SI N A A es eri S D - B es eri S SpecialBoringBars H - E es eri S SpecialHolders D N I es eri S M H C es SpecialInserts Seri 2012 E ® Indexable tooling since 1932 Indexable spot, engraving, drilling, and boring tools Solid carbide tooling EveredeToolCompanyhasbeen Servingtheaerospace theexclusiveU.S.A.representative industrysince1994. since2002. Eversinks™ and aircraft tooling once shown in the Everede product guide are now in the Intrepid Aero Tool catalog. THREEUNIQUEPRODUCTLINESAVAILABLEFROMEVEREDETOOLCOMPANY E EVEREDE TOOL CO. TABLE OF CONTENTS ® PAGE TABLEOFCONTENTS 1 INSERTS 2-5 CUTTINGDATA 6-13 BORINGBARS ANSINomenclature 14 MINBORERANGE ne w ANSISeries 0.480to1.500” 15-17 OrderingInformation 18 SeriesA 0.180to0.356” 19-21 SeriesB 0.270to0.360” 22-25 SeriesC 0.438to 0.688” 26-27 SeriesD 0.625to1.344” 28-29 SeriesE-H 0.230to1.094” 30-34 SeriesFL-SpiralFluted 0.220to1.000” 35 SeriesPB-Profiling 0.520to1.100“ 36 SeriesTH-Threading 0.272to0.593” 37 SeriesRCH-ReverseBars 0.394to1.205”” 38-39 SeriesIND-Countersinks 0.125to0.500” 40 SeriesCHM-Chamfermills 0.500to1.500” 41 SeriesINCB-Counterbores 0.148to1.214” 42 SERIESPC-PORTCONTOURCUTTERS SeriesIFPC-Indexable SAE4-SAE24 43 SeriesCTPC-CarbideTipped SAE2-SAE24 44 CuttingData 45 w SETSANDne KITS BoringBars,Countersinks,ChamferMills 46-49 ACCESSORIES Hardware 50 Pilots 50 BoringBarSleeves 51 EVEREDESTYLE BoringBars&Inserts 52-62 CUSTOMTOOLING InsideBackCover E EVEREDE TOOL CO. INSERTS ® COATEDGRADES UNCOATEDGRADES CERMET TIPPED PVD CVD TiN TiN TiALN TiN TiN C8 C5 C3 C2 C1 C7 s e ri 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 e 0 1 3 3 3 0 3 1 2 3 0 1 1 S P K K P K P P K K K P N H r e d EVEREDEGRADES ol H PEAVRETRENDOE. IC T R CV7 CVM2 TL120 CV6 MC32 CS7 CS6 CM2 CS2 MU12 CT7 PCD CBN APLT-347 .375 .187 .015 q q q q q CHM I.C. R T COATEDGRADES UNCOATEDGRADES CERMET TIPPED PVD CVD Aangles TiN TiN TiALN TiN TiN C8 C5 C3 C2 C1 C7 es ri CD..=15° 05 10 30 30 30 05 30 10 20 30 05 10 10 Se CC..=7° P K K P K P P K K K P N H er d A˚ EVEREDEGRADES ol H w PEAVRETRENDOE. IC T R CV7 CVM2 TL120 CV6 MC32 CS7 CS6 CM2 CS2 MU12 CT7 PCD CBN ne CB CCGT-21.51 .250 .094 .015 q q PC ANSI CCGT-32.51 .375 .156 .015 q q ANSI GROUNDCHIPBREAKER CDCC-07L .156 .040 .007 q q q q q q q q q CDCC-07R .156 .040 .007 q q q q q q q q q CDCC-15L .156 .040 .015 q q q q q q q q q A CDCC-15R .156 .040 .015 q q q q q q q q q FL Note:Uselefthandground chipbreakerinsertwithright handboringbars.Useright handgroundchipbreakerinsert withlefthandboringbars. CDCD-02 .156 .040 .002 q q q q q q q q q q q A CDCD-07 .156 .040 .007 q q q q q q q q q q q FL CDCD-15 .156 .040 .015 q q q q q q q q q q q CDCH-07 .156 .040 .007 q q q q q A FL CDCH-15 .156 .040 .015 q q q q q CDCT-02T .156 .050 .002 q q TH w DCGT-21.51 .250 .094 .015 q q e n ANSI DCGT-32.51 .375 .156 .015 q q Whenorderinginserts,indicateEveredepartnumberfollowedbyEveredegrade.Example:APLT-347-TL120 Askaboutourspecialsandexistinginventoryofbarsnotfeaturedinourcatalogs. ▼ Phone: 773-467-4200 2 E EVEREDE TOOL CO. INSERTS ® Aangles R T COATEDGRADES UNCOATEDGRADES CERMET TIPPED TB..=5° PVD CVD TD..=15° I.C. TiN TiN TiALN TiN TiN C8 C5 C3 C2 C1 C7 s e TP..=11° ri 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 e 0 1 3 3 3 0 3 1 2 3 0 1 1 S P K K P K P P K K K P H H r e d A˚ EVEREDEGRADES ol H F PEAVRETRENDOE. IC T R CV7 CVM2 TL120 CV6 MC32 CS7 CS6 CM2 CS2 MU12 CT7 PCD CBN TBEB-02F .160 .047 .002 q q q q I.C. TBEB-04F .250 .094 .004 q q q q q TH R=F(flat) w TCGT-21.51 .250 .094 .015 q q e n TCGT-32.51 .375 .156 .015 q q ANSI TDAB-02 .160 .047 .002 q q q q q q q q q q q TDAB-07 .160 .047 .007 q q q q q q q q q q q B RCH TDAB-15 .160 .047 .015 q q q q q q q q q q q FL TDAB-31 .160 .047 .031 q q q q q q GROUNDCHIPBREAKER TDAC-07L .160 .047 .007 q q q q q q q q q TDAC-07R .160 .047 .007 q q q q q q q q q TDAC-15L .160 .047 .015 q q q q q q q q q B TDAC-15R .160 .047 .015 q q q q q q q q q RCH Note:Uselefthandground FL chipbreakerinsertwithright handboringbars.Useright handgroundchipbreaker insertwithlefthandboring bars. TPGB-202 .250 .094 .002 q q q q TPGB-207 .250 .094 .007 q q q q q q q q q q q C FL TPGB-215 .250 .094 .015 q q q q q q q q q q q RCH TPGB-231 .250 .094 .031 q q q q q q q q GROUNDCHIPBREAKER TPGC-207L .250 .094 .007 q q q q q q q q TPGC-207R .250 .094 .007 q q q q q q q q TPGC-215L .250 .094 .015 q q q q q q q q C TPGC-215R .250 .094 .015 q q q q q q q q FL Note:Uselefthandground RCH chipbreakerinsertwithright handboringbars.Useright handgroundchipbreaker insertwithlefthandboring bars. TPGH-202 .250 .094 .002 q q q C FL TPGH-207 .250 .094 .007 q q q q q q q q q CB TPGH-215 .250 .094 .015 q q q q q q q q q IND RCH TPGH-231 .250 .094 .031 q q q q q q q q q PC Whenorderinginserts,indicateEveredepartnumberfollowedbyEveredegrade.Example:TBEB-02F-CV7 Askaboutourspecialsandexistingin▼ventoryofbarsnotfeaturedinourcatalogs. Phone: 773-467-4200 3 E EVEREDE TOOL CO. INSERTS ® Aangles R T COATEDGRADES UNCOATEDGRADES CERMET TIPPED TB..=5° PVD CVD TD..=15° I.C. TiN TiN TiALN TiN TiN C8 C5 C3 C2 C1 C7 s e TP..=11° ri 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 e 0 1 3 3 3 0 3 1 2 3 0 1 1 S P K K P K P P K K K P N H r e d A˚ EVEREDEGRADES ol H PEAVRETRENDOE. IC T R CV7 CVM2 TL120 CV6 MC32 CS7 CS6 CM2 CS2 MU12 CT7 PCD CBN TPGB-307 .375 .125 .007 q q q q q q q q q q D FL TPGB-315 .375 .125 .015 q q q q q q q q q q RCH TPGB-331 .375 .125 .031 q q q q q q q q q q GROUNDCHIPBREAKER TPGC-307L .375 .125 .007 q q q q q q q q TPGC-307R .375 .125 .007 q q q q q q q q TPGC-315L .375 .125 .015 q q q q q q q q D TPGC-315R .375 .125 .015 q q q q q q q q Note:Uselefthandground FL chipbreakerinsertwithright handboringbars.Useright handgroundchipbreaker insertwithlefthandboring bars. TPGH-307 .375 .125 .007 q D FL TPGH-315 .375 .125 .015 q q q q q q q q q PC TPGH-331 .375 .125 .031 q q q q q q q q RCH COATEDGRADES UNCOATEDGRADES CERMET TIPPED PVD CVD TiN TiN TiALN TiN TiN C8 C5 C3 C2 C1 C7 s e ri ∇ 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 e 0 1 3 3 3 0 3 1 2 3 0 1 1 S ∇11° P K K P K P P K K K P N H er d EVEREDEGRADES ol H PEAVRETRENDOE. IC T R CV7 CVM2 TL120 CV6 MC32 CS7 CS6 CM2 CS2 MU12 CT7 PCD CBN VPGT-207 .250 .125 .007 q q q q q q q q VPGT-215 .250 .125 .015 q q q q q q q q PB VPGT-202L .250 .125 .002 q q q q q q q R VPGT-202R .250 .125 .002 q q q q q q q 4˚ VPGT-207L .250 .125 .007 q q q q q q q VPGT-207R .250 .125 .007 q q q q q q q PB VPGT-215L .250 .125 .015 q q q q q q q Lefthandshown. VPGT-215R .250 .125 .015 q q q q q q q Whenorderinginserts,indicateEveredepartnumberfollowedbyEveredegrade.Example:TPGB-307-CVM2 Askaboutourspecialsandexistinginventoryofbarsnotfeaturedinourcatalogs. ▼ Phone: 773-467-4200 4 E EVEREDE TOOL CO. INSERTS ® R T COATEDGRADES UNCOATEDGRADES CERMET TIPPED PVD CVD TiN TiN TiALN TiN TiN C8 C5 C3 C2 C1 C7 s e ri 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 e 0 1 3 3 3 0 3 1 2 3 0 1 1 S I.C. P K K P K P P K K K P N H r e d 7º EVEREDEGRADES ol H PEAVRETRENDOE. IC T R CV7 CVM2 TL120 CV6 MC32 CS7 CS6 CM2 CS2 MU12 CT7 PCD CBN WCGT-002 .156 .062 .002 q q q q q q q E WCGT-008 .156 .062 .008 q q q q q q q FL WCGT-015 .156 .062 .015 q q q q q q q WCGT-102 .187 .094 .002 q q q q q q q F WCGT-108 .187 .094 .008 q q q q q q q FL WCGT-115 .187 .094 .015 q q q q q q q WCGT-202 .250 .094 .002 q q q q q q q G WCGT-208 .250 .094 .008 q q q q q q q FL PC WCGT-215 .250 .094 .015 q q q q q q q WCGT-308 .375 .156 .008 q q q q q q q H WCGT-315 .375 .156 .015 q q q q q q q FL PC WCGT-331 .375 .156 .031 q q q q q q q COATEDGRADES UNCOATEDGRADES CERMET TIPPED PVD CVD TiN TiN TiALN TiN TiN C8 C5 C3 C2 C1 C7 s e ∇ 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 eri 0 1 3 3 3 0 3 1 2 3 0 1 1 S 11º P K K P K P P K K K P N H er EVEREDEGRADES old H PEAVRETRENDOE. IC T R CV7 CVM2 TL120 CV6 MC32 CS7 CS6 CM2 CS2 MU12 CT7 PCD CBN XPGT-107 .187 .096 .007 q q q q q q q q XPGT-115 .187 .096 .015 q q q q q q q q PB XPGT-102L .187 .096 .002 q q q q q q q XPGT-102R .187 .096 .002 q q q q q q q R XPGT-107L .187 .096 .007 q q q q q q q 4˚ XPGT-107R .187 .096 .007 q q q q q q q PB XPGT-115L .187 .096 .015 q q q q q q q Lefthandshown. XPGT-115R .187 .096 .015 q q q q q q q Whenorderinginserts,indicateEveredepartnumberfollowedbyEveredegrade.Example:WCGT-002-CV6 Askaboutourspecialsandexistinginventoryofbarsnotfeaturedinourcatalogs. ▼ Phone: 773-467-4200 5 E EVEREDE TOOL CO. CUTTING DATA ® MATERIAL GROUPS Name Group Description RepresentativeMaterials Steels 1 Freemachining&low 1008,1010,1018,1020,10L18,1108,1117,1141, carbonsteels 1151,11L44,1200series,12L14 (100-225BHN) 2 Medium&highcarbon 1035,1040,1045,1055,1080,1085,1090,1525, steel(<35Rc) 1541,1551,1561,1572 3 Alloysteels(<45Rc) 1300series,200series,4012,4023,4140,4320, 4422,5120,E51100,E52100,6118,6150,7000se- ries,8620,8622,8640,8822,E-9310,Cr-Moalloys 4 Caseorinductionhardened Hardenedsteels>45Rc steels 5 Toolsteels(<45Rc) SAEclassesA(A2thruA10),D(D2thruD7),H(H10 thruH42),M(M1thruM47),O(O1thruO7),S(S1 thruS7),T(T1thruT15);wroughthighcarbon/low alloyW1,W2,L2,P1,P6 StainlessSteels 6 Austensic-moderateto 200&300series,XM-1,XM-5,XM-7,XM-21,CF-8M difficultmachinability (135/185BHN) 7 Martensitic-freecutting 400&500series (180-220BHN) 8 Wroughtprecipitation 13-8Mo,15-5PH,17-4PH,17-7PH hardened(32-35Rc) CastIron 9 Graycastiron-lowto A48class20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60;J431 mediumhardness gradeG1800,G3000,G3500,G4000 10 Nodularcastiron-medium A439-62,A467-67,A53660-40-18,65-45-12, hardness 80-55-06,100-70-03,J434,D4512 11a Hardenedcastiron Chilledcastiron,high-chromewhitecastiron (48-65Rc) 11b Pearliticgrayiron Pearliticgrayiron High-Temp 12 Nickel&ironbased Inconel,Hastelloy,Waspalloy,Astroloy,Rene, High-Strength superalloys(<48Rc) Monel 13 Cobaltbasedsuperalloys AiResist213,Stellite,Haynes25(L605),Haynes188 (<45Rc) 14 Titaniumbasedalloys Ti98.8,Ti99.9;tungsten,tantalum,zirconium Non-Ferrous 15 Freemachining Lowsiliconaluminum2024-T4,2014-T6,6061-T6, Alloys 2011-T3;brass,silver,platinum,gold 16 Non-freemachining HighsiliconaluminumA380,A390,Duraclan,Amp- cobronze,aluminumcastings,aluminumbronze, copperalloys Non-Metallics 17 Easytodifficulttomachine Plastics,graphite,nylon,PVC,Kevlar,“green’ non-metallics ceramics&carbide t Phone: 773-467-4200 6 E EVEREDE TOOL CO. MATERIAL GROUPS ® GRADE QUICK REFERENCE MaterialGroup Description Roughing Semi-Finish Finish Freemachining&low Steel 1 CV6 CV6 CV6/CV7 carbonsteels(100-225BHN) Medium&highcarbonsteel Steel 2 CV6 CV6 CV6/CV7 (<35Rc) Steel 3 Alloysteels(<45Rc) CV6 CV6 CV6/CV7 Caseorinductionhardened SteelHardened 4 CBN CBN CBN steels ToolSteel 5 Toolsteels(<45Rc) MC32 MC32 TL120 Austensic-moderateto StainlessSteel-200/300Series 6 difficultmachinability MC32 MC32 CVM2 (135/185BHN) Martensitic-freecutting StainlessSteel-400/500PHSeries 7 TL120 TL120 CVM2 (180-220BHN) Wroughtprecipitationhard- StainlessSteel-400/500PHSeries 8 TL120 TL120 CVM2 ened(32-35Rc) Graycastiron-lowto CastIron-Gray/Nodular 9 TL120 TL120 TL120 mediumhardness Nodularcastiron-medium CastIron-Gray/Nodular 10 TL120 TL120 TL120 hardness CastIron-Hardened 11a Hardenedcastiron(48-65Rc) CBN CBN CBN CastIron-Pearlitic 11b Pearliticgrayiron CBN CBN CBN Nickel&ironbased High-TempHigh-StrengthAlloys 12 MC32 TL120 TL120 superalloys(<48Rc) Cobaltbasedsuperalloys High-TempHigh-StrengthAlloys 13 MC32 TL120 TL120 (<45Rc) High-TempHigh-StrengthAlloys 14 Titaniumbasedalloys MC32 TL120 TL120 Non-FerrousAlloys 15 Freemachining CS2 CS2 PCD Non-FerrousAlloys 16 Non-freemachining CS2 CS2 PCD Easytodifficulttomachine Non-Metallics 17 CS2 CS2 PCD non-metallics NOTES Therecommendedmaximumdepthofcutwillexceedthedesiredoperatingdepthofcutinmanysitua- tions.Someparametersandguidelinesarelistedbelow. •Finishingpasseswilltypicallyrequiresignificantlylighterdepthsofcutthangeneralpurposeorroughing cuts.Forexample,afinishingpassusingaTDABstyleinsertinaluminummayrequirereducingthedepthof cuttonomorethan.005”. •Noseradiusneedstobeconsideredindeterminingmaximumdepthofcut.Formanymaterials,thedepth ofcutshouldnotexceedthecornerradiuswhenthecornerradiusislessthan.015”.Forexample,inmost gradesofstainlesssteel,thedepthofcutshouldnotexceed.007”whenusinga.007”cornerradiusinsert. •GroundChipbreakersarerecommendedforusewithstringymaterials,lightcutsandapplicationsthat requireafinefinish. •Theaccompanyingspeedandfeedchartsaremeanttoprovideanappropriateoperatingrangeforan arrayofapplications.Inroughingapplicationstherecommendedspeedwillbetowardthelowerendofthe rangeandthefeedwillbetowardthehigherendoftherange.Infinishingapplicationstherecommended speedwillbetowardthehigherendoftherangeandthefeedwillbetowardthelowerendoftherange. •ForANSIprogram,substituteTL120gradeinmaterialgroups15and16. t Phone: 773-467-420011 57 E EVEREDE TOOL CO. CUTTING DATA ® GRADE RECOMMENDATIONS CuttingSpeeds(SFM) MaterialGroup Description ISOCode Grade Roughing Semi-finishing Finishing 1 Free P05 CT7 * * 400-1000 machining P05 CV7 * * 500-900 &low K30 TL120 300-600 * * carbonsteels P30 CV6 300-500 350-700 * (100-225BHN) K30 MC32 * 150-350 * P05 CS7 * * 300-450 P30 CS6 * 150-350 * 2 Medium& P05 CT7 * * 400-1000 highcarbon P05 CV7 * * 500-900 steel K30 TL120 300-600 * * (<35Rc) P30 CV6 300-500 350-700 * K30 MC32 * 150-350 * P05 CS7 * * 300-450 P30 CS6 * 150-350 * 3 Alloysteel P05 CT7 * * 400-1000 (<45Rc) P05 CV7 * * 500-900 K30 TL120 300-600 * * P30 CV6 300-500 350-700 * K30 MC32 * 150-350 * P05 CS7 * * 300-450 P30 CS6 * 150-350 * 4 Caseor induction hardened H10 CBN 200-600 200-600 200-600 steels (>45Rc) 5 Toolsteels P05 CT7 * * 300-500 (<45R) P05 CV7 * * 400-600 K30 TL120 * 400-600 500-700 P30 CV6 * 350-450 * K30 MC32 100-250 100-250 * K30 MU12 80-50 * * 6 Austensic- P05 CT7 * * 200-500 moderate K10 CVM2 * * 350-500 todifficult K30 TL120 250-400 300-500 400-800 machinability P30 CV6 * 300-400 * (135-185BHN) K30 MC32 150-350 150-400 * K30 MU12 100-250 * * 7 Martensitic- P05 CT7 * * 200-500 freecutting K10 CVM2 * * 250-500 (180-220BHN) K30 TL120 250-400 300-500 * P30 CV6 * 300-400 350-500 K30 MC32 * 250-400 * K30 MU12 75-150 * * 8 Wrought P05 CT7 * * 200-500 precipitation K10 CVM2 * * 250-500 hardened K30 TL120 250-400 300-500 * (32-35Rc) K30 MC32 * 150-300 150-300 K30 MU12 75-150 * * t Phone: 773-467-4200 8