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AUTORENINDEX Artikel Singleton, Michael: Speaking to the Ancestors. Religion as Interlocutory Interaction Ayala Lafée-Wilbert, C.: cf. Wilbert, Werner Thiemer-Sachse, Ursula: Hombre barbaro ver- C. Ayala Lafée-Wilbert sus hombre silvestre en la Nueva Espaijia. — Baird, Ian G.: Identities and Space. The Geogra- ex6ticas de origen europeo? i phies of Religious Change amongst the Brao in Wagner, Heike: Migration und Gewalt gegen Northeastern Cambodia Frauen. Uber unsichtbare Migrationsgriinde und Citro, Silvia: Los indigenas chaquefios en ‘la Neuverhandlungen im Migrationsprozess mirada de los jesuitas germanos. Idealizacién y Wilbert, Werner, y C. Ayala Lafée- Wilbert: disciplinamiento de los cuerpos También somos gente. Cambio cultural paradig- Gufler, Hermann J.: Reenactment of a “Myth. matico warao The Fon of Oku Visits Lake Mawes (Cameroon) Heiss, Jan Patrick: How to Explain Access to the Field. Lessons from Fieldwork among the Yedina (or Buduma) of Lake Chad Berichte und Kommentare Kienzler, Hanna: Kosovo’s Masters and Their Influence on the Local — throughout Barker, John (ed.): The Anthropology of Moral- History ity in Melanesia and Beyond. Aldershot 2007. Kneitz, Peter: Homo sso cc ialis in Schwierigkeiten. 235 pp. (Philip Gibbs) ee ee Befund und kulturtheoretische Perspektiven Bednarik, Robert G.: Reviewing the Flores Lange, Dierk: An Assyrian Successor State in Hobbit Chronicles West Africa. The Ancestral Kings of Kebbi as Belmekki, Belkacem: Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan’ s Ancient Near Eastern Rulers Framework for the Educational Uplift of the Lange, Dierk: The Early Magistrates and Kings Indian Muslims during British Raj ; of Kanem as Descendants of Assyrian State Cevolini, Alberto: Die Notwendigkeit des Kon- Builders AP eSge T rae tingenten. Paradoxien der Informationsverarbei- Minvielle, Jean- Paul : ‘Tourisme au Sahara et tung in den divinatorischen Kulturen imaginaires sahariens Pe ee es Das, Nava Kishor: Identity Politics and Social Mitzam, Michaela: Jaillis sagrados. eaten Exclusion in India’s Northeast. A Critique of zweier Quechua-Gedicitte. Nation-Building and Redistributive Justice. . Molina, Anatilde Idoyaga: Fuego, purificacién }) Giachter, Othmar: Anton Quack (1946-2009) metamorfosis. Significaci6n y simbolismo igneo Geertz, Amin W.: Indigenous Religions. A Re- entre los Pilaga (Chaco Central, Argentina) view Essay .... Nicolini, Isabelle: Le rites liés a la — Hamer, John: The Indiviual and Social Self. An orthodoxe russe en France American and African Illustration of Differences Rodemeier, Susanne: Bui Hangi — The Deity’ S Kutalek, Ruth: Erich Drobec - Pionier der Human Wife. Analysis of a were from Pura, Ethnomedizin im Spannungsfeld Religion und Eastern Indonesia , aes Medizin Rossbach de Olmos, Lioba: SSa nteria ‘Abroad. Mahias, Marie- Claude: La morale de I‘ histoire. A Short History of an Afro-Cuban Religion in Thé et alcools en Inde .... Germany by Means of Biographies of Some of Mollat, Hartmut: A Model Chronology of the Its Priests Animal Weights of Burma (Myanmar) , Schafer, Rita: Maskulinitiit ‘und geschlechtsspez Niechciat, Paulina: Shi’i Institution of Tempo- ifische Gewalt in Siidafrika rary Marriage in Tehran. State Ideology and Prac- Schaffler, Yvonne: Diagnose *W olfspferd”. Spon- ee tanbesessenheiten in der Dominikanischen Re- Saidel, Benjamin Au: Coffee, ‘Gender, ‘and To- publik als AnstoB fiir den Werdegang zum Heiler/ bacco. Observations on the History of the Bedouin zur Heilerin Tent Anthropos 104.2009 690 Autorenindex (R) Schifko, Georg: Uberlegungen zur Verwendung kenntnisse aus der Wissenschaftsgeschichte fiir einer taétowierten Maori-Spirale als Institutslogo die Forschung der Gegenwart und eine Erin- Schlee, Giinther: Tackling Ethnicity from Differ- nerung an das Werk A.Bastians. Wien 2004. ent Sides. Marc Howard Ross’ Work on Culture 465 pp. (H. Glenn Penny) cs and Conflict. A Review Article aes Clara van Groenendael, Victoria M.: Jaranan. Van Binsbergen, Wim, and Eric Venbrux: reo m- The Horse Dance and Trance in East Java. Lei- parative Mythology. A Conference Report (Sec- den 2008. 293pp., CD-ROM (Felicia Hughes- ond Annual Conference of the International As- Freeland) Seeeee ee eae sociation for Comparative Mythology (LACM), Cole, Catherine M., Takyiwaa Manuh, and Ravenstein, the Netherlands. August 19-21, 2008 Stephan F. Miescher (eds.): Africa after Gender? Venbrux, Eric:c f. Van Binsbergen, Wim Bloomington 2007. 328 pp. (Rita Schafer) Vieira, Vincent: The Constellation of Orion and Collins, Randall: Violence. A Micro-Sociological the Cosmic Hunt in Equatorial Africa Theory. Princeton 2008. 563 pp. (John M. Hage dorn) pried, shales ah aati Mes er ata iat et Cornwall, Andrea, Elizabeth Harrison, and Ann Whitehead (eds.): Feminisms in Develop- Rezensionen ment. Contradictions, Contestations, and Chal- lenges. London 2007. 253pp. (Ulrike Schuer- Les Amitiés Franco-Burkinabé: Traditions et kens) modernité au Burkina-Faso. Paris 2007. 223 pp. Cox, James L.: From Primitive to ‘Indigenous. (Pierre Erny) See Peer ST ee The Academic Study of Indigenous Religions. Barry, Laurent: La parenté. Paris 2008. 863 pp. Aldershot 2007. 194pp. (Armin W. Geertz) (Jean-Claude Muller) a ae de Bruijn, Miriam, Rijk van Dijk, and Jan- Bergunder, Michael: The South Indian Pente- Bart Gewald (eds.): Strength beyond Structure. costal Movement in the Twentieth Century. Grand Social and Historical Trajectories of Agency in Rapids 2008. 380 pp. (Ruth Vassar Burgess) Africa. Leiden 2007. 344 pp. (T.O. Beidelman) Berliner, David, and Ramon Sarré6 (eds.): Learn- Derlon, Brigitte. et Monique Jeudy-Ballini: ing Religion. Anthropological Approaches. New La passion de l’art primitif. Enquéte sur les York 2007. 239 pp. (Raymond Scupin) collectionneurs. Paris 2008. 322 pp. (Solen Roth) Berthod, Marc-Antoine: Doutes, croyance et Diawara, Mamadou, Paulo Fernando de Mo- divination. Une anthropologie de |’ inspiration des raes Farias et Gerd Spittler (dir): Heinrich devins et de la voyance. Lausanne 2007. 431 pp Barth et l'Afrique. K6ln 2006. 286pp. (Pierre (Philippe Laburthe-Tolra) shade Phere Erny) ee eT Te ee ee ee ee Bierlich, Bernhard M.: The Problem of Mon- Dostal, Walter (Hrsz.): Tribale Gesellschaften ey. African Agency and Western Medicine in der siidwestlichen Regionen des K6nigreiches Northern Ghana. New York 2007. 228 pp. (Kodjo Saudi-Arabien. Sozialanthropologische Untersu- Senah) ee one ee ee ee chungen. Wien 2006. 713 pp. (Katharina Lange) Borofsky, Robert, et a/.: Yanomami. The Fierce Engelke, Matthew, and Matt Tomlinson (eds.): Controversy and What We Can Learn from It. The Limits of Meaning. Case Studies in the Berkeley 2005. 372p p. (Peter Schréder) aN of Christianity. New York 2006. BoSkovi¢, Aleksandar (ed.): Other People’s An- 39 pp. (Patrick Claffey) thropologies. Ethnographic Practice on the Mar- Finnstrém, Sverker: Living with Bad ‘Surround- gins. New York 2008. 238 pp. (Pamela Ballinger) ings. War, History, and Everyday Moments in Brower, Barbara, and Barbara Rose Johnston Northern Uganda. Durham 2008. 288 pp. (T.O. (eds.): Disappearing Peoples? Indigenous Groups Beidelman) and Ethnic Minorities in South and Central Asia. Fischer, Anja: Nomaden der Sahara. Handeln in Walnut Creek 2007. 275 pp. (David N. Gellner) Extremen. Berlin 2008. 191 pp. (Fred Scholz) Buckler, Sarah: Fire in the Dark. Telling Gypsi- Fischer, Eberhard: Guro. Masks, Performances, ness in North East England. New York 2007. and Master Carvers in Ivory Coast. Fieldwork 234 pp. (Tobias Marx) in Association with Hans and Ulrike Himmel- Casey, Conerly, and Robert B. Edgerton (eds.)): heber, Barbara Fischer, and Lorenz Homberger. A Companion to Psychological Anthropology. Miinchen 2008. 520 pp. (Gisela Vélger) Modernity and Psychocultural Change. Malden Fischer, Manuela, Peter Boiz, and Susan Kamel 2007. 523 pp. (Kathleen Barlow) teeta a (eds.): Adolf Bastian and His Universal Archive Centlivres, Pierre, et Micheline Centlivres- of Humanity. The Origins of German Anthro- Demont : Revoir Kaboul. Chemins d’ été, chemins pology. Hildesheim 2007. 337pp. (Franciszek d’hiver entre l’Oxus et I’Indus, 1972—2005. Ca- M. Rosifiski) , Oer eetee Oe! rouge-Genéve 2007. 479 pp (Conrad Schetter) Fontein, Jan: The Art of ‘Southeast Asia. The Chevron, Marie-France: Anpassung und Ent- Collection of the Museum Rietberg Ziirich. Ziirich wicklung in Evolution und Kulturwandel. Er- 2007. 180 pp. (Wolfgang Marschall) Anthropos 104.2009 Autorenindex (R) Gans, Eric: The Scenic Imagination. Originary Beyond. Austin 2006. 242 pp. (Darius J. Piwo- Thinking an Hobbes to the Present Day. Stan- warczyk) eeed ee ee ford 2008. 220 pp. (Josef Salmen) Kan, Sergei A., and Pauline Turner Strong Good, Anthony: Anthropology and Expertise (eds.): New Perspectives on Native North Ameri- in the Asylum Courts. Abingdon 2007. _ ca. Cultures, Histories, and Representations. Lin- (René Kuppe) - coln 2006. 514 pp. (Dagmar Siebelt) Grant, Bruce, and Lale Yalcin- Heckmann (eds. ): Kehl-Bodrogi, Krisztina: “Religion Is Not So Caucasus Paradigms. Anthropologies, Histories, Strong Here.” Muslim Religious Life in Khorezm and the Making of a World Area. Berlin 2007. after Socialism. Belin 2008. 251 pp. (Julia Droe- 314pp. (Aleksandar BoSkovi¢) cuore ae | ae Greene, Candace S., and Russell Thornton King, J.C. H., and Christian F. Feest (eds. ): (eds.): The Year the Stars Fell. Lacota Winter Three Centuries of Woodlands Indian Art. A Col- Counts at the Smithsonian. Lincoln 2007. 347 pp. lection of Essays. Altenstadt 2007. 200 pp. (Sonja (Dagmar Siebelt) ; Schierle) rere sye e eae er re ee Griefenow-Mewis, Catherine (Hrsg. ): Afrikanis- Knorr, Jacqueline: Kreolitéit und postkoloniale che Horizonte. Studien zu Sprachen, Kulturen Gesellschaft. Integration und Differenzierung in und zur Geschichte. Wiesbaden 2007. 172 pp. Jakarta. Frankfurt 2007. 373 pp. (Alois Moosmiil- (Wilhelm J.G. Mohlig) ler) ae pleat Hahn, Hans Peter, and Georg Klute (eds. ): Ccu l- Kosack, Godula: M.A R, Al Als Tochter von tures of Migration. African Perspectives. Berlin Huva das Stierfest der Mafa erleben. Film. Eigen- 2007. 291 pp. (Sasha Newell) ee verlag 2007. [English version 2008: MARAI - Hann, Chris, ef al.: The Postsocialist Reli- Experiencing the Mafa Bull Festival as a Daugh- gious Question. Faith and Power in Central Asia ter of Huva. Film.] (Rolf Husmann) 608 and East-Central Europe. Berlin 2006. 340 pp. Kpoda, Daniella: Das Bild der afrikanischen (Katarzyna Zielinska) ; rar ore Frau in der deutschen und der franz6sischen Hanser, Amy: Service Encounters. Class, Gen- Kolonialliteratur und sein Gegenentwurf in der der, and the Market for Social Distinction in Ur- frankophonen afrikanischen Literatur der Kolo- ban China. Stanford 2008. 235 pp. (R.G. Tiede- nialzeit. Frankfurt 2009. 299 pp. (Godula Kosack) 610 mann) Kummels, Ingrid: Land, Nahrung und Peyote. Hausner, Sondra L:: Wandering with Sadhus. Soziale Identitaét von Raramuri und Mestizen nahe Ascetics in the Hindu Himalayas. Bloomington der Grenze USA-Mexiko. Berlin 2007. 564 pp. 2007. 247 pp. (Arvind Sharma) (BettinaE . Schmidt) aa eind Headrick, Annabeth: The Teotihuacan Trini- Ladanyi, Janos, and Ivan Szelényi: Patterns ty. The Sociopolitical Structure of an Ancient of Exclusion. Constructing Gypsy Ethnicity and Mesoamerican City. Austin 2007 .210pp. (Ursula the Making of an Underclass in Transitional Thiemer-Sachse) exe! sin Si see AE eS Societies of Europe. New York 2006. 227 pp. Hesse, Karl: A Jos! Die Welt, in der die Chachet- (David Z. Scheffel) Baininger leben. Sagen, Glaube und Tanze von Le Roux, Pierre, Bernard Sellato et Jacques der Gazelle-Halbinsel Papua-Neuguineas. Hrsg. Ivanoff (éds.): Poids et mesures en Asie du v. H.J. Hiery. Wiesbaden 2007. 276p p. (Roland Sud-Est. Systemes métrologiques et sociétés - Seib) Weights and Measures in Southeast Asia. Me- Heyden, Ulrich van der (Hrsg.): Das neue trological Systems and Societies; 2 vols. Vol. | Lexikon der Indianer Nordamerikas. Erfurt 2008. L’ Asie du Sud-Est austronésienne et ses marches; 383 pp. (Henry Kammler) ee! te vol.2: L’Asie du Sud-Est continentale et ses Itier, César: El hijo del oso. La literatura oral marches. Paris 2004 , 2008. 826 pp. (R. H. Barnes) quechua de la regidn del Cuzco. Lima 2007. Lesorogoi, Carolyn K.: Contesting the Com- 225 pp. (PabloF . Send6n) ; hie 600 mons. Privatizing Pastoral Lands in Kenya. Ann Jomo, K.S., and Jacques Baudot fede.) ): ‘Flat Arbor 2008. 250 pp. (Paul Spencer) World, Big Gaps. Economic Liberalization, Glob- Lyons, Barry J.: Remembering the Hacienda. alization, Poverty, and Inequality. London 2007. Religion, Authority, and Social Change in High- 416pp. (Ulrike Schuerkens) land Ecuador. Austin 2006. 350 pp. (Bernhard Josephides, Lisette: Melanesian Ody sseys. “Ne- Worrle) Te ee ie ie ee ae ee gotiating the Self, Narrative, and Modernity. New Maalu-Bungi, Crispin: Littérature orale afri- York 2008. 246 pp. (Holger Jebens) caine. Nature, genres, caractéristiques et fonc- Journet-Diallo, Odile: Les créances de la terre. tions. Bruxelles: P. I.E. Peter Lang 2006. 255 pp. Chroniques du pays Jamaat (Jd6ola de Guinée- (Godula Kosack) 7 Bissau). Turnhout 2007. 368 pp. (Godula Ko- McLean, Matthew: The Cosmographia of Se- eck) ... bastian Miinster. Describing the World in the Kahn, Hillary E.: Seeing and Being Seen. “The Reformation. Aldershot 2007. 378pp. (Jiirgen Q’eqchi’ Maya of Livingston, Guatemala, and Jensen) Anthropos 104.2009 692 Autorenindex (R) McLeod, Hugh: The Religious Crisis of the Reinhardt, Thomas: Geschichte des Afrozentris- 1960s. Oxford 2007. 290 pp. (Andrzej Bronk) mus. Imaginiertes Afrika und afroamerikanische Magowan, Fiona: Melodies of Mourning. Music Identitat. Stuttgart 2007. 379 pp. (Lioba Rossbach and Emotion in Northern Australia. Oxford; Santa de Olmos) Toe oe ee a ee ee 2 a Fe; Crawley 2007. 222 pp. (Sally Treloyn) Rey, Séverine: Des saints nés des réves. Fa- Mandel, Ruth: Cosmopolitan Anxieties. Turk- brication de la sainteté et commémoration des ish Challenges to Citizenship and Belonging in néomartyrs 4 Lesvos (Gréce). Lausanne 2008. Germany. Durham 2008. eee (Virgina Suter- 364 pp. (Jean-Pierre Albert) re Reich) ae a a ee ee Rice, Prudence M.: Maya Calendar Origins. Mathieu, Nicole- Claude (éd..): ‘Une maison sans Monuments, Mythistory, and the Materialization fille est une maison morte. La personne et le genre of Time. Austin 2007. 268 pp. (Hanns Prem) en sociétés matrilinéaires et/ou uxorilocales. Paris Riese, Berthold: Aztekische Schépfungs- und 2007. 503 pp. (Laurent Barry) ... Stammesgeschichte. Berlin 2007. 212 pp. (Brigitte Maynard, Kent (ed.): Medical Identities. Health, Wiesenbauer) . re ae ae ae oe Well-Being, and Personhood. New York 2007. Rio, Knut Mikjel: The Power of Perspective. 162 pp. (Friederike Schneider) bases Social Ontology and Agency on Ambrym Island, Michaud, Jean: “Incidental” Ethnographers. Vanuatu. New York 2007. _— (James W. French Catholic Missions on the Tonkin- Yunnan Turner) oe Pea ar Frontier, 1880-1930. Leiden 2007. 279 pp. (An- Rodemeier, Susanne: Tutu kadire in Pandai — ton Quack) ses Munaseli. Erzahlen und Erinnern auf der vergesse- Mimica, Jadran (ed. ): E xplorations i in ‘Psycho- nen Insel Pantar (Ostindonesien). Berlin 2006. analytic Ethnography. New York 2007. 245 pp. 408 pp. (Willemijn de Jong) nari e ae (Charles W. Nuckolls) Résing, Ina: Der Verwundete Heiler. Kritische Muller, Jean-Claude: Les chefferies dii de iv Analyse einer Metapher. Kréning 2007. 279 pp. damaoua (Nord-Cameroun). Paris 2006. aoe (Dagmar Schweitzer de Palacios) ai (Till Forster) ... Ross, Mare Howard: Cultural Contestation in Murdock, Donna F.: W hen Women Have Wings. Ethnic Conflict. Cambridge 2007. 360 pp. (Giin- Feminism and Development in Medellin, Colom- ther Schlee) ; ce ee oe bia. Ann Arbor 2008. 259pp. (Maria-Barbara R6Bler, Maren: Zwischen Amazonas und East Watson-Franke) , River. Indigene Bewegungen und ihre Reprasen- Olupona, Jacob K., and Terry Rey (eds. ): Orisa tation in Peru und bei der UNO. Bielefeld 2008. Devotion as World Religion. The Globalization of 383 pp. (Bernhard Worrle) eiSie Yoruba Religious Culture. Madison 2008. 609 pp. Rowe, Ann Pollard, Laura M. Miller, and Iy nn (Frances Henry) SO Pe Ba ae A.Meisch: Weaving and Dyeing in Highland Orosz, Kenneth J.: Religious Conflict and the Ecuador. Austin 2007. 327 pp. (Alice Spinnler) Evolution of Language Policy in German and Rushing, Janice Hocker: Erotic Mentoring. French Cameroon, 1885-1939. New York 2008. Women’s Transformations in the University. Wal- 345p p. (Godula Kosack) ; nut Creek 2006. 309 pp. (Dianne Smith) Paramparik Karigar: Paramparik Karigar. An Rust, Rebekka: Beschneidung im Geheimbund. Association of Craftspersons: Gadwakam, Ka- Weibliche Genitalbeschneidung in Sierra Leone lamkari, Mithila Kala, Mittikam, Tana Bana. aus kulturwissenschaftlicher Sicht. Marburg 2007. Mumbai 2005. 339 pp. (Othmar Gichter) 168 pp. (Rita Schafer) ea Perrin, Michel: Voir les yeux fermés. Arts, Sahadeo, Jeff, and Russell Zanca (eds.): Ev- chamanismes et thérapies. Paris 2007. 200pp eryday Life in Central Asia. Past and Present. photos (Eva Jane Neumann Fridman) Bloomington 2007. 401 pp. (Klaus Hesse) Piepke, Joachim G. (Hrsg.): Kultur und Religion Salleh, Muhammad Haji: Romance and Laugh- in der Begegnung mit dem Fremden. Nettetal ter in the Archipelago. Essays on Classical and 2007. 207 pp. (Eric Venbrux) Contemporary Poetics of the Malay World. Pulau Pine, Frances, and Joao de Pina-Cabral (eds.)) : Pinang 2006. 371 pp. (Holger Warnk) ; On the Margins of Religion. New York 2008 Schafer, Rita: Frauen und Kriege in Afrika. Ein 286 pp. (Stephen D. Glazier) ) Oe % Beitrag zur Gender-Forschung. Frankfurt 2008. Pink, Sarah (ed.): Visual Interventions Applied 520 pp. (Ingelore Welpe) , Visual Anthropology. New York 2007. 324 pp. Schmidt, Bettina E.: Einfiihrung in 1 die Religion- (Kathrin Oester) sethnologie. Ideen und Konzepte. Berlin 2008. Porter, Joy (ed.): Place and Native American 232 pp. (Lioba Rossbach de Olmos) . Indian History and Culture. Oxford 2007. 394 pp. Schmidt-Lauber, Brigitta (Hrsg.): Ethnizitat und (Dagmar Siebelt) Migration. Einfiihrung in Wissenschaft und Ar- Ramani, Shakuntala: Kal amkari and Tradition- beitsfelder. Berlin 2007. 319 pp. (Andreas Acker- al Design Heritage of India. New Delhi 2007. mann) , Ce erea e ee 639 117 pp. (Othmar Gichter) Schiimer, Tanja: New Humanitarianism. Britain Anthropos 104.2009 Autorenindex (R) and Sierra Leone, 1997—2003. Houndmills 2008. Trakulhun, Sven: Siam und Europa. Das K6ni- 204 pp. (Rita Schafer) greich Ayutthaya in westlichen Berichten 1500- Skultans, Vieda: Empathy and Healing. Essays 1670. Hannover 2006. 283 pp. (Heinzpeter Znoj) in Medical and Narrative Anthropology. New Van Dongen, Els, and Ruth Kutalek (eds.): York 2007. 282 pp. (Frank Krénke) Facing Distress. Distance and Proximity in Times Smith, Frederick M.: The Self Possessed. De- of Illness. Wien 2007. 155 pp. (Vibeke Steffen) ity and Spirit Possession in South Asian Liter- Wark, Mirja: Siira. La apreciada faja teji- ature and Civilization. New York 2006. 701 pp. da de los indios Wayuu de la Guajira, en el (Elisabeth Sch6mbucher) limite septentrional entre Venezuela y Colom- Smith, James Howard: Bewitching Develop- bia. Groningen 2005. 331 pp. (Annemarie Seiler- ment. Witchcraft and the Reinvention of Develop- Baldinger) 7 ment in Neoliberal Kenya. Chicgao 2008. 269 pp. Whitten, Norman E. Jr, and Dorothea Scott (T.O. Beidelman) Whitten: Puyo Runa. Imagery and Power in Sokefeld, Martin (Hrsg.): Aleviten in Deutsch- Modern Amazonia. Urbana 2008. 305 pp. (Darius land. Identitaétsprozesse einer Religionsgemein- J. Piwowarczyk) schaft in der Diaspora. Bielefeld 2008. 246 pp. Willford, Andrew C.: Cage of Freedom. Tamil (Krisztina Kehl-Bodrogi) Identity and the Ethnic Fetish in Malaysia. Ann Spittler, Gerd: Founders of the Anthropology of Arbor 2006. 346 pp. (Manfred Hutter) Work. German Social Scientists of the 19th and Wiseman, Boris: Lévi-Strauss, Anthropology, Early 20th Centuries and the First Ethnographers. and Aesthetics. Cambridge 2007. 243 pp. (Sylvia Berlin 2008. 316 pp. (Thomas Hylland Eriksen) M. Schomburg-Scherff) Tan Chee-Beng (ed.): Southern Fujian. Repro- Wynn, L.L.: Pyramids and Nightclubs. A Travel duction of Traditions in Post-Mao China. Hong Ethnography of Arab and Western Imaginations Kong 2006. 190 pp. (Julie Y.Chu) of Egypt, from King Tut and a Colony of Atlantis Thornton, Robert J.: Unimagined Community. to Rumors of Sex Orgies, Urban Legends about Sex, Networks, and AIDS in Uganda and South a Marauding Prince, and Blonde Belly Dancers Africa. Berkeley 2008. 282 pp. (T.O. Beidelman) Austin 2007. 279p p. (Peter Burns) Anthropos 104.2009 694 Rezensenten Rezensenten Ackermann 639 Oester 628 Albert 250 Penny 585 Ballinger 583 Piwowarczyk 229, 647 Barlow 207 Prem 631 Barnes 611 Quack 620 Barry 615 Rosinski 221 Bednarik 195 Rossbach de Olmos 248, 637 Beidelman 212, 216, 641, 644 Roth 587 BoScovié 590 Salmen 589 Bronk 616 Schafer 209, 255, 260 Burgess 579 Scheffel 235 Burns 273 Schetter 208 Chu 264 Schierle 606 Claffey 216 Schlee 571 Droeber 604 Schmidt 23: ~3 Eriksen 643 Schneider 2 4 Erny 579, 588 Scholz 217 Forster 242 Sch6mbucher 262 Gachter 244, 246 Schomburg-Scherff 271 Geertz 198 Schréder 205 Gellner 585 Schuerkens 212, 602 Gibbs 203 Schweitzer de Palacios 635 Glazier 627 Scupin 581 Hagedorn 211] Seib 597 Henry 624 Seiler-Baldinger 267 Hesse 257 Senah 582 Hughes-Freeland 586 Send6én 592 Husmann 608 Sharma 594 Hutter 268 Siebelt 226, 230, 630 Jebens 602 Smith 254 Jensen 237 Spencer 236 de Jong 633 Spinnler 254 Kammler 598 Steffen 646 Kehl-Bodrogi 642 Suter-Reich 613 Kosack 243, 604, 610, 613 Tiedemann 593 Krénke 261 Tiemer-Sachse 596 Kuppe 224 Treloyn 239 Laburthe-Tolra 204 Turner 252 Lange 213 Venbrux 246 Marschall 223 Volger 219 Marx 206 Warnk 637 M6hlig 590 Watson-Franke 622 . Moosmiiller 232 Welpe 260 Muller 579 Wiesenbauer 25] Neumann Fridman 625 Worrle 253, 612 Newell 583 Zielinska 228 Nuckolls 622 Znoj 265 Anthropos 104.2009 GEOGRAPHISCHER INDEX* Afrika Living with Bad Surroundings. War, History, and Everyday Moments in Northern Uganda 216 Africa after Gender? 209 Speaking to the Ancestors. Religion as Interlocutory Afrikanische Horizonte. Studien zu Sprachen, Kulturen Interaction 3/] und zur Geschichte 590 Unimagined Community. Sex, Networks, and AIDS Cultures of Migration. African Perspectives 591 in Uganda and South Africa 644 Das Bild der afrikanischen Frau in der deutschen und der franz6sischen Kolonialliteratur und sein Gegenentwurf in der frankophonen afrikanischen Literatur der Kolonialzeit 610 Westafrika Frauen und Kriege in Afrika. Ein Beitrag zur Gender-Forschung 260 An Assyrian Successor State in West Africa. Littérature orale africaine. Nature, genres, The Ancestral Kings of Kebbi as Ancient Near caractéristiques et fonctions 613 Eastern Rulers 359 Nomaden der Sahara. Handeln in Extremen 217 Beschneidung im Geheimbund. Weibliche Orisa Devotion as World Religion. The Globalization Genitalbeschneidung in Sierra Leone aus of Yoruba Religious Culture 624 kulturwissenschaftlicher Sicht 255 La parenté 579 Les chefferies dii de 1’ Adamaoua (Nord-Cameroun) Strength beyond Structure. Social and Historical 242 Trajectories of Agency in Africa 212 Les créances de la terre. Chroniques du pays Jamaat (Joola de Guinée-Bissau) 604 The Early Magistrates and Kings of Kanem as Descendants of Assyrian State Builders 3 Nordafrika Guro. Masks, Performances, and Master Carvers in Ivory Coast. Fieldwork in Association Heinrich Barth et Afrique 588 with Hans and Ulrike Himmelheber, Barbara Marauding Prince, and Blonde Belly Dancers Fischer, and Lorenz Homberger 219 Pyramids and Nightclubs. A Travel Ethnography New Humanitarianism. Britain and Sierra Leone, of Arab and Western Imaginations of Egypt, from 1997-2003 260 King Tut and a Colony of Atlantis to Rumors Orisa Devotion as World Religion. The Globalization of Sex Orgies, Urban Legends about a of Yoruba Religious Culture 624 Tourisme au Sahara 383 The Problem of Money. African Agency and Western Medicine in Northern Ghana 582 Reenactment of a Myth. The Fon of Oku Visits Lake Ostafrika Mawes 347 Religious Conflict and the Evolution of Language Bewitching Development. Witchcraft and the Policy in German and French Cameroon, 1885- 1939 243 Reinvention of Development in Neoliberal Kenya 641 Traditions et modernité au Burkina-Faso 579 Contesting the Commons. Privatizing Pastoral Lands in Kenya 236 The Indiviual and Social Self. An American and African Illustration of Differences /86 Zentralafrika The Constellation of Orion and the Cosmic Hunt in Seitenzahlen in kursiv weisen auf Artikel oder Berichte und Equatorial Africa 538 Kommentare hin. Heinrich Barth et l'Afrique 588 Anthropos 104.2009 696 Geographischer Index How to Explain Access to the Field. Lessons from Diagnose “Wolfspferd”. Spontanbesessenheiten Fieldwork among the Yedina (or Buduma) in der Dominikanischen Republik als Anstob of Lake Chad 25 fiir den Werdegang zum Heiler/Heilerin 445 MARAI — Als Tochter von Huva das Stierfest der Hombre barbaro versus hombre silvestre en la Nueva Mafa erleben. Film. [English version: MARAI — Espania. {Ideas ex6ticas de origen europeo? 8/ Experiencing the Mafa Bull Festival as a Daughter Land, Nahrung und Peyote. Soziale Identitat of Huva. Film.] 608 von Raramuri und Mestizen nahe der Grenze USA-Mexiko 233 Maya Calendar Origins. Monuments, Mythistory, and the Materialization of Time 631 Siidafrika Orisa Devotion as World Religion. The Globalization of Yoriba Religious Culture 624 Maskulinitaét und geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt Seeing and Being Seen. The Q’eqchi’ Maya of in Siidafrika 333 Livingston, Guatemala, and Beyond 230 Unimagined Community. Sex, Networks, and AIDS The Teotihuacan Trinity. The Sociopolitical Structure in Uganda and South Africa 644 of an Ancient Mesoamerican City 596 Voir les yeux fermés. Arts, chamanismes et thérapies Voir les yeux fermés. Arts, chamanismes et thérapies 625 625 Amerika Siidamerika Fuego, purificacién y metamorfosis. Significacion y simbolismo igneo entre los Pilaga (Chaco Central, Nordamerika Argentina) //3 Erotic Mentoring. Women’s Transformations El hijo del oso. La literatura oral quechua de la regién in the University 254 del Cuzco 600 Geschichte des Afrozentrismus. Imaginiertes Afrika Jaiilis sagrados. Textanalyse zweier Quechua-Gedichte und afroamerikanische Identitét 248 93 The Indiviual and Social Self. An American and Los indigenas chaquefios en la mirada de los jesuitas African Illustration of Differences /86 germanos. Idealizacién y disciplinamiento Land, Nahrung und Peyote. Soziale Identitat de los cuerpos 399 von Raramuri und Mestizen nahe der Grenze Une maison sans fille est une maison morte. USA-Mexiko 233 La personne et le genre en sociétés matrilinéaires Une maison sans fille est une maison morte. eV/ou uxorilocales 615 La personne et le genre en sociétés matrilinéaires Migration und Gewalt gegen Frauen. Uber unsichtbare et/ou uxorilocales 615 Migrationsgriinde und Neuverhandlungen Das neue Lexikon der Indianer Nordamerikas 598 im Migrationsprozess 4/ New Perspectives on Native North America. Cultures, Orisa Devotion as World Religion. The Globalization Histories, and Representations 230 of Yoriba Religious Culture 624 Orisa Devotion as World Religion. The Globalization Puyo Runa. Imagery and Power in Modern Amazonia 647 of Yoruba Religious Culture 624 Place and Native American Indian History and Culture Remembering the Hacienda. Religion, Authority, and 630 Social Change in Highland Ecuador 612 The Religious Crisis of the 1960s 616 También somos gente. Cambio cultural paradigmatico Three Centuries of Woodlands Indian Art. A Collection warao 423 Voir les yeux fermés. Arts, chamanismes et thérapies of Essays 606 625 Violence. A Micro-Sociological Theory 211 Voir les yeux fermés. Arts, chamanismes et thérapies Weaving and Dyeing in Highland Ecuador 254 625 When Women Have Wings. Feminism and Development in Medellin, Colombia 622 The Year the Stars Fell. Lacota Winter Counts Si’ira. La apreciada faja tejida de los indios Wayuu at the Smithsonian. Lincoln 226 de la Guajira, en el limite septentrional entre Venezuela y Colombia 267 Yanomami. The Fierce Controversy and What We Can Zentralamerika Learn from It 205 Zwischen Amazonas und East River. Indigeiie Aztekische Schépfungs- und Stammesgeschichte Bewegungen und ihre Reprisentation in Peru und 251 bei der UNO 253 Anthropos 104.2009 Geographischer Index Asien Nordasien Voir les yeux fermés. Arts, chamanismes et thérapies 625 Westasien Caucasus Paradigms. Anthropologies, Histories, and the Making of a World Area 590 Coffee, Gender, and Tobacco. Observations Ostasien on the History of the Bedouin Tent /79 Cosmopolitan Anxieties. Turkish Challenges “Incidental” Ethnographers. French Catholic Missions to Citizenship and Belonging in Germany 613 on the Tonkin- Yunnan Frontier, 1880-1930 612 Shi’i Institution of Temporary Marriage in Tehran. Une maison sans fille est une maison morte. State Ideology and Practice 1/72 La personne et le genre en sociétés matrilinéaires Tribale Gesellschaften der siidwestlichen et/ou uxorilocales 615 Regionen des K6nigreiches Saudi-Arabien. Service Encounters. Class, Gender, and the Market Sozialanthropologische Untersuchungen 213 for Social Distinction in Urban China 593 Siidasien Siidostasien Disappearing Peoples? Indigenous Groups and Ethnic Minorities in South and Central Asia 585 The Art of Southeast Asia. The Collection Identity Politics and Social Exclusion in India’s of the Museum Rietberg Ziirich 223 Northeast. A Critique of Nation-Building and Bui Hangi — The Deity’s Human Wife. Analysis Redistributive Justice 549 of a Myth from Pura, Eastern Indonesia 469 Kalamkari and Traditional Design Heritage of India Cage of Freedom. Tamil Identity and the Ethnic Fetish 246 in Malaysia 268 Une maison sans fille est une maison morte. Identities and Space. The Geographies of Religious La personne et le genre en sociétés matrilinéaires Change amongst the Brao in Northeastern et/ou uxorilocales 615 Cambodia 457 La morale de l’histoire. Thé et alcools en Inde 542 “Incidental” Ethnographers. French Catholic Missions Paramparik Karigar. An Association of Craftspersons: on the Tonkin- Yunnan Frontier, 1880-1930 612 Gadwakam, Kalamkari, Mithila Kala, Mittikam, Jaranan. The Horse Dance and Trance in East Java Tana Bana 244 586 La parenté 579 Kreolitat und postkoloniale Gesellschaft. Integration Revoir Kaboul. Chemins d’été, chemins d’hiver entre und Differenzierung in Jakarta 232 l’Oxus et l’Indus, 1972-2005 208 Une maison sans fille est une maison morte. The Self Possessed. Deity and Spirit Possession La personne et le genre en sociétés matrilinéaires in South Asian Literature and Civilization 262 et/ou uxorilocales 615 Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan’s Framework A Model Chronology of the Animal Weights of Burma for the Educational Uplift of the Indian Muslims (Myanmar) 533 during British Raj /65 Poids et mesures en Asie du Sud-Est. Syst¢mes The South Indian Pentecostal Movement métrologiques et sociétés — Weights and in the Twentieth Century 579 Measures in Southeast Asia. Metrological Systems Wandering with Sadhus. Ascetics in the Hindu and Societies ;2 vols. Vol. 1: L’Asie du Sud-Est Himalayas 594 austronésienne et ses marches; vol. 2: L’ Asie du Sud-Est continentale et ses marches 611 Reviewing the Flores Hobbit Chronicles /95 Romance and Laughter in the Archipelago. Zentralasien Essays on Classical and Contemporary Poetics of the Malay World 637 Disappearing Peoples? Indigenous Groups and Ethnic Siam und Europa. Das K6nigreich Ayutthaya Minorities in South and Central Asia 577 in westlichen Berichten 1500-1670 265 Everyday Life in Central Asia. Past and Present 257 Southern Fujian. Repreduction of Traditions The Postsocialist Religious Question. Faith and Power in Post-Mao China 264 in Central Asia and East-Central Europe 228 Tutu kadire in Pandai — Munaseli. Erzahlen und “Religion Is Not So Strong Here.” Muslim Religious Erinnern auf der vergessenen Insel Pantar Life in Khorezm after Socialism 604 (Ostindonesien) 633 Anthropos 104.2009 698 Geographischer Index Europa The Religious Crisis of the 1960s 616 Le rites liés 4 la religion orthodoxe russe en France Adolf Bastian and His Universal Archive of 63 Humanity. The Origins of German Anthropology Des saints nés des réves. Fabrication de la sainteté et 221 commémoration des néomartyrs a Lesvos (Gréce) Aleviten in Deutschland. Identitatsprozesse einer 250 Religionsgemeinschaft in der Diaspora 642 Santeria Abroad. A Short History of an Afro-Cuban Anthropology and Expertise in the Asylum Courts Religion in Germany by Means of Biographies of 224 Some of Its Priests 483 Caucasus Paradigms. Anthropologies, Histories, Transitional Societies of Europe 235 and the Making of a World Area 590 The Cosmographia of Sebastian Miinster. Describing the World in the Reformation 237 Ozeanien Cosmopolitan Anxieties. Turkish Challenges to Citizenship and Belonging in Germany 613 Das Bild der afrikanischen Frau in der deutschen Australien und der franzésischen Kolonialliteratur und sein Gegenentwurf in der frankophonen afrikanischen Melodies of Mourning. Music and Emotion Literatur der Kolonialzeit 610 in Northern Australia 239 Fire in the Dark. Telling Gypsiness in North East England 206 Founders of the Anthropology of Work. German Social Scientists of the 19th and Early 20th Melanesien Centuries and the First Ethnographers 643 The Anthropology of Morality in Melanesia and Heinrich Barth et l'Afrique 588 Beyond 203 Kosovo’s Masters and Their Influence on the Local Population throughout History 499 A Jos! Die Welt, in der die Chachet-Baininger Migration und Gewalt gegen Frauen. Uber unsichtbare leben. Sagen, Glaube und Tianze von der Gazelle-Halbinsel Papua-Neuguineas 597 Migrationsgriinde und Neuverhandlungen Melanesian Odysseys. Negotiating the Self, Narrative, im Migrationsprozess 4] and Modernity 602 New Humanitarianism. Britain and Sierra Leone, La parenté 579 1997-2003 260 Other People’s Anthropologies 583 The Power of Perspective. Social Ontology and Agency on Ambrym Island, Vanuatu 252 La parenté 579 Voir les yeux fermés. Arts, chamanismes et thérapies La passion de l'art primitif. Enquéte sur les collec- 625 tionneurs 587 Patterns of Exclusion. Constructing Gypsy Ethnicity and the Making of an Underclass in Siam und Europa. Das K6nigreich Ayutthaya in westlichen Polynesien Berichten 1500-1670 265 The Postsocialist Religious Question. Faith and Power Uberlegungen zur Verwendung einer tatowierten in Central Asia and East-Central Europe 228 Maori-Spirale als Institutslogo /6/ Anthropos 104.2009

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