Nutr. clín. diet. hosp. 2016; 36(2):168-179 Artículo de Revisión DOI: 10.12873/362carneirororiz Anthropometric clinical indicators in the assessment of visceral obesity: an update Indicadores clínicos antropométricos na avaliação da gordura visceral: uma atualização Carneiro Roriz, Anna Karla¹; Santana Passos, Luiz Carlos2; Cunha de Oliveira, Carolina3; Eickemberg, Michaela4; De Almeida Moreira, Pricilla1; Barbosa Ramos, Lílian1 1SchoolofNutrition,NutritionScienceDepartment.FederalUniversityofBahia.Salvador,Bahia,Brazil. 2FacultyofMedicine,DepartmentofMedicine,FederalUniversityofBahia,Salvador,Bahia,Brazil. 3CenterforNutrition,FederalUniversityofSergipe,Sergipe,Brazil. 4InstituteofCollectiveHealth,FederalUniversityofBahia.CenterofStudiesandInterventioninAgingArea,Salvador,Bahia,Brazil. Recibido: 12/febrero/2015. Aceptado: 5/febrero/2016. ABSTRACT diameter index (ADI), conicity index (CI), visceral adi- posity index (VAI) and the lipid accumulation produc- Introduction:Visceralobesityisassociatedwithan tion (LAP) were investigated for their relationship with increasedriskofmetabolicdisordersandoccurrenceof visceral fat measured by CT. chronic diseases. The quantification of the visceral fat becomes necessary and advantageous in clinical prac- Results: Most indicators have strong correlation tice, especially through accurate and precise methods (r>0.70) with visceral fat. It was observed that there in replacement of imaging methods as computed to- are few recent studies evaluating this relationship, mography (CT). especially with the indices derived of the WC and the SAD, besides the LAP and the VAI. Most studies in- Objective:To present the use of anthropometric in- vestigated the relationship between these indicators dicators that have been linked to visceral fat. with the diseases that are consequent of the visceral Methods: The selection of items was taken in from obesity. Scopus, Scielo, Lilacs, CAPES journals, PubMed/ Conclusion: The clinical anthropometric indicators MEDLINE and Google Scholar, in the period between are accurate in estimating visceral obesity, easy to use 2007 and 2014. Anthropometric and clinical indicators and has low cost enabling clinical nutritional assess- as waist circumference (WC), waist- to- height ratio ment able to intervene earlier and more effectively in (WHtR), waist-to- thigh ratio (WTR), waist- to- hip ra- the prevention and/or treatment of this obesity. tio (WRH), sagittal abdominal diameter (SAD), abdom- inal diameter height index (SAD/ Height), abdominal KEYS WORDS Anthropometry, waist circumference, sagittal abdomi- naldiameter,computedtomography,abdominalobesity. Correspondencia: AnnaKarlaCarneiroRoriz [email protected] Nutr.clí;36(2):168-179 168 NUTRICIÓNCLÍNICAYDIETÉTICAHOSPITALARIA RESUMO CI: Conicity Index. Introdução: A obesidade visceral está associada a CT: Computerized Tomography. um risco maior de distúrbios metabólicos e ocorrência CVD: Cardiovascular Disease. de doenças crônicas. A quantificação da gordura visce- ral torna-se necessária e vantajosa na prática clínica, HDL: High Density Lipoproteins. sobretudo por métodos acurados e precisos em substi- LAP: Lipid Accumulation Production. tuição aos métodos por imagem, como a tomografia SAD: Sagittal Abdominal Diameter. computadorizada (TC). SAD/Height: Sagittal Abdominal Diameter Height Objetivo: Descrever a utilização de indicadores clí- Index. nicosantropométricosquetêmsidorelacionadosàgor- dura visceral. TG: Triglyceride. Métodos: A seleção dos artigos foi feita no Scopus, VAI: Visceral Adiposity Index. Scielo, Lilacs, periódicos Capes, Pubmed/Medline e VAT: Visceral Adipose Tissue. Google Acadêmico, no período entre 2007 e 2014. WC: Waist Circumference. Indicadores clínicos antropométricos como circunferên- cia da cintura (CC), Razão cintura altura (RCA), Razão WHR: Waist –to-hip Ratio. cintura coxa (RCCx), Razão Cintura Quadril (RCQ), WHtR: Waist-to- Height Ratio. Diâmetroabdominalsagital(DAS),Diâmetroabdominal altura(DAS/ALT),ÍndiceDiâmetroabdominal(IDA),Ín- WTR: Waist-to-Thigh Ratio. dice conicidade (IC), Índice de adiposidade visceral (IAV) e o Produto de acumulação lipídica (PAL) foram INTRODUCTION investigados quanto sua relação com o tecido adiposo Visceral obesity is closely associated with insulin re- visceral medido pela TC. sistance, hypertension, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes Resultados: A maioria dos indicadores tem forte and with the high risk of cardiovascular diseases and correlação (r>0.70) com a gordura visceral. Observou- mortality1,2.Studieshavebeenreportingthatthedistri- se que há poucos estudos recentes que avaliaram essa bution of the body fat is more important than the relação,sobretudocomosíndicesderivadosdaCCedo amount of fat itself, since abdominal adiposity, espe- DAS,alémdoPALeoIAV.Amaioriadosestudosinves- cially the visceral one, is having a more expressive as- tigouarelaçãoentreessesindicadorescomasdoenças sociation with the increase of those morbidities3. que são consequentes da obesidade visceral. It is important to consider that, independently of Conclusão: Os indicadores clínicos antropométricos overweight, individuals may have visceral obesity rep- são acurados na estimativa da gordura visceral, fáceis resented by the deposition of visceral adipose tissue. de utilizar e apresentam baixo custo possibilitando uma The more accurate methods for quantifying visceral fat tomada de decisão na avaliação clínica nutricional ca- are the ones using image, such as magnetic resonance paz de intervir mais precoce e efetivamente na preven- and computed tomography (CT). CT, the comparison ção de risco de doenças. method of this work, is considered to be the “golden- standard”, able to precisely distinguish visceral fat from PALAVRAS CHAVES subcutaneous fat in any body region. One of the rea- Antropometria, circunferência da cintura, diâmetro sons for that is due to its high reproductability4,5. abdominal sagital, tomografia computadorizada, obesi- However,itshighcost,theneedofsophisticatedequip- dade abdominal. ment, specialized people and the exposition of the indi- vidual to radiation are the main limitations for its use in the practice routine and in epidemiological studies5. ABBREVIATIONS ADI: Abdominal Diameter Index. Thisway,anthropometryisconsideredlikeanalterna- tivemethodforestimatingvisceralfat,byindicatorssuch AUC- ROC: Area under curve- Receiver Operating asWaistCircumference(WC)andtheSagittalAbdominal Characteristic. Diameter (SAD), their respective indexes, Waist-to- BMI: Body Mass Index. Height Ratio (WHtR), Waist-to-Thigh Ratio (WTR), Nutr.clí;36(2):168-179 169 ANTHROPOMETRICCLINICALINDICATORSINTHEASSESSMENTOFVISCERALOBESITY:ANUPDATE Conicity Index (CI), Sagittal Abdominal Diameter Height After selection, articles were read in full and those Index (SAD/Height), and the Abdominal Diameter Index that were not within the established criteria were ex- (ADI),whichareconsideredtobelowcost,non-invasive cluded from the study. For analysis of the studies, data and easy to measure4,6. The Lipid Accumulation Product was summarized in the tables as follows: work identifi- (LAP) and the Visceral Adiposity Index (VAI) have been cation(authorandyear),locationofthestudyandsam- proposed as alternative parameters for evaluating the ple, and information about the anthropometrics clinical excessoflipidsaccumulation.Bothincludeanthropomet- indicators and the computed tomography and results. ric and metabolic parameters7-9. Accordingtothepredeterminedinclusioncriteria,twelve papers were selected for comparison of studies evaluat- Thereisnoconsensusabouttheanthropometricclin- ing the relationship between anthropometric clinical in- ical indicator that better correlates or discriminates vis- dicators and visceral fat measured by CT. ceral fat, especially when measured by CT, in both sexes. Then, it becomes fundamental to have a better RESULTS AND DISCUSSION comprehension about the detection of visceral fat, be- causeitisanadvantageousandneededreplacementin Visceralobesity the evaluation and follow-up in the individual and col- Currently the interest about the original observation lective clinical practice. The objective of this revision is made by the French doctor Jean Vague10 about the re- to describe the use of anthropometric clinical indicators lation between abdominal obesity and development of that have been related to visceral fat. chronic diseases is being renovated. Posteriorly, several studies pointed to an association between abdominal METHODS adiposity increase with several metabolic disorders and morbidities,especiallycardiovasculardiseases,showing Fortheunsystematicrevision,asearchwasperformed the importance of the localization of fat in detriment of in the databases: Scopus, Scielo, Lilacs, Periódicos from the total body obesity3. CAPES, PubMed/MEDLINE and Google Scholar. The fol- lowing expressions were searched: abdominal fat, vis- Therefore, the proof that there is a relation between ceralfat,visceralobesity,abdominalobesity,visceraladi- the excess of abdominal fat tissue and co-morbidities pose tissue, waist circumference, sagittal abdominal such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, coro- diameter, Waist-to-Height Ratio, Waist-to-Thigh Ratio, naryarterydisease,sleepapneaandsometypeofcan- Waist-Hip Ratio, Conicity Index, Sagittal Abdominal cer is not recent. This phenomenon is normally verified DiameterHeightIndex,AbdominalDiameterIndex,Lipid at any level of total body adiposity2,3,11. Accumulation Product, Visceral Adiposity Index, It is increasingly notorious the notion that visceral Anthropometry and Computed Tomography. The search obesitymaybeadysfunctionalmarkerofsubcutaneous expressions were constructed combining those terms or adipose tissue leading to the deposition of ectopic fat using them in an isolated way. (undesirablelipidaccumulationintheheart,liver,skele- Thesearchcriteriaforselectingstudieswere:descrip- tal muscle and pancreas)2. tors present in the title, abstract or subject, documents Abdominal adipose tissue is a complex organ that in paper format and full available version. Identified may be divided into compartments such as subcuta- studies have been assessed according to the following neous and intra abdominal (or visceral) and this last inclusion criteria: (1)- population (adults and elderly), one into intraperitoneal (or portal) and retroperitoneal, (2)- theme (visceral fat measured by CT and anthropo- followed by mesenteric and omental sub-compart- metrics indicators) and (3)- quantitative approach. ments12. However, between those compartments, the visceral adipose tissue is considered to be the highly Searches were limited to studies involving humans, metabolically active risk marker with greater expressiv- of both sexes, over 18 years old, from any ethnical ity for development of the mentioned events. group, published in Portuguese, English and Spanish, and the publishing date was established between 2007 From the mechanisms through which visceral obesity and 2014, besides the incorporation of previously pub- may influence the increase of metabolic and cardiovas- lishedclassicworksaboutthetheme.Thereferencesof cular risk the highlights are the intense lipolytic activity, thepaperswerealsoanalyzedinordertofindoutstud- its large adipocytes responsive to lipolytic enzymes and ies that were not identified using the databases. partiallyresistanttoinsulin,determininganinappropriate Nutr.clí;36(2):168-179 170 NUTRICIÓNCLÍNICAYDIETÉTICAHOSPITALARIA andexcessivereleaseoffreefattyacidsintheportalcir- simply,noninvasiveandoflowcost,suchastheanthro- culation, finally, triggering a cascade of alterations that pometry. Table 1 presents the main characteristics of lead to diabetes, hypertension, production of inflamma- anthropometric clinical indicators which were studied in tory cytokines and disorders in the serum lipid profile13. this paper. Age, sex, genetics and ethnicity are huge etiological Table2hastheresumeofstudieswhichobservedthe factors contributing for the variation in the accumula- relation between the nutritional clinical indicators and tion of visceral adipose tissue. It has been evidenced visceral fat when measured by CT. that the commonly used methods to measure body fat are not able to predict the visceral fat in the same way. Waistcircumnference The quantification or estimative of visceral fat is neces- The measurement of waist circumference is widely sary for nutritional clinical evaluation and several meth- used and has been recommended for estimating the odsandtechniqueshavebeendevelopedtoevaluateit. proportion of abdominal adipose tissue. WC also has theadvantageofbeingsimpleandhavingstrongcorre- Methodsrelatedwiththeevaluationofvisceral lation with body mass index and with visceral fat. Its FAT mainlimitationconsistsofthedifferentmeasuringtech- The more clinically convenient for evaluating visceral niques, which require proper training, especially in very fat are the methods that may be performed quickly, obese individuals. With regards to the different tech- Table1.Resumeofthemaincharacteristicsoftheanthropometricclinicalindicators. Anthropometricclinicalindicators Maincharacteristics -Evaluatescardiovascularriskandvisceralobesityandisoneofthecriteriafor WaistCircumference(WC) MetabolicSyndrome. -WhenWCisoverhalfthevalueoftheindividualheight,itexpressesahealthrisk. Waist-to-HeightRatio(WHtR) -Hasdiscriminatorypowerforvisceralobesity,cardiovascularrisk,highcoronaryand mortalityrisk. -Suggestedasareplacementforthewaist-heightratio Waist-to-ThighRatio(WTR) -Abletoestimatevisceralfatanditsrisks. -Indicatoroffatdistribution. Waist-to-HipRatio(WHR) -Caremustbetakenwheninterpretingindividualswithweightandcorporaladiposity variations. ConicityIndex(CI) -Abletoidentifyfatdistributionandtheriskofdiseases. -Hasdiscriminatorypowerforvisceralobesity. SagittalAbdominalDiameter(SAD) -Indicatoroffatdistribution. SagittalAbdominalDiameterHeight -Correlateswithcardiovascularriskandmaypredictmortality. Index(SAD/Height) -Hasdiscriminatorypowerforvisceralobesity. -Hasdiscriminatorypowerforvisceralobesity. AbdominalDiameterIndex(ADI) -Predictorofcardiovasculardiseases. -Estimatesover-accumulationoflipids. LipidAccumulationProduct(LAP) -Expressesacontinuousriskandisapredictorofcardiovasculardiseasesandmortality. -Expressesthefunctionofvisceralfat. VisceralAdiposityIndex(VAI) -Hascorrelationwithcardiometabolicriskassociatedwithvisceralobesity. WC: Waist Circumference; SAD: Sagittal Abdominal Diameter; WHR: Waist Hip Ratio; WHtR: Waist-to- Height Ratio; WTR: Waist-to-Thigh Ratio;SAD/Height:SagittalAbdominalDiameterHeightIndex;ADI:AbdominalDiameterIndex;CI:ConicityIndex;LAP:Lipidaccumulation product;VAI:Visceraladiposeindex. Nutr.clí;36(2):168-179 171 ANTHROPOMETRICCLINICALINDICATORSINTHEASSESSMENTOFVISCERALOBESITY:ANUPDATE Table2.Comparisonofstudiesevaluatingtherelationshipbetweenanthropometricclinicalindicatorsandvisceralfatmeasuredbycom- putedTomography. Studies Anthropometricclinicalindicatorsandvisceralfat WC:M:r=0,73/F:r=0,77 Sampaioetal(2007):92Brazilians,>20years,both sexes.ExcessVAT=100cm². WHR:M:r=0,58/F:r=0,72 VATmeasuredatL4-L5andWCatthemidpoint SAD:M:r=0,64;AUC=0,89/F:r=0,80;AUC=0,84 Kandaetal(2007):419Japanesediabetic. WC:M:r=0,78/F:r=0,82 VATmeasuredatL4-L5.NotreportedtechniqueforWC. WC:r=0,66 Demura&Sato(2007):112Japonese,bothsexes. VATmeasuredatL4-L5.WC:umbilicallevel. WHR:r=0,55 WC:r=0,62 Bouzaetal,(2008):108obese,bothsexes. VATmeasuredatL4-L5andWCatthemidpoint. WHR:r=0,61 WC:r=0,823 Wuetal(2009):111Chinesemen(40-60years). WHtR:r=0,868 VATmeasuredatL4-L5.WC:umbilicallevel. WHR:r=0,654 WC:M:r=0,84/F:r=0,867 Berkeretal(2010):104bothsexes. VATmeasuredatL4-L5andWCatthemidpoint. WHR:M:r=0,739/F:r=0,612 WC:r=0,85 Gradmarketal(2010):16menand13Swedish women. WHtR:r=0,81 VAT:L4(singlecut).WC:atthemidpoint. WHR:r=0,81 Yimetal(2010):5257Koreans,bothsexes. WC:M:r=0,705/F:r=0,636 TAV:measuredattheumbilicus. WC:atthemidpoint. SAD:M:r=0,804/F:r=0,724 WC:M:r=0,75inadultsandr=0,77inelderly/F:r=0,75inadults andr=0,64inelderly/AUC>0,80 Rorizetal(2011):197Brazilians≥20years,both WHR:M:r=0,69inadultsandr=0,72inelderly/F:r=0,69inadults sexes.ExcessVAT≥130cm². andr=0,49inelderly VATmeasuredatL4-L5.WCatthemidpoint. SAD:M:r=0,70inadultsandr=0,78inelderly;AUC>0,79/ F:r=0,74inadultsandr=0,65inelderlyAUC>0,84 WC:r>0,61 Barreiraetal(2012):2.037individualsofabiracial sample(18-69years). WHtR:r>0,59 VATatL4-L5.WCatthemidpoint. WHR:r>0,50 WC:WaistCircumference;SAD:SagittalAbdominalDiameter;WHR:WaisttoHipRatio;WHtR:Waist-to-HeightRatio;WTR:Waist-to-Thigh Ratio;SAD/Height:SagittalAbdominalDiameterHeightIndex;ADI:AbdominalDiameterIndex;CI:ConicityIndex;VAI:Visceraladiposein- dex; LAP: Lipid accumulation product; VAT: Visceral adipose tissue area (cm²) measured by computed tomography. M: men and F: female. AUC:Areaundercurve(ROCcurve).Allcorrelactions:p<0,05. Nutr.clí;36(2):168-179 172 NUTRICIÓNCLÍNICAYDIETÉTICAHOSPITALARIA Table 2. continuación. Comparison of studies evaluating the relationship between anthropometric clinical indicators and visceral fat measuredbycomputedTomography. Studies Anthropometricclinicalindicatorsandvisceralfat WC:M:r=0,76inadultsandr=0,74inelderly/F:r=0,75inadults andr=0,60inelderly WHtR:M:r=0,79inadultsandr=0,79inelderly/F:r=0,73in adultsandr=0,64inelderly/AUC>0,81 WTR:M:r=0,64inadultsandr=0,62inelderly/M:r=0,53inadults Rorizetal(2014):194Brazilians≥20years,both andr=0,35inelderly sexes.ExcessVAT≥130cm². VATmeasuredatL4-L5.WCatthemidpoint. SAD:M:r=0,70inadultsandr=0,76inelderly/F:r=0,75inadults andr=0,62inelderly SAD/Height:M:r=0,78inadultsandr=0,79inelderly/F:r=0,73 inadultsandr=0,64inelderly/AUC>0,84 ADI:M:r=0,60inadultsandr=0,66inelderly/F:r=0,67inadults andr=0,48inelderly/AUC>0,73 WHtR:M:r=0,79inadultsandr=0,80inelderly/F:r=0,73inadults andr=0,64inelderly/AUC>0,81 CI:M:r=0,68inadultsandr=0,82inelderly/F:r=0,72inadultsand Rorizetal(2014):191Brazilians≥20years,both r=0,47inelderly sexes.ExcessVAT≥130cm². VATmeasuredatL4-L5.WCatthemidpoint. LAP:M:r=0,70inadultsandr=0,73inelderly/F:r=0,61inadults andr=0,60inelderly/AUC>0,78 VAI:M:r=0,50inadultsandr=0,56inelderly/F:r=0,38inadults andr=0,47inelderly/AUC>0,65 WC:WaistCircumference;SAD:SagittalAbdominalDiameter;WHR:WaisttoHipRatio;WHtR:Waist-to-HeightRatio;WTR:Waist-to-Thigh Ratio;SAD/Height:SagittalAbdominalDiameterHeightIndex;ADI:AbdominalDiameterIndex;CI:ConicityIndex;VAI:Visceraladiposein- dex; LAP: Lipid accumulation product; VAT: Visceral adipose tissue area (cm²) measured by computed tomography. M: men and F: female. AUC:Areaundercurve(ROCcurve).Allcorrelactions:p<0,05. niques for measuring it, a systematic review of 120 well as for women (r > 0.77). Studies with obese pa- studies revealed that the place of measurement has no tients21 and in Japanese people22 observed correlation substantial influence over the association between WC, equal to 0.62 and 0.66 with visceral fat, respectively. cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and mortality risk14. Berker et al.23 observed correlation over 0.84 for men However, it is a consensus that the most used tech- and women, however when the sample by total body nique is the one recommended by the WHO, measured mass was stratified over or below 30kg/m² the correla- through the mean point between the last rib and the il- tions with visceral fat decreased. iac crest15,16. InRorizetal.19studytherewaspositivecorrelationin Currently, this indicator has been receiving important adults and elderly, being more strong in elderly men attention in evaluating cardiovascular risk because it is (r=0.77). The cutoff points that identified a VAT area of a strong predictor of visceral fat with a correlation over risk (≥130cm²) were below the ones recommended by 0.70 with VAT, being also one of the criteria to define WHO15inmen(adults=90.2cmandelderly=82.2cm) the metabolic syndrome17-19. andoverthemamongwomen(adult=92.3cmandeld- It may be observed, in Table 2, that Kanda et al.20 erly=88.2cm),concludingthatthecutoffpointsofWC and Sampaio et al.18 studies show significant correla- as a predictor of visceral obesity in elderly are lower tion between WC and VAT both for men (r > 0.73) as than the ones in adults. Nutr.clí;36(2):168-179 173 ANTHROPOMETRICCLINICALINDICATORSINTHEASSESSMENTOFVISCERALOBESITY:ANUPDATE However using only the waist circumference may ceral fat, in adults and elderly of both sexes and have an important limitation. For a given measurement showed that when WC was divided by height it had a of waist circumference, some individuals will have an better discriminatory power for detecting visceral obe- increased amount of visceral fat, while in others the sity with cutoffs of 0.54 and 0.55 in men and of 0.59 larger content may be subcutaneous, thus, not distin- and 0.58 in adult women and in elderly, respectively. guishing visceral fat from the subcutaneous one24. Among the mechanisms which explain the health Among women in advanced age, for the same WC, risk previewed by WHtR it is suggested that the risk there is a larger amount of visceral fat than among may be explained due to its strong association with el- younger women6. evations of abdominal obesity which trigger the men- tioned morbidities. Waist–to-heightratio The value of WC will depend on the individual height Waist-to-thighratio inordertoexpressahealthrisk.Thus,itsinterpretation The Waist-to-Thigh Ratio is found by dividing the must be judicious, especially when individually and iso- waist circumference by the thigh circumference. It was latedly evaluated. Thus, by taking height into consider- suggested as a substitute of the Waist-to-Hip Ratio and ation, the Waist-to-Height Ratio seems to be better able to estimate visceral fat and its respective risks39. than WC for discriminating cardiometabolic risk, espe- WTR does not considers the proportionality regarding cially in individuals of short stature25. the stature, it may remain unchanged if there is a pro- WHtR is determined by the ratio between WC (cm) portional increase or decrease in the measurement of and Height (cm), and is considered a simple, fast, low its circumferences. cost trial tool superior than BMI for evaluating health There are few studies comparing this index with WC risksandmortalitybycardiovasculardisease(CVD)and alone. Most of the studies with WTR investigated its re- for all the causes26-28. lationship with diseases in consequence of obesity and Despitethelimitationrepresentedbytheabsenceof not with visceral fat as this work pretended. Roriz et a specific cutoff point, the average value of 0.50 was al.37 observed strong correlation of WTR with the vis- suggested, allowing its use in both sexes, different ceral fat area, except in elderly women and good accu- age groups and ethnicities for predicting cardiometa- racy in discriminating the excess of this adiposity. Most bolic risk29-31. This value has been used to support the of the studies related this indicator with other outcom- simple message of public health “keep your waist cir- ings40-42. In a sample representing 11.437 american cumference between the half of your height”. adults it was observed that WTR had the stronger as- However, a meta-analysis found that in non-Asian sociationwithmortalityandthattheincreaseinmortal- populations the ideal cutoff was higher than in Asian ity risk of men was not specially related with increased ones25. The different measurement techniques of WC WC,butwitharelativedecreaseofthethighcircumfer- and the height averages between the population ence43. Reis et al.44 showed that WTR and WHR in- would justify this variation. crease the prediction of mortality in individuals with normal weight and in obese ones. Several studies showed discriminatory power of WHtR for different morbidities, mainly high cardiovas- Waist-to-hipratio cular and coronary risk as well as for mortality6,30,32-34. However, few studies evaluated the relation between The Waist-to Hip Ratio is determined by the division WHtR and the VAT area measured by CT. Barreira et between waist circumference and hip circumference. It al.17 in an study with 2037 individuals between 18 and is an indicator used to identify the type of body fat dis- 29 years old from a biracial sample verified correlations tribution. Values above 1.00 for men and 0.85 for over 0.59 and Gradmark et al.35 observed high correla- women indicate a distribution of the android type, cen- tions (r> 0.81) of WHtR and WC with the area of vis- tral or abdominal, considered as risky for development ceral fat measured by CT in Swedish adults. Wu et al.36 of cardiovascular diseases due to the great concentra- showed that WHR was a stronger predictor of visceral tion of fat in this region. Values above those cutoffs in- fat than WC, BMI or WHtR in Chinese men. Studies in dicate a distribution of the gynaecoid type, peripheral Brazil37,38observedstrongcorrelationof WHtRwith vis- or gluteal-femoral of smaller cardiovascular risk45. Nutr.clí;36(2):168-179 174 NUTRICIÓNCLÍNICAYDIETÉTICAHOSPITALARIA One of the main limitations for its practical use is its Despite existing a relationship between CI and the incapacity of detecting changes during the follow-up of mentioned morbidities there is a lack of studies using individuals in treatment for weight loss, since the WC the index as a predictor of visceral obesity. measurement varies simultaneously with the hip meas- urement, keeping WHR constant. Also, hip measure- Sagittalabdominaldiameter ment does not considers variations in the pelvic struc- Sagittal Abdominal Diameter may be measured an- turebetweenindividuals,northereductionoftissuesin thropometricallyorbyimagemethods,suchasCT.SAD thisareawiththeagingprocess.Thereis,still,incapac- has been appointed as an important anthropometric in- ity of WHR in differentiating accumulation of subcuta- dicator for estimating visceral adipose tissue18,19,52,53. neous visceral fat46. Independently of body adiposity the individuals may have equal values of WHR, even Themeasurementinsupinepositionbetterestimates with substantial inter-individual variation in the total thefattissuesmoreassociatedwithCVDrisk,beingthis body fat and in the areas of visceral and subcutaneous the more widely used technique by researchers. This and visceral abdominal adipose tissue47. technique is based in the principle that with individuals in this position the increase of visceral fat accumulation Several studies evaluated the correlation between keeps the abdomen height in the sagittal position while WHRandvisceralfat observingthatincomparisonwith subcutaneous abdominal fat reduces abdominal height other anthropometric indicators, WHR had smaller cor- due to the force of gravity54. relationwiththistissue17-19,21-23,35,36.Theuseofthisin- dicator as a predictor of visceral fat must be cautious, From SAD other anthropometric indexes are derived, mainly in individuals with variations of weight and body the ratio between SAD and height (SAD/Height) and adiposity. the ratio between SAD and WTR or the Abdominal Diameter Index (ADI). SAD/Height has similar or supe- rior correlation with cardiovascular risk when compared Conicityindex withWHRandmaypredictmortalityaswellasSAD47,55. Conicity index has the objective of identifying the ADI is considered as an effective indicator for estimat- distribution of fat and the risk of diseases. This index ing visceral adipose tissue, a better predictor of coro- is based on the idea that the human body changes nary disease than WTR and of risk for cumulative inci- from a cylindrical shape to a “double cone” with the dence of ischemic CVD56,57. accumulation of fat around the waist and its theoreti- However SAD has been studied more as an isolated calrangevariesfrom1.00to1.73.TheCIiscalculated measure of fat distribution than its indexes and, when by the following equation48: WC/0.109 √(BW/H) related with the other anthropometric indicators or clin- where: WC = waist circumference (m); BW = body icalparameters,showstobesuperiorasameasurement weight (kg); H = height (m). of visceral obesity and coronary disease index. Stevens One limitation for using CI in epidemiological studies et al.58 suggested WC and SAD instead of BMI for eval- is the lack of consensus about cutoffs for identifying uating the cardiovascular risk profile among individuals cardiovascular risk, besides the difficulty of calculation in different populations and ethnicities. Other studies proposed by its formula. Pitanga & Lessa49 proposed a show SAD as a marker of risk factors for CVD53,59-61. table with values for the denominator of the CI equa- Sampaio et al.18 carried the first study of SAD valida- tion for the ease of use. tion in Brazil and observed high reliability (inter-class Thisindexincreasesaccordingtotheaccumulationof coefficient = 0.99) and high correlation of this measure abdominal fat increasing the risk of diseases47. Studies and abdominal visceral fat area measured by CT show that CI has been a good predictor of High (r=0.80 for women and r=0.64 for men). Cutoffs of Coronary Risk with the Area Under the ROC Curve of 19.3 cm and 20.5 were identified for men and women, 0.80 (95%CI:0.74-0.85) inmen, of cardiovascular risk respectively,withbettersensibilityandspecificitycorre- and hypertension in adults49-51. A study with 191 sponding to the area of visceral fat excess (> 100cm²). Brazilians38observedstrongcorrelationandaccuracyof AnotherBrazilianstudy19withalargersampleobserved CI with the area of visceral adipose tissue measured by correlationsover 0.7between SADandvisceral fat area CT, especially in adults (r= 0.68) and elderly (r=0.82) and posteriorly SAD indexes were evaluated, with high men and in adults women ( r= 0.72). correlation being observed between SAD/Height and Nutr.clí;36(2):168-179 175 ANTHROPOMETRICCLINICALINDICATORSINTHEASSESSMENTOFVISCERALOBESITY:ANUPDATE ADI and this fat, especially in men, with greater accu- ing the altered production of adipocytokines, increase racy for SAD/Height (AUC-ROC > 0.84) showing better of lipolysis, plasma and free fatty acids – factors that influence of height in SAD measurement for discrimi- are not identified by BMI, WC, TG and high density nating visceral obesity ( VAT area ≥ 130m²)37. lipoproteins (HDL) separately8. In consequence, it is an index proposed as a substitute marker of dysfunction Yim et al.62 observed greater correlation of SAD with and distribution of adipose tissue and independently visceral fat than WC in 5,257 adult Koreans, in both correlatedwithcardiometabolicriskassociatedwithvis- sexes. Kullberg et al.63 showed correlations over 0.78, ceral obesity. The visceral adiposity index (VAI) is ob- however, visceral fat was measured by magnetic reso- tained by formulas proposed by Amato et al.8: for fe- nance and not CT, the focus of this study. males VAI = (WC/36.58+(1.89 x BMI)) x (TG/0.81) AlthoughSADanditsindexesaresimpleandlowcost x (1.52/HDL) and for males, VAI= (WC/39.68+(1.88 methods, it is unlikely that they will replace the indica- x BMI)) x (TG/1.03) x (1.31/HDL). tors that contemplate circumferences, measured by in- Knowles et al.67 showed that VAI, WC and WHtR are elastic tape, of large applicability in clinical practice. correlated with cardiovascular risk as predictors of Vasques et al.64 in their revision study with some of Metabolic Syndrome. Bozorgmanesh et al.68 and Elisha those indicators verified that, generally, WC and SAD et al.69 showed that VAI was not superior than anthro- correlated more with visceral fat than BMI and WHR. pometric indicators, being a weak indicator for forecast- ing cardiovascular diseases and for visceral adipose tis- Lipidicaccumulationproduct suefunction.Rorizetal.38observedpositivecorrelation, Lipidic Accumulation Product is a simple indicator de- especially in adult and elderly men, as showed in Table velopedtoexpressacontinuousriskandpredictorofcar- 2.Astudy70observedhighcorrelationofserumlevelsof diovasculardiseasesandmortalityandisobtainedbyfor- triglycerides and HDL, mainly in elderly, which com- mulas proposed by Kahn9. For the masculine sex, LAP = pound VAI formulas and concluded that the average of (CC[cm] – 65) × (triglycerides [mmol/L]) and feminine, the visceral adipose tissue area was always more ele- LAP= (CC[cm] –58) × (triglycerides [mmol/L]). It esti- vated when triglycerides values were altered, both in mates the over-accumulation of lipids and suggests that adults and elderly. the values of WC and serum triglyceride (TG) are prone The VAI is proposed as being able to evaluate the toaccumulatealongtime,inotherwords,theyexpressa dysfunction of the adipose tissue and its association functionofconstantriskassociatedwiththecardiovascu- with cardiometabolic risk, mainly in the absence of a lar risk among adults9. manifested metabolic syndrome7. Kahn9 stated that LAP rises faster according to the Both LAP and VAI are still few explored about their age for men than for women, which may contribute for capacity of discriminating visceral fat excess, especially the increase of cardiovascular events in younger men. measured by CT. However, those indicators have large Studies presented more discriminatory capacity of LAP possibilities for future investigations. for the incidence of diabetes similarly to BMI, WHR and WHtR and for identifying Metabolic Syndrome in men and women65,66. METHODOLOGICAL LIMITATIONS Recently, Roriz et al.38, was the first one evaluating Most of the studies used different methodologies re- the performance of LAP for discriminating visceral fat garding anthropometric techniques and the image and observed correlations over 0.7 in men and over method for quantifying visceral fat, besides different 0.60 in women, with area under the ROC curve over cutoffs of the TAV area. The lack of standardization be- 0.78 and cutoffs ranging from 26.4 to 37.4 in men and tween the adopted protocols indicates a limiting factor from 40.6 to 44.0 in women, showing the good accu- when comparing data from the different studies. racy of this indicator. CONCLUSION Visceraladiposityindex Considering the importance of visceral fat as a deter- The Visceral Adiposity Index also expresses the func- minant of metabolic changes associated with obesity, tion of visceral fat and its peculiarity consists in reflect- the replacement of CT by simpler methods of low cost Nutr.clí;36(2):168-179 176 NUTRICIÓNCLÍNICAYDIETÉTICAHOSPITALARIA and free of radiation means an advancement in the di- 5. Van Der Kooy K, Seidell JC. Techniques for the measurement of agnosis of visceral obesity and in the prevention of visceral fat: a practical guide. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord, 1993;17(4):187-96. events associated with this adiposity. 6. Pitanga FJG. Anthropometry for the assessment of abdominal Most of the studies evaluated the relationship be- obesity and coronary risk. Rev Bras Cineantropom Desempenho tween anthropometric clinical indicators with diseases Hum,2011;13(3):238–241. resulting from visceral obesity, however, this work con- 7. 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