Anomalous thermal conductivity and suppression of negative thermal expansion in ScF 3 Ambroise van Roekeghem, Jesús Carrete and Natalio Mingo CEA, LITEN, 17 Rue des Martyrs, 38054 Grenoble, France∗ (Dated: July 5, 2016) The empty perovskite ScF exhibits negative thermal expansion up to 1100K. We demonstrate 3 thatab-initiocalculationsoftemperature-dependenteffectivephononspectraallowtoquantitatively describe the behavior of this compound and the suppression of negative thermal expansion. Based on this result, we predict an anomalous temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity and interpret it as a general feature of the perovskite class. Finally, we comment on the fact that the suppression of negative thermal expansion at such a high temperature is beyond the reach of the 6 quasi-harmonicapproximationandwediscussthissuppressionbasedonthetemperature-dependence 1 of the mode Grüneisen parameters. 0 2 l Negative thermal expansion (NTE), caused by anhar- ity of ScF available in the literature. u 3 J monicityinsolids,iscrucialfortechnologicalapplications In this Letter, we use ab-initio calculations of 4 to obtain materials with no volume variation over given temperature-dependent effective phonon dispersions and temperature ranges [1]. Being able to find new materi- scattering rates to investigate the effects of anharmonic- ] als exhibiting this behavior from ab-initio calculations is ity in ScF . We compute the temperature-dependent i 3 c thus an important issue. Recently, attention has been interatomic force constants using regression analysis of s drawn to fluorides and to empty perovskites, following forcesfromdensityfunctionaltheorycoupledwithahar- - l the discovery of ScF , which exhibits NTE up to 1100K monic model of the quantum canonical ensemble, to ob- r 3 t [2]. Few attempts to understand and reproduce this be- tain the evolution of the lattice parameter and of the m haviorfromrealisticcalculationshavebeenperformedso phonon spectrum with quantitative agreement with ex- . t far. Within the quasi-harmonic approximation, contra- perimentaldataupto1000K.Wethencalculatethether- a dictory results have been obtained by different groups: mal conductivity and predict an anomalous temperature m while Li and collaborators found a persistent NTE at dependence similar to what has been measured in other - d high temperature [3], Liu and collaborators found the perovskites, which is caused by anharmonicity. Finally, n suppression of NTE around 400K [4]. In both cases, the we show that the suppression of negative thermal ex- o calculatedlatticeparameterwasdifferentfromtheexper- pansion at high temperature is beyond the reach of the c imentalmeasurementbyabout1%[5],whereasthemaxi- quasi-harmonic approximation, and we discuss this phe- [ mumexperimentalvariationofthelatticeparameterdue nomenon in terms of the mode Grüneisen parameters. 2 to the thermal expansion is about 0.5% [2]. Moreover, Several methods have been recently developed to deal v the value of the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) with anharmonic effects at finite temperature in solids. 1 6 atlowtemperaturewasalsotoosmallbyatleastafactor TheSelf-ConsistentAb-Initio LatticeDynamicalmethod 5 of two. Li and collaborators pointed out that the struc- (SCAILD) [15] establishes a self-consistency loop on 0 turalquarticityofthetransversevibrationsofthefluorine the phonon frequencies in the high-temperature limit 0 atoms improves the behavior of the calculated NTE co- by computing forces created by displacements with an . 1 efficientwithrespecttoexperiment,withtheNTEbeing amplitude fixed by the classical mean-square displace- 0 stronger at low temperature and weaker at high temper- ment. The Temperature-Dependent Effective Potential 6 atureascomparedtothequasi-harmonicapproximation. approach (TDEP) [16, 17] is based on ab-initio molecu- 1 Still, they could not perform a quantitative calculation lar dynamics (AIMD) and relies on fitting the computed : v over the whole Brillouin zone and their approximation forces from the AIMD trajectory to a model Hamilto- Xi to the effect of quartic anharmonicity failed to show the nian, which can include 2nd or higher order terms. In suppressionofNTEathightemperature[3]. Incontrast, the Stochastic Self-Consistent Harmonic Approximation r a calculations using density-functional molecular dynam- (SSCHA) [18], the free energy of an ensemble of har- ics, which take into account anharmonicity, reproduce monic oscillators in the real potential is minimized with the suppression of NTE [6]. Besides these difficulties, respecttothe2ndorderforceconstantsandtothestruc- other clues highlight the importance of anharmonicity in ture of the compound. Finally, an approach [19] based this material, and in the class of perovskites in general. onSelf-ConsistentPhonontheory(SCPH)[20]estimates In particular, several measurements of the thermal con- the anharmonic self-energy using third and fourth order ductivity in various perovskites describe an anomalous force constants extracted by compressive sensing tech- temperature dependence and point out the role of the niques on DFT calculations [21]. In our case, we use an soft modes in those compounds [7–14]. So far, there is approach inspired by the SCAILD method but using the nocalculationormeasurementofthethermalconductiv- full quantum mean square thermal displacement matrix 2 as in the SSCHA and allowing the possibility to update 20 8 K 20 the eigenvectors and to obtain higher order force con- 300 K stants by fitting the forces in real space, as in TDEP. In 900 K 1500 K the harmonic approximation, the probability to find the z)15 15 systeminaconfigurationinwhicheachioniisdisplaced H in direction α by uiα is ρh({uiα}) ∝ exp(cid:0)−21uTΣ−1u(cid:1), cy (T withΣ(iα,jβ)thequantumcovarianceforatomsi,j and n10 10 e directions α,β: u q e (cid:126) (cid:88) Fr Σ(iα,jβ)= ω−1(1+2n (ω ))(cid:15) (cid:15)∗ 5 5 2(cid:112)M M m B m miα mjβ i j m whereM istheatomicmass,ω thephononfrequency m 0 0 of mode m (comprising both wavevector and branch de- X M R X|M R0 1 2 3 4 grees of freedom), (cid:15)m the corresponding wavefunction Wavevector DOS (THz-1) andn theBose-Einsteindistribution. Fromthephonon B frequenciesandeigenvectorsofthestartingphononspec- z) 5 H trum, we compute the matrix Σ using the Γ point of T 4 a 4x4x4 supercell and use it as the covariance matrix cy ( 3 n of a multidimensional Gaussian distribution to generate e 2 u N random sets of atomic displacements {un }, with i q iα e1 indexing each atom and direction in the supercell and Fr 0 n a given random configuration. The forces fin acting X M R on each atom of the supercell generated by this set of Wavevector displacements {un } are calculated by density functional iα theory. Finally, we use those forces and displacements Figure1. (coloronline). Temperature-dependentphonondis- to fit the second and third order forces constants [22] persion(leftandbottom)comparedtotheIXSmeasurements of a model potential, using least-squares minimization. ofRef.[26]at8K(blackcrosses)and300K(blackdots),and corresponding density of states (right). Theseforceconstantsallowustocalculateanewphonon spectrum. In practice, we start from the spectrum cal- culated using small displacements and we iterate the around 3THz and 12THz, which were seen to have the procedure described above until convergence. In addi- opposite behavior. Since both the phonon dispersions tion, for each cycle we calculate the external pressure P = (cid:16)∂Ep(cid:17) +(cid:0)∂Ek(cid:1) . The derivative of the potential and the IXS data indeed point towards a hardening of ∂V S ∂V S thelowerfrequencies,thedisagreementwiththeneutron energy Ep is computed using the mean of the external weighted density of states likely comes from the phonon- pressure PDFT obtained by density functional theory: neutron matrix elements. (cid:16) (cid:17) ∂Ep = 1 (cid:80) PDFT ({un }), thus taking into ac- Fig.2showsthecalculatedlatticeparametercompared ∂V N n<N iα S counttheanharmonicityofthepotential. Forthederiva- to the experimental measurements of Greve and collab- tive of the kinetic energy E , we use the quasi-harmonic orators [2]. We use the PBEsol functional, which has k expression: (cid:0)∂∂EVk(cid:1)S = −21V (cid:80)m(cid:126)ωmγm(cid:0)21 +nB(ωm)(cid:1) been conceived to give more reliable results for the crys- [23], with γ the Grüneisen parameter of mode ω . We tal structure of solids as compared to LDA or GGA [27], m m thenupdatethelatticeparameteruntilthemeanexternal andweaveragethevalueofthelatticeparameterover30 pressure becomes negligible. This allows us to calculate cycles. We also take into account electronic excitations the thermal expansion of the material, including even in the thermal expansion by using Fermi-Dirac statistics order anharmonic effects within the effective 2nd order to determine the partial occupancies. Indeed, electronic force constants, as shown for instance in Refs.[24, 25]. excitationshavebeenshowntohaveanon-negligibleim- Fig.1 shows the phonon spectra and density of states pact on the free energy, phonon dispersion and CTE in obtained at 8K, 300K, 900K and 1500K compared aluminium and rhodium, in particular near the melting to the IXS measurements of the phonon frequencies at temperature [28, 29]. We obtain quantitative agreement 8K and 300K from Ref.[26]. We observe that the ef- up to 1500K, with a deviation of the lattice parameter fects of temperature are antagonistic depending on the of less than 1%(cid:24). frequency range: lower frequency modes harden with We now compute the thermal conductivity of ScF , 3 increasing temperature, while higher frequency modes which has neither been measured nor previously calcu- soften, with a boundary between those two regimes at lated, up to our knowledge. We use the full solution around10THz. Thisisinqualitativeagreementwiththe of the Boltzmann transport equation as implemented neutron-weighted data of Ref.[3], except for the peaks in the ShengBTE code [30], and compute values from 3 4.030 102 40 Greve et al. 2010 300 K 300 K ) Calculation 900 K K35 900 K er (Å)44..002205 0 K (ps) 101 1500 K vity (W/m/2350 1fu5ll0 T0- dKep amet4.015 at 90 100 ducti20 par me con15 Lattice 4.010 Lifeti10-1 hermal 105 4.005 T 10-2 0 0 5 10 15 20 0 1000 2000 4.000 Frequency (THz) Temperature (K) 0 300 600 900 1200 1500 T (K) Figure 3. (color online). Lifetimes of a 15x15x15 grid as a functionofenergyat900Kusingforceconstantsfromdiffer- Figure 2. (color online). Temperature-dependence of the lat- enttemperatures(left)andthermalconductivityinterpolated ticeparameterofScF usingthePBEsolexchange-correlation 3 between calculations with fixed 2nd and 3rd order force con- potential compared to the experimental data of Ref.[2]. stants corresponding to different temperatures (right). 300K to 1500K using the temperature-dependent effec- [34,35]. Inthismaterial,allphononmodeshaveenergies tive 2nd and 3rd order force constants. Fig.3 displays lower than 1000K, which means that the heat capacity the lifetimes calculated at 900K while artificially using and weighted Grüneisen parameter have negligible ther- force constants obtained for different temperatures, and malvariationabovethistemperature. Moreover,thevol- the thermal conductivity. When temperature increases, umeoftheunitcellat1300Kand900Kisapproximately twoimportantphenomenaoccursimultaneously: thelife- thesame, excludingthepossibilitythatthepotentialvo- times of the soft modes become longer due to the mod- lumicvariationoftheGrüneisenparametercouldexplain ification of their frequencies, but also all lifetimes are by itself the change of expansion regime. It is thus very enhanced globally. Indeed, close to a displacive insta- unlikely that the suppression of NTE around 1100K can bility the three-phonon scattering rate of the soft mode be explained within the quasi-harmonic approximation. becomes particularly high because it is proportional to This is in contrast to the other famous compound ex- ω−1, as seen for instance in SrTiO3 [31]. The global en- hibiting NTE over a large temperature range, ZrW2O8, hancement of lifetimes is mainly due to the reduction inwhichNTEpersistsuntilitsdecomposition[36];andto of the available phase space for three-phonon processes many compounds which exhibit NTE over a small tem- [32][33], which in turn is due to the shrinking in energy perature range before its suppression due to the thermal of the phonon density of states by the simultaneous soft- population of higher-energy phonon modes, such as the ening of high energy modes and hardening of low en- prototype material of the empty perovskite family ReO 3 ergy modes. As a result, the thermal conductivity ac- [37, 38] or, more prosaically, silicon [39]. Thus, ScF 3 quires an anomalous temperature-dependence, that we presents an explicit case where high-order anharmonic- can roughly describe by a power-law close to κ ∝ T−0.6 ity plays a crucial role. In passing, we note that even in (see Fig.3). This behavior is reminiscent of what has thosecompoundswithapparentlysimplerbehaviorthere been found in other perovskites, such as the prototype remain important related questions, such as the possi- compoundSrTiO3 [11,12],inwhichthethermalconduc- ble role of quartic anharmonicity in the temperature- tivity has been shown to follow a power law κ ∝ T−α dependence of the phonon spectrum of ZrW O [40]; 2 8 with α ≈ 0.6−0.7. We speculate that the presence of or the reappearance of NTE in ReO around 650K [41] 3 soft modes in many perovskites – which are very sensi- which could not be explained within the Grüneisen for- tivetotemperature–makessuchanomalousdependence malism [37, 42] and was tentatively attributed to the a common behavior in this class. strong anharmonic behavior of a soft mode [41, 43]. TobetterunderstandthesuppressionofNTEinScF , We now discuss the CTE in terms of the 3 let us begin by summarizing the problem in simple ar- Grüneisen parameters [44]. We calculate the guments. Withinthequasi-harmonicapproximation,the mode-dependent Grüneisen parameters γ = m rsaigmneotefrthγevCiaTαE α=V fγoClvloρw,swtithheKweigthhteedisoGtrhüenrmeisaelnbpualk- e−teωVrm (cid:0)γ∂∂ωV=m(cid:1)T(cid:80)anγd cthe/(cid:80)weigchte,d uGsinrügnetihseen2npdaraamnd- V KT T m m vm m vm modulus,C theisochoricheatcapacityandρthedensity 3rd order force constants of a given temperature as v 4 [17, 45, 46]: 5 0.5 r e γm =−6ω12 (cid:88) (cid:15)(cid:112)∗miMα(cid:15)mMjβrkγΨαijβkγeiq·rj meter 05 amet 00..05 m ijkαβγ i j a ar par 10 n p 1.0 SevinocluettihonesoifgnγowfitthheteCmTpEerαaVtu=reγaKCllTvoρwissuthsetosainmteerapsrγet,tthhee sen 15 eise 1.5 changeofregimeintermsoftheevolutionofthecontribu- ünei 20 Grün 2.0 tliimonitoafnddiffiferwenetdpohnoontotnakmeoidnetso.aIcncothuenthtighhe-mteomdpifiercaattuiorne de Gr 3205 300 K hted 32..05 390000 KK of the 2nd and 3rd order force constants, the weighted Mo 35 900 K eig 3.5 1500 K Grüneisen parameter becomes constant and equal to the 1500 K W full T-dep 40 4.0 arithmetical mean of all mode-dependent Grüneisen pa- 0 5 10 15 20 0 1000 2000 rameters. Frequency (THz) Temperature (K) In Fig.4, we decouple the effect of temperature due to the modification of the weight of the mode heat ca- Figure 4. (color online). Mode-dependent Grüneisen param- pacity from the effect due to the modification of the eters of a 15x15x15 grid as a function of energy and temper- forceconstantsbytracingseveraltemperature-dependent ature (left) and weighted Grüneisen parameter interpolated weighted Grüneisen parameter curves using fixed force between calculations with fixed 2nd and 3rd order force con- constants obtained at different temperatures. A large stants corresponding to different temperatures (right). contribution to the NTE comes from the soft mode line between the R and M points, due to its small frequency and large variation – which shows that this type of com- aresoftenedwhilethevolumedecreasesinspiteofapos- pounds close to a mechanical instability are good candi- itive Grüneisen parameter, showing that anharmonicity datesforNTE.Whenthetemperatureisincreased,these playsanimportantroleoverthewholephononspectrum. mode Grüneisen parameters are mostly impacted by the In conclusion, we have used temperature-dependent modificationoftheirfrequency,whichlowerstheircontri- anharmonic calculations to compute the evolution of the bution to NTE. Still, the mode Grüneisen parameters at phonon frequencies and scattering rates in ScF3. We agivenfrequencyaregloballypushedupbytemperature have predicted an anomalous temperature dependence in the low-energy region. This is similar to what hap- of the thermal conductivity, notably due to the hard- pens for the lifetimes, as discussed above. Both effects ening of the soft modes frequencies with increasing tem- are necessary to quantitatively understand the suppres- perature, and interpreted it as a general feature of this sionofNTEthatappearsaround1100K(seerightpanel class of compounds. Finally, we have shown that the of Fig.4), in agreement with the experiment. weighted Grüneisen parameter acquires a dependence in It is also remarkable that the full temperature depen- temperaturethatisqualitativelydifferentfromthequasi- denceoftheweightedGrüneisenparameterdiffersimpor- harmonic behavior and explains the suppression of neg- tantly from the one obtained within the quasi-harmonic ative thermal expansion. This demonstrates that tak- approximation in the whole temperature range, show- ing into account high-order anharmonicity is crucial for ing that higher-order anharmonic effects are crucial in the qualitative and quantitative computation of physical the behavior of the CTE even at lower temperatures. properties at intermediate and high temperatures. Fur- This last statement is all the more true if one takes into thermore,thisworkpavesthewaytowardsthesearchfor account the variation of the volume to recalculate the new materials displaying negative thermal expansion or phonon dispersions. Indeed, the soft mode frequencies lowthermalconductivityfromab-initio calculationsover are lowered when the lattice parameter is reduced and a a large temperature range. phase transition can take place under pressure [26, 47]. WeacknowledgeusefuldiscussionswithIonErrea,Ole In the standard Grüneisen formalism, this translates in Hellman,WuLiandStefanoCurtarolo. 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