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Antarctic Icebergs as a Global Fresh Water Resource PDF

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Preview Antarctic Icebergs as a Global Fresh Water Resource

ANTARCTIC ICEBERGS AS A GLOBAL FRESH WATER RESOURCE PREPARED FOR THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION J.LRULT N.C.OSTRANDER R-1255-NSF OCTOBER 1973 “is report was spanaored by the National Sciente Foundation under Genet GP i06 Reporte of The Band Coxporaton Go not mecearany ‘ells the piniena or polcier ofthe sponsena oY Hand renearch Published hy The Rand Conporatioa i PREFACE. “This report is incended fo provide background koowlede for polential wns and cuppliersof Anlartic icebergs, and for goverammenta ar ugeacies concerned wich thy development, revcation, or control of the use ofthese vatuable ice resouréma ‘The vessnrch reporced herein nga been sponsored principals by the Divectorate of Riscarch Applicsiona, Ofive of Pxptorutory Resource and Proklom Aseeesmient ot dhe National Science Foundation, ander te programs for Research Applic’ to Nuticnal Needs (RANN. “The major areas discussed ip the repurt include: + Am orivatation about preliminary cuucepts for using Antarctic Seberg re + Sue preliminary fousiliy estimates, 2 Some of the principal problems and promises that veemt to warrant further investigation ‘The results of various phaves of Uke investigation wil be poblizhed im Lster eparte a work progresses on expanding the concopts and refining Une technologici feasibility, Accong those areas that will be developed farther are: + A cxure detailed analysie of the applicability of Earth Resuasees Technalegy ‘Satellites (HRTS) in the harvesting of Antarctic ivberg res.Tees «A aul and comparison of the more promising techniques for converting IP bergs to frech water with deferene® to envirommantal consideration’ +The deseriptionof experiments using real icebergs to ent alternative operation: al eystern designs +The gasesement of tocetal and environmental impacts ‘The authors wish to ucknowlndge the assistuace, comments, and sourees of information provided by TL Kermeth Gaycr ofthe Nacional Science Foundation: he tevitw and conmente of Rand colleaguts Jamas C. Deliaven and Charles L, Free rant aed the painstaking editing of Margaret Milscend. May ethors also voncribt- Gl by privote communications as well as through sited references. The authors ‘cept the responsibility for any errors af fack or intorpretacion, ee . SUMMARY ‘As yonslocion sors end svandarts of living inerease, the fresh water detcien cis in covtzin araas uf Uke world are rapidly bevoming uzute, Thoso areas that are particularly concerned Tnchude the Pactic Southwest United States, and ports of Mexico, Chile, Australia, the Middlo Faxt, and North Alva. In sume of these arid egious, watee may by availa by touneferrng it rom riser bases with wbundant fraler ov by desalting seawater. However, the cox of tanaferring or desaltig, ‘which may be S1UD or rine per were‘? tend lo pet severe Hilson such Use For the thitety areas of the work, the posbility uf using AmiatioiecberRs Geel wacer resource mighs become n very attructive pruspest. The cruciat problem istodevien a technalogy that ean daliver ieted iceberg waler ac much tessa chan, tither doalting or interbasin trans, While at Une ame time ensuring spouptable ‘environmental impact of such operations. ‘The idea of using Anlacctie joeborgs has buon considered and even iced maher of times during the pest eualury, Theoretically. icebergs oe be ted to ty point accessible by a crap water route (al east 200 m of ater dept ‘The abundance of icebenga as long heen rovopmiad wnrnual yield of abut 100 million aevef= or 008,000 milion eubic misters Ifa way can be found to move the jeeherge and control cheir melting sous co deliver ny, 10 peveont ofthe an-antyiekd tcronomicaly, this operation sould potentially sutinty the wacer demands of am urban population of S00 mallion (with a usage of 200 a per verzon?. Te patents direct ousniie impact of fully exploiting 10 petoort of the unmunl yield is wtinnated to ‘ye ae mach ae 610 biftin annually ‘Past exploraliog of the Antarctic hae indivated thal # major prtion ote a) foe chat forme end builds up during che dark winter months thaws out during the ‘laplight season, By March of euch year muct of the ratular ieeberes caturally armed from the ioeshelf discharges are accnsible for acquisition and expat oper ‘tions. Although the seu ioe i generally ese thu 2 m thick ‘compared with a few Ihunied meiers for most tabular frth water webergs, the anes of sea eo formed, and thawed each year is thousande of Limes the lta! arvu of ieborgs and ub ten times the mass, This sea ie iva maior fSclor Io contend with in the aoguisition of Jocborga Ita modcenting influence on the climate (gether with Uhl of the eontinon {ad seecaph is su dominating over that of the icebergs thot Vite climatic efeer would __beexpeeted, even wwith the conplete removal ofthe fotal annual izebere yi. It B+ anocetiateab a ginnty monn te goer nea ih wre ep “SRST EE PREIS Ws ORGS Lace Tow Tigh Cay Bech Wate wal THEM T Driloticn ulureinent without adverse effets on Une global or Antarcti climate, The NASA Barc Reanurees Tocluology Sulellite (ERTS: Program is providing ‘valuable piotucoe that hoor how the sea ine revodes dering the dayligh! suuson, and that give the ocatione saavemen!s, and dimensions! ehuracteviaties of joeberge of inverest, Barly iecprpretalion cuntvina the pevera) abundunce of wsberst and sev ioe behavior demonstrated in previous exploration dato. Tetated statistics about {ocberg dimensions. charweCcrisccn will bocatoe avaluble with more complete ic: tures, uod when appropriate ramopling of dimensional weasuremicnts have beer ‘made and smalyzad. Iwill luen be possible to estimate hom easly a covtaia fraction ot the iebergs can be eileeted into various “train” configucations, und project the corropinding coats assciuted with their delivery (o terminal locations Tn onter to gets ettur Undemmtanding of the feesitity of moving icebergs and cantroting their milli. # model of the tranaport aperacions fora the Kose Bea 40 Snuthern Californin was tnade, The available enviconmenta: duta om cusres: ‘soda, and temperatures were included in the modo Although these data are e=y {de ond limited they are adequate to oat the profiminary feasts. The model ts thet the Lrunsport effoe equircd need not bo very eenitive to the w:nds, can ‘penetc from the eurreots hat in nat depcuidenton them fr ZeasiNe operations not to sesitive tothe covte sefactad, and S21 requice Ineulalin, othe iecbergn for scweptable sunival en route to the Northern Hemisphere ‘The Carols [nvces* ‘hich are proportional to the momentum lmass > velocity! and the gine of tbe Tacitude, provide the peinejpal resistance to the transport operations, Those forcee are applied alright angis tothe velocity and require a lurye Iction of te trams pore effort to ouucverace their effets, particulary at more sontherly lulivodes, "The cost uf delivering the ieeborg! sll be determined by the design of the rarsport uperavins and the vondguration of Une iceberg "trains." Narrow trains {250 ta €00 m wide! are desirable bernuse dhey ate estimated to reduce the mot Corel fects on the foeberge. Abo, when these trauns ure prapalled at-an ane ‘with respect to the recultant velocity, they cun mare ellstively ubtain “hit” to founlerutt Corilis foress, An asymptotic missimam tranport olort per wait of iosberatis aynraechad for iceberg "traina” Longer tham sbout 2) km. Greater lenetht increase te mam, transport neetance, and insulation casts propuxtionstely. The tits oC inetlation san be estimated without epotitying mony ofthe deratls of oper tonal techniques for applying the imaulatina, which nowd to be vested hy experience. Essentially, the iosburg strfanen exposed 69 ablatin frie the owing seawater can ‘be wrapped by urrolling plostc film that is designed to tray pockets of mull water forw 2 quitting of sill water between the dosberg and the Groving weesaer. Quilewoter thicknewas of cm will iil Lhe iceberg meltig to kes than. 10 percent per yeu ‘Fhe operational exe of delivering o large ieberg train 11.22 > 10° hg: to Californie on a cneyear cycle is estimated to be about $# yor 1000 ms" G49 per ‘pref Te is also estitnated that. designing operations for more nearly oytinnom spre or bolier train configurations ll not nificantly reduce these rate, On the ther herd, thove delivery caste ehoulé approximavely hold for 2 variety of oper ‘tions that would depart sigeiScantly fro: the azymptativ one that was costed. * tne gon en mtn lint saring the Nester Tamir to eight er ov song the Soar Tmepeae toe a - “The Summacy Figure shows a possible operational configuratihi Wits les ay driven propellers distcbutad along, and haruested 0. the train convoy. Aloo shown ie possible teat configuration using more oonvencions. Lugs pull socull ‘hose-paee foeberg train. afore designing and developing an operationat sytem, ual for refining cost setimaten, a teat program with irberge wud he desirabie tor determine the nature of the submerged aurfuces uf tabular fochergs; test techniques for ineulating and Inarnecsing ieebargy: mesure the transport eirononent snd performance; daer- sine how well the Coriolis fsrees can be controlled: and test Cav peeformance of ‘xing 19 simulate operational contra! ond performance ‘The conversion ofthe enbirgs for fresh weter snd howt ei [¢ explored in a very preliminary way in order to uncover promising concepts und ueslivate cot Limits ‘based on general physical principles. This exploration indicates thar iceberg conver saw: by fresh water a sea level ehotald be schievable in w variegs of aya for about [58 par [000 ni. A preliminary engineering study un comparisen of she a10re promising converse techniques a needed to develop betver coat eatimatas ws] the basis fr che desir: of at systere for evaluating alleruslive approaches fr opens: ‘tonal stems. "The total casts of Antarctic tosberg tranepert, conversion to water, nad detivery ‘ta wholeale dctrbution terminals in sosstal aress oppear tebe uf th urder of 500 per anre‘t. This would be las coetly and would reqeice les enersy expenditure than {nlerbanin waler transfer of a fer hundred niles ur desalting ox costly water reclamation operations, Furthermore, nuclear ontrgy ovald be used sie elimina {ng caupetition for fossil fuel resources, Fresh wal (roa icebergs snould therefore ‘become am altructive sitenative for uraas lose v9 deep seawater acres routes, Before uny large-seale operational aie of Aptarete icebergs s implemented, ‘ere should be a ouayrebuasive usvessnent of the patentia! sotieta! and envirun ‘meata} impacts, A prelimintry exploration of a vasiety of sch facnna revea's 20 obvious insurzeotatable obstacle, Tae [nore ta be investigule elude: the incre tonal acreptahiliny of exploiting Antarctic iceberg; the en route wevicunmental ceoneaincs: the acceptability of terminal operations; Une demand for insburg water _ané the integracin. oft delivery ayavem with other vslablished sys:ems fur fornish- ing frah wacer: icebergs as veeervoire and recreation areas; and the risk involved in implementing igeberg waver verqurce systems. The more avenues thut are ex loved, the mare promising the concepts seem t bocoane. However, suore refined ‘sessment car, be made ‘chen the potantil operations become burt defined, snd ‘when specific terminal applications ear. be examiuet in detail Poutble Qneratonn! Configuration Tron ength 20m hs 300 Top f0 ahve ete ectieally dven, owded propeller vere (daitharee along Pah ond eabler somes 1 Exo eullian fnbnester and eres! goo" ip = /rntiere | Eoatigetion ‘ean nuclear powerplant Scie Fin eth 2 ke weet 209 Sohn | Suuumary Fig—Conceptual ilhustrationt CONTENTS PREPACE, a, Ww INTRODUCTION POTENTIAL FRESH WATHK DEMANDS AND RESOURCES Demand for Fret. Water. Potential Fresh Water Resources ‘Potential Eeonamic Impect. ‘TRCHNOLOGICAL FEASIRILITY Acquisition of Polar Tee ‘Feraporting Weber asd Canicltog Melong.. ‘Teeminal Conversion [or Fresh Water and Heat Sick, [ASSESSMENT OF SOCIETAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ~ International Asseplubility of Exploitation af ‘Antarctic Ie. ..-- Ee Route Environmental Constraints Arcoptability of Terrainal Operations Intradueing New Water Resources Tecbergs wo Rerarvoirs and Hacreation Ares Fisk fe Tecberg: Water Resource Systems. Appendix (CE ACCUMULATION AND LOSS IN THE ANTARCTIC CONTROLUNG THE MELTING OF ICFRERGS. ‘THE COST OF MOVING ICEBERGS. ICEBERG TRANSPORT SND MODELS. THE FLOW AROUND A SUBMERGED MOVING BODY ‘REFERENCES SELWCTED BIBLIOGRAPHY. en i

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