Titles in the Answers to Common Questions Series Answers to Common Questions About Angels & Demons by H. Wayne House and Timothy J. Demy Answers to Common Questions About God by H. Wayne House and Timothy J. Demy Answers to Common Questions About Heaven & Eternity by Timothy J. Demy and Thomas Ice Answers to Common Questions About Jesus by H. Wayne House and Timothy J. Demy Answers to Common Questions About the Bible by H. Wayne House and Timothy J. Demy Answers to Common Questions About the End Times by Timothy J. Demy and Thomas Ice Answers to Common Questions About the Bible © 2013 by H. Wayne House and Timothy J. Demy Published by Kregel Publications, a division of Kregel, Inc., P.O. Box 2607, Grand Rapids, MI 49501. Use of this ebook is limited to the personal, non-commercial use of the purchaser only. This ebook may be printed in part or whole for the personal use of the purchaser or transferred to other reading devices or computers for the sole use of the purchaser. The purchaser may display parts of this ebook for non- commercial, educational purposes. Except as permitted above, no part of this ebook may be reproduced, displayed, copied, translated, adapted, downloaded, broadcast, or republished in any form including, but not limited to, distribution or storage in a system for retrieval. No transmission, publication, or commercial exploitation of this ebook in part or in whole is permitted without the prior written permission of Kregel Publications. All such requests should be addressed to: [email protected] This ebook cannot be converted to other electronic formats, except for personal use, and in all cases copyright or other proprietary notices may not modified or obscured. This ebook is protected by the copyright laws of the United States and by international treaties. The views expressed in this book are solely those of the authors and do not represent or reflect the position or endorsement of any governmental agency, or organization, military or otherwise. All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are from the New American Standard Bible®. Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. www.Lockman.org Scripture quotations marked ESV are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NET are from the NET Bible® copyright © 2005 by Biblical Studies Press, LLC (www.bible.org). Used by permission. All rights reserved. From Wayne: To Carrie House and Nathan House From Tim: To Glen Riddle, lover of words and the Word, books and the Book Contents About This Series Introduction Part 1: The Origin of the Bible 1. When was the Bible written? 2. Who wrote the Bible? 3. Where were the biblical books written and to whom were they written? 4. In what languages was the Bible written? 5. What Bible did Jesus and the apostles use? 6. Why are there four gospels? Part 2: The Organization of the Bible 7. Why are there two Testaments and what are they? 8. How are the Hebrew Scriptures organized and why? 9. How are the Greek Scriptures organized and why? 10. How is the English Bible organized and why? 11. Who divided the Bible into verses and chapters and when? Part 3: The Uniqueness of the Bible 12. Why is there a Bible? 13. How did God communicate His revelation to humanity? 14. What is meant by the terms inspiration, infallibility, and inerrancy when referring to the Bible? 15. How reliable is the biblical teaching regarding history, theology, science, and ethics? 16. How is the Bible similar to and different from other religious texts? 17. How does one deal with alleged errors and problem passages in the Bible? 18. Is the Bible God’s final revelation? 19. How did Jesus and the apostles view the Bible? 20. Is there extrabiblical support for the reliability of the biblical accounts? Part 4: The Gospels and Acts 21. How reliable are the historical accounts in the Gospels and the book of Acts? 22. How reliable is eyewitness testimony? 23. What kind of literature is a gospel? 24. What is the Synoptic problem? Part 5: The Canonicity of the Bible 25. Who determined which books to put in the Bible? 26. What criteria were used to include or exclude a book from the Bible? 27. Could more books properly be added to the Bible today? 28. Why do the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant Bibles have different books, and what are they? 29. What does the phrase “Canon of the Bible” mean? 30. When was the canonization of the Old Testament completed? 31. When was the canonization of the New Testament completed? 32. What are the pseudepigrapha? 33. What are the Gnostic Gospels? 34. What is the Apocrypha? Part 6: The Composition of the Bible 35. What was the physical process of writing the Bible? 36. How did the authors use their sources in writing the Bible? 37. How were scribes used in producing the books of the Bible? 38. Did the authors write in different styles? Part 7: The Transcription and Transmission of the Bible 39. Why didn’t God preserve the original text? 40. What is textual criticism? 41. What are the oldest copies of the Bible in existence? 42. How close to the original manuscripts are those manuscripts used for our translations? 43. What happened to the original manuscripts, and how long did the autographs remain in existence? Part 8: The Translation of the Bible 44. What is the Masoretic Text? 45. What are the different translation theories? 46. How close to the meaning of the original Hebrew and Greek are our translations? 47. Why are there so many English versions and translations? 48. What is the Septuagint? 49. What is the Vulgate? 50. What is the Peshitta? 51. What are the Aramaic Targums? 52. What is the Samaritan Pentateuch? Part 9: The Interpretation of the Bible 53. Is there more than one meaning in a biblical text? 54. What is figurative language? 55. What is meant by “literal interpretation”? Part 10: Contemporary Challenges Regarding the Bible 56. Are books missing from the Bible today? 57. Does the Bible quote from other ancient writings? 58. What is the relationship of the Dead Sea Scrolls to the Bible? 59. How do early copies of the Bible compare with early copies of other ancient literature? 60. Is the Bible a sufficient guide for what we believe and how we live? Conclusion Notes Recommended Reading About the Authors About This Series T he Answers to Common Questions series is designed to provide readers a brief summary and overview of individual topics and issues in Christian theology. For quick reference and ease in studying, the works are written in a question and answer format. The questions follow a logical progression so that those reading straight through a work will receive a greater appreciation for the topic and the issues involved. The volumes are thorough, though not exhaustive, and can be used as a set or as single-volume studies. Each volume is fully documented and contains a bibliography for further reading for those who want to pursue the subject in greater detail. The study of theology and the many issues within Christianity is an exciting and rewarding endeavor. For two thousand years, Christians have proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ and sought to accurately define and defend the doctrines of their faith as recorded in the Bible. In 2 Timothy 2:15, Christians are exhorted: “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.” The goal of these books is to help you in your diligence and accuracy as you study God’s Word and its influence in history and thought through the centuries.