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Anomalous Internal Pair Conversion Signaling Elusive Light Neutral Particles Fokke de Boer NationaalInstituutvoorKernfysicaenHoge-EnergieFysica. 6 NL-1098SJAmsterdam,TheNetherlands 0 0 2 Abstract. In this paper we report on a systematic search for a neutral boson in the mass range n between5and15MeV/c2inthedecayofhighlyexcitednuclei.Itssignatureisfoundadeviationin a theangularcorrelationofthee+e− pairsfromconventionalinternalpairconversion(IPC)resulting J from of its two-body decay kinematics. With an e+e− pair-spectrometer,a number of transitions 6 hasbeeninvestigatedinthea –nuclei8Be,12Cand16O,followinglightioninducedreactionsatlow bombardingenergies,first atIKFinFrankfurtandduringthelast yearsatATOMKIin Debrecen. 2 Startlingly, in all isoscalar transitionsexcess e+e− pairs are foundat large angles with branching v ratioswith respectto the totalyield rangingfrom10−2 to 10−6. If these deviationsareall related 9 tothetwo-bodydecayofanX-boson,thisobservationimpliespluralX-bosons.Ananalysisofall 4 angular spectra with a boson search program, yields a pandemoniumof more than ten candidate 0 bosons. 1 1 5 0 Introduction / h p - Elusiveneutral X-bosonscan beemitted in anuclear transitionwithintheconstraints p of spin-parity, isospin and energy-momentum conservation. Superallowed (L=0) emis- e h sion is expected for a pseudoscalar 0− particle in a 0−→0+ M0 transition, a scalar v: particle0+ inan0+→0+ E0,anaxialvector1+ inan M1andavector1− particleinan i E1transition.Allowed(L=1) emissionoccurs for0+ and 0− particlesin E1 and M1 re- X spectively,andfor1+ and1− inE1,M1butalsoinE2andM2transitions.Thesignature r a of X-boson emission is expected to be the two-body decay into e+e− pairs superposed on conventional internal pair conversion (IPC) [1], but with a marked difference in the distributionofthee+e− openingangle. Since some time a search is carried out for such a neutral particle in high-energy transitions in self-conjugate a -nuclei. Since 1990, experiments have been performed at the ’small’ Van de Graaff accelerator of the Institut für Kernphysik in Frankfurt, Germanyandsincetheyear2000attheAVFcyclotronandtheVandeGraaffaccelerator at ATOMKI in Debrecen, Hungary. In all experiments the same compact spectrometer was used, consisting of eight E-D E detectors, allowing a good compromise between angulargranularity,stoppingpower,rangeand pair-efficiency [2]. A signal which couldoriginatefrom a bosonwithan invariantmass of9 MeV/c2 has been observedintheM1transitionsdepopulatingthe17.64MeV, 1+ levelin8Beto the ground-andfirstexcitedstate.InTable1ofrefs.[6,5,7],theresultsarecollectedwhich arerelevanttothisanomalyforthea -nuclei4Heto20Ne,likethebranchingratioB ,the X width G , the coupling strength a and the m for the different transitions. It appears X X X AnomalousInternalPairConversion SignalingElusiveLightNeutralParticles 1 that isoscalar magnetic transitions and a possible 0−→0+ transition exhibit an excess of e+e− pairs at large opening angles, whereas no deviations occur in isovectorE1 and M1transitions.ThedeviationsinisoscalarM1transitionsindicateanisoscalarcharacter for such a boson with spin-parity 0− or 1+, and coupling strength a proportional to X the isoscalar strength of the M1 transition. The sensitivity of these X-boson searches— expressedintheratioofG X toG g –variesbetween 10−6 and10−2. In order to test this X-boson scenario, we started a dedicated search of e+e− angu- lar correlations in isoscalar magnetic transitions with inelastic proton scattering experi- ments on 12C and 16O, the (p,a ) reaction on 19F and the (3He,pe+e−) reaction on 10B and 14N targets. The first aim was to check the signal observed [7] for the isoscalar M1 groundstatetransitionfromtheT=0 levelat 12.71MeV in12C at ahighlevelofsignif- icance and the second aim to look for the 9 MeV/c2 boson in the ’forbidden’ 0−→0+ (M0)transitionat10.96MeVin16O.Themereobservationofe+e− decaytotheground stateimposesastraightforwardboundonan X-bosonemissionwidth. Experiments ExperimentsarecarriedoutatATOMKI,inDebrecen,Hungaryatthecyclotronandat theVandeGraaffaccelerator. Thefirst fourexperiments(DEB1-DEB4)werededicated to the 12C(p,p′e+e−)12C∗ and the the 16O(p,p′e+e−)16O∗ reaction at 16.5 MeV at the cyclotron using only the six ’small’ detectors. For calibration the 19F(p,a e+e−)16O∗ reaction was used at 3.5 and 5.5 MeV. In the DEB5-run, the 14N(3He,pe+e−)16O∗ reaction was studied at 2.3 MeV together with the 19F(p,a e+e−)16O∗ reaction at 3.5 MeV using the complete eight detector set. The DEB7 experiment was performed in an ’asymmetric’ arrangement with five telescopes (two large and three small ones) and an additional detector for proton detection. The 10B(3He,pe+e−)12C∗ reaction was measured followed by the 14N(3He,pe+e−)16O∗ reaction for comparison. These reactions were found to favor the population of unnatural parity states [8, 9]. In this experimentathinprotondetectorwithan11%efficiencywasimplementeddownstream. In coincidence with the populating proton group, e+e− pairs from the different levels couldbedistinguished. Incomparisonwiththe p-capturespectraobtainedatIKFwherethedecayofonlyone levelisselectedbythechoiceofthebombardingenergy,the(p,a ),(3He,p)and(p,p′) reactions have several entrance channels in the final nuclei. The resulting e+e− sum- spectra are composite, but nevertheless different sum-peaks can be distinguished. We clearly observedeviationsin theangular correlation spectra of transitionswith energies below9 MeV, the aimedboson mass,which energetically cannot decay by this particle. In the particle scenario with (m ∼E·sin(w /2)), these deviations have to be explained X by the emission of different particles with lower mass. With the observation of several deviations,a number of new particles has to be postulated. This also opens the exciting possibilityofmultiplebosonemissioninonetransition. Analysisof thepresumably compositespectra with thenumberof bosons,theirmass and strength as free parameter is not trivial and time-consuming. We have solved this problem in an indirect approach. We converted the angular spectrum in a ’quasi’-mass AnomalousInternalPairConversion SignalingElusiveLightNeutralParticles 2 spectrum by comparing the ratio of experimental data-points, divided by the simulated IPC distribution, with the ratio obtained by simulation of e.g. 108 bosons divided by anequal numberofIPC’s. Normalizationwas obtainedby requiringanequal contentof simulatedtoexperimentalX/IPCeventsbymultiplyingthetheoreticalratiowithafactor u, the transmission or inverse efficiency for boson emission. Boson masses were fitted fromthresholdtothetransitionenergyine.g64channelbinsusinga c 2 procedure. The inverseofthe c 2 was takento bethetransitionprobability:P=(c 2/(N−1))−1, where N isthenumberofdetectorcombinations.ThevaluePcan thenbeplottedasafunction of assumed m , testing the likelyhoodof a particle with the given mass being present in i the spectrum. An upper limit for the branching ratio is obtained by multiplying P with the’transmission’u.Forthreedetectorgeometries107or108eventshavebeengenerated forsome40to70bosonmasses,withandwithoutenergydisparity(y)cuts,fortransition energies of 6.05, 8.87, 10.96, 12.71 14.64, 17.23 and 17.64 MeV. Also for the IPC (E0, E1, E2, M1 and M2) distributions,generally up to 109 events were simulated with and without y-cuts. It was found that a proportional scaling between boson masses and transitionenergiescouldbeapplied,exceptforthelowmasses,wherethetransitionfrom backwarddecaytoforwardtwo-bodydecayatb =b isnotscaledcorrespondingly. CM lab Adetailed descriptionoftheprogramwillbepublishedelsewhere[13]. The IKF experiments revisited To test the validity of the program we have first applied it to the earlier results at IKF. Spectra from the 7Li(p,e+e−)8Be∗ reaction at 0.44 and 1.03 MeV and the 11B(p,e+e−)12C∗reactionat1.6MeVprotonenergywereconsidered.All28correlation angles were used in the fits. The mass distributions perfectly confirm the 9 MeV/c2 boson hypothesiswith the peak at 9.23 MeV in Fig.1c. The second peak at 10.95 MeV corresponds with the emission of the 9 MeV/c2 boson in the 14.64 MeV transition to the first excited state, being at 9.09 MeV/c2 in the 14.64 MeV laboratory system. No significant peak is seen at 9 MeV/c2 in Fig.1a. The P-value for 8Be at 9 MeV/c2 is indeedafactorfivelargerthanfor12Casobservedintheangulardistributions.However, wealsoseepeaks at thehighermassesof12.50and 14.23MeV/c2 masses. A different picture is found for the isoscalar transition at 18.15 MeV. Here, the dominant peaks are at 12.42 and 14.55 MeV/c2. They are a factor 20 stronger than in the isovector M1, whereas the strength of the 9.23 MeV/c2 peak is about the same. The masses in Fig.1 are indicated using the ground state transitions as two-body decay frame.Applyingthetransformationto14.64,themassesbecome2.99,7.55,9.26,10.52 and 11.86 respectively and in Fig.1f (with 15.15) of 3.21, 4.78, 8.22, 10.37 and 12.15 MeV. The emission of the same 9 MeV/c2 boson in the 17.64 (9.10) and in the 14.64 MeV (9.23) was already suggested in [6] where approximatelythe samebranching was deducedforthisboson.Figs.1b,1dand1fshowthebranchingratiosB forbosontog - X ray emission. Integration over 9 MeV/c2 yields respective values of 1.9·10−5, 1.2·10−4 and 4.0·10−4 within 1s in accord with the values of ≤2.3·10−5, (1.1±0.3)·10−4 and (5.8±2.2)·10−4 given in [3, 6, 5, 7]. The mass distributions for the transitions after applyingsymmetrycutstothespectra.showdramaticallylargervariationsthaninFig.1 AnomalousInternalPairConversion SignalingElusiveLightNeutralParticles 3 e+e- decay of the E1 and M1 transitions from the 17.23 1- in 12C, 17.64 1+, T=1 and 18.15 1+, T=0 in 8Be P 10-1 17.23 MeV, 1- a) BX 10-4 12C b) 9.34 9.23 14.20 10-5 3.20 14.20 3.20 -6 12+17-tot 10 5 10 15 5 10 15 P 10-1 17.64 MeV, 1+ c) BX 10-4 3.54 8Be d) 11.16 12.68 14.23 14.29 -5 10 9.10 9.23 12C 3.73 E1 10.9512.50 -6 14+17-tot E1 10 5 10 15 5 10 15 P 1 18.15 MeV, 1+ e) BX 8Be f) -4 10 3.84 5.73 12.42 -1 3.84 13.21 12.42 10 5.73 9.85 14.55 14.55 15.72 9.85 15+18-tot 5 10 15 5 10 15 boson mass (MeV/c2) boson mass (MeV/c2) FIGURE1. Figs. 1a,1cand1eshowtheprobabilitydistributionsofbosonsinthedecayofthe 17,231−,the17.641+andthethe18.15MeV1+levelsfollowingthe11B(p,e+e−)12C∗reaction at 1.6 MeV and the 7Li(p,e+e−)16O∗ reactions at 0.44 respectively 1.03 MeV as measured at IKF in 1992 and 1998 [3, 7]. Figs. 1b, 1d and 1e show the corresponding B -values i.e. X branchingratios for boson to g -ray emission. The dashed lines in Figs. 1c and 1d correspond withtheE1distributionsfromFigs. 1aand1b. at 9.0, 12.5 and 14.5 MeV/c2, in agreement with the expectations for two-body decay where the symmetrical decay is enhanced with respect to the primarily asymmetrical decayofM1-IPCatlargeangles.Integrationat9MeV/c2 yieldsB valuesofabouthalf X ofthoseobtainedfromFig.1,in agreement withtheexpectationsfortwo-bodydecay. It appears that the boson search program adequately describes the IKF-results by reproducingthepreviouslyfoundsignalat9MeV/c2.However,surprisingly,italsofinds signals for particles at the masses of 12.5 MeV/c2 and 14.5 MeV/c2. In the calibration runs: 19F(p,a e+e−)16O∗ at 0.72 and 0.84 MeV just below and above threshold for the 8.87 MeV 2− level, two boson candidates are observed at 5.0 and 5.38 MeV/c2 with branchingratiosas largeas severalpercent. AnomalousInternalPairConversion SignalingElusiveLightNeutralParticles 4 Back to ATOMKI and further Because of the apparent feasibility of transformation of the angular spectra to mass- spectra and the unbiased character of the program we have systematically converted all available angular spectra from IKF and from ATOMKI and other sources into mass spectra. The oldest investigated spectrum was the celebrated angular correlation mea- surement of the E0 transitionat 6.05 MeV in 16O dated back to 1949 [10] and the most recent one: thestudyof thee+e− decay ofthegiant resonancedecay at 22.23 MeV and the15.11MeV isovectorM1decay in12Cat StonyBrook [11]in2003. The 4.44, 6.05, 7.66, 8.87, 10.96 and 12.71 MeV transitions In thisparagraph, wediscussthe mass-distributionsofsix different transitionsin 12C and 16O, selected from results of the 12C(p,p′e+e−)12C∗ and the 16O(p,p′e+e−)16O∗ reactionsat 16.5MeV and fromthe19F(p,a e+e−)16O∗ reactionused forcalibration. The mass-distributions for symmetrical (S) pairs are shown in Fig.2, with the P- distribution in the left column and the branching ratio in the right. In all shown data, disparitycuts of y≤0.5 have been applied. For every transition more than one spectrum is available showing in essence the same features as Fig.2. In particular, for the 6.05 MeV E0 transition, data from twelve experiments have been analyzed. Eight of them showstrong peaks at 5.0 and 5.3 MeV/c2. The four spectra where they are absent, stem fromexperimentswhere themaximumcorrelation angleissmallerthan 1100. The data are discussed from bottom to top. right to left. In the 12.71 MeV transition, we clearly recognize the boson at 9 MeV/c2, the original goal for the experiments in Debrecen.Thebranchingratioisabout8·10−4 inagreementwiththeresultsof[6,5,7]. However, there are two new candidates at 10.39 and 11.19 MeV/c2, which are stronger thantheoneat 9 MeV/c2. TheM1 dataare compared (bottomleft) withameasurement oftheangulardistributionoftheforbidden0+→0+ M0transitionat10.96MeVin16O, where a strong signal is seen at 7.85 MeV/c2. The X/IPC value is as large as 0.8 and for the (y≤1) cut (not shown here) it is even 2, suggesting that the decay via the 7.85 MeV/c2 bosonisthedominantdecay modeinthisM0 transition.Thetwopeaks at 8.99 and 9.84 MeV can be ascribed to reflection from bosons of 7.35 and 7.85 MeV/c2 both occurring in thedecay of theneighboring8.87 MeV/c2 which couldexperimentallynot be completely resolved from the 10.96 MeV sum-peak. It seems appropriate to assign, from the superallowed decay, the 7.85 MeV/c2 as a pseudoscalar particle and for the same reason the signals at 9.23 and 10.39 MeV/c2 as axial vector particles. A vector characterwouldbepreferred forthe11.19MeV/c2 signal. In the8.87MeVM2transitionweseeabosoncandidateat7.35withthespin1− and possiblythe7.850−.The6.32MeV/c2 peakcouldbeduetoreflectionofthe7.85inthe 10.96 transition. However, the signals at 2.25. 3.38 and 5.04 MeV/c2 in this transition are all viable boson candidates. Also in the mass-distributionsof the two E0 transitions at 6.05 and at 7.65 MeV, multiple resonances are displayed. A candidate boson at 3.36 MeV/c2 isseeninallspectra,TheoccurrenceintheE0,E2andM2transitions(allowed decay) could only be compatible with the spin-parity of 1− for this particle. With the AnomalousInternalPairConversion SignalingElusiveLightNeutralParticles 5 4.44 (E2), 6.05 (E0), 7.65 MeV (E0), 8.87 MeV (M2), 10.96(M0), 12.71(M1) 4.44-S 4.44-S 6.05-S 6.05-S 10-1 1.31 2.429.83 3.66 10-4 1.341.88 2.783.29 10-1 4.505.05 10-2 4.45 4.04 2.55 4.09 P BX P 3.38 X/IPC 1.90 5.06 2.57 1.89 3.67 1.88 -5 10 2.48 -3 5.34 10 3.35 3.36 2 4 2 4 2.5 5 2.5 5 7.65-S 7.65-S 8.87-S 8.87-S P 4.29 6.55 2.32 P 2.27 5.30 10-4 3.23 5.53.056 2.253.38 5.046.32 10-4 7.30 3.15 5.55 BX 6.33 -2 BX 7.75 10 -2 7.73.075 3.38 6.32 10 4.20 -5 2.25 5.04 10 -5 10 1.6 4.3 7 1.6 4.3 7 1.7 5 8.3 1.7 5 8.3 10.96-S 10.96-S 12.71-S 12.71-S 1 P 8.99 P -4 10-1 X/IPC 3.19 9.25 10 10.48 3.35 6.26 10-1 10-2 6.15 BX 2.98 9.66 8.91 6.05 10.39 6.73 7.86 7.86 11.19 3.69 9.06 -2 -2 10 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 mass mass mass mass FIGURE2. Fromtoptobottom(left)areshowntheprobabilitydistributionsofsymmetrical(S) pairsinthe4.44(E2),6.05(E0),7.65(E0)and8.87(M2),10.96(M0)and12.71(M1)transitions in 12C and 16O. Right are shown the correspondingbranching ratios for boson emission with respect to E0-IPC (X/IPC) for the 6.05 MeV E0 and the 10.96 MeV (M0) transitions and to g -raysfor the E2 at 4.44 MeV, the M2 at 8.87 and the M1 at 12.71 MeV. The B -value for the X 7.65MeVE0isshownwithrespecttotheparallel0+→2+ 3.20MeVE2-g -ray. simultaneous presence of the candidates below 4 MeV in the E0 and E1 transitions the spin is restricted to 1−. Likewise, the resonance at 5 MeV/c2 must, from its presence in the E0’s and the M2 transition, have spin-parity 1−. With its appearance in both E0 transitions and its absence in the M2, the 4.48 MeV/c2 candidate must have a scalar 0+ character since a 1− particle would also have shown up in the M2 transition. With someoptimism,thisfigureindicatestheexistenceoftwoscalarX-bosonsat4.5and 5.3 MeV/c2 andsix vectorbosonsat2.5, 3.3,4.0,5.0, 6.3and 7.3MeV/c2. AnomalousInternalPairConversion SignalingElusiveLightNeutralParticles 6 Conclusion and the future It appears that in every isoscalar transition considered with energies from 4.44 to 12.71MeVdeviationsfromIPCareobserved.Thisanomalyisexplainedinanisoscalar particlescenariowhichwouldrequireamultitudeofbosons.Thefindingcouldhavethe bizarreconsequenceofanewtypeoflightneutralmatterinsteadofor/andthediscovery ofa newgaugeboson. A second generation of dedicated experiments is required to test this exciting pos- sibility. The properties of every boson candidate have to be checked in great detail. A first experiment in that direction [13] has been undertaken in the DEB7 run, where the two-bodydecaypropertiesofthebosonswereverified,bymountingthecentraldetector combination at an asymmetrical position. An alternative approach is being performed [14] at ATOMKI to study the angular correlations with an order of magnitude higher angularity,usingwirechambersin frontofthedE/dx-detectors. Acknowledgement This paper has been presented at the International Symposium on Exotic Nuclear Systems,ENS’05,at ATOMKI, Debrecen, Hungary,20-25 June2005. I am indebted to my colleagues: J. van Klinken (KVI, Groningen), H. Bokemeyer (GSI, Darmstadt), K. Bethge, O. Fröhlich, K.A. Müller, K.E. Stiebing (IKF, Frankfurt), R. van Dantzig, T.J.Ketel (NIKHEF, Amsterdam), K. Griffioen (William and Mary, Williamsburg), A. van der Schaaf (Universität Zürich, Zürich), M. Csatlós, L. Csige, Z.Gáczi, J. Gulyás,M.Hunyadi,A. Vitéz, A. Krasznahorkay Jr.and A. Krasznahorkay (ATOMKI,Debrecen). REFERENCES 1. M.E.Rose,Phys.Rev.76(1949)678. 2. K.E.Stiebing,F.W.N.deBoer,O.Fröhlich,H.Bokemeyer,K.A.Müller, K.BethgeandJ.vanKlinken,J.Phys.G:Nucl.Part.Phys.30(2004)165. 3. F.W.N.deBoer,O.Fröhlich,K.E.Stiebing,K.Bethge,H.Bokemeyer,A.Balanda, A.Buda,R.vanDantzig,Th.W.Elze,H.Folger,J.vanKlinken,K.A.Müller, K.Stelzer,P.TheeandM.Waldschmidt,Phys.LettB388(1996)235. 6. 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