr e xti ssue). Thee linmaitioonf socpiatahlo lotgyh erefroerqeu ires paradoxically the radicalizoaft tihoen" schizophrpernoipc"e nsoift tyh es ystemr,i ghtly perceibvyeR d. D . lainbgy,c alliunpgo ni tmso stm arginealle menStisn.c e capitalism tohpreoruaghat ecso ntinuonuest worokf micro-contthraotl s simultaneopursloyd uacned d ifferentthieia ntdei vidaunayll o,c aslt rugagtl e itspe akc ane ventualilnyt ensibfyy, c onnecttihnegm s trategiaclatllh ley , pointosfr esistaanndcb ey s od oing aftfheewc hto loef t hes ocifaalb ric. Antl-dpOiuesob viouesclhyo eisn th atr espetchte " eventosf"M ay' 6i8n 8 LibiUdnboo unTdh:Pe o liotf'i Scchsiz oph'r enia FrancAe .h andfoufly ounmgi litadnitsst rusotfaf luhlli erarcahciteeassd schizol-urteivoon"aarnya lyzaenrdss "u cceedienmd o bilizsitnugd enatnsd workearlsi kteo,t hep oinotf b ursttihnrg outghhe d ikeasn ds tratifications builutp by tbec apit"aMla:n yp eoplhea vea sketdh emselhvoewsi tw as possibtlhea ts o vasat movernersthto ulhda vee ruptferdo mw hatw as apparenstolu yn importaanne tv enats t hec losuorfae univerasnidtt yh e intervenotfti hoenp oliicnes tudenatfsf aiIrtis s.t herefiomproer tatnot explahionw a relatisvmeallnylu mbeorf s tudenstuscc eeidnebd r oadening thes truggle against poHscuec ahrn ee xptreetnshtsa iitotc n u ltmoi naitne d theo ccupatoifot nh eu niversaintdti heest otarle jectoifio tnfs u nctiionn capitasloicsite Lteya.r nitnhgr ouagcht ipolna yas b asipca ritn t heg enesis andg rowtohf a lrle volutimoonvaermye nFtrs.o amn alyzwihnagt c lioss est ath anwde, ccaonmt eou ndersstoacniadetl ty ag re.("Da niCeolh n�Bendit). Thicso nstitau rteessp ontsoFe r eud's inveosftt hiegraatpieoaunut tihco rity. Ther emedtyo s ocienteaulr oissin so t" imposefdr"o mt heo utsiodnet he collectiovuitot fya ny" corretchte"o riyti; sa cure-in-tahcatftio ornc es, for once, antaols yisdwieis t dhe sire. Revolutailowna ycso meass a surpriIsnet.e rpretlaatgbiseo hni nTdh.e eventisnF ranchea vep rovetnh arte volutiispo ons siibnle ev ena highly industriaclaipzietdas loicsite Btuyt.t hey shoubledh na'itl aesd another ready-mmaoddee tlo b ef ollowbeldi ndFloyr.e venM ay' 68c anb ecome Oedipal ... THUSS PAKE TZARATHQUSTRA "Develtohped esimroet or., " , -MarcDeulc hamp We cannocth angseo ciety wsiitmhuolutta neuonuhsilnyg tihnegi ndi­ vidual antdh ep aolwle rm echanistmhsam ta intahiinsp ositi(olno gic, dialecmteiacnsi,n g). Therwea s alrae awdayr ninmgor et hanh alaf c entuargyo e,v ident wherietw asl eaesxtp ectIendt .h eD adaM anife19s1t8To,r istTazna rwai,t h a rarleu cidviitoyl,e nattltya ckleodg iacr'bsi trartihneee xstse,n uartuisneg s ofd ialectiCS, the soifcp ks yscpheocaunlawalhtyiisco"ihnps su ttsos leetph e anti-objeicmtpiuvleso efs m an and systemtahtejb zoeusr geoiDsaide.a" understvoeordy wtehnalt o gica,n " 'orgadniisce asiest, h"em osti nsidious weapon of (pio"tw hearsi nflicutsew di thp assiviintt hye p resenocfe policem)eSnu chi st hev ery logic, hiheorlairscthimicaz,de edi ,nt 'h e " . imagoef t heo rganiwshmi cAhn toniAnr tauwdi lplu lveriinzt eu rnb y productihnegb odwyih touotr ga(nCfs. "BTohde yi st heB ody"a nd "To HaveD oneW itbth eJ udgmenotf G od")I.ti sn otb yc hancteh aDte leuze andG uattari tbheeisgrti und wyi tah wholdee velonptmo ent hes yntheses oft heu nconSCiouisst, h ert ehaa"ltl ogicaoJr,r "a thaelro giocpaelr,a tioofn s desirIeti. s p ossibwlrei,tT ezsa rtao," perform contratroyg eatchteiro ns whitlaek ionngfeer sguhlp o fa irL.og"i dco esnb'rte at"hiet:cs h aiknisl l." A non-exclduissijvuen ctive Osnty hnetc hoenstirsoa urtyf ladnikasl ecatnidc s 9

To Have Done with the Judgment of God . ,.,'." , 61 . "Those who suffer from the Oedipus-complex are not sick, they make up the Freud never considered the relationships of desire and society except in terms of . sovereign being is a subtle hallucination superimposed over chaos. We must.
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