Description:This volume collects the papers read by more than twenty Italian and German scholars at the eighteenth congress of the Societa Italiana per lo Studio del Pensiero Medievale (SISPM) and focused on the thought and influence of Anselm of Aosta (1033-1109), one of the key figures of the philosophy and theology of the Middle Ages. The collected essays are devoted to present the main aspects of Anselm's speculation, focusing on: his theological perspectives, his methodology for the construction of a systematic and rationally knowledge, and the value of his pedagogic approach, his politics reflections, his idea of monasticism and his logical competences. Many papers are also consecrated to the widespread and diversified influence of his legacy: traces of his philosophy and his questioning method are easily recognizable in the greatest thinkers of the twelveth century (starting from Abelard and Hugues of Saint-Victor) up to Duns Scotus and even to Nicolaus de Cusa.For the variety of research approaches and the deepness and attention of the philosophical/theological analyses of the single papers, the volume aims for becoming a milestone of the studies on Anselm, his times and his interpretation of the world.