march 2011 Messiah Anointed, expected, misunderstood... bruce winter | discordant worship | true esteem Didyouknow? MikeWharton(PresDataServices)is offeringAustralianPCAChurches websiteandemailhostingfor $135.00(plusGST)peryear? 1GigStorage 20emailaccounts unlimitedredirects 2GigBandwidthpermonth 24x7FTPaccess Youcanhaveyoursitehostedand managethesiteyourselfusingdirect FTPaccess. Youcreateyoursite–you controlthesite. Websitedevelopmentisalso available...askforaquote. Formoreinformationcontact: MikeWharton Phone:(03)95805940 Email:[email protected] March 2011 No. 634 t h e m a g a z i n e o f t h e p r e s b y t e r i a n c h u r c h o f a u s t r a l i a messiah e d i t o r i a l 4 JesustheMessiah:BruceWinter W hen Jesus once asked Peter: “But who do 10 Undercoverboss:JaredHood men say that I am?” Peter replied with the 12 TheOneforetold:BobMendelsohn confessionthathasbecomethestandardof everytruedisciple,“YouaretheChrist,the reflection SonoftheLivingGod”(Mt.16:16). Naturally, our curiosity is aroused by the specific term 14 Discordantworship:IainMurray thatPeterusedwhenhereferredtoJesusas“theChrist”. bible study Forthoseinthefirstcenturytheanswerwasself-evident. The term, “the Christ”, was the Greek equivalent of the 15 Wordtothewise Hebrewword,“Messiah”whichmeant“God’sanointed”. 20BiblestudiesinProverbs27-31;Obadiah;2&3John But anointed for what? In Jewish tradition, anointing with oil was normally reserved for special acts of church directory consecrationtotheofficesofprophet,priestandking.Ina way that, even at this stage, Peter himself couldn’t fully 17 EveryPresbyterianchurch,statebystate understand,JesusembracedandexhaustedinHimselfeach of these different offices. Earlier in Israel’s history news Melchizedek had combined the offices of priest and king. Lateron,Davidassumedtwoofthoseofficesintakingthe 25 News throne and exercising a prophetic ministry. However, it 27 OntheAgenda remainedforJesustosubsumealltheseofficesinHisown Person, which perhaps explains that enigmatic phrase in the christian walk the Psalms where David says of the Messiah that he is “anointedabovehisfellows”(Ps.45:7). 30 Trueesteem:BarneyZwartz Now the appearance of the Messiah was a matter of supreme significance to the Jews. Charles Briggs, in his letters book,MessianicProphecy(1886),says:“Messianicprophecy 32 is the most important of all themes; for it is the ideal of redemption given by the Creator to our race at the prayer beginning of its history, and it ever abides as the goal of humanity until the divine plan has been accomplished.” 34 Brigg’s statement suggests that God has a predetermined plan of redemption, culminating in the revelation of a books Saviour,whichHeannouncesbeforehandintheScriptures. 35 FaithUnfeigned:JohnCalvin Of course, this explains why Jesus introduced His disciplestoadistinctive,Messianichermeneuticfollowing TheCaseforTraditionalProtestantism Hisdeathandresurrection.Heopenedthedisciples’minds to a new way of reading Scripture when He said: WhenGraceComesAlive:TerryL.Johnson “EverythingwrittenaboutMeintheLawofMosesandthe Let’sTalkAboutParenting:TonyandJudyWillis prophetsandthePsalmsmustbefulfilled”(Luke24:44).If wearetoreadtheBibleandmakesenseofit,wemustmake back page thestudyofMessianicprophecyapriority. 36 Uselessidols:PeterBarnes PeterHastie ap THEAUSTRALIANPRESBYTERIAN(ABN81498399755):ThenationalmagazineofthePresbyterianChurchofAustralia. Editorialcommittee:PeterHastie(NSW)ThemesEditor; BarneyZwartz(Victoria)Production;StuartBonnington(WestAustralia)NewsEditor;PeterHastie(NSW),WorldNewsEditor. GraphicDesign:SandraJoyntforA&JMoodyDesign: Advertisingandsubscriptioninquiries:MichaelTimmins,POBox375,Kilsyth3137;Phone:(03)97239684.Subscription:$39.60ayearinc.GST;bulk(etc) $36.30eachinc.GST.Office:POBox375,Kilsyth3137.Phone:(03)97239684.Fax:(03)97239685.Email:[email protected] PrintedbyAdeptMail&PrintServices, Boronia,Vic.Published:MonthlyexceptJanuarybytheNationalJournalCommitteeofthePresbyterianChurchofAustralia;ConvenerPeterHastie.Opinionsexpressedarethoseofthe contributor and not necessarily those of the PCA, the editor or the committee. Acceptance of advertising does not imply endorsement. Contributions: Submitted articles are welcome.Thedeadlineisthefirstofthepreviousmonth.Donationsarealwayswelcome.PrintPostapproved34918100384. |australian presbyterian March2011 3 Jesus the Messiah From Isaiah to Vespasian, the Davidic king is understood. D rBruceWinterhasbeenthe emperorDomitianhadgiventohim. principal of the Queensland BruceWinter Interestingly, the Roman emperor’s Theological College at the talksto titles were very similar to that of the UniversityofQueenslandin PeterHastie Messiah.Theyincludedexpressionssuch St Lucia, Brisbane, since 2006 when he as“Ruleroftheworld”,“Lordoftheseas” left Tyndale House, Cambridge, where and similar terms. Josephus was very hehadservedaswardensince1987and and Philo and Paul Among the Sophists: astuteandknewhowtoprotecthisown as director of the Institute for Early AlexandrianandCorinthianResponsestoa interests. He was also influenced by the Christianity in the Graeco-Roman Julio-Claudian Movement, Eerdmans, OldTestamentandtheideathattheulti- World. 2001. mate ruler of the world would arise in Dr Winter was a Fellow of St Heliveswithhiswife,Lyn,nearBribie Israel itself. He may have been currying Edmund’s College, University of IslandnorthofBrisbane. favourwithVespasianandhissons,Titus Cambridge, and is a Visiting Research andDomitian,bymentioningthisbelief. Fellow (2006-2011). He has also served Josephus,inhisbook,TheWarsofthe After all, Vespasian had conquered asamemberoftheuniversity’sFacultyof Jews, says that there was a strong Galilee withhislegionsand crushed the Divinity, lecturing on Thomas Cranmer, belief among the Jews in the first Jews.Hewasaworldrulerwhohadwon andarchaeologyandtheNewTestament, centuryADthataruleroftheworld significant victories in Israel. Josephus aswellassupervisingPhDcandidates.He would one day arise from Israel. was certainly adept at playing political has also served as a lecturer at Moore What exactly did Josephus mean, games and looking after his own inter- Theological College, Sydney, and Trinity andhowwidespreadanddeeplyheld ests.Regardlessofwhetherhedidornot, TheologicalCollege,Singapore. wasthisbelief? there certainly was a common belief in DrWinter’smainareasofinterestare We need to remember that when thefirstcenturythattheMessiahwould in New Testament studies, theology, Josephus wrote The Wars of the Jews, soonariseinIsrael. apologetics and ethics. To this end he Israelhadeffectivelyceasedtoexistasa has undertaken research which is nation. When Josephus died soon after Was the belief in a world ruler designedtobenefittheacademyandthe AD 100, Israel had been without any arisingfromamongtheJewsanidea church. His special interest is in the boundaries and without any king for that was known outside of Jewish intersectionoftheWordofGodwithits morethanaquarterofacentury. circles?Ifso,howfarhaditspread? ancient setting and its significance for Although Josephus was a Jew and Yes,itwas.Forexample,Tacitusinhis contemporarythinkingaboutthechurch had earlier fought against the Romans, Histories (5:13) and Suetonius in The anditsrelationshipwithmodernsociety. he was freed by the emperor Vespasian TwelveCaesars(Vespasian4:5)bothrefer Heistheauthorofnumerousjournal whenhepredictedthatVespasianwould to a time when men from Judea would articlesandhaspublishedoreditedsev- soon become emperor. He subsequently rule the world. No doubt Vespasian eralbookssuchasTheBookofActsinits became a client of Vespasian and spent thoughtofhimselfintermsofthemes- First Century Setting, Eerdmans, 1994; mostofhistimeservingtheRomansas sianicprophecyinNumbers24:7,buthe Seek the Welfare of the City, Eerdmans, amediatorandinterpreterintheirdeal- was probably aware of other ways that 1994; RomanWives,RomanWidows:The ings with the Jews. After the war, the “ruler oracle” could have been inter- Appearance of New Women in the Pauline JosephusreturnedtoRomeandenjoyed preted. Communities,Eerdmans,2003;AfterPaul the patronage of the Roman emperors. Therewascertainlyastrongfeelingof Left Corinth: The Influence of Secular Hedidmuchofhiswritingfromagrace- anti-Semitism in Rome in reaction to EthicsandSocialChange,Eerdmans,2000; and-favourapartmentinRomethatthe Jewish nationalism. The Romans took a 4|australian presbyterian March2011 m e s s i a h dim view of Jewish attempts to rebel anyfuturethreatstotheirrule. figure – needs to come into the against their rule. They made the Jews world? What particular needs pay the pagan temple tax in Rome as a Where exactly did the belief come amongtheJewsgaverisetotheidea wayofkeepingthemundercontrol.The from, that is, a belief in this world ofaMessiah? ideathatafutureworldrulerwouldarise ruler? Was it a biblical source? And Much Jewish thinking about the fromIsraelonlyaddedtotheirconcerns what was actually meant by the Messiah related to the loss of the abouttheJews. term“anointedone”,or“Messiah”? PromisedLandandthekingdom.When The Jewish hope of a coming ruler the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem How seriously did some of the and Messianic figure is certainly found in 587 BC they took the king captive, Roman emperors, like Vespasian, in the Old Testament. In fact, the first exiled the people and seized the land. DomitianandTrajan,taketheview hint of it can be found in the idea of a The kingdom was lost. The prophets that there was a world ruler who promised “seed”, especially as the idea declaredthatthedisasterwasduetothe was supposed to arise from the people’s covenant unfaithfulness and Jews? sin.SotheJewswerelookingforsome- I think they took it seriously. Each onewhowasanointedbyGod,asallthe one took the view that, as emperor, he kingsofIsraelwere,whocouldactually was a god, or at least the son of a god. restore the Promised Land to the Theyweremeanttorule.Theyassumed nation. Of course, if this were to hap- all the titles which Jesus had, such as pen, the Messiah would have to deal “Saviour of the world” and “God mani- with the causes for the loss. He would fest”. They certainly had inflated views have to deal with the people’s sin and of themselves which they were keen to the curse that was imposed on them pushonothers.Forinstance,youcould It’s the loss, the terri- because of their inability to keep God’s not speak to Domitian without calling ble loss of the Promised covenant. him “Lord”, and because the emperors So, it stands to reason that if you’ve Land that is the major were keenly aware of the dangerous lost the visible promises of God – of a driver behind the Jewish nature of Jewish nationalism, they landthatisblessedwithprosperityand hope for the Messiah. instructed their proconsuls to keep a flowingwithmilkandhoney–ifyou’ve careful watch on the Jews throughout lost that and you’ve lost the king who theDiaspora. couldpossiblywinitback,thenyouare WeknowthatVespasianregardedthe develops through God’s promise to facedwithahugeproblem:Howcanyou prophecy of a Jewish world ruler with Abrahamthatthroughhis“offspring”all ever recover the Promised Land? concern. No doubt this was one of the thefamiliesoftheearthwillbeblessed. Obviously you need a king who will reasonswhyhetookpartinthedestruc- PaultellsusinhislettertotheGalatians remainutterlyfaithfultoGod’scovenant tionofJerusalem.Hewaswellawareof thatthepromisewasofa“seed”,singular andwhowillbeabletoovercomeGod’s the danger to Rome that any claimants (Gal. 3:16). This gave rise to the belief enemies and recover the land. That’s tothethroneofDavidwouldpose,sohe thatGod’sblessingwouldcometoallthe howIseeit;it’stheloss,theterribleloss wanted to destroy not only Jerusalem nationsthroughtheworkofsomefuture of the Promised Land that is the major andtheTemple,butalsotheremaining individual. driver behind the Jewish hope for the membersofDavid’shouse. As the Scripture unfolds, Moses Messiah.Andthissenseoflosswasonly In regard to Domitian, he certainly speaks of a future prophet even greater intensified because, from 587 BC discriminated against the Jews. He thanhimselfwhowilldeclareGod’swill onwards, indeed right to the first cen- ordered the execution of the descen- tous(Deut.18:14-22).Thenwehavethe tury,therereallywasnoestablishedking dants of David. He actually had some prophecies in Isaiah which speak of the whowasasonofDavid. Jews from the house of David brought Messiahintermsofbeinganeverlasting toRomeforquestioning.Whenhemet kingaswellasaservantwhosuffersfor IstheMessianicideaactuallyearlier them,heaskedspecificquestionsabout the sin of God’s people (Is. 9:1-7; Is. than587BC? their connection to the house of David 52:13-53:12). These few references give Well,theideaofGod’sanointedKing and “for information about Christ and ussomeideaofwhatHewilldoandwhat is there. Certainly there were earlier His kingdom”(Eusebius HE 3.19). I Hewillbelike. prophecies about the Messiah because, think this suggests that Domitian took Now the term anointed one is, well, as Amos reminds us, “Surely the very seriously the potential threat of a really you’re anointed because you’re Sovereign Lord does nothing without Davidicruler. appointed. So the anointed is the revealing his plan to his servants the InthecaseofTrajan,weknowthathe appointed and the task that He’s been prophets”(Amos3:7). Beforethelandof endorsedthepersecutionandkillingof setasideforbyGodisaveryspecifictask Israelwaseverlost,Godgaveprophecies Christians who were not Roman citi- intheunfoldinghistoryofsalvation.So as to what the next step would be in zens, especially those who had connec- that’s basically what Messiah means; it termsoftherestorationoftheland.So, tions with the house of David. The simplymeansanointedandempowered of course, I believe that the prophets Romans were always alert to the possi- fortheappointmentthatGodhasgiven were preparing God’s people quite early bility of future uprisings, especially Him. onabouttheirneedforaMessiah.These whentheyhadconqueredanotherking- earlier prophets such as Amos, Micah dom. They usually rounded up the DoestheBiblegiveusanyreasonsas and Isaiah were simply disclosing God’s ruler’sfamilyandkilledthemtoprevent to why such a figure – a Messianic secretplantoHisservantsinadvance. |australian presbyterian March2011 5 m e s s i a h ArethereindicationsoftheMessiah thought about the Messiah in political That’s why the Pharisees and members in earlier books, like in the book and military terms is because the oftheSanhedrinwenttoquestionJohn of Genesis, Numbers and ScripturestaughtthattheMessiahwas theBaptist.Theysentadelegationtoask Deuteronomy? to be the son of David. In other words, him, “Are you the Messiah?” Of course, I think there are. For instance, it He was to be a royal figure similar to all this interest in the coming Messiah becomes clear towards the end of David.NowDavidwascertainlyapoliti- raises questions about Jesus. Is He the Deuteronomy that God must devise a calandmilitaryfigure.Youonlyhaveto one who is to come? This explains why solution so that people’s hearts and readhislifetodiscoverthathewasfully there is so much controversy surround- mindswillbeabletokeepthelaw.This involvedinmattersofstateandwar. ing His ministry. The people of Israel can only happen by God providing a AtthetimeofJesus,Israelwasunder were desperate to find someone who meansofdeliverancefrompeople’ssin. Roman occupation. It was ruled by for- claimedtobetheMessiah. Just as God had delivered the people eigners who were hostile to the Jewish fromEgyptthroughMoses,thereneeds faith.TheJewsdeeplyresentedforeign- Was the number of people who tobeanevenmorefundamentaldeliver- claimed to be Messiah in the first anceofthepeoplefromtheirsin. century greater than in previous times?You’vementionedthatitwas A Jewish-Christian scholar by the atimeofheightenedexpectation. nameofAlfredEdersheimsaidinhis Yes,firstcenturyIsraelwasalivewith book,TheLifeandTimesofJesusthe Messianic expectation. It reaches even Messiah, that more than 450 greater heights in the time of the passagesintheOldTestamenthave EmperorGaius(Caligula),whoonceput aMessianicapplicationandatleast apaganstatueintotheHolyofHoliesin 558 references in the ancient the Temple. I think this explains why rabbinical writings that support The reason Matthew there was a surge of Messianic fervor that view. This seems to suggest begins with genealogies during his reign. On the one hand, the that the coming of the Messiah was Romanemperorswereclaimingtobring is that anyone claiming one of the central doctrines, if not inaruleofuniversalpeaceandprosper- to be the Messiah had to the central one, in the Old ity. On the other hand, the Jews were Testament.Isit? demonstrate that he sayingthatsuchpaganrule,whateverits Although I haven’t actually counted stood in the direct line material and political benefits, fell far thenumberofpassagesmyself–indeed of David. short of God’s ideal rule under the scholarswilldifferamongthemselvesas Messiah. to the exact number of prophecies or allusions to the Messiah there are – I Did the Roman emperors think of thinktheideaoftheMessiahiscertainly ers ruling over them. After centuries of themselves in terms somewhat presentintheBiblefromveryearlyon.It Babylonian, Persian, Greek and Roman similartotheMessiah? is undoubtedly clear from the time of rule,theJewsyearnedforakingoftheir Yes, they did. Under the emperor Abraham onwards that God is going to own. At various times in the centuries Augustus,theRomanshadbroughtuni- reverse the fall of mankind and living leadingtoJesus’birththeyhadrevolted versal law and order to the world. The east of Eden. Even when Israel finally against their foreign over-lords. The world had not experienced such a state arrives in the Promised Land, the Bible Maccabean revolt was one such rebel- before and people spoke about the Pax tellsusthatthereisstillsomethingmore lion. Romana (the Roman peace) in almost thatisyettocome. AsfarastheJewsinJesus’timewere Messianicterms.Someofthepoetswho Idon’tthinkthere’sanydoubtabout concerned, only a political figure quali- wrote about Augustus described him in itthatintermsofsalvationhistory,the fied asapotentialMessiah.Thisiswhy termsthatsoundedasthoughtheycame coming of the Messiah for the redemp- the book of Acts names two Messianic straight out of the book of Isaiah. The tion of mankind is the central hope of pretenders in the first century who Pax Romana sounds very much like the the Bible. While I would be more hesi- rebelled against Roman rule (Acts 5:36- Messianicpeace. tantthanEdersheimtoidentifyaprecise 37). At this time, people naturally numberofMessianicpassagesintheOld thoughtthatanyonewholedanuprising Apart from the fact that many Testament,theonethingthatisclearis against the foreign occupiers must be people believed that the Messiah that God has a final step in His plan of thepotentialMessiah.Thisexplainswhy must be a political or military redemptionthatisyettocome–andthis Luke mentions Theudas and Judas the figure, were there any other views stepisthearrivaloftheMessiah.When Galilean.Actually,Josephus,theJewish aboutwhotheMessiahhadtobe? Israel was restored in 1948 there was a historian, tells us that there were more I think the critical thing for anyone lotoftalkaboutthisatthetime. people who were leading rebellions whoclaimedtobetheMessiahwasthat against Rome. So anyone who rose up he had to prove that he was in the lin- Why did the majority of people in againstRomeatthisparticulartimewas eage of David. The Messiah was always Jesus’ generation settle on the idea a potential claimant to the throne of spokenofasDavid’sson;inotherwords, thattheMessiahhadtobeapolitical Israel. hecamefromDavid’shouseorroyalline. ormilitaryfigure?Whatgaveriseto The Gospels tells us that there was That was crucial. As you know, thoseexpectations? definitelyaheightenedMessianicexpec- Matthew’sGospelbeginswithageneal- ThereasonwhypeopleinJesus’time tation at the time of Jesus’ ministry. ogy.Thereasonwhyitbeginsthiswayis 6|australian presbyterian March2011 m e s s i a h thatanyoneclaimingtobetheMessiah ence true salvation then out hearts 44, 46). Indeed, He is at pains to show hadtodemonstratethathestoodinthe must undergo a radical change.” The them that an essential part of the direct line of David. Again, it was also Pharisees, on the other hand, said that Messiah’sministryisthatHeshouldsuf- crucialthathehadtoprovethathewas man’s problems come from outside of fer. So Jesus proves conclusively to His thepromised“seed”ofAbraham.And,of himself.Theybelievethatwecouldlive followers that He is the Christ by course,inMatthew1Jesusgetsatickin our best lives now in the earthly king- demonstrating how He fulfills the bothboxes. domofIsrael. propheticScriptures. Ofcourse,wealsoseethatmiraculous SowhydidpeopleturnonJesusand The apostle Peter seems to suggest signs are given to confirm the written rejectHimastheirMessiah?Wasit that the most persuasive line of word.However,Peterdoesmakeitclear thatHedidn’tfittheirstereotype? evidencethatJesusistheMessiahis that the words of the prophets are a Well, He certainly didn’t fit their to be found in the prophetic sounder basis for a faith in Christ than stereotype. Jesus’ ministry did not fit Scriptures.Doesthatmeanthatthe anything else, including special experi- their expectations in the way that the divinely inspired Scriptures are a ences which may involve hearing voices MessiahwasgoingtodeliverIsrael.Fora sounder basis for faith in Christ from heaven. When Jesus explains that start,Jesus’diagnosisofman’sproblem HeistheMessiahtopeopleafterHisres- was not a popular one. He tells us in urrection,Hetakesthemtothewordsof Mark 7:14-15 that all our problems are theprophets.Ithinkthisindicatesthat located within us, not outside us. Jesus ifwearegoingtodefendJesus’statusas says “Nothing outside a man can make theMessiahthenthebestplacetostart himuncleanbygoingintohim.Rather,it is with the references to Him in the iswhatcomesoutofamanthatmakes prophets. him unclean.” In other words, Jesus locatestheprobleminthehumanheart. When people back away from Nowthisviewofhumannaturewasnot looking at these Messianic popularamongmostoftheJews.Many Some things must have prophecies and try to find evidence ofthemdisagreedwithJesus’diagnosis forbelievingthatJesusistheChrist been a puzzle to the ofthehumancondition. in other areas, are they going prophets who wrote Then again, Jesus confronts them againsttheapostolicgrain? them. They didn’t fully with a proposal for a different kind of Well, to some extent they are. The kingdomtotheonetheyweredreaming understand everything Scriptureshavetheirownuniquepower about.TheyequatedthekingdomofGod they wrote and, indeed, whichissomethingthatChristianapolo- with the nation of Israel. For them, gistssometimestendtoforget.TheBible they could not have. everythingwouldbeperfectandaccord- has its own spiritual authority and per- ing to God’s will if a Davidic ruler suasive effect. John Calvin understood ascended the throne and threw the this better than most. He asked the Romans out of the country. In other thanotherthingssuchassignsand question, “How do you know that the words, they saw their deliverance in wonders? BibleisthewordofGod?”“Well,”Calvin purelypoliticalterms.Salvationintheir Yes, the testimony of the Scriptures said, “When you read the Bible you will eyesmeantthattheygotabetterformof is a sounder basis for faith than so- hear God the Holy Spirit speaking to government. calledsignsandwonders.Ifinditinter- you.TheBiblehasthisuniquepowerto This is why so many Jews were estingin2Peter1:19-21thattheapos- addressyou.” shocked when Jesus did not lead an tle tells us that he actually heard God’s Of course, one of the important uprising against Rome when He came voice from heaven on one occasion thingsthatweneedtodoinapologetics into the city of Jerusalem on Palm telling him that Jesus was God’s own is to clear away some of the common Sunday. They thought He would seize beloved Son with whom He was well objectionsthatpeoplehavetowardsthe powerandascendtothethrone.Instead, pleased.Inotherwords,Godwasdeclar- Bible. Here I am thinking of prejudices withinafewshortdays,Hewasstanding ingdirectlyfromheaventhatJesuswas that may prevent them from listening. before the judgment seat of Pontius theMessiah.However,Petergoesonto However, the real need is to get people Pilate. say that despite the fact that he had backtoreadingtheBibleand,especially Ithinkit’sclearthatthereasonwhy heard an audible voice from above, he inviewofPeter’scomments,readingthe peoplerejectedJesusisthatHisdiagno- had an even more reliable testimony in many prophecies about Jesus Christ sisofthehumanpredicamentwasnotin the prophetic word. He says, “And we thatwefindwithintheScriptures.Jesus keeping with theirs. They had a very have something more sure, the showsushowimportantthisprocessis superficialdiagnosisofthehumancon- prophetic word, to which you will do by going over all these prophecies with dition, much like modern day Marxists welltopayattention.” hisdisciplesinthetimeafterhisresur- and others. They believe that if you As far as Jesus was concerned, the rection. He shows them that “both in changeaperson’scircumstancesandput prophetic witness in the Bible is of the the law of Moses and the Psalms, and theminabettersituation,thenalltheir utmost importance in understanding the prophets, all that is written about problems will disappear and they will His ministry. After Jesus’ resurrection, Mehasbeenfulfilled”(Luke24:27,45). reach their full potential. Jesus said, HeexplainsHislife,deathandresurrec- So if we want to show people that “No, this is simply untrue. Man’s prob- tiontoHisdisciplesfromtheScriptures JesusistheMessiah,wecantakealeaf lemliesintheheart.Ifwearetoexperi- onseveraloccasions(Luke24:7,25,26, out of Jesus’ book by going back to the |australian presbyterian March2011 7 m e s s i a h text of the Old Testament and showing from a virgin. Then in 9:6 he says that the distinctive feature about the them how the Prophets speak in great His person will be different – His name Messianicprophecies.Theyarealwaysa detail about Him, especially His death shall be called Wonderful Counsellor, wordfromGodastowhatHeisgoingto and resurrection. We need to be careful MightyGod,EverlastingFather,Princeof do. thatourapologeticsdon’tsimplyconsist Peace.ThenIsaiahtellsusinchapter53 of well-constructed and sophisticated thatHisdeathwillbedifferent–Hewill Many rabbis today do not believe argumentsfortheexistenceofGodand becrushedforouriniquities. thatJesusChristwastheMessiah.Is omittheimportanceofthefulfillmentof there some reason for their OldTestamentprophecy. Are you saying that His death was rejectionofhim? unlike any other death? It didn’t Apart from the Bible, the rabbis also Of the hundreds of prophecies that happenasanaccidentorasaresult refer to the Talmudic and Midrashic can be found in the Old Testament ofnaturalcauses? commentaries,whichareavastbodyof about the Messiah, some, on the Yes, that’s exactly what Isaiah is say- literature.IntheScripturesandintheir surface at least, appear to be ing. It was not like any other death. own commentaries, they are faced with contradictory. For example, some IsaiahsaysthatHewaswoundedforour passagesfromIsaiahthatactuallyspeak proclaimthatHewillbeakingwho transgressions, He was bruised for our about the suffering servant. Many of rules over an everlasting kingdom these passages are quite perplexing to whereasotherssaythatHewillbea them. sufferingservantwhodies.Howdo It just seems to me that they are wereconciletheseprophecies? unable to reconcile the idea that He is I’msuretheremusthavebeenpeople the supreme ruler with the fact of His inIsaiah’sowndaywhowouldhavebeen sufferingsanddeath.Theycan’tputthe scratching their heads at the time he two things together because, as Paul wrote his prophecies. For instance, at says, the Jews seek a sign and the sign one time he is talking about a Davidic they’reseekingisnotthesignofthecru- king who will have an everlasting reign cifiedMessiah.TheGreeks,ontheother and, as well, he has several prophecies hand, are looking for a salvation that Even on the night before that indicate that this Messianic figure appealstohumanwisdom,buttheJews His death, the disciples willsufferanddieforthetransgressions are all the time looking for some defin- still hadn’t worked it of the people. That certainly wasn’t on ing miraculous sign that will point con- theradarofpiousandreflectiveJewsat out. And yet suddenly, clusively to Jesus as the Messiah. So thetime,orindeed,insubsequentperi- their hermeneutic of the their writings show the confusion – ods. they’ve lost the land, the temple – Old Testament is com- Nevertheless, they’re in the they’velosteverything.Theyaresearch- pletely revolutionised. Scriptures, and some things there must ingforanyinterpretationoftheancient havebeenapuzzletotheprophetswho textsthatwillhelpthemtounderstand wrote them. They didn’t fully under- their plight but their exegesis is very stand everything they wrote and, iniquities, the chastisement that much wanting in regard to some of the indeed,theycouldnothaveunderstood broughtuspeacewasuponHimandby texts, especially Isaiah 53, that discuss itall.Atleast,that’stheimplicationthat hisstripeswearehealed.IthinkIsaiahis theMessiah. the apostle Peter draws from some of makingitquiteclearthatHisdeathwas their statements (1 Peter 1:10-12). The notduetonaturalcausesoranaccident, Were there particular reasons why waybelievershavehandledtheseappar- butitwasdirectlyrelatedtotheforgive- Jewish scholars ignored many of ent contradictions in the past is similar nessofoursins. their theological traditions and tothewaythatwedealwiththemtoday. So, for me, the book of Isaiah con- actuallyturnedagainstJesus? We take a smorgasbord approach; we tains the most significant statements Ithinksomeoftherabbishaverecog- takethebitswelikeandsometimespass about the person and work of the nised that Jesus fulfills certain aspects overthebitsthatwedon’tfindamenable Messiah. He points out that His birth, of the Messianic prophecies, but the or existentially relevant at the present person and death will be three distin- whole idea of a Messiah who was hung time. guishing features of His life and min- onthecrossisamajorproblemforthem. istry. They ask, “How could God’s anointed We’ve dealt with the issue of when servant be cursed by God?” It’s the the Messiah first appeared in the Are there any special or unique offenceofthecrossthatistheproblem Bible. Which texts in the Old features that seem to characterise formanyJewishscholars.Ofcourse,the Testament do you think are most Messianicprophecies? Islamic world gets around the death of determinative for the development I think the distinctive feature of Jesus by saying that it actually never ofthenotionoftheMessiah? Messianicprophecyisthatit’sGodwho occurred. He didn’t die on a cross; He’s The texts which hit me immediately initiatesthewholeprocess.It’snotasif just the great prophet. However, for arealltobefoundinthebookofIsaiah. it’s initiated from below by Israel. Only Jewishscholars,theoffenceofthecross There are three things that Isaiah says GodcansaveIsraelfromEgypt;onlyGod istheirgreatstumblingblock.Theyjust abouttheMessiahthatareofenormous can save Israel from its enemies and can’t comprehend the atoning death of significance.Hetellsusin7:14thatHis oppressors.Itisthisthemeofdivinesal- Jesus without the revelation of the birthwouldbedifferent–Hewillbeborn vation–thatonlyGodcansave–that’s Spirit. 8|australian presbyterian March2011 m e s s i a h Some people say that the early Are you saying that the 40-day That’s right. If God wants to destroy Christians tried to impose the idea period after the resurrection was therecordssothatpeoplecan’tbeledup of a Messiah upon the Old when Jesus helped them to thegardenpath,that’sfinebyme. Testament so they’d have grounds understand the full meaning of the for putting forward Jesus as the Scriptures with respect to the So in the providence of God, the bestcandidate.What’syourviewon personandworkoftheMessiah? searchforaMessiahwasbroughtto that? Absolutely. We learn from Luke that a screaming halt, simply by the I think it’s a naïve suggestion. It in the 40 days after the resurrection, destruction of the temple of ignoresthefactthatthefirstChristians Jesus opened the disciples’ minds to Jerusalem? struggled for some time to understand understandtheScriptures(Luke24:45). Yes,that’strue.AfterChristdiedand not only that Jesus is the Messiah, but Throughout this period He spent His wasraisedagain,thetemplehadfulfilled also how He intended to perform His its purpose. God’s presence was no roleasIsrael’sSaviour.Forinstance,the longer in the temple. The presence of apostle Peter only comes to realise that GodisnowtabernacledinHisSonandin JesusistheMessiahinMatthew16:16. thechurch.Itcan’tbefoundinanytem- Further, Jesus reminds him that he ple. This explains why God allowed the didn’t arrive at this conclusion on his temple and its records to be destroyed. own, “For flesh and blood has not Everythingthattheyhadpointedtowas revealedthistoyoubutmyFatherwhois nowfulfilledinJesusChrist.Thetemple inheaven”(16:17).ItisclearthatJesus and genealogies no longer served any knowswhoHeisbutevenwellintoHis usefulpurpose. ministry, His disciples are struggling to Jesus showed them how understand exactly how He is meant to How did the early Christians prove fulfill the Messianic hopes of the Old all the Old Testament thatJesuswastheMessiah? Testament. Scriptures testified Well, they followed the method of Again, even after His death, Jesus’ about Him. All they scriptural interpretation that they disciplesstillhadnotputallthepiecesof learnt from Jesus. He showed them had to do was look at the puzzle together. Luke tells us that how all the Old Testament Scriptures the way that Jesus whilesomeofthemwereontheroadto testifiedaboutHim.Alltheyhadtodo Emmaus, they were discussing how it interpreted the texts. was look at the way that Jesus inter- waspossiblethattheMessiahshoulddie preted the texts that spoke about the toredeemHispeople. Messiah, and how those verses that Ifinditmostinterestingthatnoneof they had previously ignored were now the disciples expect Jesus to die, even timewiththemexplaininghowthelaw, fulfilled in the person of Christ. From when they discover He’s the Messiah. the prophets and the psalms were ful- the post resurrection period onwards, Perhaps this explains why Jesus con- filledinHim.Inparticular,Heexplained theapostlestooktheOldTestamentas stantly reinforces the point that as the the necessity of His sufferings and the basis for their proclamation and Christ,Hemustalsosufferanddie.Even death,Hisresurrectionandthemessage defense of Jesus as the Messiah. In onthenightbeforeHisdeath,theystill oftheGospelthathadtobeproclaimed doingso,theyinterpreteditinthesame hadn’tworkeditout.Andyetsuddenly, to all the nations. So in this 40-day wayasJesusdid.Theydidnotengagein in the post-resurrection period, their period, He sorts everything out. He individual interpretations. They pre- hermeneutic of the Old Testament is givesthemthedefinitiveinterpretation sented the interpretation that Jesus completely revolutionised. How do we ofHisministryastheMessiah. gaveandtaught. accountforthis?IthastobethatJesus explained to them quite exhaustively With the destruction of Jerusalem If Jesus is the Messiah, how should whytheMessiahwouldsuffer.Onlythen in AD 70, along with all its werespond? do they begin to understand that the genealogical records, has it been The first thing that we should do is Christshouldsufferandonthethirdday possible since that time to prove submit to His rule, deny ourselves risefromthedead. anyone else has a better claim to everydayandtakeupourcross.To“take Sotheideathattheyplannedtofoist beingMessiahthanJesus? up our cross” means we must be like a theirownunderstandingoftheMessiah No.Whenthetemplewasdestroyed, person who’s coming to the end of upontheOldTestamentandproclaimed so were all its records. Since that time, his/herlife.Ourlifeonearthisnotthe Jesus as the candidate who best fitted no one has been ableto show from the ultimatereality;ourultimatedestinyis the description is simply not borne out ancientrecordsthattheycomefromthe either heaven or hell. They’re the reali- by any of the evidence. What the New lineofDavid.EvenatthetimeofJesus, tiesthatmatter,notthepresentone. Testament reveals is that the disciples and in the years following, there were Second,wemustfollowHimbecause didnothaveaclearunderstandingofthe people who rose up against Rome and Christhasdiedforoursins.That’show roleoftheMessiahupuntilthetimeof made Messianic claims. But as far as I weshouldrespond.It’samazingthatthe hisresurrection.Theviewthattheyhad know,nonecouldactuallyestablishthey remedy of mankind’s problem is initi- an elaborate strategy to put forward wereofthehouseandlineageofDavid. atedbyGodwhoallowsHisonlySonto Jesusasthecandidatewhomostclosely bedeliveredupforoursins.Thismeans fulfilledalltheBiblicaldatacan’tbesus- So it’s been a theological imposs- thateveryChristianneedstobeadisci- tained. ibilityeversince? pleofJesus. ap |australian presbyterian March2011 9 m e s s i a h Undercover boss Jesus is everywhere in the Psalms, but sometimes disguised. JaredHood J esus was the first undercover Secondly, Psalms 1 and 2 are intro- boss. So says a church sign ductory Psalms. We read the whole near where I live. It is a Psalterthroughthislens.WhatisPsalm Christmasmessage,butwhata 2 about? It is about the “Son”, who is greatdescriptionofJesusinthePsalms. overtly called “My Messiah” (or “My In the Psalms, Jesus is the undercover Anointed One”, v. 2 – a substantive boss! adjective). He is also the King (v. 6) TheChurchhasalwaysbelievedthat within the terms of the Davidic the Psalms speak about the Messiah covenant(v.7).ThisKingwilljudgethe What would be the point (theChrist),buthowandwheredothey nations, but saves all those who put speak about Him? There are two views of a text having a theirtrustinHim(v.12). atlarge:apopularandanacademicone. hidden, divine meaning? WhoistheKingofthewholePsalter, Popularly, many think only a select God declares the future then?IsitDavid?Psalm2saysitisthe group of Psalms are about the Christ. Messiah.Thetermking,andthetheme openly and in advance. The Psalms so cited in the New ofreigningandjudging,arethetriggers Testament are Messianic. Psalm 22 for us to see that a Psalm is about the standsout.“MyGod,myGod,whyhave victorious Messiah. When we come to you forsaken me,” Jesus said from the thelightoftheresurrection. the“King”ofPsalm45,weknowitisthe cross. The psalm prophetically adds, Somewillsay,Godmeansmorebya Messiah. Furthermore, we are stunned “They pierced my hands and my feet”; text than what the human author when we see that the Psalm also says “Mybonesareoutofjoint”;“Theydivide meant.Davidmeantonething,butGod that this King is God! The Messiah is mygarmentsamongthem”. meantsomethingextra.Thisisthesen- divine! (See Heb. 1:8. Cf. Ps. 102:25-27 Calamity strikes, though, with the susplenior. Atexthasa“fullermeaning”. and Heb. 1:10-12. God, the Lord, the complexity of Psalm 69, for example. Sensuspleniorisanalienprinciplein Creator,istheSon.) The New Testament uses both verses 9 evangelical thought. The Reformation T and 21 of Christ. “Zeal for your house wasbuiltonaliteralreadingofthetext hirdly, we readily take Psalm 22 as has consumed Me” and “For my thirst (withdueregardforgenre).ABibletext Messianic. The New Testament they gave me vinegar to drink”. But will have many, rich applications, but teaches us this, but also we know that whatofverse5?“Mysinsarenothidden stillonlyonemeaning. Daviddidnotgothroughthetorments fromyou”?Christdidnotsin!Howcan What would be the point of a text that the Psalm describes. When were Psalm 69 be Messianic? The popular having a hidden, divine meaning? God David’s garments divided by lot? This view is not robust enough to cope. We declares the future openly and in Psalm is so embarrassingly prophetic, needtoknowmorethanwhichtextsare advance (Isa. 41:22-26), not in a code that some medieval Jewish scribes Messianic. We need to know how they thatwehavetowait1000yearstocrack. amendedthetext:“Likealionmyhands areMessianic. If God’s voice does not equate with the and feet”! The discovery of the ancient Some academics have recently prophets’ voices, how would we ever DeadSeaScrollsputflighttothatfancy. claimed a solution. No Psalms are know what He was saying? The whole “Theypiercedmyhandsandfeet”. Messianic. They were originally only purposeofScriptureisforGodtocom- WhyquarantinethethemesofPsalm about King David and his heirs. The municate through human beings to 22 to that Psalm alone? The righteous Jews invented Messianic belief quite human beings, in the ordinary manner suffererappearsthroughoutthePsalter. late, it is said. Under the thumb of the of human beings. Hence the incarna- Sufferingisanothertriggerforustosee GreeksandRomans,theybegantolong tion. that the Messiah is in view. A friend for a royal saviour. They re-read the Which psalms are Messianic, then? betraysHim–evenonewithwhomHe Psalmstomatchtheirhope. More importantly, how is Christ the atebread(41:9).This,too,isaboutthe Jesusandtheapostlesfollowedsuit, undercoverbossofthePsalms? Christ. We thought these were David’s wearetold.PetertaughtthatPsalm16 First, the New Testament cites at sufferings,butwerealisewearelooking was about the resurrection of Christ leastPsalms2,8,16,22,34,40,41,45, attheChrist. (Acts 2:25-31. David was a prophet, no 68, 69, 102, 109, 110 and 118 as This brings us back to the question. less). However, Psalm 16 is clearly only Messianic. This is just the start of the HowcanPsalm69beabouttheChrist, about David. Peter was re-reading it in journey. sinceitcontainsaconfessionofsinfrom 10|australian presbyterian March2011