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Antennas in Inhomogeneous Media BY J A N I S G A L E J S Senior Scientist, Applied Research Laboratory, Sylvania Electronic Systems, Waltham, Massachusets, U.S.A. 4? PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD • LONDON • EDINBURGH • NEW YORK TORONTO • SYDNEY PARIS • BRAUNSCHWEIG Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford 4 & 5 Fitzroy Square, London W. 1 Pergamon Press (Scotland) Ltd., 2 & 3 Teviot Place, Edinburgh 1 Pergamon Press Inc., 44-01 21st Street, Long Island City, New York 11101 Pergamon of Canada Ltd., 207 Queens Quay West, Toronto 1 Pergamon Press (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., 19a Boundary Street, Rushcutters Bay, N.S.W. 2011, Australia e Pergamon Press S.A.R.L., 24 rue des Ecoles, Paris 5 Vieweg & Sohn GmbH, Burgplatz 1, Braunschweig Copyright© 1969 Pergamon Press Inc. First edition 1969 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 68-21384 PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY A. W H E A T O N & CO. EXETER 08 013276 6 LIST OF TABLES NUMBER PAGE 2.1 Impedance of Half-wave and Ful-wave Antenas 17 7.1 Slot Conductance Computed by the Hallen's Method (G^, Variational Method (Gv) and from a Complementary Dipole(Gc). 95 8.1 Comparison of Slot Admitances 16 9.1 Self-impedance of Insulated Buried Antenas 16 12.1 Low Frequency Antena Resistance 268 ix ACKNOWLEDGMENTS THIS monograph summarizes the results of the author's recent work at the Applied Research Laboratory of Sylvania Electronic Systems. The author is particularly indebted for support to Dr. J. E. Storer, Director of the Laboratory. Among his colleagues, Drs. R. V. Row, S. R. Seshadri, and R. M. Wundt have contributed with a number of discussions. Appreciation is expressed to Mr. W. Rotman of the Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratory, and to Dr. A. Shostak of the Office of Naval Research, for their encouragement in the investigation of a number of topics. The author acknowledges several helpful discussions with Prof. R. W. P. King of Harvard University, and valuable comments by Dr. J. R. Wait, Editor of the Series on Electromagnetic Waves. xi LIST OF PRINCIPAL SYMBOLS A, B amplitude of trial functions or a constant a, b, c radii anm,AnMw,A(u, v) amplitude coefficients of TE modes bnm, Bn, B™q9 B(u, v) amplitude coefficients of TM modes B = lm(Y) susceptance B magnetic induction #0 static magnetic induction C capacitance; a constant; Euler's constant (0.5772 . . . ) Ci(z) cosine integral Cin(z) = C + logz-Ci(z) C(z) combination of sine and cosine integrals defined by (2.47) Cs, Ct defined following (11.77) c free space velocity of electromagnetic waves d thickness da area element dv volume element D denominator or abbreviations defined by (8.17) or (12.18) @ differential operator defined by (12.21) E electric field E(z) combinations of sine and cosine integrals defined by (2.45) e = 2.71828 . . . base of the natural logarithm e particle charge; denotes "electric" as a subscript FA, FB functions in impedance formulations F(R), G(R), F(u, v), F(w) functions in impedance formulations Fn(z), Gn(z) functions used in Section 2.2 fA(z)>fii(z) trial functions for antenna current or aperture fields / frequency in c/s © a dyadic function G scalar function; conductance Gr, GL radiation conductance, loss conductance gA> SB functions in impedance formulations H magnetic field ( m) // n (jt) Hankel function of kind m and order n H(k), H(kn), H(u, v), H(n, m) functions in impedance formulations hj metric coefficients / electric current xiii XIV LIST OF P R I N C I P A L SYMBOLS Idl electric dipole moment (ampere meters) K> IA> h abbreviations of integral expressions ix unit vector in x direction 2 ie electric current density (amperes/meter ) in = IJI0 relative current amplitudes in Section 2.4 Jse, J4, JX) Jz electric surface current density (amperes/meter) Jsm magnetic surface current density (volts/meter) Jn(x) Bessel function of first kind and order n Ky constants in Sections 2.3 and 7.12 Kdl magnetic dipole moment (volts/meter) Kn coefficients in Section 2.4 Kn(x) modified Bessel functions of second kind and order n k wave number k0 wave number of free space ke, kp wave numbers of electromagnetic and plasma waves in Chapter 11 kA, kB wave numbers of trial functions 2 k\ = kle3 — p in Section 12.2 ka shape factor defined by (4.48) / length log logarithm of base e m particle mass; denotes "magnetic" as a subscript N number of turns in Chapter 4; particle density in Chapters 11 and 12; numerator Nn normalizing factor for radial functions n unit vector in a normal direction P power Pr radiated power PL power loss Ps power carried by surface wave p radiation power factor in Chapter 4; scalar pressure in Chapter 11; denotes "plasma" as a subscript in Chapter 11 P functions in Sections 11.3 and 12.2 Q functions in Chapters 8 and 11 R resistance Rr, RL radiation resistance and loss resistance Rs resistance associated with a sinusoidal current distribution R reflection coefficient Ra, Rb reflection coefficients of TE and TM modes Rc reflection coefficient of scalar pressure in Chapter 11 Rn(p) radial function comprised of a combination of Bessel functions r = RrIRL in Section 4.2 S Poynting's vector Si(z) sine integral LIST OF P R I N C I P A L S Y M B O L S XV S(z) combination of sine and cosine integrals defined by (2.46) Sn parameters for computing loop impedance in Chapter 10 tan 8 = crl(o)€r) loss tangent U, W functions in Chapter 11 u acoustic velocity in Chapter 11 u(x) unit step function V voltage V velocity in Chapter 11 vph phase velocity w width X = lm(Z) reactance Xs reactance associated with sinusoidal current distribution X amplitude ratio of Ezj in the two modes in Section 12.2 Y= G + iB admittance Y0 characteristic admittance ys = Y/Y0 normalized admittance ys shunt admittance per unit length Z = R + iX impedance Zs impedance computed with sinusoidal current distribution; impedance with symmetrical antenna excitation Za impedance with antisymmetrical antenna excitation Z0 characteristic impedance zs series impedance per unit length xy y, z cartesian coordinates u, v, w transform variables p, (f>, z circular cylindrical coordinates r, 6, $ spherical coordinates a attenuation constant an coefficients in Section 2.4 j8 phase constant; radial wave number in Section 12.1 j8c defined following (7.2) j3x, (3y parameters characterizing the cross-sectional field variation in rectangular waveguides. y = — a + ip = ik propagation constant yNM parameters of impedance formulations A function in a variational impedance formulation defined by (2.40) or (7.18); perturbation of a real wave number in Section 11.1.2; abbrevi- ation defined by (11.52) in Section 11.2 8 skindepth; function defined by (2.16) 8Z variation of Z 8(x) delta function 8y Kronecker delta (Sy = 1 if / =j\ 8tf = 0 if / ^ j) € complex permittivity XVI L I S T O F P R I N C I P A L S Y M B O L S 9 €o = (1/3 677) X 10" Farad/meter permittivity of free space er real part of permittivity €1, €2, €3 elements of the dyadic permittivity defined by (12.3) em = 1 if m = 0, em = 2 if m ¥^ 0 e = vv/2 half-width £ transform variable 17 efficiency A(x) remainder term defined by (6.15) or (7.33) \n eigenvalues kD Debye length in Chapter 11 X = lirlk wavelength H permeability 7 fx{) = 4TT x 10~ Henry/meter—permeability of free space v collision frequency Ile, Ilm Hertz potential (vector) of the electric and magnetic type 2 2 p = V(u + v ), where u and v are transform variables in Section 12.2 cr conductivity in mho/meter <£ scalar function used for deriving TM modes and defined by (1.20) ^ scalar function used for deriving TE modes and defined by (1.19) 11 = 2 log (211 a) or 2 log (411 e) expansion parameter flr = (ojwp normalized cyclotron frequency = Qu (*>J<*>p normalized upper hybrid resonance frequency £ln(x) Lommel-Weber function in Section 2.4 ay = lirf angular frequency in radians per second <x)c cyclotron frequency, defined following (12.6) cop plasma frequency, defined following (12.6) 2 o)u = V(a) + (ol) upper hybrid resonance frequency CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. Scope and Limitations of the Treatment Most antenna texts emphasize antenna performance in the classical free space environment, but a number of important topics involving dielectric loading, buried antennas, antennas in a reentry environment or in the iono- sphere require a more specialized treatment. This monograph presents an introduction to methods on analyzing antennas in such inhomogeneous media. This involves complex geometrical configurations in which strictly assumed antenna current or field distributions are not justified and which generally require formulations in terms of integral equations. Variational formulations are selected for the treatment of most configurations. Such formulations appear to provide a straightforward mechanism for determining approximations to antenna current or field distributions, even when the current distributions can be expected to vary between relatively wide limits as shown for cavity-backed slot antennas or for linear antennas in the presence of dielectric antenna loading. The zero or first order iterative solutions of integral equations for the antenna current distributions are shown to be inadequate in several examples, whereas the variational solution appears to offer an accuracy comparable to higher order iterative solutions in geometries calculated in the past. However, very long antennas are not treated in this monograph. The developments are devoted almost exclusively to calculation of antenna impedances; antenna radiation patterns not being considered. Most of the antenna geometries can be described in rectangular or circularly cylindrical coordinates; spherical geometries being mentioned only briefly, and conical antennas omitted altogether. Emphasis is on dielectric media but also included are discussions of antennas in cold (incompressible) and warm (compressible) isotropic plasma and in cold anisotropic plasma. The equations describing wave propagation in ferrite media are quite similar to the equations characterizing magnetoionic media [Epstein, 1956]. However, ferrite media are not specifically treated in this monograph. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with basic electromagnetic field theory and antenna fundamentals. No attempt is made to duplicate the fun- damental theoretical developments available in most modern texts on electromagnetic theory. This applies in particular to the introductory material l 2 ANTENNAS IN INHOMOGENEOUS MEDIA Ch. 1 of this chapter, where the usual field equations and boundary conditions, the Hertz vector and the properties of elementary electric and magnetic sources are defined by summarizing the results found in more detailed developments of Stratton [1941]. The decomposition of fields in transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) components is discussed following Collin [I960]; and antenna impedances and admittances are defined following Harrington [1961] and King [1956]. However, similar fundamental information is also available in several other references listed at the end of this chapter [Jordan, 1950; King, 1953; Schelkunoff, 1943; Smythe, 1950; Wait, 1959]. In Chapter 2, past work on thin-wire antennas in free space is summarized. The topics discussed are the EMF method for linear antennas of Carter [1932], the integral equation formulation and the iteration method of Hallen [1938]. The variational formulation of Storer [1952] is used extensively in subsequent developments for antennas in more complex environments. For loops in free space the Fourier series solution [Storer, 1956] is shown to give the same impedance as a variational formulation if identical trial functions of the antenna current are used. In Chapter 3 Booker's concept of complementary antennas [1946] is derived from the properties of elementary electric and magnetic sources. Examples are given that consider radiation from rectangular waveguides [Lewin, 1951] and coaxial lines [Levine and Papas, 1951] terminated in an infinite flange. Dielectric loading of small antennas is discussed in Chapter 4. It is shown that small loops are less sensitive to the presence of lossy material in the vicinity of the antenna than are dipole-type antennas. The transmission line theory of insulated antennas in a lossy medium is reviewed in Chapter 5, and the self and mutual impedance of wires are calculated. The transmission line theory has also been used to calculate the surface excitation from a buried veritcal wire. The essential characteristics of thin insulated wires in the interface of two media are briefly explained in Chapter 6. Slots in a dielectric inter- face are discussed using the Hallen's iterative method for narrow slots, but the integral equation has been solved using Fourier transforms for wider slots. Cavity-backed slot antennas are discussed in Chapter 7, and the vari- ational solution is shown to be superior to simple iterative solutions for rectangular slots. Annular slots backed by cylindrical and coaxial cavities are also discussed. Slot antennas covered with a stratified dielectric or an isotropic plasma are treated in Chapter 8. More general solutions show that the impedance of the rectangular waveguide can be satisfactorily computed by assuming the principal waveguide mode for the aperture field distribution and by neglecting

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