ANTHROPOLOGY TODAY - Index 2000-2002 Index from Volume 16 No.1 to Volume 18 No.6 Harrison, Simon: The past altered by the present: A Melanesian village after VOLUMES: 16 (2000), 17 (2001), 18 (2002) twenty years NUMBERS: 1 (Feb), 2 (Apr), 3 (Jun), 4 (Aug), 5 (Oct), 6 (Dec) Hart, Keith: Reflections on a visit to New York This Index is distributed free by: The Royal Anthropological Institute of Hirsch, Eric: Malinowski’s intellectual property Great Britain and Ireland, 50 Fitzroy Street, London W1T 5BT, UK. Tel.: Hoyer, Klaus: Conflicting notions of personhood in genetic research +44 (0)20 7387 0455; Fax: +44(0)20 7388 8817. Reg. charity no. 246269. Hutchinson, Sharon E.: Nuer ethnicity militarized The address above is for all correspondence except subscriptions, changes of address etc. for which the address is: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, PO Box 1354, Ingold, Tim: The poverty of selectionism [L16,4; L16,5] 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UK (Tel: +44 (0)1865 778315; Fax: Jacka, Jerry: Coca Cola and kolo: Land, ancestors and development ... +44 (0)1865 471775). Keenan, Jeremy: The father’s friend: Returning to the Tuareg as an ‘elder Editor: Gustaaf Houtman, email: [email protected], Keppley Mahmood, Cynthia: Anthropological compulsions in a world in crisis 18,3 Website:! Kuper, Adam: Isaac Schapera — a conversation (Pt 1: South African beginnings)...17,6 ISSN 0268-540X - Copyright RAI ---! Isaac Schapera - a conversation (Pt 2: The London years) This sixth three-year index of Anthropology Today is divided into 10 sections: Lambek, Michael: Nuriaty, the Saint and the Sultan: Virtuous subject and SECTION NAME LISTED BY subjective virtuoso of the post-modern colony 1. ARTICLES authors’ names Liep, John: Airborne kula: The appropriation of birds by Danish ornithologists 2. COMMENTS [C] subject Lindquist, Galina: The culture of charisma: Wielding legitimacy in contemporary 3. DEBATE title of contribution Russian healing 4. CONFERENCES title of conference Lindquist, Johan: Modern spaces and international hinterlands: The cultural 5. FILMS AND REVIEWS title of films economy of decoupling and misrecognition 6. EXHIBITIONS title of exhibition Loftsdottir, Kristin: Knowing what to do in the city: WoDaaBe nomads and 7. INTERVIEWS the name of the person interviewed migrant workers in Niger 8. NARRATIVES authors’ names 9. OBITUARIES surname of deceased MacDougall, David: Renewing ethnographic film: Is digital video changing the 10. LETTERS [L] title of contribution genre? [C17,5] Letters/Comments: ‘[L/C Volume, Number!’ follow the article, etc. to which Marks, Jonathan: Contemporary bio-anthropology: Where the trailing edge of these respond. anthropology meets the leading edge of bioethics Maurer, Bill: Engineering an Islamic future: Speculations on Islamic financial Articles Vol, No alternatives [C17,3] Mcintosh, lan S.: When will we know we are reconciled? [C17,1] Mitchell, Hildi: ‘Being there’: British Mormons and the history trail [C17,4] Moore, Ronnie and Sanders, Andrew: Formations of culture: Nationalism and conspiracy ideology in Ulster loyalism Nash, June: Globalization and the cultivation of peripheral vision ---: Time to look ‘The Gift’ in the mouth [L17,6] Nugent, Steve: Anthropology and public culture: The Yanomami, science and Barnard, Allan: Anthropology in the Commonwealth ethics Boremanse, Didier: Sewing machines and the Q’echi’ Maya worldview Peace, Adrian: The cull of the wild: Dingoes, development and death in an Bowen, John R.: Should we have a universal concept of ‘indigenous peoples’ Australian tourist location rights’: Ethnicity and essentialism in the twenty-first century? [C 18,3] Peers, Laura: Native Americans in museums: A review of the Chase Manhattan Brown, Keith and Theodossopoulos, Dimitrios: The performance of anxiety: Gallery of North America [C17,1] Greek narratives of war in Kosovo Price, David: Interlopers and invited guests: On anthropology’s witting and Callan, Hilary: Anthropology and the British Association for the Advancement of unwitting links to intelligence agencies Science: An interview with David Shankland [L16,5}...... ---: Lessons from Second World War anthropology: Peripheral, persuasive and Chatty, Dawn: Mobile peoples and conservation ignored contributions [L18,6] [C18,4] Clammer, John: A critique of ‘cognitive’ development anthropology ---: Past wars, present dangers, future anthropologists [C18,2]............::ssssssesses 18,1 Clarke, Richard: Self-representation in a contested city: Palestinian and Israeli Rapport, Nigel: Towards the Holy Grail of a ‘scientific morality’ political tourism in Hebron Salvatore, Armando: Social differentiation, moral authority and public Islam in Colchester, Marcus: Indigenous rights and the collective conscious [C18, 1]........... 18,1 Egypt: The path of Mustafa Mahmud Corbey, Raymond: Arts premiers in the Louvre Saris, A. Jamie and Bartley, Brendan: The arts of memory: Icon and structural Crook, Tony: Length matters: A note on the GM debate violence in a Dublin ‘underclass’ housing estate Edelman, Birgitta: ‘Rats are people, too!’ Rat-human relations re-rated Schefold, Reimar: Stylistic canon, imitation and faking: Authenticity in Mentawai art in Western Indonesia [reply: Bruce Carpenter and Frank Wiggers] [C 18,6] ...18,2 Ellen, Roy: Dangerous fictions and degrees of plausibility: Creationism, evolutionism and anthropology Scheper-Hughes, Nancy: Ishi's brain, Ishi's ashes: Anthropology and genocide Engelke, Matthew: The problem of belief: Evans-Pritchard and Victor Turner on ‘the inner life’ Selwyn, Tom: Bosnia-Hercegovina, tourists, anthropologists [(C1 8,2] Fassin, Didier: The biopolitics of otherness: Undocumented foreigners and racial Seneviratne, H.L.: Buddhist monks and ethnic politics: A war zone in an island discrimination in French public debate [C17,2]............c:ssccssssessessesnestesneseeseeseensees 17,1 SPC OWA Ia cscs na cevcacetadssane asrecsesetisecacaoinecaeokp seoumamneaitince et 17,2 Fischer, Michael M. J.: In the Science Zone: The Yanomami and the fight for Shankland, David: Putting the science back in [C17,4] representation (Pts 1-2) Shaw, Alison: Why might young British Muslims support the Taliban? (C18,2] ---.: In the Science Zone: The Yanomami and the fight for representation (Pt 3) Sillitoe, Paul: Let them eat cake: Indigenous knowledge, science and the Franklin, Sarah: Sheepwatching ‘poorest of the poor’ Friederike Miller, Anne: Sociology as a combat sport: Pierre Bourdieu (1930- Simpson, Bob: Imagined genetic communities [L16,4] 2002) — admired and reviled in France Strathern, Marilyn: Blowing hot and cold Gledhill, John: Finding a new public face for anthropology [C17,1] Stroeken, Koen: Why ‘the world’ loves watching football (and ‘the Americans’ Guber, Rosana: Antropologia social: An Argentine diaspora between revolution don’t).. and nostalgia Toussaint, Sandy: Searching for Phyllis Kaberry via Proust: Biography, Hall, Tom and Montgomery, Heather: Home and away : ‘Childhood’, ‘youth’ and ethnography and memory as a subject of inquiry [(L18,3] young people Vokes, Richard: The Arusha tribunal: Whose justice? ...............sesssesseessesseeeseesesesess 18,5 Hann, Chris: Problems with the (de)privatization of religion Werbner, Pnina: Reproducing the multicultural nation [C18,4] Wolters, W.G.: The Euro: Old and new boundaries in the use of money[C18,1 ] 17,6 Narrative-based medicine: Vieda Skultans Zwart, Frank de: Practical knowledge and institutional design in India’s Northwest Coast Ethnology: Max Carocci affirmative action policy 16,2 Open society and open minds: Jonathan Skinner Post-socialisms in the Russian North: David G. Anderson Comment [C] Processes of naming: André Iteanu ‘Best of British’?: New Anthropology of Britain: Nigel Rapport [C 16,3] [L16,4] 16,2 Property and equality: Jerome Lewis What anthropologists should know about the concept of ‘terrorism’: Jeffrey Sluka, Rock art research: a colonial discipline?: Michael Eastham Noam Chomsky & David Price 18,2 Rural-Urban Relations and Representations: Mila Rosenthal A tale of two currencies: Keith Hart 18,1 The Anthropology of consciousness; Grand illusions: Charles Whitehead Money vs currency: Gustav Peebles 18,1 The new higher education?: Simon Coleman Anthropology and (the) crisis: Responding to crisis in Afghanistan: Richard UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues: lan S. Mcintosh Tapper 17,6 Anthropology and Education: Anthropology ‘outside in’: Phillip Whitehead, Simon Film (see also articles/comments) Coleman, Bob Simpson & David Mills Anthropology versus science: Simone Abram & David Shankland 7th International Festival of Ethnographic Film: Sarah Pink Avenues of access and the parameters of legitimacy: Charles Watters and Didier Géttingen Ethnographic Film Festival: Ricardo Leizaola [L16,5] Fassin Second Russian Anthropological Film Festival: Asen Balikci Buddhist monks and ethnic politics: Amitav Ghosh & H.L. Seneviratne Taiwanese Ethnographic Film Festival: Rolf Husmann & Jill Daniels Defining oneself, and being defined as, indigenous: |. Mcintosh, M. Colchester, J. Bowen, D. Rosengren Exhibitions (see also articles/comments) Ishi’s brain, Ishi’s ashes: The complex issue of repatriation: Thomas Recycling at the Pitt Rivers Museum: Brian Durrans on Killion/Alexandra K. Kenny & Nancy Scheper-Hughes ExitCongoMuseunr. The travels of Congolese art Exhibitions: Raymond Corbey.... Lessons from WWII anthropology: Jan van Bremen, Igor Kopytoff, Margaret The Amazon on display: Stephen Nugent Hardiman, David Price Native museums: J.C.H. King and Laura Peers Neo-cannibalism: Anthropologists in the Amazon.: Nancy Scheper-Hughes and interviews John Gledhill An interview with Marion Berghahn: Sean Kingston Pilgrimage: Bringing the structure back in: Simon Coleman & Hildi Mitchell Reconciliation: The people’s choice?: Francesca Merlan and lan S. Mcintosh Narrative Reproducing the multicultural nation: Nancy Lindisfarne, Werner Menski, Siew- Benthall, Jonathan: Malinowski’s tent [L16,4] Peng Lee, Pnina Werbner Bowman, Glenn: Thinking the unthinkable: Meditations on the events of Social anthropology and ‘Rapportage’: Is ‘all of human life’ in Britain?: Declan 11.09.2001 [L18,1 ] Quigley Hodges, Matthew: The sheep from the goats Sources of Muslim assertiveness in Britain: Tariq Modood & Alison Shaw Kohn, Tamara: Mom's Pecan Rolls Speculations on Islamic financial alternatives: Timur Kuran, Jonathan Benthall Lurhmann, Tanya: ‘God as the ground of empathy’ and Bill Maurer Wardle, Huon: Schismogenesis in a Belfast urinal Stylistic canon, imitation and faking: Cathryn M. Cootner, Laurens Bakker, Eberhard Fischer Wedel, Janine R.: Homo sovieticus, the naive American and 11.9 ............csseseeee The euro: Keith Hart Wilson, Richard: Children and war in Sierra Leone: A West African Diary The scope of the anthropology of tourism: Donald Macleod & Tom Selwyn Visual anthropology: Digital video: Jay Ruby, Sarah Pink, Joshka Wessels & Obituary David MacDougall Cohen, Abner: Ronnie Frankenberg Dakowski, Bruce: Rodney Needham Conferences Dieterlen, Germaine: |.M. Lewis ‘Where only man is vile’: Cultures and Biodiversity: Nick Tapp 16,5 Epstein, Bill: Ralph Grillo [L16,3] 12th conference of the Pan-African Anthropology Association: David Mills 18,5 Firth, Rosemary: Wazir J. Karim A world of cultures: Culture as property?: Catherine Alexander Firth, Sir Raymond: Judith Macdonald, Rima A Bartlett, Stephan Feuchtwang AAA1999: Peter Wade 16,1 Miyata, Noboru: Jan van Bremen AAA1999: Alpha and perhaps omega: Ronnie Frankenberg 16,2 Montagu, Ashley: [AT short summary] AAA2000: Anthropology and the media: Mark Allen Petersen . 17,1 Pitt-Rivers, Julian: I.M. Lewis AAA2001: Anthropology worlds apart: Brian Moeran 18,1 Prins, A.H.J.: Harald L. Prins AAA2001: Love, terror and nostalgia in Washington: Mark Allen Peterson 18,1 Sainsbury, Sir Robert: [AT short summary] AAA2001: Potential for transatlantic communication in anthropology?: A Gingrich . 18,1 Sardi, Miguel Chase: John Renshaw An Arusha declaration for 2002: Yunus Rafiki, Chris Knight and Camilla Power..... 18,4 Srinivas, M.N.: [AT short summary] Anthropology and education: Resisting bureaucracy: Simon Coleman and Bob Simpson; Broadening anthropology: David Mills (C17,5] 17,2 Letters [L] Anthropology and human development in Africa: David Mills 18,5 11.09 meditations: J Benthall (reply: G Bowman) (18,1). A dearth of statistics: R ASA2000: Knowledge and universals: Julia Panther 16,3 Johnson (reply: W James) (18,6). A memory of Rosemary Firth: M Hardiman (18,1). ASA2000: Knowledge and universals: David Shankland 16,3 Best of British: R Ballard et al (16,4). Bill Epstein's obituary: Tom Brass (16,3). ASA2000: Participatory anthropology: Ben Burt 16,3 Charity: Robert Paine (17,6). Dame Commanders: J Huntsman (17,5). Declaration by Austrian anthropologists: A Gingrich et al (16,2). Disciplinary racism?: Allan Passes ASA2001: Rights, claims and entitlements: James Fairhead 17,4 (16,4). Ethnographia 1767: H Vermeulen (16,5). Gdttingen International Film Festival: ASA2002: Coming of age in Africa: Mwenda Ntarangwi 18,4 F Hughes-Freeland (16,5). Inuit in sub-standard advertising: PGA Boorman (17,5). ASA2002: Travelling to Africa and through time: Rebecca Marsland 18,4 Malinowski's tent: Michael W. Young (17,25). Lessons from WWII: P Suzuki (18,6). Children in their Places: Gillian Evans & Ruth McLoughlin 17,5 Matea te urofa: To Raymond Firth on his 100th birthday, 25 March 2001: J Benthall Crossing the cultural borders: Michael Richardson and Cosimo Zeno 16,2 (17,2). Phyllis Kaberry photos: E.M. Chilver (18,3). Publish or perish: P Skainik [reply: G Houtman] (16,5). RAI or Al? / Dropping the ‘Royal’? / RAI Council policies: P Cave, EASA2000: Bea Vidacs 16,6 D Moody, J Benthall, R Skinner (18,6), K Suter, M Hitchcock, HF Reading (18,5), D EASA2002: Engaging the world - or rather, not? Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Lynn Moody (18,4), G Mars (reply: H Callan) (18,3); P Thomas (reply: J Benthall] (16,1). D. Maners 18,6 Selectionism: M Bloch (reply: T Ingold) (16,4); E. Frostick, S Nugent (reply: T Ingold) Elite cultures: Adriene Bof and Pet Peters 16,2 (16,5). Shankland's views: P-J Ezeh (reply: D Shankland) (16,5). The Viking baby Family organization, inheritance and property rights in transition: Stephen invasion: Les Hiatt (16,4). Torres Strait Islanders: A Herle (17,6). Transcontinental Gudeman 18,2 influences in anthropology: WH Newell (16,2). Anthropology and crisis: S Horsfall (18,1). Who cares about anthropology?: M Harris (16,5). Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilizations, Moscow: Declan Quigley......... 16,6