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Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery, 2012, 7, 185-197 185 Anti-Cancer Drugs Targeting Fatty Acid Synthase (FAS) Puspa R. Pandey, Wen Liu, Fei Xing, Koji Fukuda and Kounosuke Watabe* Department of Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Cell Biology, Southern Illinois University, School of Medicine, 751 N Rutledge St. PO Box 19626, Springfield, IL 62794-9626, USA Received: November 1, 2011; Accepted: January 12, 2012; Revised: February 4, 2012 Abstract: Fatty acid synthase (FAS) is a key enzyme of the fatty acid biosynthetic pathway which catalyzes de novo lipid synthesis. FAS expression in normal adult tissues is generally very low or undetectable as majority of fatty acids obtained are from dietary sources, whereas it is significantly upregulated in cancer cells despite adequate nutritional lipid supply. Activation of FAS provides rapidly proliferating tumor cells sufficient amount of lipids for membrane biogenesis and con- fers growth and survival advantage possibly acting as a metabolic oncogene. Importantly, inhibition of FAS in cancer cells using the pharmacological FAS inhibitors results in tumor cell death by apoptosis whereas normal cells are resistant. Due to this differential expression of FAS, the inhibitors of this enzyme are selectively toxic to tumor cells and therefore FAS is considered an attractive therapeutic target for cancer. Several FAS inhibitors are already patented and commer- cially available; however, the potential toxicity of these FAS inhibitors remains to be tested in clinical trials. In this re- view, we discuss some of the potent FAS inhibitors along with their patent information, the mechanism of anti-cancer ef- fects and the development of more specific and potent FAS inhibitors with lower side effects that are expected to emerge as anti-cancer treatment in the near future. Keywords: Apoptosis, fatty acid synthase, FAS inhibitors, lipogenesis, patents. 1. INTRODUCTION Fatty acids are predominantly formed in the liver, lactating mammary glands and cycling endometrium, and to a lesser Fatty acids are an important part of a healthy diet because extent, in the adipose tissue. FAS expression in the liver and our body requires them for multiple purposes, and they play adipose tissues is controlled mainly by nutritional signals. key roles in the normal cell physiology. Fatty acids are the Carbohydrate ingestion, thyroid hormone, insulin, and glu- major constituents of biological membranes and they have a cocorticoids coordinately up-regulate FAS, while unsatu- typical head (hydrophilic) and tail (hydrophobic) structure. rated fatty acids, cyclic-AMP, and glucagon down-regulate In the cell membrane, saturated and mono-unsaturated fatty FAS expression [6, 7]. acids form membrane micro-domain or a type of structure called lipid rafts which helps in the anchorage of signaling In contrast to the normal cells, the expression and activity molecules and have a role in many cellular processes. Some of FAS is significantly upregulated or activated in many fatty acid molecules have also roles in the signal transduc- types of cancers, thus creating the potential for an attractive tion, acting as intracellular messengers. Fatty acids also have therapeutic target. Higher expression of FAS in neoplasms a pivotal role in energy homeostasis, as it is converted into suggests that tumors which are proliferating uncontrollably energy via (cid:1)-oxidation when there is deprivation of ATP in require lipids for membrane synthesis and energy generation, the body [1-3]. Protein acylation is another important prop- thus the higher levels of fatty acids can be supplied con- erty of fatty acids in cell physiology and signaling in which a stantly from de novo synthesis rather than acquiring from the variety of fatty acids (myristate and palmitate) can be at- limited amount in blood circulation [8]. It can be inferred tached to different proteins by covalent bonding thus causing that activation of FAS confers several advantages to tumor alteration in their function and intracellular localization [4]. cells such as increased cell growth and survival by altering fundamental cellular processes including signal transduction In normal cells, where there is high lipid metabolism, the pathways and gene expression [9, 10]. The expression level expression of fatty acid synthase gene, FAS, is tightly regu- of FAS is also correlated with tumor progression, aggres- lated by the action of hormones [5]. In humans, the endoge- siveness, and metastasis [11-13]. Indeed, FAS has recently nous synthesis of fatty acid is usually minimal in cells be- been shown to have oncogenic activity, while selective inhi- cause normal cells preferentially use circulating free fatty bition of FAS killed cancer cells with minimal side effects to acids from diet, and consequently, FAS is expressed at low normal cells, although the mechanistic links between FAS or undetectable levels in most normal human tissues. and tumor cell death have not been clearly defined yet [14, 15]. *Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Medical Mi- The upregulation of FAS is associated with poor progno- crobiology, Immunology & Cell Biology, Southern Illinois University sis and the enzyme has become recognized in recent years as School of Medicine, 801 N. Rutledge St. P.O. Box 19626, Springfield, IL 62794-9626, USA; Tel: (217) 545-3969; Fax: (217) 545-3227; an excellent target for anti-tumor therapy [16-18]. In fact, a E-mail: [email protected] number of FAS inhibitors (both natural compounds and arti- (cid:21)(cid:21)(cid:20)(cid:21)-(cid:22)9(cid:26)(cid:19)/12 $100.00+.00 © 2012 Bentham Science Publishers 186 Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery, 2012, Vol. 7, No. 2 Pandey et al. ficially synthesized) are already being patented for the treat- On the other hand, inhibition of FAS has no effect on the ment of various cancers as well as for other medical condi- survival of normal differentiated cells in vitro and displays tions Table 1. The targeted inhibition of FAS has been no signs of toxicity in vivo [21, 26, 27]. This tumor specific- shown to block tumor proliferation and induce apoptosis in ity stems from the increased reliance of tumor cells on de cultured tumor cells [9, 10, 19, 20]. FAS inhibition by novo fatty acid synthesis to satisfy their metabolic needs, orlistat, a potent FAS inhibitor has also been shown to sup- whereas normal cells obtain most lipids from the dietary press growth of xenografts in mice [21]. Similarly, selective supply. Thus, the ability of FAS inhibitors to kill cancer cells sensitivity of cancer cells to pharmacological inhibition of suggests a new approach to treatment of human cancers. Ta- FAS activity by cerulenin or the novel compound C75 also ble 1 lists the most effective and currently patented FAS in- resulted in fatty acid synthesis inhibition, induction of apop- hibitors for the potential prevention and treatment of cancer. tosis, and inhibition of tumor growth in treated animals [22- In this review, we discuss recent advances in the devel- 24]. Furthermore, our group has also previously reported that opment of FAS inhibitors and their patent information for resveratrol, a natural polyphenolic compound, specifically therapeutic translation. We particularly focus on FAS inhibi- inhibits FAS in breast cancer stem-like cells thus causing tors which are already patented or are in the process of pat- reduction in total lipid synthesis and ultimately tumor cell enting. We mainly focused on most commonly known FAS death by the activation of pro-apoptotic genes such as BNIP3 inhibitors such as cerulenin, C75, C93, orlistat, luteolin and and DAPK2. Furthermore, we observed that mice omega-3 fatty acids in general and their anti-tumor effects. xenografted with human breast cancer and treated with res- As the number of FAS inhibitors are growing, the different veratrol have significantly reduced tumors in comparison to mechanisms of tumor cell death by FAS inhibition are also the control vehicle treated mice [25]. Thus, it can be inferred being unraveled. that lipogenesis is one of the most important pathways for the tumor cell proliferation and survival and any disruption in lipogenic process may be lethal to the tumor cells. Table 1. Patent Information of Compounds Targeting Fatty Acid Synthase (FAS). Compounds Patent Number Title of the Patent Assignee Reference US20030149095 Preparation of orlistat and orlistat crys- Inventors [46] talline forms Orlistat US20070060532 Use of metformin and orlistat for the Fournier Labs Ireland Ltd. (FLIL) [47] treatment or prevention of obesity Use of fibrate and orlistat for the treat- US20070078179 Fournier Labs Ireland Ltd. (FLIL) [48] ment of obesity US5539132 Cerulenin compounds for fatty acid Johns Hopkins University [55] Cerulenin synthesis inhibition and Chektec Corp. (Baltimore, MD, USA) Cerulenin and others US5759837 Chemotherapy for cancer by inhibiting [56] the fatty acid biosynthetic pathway John Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD, USA) Cytostatic effects of FAS inhibition Cerulenin US20020173447 [57] Inventors C75 US20070142456 Method for inhibiting cancer develop- FASgen, Inc. (Baltimore, MD, US) [58] ment by FAS inhibitors and Johns Hopkins University (Bal- timore, MD, USA) C93 US7649012 Compounds, pharmaceutical composi- FASgen, Inc. (Baltimore, MD, USA) [72] tions containing same, and methods of and Johns Hopkins University (Bal- use for same timore, MD, USA) Flavonoids US5336685 Use of flavonoids to treat multidrug Sloan-Kettering Institute for cancer [81] (Luteolin ) resistant cancer cells Research (New York, NY, USA) (cid:1) Anti-cancer Drugs Targeting FAS Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery, 2012, Vol. 7, No. 2 187 (Table 1) Contd…. Compounds Patent Number Title of the Patent Assignee Reference EGCG US5391568 Inhibition of lung tumorigenesis by American Health Foundation (New [86] administration of a polyphenol York, NY, USA) Tea catechins as cancer specific prolif- Purdue Research Foundation (West EGCG, EGC,ECG US6410061 [87] eration inhibitors Lafayette, IN, USA) US6652890 US20020164317 Cancer immune composition for pre- Cancer Research Fund of Contra [95] vention and treatment of individuals Costa (Walnut Creek, CA, USA) US5766571 Method of treating human breast cancer Inventors [96] by administration of radiolabeled anti- body and unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 fatty acids Combinations of omega-3 fatty acids Inventors US20040044028 [97] and cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors for treatment or prevention of cardiovas- cular disease and treatment of cancer Sesquiterpene derivative US20090197949 Anti-tumor methods and compositions F.P.L. Pharma, Inc. (Boucherville, [115] comprising Sesquiterpene deriv atives CA, USA) Anti-sense oligonucleo- US20040077570 Antisense modulation of FAS expres- Inventors [116] tides sion US6403318 FAS mRNA binding protein Washington University, St. Louis, [117] FAS mRNA binding MO, USA protein US20030176388 FAS mRNA binding protein Inventors US20040024050 Inhibition of FAS by (cid:1)-lactones and Inventors [118] other compounds for inhibition of cellular proliferation (cid:1)-Lactones Inhibition of FAS by (cid:1)-lactones and US7799826 Burnham Institute for Medical Re- other compounds for inhibition of search, La Zolla, USA cellular proliferation PARP inhibitors US7994222 Inhibition of fatty acid synthesis by BiPar Sciences, Inc., Brisbane, CA, [119] PARP inhibitors and methods of treat- USA ment thereof Polyhydroxylated com- US20100190856 Novel polyhydroxylated compounds as Universidad complutense de Madrid [120] pounds FAS inhibitors (Madrid, ES) Triazoles US20110274654 Triazoles as inhibitors of fatty acid Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Cam- [121] synthase bridge, MA, USA Tetrazolones US20110274655 Tetrazolones as inhibitors of fatty acid Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Cam- [122] synthase bridge, MA, USA 2. FAS: STRUCTURE, INHIBITORS AND MECHA- enzyme downstream to ACLY which carboxylates acetyl- NISMS OF TUMOR CELL DEATH CoA to malonyl-CoA and is the rate limiting enzyme for fatty acid synthesis. The rate limiting enzyme in lipogenesis Fatty acids are synthesized in mammalian systems by a is fatty acid synthase (FAS). FAS, also called oncogenic group of lipogenic enzymes. ATP-citrate lyase (ACLY) is antigen-519, is a 270kDa cytosolic enzyme, which catalyzes one important enzyme in lipogenesis which converts citrate the condensation reaction between the acetyl-CoA and malo- to acetyl-CoA. Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) is another 188 Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery, 2012, Vol. 7, No. 2 Pandey et al. nyl-CoA in the presence of nicotinamide adenine dinucleo- catalyzed by the (cid:1)-ketoacyl synthetase domain and enoyl tide phosphate (NADPH) and synthesizes palmitate which is reductase domain have been the most common candidates a 16-C fatty acid. Palmitate is the precursor for the majority for inhibitors that reduce or block fatty acid synthesis. The of non-essential fatty acids Fig. (1). Mammalian FAS is a condensing enzyme of FAS is well characterized in terms of multifunctional polypeptide containing seven catalytic do- structure and function. Figure 2 illustrates the chemical mains: (cid:1)-ketoacyl synthase (KS), malonyl/acetyl-transferase structures of some of these compounds, and the binding sites (MAT), dehydrogenase (DH), enoyl reductase (ER), (cid:1)- of the FAS inhibitors are shown in Fig. (3). ketoacyl reductase (KR), acyl carrier protein (ACP) and The treatment of tumor cells with pharmacologic inhibi- thioesterase (TE) [28-30]. tors of FAS leads to cell growth arrest and apoptosis both in Lipogenesis can be inhibited by suppressing the expres- vitro and in vivo, which indicates that the elevated level of sion of lipogenic enzymes including ACLY, ACC and FAS. FAS observed in tumor tissues actually reflects a causal role Among these enzymes in the fatty acid synthetic pathway, of the enzyme in tumorigenesis [18-26]. However, how up- FAS is the preferred target for inhibition because FAS is regulation of FAS promotes tumorigenesis and how inhibi- known only to be responsible to synthesize fatty acids, whe- tion of FAS leads to apoptosis in a tumor cell specific man- reas ACLY and ACC enzymes are involved in several other ner is still unclear, although several possible mechanisms vital cellular functions [1-5], and inhibition of these enzymes have been proposed. It has been suggested that cell death is likely to affect normal cells [31, 32]. A variety of natural resulting from the blockade of FAS may be metabolic in and synthetic FAS inhibitors have been discovered, but the origin and occurs due to inhibition of fatty acid (cid:1)-oxidation efficiency against cancer cells and toxicity to normal cells [33]. Furthermore, malonyl-CoA, which accumulates after remains to be tested fully. Most of the FAS inhibitors bind to treatment of tumor cells with FAS inhibitors, has been impli- one of the catalytic sub units of the FAS enzyme and per- cated, at least in part, in mediating the cytotoxicity [24, 34]. turbs its enzymatic function. FAS enzyme complex synthesi- Inhibition of FAS in breast tumor cells is mediated by accu- zes long chain lipids (palmitate) by a series of seven enzy- mulation of ceramide followed by induction of the pro- matic reactions by its seven catalytic domains. The reaction apoptotic genes such as BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19 kDa pro- Glucose Cell membrane Glucose transporters (Glut) Cytoplasm B-oxidation ATP sis Protein acylation y ol FAS Inhibitors Cell signaling c y Glucose Cerulenin, C75, C93 Gl Orlistat, EGCG Luteolin, Omega-3 APOPTOSIS Glucose-6-P Acetyl-CoA ACLY ACC1 FAS Palmitate Lipids Citrate Malonyl-CoA TCA cycle in Mitochondrion Lipogenesis Nucleus Fig. (1). Fatty acid biosynthesis pathway. Glucose molecules are transported inside the cytosol by the glucose transporters and converted into Glucose-6-P by the glycolytic enzyme which then enter inside the mitochondrion. Citrate molecules produced by mitochondria via the TCA cycle are released into the cytosol and then carboxylated to acetyl-CoA by the enzymatic action of ATP citrate lyase (ACLY) and acetyl- CoA carboxylase (ACC) catalyzes the 2-step reaction by which acetyl-CoA is carboxylated to form malonyl-CoA. Fatty acid synthase (FAS) enzyme complex catalyzes the condensation reaction between acetyl-CoA and malonyl-CoA in the presence of NADPH to produce palmitate which is a 16-C compound. Complex lipid molecules are synthesized by the action of several other enzymes such as elongases or desaturases and the lipid molecules thus produced are utilized by the cell in the different physiologic functions. Anti-cancer Drugs Targeting FAS Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery, 2012, Vol. 7, No. 2 189 A O E N O O O O O B O F G N O O O C O O O OH O O D O H O O O CH3 CH3 CH3 Fig. (2). Chemical structures of FAS inhibitors. (A) Orlistat, (B) Cerulenin, (C) C75, (D) Luteolin, (E) EGCG, (F) EPA, Omega-3 (G), DHA (H), Cacalol. (Note: The structure of C93 has not been revealed yet). Cerulenin C75, C93, EGCG Orlistat Luteolin N KS MAT DH ER KR ACP TE C Fig. (3). Linear organization of FAS and the attacking catalytic domains of FAS by the FAS inhibitors. (KS- (cid:1)-Ketoacyl Synthase, MAT- Malonyl/Acetyl-CoA Transacylase, DH- Dehydratase, ER- Enoyl Reductase, KR- (cid:1)-Ketoacyl Reductase , ACP- acyl carrier protein and TE- Thioesterase). tein-interacting protein 3 (BNIP3), tumor necrosis factor totic cascade, caspase-8 mediated, with no detectable role of (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand kinase 2 (TRAIL), caspase-9 [33]. FAS inhibitors, such as cerulenin and C75, and death-associated protein kinase 2 (DAPK2) ultimately may also exert antitumor effects through multiple mecha- causing apoptosis [19]. We have also recently reported that nisms. For example, FAS blockade will result in the in- resveratrol, a natural polyphenol, commonly found in grapes, creased concentration of malonyl-CoA up to a level which mulberries etc is capable of inducing apoptosis in the breast may be toxic to cells, or reduced production of phospholipids cancer stem-like cells by activating the pro-apoptotic genes resulting in diminished membrane synthesis are thought to BNIP3 and DAPK2 through suppression of lipogenesis by play major roles [21]. FAS inhibitors may also suppress tu- modulating FAS expression in in vitro and in vivo models. mor growth by metabolism-independent mechanisms. In This study also highlighted the importance of FAS as a fact, FAS inhibition has been shown to selectively activate druggable target and FAS inhibitors as potential therapeutic AMP-activated protein kinase in ovarian cancer cells causing agents in the treatment of cancer [25]. cytotoxicity, while sparing most normal human tissues from these pleiotropic effects of AMP-activated protein kinase Similarly, the results from the study done by Knowles activation [35]. et al. showed that inhibition of FAS, by either knockdown with small interfering RNA or inhibition with the small It is also known that FAS inhibitors such as orlistat, C75 molecule drug Orlistat, induces tumor cell apoptosis in breast and cerulenin induce the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and prostate cancer cells through receptor-mediated apop- response in a variety of tumor cells, but not in normal cells 190 Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery, 2012, Vol. 7, No. 2 Pandey et al. which may explain some antitumor effects of these inhibitors ing cancer cell apoptosis. It has recently been demonstrated [36]. Furthermore, Veronique et al. provided evidence that to exhibit anti-tumor properties towards prostate cancer cells RNAi-mediated ACC(cid:1) or FAS gene silencing inhibits cell by virtue of its ability to block the lipogenic activity of FAS growth and leads to apoptosis induced by reactive oxygen [21]. Previously, it was reported that orlistat treatment of species (ROS) production, which is suppressed by the lipid- cancer cells resulted in decreased DNA synthesis, arrest of soluble radical-scavenging antioxidant (cid:1)-tocopherol [37]. cell proliferation at the G1/S stage followed by apoptotic cell Figure 4 shows some of the possible mechanisms of tumor death [9]. Later, it was also shown that FAS inhibition by cell death by the inhibition of FAS leading to apoptosis and orlistat in tumor cells induced the activation of caspase-8 tumor size regression. Nevertheless, the detailed underlining (receptor-mediated apoptosis) and caspase-9 (stress-induced mechanism by which inhibition of FAS leads to apoptosis apoptosis) [33, 39]. Interestingly, inhibition of FAS by both remains elusive. Thus, it can be inferred that FAS inhibitors FAS siRNA and orlistat induced apoptosis in MDA-MB-435 may have selective toxicity towards tumor cells and they tumor cells by the activation of caspase-8 but failed to acti- have the potential to be the first line of treatment against vate caspase-9. It should be also noted that pretreatment of cancers. We will discuss each of them with respect to their MCF-7 cells for 24 h with increasing concentrations of patent information in detail in the following sections. orlistat sensitized the cells to TRAIL [33]. Orlistat also has anti-angiogenic properties by preventing 3. MOST WIDELY USED FAS INHIBITORS, THEIR the display of VEGF-R2 at the endothelial cell surface, ANTI-CANCER ACTIVITIES AND PATENT INFOR- which in turn inhibits their proliferation and neovasculariza- MATION tion in an ex vivo assay [40]. Therefore, this is also consid- 3.1. Orlistat ered as one of the mechanisms by which inhibition of FAS suppressed the growth of primary tumors. FAS activity is Orlistat, a US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)- essential for B16-F10 melanoma cell proliferation and sur- approved drug, was originally designed to treat obesity. Its vival, while its inactivation by orlistat significantly promotes primary function is to prevent the absorption of fats from the apoptosis and reduces cell growth and lymph node metasta- human diet, thereby reducing caloric intake. Orlistat inhibits sis in a mouse melanoma model [41]. pancreatic lipase, an enzyme that breaks down triglycerides in the intestine, and without this enzyme, triglycerides from Orlistat treatment has been shown to induce apoptosis in the diet are prevented from being hydrolyzed into absorbable B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells [42] and in human breast cancer cell line SKBR3 [43] by targeting lipid me- free fatty acids and are excreted undigested [38]. tabolism. Menendez et al., reported that orlistat-induced Orlistat is also a potent inhibitor of fatty acid synthase blockade of fatty acid synthase (FAS) activity inhibits cell (FAS) by irreversibly inhibiting the thioesterase activity of proliferation in Her-2/neu overexpressing NCI-N87 stomach this enzyme. It also decreases tumor cell viability by induc- FAS inhibitors FAS D A C Phospholipids Ceramide ER Stress B ROS generation Caspase-8 activation BNIP3, DAPK2,TRAIL Membrane synthesis Apoptosis Tumor suppression Fig. (4). Mechanism of tumor cell death by the inhibition of FAS. (A) FAS inhibition results in the accumulation of ceramide which in turn induces the expression of pro-apoptotic genes such as BNIP3, DAPK2 and TRAIL causing tumor cell death by apoptosis. (B) FAS inhibition generates an increase in the amount of ROS which causes apoptotic cell death in tumor cells. (C) When FAS is inhibited by its inhibitors, cells exhibit a strong endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and ultimately apoptosis by the activation of caspase-8 which is a well known pro- apoptotic protein. (D) Synthesis of phospholipids and consequently membrane synthesis is significantly halted and tumor cell death is in- creased upon the downregulation of FAS. All of these mechanisms lead to the tumor suppression as an end result. Anti-cancer Drugs Targeting FAS Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery, 2012, Vol. 7, No. 2 191 cancer cells as a model for gastrointestinal carcinoma [44]. caused a rapid release of cytochrome c from the mitochon- The same group later used the Her-2/neu overexpressing drial intramembrane space into the cytosol followed by acti- ovarian epithelial cancer cell line SKOV3 and confirmed that vation of caspase-9 and caspase-3 [52]. Cerulenin has been orlistat can induce potent and dose-dependent anti-prolife- found to significantly inhibit fatty acid synthetic activity in rative effects on metabolically viable cells. Interestingly, squamous cell carcinoma and only mildly affected the oral they also found that orlistat treatment dramatically sup- mucosa, indicating that the fatty acid synthetic pathway may pressed Her-2/neu expression in SKOV3 cells thus support- be exploited as a target for developing drugs for these types ing the notion that FAS inhibition is accompanied by the of cancers [53]. Cerulenin and C75 (discussed later) have specific suppression of Her-2/neu oncogene overexpression also been shown to retard growth and induce apoptosis in in cancer [45]. human melanoma A-375 cells. Both of these inhibitors in- duced poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) cleavage in Orlistat is widely used in the treatment of obesity and the melanoma cells dose-dependently followed by activation several patents are filed for its preparation and application of the caspase pathways [54]. for the treatment of obesity. There are still no patents pub- lished which claimed its role in the treatment and prevention Cerulenin, although a potent FAS inhibitor, is chemically of cancer. One of the patents for its preparation is unstable and also displays several toxic side effects. It also US20030149095, which is directed to a process of convert- has insufficient specificity to FAS inhibition and thus may ing lipstatin to orlistat by catalytic hydrogenation [46]. Pat- not be an attractive compound for actual clinical use. Re- ents for the treatment of obesity by orlistat in combination searchers are trying to design novel FAS inhibitors which are with metformin and fibrate respectively are also published more specific and have fewer side effects on normal cells. and the respective patent numbers are US20070060532 and Some of the artificially designed compounds which have US20070078179 [47, 48]. Although, these findings reveal very high specificity towards FAS inhibition are C75 and that orlistat has strong anti-tumoral effects and may become C93 which are actually the synthetic analogues of cerulenin. a first line drug, it has some limitations. The major problem Cerulenin is patented for the treatment of cancer by the inhi- of orlistat is its poor solubility and very low level of oral bition of FAS in tumor cells (US5539132, US5759837 and bioavailability which limits its potential application for can- US20020173447) [55-57]. These compounds are now com- cer chemotherapy; however, vigorous effort is underway to mercially available and extensive work is ongoing to test the develop variants of orlistat which can overcome these limita- anti-cancer potency of these compounds. tions. 3.3. C75 3.2. Cerulenin C75 (4-Methylene-2-octyl-5-oxotetrahydrofuran-3-car- Cerulenin ((2S, 3R)-2, 3-epoxy-4-oxo-7, 10-dodecadie- boxylic acid) is a synthetic analogue of cerulenin and a noylamide) is an antifungal antibiotic isolated from Cepha- chemically stable inhibitor of mammalian FAS. The struc- losporium caerulens that inhibits sterol and fatty acid bio- tural design of C75 is based on the known mechanism of synthesis. Cerulenin inhibits HMG-CoA synthetase activity action of cerulenin and the theoretical reaction intermediates in sterol synthesis whereas it specifically and irreversibly of the (cid:1)-ketoacyl synthase moiety of FAS [52]. C75, its binds to (cid:1)-ketoacyl synthase domain of FAS thus perturbing method of administration and composition is patented for the its enzymatic function [49]. It is also shown to inhibit feed- treatment of cancer (US20070142456) [58]. ing and to induce dramatic weight loss in mice. Inhibition of The major difference between cerulenin and C75 is that FAS by cerulenin leads to cytotoxicity, and apoptosis has cerulenin acts as a non-competitive inhibitor of the KS do- been demonstrated to represent one mechanism of cerulenin- main of FAS whereas C75 acts as a competitive irreversible mediated cytotoxicity in human cancer cell lines [20, 50]. It inhibitor of FAS on the KS domain, as well as the ER and is believed that the cerulenin-mediated apoptotic effect is TE domains [59]. Recent studies with C75 have shown sig- due to starvation induced through fatty acid inhibition. An- nificant antitumor activity with concomitant inhibition of other reason for apoptosis is considered to be mediated by fatty acid synthesis in tumor tissue and normal liver. Impor- the accumulation of toxic intermediates such as malonyl- tantly, C75 treatment showed little adverse effects on prolif- CoA in cells with blocked FAS pathway. How a supra- erating cellular compartments, such as bone marrow, gastro- physiological level of malonyl-CoA leads to apoptosis is not intestinal tract, skin, or lymphoid tissues [60]. clearly defined; however, high levels of malonyl-CoA may either induce apoptosis directly or alter mitochondrial me- C75 has significant in vivo antitumor activity against tabolism to increase susceptibility to apoptosis from other human breast cancer xenografts; however, the treatment with signals [24, 51]. It was later reported that accumulation of C75 was also accompanied with anorexia and weight loss as malonyl-CoA leads to inhibition of CPT1 resulting in the possible side effects [24, 61]. This may be because, in addi- upregulation of ceramide, which then activate a set of tion to FAS inhibition, C75 also stimulated carnitine palmi- proapoptotic genes BNIP3, TRAIL, and DAPK2 triggering toyltransferase-1 (CPT1) activity, which is a rate-limiting apoptosis [19]. transporter of long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria for oxidation, leading to substantially increased fatty acid Cerulenin is an effective inducer of apoptosis in both oxidation. CPT1 accelerates fatty acid (cid:1)-oxidation, which wild-type p53 and mutant p53 tumor cell lines, whereas has been related to the severe decrease of food intake and normal human keratinocytes and fibroblasts are resistant to induction of weight loss in rodents [62-65]. These studies the apoptotic effect. Mitochondria may play a key role in raised the possibility that increased fatty acid oxidation could cerulenin-mediated apoptosis because cerulenin treatment be responsible for at least part of the effect of C75. However, 192 Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery, 2012, Vol. 7, No. 2 Pandey et al. in vitro studies of fatty acid oxidation [66] and short interfer- HER2-overexpressing cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo ing FAS RNA treatment of cancer cells [67] have established by luteolin-induced apoptosis and suggested that luteolin- that FAS is the major target of C75-induced cytotoxicity in induced loss of HER2 occurs at a post-transcriptional level cancer. Further studies showed a pivotal role for AMP- [78]. In this context, it is noteworthy that pharmacological activated protein kinase (AMPK) in the mechanism of C75- inhibition of FAS enzymatic activity was found to down- induced anorexia [68, 69]. AMPK is activated in cells as a regulate HER2 expression in breast and ovarian cancer cells response to metabolic stresses that lead to the depletion of [15]. Therefore, it is also plausible that luteolin downregu- cellular ATP levels and thus the increase in AMP/ATP ratio lates HER2 in cancer cells through inhibition of FAS. Fur- [70, 71]. The involvement of AMPK in the hypothalamic thermore, luteolin was found to down-regulate receptor tyro- response to C75 led to the hypothesis that the antitumor ef- sine kinase c-Met, which is overexpressed in several cancers fect of C75 could also be mediated through changes in including breast and prostate. Overexpresssion of c-Met is AMPK activation. strongly associated with aggressiveness of the tumor, but inhibition of FAS activity was shown to significantly down- 3.4. C93 regulate c-Met, indicating the link between FAS activity and c-Met protein expression [79]. Luteolin also has a strong C93 was recently developed as a substitute for C75, antioxidant activity which may be another reason for its in- which is a new second generation FAS inhibitor. C93 is also hibitory effect on FAS [80]. patented by the same group which patented C75 and the pat- ent number is US7649012 [72]. The chemical structure of Taken together, these findings indicate that luteolin C93 is designed in such a way that it does not activate CPT-1 causes tumor cell death by inducing apoptosis and this death activity and hence it eliminates the possibility of anorexia mechanism is strongly associated with its FAS inhibitory and induction of weight loss. Thus, C93 is more specific to properties. Luteolin is thus an attractive compound that has the lipogenic pathway than cerulenin and its derivatives. chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic effects. Indeed, lute- Like cerulenin and C75, C93 also irreversibly binds to the (cid:1)- olin (flavonoids) is also patented for the treatment of ketoacyl synthase domain of FAS and results in the loss of multidrug resistant cancer cells by Sloan-Kettering Institute its enzymatic function [73]. C93 was indeed found to be very for Cancer Research (New York, NY) (US5336685) [81]. specific to FAS inhibition and inducing cancer cell death. The anti-tumor effects of C93 is also thought to result from 3.6. EGCG depletion of end-product fatty acids with accumulation of Another important flavonoid compound found in plants toxic intracellular malonyl-CoA and altered production of such as vegetables, fruit, cocoa, wine etc is epigallocatechin- phospholipids with diminished membrane synthesis [19, 20]. 3-gallate (EGCG). EGCG is the main polyphenolic com- In several studies, C93 inhibited tumor growth without caus- pound of green tea and may represent up to 50% of the cate- ing anorexia or weight loss whereas in one study, C93 in- chins by weight. A multitude of epidemiological studies have duced massive apoptosis in carboplatin/paclitaxel resistant suggested that green tea and green tea polyphenols, espe- ovarian cancer cells (including SKOV3, A2780, and cially EGCG have chemopreventive effects against chronic OVCAR3) [27, 74]. These results suggest that C93 has a diseases including heart disease, diabetes, neurodegenerative strong potential to turn into an effective therapeutic drug disease, and cancer [82-85]. A number of patents are already against a wide variety of cancers overexpressing FAS. published for the use of EGCG in the treatment and preven- tion of cancer; for instance, US5391568 for the inhibition of 3.5. Luteolin lung tumorigenesis by administration of a polyphenol In addition to the above mentioned synthetic FAS inhibi- (EGCG) in the form of drinking water and particularly in the tors, active search in identifying anti-FAS compound in natu- form of, for example, 2% green tea. This patent is assigned ral food has been underway in the hope that such compounds to American Health Foundation (New York, NY) [86]. Other can be used as a food supplement for chemoprevention. Sev- patents for the tea catechins (EGCG, EGC and ECG) which eral patents are filed for the production of luteolin and luteo- are used for the inhibition of cancer cell proliferation and lin derivatives by Merck (Darmstadt, DE) e.g. US6538021 also to treat primary and metastatic cancers in humans are [75] and also for the treatment and prevention of intrahepatic US6410061 and US6652890. These patents also encompass cholestasis (US6248778) [76]. the varying modes of administration of the therapeutic com- pounds [87]. Luteolin, a plant flavonoid, is found in a variety of edible plants, is particularly specific to the inhibition of the lipo- Several mechanisms and molecular targets for the anti- genic pathway. Several lines of evidence suggest that the carcinogenic and chemopreventive properties of EGCG have inhibitory effect of luteolin on lipogenesis is due to its struc- been proposed in vitro and in vivo animal models. The major tural homology with PI3K inhibitors. PI3K pathway is up- mechanisms include the inhibition of growth factor signaling stream of FAS and it has an important role in the upregula- [88], inhibition of cellular enzymes [89] and inhibition of tion of the FAS gene. Downregulation of PI3K pathways gene transcription [90] and the activation of tumor suppres- results in the reduced amount of FAS and FAS enzymatic sor genes [91]. However, the precise molecular mechanism activity. Therefore, luteolin suppresses both PI3K and FAS is yet to be elucidated. activities and hence blocks tumor cell growth, suggesting Recently, it has been shown that EGCG exerts its anti- that it might be more effective than either PI3K inhibitors or cancer property by inhibiting FAS activity and ultimately by FAS inhibitors given alone [77]. Chiang et al. recently re- downregulating lipogenesis. EGCG and several other fla- ported that luteolin significantly suppresses the growth of vonoid compounds found in plant products and beverages Anti-cancer Drugs Targeting FAS Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery, 2012, Vol. 7, No. 2 193 are very potent in inhibiting the FAS enzymatic activity in Omega-3 fatty acids are available in the market as brand prostate cancer cells, and the effect was strongly associated name Lovaza which is developed by GlaxoSmithKline and is with the inhibition of cell growth and induction of apoptosis approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (US- [92]. EGCG is also shown to activate AMPK in both p53 FDA) to lower high triglyceride levels. Several other manu- positive and negative human hepatoma cell lines. Activation facturers also produce omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil as a of AMPK by EGCG decreases the activity and/or expression dietary supplement. of lipogenic enzymes such as FAS and acetyl-CoA carboxy- lase (ACC) which ultimately leads to tumor cell death [93]. 3.8. Cacalol We have recently found a dietary phytochemical ses- 3.7. Omega-3 Fatty Acids quiterpene derivative (C H O ), Cacalol, as a novel and 15 18 2 Omega-3 fatty acids ((cid:2)3-FA) are a family of unsaturated potent FAS inhibitor [109]. Cacalol has been isolated from fatty acids which are important in human nutrition. The 3 various medicinal plants including Chinese herbs Ligularia major types of (cid:2)3-FAs are (cid:1)-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosap- tsangchanensis and Roldana angulifolia as well as Psacal- entaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), all ium. decompositum, which is widely used as a traditional of which are polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and these medicine in Mexico and the Southwestern United States for are mainly obtained from food. The formulation of omega-3 the treatment of rheumatism, fever and ulcers [110-114]. A fatty acids is patented. Some of the patented methods pro- sesquiterpene derivative has also been patented recently vide highly purified omega-3 fatty acids formulations and which has anti-tumor effects [115]. Cacalol was shown to contain greater than 85% omega-3 fatty acids by weight significantly inhibit the expression of FAS at mRNA and (US7652068) [94]. Others patents for the formulation of protein levels, which resulted in significant apoptosis in omega-3 fatty acids include US20100130611, US201001- breast cancer cells MDA-MB231 and MCF7, but not in nor- 12047 and US20080268042 [94] which are patented from mal breast epithelial cells (HMEC). The treatment of tumor the same group. Omega-3 fatty acids are also patented for the cells with cacalol induced DAPK2 and caspase-3, while spe- treatment and prevention of cancer e.g. US20020164317, cific inhibitors such as TOFA and fumonisin B1 significantly US5766571 and US20040044028 [95-97]. blocked the ability of cacalol to induce apoptosis [109]. Therefore, cacalol-induced apoptosis is considered to be a Several studies reported that omega-3 fatty acids have direct consequence of the inhibitory effect of cacalol on anti-cancer activities and can be used as a cancer chemopre- FAS. ventive agent. It was shown that omega-3 fatty acids attenu- ated growth and induced apoptosis in a variety of human Cacalol was also found to suppress SREBP1, the major cancers particularly breast, colon and prostate cancer [98- transcription regulator of FAS, through blocking PI3K/Akt 100]. Omega-3 fatty acids were also shown to reduce pros- signaling followed by significantly inhibiting SREBP1 bind- tate tumor growth, slow histopathological progression, and ing to the FAS promoter. The FAS inhibitory effect of ca- increase the survival of patients [101]. However, the exact calol is highly specific as it did not affect other downstream mechanisms underlying the anti-tumor effects of (cid:2)3-FA are targets of SREBP1 pathway. Importantly, Cacalol, when complex and poorly understood. Several mechanisms have administered intraperitoneally in a xenograft model of nude been proposed for the anti-cancer properties of omega-3 fatty mice, significantly suppressed the tumor growth which ac- acids. Wendel et al. reported that omega-3 fatty acids are companied a decrease in FAS expression and induction of incorporated in a biological membrane thus significantly apoptosis, without showing noticeable toxicity to the ani- altering the profile of lipid mediators generated during in- mals. Furthermore, oral administration of cacalol before im- flammatory reactions [102]. Omega-3 fatty acids have also planting tumors showed significant preventive effect on tu- been shown to inhibit hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) mor growth in the same animal model. In addition, cacalol growth by the inhibition of COX2 and (cid:1)-catenin pathway showed a strong chemosensitization effect when used in [103]. Dietary (cid:2)-6 and (cid:2)-3 PUFAs also co-ordinately sup- combination with other chemotherapeutic drugs such as taxol press the transcription of several glycolytic and lipogenic and cyclophosphamide. They synergistically induced apop- enzymes such as pyruvate kinase, FAS, ACC1 and SCD1 tosis, partially overcame chemo-resistance and significantly (stearoyl-CoA desaturase1) [104]. Omega-3 fatty acids sup- suppressed tumor growth in vivo. These results indicate that press the expression of lipogenic genes by decreasing the inhibition of FAS potentially overcome hypoxia-induced mature form (nuclear form) of the potent lipogenic transcrip- chemo-resistance in tumor cells, and strongly support an idea tion factor SREBP-1 (sterol-regulatory-element-binding pro- to use cacalol as a dietary supplement for chemopreventive tein 1) which is known as the master regulator of lipogenic and chemotherapeutic adjuvant for breast cancer [109]. genes [105]. In one study, (cid:2)3-FA treatment of rat primary hepatocytes showed a significant downregulation in the insu- CURRENT & FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS lin-induced expression of SREBP-1c transcription which The high frequency of FAS expression in most types of ultimately leads to the down-regulation of the downstream cancers and the essential role of FAS in maintaining tumor genes such as FAS, ACC1 and SCD1 which resulted in the phenotype, cell growth and proliferation indicate that FAS is decrease of de novo lipogenesis. Thus, FAS is also consid- a promising therapeutic target for the treatment of neo- ered as a molecular target of omega-3 fatty acids [106]. In plasms. The currently available FAS inhibitors such as ceru- fact, SREBP-1c has previously been identified as a target of lenin, C75 and orlistat have potent activity; however, they dietary (cid:2)3-FA and that SREBP-1c mediates the coordinate are relatively unstable and display several side effects such down-regulation of lipogenic enzyme transcription [107, as anorexia and undesirable weight loss in the experimental 108]. 194 Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery, 2012, Vol. 7, No. 2 Pandey et al. animal groups by activating the CPT-1, which is the rate- have no undesirable side effects. The most important ones controlling catalyst in mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation. identified to date are the natural polyphenols and flavonoids These negative properties are limiting their clinical applica- which occur in daily consumable foods such as fruits, vege- tion for treatment in cancer patients [24]. To consider their tables, nuts and green tea and their beverages. Several stud- use in therapeutic trials, it is desirable to design novel FAS ies confirm that these compounds induce apoptotic cancer inhibitors which are more specific to kill cancer cells and cell death by inhibiting FAS but without any adverse side have low or negligible side effects on normal cells. In fact, effects on normal cells and body weight. In addition to there has been some success in designing a second genera- EGCG, several other flavonoids, particularly resveratrol, tion of more selective FAS inhibitors that eliminate the in- quercetin, kaempferol, apigenin, and taxifolin, also markedly creased expression of CPT1. These include C93, which has inhibited lipogenesis in cancer cells by inhibiting the FAS been reported to potently inhibit the enzyme activity of FAS enzymatic acitivity [68]. Apart from direct use, it is also pos- [36, 28]. Synthetic drugs like C93 show promise towards the sible to synthesize more specific and potent drugs for FAS treatment of cancer because of its high specificity to FAS inhibition from these lead compounds, and importantly, these and low side effects. may be used as effective chemopreventive food supplements. Furthermore, investigators are trying to discover and fil- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ing patents for new compounds and novel techniques which can specifically inhibit FAS and produce less undesirable Grant support: NIH (1R01CA124650, 1R01CA129000 to effects. Freier et al., developed and patented a new concept KW), Department of Defense (PC061256 to KW), Susan G. of targeting FAS by using antisense technology which is Komen Foundation (KG080477 to KW). emerging as an effective means for reducing specific gene expression by hybridizing with the target nucleotides, here, CONFLICTS OF INTEREST nucleotides encoding FAS gene. This technology may be useful for therapeutic, diagnostic and research applications The authors declare no potential conflict of interest. for the modulation of FAS gene expression as these com- pounds have been shown to modulate the expression of their REFERENCES target genes [116]. Moreover, human fatty acid synthase [1] Kuhajda FP. Fatty-acid synthase and human cancer: New perspec- mRNA binding protein has also been purified. This large tives on its role in tumor biology. Nutrition 2000; 16: 202-8. phosphoprotein has a property of binding to repetitive ele- [2] Kuhajda FP. Fatty acid synthase and cancer: New application of an ment in the 3(cid:1)- untranslated regions (UTR) of the FAS old pathway. Cancer Res 2006; 66: 5977-80. mRNA whereby this protein can be used for screening of test [3] Milgraum LZ, Witters LA, Pasternack GR, Kuhajda FP. Enzymes of the fatty acid synthesis pathway are highly expressed in in situ compounds for activity as inhibitors of FAS [117]. A patent breast carcinoma. Clin Cancer Res 1997; 3: 2115-20. has recently been issued to Smith et al., for their discovery of [4] Blenis J, Resh MD. Subcellular localization specified by protein anti-cancer treatment by the administration of an effective acylation and hosphorylation. Curr Opin Cell Biol 1993; 5(6): 984- amount of (cid:2)-lactones. Their data showed that (cid:2)-lactones also 9. [5] Kusakabe T, Maeda M, Hoshi N, Sugino T, Watanabe K, Fukuda work by reducing the FAS enzymatic activity. The investiga- T, et al. Fatty acid synthase is expressed mainly in adult hormone- tors further claimed that (cid:2)-lactones may be used for the sensitive cells or cells with high lipid metabolism and in proliferat- treatment of malignancies, inhibition of angiogenesis and the ing fetal cells. J Histochem Cytochem 2000; 48: 613-22. treatment of diseases and conditions that involve pathologi- [6] Menendez JA, Lupu R. Fatty acid synthase-catalyzed de novo fatty acid biosynthesis: From anabolic-energy-storage pathway in nor- cal angiogenesis [118]. Another group of inhibitors which mal tissues to jack-of-all-trades in cancer cells. Arch Immunol Ther recently got patented in 2011 are the poly-ADP-ribose po- Exp 2004; 52: 414-26. lymerase (PARP) enzyme inhibitors which are also found to [7] Pizer ES, Pflug BR, Bova GS, Han WF, Udan MS, Nelson JB. inhibit fatty acid synthesis. This patent further relates to a Increased fatty acid synthase as a therapeutic target in androgen- method of treating Her-2 related cancers by treatment with a independent prostate cancer progression. Prostate 2001; 47: 102- 10. PARP inhibitor or metabolite thereof to inhibit fatty acid [8] Sul HS, Wang D. Nutritional and hormonal regulation of enzymes synthesis [119]. A series of novel polyhydroxylated com- in fat synthesis: Studies of fatty acid synthase and mitochondrial pounds have also been shown to significantly inhibit the ex- glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase gene transcription. Annu Rev pression of FAS without parallel stimulation of CPT1 activ- Nutr 1998; 18: 331-51. ity. These compounds were tested against different growth [9] Knowles LM, Axelrod F, Browne CD, Smith JW. A Fatty acid synthase blockade induces tumor cell-cycle arrest by down- and signaling pathways in human carcinoma cells. The re- regulating Skp2. J Biol Chem 2004; 279: 30540-5. sults showed that polyhydroxylated compounds are potent [10] Pizer ES, Chrest FJ, Di Giuseppe JA, Han WF. Pharmacological FAS inhibitors thereby decreasing cell proliferation and sur- inhibitors of mammalian fatty acid synthase suppress DNA replica- vival by inducing tumor cell death [120]. A number of other tion and induce apoptosis in tumor cell lines. Cancer Res 1998; 58: 4611-5. organic synthetic compounds are also being synthesized to [11] Van de Sande T, Roskams T, Lerut E, , Joniau S, Van Poppel H, be used as a potential FAS inhibitor such as recent patents Verhoeven G, et al. High-level expression of fatty acid synthase in are filed for triazolones (a known antifungal drug) human prostate cancer tissues is linked to activation and nuclear lo- (US20110274654) and tetrazolones (US20110274655) calization of Akt/PKB. J Pathol 2005; 206: 214-9. [12] Rossi S, Graner E, Febbo P, Weinstein L, Bhattacharya N, Onody which are a class of synthetic organic heterocyclic com- T, et al. Fatty acid synthase expression defines distinct molecular pounds [121, 122]. signatures in prostate cancer. Mol Cancer Res 2003; 1: 707-15. There is an increasing new trend in identifying and modi- [13] Murata S, Yanagisawa K, Fukunaga K, Oda T, Kobayashi A, Sasaki R, et al. Fatty acid synthase inhibitor cerulenin suppresses fying natural FAS inhibitors which are easily available, rela- liver metastasis of colon cancer in mice. Cancer Sci 2010; 101(8): tively inexpensive and potent in inhibiting FAS activity and 1861-5.

several other fla- vonoid compounds found in plant products and beverages .. Pizer ES, Thupari J, Han WF, Pinn ML, Chrest FJ, Frehywot GL, et al.
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