C.L\IBRIDGE TEXTS 1:" TJ1EI IISTORY OF PIIILOSOPHY Sencesd ilors h.ARL: \\\ERIKS l'm/l'ssoo/r1 '/u/oa./wl pitltelv · nil-eor/s.tY(o)/O'ra em e DES\10:'\D \1.C LARKE Pmji:sos/oPri ulostotpllln tiyn T,Cioll)l'e Cgotr'J : Them aino hjcctoif'C ca mbridTgeex tisn t hel listoofrP yh ilosoipsht yoe xpantdh e range',ar icatn�d q ualiotfyt otsi nt heh istoorf�p hilosowphhi'c ahr ca 'ailaihnl e EnglisThh.es eriiensc ludteesx thsyf amilniaamre s( sucahs D escaratnedsK anta)n d alsho� l es\\sc ll-knamumt hor\s\." hcrpnocsrs ibtleex,ta src p ublisihnec do mpleatned unabridlgie>dr amm,it ranslaatriscop nesc iaclolmym issiofnoetrdh es eriEeasc.h' olumc contaaic nrsi tiicnatlr oducttoigoent "h ietrahg uidteof urthreera dianngd a ny ncccssar� glossaarnidet sc \tuaaplp aratTuhse.' olumcasr cd esignleidsn t·u deunstc a tu ndcr t;raduaatncdp ostgradlueac\tla e n dw ilhleo fi nterneostot n I �t os tudenotfps h ilosophy, huta lstoo a i\\d caru dienocfer eadeirn't heh istoonfs cientchee,h i tso no ft heology andt heh istoorfiy d eas. Fora lios/!l ilplun/J /i.,iltnll it'sele lr ipelse,a Ssten" uel o/booJ:. IJVlMANUELK ANT Anthropofrloomg y a PragmaPtoiicn t of View TR \'-SL.\TED .\1\D EDITED BY ROBERT B.L OUDEN l· un:ctr�s(lSloyu\ tthacirnnt \\!Til\1'\ 1:'\TRODLCTIOI\ BY MANFRED KUEHN Bostlo"rnn: icrst(J' gCAMBRIDGE V UNIVERSITYP RESS t \ \lllKIIHdl. '\. ]\ I.R�iI \ l'KLS� (: amhrid'\g;ee\,1\ o rk.\,l doburn\eh,t drCitdp, eT own,in g;aSpoer,S .iPoa ulo t.\ \IBKJJ><,Jl- '.\. I\I K�l I) PKI·.�S TheE dinhurBgu;ildhi g;n,C amhridcg; 1e! 22 K l ,l � Publishienrd h el niteSdt atoef:s \ meribeyCa t mhridg;e lni,ersPirte's '\se,\ 1Y ork W\\\.\c a mhrid�.ocr� !nli>rmoantr histi oinet :,l ,.,,.,,,ctmhridg;e.org;l<nHosl11>7thSI Thish ooki si nc opr'ih g;.tS ubjetcos tt atuntcoeprito\n andt ot hper mi sioonfrs d e\acnotlc lt,eei·l icenasg;irneg;ee nmts, nor eproduocfta ino\P•n l mraty t akpel a\1c iet huot th\eH titepner missoifoCnam hridg;el ni\ersity Press. Firsptu lbishzeodo l> Printiendt hel nited� ing;dom att eh nli\ersitPyr esCsa,m hridg;e Im talogrtlu''m jritt!oh ·i!s 11o 1li·st ll'tlllathill/J<tr'·ij tiilms.n!i t! mtr)' I'dt'\-t9_>7 S-o-sz1-Hsh;ar;d6ha-c3k ISB,-10 O-j21-Hjjhja6r-d\ah kc IsB,-t_>< nS-o-;zt-67p1a6p5e-r1b ack ISB,-10 o-;2t-671pha;ep-r;ab ck CamhridUg;nei ,ersit\P rehsasns o r espons!i(b>irl ity thpee rsisotrea nccceu roafUc yR I. sf( >erx terorn al rihrd-p;rtlyi tnernwecth sirtecfse rtreoid nt hihoso k, andd ocnso g;ru arantcet haatn yc ontoenn ts uch \C\h�tcisi so,r " lirle miana,c curoart earo pprpiea.t Contents !ntroduclion pag,e ·ii Chronology XXX Furthreera ding XXX!ll Notoen t htec. ratn dt ranslation XXX\"! AnthropoflroogamyP ragmaPtoiicn otfV iew Preface 3 Contents 7 ParIt AnthropolDoigdiaccatlOi nct .h wea yo fc ognizing thien tears\i Yoearls tl he ex teorfti hoer humabne ing I3 BooIk Ont hceo gniftaicvuel ty r5 BooIkI T hef eeloifpn lge aasundrdie s pleasu1r2e5 BooIkI OIn t hfea cuolfdt evs ire 149 ParItI AnthropoloCghiacraalc terOinst thiweca .y ofc ognitzhiienn gt eorfti hoheru man being frotmh eex terior r3H Index 239 AnthropoflroogmyaP ragmaPtoiicn otfV iew Preface' Alclu ltpurroaglr beyms esa,no sfw hicthhh eu mabne iandgv anhcieIsTs "•J I educathiatoshn ge,o 2ao lfa pplytihnaigcs q uikrneodw leadnsgdke if lolr thweo rluds'cBs.u t th meo sitm porotbajneitcnt t hw eo rtlodw hichhe caanp ptlhye imts h heu mabne ing: tbheec ahuubsmeeai innhs gi osw n fineanld- .Th eretfook rneot wh heu mabne iancgc ortdohi inssgp ecies asa n eabretihenlngyd owweidtr he aseosnp ecdieaslelrtyvob e ecs a lled knomleId!g(e wtohrel ed,y ctnh ouhgech o nstiotnulotyne pesa rotft he creatouner aerst h. Ad octorfkinnoew locfdt ghhceu mabne isnygs,t ecmaalftloiyr mulated (anthorgoypc)oa,len x iesitt ihneap r h ysioloorig naip craalg mpaotiinct ofv ie-wP.h ysiolkongoiwclaeoldft g hehe u mabne icnogn cetrhnes investiogfwa htanitao tnum rea keosft hheu mabne inpgr;a gmatthiec , investoifwg hatahitea o sanf ree-abcetiminangkg oe fsh imsoercl afan,n d shoumladk oef h imse-lIlf ew. h op ondenrast uprhaeln omefonra , exampwlhea,tt h cea usoefts h te: 1coufml etmyo ry rmeasoytn c ,a n specublaacatkne fd o r(tlhiD kces carmtecrts h)te3r aocfei sm pressions remaiinnti hnbegr abiunit,nd oisnohg e m usatd mtihtia ntt hpilsao yfh is represenhteia astm ieoronebs s cnacnrmd u slten ta turruein t cso urse, fohred ocnsok tn otwh cer annicanl-a cnfsdi benrodrso ,ch seu nderstand hemt op utth etom u sfco hri psu rpoTshecsr.c afl(tl>h reco restpieccal ulataiboontu htii assp urwea sotfte i m-e-.Huithf e u sepse rceptions concer\n\i·hnhagbas et e fni >tou hmiln doersr t imumleamtoeir noy r dteor enlairotgrm e a kieat g ialneid,hf e r equkinroewsl ocdftg h·ec hbuemiann g 1T heP n:E;ut:tecH on.tlcnant.ms:i !-.�iinntt !ch ! laudsdtn.:/ ,i, ·m(Se/d /w)k1. 1/ tltflt. ;S ecc... �I.) r,cafrtJci�l\SoS (l!ffi.li\t!o'S(nl / ( q(\)r.)pt.... . 3 Prc/ilcc f(·tn hitsh,et nh iwso ulbdea p arotfa nthropwoiltaohp g rya gmatic purpoasnetd,h i ipssr eciwsheacltoy n ceurshn esr e. l�>olS ucahn a nthropcoolnosgiyd,aes lr .:endr nlr'�tl{hc uet> �o�rwclh di,c h muscto maef toeursrc hooilasic ngt,un aolytle yct a lplreadg mwathieicnt contaaincn :xst cnksnioYwcl eodftg hei nignts h weo rlfd(,e> xra mple, animapllsa,na tnsmd,i nerfarloYsma riloaunsad nscd l imabtueotsn ,l y \\hiectno ntkanionwsl eodftg hheeu mabne iansag itico{tJhle> orM c :::.n TherefCo\er nke n,o wleodftg here a coefhs u mabne inagsps r oducts belontgoti hnpegl aoyfn atuirnseo �t c tc ounatspe rda gmkantoiwcl edge oft hweo rlbdu,ot n layst heorektniocwlaelod ftg hewe o rld. Ina ddittihoeenx ,p res"sti!.:oon nostm h weo rladn"d" thoa rteh e \roralrdrc"a -tt hfeafrrr oema coht hientr h emiera nisnign,oc neoe n ly understthapenl datsyh oanth ea wsa tchwehdit,lh eoe t hhearps a rticipated ini t-.B utt haen thropoilsio nag viesrtuy n faroproasbiltfci( o>nr judgsion-gG llinl�sc!(odhc itehteeys ,t oaftte h neo blebse;c'at uhseey artco col otsooe n aen othbeutrto, fo a frr oomt hers. Trarbeell otnotg hsme e anosfb roadetnhriean ngog fae n thropology, cyeinfi ti so nltyh ree adoiftn rga bvoeolk Bsu.it of n wea nttosk now whattol oofkoa rb roianod r,d teobr r oatdherena nogfea nthropology, firosntem ushta vaec quikrneodw leodfhg uem abne inagths o me, throusgohc iianlt ercwoiutrohsn ee 'tso wnsmoernc ountray men. Withosuutca hp la(nw hiaclhr epardeys upkpnooswelse odfhg uem an beintghsce)i tiozfte hnwe o rrledm avienrsly i miwtietrdhe gatrohd i s anthropCoCliolgekynn.to fw leadlgweap yrse celdoeckasnl o wlehdegree , ift hlea titste orb eo rdearneddd irecttherdo upghhi losionpt hhye: abseonfcw eh icahia lc quikrneodw lecdagynei enlodt hmionrge than fragmegnrtoapriyn g aanrndoo su cnide nce. *** Il owncarls,lu caht temtpoat rsr aitsY uec ah sciweinttchhe o roughness 11211e ncoucnotnesri ddeirffiacbultleht aairteic sn heirneh nutm anna tuirtes elf. � duI·ll .'J.·/.o!m mcun1/1d t/ wheus. d t:cw gltllllgllrol/.ll�tcl:' l/a h1c dre.Sn t adntdlr "o rue'hlmlt. ·:'l\ a rc�iets yu cahs1-.: iinigsohnte hreg rPirreegwreh li,c ihts h cee ntoefark ingdionmw ,h icthh e pr01 icnocuiinalcolsf t hge0 e1rn ment laorceead t", hichha as u nie1r si(tfiyc> url atitio,on ft he scienacmei11s )h ihcahas l stoh rei glhotc atfiimo>ran r itciommem rec-ea c i1th11i chhr,w a1o f ri1ehrasts,h a ed �;mltg<eosfc ommrecheo twhi tthh ien teorifto hrce o untarnydw itnhe ighboring and dilsatnaodnfdts i flelraenngtu aagnedcs u stocmas1n,e1 l hle t akaesna na prpopripaltafeci e> r hroadeonne'iskn ng0 1doedfhg uem ahnc inagsws e laslo ft h1e1 orld,t hwkihnseo lr1ee1d cgaehn e acquiwrietdh eo1utet nr a,ding. Prefi/Cc Iafh umabne innogt itcheassot m eoinoseh scnh-iiman ngtd r ytinog 1. stuhdiym h,e w ileli thaeprp eeamrb arra(ssseeldf -coannsdc ious) cantns ohohwi msaeshl efr eailslo;yrh ed issemabnldde oscn,so t !l'taoh/ ek1 n1o wansh ei s. 2.b ·cinhf e o nlwya nttoss tuhdiym sheelw fi�rl el aacc hr itpiocianlt , 1 particauscl oanrclehyrni csso ndiitnai fofn'c w chti,ncohr madlolcys noatl ld<ismsi mulatthiiaottsno s : a wyh,e tnh ien ccnatriacYc ctsih Yec , docnso otb schni-mcs ealnfdw, h ehne d ocosb sehrivmes etlhfe, incenatriacvtr e ess t. 3·C ircumstoafpn lcaeacsne dt imweh,e tnh eayr cco nstant, produce habiwthsi cahsi, ss a iadrs,ce connadt uarnemd,a kiedt i fffioctruh let humabne itnogj udhgoew t oc onsihdiemrs heulCtfY ,C mno rdei ffi cutlotj udhgoewh es houflodra mni deoafo thewristw hh omh ei isn contfaoctrth ;Ye a riaotfci oonnd itiinwo hnisct hhh eu mabne ing is placheyhd i fsa otrei ,fh e i sa na dYcntpulraccre,s himiste lf, make \Try dfi(faltnrit churlotpt oorl iotsgoety h rea nokfa f ormsacli ence. Finawlhliynl,oe et x acstoluyr fcoearsn throptohleoasgrenyc n, c r- thclaeisdsws o:r lhdi stboiroyg,r anphcinpe lsa,ay nsd n oYcFlosr. althotuhgleha tttweoar r nco atc tubaaldslo eyn e xperiaenndtc reu th, huotn loyni nYcnatniwdoh ni,hl eert ehe ex aggeorfac thiaornaa cntde rs situaitnwi hoinchshu mabne inagrpscl acieasdl lowaesid if,n a d ream, thuasp peatrois nhgo uws n othcionngc erknnionwgl eodfhg uem an bein-gyse te vesno i,n s ucchh aracatsae rrcss ketchhyea d Richarodras M oonl ictrheme,a 7i/ nai:teusmr ushta vbee etna kferno m thoeh scn·oaftt hireoe naa lc tioofhn usm abne infgoswr:h itlhee ayr c exaggeirnad teegdrt ehee,my u st neYcrthcletsoh su mcaonr respond natuirnke i nd. Ana nthropworliotgftyre onam p ragmaptoiiocnf tY ictwh aits systemadteisciagalnnleydyde p to pu(ltahrr oruegfhe rteoen xcaem ples whiccahhn e f ouhnyde verreya dyeire)al nda sd vanft(at)ghrere e ading publtihcce:o mpletoefnt ehshese adiunngdsew rh icthh iosrt hat ohscrhYucmdaq nu aloifpt rya ctrieclaclYc aanhnce sc u bsuomfefde 11 r22s[ " seinm /.uismt alnfJ/ i('orA",·h ti esm otiocnodanilt ion"). 7 SamueRli chardJsio>nH,<J1 -E:1n 7g1l>wirsiht wehrso ee pistonlo·a,eril\ns c lPuadmee loar;I i rtlll' Rnl'ar(J1 ,7•�Ja0 n) dCl ariosrst.ah .e1 /istoo(la}y · oun!g. ad()7\• iO s1.7,� 7-17J�eSa)n.- Baptiste Poquc.\lloilni i1·! 1r2c·2,I1 >7F.J:r ench p!a.utt.h\oo ftr" h creo imgehdt7i,ie tsrt uf/da n1dT6 h1eq ) .1/isan(t1h1 r>o1p>e1 >). 5