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Anomia - Neuroanatomical and Cognitive Correlates - H. Goodglass, et. al., (AP, 1997) WW PDF

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Preview Anomia - Neuroanatomical and Cognitive Correlates - H. Goodglass, et. al., (AP, 1997) WW

Anomia Neuroanatomical and Cognitive Correlates Edited by Harold Goodglass Arthur Wingfield Foundations of Neuropsychology Series Contributors ‘Numbers iz parentheses indicts he pager on which she eons cont cations begin ‘Martin L. Albert 163) Medical Resunech Serv:ce, Dupartsrent of Veterans [Afi Medical Cant, Bost. Marsochnectts si Apasin Resoaech Center, Deparment of Nevroligy, Hosien University Seo of Medi= ‘ca, Dorion, Massechusiis 213? Bhoda Au (5651 Delon tof Nearehygy, Bestar Dae Mastic, Byte, Vases OLS (Christine Barth 163) ly dwhogy Departmnt, Univemsity of Canton, ‘Shun, Conmerticut M20 Sha AIanna Damas (55) Depariment of Newry Division ot Cogntve ‘Nactascence, Universit of Toes Callege of Meine, lene Cig Tow S221, nd Them Testa, Lei. Celioerta 92097 ‘Antonia R, Hamasiy (65) epottnent eth eusa.cgy, sisi of Capen ‘Retruscenee, Unirendty of lora College of Mecca, lnsa City Loss 52242, and The Salk teste, a Jv, Calioonia S237 De Bloser 63) Fasnlinguist ex Togo Newesinguigties,Tnsie2 ol “Lesguitics, Dawensty of Ptedam, D-LM-5 Posi, Gury Harold Guodglate 3. 208 Aplusis Reneact: Conver, Depavtmunt af Nise Tollogy, Unsion University Son] i Metiine, WA. Made, Cones Bowon, Messachuselle 22° Baney Gardon (31) Depurtmenty of Neurology on Copisive Scion, ane he Zane! vague Mine Gri strate, (he Johns Hepans Univer ty Balter, Mnyland 2-205 Nancy leim-Fstabraeks (191) Department ol Neurology, Bosten Univer sity Schoo of Medicine. Benin, Mascachuselis2:31,anc Nesonal Ce ser for Reurogeste Communication Diserders, Univerty 0! Anara Tucson, Arizona 5121 Paula Menyuk (137} Lisulopmental Studies, Boston Crises Basie, aveachiet (21 Masjorie Nicholas (15) Vesleel Rewath Service, Depart ant af eter ones Beal Cle, Reston, Masarhunetls C2199 | orsine K, Ubler (16s) City Lnivermny of New Vere Gasiant Seal New ‘York, Kew York IW21, ad Macca Neseazeh Service, Dupartost a ‘eretans Ataits Medical Comte Boston, Massachusetts 213) Carla Semon (115) 2a Pade Ia yurtment of Psychology Cnizissty ol Padova, Daniel Tanel (58) Deparment ol Newology, Division of Cognitive Ne reese, Leiveriy al losa llega Medicine, aera iy va $2282 Anthur Wingfield (2,209) Pvsartmert of Paschulogs, and Vblon National ‘Center for Complex Sesteme, Urandlls Unsverity, slr, Mlasachtt pe Preface Te emengence of Su abit to saane vine among the wa e896 ureplistunens in the development of guage othe aang ll Daz ing tha seeord threxzgh tha fours years il. new words ae acquis at the :roe offen Io Int a cay. AlThouph the tae ane exe oF ORNL EE pie arekeneen tacoma sols ane -ual ah 1g Mheeapaeiy 1 Inf scabip stor concepts name ass ea Seder capi Be very nemvlogically inact x8 well before shal 22 (Gn the othe side of this ot, the impairment or this ability san slmast contant nding in fndSviduale ch slruccural inary (othe langnage ote ft the Jt heminpare, wih ssulL.ng apace, Anca eels ta ve Saale fy ingore yvizan nacre ebjertoos other conceps in aphasie plants teh soul atherasae ives ween ations Fait 0 rade Iv eum of they could he menial. ehua the clit to accse erect ramos fa selectively mpaized despite nomal campeenensisa and Avec proce Hon of sentence forms, a pant le ac Le have nomic apnea ‘Our gaa. in IVs eolume i allora ate-chlhsears eviews ol dsoaders teaming, eppnaeclsl frre bot val aed theoncigl view peels. The olin heging Ph avovercew ofcaminzand aphasia by headers The ssucecedrg chapters were prcpared by asknowleaged experts who provice ‘emarchersive itetalure eviews sutncneiesal reevaaticioizen dito interpretive ingratkrs oh snk in ea: hele oonain, Tit ot the fost devine entvely by nung edi ister: Taladed ate su pinmof advaruvsae cugutive audytseael zion Ruygstesi-en (ection sap and dinical obscreatins thas eusie nothuvehuen weit feat sears ago, Webeliwe this bona wi be wel terenaers i tae cy isinlincsievolved in tee stay 0 lmgurge, uding tow in cogritice ‘Reararcence neuralegy. ¢peerh patholegs and gai. We aie gratetul far ihe supa ané slcvalin tha: see have gained from qur aang dlscwseiaes of naceing with gos ees At Ee Boston Univorsiy cplusia Rescue Centura the Bassory and Cexation Tale bonvtury sf Bmineeis Undvursity, We aekmaw lie te upp dor wn ‘ecarch om Reshonal iesitutesot alt Ginny DNL ed AGLEST? fed upp rom the W. M, Kerk Founda Harold Goodgiass Arthur Wnglisld . Chapter Word-Finding Deficits in Aphasia: Brain—Behavior Relations and Clinical Symptomatology avokd Ganesan Arthur Wingh pluie « geuer tem for 3 layguape impairment futon beam ‘Gamage, Su mpaizments con take the oom uf ful i et pas “endive of connetect speech te. Diba aphasia impatrelopecch cm prehension (Wernicke's aphasia) aurea citiculy in eading alexa; ‘ering iagraphia), epetiion (condition aphasia’, any carabinazion® st theee qr athee coum rurstivesyeaeares Tanghnige deficits arse endsrarily frou Kone it the eft Jeph in suzeguit}uincul uetorony by the shied funtal convolution, posteriorly tu toueargula paras the pavietel obe. and weal fre the inferior or peal gyms tothe supramarginal gyras. This ane. generally srt dig fhe Spivian fisuredtheperisician rp) hehsen prcpeny called thea phage rane (cor Figure 1) Tastons bile of RK ama ete praeane SIs oFangaenge. whereas damage vsthin tis ar usualy oe ‘Lest hunisphere wterlty 4 language hunctons is oy ar the over: wheleing rile in vighthanders, Buseptiens may oacut, particulary in ron-rigarhanders. An interesting onvetage ol acomales of lntara.ty i ‘uch case is provided by Alexander, Feat and Fiecher (98 The waritls of spc ets that app in aychasa anw many, cluding eFcoltnsclted othe expression oFeyntex (grarantsin eae ‘Se urna caleulaion Escala) and wo forth. Of the symptom set = sted with aphasia, none are mere pervasive than swans ifieue in Findinghigh information words, beth in fluent dizcourse, and when cll ‘upor. o iMentfy at oojct ot askon be nase, ee) Vaiuilinian pan tara AG Aepate ye 8h Sigur Tarpox Qiu nig ace copter Col AS romamer fst oseumia w that the sure the pase erable 50 a anean- of lot “nom mentory. patient cnableteproctasthe esi ame mals may eel ies the cojct by aaanting 0 i when is rans spoken 1 oF she map recognize whether oe La ofared name 15 the cenrect name af the objec, a he palighl may preatue hs come xeam@ after Being prompted why ity invial sound. Rythor than by, ‘raced om hsleviean, itn mare aucerstes0 say Ps Wee wae its coe ret phenology, marcas le tonenieval, This sa sormce of sent or xepatnt ands explanation bas long epresentesanatellcrnalpazaie n cagiitive nearopeschalogy = Sc oR Oia eget pate . CoN S — poser tot A. QUESTION OF DLFINITION As indica alone, we fing: arenas Nhe Seay Ue tiene che names for sancepSs hl previously were sse'y avail iow speaker Wille gous secs, tis out uses eidentand with Penis al hence wit a escontin ths language voncofthe brain Lule, vet a Inaividnals wfering torn apasia hava some degree of wore-retsiyal probleens, whit. may range trom absa‘ute fallin, ta vie impairment Patients who have largely receverad Com apas a tellesing # brat Sar may haves peer steol eon tiwlng dltclty a thle only 9 dal lec ‘Nthough the bounces ofthe comeepe of anomtis ave not abate lineal if probably i not properly ansigmed to the sporadic dlscclis invecrieving particular words ase names that ave a somemion comalaky of lee: pecplete.g, Bivke, MacKay, Wonley de Wade, HON}. Thase nam ane probably 2 be distinguished fenm ihe valensive ins 91 access 0 € Sahulary couced Sv patents with Aldichmee's dics, The anamia apes dorset malta tam epee She Tame ester By = Tess, sugetanalyhe shade ror ave ie hy paca lth “Alzheimer’s disease (Chertkow & Bub, 1998) relate the éslunes of these [patients ts eensice lng uf atinantg nang ta the concepts hey fail To mnne. The perfics oF Eus wscarc elle dnetased in Chaplet 7 be Boch ota, this volume, but they inaicate hat gow probly ca listie pale word-finding penblemsutAlaeaner > patents fre: me of = ‘The normal acquisition of naming la chien, developmental abnor ruliliggobse veel in tsatacnce uf uc aries, and response tour te luuguage aon after specd has Bue aeyidee a pooe challenging, ‘questions to siden, of Drain-acguage relaonships, Becase of Wein plosicitym the ently deveinpment of larghage es rinky to attempt 29 Diy anadullanetomvtanct inna temple io understand etic” csr Sera. Some of the cinies agersatigns are! “heomival aveuunts of devel Pppmenti Goren a cating ml Be clisrnael in The Chapa 5 by ongulk, this vuhume Ab-nough the tem 20m may be used synanymously with word nd ing lity, both at these lems have «strict meaning: they met ta intpaised reel 4° winla that have a aonceplilflerant thy nome Ioeta inet b ynaluce Beogrmumoticl morplismoco re language, aor the lity 48 prose aricelate speech r genera CLINICAL FORMS OF ANOMIA ‘Much uf the dinioan’s sence that angel fakes many difirent fr arives Gum dhe secompouiying dsticie and adoptntuns geile to pa- tients wich diferent forms of aphasia. Anomia may bei. the forreu ‘afte symplamatnlogy ot may beacershadewedly other problem. The Ielativepravrinenoea the anomia, gwieshose, ished cacessad Bed Ib aentaolute severly of de wanteatraeed a Pull ‘Bena sagt, whe unos sce dificaly i 1 nating wok ne teeing acteultory production. esmaly havea tissu vacate In free concerto, hy rely prefoanimanty an nouns te covey ino lation mn short, grammatically defer we werd groups. esmptea a peaiouly praia Ra's api Feaminer: Whal rey gv. he hapa Patient Ys, Mariay Dai. Pal H. name dele vod) amdiladUbepital. vo. ar cor shiny ‘rte minutes... yes... Heepital archer. esa. Wie diay... ine o'dock... and. er... Thursday --- ten otaku tora. we. tw. - dmors ‘anne eerey sere gan (amulet: What work were you Palient: Foreman, Fine? Pe Yooh Can you tll ne what you had to do? wn. perviee...superviae cnn’... eerues ..:3cor’s paper E Reveds? Pein. .sin . thaseall. Mung kinds ufweeh, bul that’s al Te Flow lng hal you been cong that? t-One year... ad plover ir years plone: Erin what? PleTivn gba... pla That did tu: comast uf? Time. amoton saci. eae: ong belare you got sick? tiroca'saphasics scars i wads i lian move ailed free oxen {tan than oh tsting i ea, Tey a fied am some WOES Iyheing penvide sera Gargpening sounds Range Baws aphstrs may ave seven aeticotor dic tis tee wanageerts ea leh anyon Ly articaitory simgyle and distion. They misname objets eccsicea ly neu use onesie eualocutins when were retieval eils Lvirab solute level of naraing Frpairment may range fem e=pletefilure ts Il eduction in sped of re eal Wirustes ates’ annals snay be overshadowed af thelr tluent but connuhurcet (parssranceai) spesch vutfut ‘he pot of Car message tat bea ubseurec by misused word that specific tances of wed Bs ingfailune may bina te identi Severe Wernicke's apbasios reels se ‘eres anamiron esting sith ibis, and le ancenia may abate oni erably an Ie cohewensie apn pees Fromple ofa sory scare tyne’ ace ith yon eatin Fellow ace yaa today? {Lue very ll Mr hearing, writing boen day we things that ‘Leola bear hry thee words Cuped tobe aoe te work gn elles didi t know hove: The pay | didn't knows ova. Lean vite, chheslereol fr cise tcnty ae Loan write i Chose, | nese Mahl Tean ste nomic aaa puse sorcerof wend resievl in the cuntust of well formed sentences, with Ite or to taisune ef words omic apbosie 8 Seon i pallens very oosiderahly aso how they cope wth ter frequent wor Finding falas, ich sully ae he ncaa ante thar thes par of spel Soue patents lacy iss buss, povidng secumlavatians 9 they speak, wheres uthers perchuate thee istourst wilh ecmasions.a feustation and impatience. vet, in zbsna level, arena wpsis Ay srore with ary rail mpalemenis ea slandard naming tte Dhe pewi= hence oF thai ltrulty arses fom hei othenee Nuent normal spec cand hee ffs io use spuutic worl sone fa sean nent ph: ECan You tel me abl fo Mnese2 PleThad a. Tia. oneantwnirvee.. Theresome... tha ils have Miser par et 1 Nowe pointing to the operate cm your chest? Die Yee.ctbagawae.aloed. aves. leabmpesoe same bate. EAvaie? Dui Right cf Tuecnsoe. thy the... Paar ae three or ou LEFlonet thing they onl a in Te Rit th aot eae? Me Deal And twas after the opealfon? PU Stihl. Ani say late while r24 unde wehatehamnoeal ReAneshnn? Pe No, Under where Shy put yu ust tor Mie pepe 2 vex stayin hae fora comple days Uli the intensive care? PE High AC that Kime | got the senbe Conder lave duet arama anger ave culpa pune= ured by Muy epee uf suing astray onthe solettin ied vde“§ OF the sound ofa wend ptiono nga paraphasa eal as gol ton thecenstructinn utassmens. nea yppesoterioes ead te comune fore. They characteiscally, make repealed uneuccesshul attempts 19 ‘ernighie1 oul Ihe choice and eden solindsof ond Phonnogical paca pPhasiazan moa kel India ho nae, aoa may be compounded, Sertharven unlit dificult Eyothor is Lanecs sppearseleae thet ‘he ptent effort ar based emarvacenzate oy poke rent af rons ‘phonology anal oat the problent = entraly one uf provictin TE Mal i abl shat’ ino a Hi pur. POW sss 'sou tpt teres cost HEA 48. 388

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