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ANOTHER French False Flag? PDF

229 Pages·2017·2.68 MB·English
by  BarrettKevin
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Advance Praise for ANOTHER French False Flag? “Kevin Barrett is one of the few public intellectuals who understand the pivotal and devastating role being played ongoing today by history’s deadliest deceits: false flag operations. He has edited two must-read books on the highest profile false flags of 2015: We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo! and ANOTHER French False Flag? Featuring 41 leading public intellectuals, these two volumes contribute significantly to our single most important task: revealing the expansion of Operation Gladio into a global illusion, an integrated false flag blanket fraud called ‘the war on terror.’ This now is being crystallized into a war on all Muslims. Operation Gladio 2 is comprised of a series of false flag ops arguably beginning with 9/11 plus all the ones that have followed, including the Madrid train bombings in 2004 and London 7/7, the Bali and Mumbai bombings, and most recently the two 2015 Paris attacks and their sequel in San Bernardino. These ongoing frauds robotize members of the public with such fear that they are in danger of becoming ready to follow a new fuhrer and move ‘the West’ toward the worst manifestation of fascism: resurgent Nazism. Exposing false flag ops can diminish the false fears they generate and open the way toward a safer and saner planet.” – Barrie Zwicker, Canadian media critic, filmmaker and author “We must read and absorb and become the knowledge of the truth. And the best first step is Kevin Barrett’s brilliant work contained in these pages. As a career counterterrorism specialist, I discovered this final battle, when I learned that the real terrorists are not the patsies blamed by the media. Behind them lurk the hidden operatives of the Deep State. We must work together to expose false flag terror, end the tyrannical reign of the Deep State, and take back our free Republic. Educate yourself by reading, and nourish your souls through praying and fellowship with like-minded souls. Start by reading Another French False Flag? — and get ready to help save America.” – Scott Bennett, former US Army Intelligence Officer, U.S. Special Operations Command, U.S. Central Command, the State Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism, and other government agencies. “This is an important book, an impressive collection by a group of outstanding scholars and researchers. We too often forget the history of terrorism in Europe is a history of false attributions. This refreshingly honest examination of the facts is vital for anyone seeking to understand the world around us today.” – Richard Curtis, Ph.D. ANOTHER French False Flag? Bloody Tracks from Paris to San Bernardino Edited by Kevin Barrett Copyright © 2016 Sifting and Winnowing Books POB 221, Lone Rock, WI 53556 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data ANOTHER French False Flag? Bloody Tracks from Paris to San Bernardino edited by Kevin Barrett ISBN 978-0-9961430-1-1 1. November 13 Terrorist Attacks, 2015. 2. War on Terrorism―Political aspects. 3. France―Politics and government, 2015. 4. History of France—Modern—21st Century Front cover art by David Dees, ddees.com Back cover and interior art by Anthony Freda, anthonyfreda.com Cover design by Sandra Taylor, The Graphic Page CONTENTS Introduction: ANOTHER French False Flag! Why SHOULDN’T We Jump to Conclusions? Kevin Barrett Part 1: What Really Happened? 1. Paris 11/13/15: The Matrix Extends Its Reach Paul Craig Roberts 2. Decoding the Paris Attacks: ISIS Blowback or French-Israeli False Flag? Brandon Martinez 3. Paris Again Hit by Fictional Terror Nick Kollerstrom 4. Anatomy of a False Flag Stephen Lendman Part 2: False Flags and Deep States: Theory and Practice 5. Deep States: A Threat to Democracy? Philip Giraldi 6. Was Paris 11/13 a False Flag Event? A Matrix for Evaluating Possibilities Robert David Steele 7. Academic Complicity in the Global War of False Flag Terrorism? Anthony Hall 8. The War of Terrorism: Drugs, Death Squads, Class Rule and Resistance Gearóid O Colmáin 9. Wars: US Militarist Factions in Command James Petras 10. The Urgency of Now Barry Kissin 11. Why Paris 11/13? Mujahid Kamran Part 3: Who IS ISIS? 12. We Are ISIS Ken O’Keefe 13. How We Know ISIS Was “Made in the USA” Jim Fetzer 14. All This Has Nothing to Do with Islam Alain Soral 15. Calling Takfir on Takfiris and Terrorism Rasheed al Ḥājj 16. The Khawarij Phenomenon: A False-Flag War on the Muslim Ummah Zaid Hamid 17. France: The Guinea Pig for War on Russia? Imran N. Hosein 18. The Terror Which Could End All Western Democracies (But Who Killed the French Marianne?) Catherine Shakdam Part 4: Media Lies, Bias, Cover-Ups and Complicity 19. The Role of the Media in Agenda-Driven Coverage of Terrorist Events A.K. Dewdney 20. Covering 11/13: The Stagecraft of “Reliable Sources” James Trac 21. The Paris Attacks and the White Lives Matter Movement Ajamu Baraka Part 5: False Flags and the New World Order 22. Signs of Satanism: Occult Fingerprints All Over Paris Attacks Ole Dammegard 23. Cognitive Dissonance: Media Masks Ghastly Truth Behind Terror Henry Makow Part 6: Questioning the False Flag Paradigm 24. False Flag? Reflections on Speculation, Certainty, and Resistance Gilad Atzmon 25: Interpreting Our Long History of 9/11s Eric Walberg 26: False Flag Paradigm Shift: A Response to Atzmon and Walberg Kevin Barrett Part 7: Youth for Truth: A Generational Awakening? 27. Today, Terrorism Is Our Common Worry: A Message from the Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Youth of Europe and North America Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei 28. US Imperialism and the Wanton Destruction of Cultures: An Open Letter to Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei Anthony Hall Contributors Notes INTRODUCTION: ANOTHER FRENCH FALSE FLAG! WHY SHOULDN’T WE JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS? Kevin Barrett This book’s title poses a question: “ANOTHER French false flag?” It is a question that only you, the reader, can answer. Next question: Do you think I was being rash, rushing to judgment, overlooking due diligence, or otherwise acting with unreasonable haste when I heard about the 11/13/15 Paris attacks—and immediately assumed, intuited, and felt deep in my gut, even before I began researching the event, that it was in all probability yet another false flag operation? I did not react that way to the Charlie Hebdo attacks in January. On the contrary, my first reaction had been to accept the official story that angry Muslims shot up the offices of a magazine known for its obscene anti-Islam provocations. It was only when countervailing evidence began to roll in that I changed my mind. The sickening realization that I had been fooled fueled the righteous anger that led me to edit and publish We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo: Free Thinkers Question the French 9/11—which came out March 1st 2005, less than three months after the January 7th attacks. But on November 13th, 2015, I wasn’t fooled for a nanosecond. Here is my first-reaction account, published a few hours after the Paris shootings. (I wrote it on the bus home from Chicago after flying in from Paris, having left the City of Light just hours ahead of the initial attack at the Stade de France. The article went viral and passed 100,000 reads within a few days.) ANOTHER French False Flag?i By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor I left Paris Friday at noon. As my plane landed in Chicago at 3:15 p.m. local time (10:15 p.m. Paris time) the media was screaming “Terrorists kill dozens in central Paris; hostages taken.” The French military was occupying the City of Lights. It looks like another Charlie Hebdo situation, only bigger and bloodier. By an eerie coincidence—at least I hope it was a coincidence— I had spent Thursday evening walking around central Paris being interviewed about January’s Charlie Hebdo false flag attacks. Little did I suspect that in less than 24 hours an even bigger terror attack would rock the city. Filmmaker Vincent LaPierre of Egalité et Reconciliation filmed me at the Fontaine St. Michel, in front of the Notre Dame cathedral, and in various Left Bank locations as well as at E&R headquarters with leader Alain Soral. As I pontificated to the camera about false flag terror in general and Charlie Hebdo in particular, passersby looked on with interest; one customer at the outdoor café table next to us told us she loved what she was hearing and appreciated the work we were doing. Since we now know the Charlie Hebdo attack was a Gladio 2 false flag by the usual suspects (NATO hardliners and Zionists),ii can we safely make the same assumption about these new Friday the 13th Paris atrocities? I think we can. Almost every really big, spectacular terror attack turns out, after extensive critical examination, to have been the usual state-sponsored false-flag stuff.iii There is no reason to think this one will be any different. The first question, as always, is: Who gains? And the answer, as always, is: Authoritarian insiders. Zionists. Militarists. Islamophobes. New World Order-Out-Of-Chaos freaks. Speaking of which, the order-out-of-chaos thing is going into overdrive. Between the destruction of several Middle Eastern countries, refugees flooding Europe, preparations for World War III vs. Russia and China, and ongoing false flag terror, it seems the “creative destruction” people are staying busy. The authorities will surely use these new attacks in the same way they used Charlie Hebdo: As an excuse to shut down critical thinking and dissent. They may even try to prevent me from returning to Paris on December 11th to present a paper exposing the Charlie Hebdo false flag at a mainstream academic conference.iv After all, I was already prevented once from entering Canada to give a talk on We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo: Free Thinkers Question the French 9/11. France’s president Hollande has attacked Charlie Hebdo “conspiracy theorists” in harsh terms, and his think tank, the Jean Jaurés Institute, named me as one of the world’s top five “conspiracy intellectuals” to watch out for.v If I were a truly paranoid conspiracy theorist, or conspiracy intellectual, or whatever, I would think somebody staged these new attacks just as I was leaving Paris and planning to return one month later because…well, because they’re afraid that my book We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo is picking up steam and threatening to expose the state-sponsored crimes of last January. According to this paranoid interpretation, the Charlie Hebdo high perps are “fleeing forward” into even bigger chaos and an even bigger crackdown on freedom…especially the freedom to seek the truth about false flag terror. This new attack may throw a monkey wrench into my efforts to get We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo translated into French—which was one of my items of business in Paris.vi It may also impede efforts to save Mohamed Boutiche, a witness to the fact that the Kouachi brothers, the designated Charlie Hebdo patsies, were intelligence assets. I just got word that Boutiche has been jailed and will be audited for trial on November 23rd.vii The authorities will undoubtedly use the new wave of terror hysteria to try to railroad Boutiche and keep a lid on his Charlie Hebdo revelations. And let’s not forget that the EU just instituted mandatory labeling of products from the Occupied Territories; the Zionists are throwing a gargantuan hissy-fit…just like right before the Charlie Hebdo attacks.viii Beware of Zionists throwing hissy-fits. So the least that can be said is that the timing seems extremely suspicious. Then again, maybe it’s all just coincidence. Maybe this is an actual attack by angry Muslims. Maybe there is no state sponsorship. Maybe this time, for once, it actually ISN’T a false flag.

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