Insights & Perspectives T h i n k Another place, another timer: a g a Marine species and the rhythms of life in Kristin Tessmar-Raible(cid:1), Florian Raible(cid:1) and Enrique Arboleda The marine ecosystem is governed by a multitude of environmental cycles, only display overt circadian and, in all of which are linked to the periodical recurrence of the sun or the moon. In some instances, seasonal, rhythms. Therefore,ourmolecularunderstanding accordance with these cycles, marine species exhibit a variety of biological of these two types of rhythms is most rhythms, rangingfromcircadianandcircatidalrhythmstocircalunarandsea- advanced. A unifying principle of sonal rhythms. However, our current molecular understanding of biological eukaryoticcircadianrhythmsisthatthey rhythms and clocks is largely restricted to solar-controlled circadian and rely on negative transcriptional/transla- seasonal rhythms inland modelspecies. Here,we discuss thefirstmolecular tionalfeedbackloopsformedbyasetof regulatorygenes[1,2].Importantly,this data emerging for circalunar and circatidal rhythms and present selected molecular system is able to maintain species suitable for further molecular analyses. We argue that a re-focus on rhythmic circadian changes even under marine species will be crucial to understand the principles, interactions and free-running conditions, i.e. in the evolution of rhythms that govern a broad range of eukaryotes, including absenceofoutsidestimuli,andisthere- .ourselves. fore called circadian clock (Box 1). A numberofstudiesnowprovideadetailed Keywords: mechanisticunderstandingofhowcirca- dian clocks operate. This includes the chronobiology;ecology;lunarperiodicity;marinebiology;photobiology role of protein turnover, specific post- translationalmodificationsbyde-actyla- tion, methylation and phosphorylation, Introduction millionsofyears,andusethemforsyn- aswellastheinvolvementofsignalling chronizationonmanylevels.Depending cascades(reviewedinref.[3]). Life evolved in the sea, an ecosystem on the species, behaviour, reproduc- However, free-running rhythms that is governed by a multitude of tion, physiology or even cell divisions havenotonlybeenobservedinthecon- environmental cycles (Box 1). These aretunedtoenvironmentalcycleswith textofcircadianclocks,butexistalsofor include not only the daily day-night differingperiods,resultinginarangeof typical‘marinerhythms’ofshorterand cycle, but also cycles with shorter or biological rhythms (Box 1). Periodic longer periods, like tidal or lunar longer periods, such as tides, lunar/ changes of external stimuli – such as rhythms (representative species listed semi-lunar cycles or the seasons. lightorpressure–providecuesforthese inFig.2).Thisimpliesthattherespect- Organisms in the marine environment rhythms.Inallknowncases,thesezeit- ive species possess multiple clock-like haveadaptedtothesesteadycyclesover geber(Box 1)stimuliare eitherdirectly systems. Like their circadian counter- or indirectly linked to the periodical parts, they allow species to anticipate recurrence of sun or the moon (Fig. 1). important regular environmental A number of molecular players have changes; and they can do this even DOI10.1002/bies.201000096 now been uncovered that explain how undercircumstanceswhentheenviron- species receive zeitgeber stimuli, and mental cues would be misleading (e.g. MaxF.PerutzLaboratories,UniversityofVienna, what constitutes the underlying mol- due toweather conditions). Vienna,Austria ecularnetworks.Buttodate,thesemol- Inthisarticle,wefocusonthevalue eculardataalmostexclusivelycoverthe of marine model species for molecular *Correspondingauthors: rhythmsunder solar control. chronobiology. We first highlight KristinTessmar-Raible Incontrasttotheirmarinerelatives, important lunar rhythms, which are E-mail:[email protected] FlorianRaible terrestrial model species, such as the commonlyfoundamongmarinespecies, E-mail:fl[email protected] fruitfly, the mouse or the thale cress, but are far less, if at all, reliably Bioessays33:165–172,(cid:1)2011WILEYPeriodicals,Inc. 165 ..... K.Tessmar-Raibleetal. Insights&Perspectives been clearly implicated in a moon- entrained clock. In the following sec- tions, we present selected marine biological rhythm environmental cycle length n species that could serve as molecular cycle ai solar influence models for two of the most common g lunar-controlled rhythms – circatidal a andcircasemilunar/circalunarrhythms. circadian daily 24 hours k n annual / seasonal annual 365 days i Circatidal rhythms and h lunar influence T clocks circalunar lunar 29.5 days circasemilunar semilunar 14.8 days Tides are caused by the gravitational circatidal tidal 12.4 hours forces of the sun and moon on the earth’s water masses. Coastal areas can either exhibit semidiurnal tides Figure1.Commonbiologicalrhythmsunder ‘marine’rhythms;fortheirbehavioural (twohigh and twolow waters per day) solarandlunarinfluence.Theoverviewlists or physiological dimensions, we refer or diurnal tides (one high and one low agivenbiologicalrhythm(left),alongwith the interested reader to recent water per day) where the former has a thecorrespondingenvironmentalcycle overviews [1,2,4–6]. period of 12.4h (i.e. half a lunar day), (middle)andtheperiodicityofthisenviron- and thelatter 24.8 h(i.e.a lunarday). mentalcycle(right).Forsimplicity,nodis- tinctionismadebetweenthesynodic Theriseandfallofwaterhasasig- Rhythms under lunar (29.5days)andthesidereal(27.3days) nificantimpactontheorganismsliving lunarperiod.Foradditionalterminology,see control in the tidal zones. Humidity, salinity, Box1. temperature, oxygen levels, water cur- Historically, the remarkable discrep- rent, sun irradiation, food availability, ancy in our molecular understanding hydrostatic pressure and also predator describedinterrestrialspecies.Next,we ofsolarandlunarrhythmscanbetraced exposure change due to the tides. review how species adjusting to both back to the beginning of modern chro- Therefore,molecularclockmechanisms lunar and solar cycles coordinate the nobiology. Biased by the availability of thatallowagivenspeciestoanticipate underlyingclocks,againaphenomenon molecular model systems, molecular the tidal change can be of critical only well known for marine species. chronobiologyhassofaralmostentirely importance to avoid exposure to life- Finally,wediscussthevalueofmarine focusedontheanalysesofafewselected threatening conditions. Indeed, the modelspeciestoshedlightontheevol- landmodelspecies.Althoughnocturnal existence of circatidal clocks is evident utionanddiversificationofknownmol- lightcanhaveslighteffectsonthedaily from a number of species (Fig. 2). The ecular clocks. rhythmofsomelandspecies[7],noneof first organism for which such a clock Throughout the article, our main themdisplaylunar-controlledrhythms. was described was the acoel flatworm emphasis is on molecular aspects of Consequently, no molecule has so far Symsagitiffera roscoffensis [8–10] (Fig. 3; formerly in the genus Convoluta).Notwithstandingtheuncer- tainty of the acoels’ phyletic position Box 1 (reviewed in ref. [11]), their interest for Conceptsandterminology chronobiology is undisputed, as they allowthecircatidalclocktobemolecu- Environmental cycle: Periodically re-occurring natural conditions(e.g. day/ larly assessed. EST and BAC sequences night,high/low tides, moonphases, seasons). for the animal are forthcoming (P. Biological rhythm: Periodically re-occurring specific conditions within an Martinez and X. Bailly, personal organism (e.g. behavioural activity, metabolic state, gonadal maturity, etc.). communication). Rhythms aretypically inaccordance with environmentalcycles(see Fig. 1). S.roscoffensisliveingroupsofthou- Zeitgeber: Environmental stimulusthatserves as asynchronization cue. sandsoftranslucentindividualsinshal- Molecularclock:Molecularsystemthatisabletomaintainagivenbiological low coastal areas in the southern part rhythmevenunderfree-runningconditions,i.e.intheabsenceofazeitgeber. of the English Channel. The obligate The molecularly best understood clock is the circadian clock. A unifying endosymbiotic association with the principle of eukaryotic circadian clocks is the existence of transcriptional/ microalga Tetraselmis convolutae dic- translational autoregulatory feedback loops[3]. tates the tidal activity cycles of Entrainment: Synchronization of a clock with the respective environmental S.roscoffensis.Duringlowtides,acoels cycle. emergefromthesandandexposethem- Periodicity:Cycles,rhythmsandclocksaredistinguishedbytheirrespective selves and their photosynthetic endo- period length (common periodicities are listed in Fig.1). symbionts to the sunlight. Prior to the tide rising, acoels burrow again into 166 Bioessays33:165–172,(cid:1)2011WILEYPeriodicals,Inc. ..... Insights&Perspectives K.Tessmar-Raibleetal. T h i n k a g a i n Figure 2. Lunar-controlled rhythms are of a circatidal clock in a marine Circalunar rhythms and widespreadandoffundamentalimportance organism. clocks formarineorganisms.Simplifiedphylogeny Physiologicalandbehaviouralcirca- ofmetazoangroupswithrepresentatives tidal rhythms have been studied in a Classical authors – starting with exhibitingmoon-controlledrhythms.Inmost variety of other marine organisms, e.g. Aristotle – had already seen a connec- mentionedcasesevidenceforafree-running in sea spiders [12], crabs, crustaceans, tionbetweenthedifferentphasesofthe lunarclockmechanismexist.Notethatitis likelythatallthementionedspeciesalso seaanemonesandvariousmolluscs(see moon and the size of certain marine possessacircadianclockandmanyalso Fig. 2 and associated references). For invertebrates. Zoological descriptions exhibitseasonality.Allmentionedgroups most of those, it has also been shown oftheearlyandmid20thcenturyhave representmarinespecies.Lunar-controlled thattheyareunderthecontrolofatidal since re-established the connection rhythmshavealsobeendescribedoutside clock [13]. between the apparent size of marine metazoansingreenandbrownalgae InthemusselMytiluscalifornianus, animals with moon. More precisely, (bottom)[9,11–13,58,62,86,87]. a first systematic study has been per- these studies have revealed that the formed to identify molecular changes maturation of gonads in these animals associated with the tidal cycle [14]. dependsonalunarcycle(seee.g.[15,16] the darkness of the sand. During the Expression levels of cell division and andFig.2).Inspecieswherethegonads summer months, this migration cycle metabolismgenesappeartobeanti-cor- contribute to a large proportion of the follows a circatidal rhythm of 12.4 h related in this species, suggesting body mass, such as sea urchins, this (Fig. 3). Experiments from the early that these cellular functions occur at effect isparticularly prominent. 20th century showed that when adult separate time points, probably reflect- In contrast to the short period animals were removed from their ing different favourable environmental rhythmsofthetidesthatmostobviously environmentandplacedinaglasscon- conditions. Any clear association manifest themselves in behavioural tainer in the laboratory, they main- betweenthetidalcycleandgeneexpres- changesofanimals,semi-lunarandlunar tained free-running movement cycles sion levels, however, is missing, cyclesaremost prominently involved in for5 days[8–10].Thisobservationpro- possibly owing to the low resolution reproductive events such as mass syn- videsthefirstevidencefortheexistence ofthe study[14]. chronous spawnings. This has been Bioessays33:165–172,(cid:1)2011WILEYPeriodicals,Inc. 167 ..... K.Tessmar-Raibleetal. Insights&Perspectives n i a g a k n i h T Figure3.Habitatandrhythms ofS.roscof- female maturation and the release of asinputinthecircadianclockofinsects fensis.A-B:Shallowcoastalareasin germ products. The regular cycle of [22, 23]and plants [19]. Roscoff(France)duringhighandlowtide themoonprovidestheseorganismswith Acropora harbours at least three periods,eithercoveringorexposingthe asteadytimeframethatcanbeusedfor differentmembersofthecry/phlfamily, naturalhabitatofS.roscoffensis.C:During synchronization even across wide- acry-dash, cry1andcry2[18]. Ofthose, normaltidefluctuationsover24-hour spread populations. the RNA and protein levels of Cry2 are periods(blueline),S.roscoffensismigrateto thesurfaceofthesandorstayburrowed affectedbyexposuretolunarlight,lead- duringlowandhightides,respectively(red ing the authors to suggest that Cry2 line).Thisprocessisdependentonthepres- Towards a molecular might be a lunar light sensor [18]. The enceofsunlight(yellowline).D:Insummer understanding of light- apparent changes in Cry levels, along months,whenlongdaysoverlaptwolow with the evolutionary conservation of tideperiods,S.roscoffensismigratetwicea entrained circalunar themolecule,makeitanattractivecan- daytoexposethemselvestosunlight.(C,D: rhythms and clocks didateforamoleculeinvolvedincirca- after[88]). lunar rhythms. However, it is not yet Coral reefs represent a habitat that is clear if Acropora Cry2 can actually act characterized by extensive lunar repro- asalightreceptorandhencemediatea documentedforabroadrangeofmarine ductiverhythmicity.IntheGreatBarrier lunar light stimulus. metazoans that include corals, sea Reef,morethan30coralspeciesdisplay Coral reef fishes represent another urchins, bristle worms, molluscs and synchronous spawning in accordance groupinwhichcircalunarrhythmshave fish, as well as non-metazoans, such as withthelunarphase[17].Likewise,sev- been described (reviewed in ref. [24]). greenandbrownalgae(Fig.2andassoci- eral coral reef fish species follow lunar Amongthose,rabbitfishspeciesdisplay atedreferences).Lunar-controlledrepro- reproductive rhythms (see below). One cycles of gonadal maturation and ductive rhythms may be even further of the coral species that has been spawninginaccordancewiththelunar widespreadthancurrently known,asin studiedinmoredetailisAcroporamilli- cycle. Molecular studies have shown many species, the time of reproduction pora.Itspawnsonceayear,atadefined that the observed histological changes hasnotbeenregularlydocumented. lunar phase. A recent study suggests accompanying gonad differentiation Typically, species reproducing with that an Acropora cryptochrome (Cry) correlate with fluctuations of steroid a circalunar or -semilunar rhythm rely molecule is influenced by the lunar hormonesknowntoplayaroleingona- on external fertilization, releasing the rhythm [18]. Members of the cry gene daldevelopment [24–27]. gonadal products of each individual family are present throughout all king- Another set of observations has into the open water. Whereas species domsandplayacrucialroleincircadian shown the influence of moonlight on with internal fertilization can tolerate rhythms [2, 19, 20]. In mammals, components of the circadian clocks in differences in the maturation of each vertebrate-type Crys act as transcrip- rabbitfishes [28, 29]. Melatonin acts as partner, successful fertilization in such tional repressors that control the circa- amajoroutputmoleculeofthecircadian broadcast spawners critically relies on dianclock [21],whereasthe bluelight/ clockinvertebrates,withlevelstypically tightsynchronizationbetweenmaleand UV-AphotoreceptoractivityofCrysacts peaking during the night. In Siganus 168 Bioessays33:165–172,(cid:1)2011WILEYPeriodicals,Inc. ..... Insights&Perspectives K.Tessmar-Raibleetal. guttatus and Siganus canaliculatus, system with large sequence resources circatidal or seasonal/circaannual plasma levels of melatonin have been and molecular tools [45–50]. These rhythms, the next level of functional foundtobeelevatedinnewmoonnights resources,alongwithitsancestral-type and evolutionary understanding will comparedtofullmoonnights.Similarly, nervoussystem[51–54],nowmakethis be to discern how these different types T pineal mRNA levels of Siganus guttatus organism an ideal starting point not of rhythms are molecularly connected, h i per2,alikelycorecomponentofthecir- onlytounravelthemolecularprinciples andtowhatextentunderlyingmolecu- n cadian clock, differed significantly ofitscircalunarclock,butalsotoplace lar clocks share the same components. k between full moon and new moon itin anevolutionary context. Interconnections between different a nights[30].Alongwithadditionallunar Another invertebrate that appears rhythms are evident from many g a changes inthemRNAlevels of a candi- verypromisingforthemolecularanalyses examples(Figs. 2 and 3 and [13, 61,62]). i date S. guttatus melatonin receptor ofcircalunarrhythmsisthemarinemidge Forinstance,inspecieslikeClunio,the n (referred to in ref. [31]), and measure- Clunio marinus. Similar to Platynereis, a light-sensory system involved in the ments on cultured pineal tissue from wealth of classical studies attests to its entrainment of the circalunar clock is thesamespecies[32],thesedatasuggest circalunar rhythm of reproduction [55– controlled in a circadian manner. This thatlunarlightisreceivedbytherabbit- 58].Cluniomarinuslivesinthetidalzones specificregulationofthesensorysystem fish pineal and thereby impacts on the ofrockybeaches,spendingmostofitslife offersanattractiveexplanationforhow circadianfluctuationsofmelatonin. cycleunderneaththewater.Onlythefew theanimalscandiscriminatenocturnal However,cautionhastobeusedfor hoursfromeclosiontoreproductionneed lightfromdaylight,andhencerecognize the interpretation of these molecular totakeplaceoutsidethewater.Attheend thecorrectmoonphasesintheabsence studies.AlsoinDrosophila,whichdoes ofthisperiod,femalesdeposittheireggs of obvious differences, e.g. in spectral not exhibit any biological circalunar onalgaethatonlyemergefromthewater compositionofsun-andmoonlight[58]. rhythm, dim light of in the range of during spring tides, and are otherwise Furthermore,lunarreproductioncanbe lunar light intensity can directly influ- coveredbywater[59].Inaccordancewith modulatedbyseasonalfactors,restrict- enceexpressionofcircadianclockgenes thecriticalimportanceofthisfinalstage ing reproduction to only few reproduc- [7]. Therefore, in the absence of free- oftheirlifecycle,Cluniodisplaysastrong tive months [16, 63]. Likewise, most runningexperiments,itremainsunclear preference to hatch and reproduce just species that show lunar reproduction if the observed changes in levels of during the spring tides, when the low alsohaveadefinedcircadiantimewin- Acropora Cry2, Siganus per2, melatonin water levels reach their extremes. The dow in which reproduction occurs. In receptorormelatoninarecausedbyan synchronizationofthesemidgestherefore exemplary cases, this interconnection endogenous lunar clock or directly does not primarily affect gonadal matu- allows precise timing of reproduction result from illumination differences. ration,asisthecaseofthebristleworm, to specific hours ofspecific daysof the Indeed,astudyinsolessuggestsrather butthetimepointoftheireclosion. reproductivemonth(s)[13,14,41,64,65]. the latter to be the case [33]. SimilartoPlatynereis,butincontrast These intricate connections between Furthermore, these observations do tomanyothermarineorganisms,Clunio different types of rhythms argue for not necessarily imply that any of these canbeeasilygrowninanin-landlabora- theexistenceofcommonmolecularreg- moleculesarefunctionallyinvolvedina tory. Free-running experiments indicate ulators,forinstancehormonesorsignal- circalunarrhythm or clock. that Clunio possesses a circalunar clock ling metabolites, which mediate Polychaetes (bristle worms) are a thatisabletoanticipatethecorrecttime crosstalk between different molecular particularly attractive group to study window for eclosion [56]. Importantly, processes or even clocks within the lunarperiodicity. Not only arethe mass naturallyoccurringCluniostrainsdisplay samespecies. spawningsofpolychaetespecies,suchas different hatching cycles that are pre- The connections between different thebioluminescentfirewormofBermuda cisely adapted to the tidal times in the clocks have been intensively debated (Odontosyllis), or the famous Palolo different coastal areas from which the for circatidal and circadian rhythms in worms in the Southern Pacific (Palolo strains are isolated. Their comparison intertidal crabs. Two main hypotheses viridis), spectacular and fascinating revealsthattheyonlyevolvedintherela- have been put forward to explain the naturalphenomena,inselectedanimals tivelyshorttimeperiodafterthelastice circatidal locomotor activity of these from this group, lunar reproductive age [60]. This makes Clunio a highly crabsandtheirperformanceundercon- periodicityalsohasalonghistoryofsci- attractive model for population genetics stantlaboratoryconditions.Thefirsthy- entificresearch[16,34–41].Amongthese to unravel the molecular players that pothesis,the‘circatidal/circadianclock species is Platynereis dumerilii (Fig. 2), determine differences of hatching peaks model’, was developed by Naylor [66], thefirstorganismforwhichtheentrain- ofdifferentstrains. supported by experiments showing a menttoalunarcyclewasshowntoonly decoupling of circadian and circatidal depend on nocturnal light stimuli [42– rhythmicity in crabs [67]. In essence, it 44]. Classical studies, including one How are different rhythms postulatesthatlocomotoractivityispro- free-running experiment, indicate that motedbyacircadianoscillator(24.8h) and clocks Platynereis possesses an endogenous and suppressed by an overlapping cir- circalunar clock, and that lunar light interconnected? catidal oscillator (12.4 h) (reviewed in acts as a zeitgeber for this clock [42]. refs.[68,69]).InthecrabCarcinusmae- Notably,Platynereishasrecentlystarted Projectingbeyondthemolecularmech- nas, the circadian oscillator would to emerge as a novel molecular model anisms of single circadian, circalunar, modulatetheactivitylevelsandbythis Bioessays33:165–172,(cid:1)2011WILEYPeriodicals,Inc. 169 ..... K.Tessmar-Raibleetal. Insights&Perspectives determinethatnightactivityisgenerally chronobiological research. In light of lightofthefactthatunicellularmarine higher than day activity. The circatidal thediversetreeofeukaryotephylogeny organisms, such as diatoms or green clock would suppress this general [74], it is obvious that the current mol- algae, synchronize their cell divisions n activity, leading to activity bursts (of ecular chronobiological models only in a circadian manner [79, 80]. This ai differentheight) every12.4hours. representsmallandspecializedsubsets coordination ensures harmonization g Thesecondhypothesis,the‘circalu- of species. The study of other, molecu- withthealgae’sphotosyntheticactivity. a nidian-clock model’ originates from larly unexplored groups is therefore Theneedtocoordinatecelldivisionwith k Palmer and associates in the late 80s promisingtorevealadditionalstrategies the organism’s physiology might well n (reviewedinref.[70]).Itrejectstheidea to cope with periodic environmental represent an ancient marine condition i h ofacircatidalclock,insteadsuggesting changes, and also delineate more pre- still maintained in today’s vertebrate T two circalunar clocks at a period of ciselywhichaspectsoftheextantclocks liver cells. Similarly, in the diatom 24.8 hours. Normally, these clocks are ofancient origin. Phaeodactylum tricornutum, a single would run in 1808 antiphase to each This principle can be well exempli- Cryptochrome molecule combines DNA other, generating activity bursts of the fied for the circadian clock. Within the repair function, light perception and animals every 12.4hours. Changes in eumetazoans,workonorganismsother circadian regulation. This the period length of either one of the than Drosophila and mouse, such as Cryptochromethereforeappearstopro- twocircalunarclockswouldentailirreg- honeybees, butterflies and sea urchins videamissinglinkbetweenthedifferent ularitiesinthe12.4 hourcycles(suchas hasalreadyledtothenovelinsightthat functions of Cryptochromes in more adriftorsplittingoftheactivitypeaks) ancient Bilateria had clock molecules diversified organisms [81]. thatoccurunderconstantconditionsin thatwerepreviouslybelievedtobeonly Another example where ‘marine specieslikeUcapugnaxorHelicecrassa present in either Drosophila or rhythms’provideinterestingphysiologi- andarehardtoreconcilewiththecirca- vertebrates, such as vertebrate-type calconnectionsisthecouplingoflunar tidal/circadianclockmodel.Thepredic- and Drosophila-type cryptochromes reproduction and regeneration in sev- tion is that in the absence of external (crys), timeless and timeout [75, 76]. eral polychaetes. Especially in nerei- stimuli,thecouplingofbothclockscan These findings have two implications: dids, the ability to regenerate is often getlost.Thisprovidesarelativestraight- First, the eumetazoan ancestor (most anti-correlated with the production of forward explanation how circatidal likely a marine species) possessed a eggs or sperm [82–85]. This anti-corre- locomotoractivitypeaksunderconstant complex repertoire of circadian clock lationprobablyreflectstheeconomyof conditions can drift or temporarily dis- genes. Second, the current animal energyexpenditureinanorganismwith appear, a frequently observed pheno- models use secondary simplifications extreme fecundity, but it might also menon. of this ancestral circadian clock yield general insight into the mechan- Supporting evidence for both machinery. isms by which regenerative ability is modelshasbeencollectedovertheyears The comparison between clock sys- restricted in other species, including (summarizedinrefs.[5,6]).Inthepoly- temsisnotonlyinformativeinanimals. vertebrates. chaete Nereis virens, the acquired data Photosynthetic algae reveal details of In summary, these examples attest fitbothmodels[62],amphipodresearch- the evolution of circadian clocks in tothevalueofmarinespeciesforunder- ers have favoured the circatidal/circa- plants. Research in the marine unicel- standing how molecular rhythms and dian clock model [71], while for other lulargreenalgaOstreococcushasserved clocks evolved and diversified along organisms like the horseshoe crab and to reveal ancient aspects of the different evolutionary lineages. intertidal crabs data support the circa- Arabidopsis circadian clock. Orthologs Moreover, they indicate that selected lunidian-clock model [72, 73]. Both of two Arabidopsis core clock genes, marine species have a strong potential models provide testable hypotheses for timing of cab expression1 (TOC1) and torevealnewinsightsintothecrosstalks theunderlyingmolecularmachinery.It circadianclockassociated1(CCA1),also between molecular clocks and physio- isthuslikelythatmolecularresearchin play a central role in the alga. In con- logicalorcellbiologicalevents.Withthe those species will soon discriminate trast, the minimalistic genome of advent of new molecular insight into betweenboth scenarios. Ostreococcus,apicoeukaryotewithonly marine non-circadian rhythms, it is 13 Mbp of sequence, lacks other com- likelythatwewillalsolearnmoreabout ponents of the Arabidopsis circadian the correlates or remnants of these Evolution and clock, and therefore allows a core set rhythms in terrestrial models. Is it ofclockgenestobestudiedinasimpler possibly more than sheer coincidence diversification of ‘marine’ context [77]. that the female reproductive cycle in rhythms and clocks Marine species also provide insight humans lasts around a lunar month, intoancientcorrelationsbetweenclocks orcouldthisinsteadreflectsomeregu- Given that the marine biosphere is the and the physiology of species. For latory left-over from our evolutionary ancientenvironmentinwhichlife,with instance, researchers studying regener- past?Inthissense,thestudyofrhythms allitsrhythms,evolved,marinespecies ating mouse liver uncovered an unex- in our marine relatives can shed more can provide crucial input on the origin pected link between the entry of cells light ontoour ownevolutionary past. anddiversificationofrhythmsandtheir into the G2 cell cycle phase and the Whereaswehavemostlyfocusedon underlying clocks. This starts with circadian clock (reviewed in ref. [78]). theinterestof‘marinerhythms’forchro- the sampling of species used for Thisfindingmightbelesssurprisingin nobiology, their molecular dissection 170 Bioessays33:165–172,(cid:1)2011WILEYPeriodicals,Inc. ..... Insights&Perspectives K.Tessmar-Raibleetal. willalsoadvancestudiesinotherareas 13. Fingerman M. 1957. Lunar rhythmicity in 32. TakemuraA,UedaS,HiyakawaN,Nikaido marine organisms. 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