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Preview another way to join the fun on 47 Sunspot Predictions for 1980

42 CB-t0-10 FM Continued 82 Working with FETs - another way to join the fun on part III : the so urce fol lower -e 29.6 WB2EQG · WA2SUTINNN,ZVB 47 Sunspot Predictions for 1980 66 rr:::::;;jjI Microcomputers and Your Satellite ~ - whither propagation? ..... WA3NKP Station - part 11 : ground station antenna 50 An End to Dials and Meters? bearings WB8DQT - nope . . . but di screte LEOs make an in- teresting substitute Staff 92 rr::::iiI Design Practical PLl and Timer ~ Circuits 54 The Paper, the Stalion, and the Man - program generates stand ard Rand -a brief history of the New York Times C values for 567s and 555s. . .. N2RG rad io stations W3CFC 96 rr::::iiI DUPECALl ... for Your Next Co ntest 63 QRP from Canton Island 1m - let your SWTP do the duping - proving all things are possible .......................... K4TSY . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . KH6GB 103 Add 'Em Up: An IC-22S Programmer 66 In Search o f Power line Interference - select a frequency by adding the set- - how to fi nd it and get it stopped tings of three switc hes AA4RM ...... ...................... W4PZV 106 The Oscilloscope Survival Course 70 Hard Copy from your Xite. Terminal -the finer points of scope usage -when a video display isn't quite · McClellan enough WSSBL 114 6m Fun with the FT-625RO 72 Excavation Litigation -six is hot, so why not? W60lF - don't dig a hole without your lawye r ....... ....... .... . ........... Hechl 116 Albert and his Momentous Theories - a layman's look at Einstein. . . . . Lutus 74 Noise Rejector II - an exciting sequel. WB6ZYK 134 Go-Carl -wheels fo r your test equ ipment 76 Trouble-Free ID Timer · W4MEA - fo r repeaters WA8HE8 78 So You Want to Build a Beacon? - here's how K9EID Never Say Oie- 4, Looking West-18, OX - 20, Awards- 28, Contests- 30, Microcom puter Interfacing - 32, New Products- 34, Lellers- 35, Leaky Lines- 36, Ham Help- 36, o 39, 151, 152, 154, RTTY Loop- 39, Dealer Oirectory-102, FCC-112, OSCAR Orbits 153, Revie~-1 53, Correclions-1 54, Social Evenfs -1 55, Propagation-1 77, 1980 Inter national SSTV Conlesl- 177 • • • t h e first in s v n t h e s i z ed p o r t a b l e s gives you t h e b r o a d e s t choice a t t h e lowest price 5 - 5 •• * The o nly synthesized hand-h eld offering 5 wat outp u t . (Swltchable for- 1 or 5 wa tt o peration ) * The same dependability as the time proven 5 C irc uit ry t hat has been proven in more than a million hours of operation. * Hea vy d uty battery pack. * External microphone capability. * T he 5-5's exciting low price...o nly $349.00 * W ith touch tone pad $399.00 'rl' Sho...." .... SPECIFICATIONS 01J"Orld! IOlJcl> lone pdd Frequency Coverage 144 to 148 MHz SUPPLIEDACCESSORIES Channel Spacmq Receive every 5 kHz. eauev Telescoping whIp antenna. m-ead )'e~ lransmll Simplex 01 pack. cllarger . , /,r v ~ 600 kHz OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES " eW Power Bequuemeras:96 VOC 1// 12 Button touch rooe pad tnot Installedl, Currenl Dram 17 ma·slan<lby S39 • 16 Button touch lone pad (not Tempo 5-1 500 ma-transnut Installed): $48 • Tone burst qenerator . Amennarmpenance: 50 ohms 51995 • CTCSS sub-audible lone control Dimensions, 40 mm ~ 62 mmx 519.95 • Ru bber flex antenna-sa • leather • The first and most thoroughly field 170 mm 116" x 2.5'" holster: $t6 • Cigarette lighter plug mobil 6n x tested hand-held synthesized radio available. chargm!l unu: S6 . Malchml. 30 wall WelQhl 17 01 output f3 8 VCO power ampuber (530)' 800 channels in the palm of yo ur hand. $enSlhvlly Beller than 5 S89 • Malchlng 80 wall output power microvolts nommat lor • Simple to operate. (You don't need a "'db ampllher 15801 $149 degree in co mputer programming) The Tempo 5-2 • Heavy duty battery pad, allows more Tempo is urst again. This lime with a superior Quality synthesized 220 MHz hanCl o pe ra ting time between c ha rge s. held transceiver. With an S-2 in yourcaror pocket you can use220 MHz repeaters • Exte rna l microphone capability throughout the U.S. 1I offers all the advanced engineering, premium quality components and exciting features 01 the 5-1 . The S-2 oilers 1000 channels in an • The lowe st price ever...$299.00 extremely lightweight but rugged case. • The S -IT (With touch tone pad If you're not on 220 th is is the perfect way to get started.With the addition 01the 5 installed )...$339.00 25 (25W output) or 5-75 (75W output) Tempo solid state amplifier it becomes a powerful mobile or base station. If you have a 220 MHz rig, the 5-2 will add tremendous versatility. Its low price includes an external microphone capability, nr-cee The Tempo line also teatures a line hne 01 extremely compact heavy duty battery pack, charger, and telescoping whip antenna. UHF and VHF pocket receivers. They're low priced. Price...$349.00 With touch tone pad...S399.00 z.tone dependable, and available with CTCSS and decoders. TEMPO VHF & UHF SOLID STATE POWER AMPLIFIERS The Tempo FMT-2 & FMT·42 (UHF) provides excellent mobile Boosl your signal... give it the range and clarity 01 a high powered base communications and features a remote control head for hide steucn. VHF (135 to 175 MHz) away mounting Drove Power Oulpul Model No Pflce The Tempo FMH-42 (UHF) and the NEW FMH-12 and FMH-15 'lW 130W 130AQ2 $209 (VHF) micro hand held transceivers provide 6 channel lOW 130W 130A10 5189 capability. dependabihty plus many worthwhile leatures at a 3CNo1 130\0\' 130A30 5199 low price. FCC type accepted models also available. ZW 80W 80A02 5169 Please call or write lor complete information. Also available 1W1 8W1 BOAtO 5149 from Tempo dealers throughout the U.S. and abroad. 30W 80W BOA30 S159 2W SOW 50M2 S129 accepled 2W 3r:JW 30M2 S 89 UHF (~OO 10 512 MHz) model" lower power . nd FCC Iype models TOU FREE OIlDUltUM8U; IlDJl42I-ti631 . I,o.nil. be.. t:11~~':r:·:.e~::;:~;y:p:~:·lrv;.~7~, ~ Mra~V'J'I&~i· Angel••,cern. 213/477-6101 931 N. EUclid. An64.h1e30im , cem. 92801 114/112·9200 BUller. Missouri 816 /619-3121 ._ IMtod 1<1 ........ .._ 100II,.. FACTORY DIRECT SALE!! Wilson Electronics MARK II Save $105.90 MARK IV Save $112.90 • At gre:lItly reduced prices. • Mark II and IV accessories. • Introducing the new Mobile Ampntter Cherger. xtar • Battery and Five free pairs of your choice with radio. Mobile Amplifier Charger and Amplifier Specifications MOBILE AMPLIFIER FEATURES POWERCWottS) A~ • S-watt audio amplifier for external speaker. uw:M>Ie I" -'bIL'-lH...U..G_ S (fYPT (fypj • Automatic 11lsVtrickie charge. WMH ••OTT Mobile AmplifIer Charger 1-6 .. 40 5 0 • Front panel Touch-Tone" Plldwhich allows generation or OTMF tones. WMH-48QTT MObile Amplifier Charger 1-6 .. 85 15.6 •• • Over and under mcuntmgbrecketforunder WA440 Bro.!ld Band Amplifier 1-6 .. 40 dash, floor mount!ng or base station use. WA480 Broad Band Amplifier 1-6 .. 85 15.5 • A Key-locking feature lor security. WA 2080 Broad Band Amplifier 10-25 '20 90 11.0 • Mobile- entenne conne-ct. MODEL NUMBER SALE PRICE o MARK II 1 end 2.5 w en sm HH 5189,00 o MARK IV 1 end 4 Watt 2m HH Reoros 212.00 (Include. battery and SV/SVplu. S Xla! pai.. 01you. cholce) o BC-2 Desk Battery Ch" rger 31.00 o 19.00 BP-4 Extra Battery P"ck o 15,00 LC·3 l eather Case o lC·3J> leather Case for Touch-Tone ' Pad 15.00 o TIP Touch-Tone ' Pad (h ctory lnst" lIed) <8 SO o MC·12 Mobile Charger Only 135.00 o 199.00 WMH4"O " OWMobile- Amplifier Ch"rge-r o WMH480 BOW Mob ile- Amplifier Ch"rge-f 271 .00 o WMH ....OTT ..OW Mobile Amplifle-r Ch"rge-r with Touch-rene- Pad 240.00 o WMH48{)n 80W Mobile Ampllfie-r Charge-r w ith rcucn-rone ' P<ld 30900 o scneore eeo.cs WA«Q " OW No Tuning Amphfie-r for 108.00 o WA480 BOW NO Tuning Amphfler for Portable R<ldio 181.00 o WA208Q BOW NO Tuning Ampllfle-r lor Mobile- Units 147.00 Wilson Electronics TO, 4288 South Polaris Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89103 Ship me all indicated on above chart. o o o Check Money Order D MC VISA s _ Enclosed is Expiration Date C"rd Number , xtets 52/52 I I - -+,I - ,I I __________________ Address _ Name State- _ Zip _ City - - - - - - - - -- -cc- -,,---,---,-----,-,-----,-cc:=-:c-=--------------- Signature Info Manuscripts CorlI"Dut,onl ,n the form 01 manu scripts wl\h d....'ng. sr.dlot pl'oQlc> g••ph, 'fa """'" .ne and w,n be eon· W2NSD/i side«td fOf poss.ble publicatIOn. W. can .""..... no ...potI1o,l)ohly 'or ~ or damage to . ny maI8l'1", PI.... enelose • stamped, selt·edd'eued ltflvelo(le . ,11. each lubm._. Pay NEVER SAY DIE 1TIltf\\ IOf the use 01 .ny unsolle"'" mater.,1 ...,11 be ~ upon aee.ep. I. nce. " II eontntluhonl should be di· 'ected to ,"'- 73 «Iilorlsl ollie,". editorial by Wayne Green -_ to Wrote 10( 73" gutde!i.....'. Iv.ilable upon request Editorial Offices. Pine St..., ASIA FLEW watches , nr -us , TVs, TV around the world in 1959, back Petflfborough NH 03<t58 cameras, and VTAs, II you are when seoul was a large village Phone: 60).924-3873. 92ot-387. Next OCtober, if you can get Advert ising Officesl away, you should goon the IEEE able to come back without some more than a city. Today it gadgets, you are better than I stretches for miles and has a big tour 01 Asia. You'll love it. Pine Street am. We brought back a Sanyo shopping district, complete with Peterborough NH QJ.t~ Sherry and I went in 1979 and Phone 6OJ..924-7138. 924·71;W midget TV/radiO/clock, a mu. several department stores. it frustrates me to have that steer calculator, and a calcu Sgt. Charles Milhans WA7QYI much fun without getting others Circulation Offices, lator watch exactly like the /HL9UN took off several days to to enjoy it with me. How would P"'O Sireet SeikO, but at about halt the $275 show Sherry and me around you like to get a ham license in Pel,,'DofOUgtl NH 030'5011 Seiko price. Korea. He's there with the rather PIlooe, 603-924·7296 Korea and get on the air as a DX The hams on Guam are dying sizeable U.S. contingent. My station for a while? How would Subscription Bctes to meet you and set up one hell ham ticket had been arranged you like to meet the only ham on In tile Ul\I1l1d Stal•• and Pone,.ions; Taiwan, Tim Chen BV2A? Or get of a party. So are the hams in ahead of time and was quickly One Ye.. (12 1,IUHf$18 00 Hawaii . , . so you can get some issued by the U.S. Amateur together with most of the active Two Ve••• (24 ,n"'l) S30.00 Three Year. (38 "sun) 1.45.00 hams in Hong Kong for a din "rest" on the way back. The Radio Operations Director, Ma· L,'etime subscription $240.00 whole tour was under $2000 per jar Smith. Charlie then got us ner .. . and some operating? A erec Elsewhere_ visit to the hundreds 01 person, which is very reason together with Mike Wengert trootce stores in Tokyo'S Aki able considering that they put HM00M, an American living In Canada- add $2,00 per y... unless paid w,th U.S. currency. habara section is something on a lot of free dinner part ies Seoul as a civilian. Mike is a and entertainments. If we can Korean-speaking radio corn you will see nowhere else on All other lo,eign_one yea. only $26.00 payable in U.S, currency Earth, get about 20 hams to go on the mentator who runs a weekly ta lhrough a U S. ban~, ~Surface ma,11 The tour was set up to coin next trip, I think we can work up dio program telling the Koreans To subscribe, cide with electronic shows in hamfests In at least seven coun about the reactions of the rest tries. Game? of the world to events In Korea. renew or change Taipei, Osaka or Tokyo, Seoul, Mike and Charlie took us all and Hong Kong. These shows on address. HL9WG over town, interpreting lor us have the latest in consumer W"la 10 13 Alagu ina. SUbsel,pt,on where needed and introducing electronics, including some The hams In Korea made my Dapa.lmanl, PO Bo_ 931, Fa.ming. us to the marvelous Korean dala NY 11737. Fa. 'ana",als and ham gear, plenty of mtcroccm visit there unforgettable. I'd changu 01 add'n a, includa me ad· food. I'd heard a lot about kim puters, calculators, digital stopped off there on a flight d"n labei I.om YO!.l' most .ltCent chee, a fermented cabbage, inue 01 73. For g,1t aubac'iphons, in· elude yO!.l' name and aOd'na as weli which is served with almost as those 01 g,1t 'ltC,p,enta, Poal· every Korean meal. Not being a masl• •. Send lo,m ' 3!>79 10 73 AlallaUne. Subscropl,on Se.v.c••• big fermented lood fan, I ap 1',0, Bo. 931, Fa.mlngoa'e NY 11737. proached it with hesitation. It was great! It had some of the Subscription tang you get with hard cider problem or IlUDQUAITIIS UlIlTID UTK*$ (OMMI,,/ which is fermented. UlmD STATES fOICB, IOIU 'PO IJU01 question, The most exciting part of the visit to Korea was the trip to put Wrola to 73 Magu m• . SUOS<:"DIIOn CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION Depar1menl. PO Bo_ ~1, Fa.m,ng. my foot into North Korea. I'm a dale NY 11737, Please include an ad· FOR AMATEUR RADIO STATION collector of countries visited, SO d'es. laDeI. I hate to make a trip without aoc 13 Magu m. ItSSN 0098-901011$pub n;, ,, .. _. ...... . _ hshed monlhlyby 73, Inc" P"'e Street, ing at least one more country, __ .... ..,. .. c .. e-r Doof, _ _ Pele'tlO'ough NH O~S8 Secof1(l c .. _ _ .. _ _ even if it is only a step over the class PO$t~ ,. """dat PetflfDo<ough - - - NH ll3ol58 and .t add'llonal ma,lIng .. .. .A·~T .-u.,. --,_ .. __ border. In this case, Charlie had ol/ten Copyrlglll ICl 19E!O by 73. Inc. .. been talking with Chris wen All '!gllls.eserved No par1 01 Ill,s puDl1C811()fl may be .ep"ntell 0<ollle<· strom HL9KL.. one of the Swe "'sa 'ep<oduced ...,11lOu1..."n.... "". ... - dish team minding the South m,s$lOfl I.om tile puDl,si>e<.lII,c.ol<lm , Korean border at Panmunjom, Ed,I,Ofl - Un,ve's'ty lIIoc.ololm, Ann Arbo< 111148106 and had made arrangements for us to come up and visit. W2NSDI1 became HL9WG in Korea,courtesy of the UN Command. Charlie, Sherry, and I started 4 TRIO-KENWOOD COMMUNICATIONS INC. 1111 WEST WALNUT / COM PTON. CA 90 220 N e w 2 - m e t e r d i r e c t i o n . A compact transceiver with F M / S S B / C W plus ... T R - 9 0 0 0 • Extended frequency coverage ... 143.9000 • CW sroetc ne 148,9999 MHz nrne • Automat ic selection of AGC constant • Five memories: with MODE switch (slow for SSB and fast M1 - M4 .,.tor Simple x or + 600 kHz repeater for CW) Kenwood's done it againl Now, it's the exciting offset TR-9000 2-meter all-mode transceiver .. .cern MS. ,.for nonstandard offset tmerncnaes Improved power module for reliable and stable > plete with a host of new features. Combining transmit and receive frequency Independently) linear RF output the convenience of FM with long-distance SSB • Scan of entire band automatic busy stop • Selectable power outputs , . 10 W (H1l/1 W and CW in a very compact, very affordable and free scan (LOW) package, the TR-9000 is the answer for any serious Amateur Operatorl Versatile? You bet! • SSB/CW search , sweeps over selectable • Mobile mounting bracket easy to mount. Because of its compactness. the TA·9000 is 9 9 ·kHz bandw idth segments. l or easy with qurck -releese levers ideal 'or mobile installation. Add on it s ' ixed morutonnq station accessories and it becomes the obvious • LED Indicators .. ON AIR. BUSY, and VFO • UP/DOWN rmceopoone (standard) choice for your ham shackl sounds wIth each frequency step TR·9000 FEATURES: • Accessory terminals on rear panel. KEY. • NOise blanker .. ehrnmates pulse-type noise BACKUP DC,STBY,EXT SP,DC, TONE INPUT. • FM. USB. LSB, and CW ... en popular modes on 5SB and CW and ANT • Compact size .. only 6 11/16 inches wide X • Low-noise, dual-gate MOSFET and two-stage See your Authorized Kenwood Dealer now for 2 21132 inches high X 9 7/32 inches deep monolithic crystal filter for improved receiver details on the TA-90OD ., the new direction In front-end characteristics eu- • Digital dual VFOs .. ,with selectable tu ning z-meter mode transceivers! steps of 100 Hz, S kttz. and 10 kHz. conve • AIT (receiver incremental tunmg) for SSB and nient tor each mode of operation CW ... etrecuve even on memory channels • Digital frequency display ... five, four Ofthree NOTE: Price. speclflcallons sub/eel fO change dIgitS. depending on selected tuning step • AF gam control wlfhouf »cnce and ob/lgahon Sublect to FCC "Pproval MATQtING ACCESSORIES FOR AXED-STATION OPERATION: • PS-20 power supply • SP-120 external speaker • 80-9 System Base ...with power switch, SENDI RECEIVE switch lor CW operation, backup power supply for memory retention (8C-1 backup power adaptor may also be used for this application), and headphone jack all bring those glasses with croucno eyebrows and big nos Staff es ... and everyone wear those while visiting the place. That ought to drive them crazy . .. or at least crazier. EDITOP./PUOLlSHU\ We had a very nice lunch with Wayne Green W.2NSO/t Chris and the Swedish peace Ell£CUTIVE YKE P"H IDEMT Sherry Smythe keeping staff. It's much like a ut COp-POllAn COtHI'.OLLEP. tie country club up there . .. with A'an Thulande' the exception that things could ASSISTANTPUblISHER Jell'ey Delray WB8BTH go to hell at any moment. After AOMIIlISTP;ATIVE ASSIST"'"' lunch, I sat down and made a DoUy Gibson few contacts with Chris's rig. MAHAGIHG [ 011011 John Buroett Since someone had just been ASSISTANT MAM....GIHG kidnapped from our side the [OIfO" night before, it was exciting to Susan Philbrick HEWS EDITOR walk along the border on a Gene Smarte WB6TQVI1 wooded path, hoping that this EDITOP.IAL ASStSTANn Just after talking with W2NSDI1 Irom Seoul, using my HL9WG ceu. would stay a peaceful visit. Elisabeth Blackmore Richard Phenix this photo was snapped. Next 10 me is Namil Kim HM1HJ, seated is On our first night in Korea, PRODUCTION MANAGER Mike Wengert HMOOM. our new importer lor Instant Software in sen NOllI WB1ARP Sherry and I attended a dinner Korea. and on the right is Hea-Soo Ree HM 1BO, the president 01 the ASSISTANT PP,OOOCTlON arranged by the tour . .. adinner Korean Amateur Radio League. 10:15 at night there is 9:15 am Ihe MAHAGE" show at the Sheraton Walkerhill Robin Sloan same day back home. " P,TDEPAP.TMEHT Hotel. The dinner was fine, but Steve Baldwin the show was crummy ... not Bob Drew out early in the morning on a bus at us, the intent being to have Bruce Hedin quite up to Gong Show talent. Kenneth Jackson and arrived at the demilitarized movies of us waving and imme The next night, we had another Michael Murphy Dian Owens zone (DMZ) after an hour or so of diately call for a meeti ng be tour dinner and then went to Nancy Salmon bussing from one small village cause our waves were conslo Patrice Scribner visit Charlie, where I got on the John While to another. It was a bit sabering ereo as obscene gestures and air and worked a bunch of Ws. llOOK PUbLICATIONS when we signed the agreement thus a breaking of the peace Jim Perry The next night we went to see that the U.S. would no longer be agreement. Without waving, we BOOKPP,OOUCTIOIl Mike. The head of the Korean Emily Gibbs responsible for us as we entered went into the building, and, with Chris Brown N1AUI Amateur Radio League (KARL), the zone. the North Koreans watching ev PP.ttolliNG Hea-Soo Ree HM1BO, came Gary Steinbach, Mgr. Chris took us all around the ery move and filming, we wal ked over and visited, as did the PIIOTQGIU.PHY border area, showing us the about twenty feet into North Bill Heydolph KARL Supervisor, Namil Kim rece Cluff meeting building. which is right Korea . . . snapped some pic HM1HJ. I got on the air for a Terrie Ande,son on the border, with the North Ko tures as proof _. . and hastily TYPEUTTltoIG while using Mike's rig and made reans taking pictures of us every went back into the South Kore Barbara LaW quite a few stateside contacts Sara Bedell inch of the way. They had tele· an half of the building. Country Rhonda Clapper ... the best one being with Sandie Gunseth scopic cameras for slides and number 91 for me. Whew! W2NSD, my home station at 73 llOOKKEEP(1I movies. We'd been warned not What I'd like to do next time is Knud Keller KV4GGI1 MagaZine, operated by Jeff to wave back when they waved have a bunch of hams along and D"TA EHrllY DeTray, the Assistant Publisher. Cathy DeSilva No sooner were we getting WIISCIIIPTIOH e _ .. SALESMAHAGEII _ ~ used to modern day Seoul than " Deb'a Boudrleau we were on the plane for Osaka CIP.CULATIOH MAHAG(P' and a second electronics show. Harold Stephens AUISTAHT CIP.CUl ArlOH The Japanese didn't have as MAHAGEP.S many incredibly loud hl-f ex Donna Taylor Judy Waterman hibits as the show in Korea; CIP.CUlATIOH however, it was a much larger Pauline Johnstone show ... spread out in three big IllJlK SAl U MAHAGEk Ginnie Bouaneau buildings. One was devoted SHIPPIHG mostly to parts and equipment Mark Dendy Bill Barry modules and the other two were P.(C(PTlOHIST consumer electronics, Including Doni Ja",ls quite a number of rnrcrocc mcut "S)()(IATES , ers. The state of the art has pro Robelt Baker WB2GFE Sang",r Green gressed in the last year in color Dave Ingram K4TWJ Larry Kahaner WB2NEL home TV cameras. I was partie Joe xasser GJZCZ ularly interested in that because Bill Pasternak WA61TF John Sctruhz W4FA I'd like to update my theory Peter Stark K20AW audio tapes with video . .. in cot COMPUTER PRQGRAMMIM<; Richard Dykema All 01the main roads in Korea have these underpasses. The idea is OL ADVUl,JIStHG that should North Korea invade the country, explosives in the sup' They had some food booths Aiine Coulu. Mgt. Kevin Rushalko port columns would blow Ihem away, leaving tne roads completely at the show, sowe lunched there Nancy Ciampa blocked by the debris from above them. This reminded me a bit 01 and then caught our tour bus for Marcia Stone Louise Holdsworth the rails which are designed to spring up out 01 the roads (via radio a visit to the big shrine at Osaka. Jerry Merrifield Lori Mugford control} in Switzerland should they be invaded. These are on eu A couple of rolls of film later, we Aita Rivard mountain roads and would mosl effectively stop tanks and other were bussed back to downtown traffic. so we could see the department 6 , Japan Airlines gets you ready lor the world of chopsticks on your Here I am shaking hands with Yasushi Oshima, the mayor of Osaka, way to Asia. Here's Sherry getting practice with some noodles. during my recent visit to that city, That's the key to the city hanging around my neck . , , that and 100 yen got me a ride on the subway. The mayor was most gracious, and, in addition 10 the key, he laid a beautiful photo book about Osaka on me. His aide turned oul 10 be JE3DTA. C11IlCULnR11511 A Japanese subway train is remarkably like those in our country . . . with a few exceptions. First, they are incredibly clean. Even the 'racks are clean, with no papers or cans thrown down there. Second, they are filled with Japanese . . . and the ads are all in Japanese. A It isn't very prepossessing . . . just a carved wooden sign over the en ride is charged by the distance, much like the London Underground, trywa y. Upstairs are the offices ot the China Radio Association, with with short distances costing about 50¢ and longer about double all but one at the membership being not licensed. The Association that. publishes a quarterly magazine, with articles in the most recent issue covering saleillte business systems, sunspots, Skylab, the stores. Whoops! There's a Mc radio and radar facilities at thelf new inlernational airport, the Donald's! I found a number 01 Marisat satellite system, working ability at computers, bIomedical YOKOTA our lour group inside paCifying instrumentation, and radio amateur activities. Big Mac attacks. I tested the hoI (;O",pur~-9 fudge sundae ... just like the Shire. At that time we look them out for di nner we toos a taxi 10 ones in Nashua, New Hamp up to the 73 MagaZine repeater the downtown area, lirst going shire ... not very good. CLUS site on some snowmobiles, to the department stores for Thai evening, Mr. and Mrs. courtesy 01 Chuck Martin of some shopping (and money Inoue (the president of learn) Tufts Electronics. Changing). The restaurants all picked Sherry and me up lor din Prices are stifl in Japan il you have very lifelike orester models ner. Naturally, they knew a don't know your way around. I of the foods in their windows, wonderful restaurant and we made the serious error of having complete with prices.We looked had what was beyond a doubt breakfast in the hotel (lntema over at least a hundred restau the finest Japanese dinner 01 !ional) the first day in Osaka. It rants before settli ng on a our lives. Tempura, Kobe steak, was not only crappy, it was $8.25 Chinese restaurant. It was right the works. We enjoyed having a VOKOT N lor just one breakfast. That was across the street from a Baskin chance to talk again, it having a small glass of undrinkable tnt Robbins and next door to anoth "'''0 Sf' 80328 been several years since they ter orange juice, one over-easy er McDonald's. The food was had visited me in New Hamp- egg which was hard as a carp, fine and the prices moderate , . . There are enough Americans with microcomputers to have notiust a and a thick slice of COld toast. particu larly for Japan,Wedecid· computer club, but a very active one. They hold meetings weekly and Ugh. ad to brave the subway system fIelded nearly a hundred for my talk. When we decided to venture to get back to the hotel ... and 8 , Three bowls of dinner being cooked at one time on large Mongolian Like I said, in China you usually have about a dozen to a table, with barbeque slave. You pick. out the meat you want, frozen and sliced a lazy Susan in the middle of the table. This is kept full of food, with thin, add vegetables like you would at a salad bar, put on some flol many meals running to over a dozen different courses. Urp. These sauces, and they cook the whole worKS in about one-half minute. people were par! of our tour group . . . Bob Chen at right, our tour voo'utove it. leader. had no problem. It is easy to use, seeing the electronics show the turned out to be a ham. the second day. being well marked, using the next morning and then went to After the key ceremony, we Busy? Right after breakfast French metro system 01 signs. see the mayor 01 Osaka. He went back to the hotel and had we went to the electronics It's exciting to try something presented me with a key 10 the lunch at a nearby American-type show. You know, they are mak new like that. city plus a gorgeous book of restaurantl had one more meet ing a lot of electronic equipment We spent a little more l ime photos of Osaka. His assistant ing with a Japanese group want in Taiwan these days. The city, ing an exclusive license for our like Seoul, had grown up ln. Apple programs lor Japan. I credibly since my visit in 1959. bought two cups of coffee and Mopeds and motorcycles by the one small cake ... and the hotel tens of thousands .. . chaos. bill was far more than for the They had some digital watches lunch around the corner. Oh, that got me to thinking again well, this can happen to you in about importing ... though the New York, too. I guess they ship Otron watches I'd seen in Seoul television sets to the U.S. at a seemed to have a couple more loss and make up for it with their functions. I'd checked over the hotel restaurants. held a few months earlier at the Right after lunch, we got on a Premium Show in New York and bus and headed for the airport opted for Otron at that time . .. and Taipei. I was looking for ... and had never been dis ward to seeing Tim Chen BV2A. appointed. It was very handy on I'd contacted him from Seoul on this trip because it had two time 20m and gotten his phone num zones at the push 01 a button ber. The tour schedule was too . .. alarm, s topwa tch ... all busy the first day in -Otuna" to those nice functions. But would see Tim, but we did get together hams want to spend S50 for a Ever eat a Mongolian? Very good taste . . . when barbequed. The spelling in Hong Kong is not a strong suit. Alas, even in China they have topless entertainment. 10

communications and features a remote control head for hide- in '72, then that will be a real vrc- tory. model 214 is a peak-free condenser microphone.
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