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ANS 3.2 Side-By Side Comparison Proposed ANS 3.2 Wording 7/25/2012 Staff American National Standard ANSI/ANS 3.2-2012 Comments/COLP Wording from ANS 3.2 1976 Wording from ANS 3.2 1982 Verification Administrative Controls for the Operational Phase of Nuclear power Plants 1. Scope, Applicability and Purpose 1.1 Scope and Applicability. This standard provides requirements and recommendations for This Standard is intended to be consistent managerial and administrative controls to ensure that activities with applicable criteria for quality associated with operating a nuclear power plant are carried out assurance, including those given in Title without undue risk to the health and safety of the public. 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, "Licensing of Production and Utilization This standard provides requirements for implementing Facilities," Appendix B. [1]1 managerial and administrative controls consistent with requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B [1].1 This standard is not specifically intended for application to test, mobile, experimental reactors, nor reactors not subject to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission licensing. Although the standard is based on USNRC requirements the approach is applicable with modifications to reflect the regulatory requirements in the country of application. Applicable sections of this standard may be used in those cases for activities similar to those addressed herein. 1.2 Purpose. This standard contains requirements for managerial and This Standard fully and completely administrative controls for nuclear power plants during the describes the general requirements and operational phase of plant life. This phase is generally considered guidelines of American National Standard to commence prior to initial fuel loading at a time identified by the Quality Assurance Program Requirements owner organization. Certain initial construction activities may for Nuclear Power Plants, N45.2-1971, [2] extend past fuel loading and certain operational activities may as those requirements and guidelines take place prior to fuel loading. The owner organization is apply during the operational phase of plant expected to identify those activities that are included in these life. overlapping time periods and are expected to specify whether the 1 Numbers in brackets refer to corresponding numbers in Sec. 4, “References.” 1 ANS 3.2 Side-By Side Comparison 7/25/2012 activities are to be considered as operational or as construction activities. This phase continues until the operating license is withdrawn. The managerial and administrative controls of this standard promote safe, reliable and efficient plant operation. This standard may be applied to other activities consistent with the degree to which those activities affect plant reliability. In keeping with this intent, the provisions in this standard may be applied to operational activities other than those specified in the Scope, consistent with the degree to which those activities affect these functions, compliance with regulations specifying radiation dose and contamination criteria, or plant reliability. Applicable portions of this standard may also be used for activities at reactors specifically excluded in the Scope. This standard is intended to be implemented together with the applicable elements of ASME NQA-1-2008 and the NQA-1a-2009 addenda [2]. ASME NQA-1 is the standard that provides the appropriate Quality Assurance requirements for all phases. This standard provides the managerial and administrative requirements needed to assure safe operation of a facility. 2 Definitions 2. Definitions 2. Definitions 2.1 Glossary of Terms 2.2 Glossary or Term 2.2 Glossary of Terms The terms defined in NQA-1 apply to this standard and are not duplicated herein. experiments: performance of those plant operations executed Experiments. Performance of those plant Experiments. Performance of those plant under controlled conditions in order to establish characteristics or operational carried out under controlled operations carried out under controlled values not previously known. conditions in ord., to establish conditions in order to establish characteristics or values not previously characteristics or values not previously known. known. independent review: review completed by personnel not having Independent review. Review completed Independent review. Review completed by direct responsibility or direct involvement in the work function by personnel not having direct personnel not having direct responsibility 2 ANS 3.2 Side-By Side Comparison 7/25/2012 under review. responsibility for the work function under for the work function under review review regardless of whether they operate regardless of whether they operate as a part of an organizational unit or as as a part of an organizational unit or as individual staff members (see review). individual staff members (see review ). managerial and administrative controls: rules, orders, Administrative controls. Rules, order, Administrative controls •. Rules, order instructions, procedures, policies, practices, and designations of instruction&, procedures, policies, instructions, procedures, policies, authority and responsibility. practices and designations of authority and practices and designations of authority responsibility. and responsibility. owner organization: the organization, including the on-site Owner organization. The organization, operating organization, that has overall legal, financial, and including the onsite operating technical responsibility for the operation of one or more nuclear organization, which has overall legal, power facilities. financial and technical responsibility for the operation of one or more nuclear power plants. operating organization: the organization concerned with daily New Definition operation, maintenance, and related technical services. This organization may include personnel located off-site who provide operational support. shall, should and may: the word "shall" is used to denote a shall, should and may. The word “shall” is requirement; the word "should" to denote a recommendation; and used to denote a requirement; the word, the word "may," to denote permission neither a requirement nor a “should” to denote a recommendation; and recommendation. the word “may” to denote permission, neither a requirement nor a recommendation. 3 Requirements 3.1 Organization 3. Owner Organization 3. Owner Organization 3.1.1 General 3.1 General 3.1 General Managerial and administrative controls which comply with this NQA-l, Basic The owner organization shall establish an The owner organization shall establish an standard shall be established. The controls shall be in effect at all Requirement 2. Ok. administrative controls and quality administrative control and quality times during the operational phase. The controls shall require that assurance program which complies with assurance program which complies with 3 ANS 3.2 Side-By Side Comparison 7/25/2012 decisions are made at the proper level and with the necessary this Standard. The program shall be in this standard. The program shall be in reviews. The organization responsible for establishing and effect at all times during the operational effect at all times during the operational executing the administrative controls in accordance with this phase to assure that operational phase phase to assure that operational phase standard may delegate any or all of the work to others, but shall activities are carried out without undue risk activities are carried out without undue risk retain overall responsibility. to the health and safety of the public. The to the health and safety of the public. The program shall require that decision program shall require that decisions affecting safety made at the proper level of affecting safety are made at the proper responsibility and with the necessary level of responsibility and with the technical advice and review. The owner necessary technical advice and review. organization may delegate to other organizations the work of establishing and The owner organization may delegate to executing the administrative controls and other organizations the work of Quality assurance program or any part. establishing and executing the thereof, in accordance with this standard. administrative controls and quality but shall retain responsibility there for. assurance program or any part thereof, in accordance with this Standard, but shall retain responsibility therefore. 3.1.2 Assignment of Authority and Responsibility. 3.2 Assignment of Authority and 3.2 Assignment of Authority and Responsibility Responsibility Lines of authority, responsibility, and communication shall be NQA-1, Basic It is essential that all members of the It is essential that all members of the established and defined for the corporate, plant operating, and Requirement 2. Ok. organization involved in operation of organization involved in operation of support organizations. These relationships shall be documented nuclear power plants, including those at nuclear power plants, including those at and updated, as appropriate, in the form of organizational charts, the highest management levels, recognize the highest management levels, recognize functional descriptions of departmental responsibilities and the necessity that the plants be operated the necessity that the plants be operated relationships and job descriptions for key personnel positions or in under a well formulated and detailed under a well formulated and detailed equivalent forms of documentation. administrative controls and quality administrative control and quality assurance program to assure safety and assurance program to ensure safety and efficiency. Lines of authority, responsibility efficiency. Lines of authority responsibility and communication shall be established and communication shall be established from the highest management level and well defined from the highest through intermediate levels to and management level through intermediate including the onsite operating organization level, to and including all onsite operating (including those offsite organizational units organization position with involvement in assigned responsibility for procurement, activities affecting the safety of the nuclear design and construction, quality power plant including those offsite assurance, and technical support organizational positioning under assigned activities). responsibility for procurement, design and construction, quality assurance and These relationships shall be documented technical support activities. and updated, as appropriate, in the form of organizational charts, functional These relationships shall be documented 4 ANS 3.2 Side-By Side Comparison 7/25/2012 descriptions or departmental and Updated, as appropriate in the form of responsibilities and relationships and job organizational chart, functional description descriptions for key personnel positions or of departmental responsibilities and in equivalent forms of documentation. The relationships and job description for key owner organization shall specify in writing personnel positioned or in equivalent forms the authority and responsibility assigned to of documentation. individuals and organizations involved in establishing, executing and measuring the overall effectiveness of the administrative controls and quality assurance program required by this Standard. The persons or organizations responsible for defining and measuring the overall effectiveness of the program shall be designated, shall be sufficiently independent from cost and scheduling considerations when opposed to safety considerations, shall have direct access to responsible management at a level where appropriate action can be accomplished, and shall report regularly on the effectiveness of the program to the plant manager and the cognizant offsite management. Persons or organizations performing functions or assuring that the administrative controls and quality assurance program is established and implemented or of assuring that an activity has been correctly performed shall have sufficient authority and organizational freedom to: identify quality problems; initiate, recommend or provide solutions, through designated channels; and verify implementation of solutions. The organizational structure and the functional responsibility assignments shall be such that: (1) Attainment of program objectives is accomplished by those who have been assigned responsibility for performing work. This may include interim examinations, checks, and inspections of the work by the individual performing the work. (2) Verification or conformance to established program requirements is accomplished by a qualified person who does not have responsibility for performing 5 ANS 3.2 Side-By Side Comparison 7/25/2012 or directly supervising the work. The method and extent or such verification shall be commensurate with the importance of the activity to plant safety and reliability. In structuring the organization and assigning responsibility, quality assurance should be recognized as an interdisciplinary function involving many organizational component and, therefore, should not be regarded as the sole domain of a single quality assurance group. For example, it may be more appropriate for nuclear engineers to perform reviews of plant nuclear engineering activities rather than quality assurance engineers because of the special .competence required to perform these reviews. Quality assurance encompasses many functions and activities and extends to various levels in all participating organizations. From the top executive to all workers whose activities may influence quality. 3.1.3 Plant Operating Organization 3 .4. 1 General 3 .4. 1 General General NQA-1, Basic A number of factors influence A number of factors influence Requirement 2. Ok. management in its decision regarding the management in its decision regarding the Management shall establish and periodically assess the adequacy of establishment of an onsite operating establishment of an onsite operating the plant operating organization and shall ensure that necessary organization. organization. changes to the organization are made in a timely manner. When establishing the plant operating organization, the owner NQA-1, Basic These include the owner organization's These include the owner organization's organization should evaluate the physical size and complexity of the Requirement 2. Ok. established staffing policies, the physical established staffing policies, the physical nuclear power plant, the number of units, the extent of assistance size and complexity of the nuclear power size and complexity of the nuclear power provided by technical support organizations, and the extent of plant, the number of units, the extent of plant, the number of units, the extent of reliance on consultants and the availability of qualified personnel assistance provided by offsite technical' assistance provided by offsite technical from other sources. support organizations, the extent of support organizations the extent of reliance on consultants and the availability reliance on consultants and the availability of qualified personnel (room other sources of qualified personnel from other sources to assist in activities. such as initial to assist in activities such as initial startup startup, refueling. maintenance or refueling, maintenance or modification 6 ANS 3.2 Side-By Side Comparison 7/25/2012 modification work. work. Requirements for the Plant Operating Organization 3. 4. 2 Requirements for the Onsite 3. 4. 2 Requirements for the Onsite Operating Organization Operating Organization The plant operating organization shall include one or more NQA-1, Basic The onsite operating organization shall The Onsite operating organization shall individuals knowledgeable in the following fields: nuclear power plant Requirement 1. Ok. include one or more individuals include. At a minimum, one or more operation; nuclear power plant mechanical systems; nuclear power knowledgeable in the following field. : individual knowledgeable in the following plant electrical systems; instrumentation and control (electronic) nuclear power plant operation; nuclear fields: nuclear power plant operation: systems; nuclear engineering; heat transfer, fluid flow and power plant mechanical, electrical and nuclear power plant mechanical systems; thermodynamics; chemistry and radiochemistry; radiation protection; electronic systems; nuclear engineering nuclear power plant electrical and risk assessment; and quality assurance. chemistry and radiochemistry; radiation electronic systems; nuclear engineering; protection; and quality assurance. Initial heat transfer, fluid flow and incumbents or replacements (or members thermodynamics; chemistry and of the onsite operating organization and radiochemistry; radiation protection; and offsite technical sup. port organizations quality assurance. Initial incumbents or shall have appropriate experience; training replacements for members of the onsite and retraining to assure that necessary operating organization shall have competence is maintained in accordance appropriate experience, training and with the provisions of American National retraining to assure that necessary Standard for Selection and Training of competence is maintained in accordance Nuclear Power Plant Personnel, NIS.1- with the provisions of American National 1971 Standard for Selection. Qualification Personnel whose qualifications do not and Training of Personnel for Nuclear meet those specified in NlS.l and who are Power Plants, ANS UAN & S.1-l981. performing inspection. examination, and testing activities during the operations phase of the plant, including preoperational and start-up testing, shall be qualified to American National Standard Qualifications of Inspection, Examination and Testing Personnel for the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants N45.2.6-1973 . except that the QA experience cited for Levels I, II, and III should be interpreted to mean actual experience in carrying out the types of inspection. examination. or testing a being performed. Staffing requirements for positions in the plant’s operating Staffing should be in The owner organization shall designate The owner organization shall designate organization that are to be filled by personnel holding NRC alignment with 50.54. those positions in the onsite operating those positions in the onsite operating operator and senior operator licenses are normally delineated in organization which shall be filled by organization which shall be filled by the plant’s Safety Analysis Report. These positions shall be personnel holding NRC reactor operator personnel holding NRC reactor operator specified. Requirements for the minimum number of personnel and senior reactor operator licenses. and senior reactor operator licenses. 7 ANS 3.2 Side-By Side Comparison 7/25/2012 holding such licenses who are to be present at the plant under Requirements for the minimum number of Requirements for the minimum number of various operating conditions and situations shall also be specified, personnel holding such licenses who shall personnel holding such licenses who shall normally in the plant’s Technical Specifications. be present at the plant under various be present at the plant under various operating conditions and situations shall operating conditions and situations shall also be specified. also be specified. Technical Support for the On-Duty Operating Staff 3.4.3 Technical Support of the Off-Duty Operating Staff. The shift staffing shall include, or have available for consultation, individuals in technical areas that are related to the safe operation The owner organization shall establish of the facility. The technical areas include thermodynamics and provisions for assuring that the shift fluid flow, reactor engineering, systems engineering, transient and organization includes, or has available for accident analysis, instrumentation and controls, quality assurance, radiation protection, and chemistry and radiochemistry. consultation, persons with professional level expertise in technical areas that are related to the safe operation of the plant. The technical areas include, as a minimum, thermodynamics/fluid flow, reactor engineering, systems engineering transient and accident analysis, radiation protection, and chemistry radiochemistry. These personnel shall be available (at the station or on call and capable of responding to the plant within two hours) for the purpose of providing technical advice to the shift supervisor on a 24-hour- a-day basis. They may be part of the plant organization or they may be part of the offsite technical support for the plant staff, except that an individual appropriately Qualified in the first four areas listed above shall be onsite and capable of responding to the control room within ten minutes after the start of an emergency. 3.1.4 Operating Organization Authorities and Responsibilities 5.2.1 Responsibilities and Authorities Of Operating Personnel Responsibilities and authorities of plant operating personnel and Essentially, equivalent The responsibilities and authorities of the See below. those persons assigned to provide immediate support for the plant to 1976 version, plant operating personnel shall be operations personnel shall be delineated for both normal and delineated. These shall include, as a emergency conditions. The following requirements shall be 8 ANS 3.2 Side-By Side Comparison 7/25/2012 established: Section 5.2.1. Ok. minimum: (1) The reactor operator's Authority and responsibility for shutting the reactor down when he determines that the safety of the reactor is in jeopardy or when operating parameters exceed any of the reactor protection safety system set points and automatic shutdown does not occur. (2) The responsibility to determine the circumstances, analyze the cause, and determine that operations can proceed safely before the reactor is returned to power after a trip or An unscheduled or unexplained power reduction. (3) The senior reactor operator's responsibility to be present at the plant and to provide direction for returning the reactor to power following a trip or an unscheduled or unexplained power reduction. (4) The responsibility to believe and respond conservatively to instrument indications unless they are proved to be incorrect. (5) The responsibility to adhere to the plant's Technical Specifications. (6) The responsibility to review routine operating data to assure safe operation. Plant Control Responsibilities 5.2.1 Responsibilities andAuthorities 5.2.1 Control of Plant Operations or Operating Personnel Responsibilities and authorities shall be established so that at all Essentially, (1) The reactor operator's Authority and Responsibilities and authorities of onsite times it is clear which individuals have responsibility for directing equivalent to 1976 responsibility for shutting the reactor down operating personnel and those person! the various plant operating and control room activities. In assigned to provide immediate support for 9 ANS 3.2 Side-By Side Comparison 7/25/2012 addition, there shall be clear identification of the individual(s) version, Section when he determines that the safety of the the onsite operations personnel shall be responsible for determining the circumstances, analyzing the 5.2.1(1) & (2). reactor is in jeopardy or when operating delineated for both normal and emergency cause, and determining that operations may proceed safely after conditions. at minimum. These rules of parameters exceed any of the reactor an unexplained event or before the reactor is returned to power protection safety system set points and practice shall establish the following: after a trip. automatic shutdown does not occur. (2) The responsibility to determine the circumstances, analyze the cause, and determine that operations can proceed safely before the reactor is returned to power after a trip or An unscheduled or unexplained power reduction. General Authorities and Responsibilities of Operating 5.2.1 Responsibilities and Authorities General Authorities and Personnel Of Operating Personnel responsibilities of Operating Personnel The general authorities and responsibilities of operating personnel Essentially, equivalent The responsibilities and authorities of the Rules of practice shall clearly delineate the shall be clearly delineated and shall include the following: to 1976 version, plant operating personnel shall be general authorities and responsibilities of delineated. These shall include, as a operating personnel, including the Section 5.2.1(1) & (2). (1) the authority and responsibility of licensed personnel for minimum: following: shutting down the reactor when it is determined that the safety of (1) The reactor operator's Authority and 1) The reactor operator's authority and the reactor is in jeopardy or when operating parameters exceed responsibility for shutting the reactor down responsibility (or shutting down the reactor any of the reactor protection system set points and automatic when he determines that the safety of the when be determines that; the safety of the shutdown does not occur. reactor is in jeopardy or when operating reactor is in jeopardy or when operating parameters exceed any of the reactor parameters exceed any of the reactor (2) the responsibility to respond conservatively to instrument protection system set points and automatic protection system set points and automatic indications unless they are determined to be incorrect. shutdown does not occur. shutdown does not occur. (2) The responsibility to determine the (2) The responsibility to behave and (3) the responsibility to adhere to plant procedures (see also circumstances, analyze the cause, and respond conservatively to instrument Section 3.5.1). determine that operational can proceed indications unless they are proved to be safely before the reactor is returned to incorrect (4) the responsibility to adhere to the plant's License Conditions power after a trip or An unscheduled (3) The responsibility to adhere to the and Technical Specifications. unexplained power reduction. plant's operational and emergency (3) The senior reactor operator's procedures. (see also 5.2.21.) (5) the responsibility to review routine operating data to ensure responsibility to be present at the plant (4) The responsibility to adhere to the safe operation. and to provide direction for returning the plant's Technical Specification. reactor to power following a trip or an (5) The responsibility to review routine unscheduled or unexplained power operating data to assure safe operation. reduction. (4) The responsibility to believe and respond conservatively to instrument indications unless they are proved to be incorrect. 10

systems; nuclear engineering; heat transfer, fluid flow and thermodynamics Staffing requirements for positions in the plant's operating organization
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