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Preview Annular shear of cohesionless granular materials: from inertial to quasistatic regime

Annular shear of ohesionless granular materials: from inertial to quasistati regime ∗ Georg Koval, Jean-Noël Roux, Alain Corfdir and François Chevoir Université Paris-Est, Institut Navier, Champs sur Marne, Fran e (Dated: January 14, 2009) Using dis rete simulations, we investigate the behavior of a model granular material within an annularshear ell. Spe i(cid:28) ally,two-dimensionalassemblies ofdisksarepla edbetweentwo ir ular 9 walls, the inner one rotating with pres ribed angular velo ity, while the outer one may expand or 0 shrink and maintains a onstant radial pressure. Fo using on steady state (cid:29)ows, we delineate in 0 parameter spa e the range of appli ability of the re ently introdu ed onstitutive laws for sheared 2 granularmaterials(basedontheinertial number). Wedis ussthetwooriginsofthestrongerstrain rates observed near the inner boundary, the vi inity of the wall and the heteregeneous stress (cid:28)eld n inaCouette ell. Abovea ertainvelo ity,aninertial region developsneartheinnerwall, towhi h a theknown onstitutivelawsapply,withsuitable orre tionsduetowallslip,forsmallenoughstress J gradients. Awayfromtheinnerwall,slow,apparentlyunbounded reeptakespla einthenominally 4 solid material, although its density and shear to normal stress ratio are on the jammed side of the 1 riti al values. In addition to rheologi al hara terizations, our simulations provide mi ros opi information on the onta t network and velo ity (cid:29)u tuations that is potentially useful to assess ] i theoreti al approa hes. c s PACSnumbers: 45.70.Mg,81.05.Rm,83.10-y,83.80.Fg - l r t m I. INTRODUCTION stress ratio, quasistati strains are possible that are de- . s ribed by elastoplasti models. For large enough shear t a strains [11, 12℄, a solidlike material approa hes the so- Signi(cid:28) ant progress in the modeling of dense granular m alled riti al state, whi h oin ides with the state of (cid:29)owintheinertialregimehasbeenbroughtaboutbythe I 0 - steady shear (cid:29)ow in the limit of → . re ently introdu ed vis oplasti laws [1, 2, 3℄, as identi- d n (cid:28)ed in experiments and dis rete numeri al simulations On e onstitutive laws are obtained on dealing with o in two-dimensional (2D) [4, 5, 6℄ and three-dimensional homogeneous systems, they should be lo ally appli a- c (3D) [7, 8, 9℄ situations. ble to all possible (cid:29)ow geometries. Of ourse, they are [ One typi ally onsiders homogeneous assemblies of quite unlikely to provide a proper des ription of some 1 grains of size d and mass density ρp, under shear stress strongly heterogeneous situations o urring when strain σ P v and average pressure . Denoting the shear rate as is lo alized near boundaries, in thin layers, on a s ale γ˙ 0 , onstitutive laws are onveniently expressed as rela- of a few grains. Yet, for smoothly varying stress (cid:28)elds, 06 µti∗ons=bσet/wPeen dimensionlessνquantities: e(cid:27)e tive fri tion they mightprovesu essful,aswasshowne.g., with(cid:29)ows ( ), solid fra tion , and most noti eably iner- downin linedplanes. Those werestudied in the absen e 2 I =γ˙d ρ /P p oflateralwallsbothexperimentallyandthroughdis rete . tial number , thus res alingvarious exper- 1 simulations (see [2℄ for a review). Then the stress distri- imental data into ap onsistent pi ture. As the ratio of 0 bution be omes heterogeneous but the e(cid:27)e tive fri tion 9 the inertial to shear times, the latter parameter quanti- remains onstant, so that the situation is omparable to 0 (cid:28)es the inIertia1l0e−(cid:27)2e ts. For a fri tional material, a small homogeneous (cid:29)ows. More remarkably, a three dimen- v: value of (≤ ) orresponds to the Iquasis1t0a−ti1 rit- sionalversionofthe onstitutivelaw[7, 13℄ wasfoundto i al state regime, while a large value of (≥ ) or- i I X responds to the ollisional regime [10℄. As in reases, model similar (cid:29)ows between lateral walls, whi h indu e ν truly three-dimensional stress distributions and velo ity r solidfra tion de reasesνappro=ximνatelylinearlystarting a max c pro(cid:28)les [14℄. from a maximum value (dynamµi ∗ dilatan y law), while the e(cid:27)e tive fri tion oe(cid:30) ient in reases Othersimplegeometriesaretheverti al huteandthe aµp∗prox=imtaanteφly linearly starting from a minimum value annularshear[2℄. Thepresentpaperinvestigatesthema- min (dynami fri tion law). This yields a vis- terial behavior in the annular (Couette) shear geometry, oplasti onstitutivelaw,withaCoulombfri tionalterm forwhi hthesampleis on(cid:28)nedbetweentworough ylin- and a Bagnold vis ous term. ders and sheared by the rotation of the inner one. The I 0 In theµq∗uasistµat∗i regime ( → ) this approa h in- annular shear ell is a lassi al experimental devi e to di ates → min onstant, independently on the measuretherheologi alpropertiesof omplex(cid:29)uids,and strain, in steady shear (cid:29)ow. Below this minimum hasbeen usedforgranularmaterials,bothin twodimen- sions[15, 16, 17, 18, 19℄ and in three dimensions [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34℄. In this ∗ geometry, the stress distribution is well known, as will Ele troni address: hevoirl p .fr be detailedin the following: thenormal stressisapprox- 2 imately onstantwhiletheshearstressstronµg∗lyde reases away from the inner wall. The de reaseof away from 1 theinnerwallthenexplainsthelo alizationoftheshear. 0.36788 Wemayevenexpe tatransµit∗ionµbe∗tweenaninertial(cid:29)ow near the inner wall, where ≥ min, and a quasistati di 0.13534 regime further, whi h analysis would help understand- ing shearlo alizationnear awall (in(cid:29)uen e of shearrate 0.0497d9p and on(cid:28)ningpressureonthewidthanddilationofshear P 0.01832 bands), of interest in industrial ondu ts [35℄, geote hni- al situations [36℄ and te tonophysi s [37℄. 0.00674 Followingpreviousdis retesimulations[38,39,40,41℄, we investigate the rheology and the mi rostru ture of 0.00248 granular materials in this geometry. We onsider two- r dimensional,slightlypolydisperseassembliesof ohesion- 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 less fri tional disks. This allows to vary the shear state and provides a ess to mi ros opi information at the RRiint RRoext s ale of the grains and of the onta t network, hardly FIG. 1: Annular shear geometry (bla k grains onstitute the measurable experimentally. We pres ribe the shear rate rough walls). and the pressure, allowing global dilation of the shear ell. To save omputation time, we implement periodi boundary onditions. Allalongthispaper, weshall om- pare our results with the homogeneous shear ase [4℄. Sin e we have not observed any in(cid:29)uen e of the outer Se . II is devoted to the des ription of the simulated wall on the behavior of the sheared material lose to the R 2R R = 2R system, its preparation and the de(cid:28)nition of dimension- inner wall for o ≥ i, we have set o i, in the less ontrol parameters. Se . III des ribes the in(cid:29)uen e results presented in this paper. The geometry is then R /d oftheshearvelo ityandofthesystems aleontheshear de(cid:28)ned by the sole value of i . lo alizationneartheinnerwallthroughtheradialpro(cid:28)les Animportantfeatureofourdis retesimulationsisthe of various quantities. Se . IV shows the validity of the ontrol of the normal stressexerted by the outer wall on σ (R ) = P previous onstitutivelawforinertialregime,andanalyzes rr o the grains, as done in [41℄. We pres ribe , its limit in quasistati regime. Se . V then explains how Rt˙hro=ug(hPtheσra(dRial))m/gotion of thge outer wall, given by: the onstitutive law is able to predi t various quantities o rr o p p − , where is a vis ous damping measured in Se . III. parameter. In steady state, the mR˙otio=n0of the outer wall Preliminary and omplementary results are presented os illatesaround a mean value (h oi ) orresponding in [42℄. to a pres ribed value of the normal stress at this point σ (R ) = P rr o (h i ). Su h ontrol of the radial stress is applied in ylinder shear apparatus aimed at studying II. SIMULATED SYSTEMS the behavior of soils near an interfa e [43℄. It di(cid:27)ers from most experiments and dis rete simulations, where A. Annular shear the volume is (cid:28)xed in twodimensions [16, 18, 31, 38, 40, 44℄, or dilatan y is possible through the free surfa e in The simulated systems are two dimensional (2D) as three dimensions [20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34℄. indi ated in Fig. 1. The granular material is a dense as- We use the standard spring-dashpot onta t law de- n d sembly of dissipative disks of average diameter and s ribed in [4℄, whi h introdu es the oe(cid:30) ients of resti- m 20% e µ average mass . A small polydispersity of ± pre- tution and fri tion , and the elasti sti(cid:27)ness pa- k k n t vents rystallization. rameters and . Dis rete simulations are ar- The granular material is subje ted to annular shear ried out with standard mole ular dynami s method, as between two ir ular rough walls. The outer wall (ra- in [4, 9, 45, 46, 47, 48℄. The equations of motion are R dius o) does not rotate, while the inner wall (radius dis retized using Gear's order three predi tor- orre tor R Ω i) moves at the pres ribed rotation rate . The wall algorithm [49℄. roughness, whi h redu es sliding, is made of ontiguous Tode reasethe omputationtime,wehaveintrodu ed θ glued grains with the same hara teristi sas the (cid:29)owing periodi boundary ondition along , exploiting the an- grains (polydispersity and me hani al properties). We gular invarian e [50℄. This redu es the representation of r θ r =R 0 θ Θ i all and theradialandorthoradialdire tions. the annular shear ell to an angular se tor ≤ ≤ r=R θ < π 0 θ 2π o and respe tively orrespond to the enters of the ( ) instead of the whole system ≤ ≤ . Θ = 2π/N N grains whi h omposethe inner and outer walls. As the , where is an integer. The des ription of grains of the inner wall form one rigid body, the motion this method, together with the analysis used to hoose Θ of ea h of them ombines a translation of its enter with the values of a ording to the size of the systems, is ΩR~e Ω i θ velo ity and a rotation rate . presented in App. A. The list of simulated geometries is 3 0.0025 given in Tab. I. We noti e that the studied systems are havebeen studied systemati ally forall systems: , 0.025 0.25 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.5 0.00025 mu h larger than in previous dis rete simulations. , , , , and . The value was also onsidered in a few ases. k P n Moreoverthe stresss ales and may be ompared κ = k /P TABLE I: List of simulated geometries. n through the dimensionless number . Let us h n Ri/d Θ/2π all the normal de(cid:29)e tion of the onta t (or apparent R25 1500 25 1/4 interpenetration of undeformed disks). hB/deing inversely R50 3100 50 1/8 proportional to the relativPe dκe(cid:29)e tion of the on- R100 8000 100 1/12 ta tsfora on(cid:28)ningstress , is alled onta t sti(cid:27)ness R200 15700 200 1/24 number [4℄. A large value orresponds to rigid grains, while a small value orresponds to soft grains. It was shown [41℄0t4hat it has no in(cid:29)uen e on the results on e it ex eeds , whi h is the value hosen in all our dis rete simulations (rigid grain limit). In the following (both text and (cid:28)gures), the length, B. Dimensional analysis d m mass, time and stress are made dimensionless by , , m/P P and , respe tively. In our dis rete simulations, the system is ompletely pTable II gives the list of material parameters. des ribed by alist of independent parametersasso iated to the grains and to the shear state. As a way to redu e TABLE II:List of material parameters. the numberof parameters,itis onvenientto usedimen- sional analysis, whi h guarantees that all the results an µ e kt/kn κ be expressed as relations between dimensionless quanti- poly±di2s0p%ersity 0.4 0.1 0.5 104 ties. d m The grains are des ribed by their size and mass , e µ their oe(cid:30) ientsofrestitution andfri tion , andtheir k k n t elasti sti(cid:27)ness parameters and . It was shown in kt/kn C. Steady shear states previous dis rete simulations [4, 46, 51℄, that and e havenearlyno in(cid:29)uen e on dense granular(cid:29)ows. Con- k /k 0.5 e 0.1 sequently, t n was (cid:28)xed to and was (cid:28)xed to . Foragivensample,the(cid:28)rststep onsistsindepositing µ µ=0 Thein(cid:29)uen eof ,espe iallynear ,hasbeenshown the grains without onta t and at rest between the two in [4℄. In this paper, werestri touranalysisto the value distantwalls. Applyinganormalstressattheouterwall, µ=0.4 , ex ept for the dis ussion of tµhe= o0nstitutive law we ompresstheassemµb=ly0ofgrains, onsidering(cid:28)rstthat where the ase of fri tionless grains ( ) will be also theyarefri tionless( ),soastogetaverydenseini- µ analyzed. Results for other values of may be found tial0s.8ta5te. Ex eptnearthewalls,itssolidfra tionis lose in [42℄. to , near the random lose pa king of slightly poly- The shear state is des ribed by the pres ribed normal dispersed disks [52℄. When the granular material sup- P stress on the outer wall , the rotation rate of the inner ports ompletely the applied normal stress, the grains Ω R R wall , the radius i and o of the two walls, and the are at rest and the dense system is ready to be sheared. g vis ous damping parameter p. We have not observed Westartto shearthematerial(now onsideringthatthe g any in(cid:29)uen e of p, on e the shear zone is lo alized near grains are fri tional) imposing the rotation of the inner theinnerwallandseparatedbyarelativelythi klayerof disk. Afteratransient,thesystemrea hesasteadystate, materialfrom the outer wall. The dimensionless number hara terized by onstant time-averaged pro(cid:28)les of solid g /√mk 0.1 p n remains of order in all our simulations, so fra tion, velo ity and stress. In pra ti e, the stabiliza- R that the time s ale of the (cid:29)u tuations of o is imposed tion of the pro(cid:28)les depends on the onsVid∆erted variab∆let. θ by the material rather than the wall, and that the wall If we take the inner wall displa ement (where sti ks to the material. Consequently, the shear state is is the simulation time) as a shear length parameter, the R /d R =2R des ribedbythegeometri parameters i ( o i), stressesVus∆uatlly5present a short transient on a distan e θ and by the dimensionlesstangentialvelo ity ofthe inner around ≤ . HoweVve∆r,tthe5s0tabilization of the solid θ wall (also alled shear velo ity): fra tionratherrequires ≈ ,mostlybe auseofthe very dense initial state. Consequently we onsider that V ∆t 100 θ the onditiontorea hasteadystateis ≥ . This ΩR m i Vθ = d P, (1) pVrθo edure provides an initial state with a shear velo ity r . As a way to guarantee an initial state onsistent for the omparisons between dis rete simulations with dif- V θ whi h is similar to the notion of inertial number, but ferent , the pro edure is (cid:28)rst applied with the highest V V V θ θ θ at the s ale of the whole system. A small value of value of , and then is progressivelyde reased. orrespondstothequasistati regime,whilealargevalue In steady state, we onsider that the statisti al distri- V θ orrespondsto the ollisional regime. Seven values of bution of the quantities of interest (stru ture, velo ities, 4 t θ for es...) areindependentof and , sothatweaverage Fig. 2a shows the oarse-grained pro(cid:28)les of the nor- θ 200 σ R rr 50 bothinspa e(along )andintime( onsidering time mal stress omponent in geometry for di(cid:27)erent V ∆t 200 V θ θ steps distributed over the distan e ≥ ). Then wall velo ities , while Fig. 2b shows theσrrartio between we al ulate the pro(cid:28)les of solid fra tion, velo ity and the orthonormal and the normal stresses σθθ. The nor- σ rr stress omponents a ording to the averaging pro edure mal stress is nearly onstant and equal to the on- P ∂σ /∂r rr des ribed in App. B. (cid:28)ning pressure . The term in the momentum σ rr Beyond the number of a quisition points, the onsis- equation (2) smoothes the pro(cid:28)le, whi h might ex- σ rr ten y of the averagedvalues depends on the shearstrain plain the absen e of (cid:29)u tuations of . A rude es- a umulated during the a quisition of data. We on en- timate of the entrifugal e(cid:27)e ts may be given, if the trateourinterestontheregionwherethesystemmaybe last term of equation (2) is negle ted, and, anti ipat- onsideredinasteadystate,whi ho ursatlargeenough ing on Se . IIIB and Se . IIIC, a onstant solid fra tion ν 0.8 shear strain. Based on the observation of the transients, ≃ is assumed and an exponential velo ity pro(cid:28)le γ˙∆t 10 v (r)=V exp( (r R )/ℓ) ℓ 2 6 θ θ i we onsider that this is true when ≥ . Be ause − − , with between and : ofthestrainlo alization,theregionofinterestislo ated R R + R i i steady wnehaerreththeeinvnaelurewoaflRl astnedadylimisitgeivdentoin Ta→b. III. |σrr(Ri)−1|≤ 2πνℓRiVθ2. (4) R =50 σ (R ) 1 0.05 V = i rr i θ TABLE III: Limit of the steady state region. Minimum and 1Conseqℓu=ent5ly, forV = 2.5,| − |≤ for θ maximum values orrespond to global quasistati regime and and . For , the entrifugal e(cid:27)e ts might V =2.5 θ to respe tively. be ome signi(cid:28) ant, howeverit has not been observed. σ σ rr θθ The radial and orthoradial stresses are nearly Rsteady r Ri . 10 R25 7−17 equal for − . This has already been observed R50 9−25 in oth5e%r on(cid:28)gurations (plane shear [4, 5, 9℄ within less R100 13−35 than , in lined plane [5, 32, 46℄), and was previously R200 18−52 reportedinannularshear[40,44℄. Thisverysmallnormal stressdi(cid:27)eren e isnotexplained yet. The (cid:29)u tuationsof σ r R & 15 θθ i for − probably re(cid:29)e t the frozen disorder beyond the steady zone, where the material is mu h less deformed than loser to the inner wall, so that the time averagingisunsu(cid:30) ient. Consequentlythese(cid:29)u tuations III. LOCALIZED SHEAR STATES Vθ in rease as de reases. σ (r) rθ The shear stress pro(cid:28)Vles shown in Fig. 3a1(/fro2r Inthisse tion,weshowtheshearlo alizationnearthe θ di(cid:27)erent shear velo ity ) are onsistent with the inner wall through the radial pro(cid:28)les of di(cid:27)erent quanti- de rease of (3). The os illations about the mean value ties. In App. C we fo us on internal variables asso iated Z aredue to the materialstru turationnear the inner wall to the onta t network [53, 54℄ ( oordination number M (see Se . IIIC) and to the frozen disorder in the very and mobilization of fri tion ) and to the (cid:29)u tuations slowlysheared regions, whi h is beyond the steady zone. of the motion of the grains, translational or rotational. V Fig.3bshowsthedependen eoftheshearstressatthe θ S V We systemati ally dis uss the in(cid:29)uen e of . θ inner wall on shear velo ity . Below a ertain value V .0.025 S θ ( ), tends toa(cid:28)nitelimit. Consequently,the σ (r) V rθ θ shear stress pro(cid:28)les be ome independent of . A. Stress (cid:28)eld This behavior hara terizes the global (that is to say, in ∂ = 0 ∂ = 0 the whole system) quasistati regime, where the stresses dwii tItnhso[us5tt5ea℄radadyivaa(lr∂i(cid:29)taotwion(vor)f1=na/nro02rn)mu,laa lrosntstrhienesuasurσm(cid:29)rromwrees lah(ta∂enθdi tsoptrhe)e-, (H aaonnwdteaovntehdre,rSfosrtianVt eθrev&aasre0isa.0bw2lei5ts,h)idnVoeθr.ntoiaPtlrdeeev(cid:27)pieoe untsds wobneo rtokhmseerveesplioog rntiite(cid:28)yd-. σvelo ity pro(cid:28)le, and a de rease of the shear stress a similar dependen e of the shearstress on the shearve- rθ asso iated to the onservation of the torque: lo ityin other on(cid:28)gurations(see [2℄ forareview). More spe i(cid:28) ally, the experimental measurementof the torque 4νv2 ∂σ σ σ θ = rr + rr− θθ, asafun tionoftherotationrateintheannularshearge- π r ∂r r (2) ometryindi ates atransitionfrom arate independent to a rate dependent regime [20, 23, 27, 33,S56=℄. SOur+reαsVulβts σrθ = S(Ri)2, an beSaqpsproximated by a fun tion like qsα θβ, r (3) where is the global quasistati limit value, and β 1/2 aretwo onstants. Wenoti ethat is loseto rather ν(r) v (r) 2 θ where and are the solid fra tion and orthora- than asmightbenaïvelyexpe ted fromBagnold'srhe- S dial velo ity pro(cid:28)les, is the shear stress at the inner ology. Wenoti ethatintheexperimentof[20℄,thetran- S =σ (R ) σ V 0.3 rθ i ii θ wall ( ) and are positive for ompression. sition o urs for ≃ (after appropriate res aling), 5 (a) (a) 1.3 0.5 1.2 0.4 V = 2.5 1.1 V = 1.0 0.3 rr 1.0 r V = 0.25 0.2 0.9 0.8 0.1 V = 0.025 V = 0.0025 0.7 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 r-R r-R i i (b) (b) 1.3 0.50 1.2 0.45 rr 1.1 0.40 / 1.0 S 0.35 0.9 0.30 0.8 0.25 0.70 10 20 30 40 50 0.20 -3 -2 -1 0 1 10 10 10 10 10 r-R i V FIG.2: (Coloronline)(a) Normalstress σrr(r)anσdθθ(b/)σrrra(trio) FIG. 3: (Color online) (a) Shear stress pro(cid:28)les σrθ(r) (solid pVVberθθtow==(cid:28)elee10sn..50f,t2oh5(re,Ndn()i(cid:4)o(cid:27)Vr)eθmrVe=anθlt2=a.s5nh.0de.2Gat5rhe,eovm(eo◮lreot)t hriVyotinθeRos=r.5m00.(a.H5l,)s(tVr(cid:7)eθ)ss=Vesθ0=.0012.05,,((◭•)) wtltihinoaeenllsfu)voenfal onVt diθiotn((cid:28)ies:tesmaSV iθ =-.olor(0dgb.ai2)nr6giSt+hhtemo0ai.rE1 qs3st.Vr θe(a03sl.se5)7)a(..dtGTathsheheoeemidnseonltlierindryewslRi)an5lfe0lo.rSredpairs(cid:27)efseuernenn ts-t whi h is not far from what is observed in Fig. 3b. How- S(V ) θ ever, we alsopoint out that the urve, here shown R 50 for geometry , in fa t depends on the geometry. v (r) V θ θ The normalizationof by shearvelo ity allows to learly visualize the in(cid:29)uen e of this latter parameter B. Velo ity (cid:28)eld oVn the0v.0e2lo5 ity pro(cid:28)les. In the global quasistati regimVe θ θ ( ≤ ),thereisnoin(cid:29)uen e,whileforin reasing 0.025 above , an in rease of the lo alization width is ob- The shear lo alization near the inner wall is revealed vθ(r) served, onsistently with experimental observations [25℄. bythestrongde reaseofvelo itypro(cid:28)les shownon Fig. 4. The de ay apvpe/aVrs=toebxep[ni ae(lry aRpp)roxbi(mratRed)b2]y γ˙(r) = r ∂ (vθ(r)) aGaussianfun tion θ θ − − i − − i , The shear rate is equal to − ∂r r . We ω(r) as shown on Fig. 4. We noti e however that there is a denote the pro(cid:28)leof the averageangular velo ityof V 2.5 θ sliding velo ity for the higher value of ( ), whi h is thegrains. Aspreviouslyreportedindis retesimulations apparent in Fig. 5a. Previous studies in 2D systems [21, ofgranular(cid:29)ows[4℄,theaverageangularvelo ityisequal ω(r)= γ˙(r)/2 25, 39, 40, 44, 57℄ found an exponential shape, while a tohalfthelo alshearrate(orvorti ity) − . gaussian de ay was observed in three dimensional (3D) Os illations of the averageangular velo ity are observed systems for non spheri al or polydispersed grains [22℄. inthe3or4(cid:28)rstgrainlayersneartheinnerwall(Fig.5), The agreementbetween the measurementofthe velo ity as previously noti ed by [40℄. They may be due to the pro(cid:28)les in 3D experiment (using 3D MRI velo imetry in frustration of the rotation of the (cid:29)owing grains in on- the bulk or CIV at the free surfa e) [2℄ and 2D dis rete ta twiththegluedgrainsofthewalls(whi hrotatewith Ω simulations is satisfa tory [32℄. angular velo ity ). 6 0 10 C. Solid fra tion ν(r) V = θ Fig. 6 shows the solid fra tion pro(cid:28)les for -1 0.025 2.5 V 10 V and . In the global quasistati regime ( θ ≤ V 0.025 Vθ / ), the pro(cid:28)le be omes independent of , while a v de rease of the solid fra tion is observed for in reasing V -2 θ 10 . The material is signi(cid:28) antly dilated ne5ar the inner wall[17,39,40℄,andisstru turedinabout layers lose V θ to the inner wall, with a higher amplitude for low . -3 This was previously observed in various shear geome- 10 0 5 10 15 20 25 tries[22,39, 58, 59, 60℄. Thisstru turationofthegranu- larmaterial ertainlya(cid:27)e tstheslidingoflayersofgrains, r-R i withsigni(cid:28) ant onsequen esontheme hani albehavior V near the wall. As previously reported [40, 44℄, indepen- θ V ν FIG. 4: (Color online) In(cid:29)uen e of the shear velo ity on θ t0h.0e0v2e5lo i(cid:4)ty pVroθ(cid:28)l=es0v.θ2(5r) (◮semVi-θlo=gar0it.5hmi (cid:7)s Valθe)=. (1H.)0Vθ◭= tdoewntalrydoafvtahleueinν(cid:29)muaexn (e loosfe to, 0so.8li2d, tfrhae tsioolnid frain trioenasiens , ( ) , ( ) , ( ) , ( ) Vθ =1.5 N Vθ =2.5 the riti al state for fri tional disks with a similar poly- vθ/Vθ =,ex(p[)−0.34(r−.RTi)h−e0s.o0l0id15l(inre−iRndi)i2 a]tes the fun tion dispersity [53℄) away from the inner wall, and remains onethe fun tionvθ/Vθ =exp[−0.21(r−Ri)−,0a.0n0d2t(hre−dRasih)2e]d. lose to its larger initial value 0.85 in the region where Geometry R50. the material has not been sheared enough. (a) (a) 0.90 0.8 V = 0.025 0.7 0.85 0.6 0.80 0.5 - 2, 0.4 0.75 V = 2.5 . / 0.3 0.70 0.2 0.1 0.65 0.0 0.60 -0.1 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 r-R r-R i i (b) (b) 0.90 0.006 0.85 V = 0.025 0.005 0.80 0.004 - 2, 0.003 0.75 V = 2.5 / . 0.70 0.002 structuration 0.65 near inner wall 0.001 0.60 0.000 0 5 10 15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 r-R r-R i i V θ FIG. 6: (Color online) In(cid:29)uen e of shear velo ity on the FIG. 5: (Color online) In(cid:29)uen e of the inner wall on the ol- ν(r) ω(r) stru turation near the inner wall. Solid fra tion pro(cid:28)les lapse between the average angular velo ity (hollow sym- bols) and the shear rate γ˙(r) (full symbols) (a) Vθ =2.5 and (a)inthewholesystemand(b)intheregi3odn losetotheinner (b) Vθ =0.025. Geometry R50. wall. The solid line is0a.n5daverage overR50, while the dotted line is an average over . Geometry . 7 IV. CONSTITUTIVE RELATIONS 1. Dynami fri tion law I & 0.02 µ∗ In Se .VIII and App. C, it has been shown that shear In the inertial regime, fIor , in reases ap- velo ity θ, if small enough, no longer in(cid:29)uen es the proximately linearly with and nearly independently of radial pro(cid:28)les of various quantities (see Fig. 3, 4, 24 the geometry (Fig. 8a): and 25). Then, the whole system is in the quasistati V γ˙ regime. When θ in reases, the shearrate in reasesin µ∗(I) µ∗ +bI, thewholesample. Abovea ertainlevelofshearrate,in- ≃ min (5) ertiale(cid:27)e tshavesigni(cid:28) ante(cid:27)e tonthematerialbehav- µ∗ 0.26 b 1 with min ≃ and ≃ . The agreement with the ior, whi h hara terizes the inertial regime. Considering dynami fri tionlawmeasuredinthehomogeneousplane theshearstressdistributionintheannulargeometryand shear geometry is ex ellent [4, 6, 48℄. In ontrast, for the de ay of the velo ity away from the inner wall, we I lower values of , a deviation from this linear relation is expe tthattheinertialzonebeginsattheinnerwalland that its thi kness in reases when Vθ in reases (Fig. 7). observed, depending on the geometryµ∗(Fig. 8b). The ef- fe tivefri tionbe omessmallerthan min,andthisdevi- R i ationin reasesas de reases,thatistosayasthestress R i function gradient in reases. Re ipro ally, as in reases, that is of and P to say as the stress distribution be omes more homoge- P neous, the results of the annular geometry tend to the ones of the plane shear geometry. This reµv∗eals that the simple relation between e(cid:27)e tive fri tion and inertial I inertial number does not depend on the stress distribution in regime the inertial regime, and isthen quite general(see [5, 32℄ quasistatic for(cid:29)owsdownanin linedplane)µ,w∗hileitfailsinthequa- regime sistati regime. In plane shear, min may be onsidered as the internal fri tion inµth∗e riti al state [9, 53℄. This is the maximum value of supported by the granular material, before it starts to (cid:29)ow quasistati ally. With a heterogeneous stress distribution, the granular material FIG. 7: Inertial and quasistati zones. is able to (cid:29)ow below this level. λ in We all the width of the inertial zone. Using Eqn. (3) and (5), we dedu e that: In this se tion, we analyze the relations between dif- ferentdimensionlessquantitiesin the inertialregimeand howtheyarea(cid:27)e ted bythetransitiontothequasistati λ (V ,R )= S(V ,R )/µ∗ 1 R . in θ i θ i min− i (6) regime.VWe>re0s.0tr2i5 touranalysistolargeenoughshearve- (cid:18)q (cid:19) θ lo ity ( ), so that a wide enough inertial zone exists lose to the inner wall. We also onventionally de(cid:28)ne the width of the shear λ v (R +λ ) = V /10 loc θ i loc θ zone through . Fig. 9a and λ (V ) λ (V ) R in θ loc θ 50 b shows and in geometry . We no- λ V in θ ti ethat smoothlyin reasesfromzerowith , while A. Inertial number and me hani al behavior λloc Vθ seems to saturate at a low value for low (global V θ quasistati regime) and at a high value for high (this Dis retesimulationsofhomogeneousplaneshear(cid:29)ows is related to an apparent velo ity dis ontinuity near the [4℄ haverevealedthatthe onstitutivelawofdense gran- wall, suggesting in reasing ollisional e(cid:27)e ts in the (cid:28)rst V 0.3 1 ular (cid:29)ows may be des µri∗bed through theσdependen y layers),with asudden in reasefor θ between and . of the e(cid:27)e tive fri tion (ratio of shear to normal P ν We noti e that in the experiment of [25℄, the shear zone V stresses) and of the solid fra tion on the inertial θ I = γ˙ m/P invades the whole gap for high enough . number (a 2D equivalent of the de(cid:28)nition In a given geometry, for a small enough shear velo ity V given in Se . Ip), where all the quantities are measured θ, the inertial zonedisappears, and the whole system is lo ally. The annularshear(cid:29)owsbeing heterogeneousν,(rw)e in the quasistati regµim∗e. Fig. 10 then shows agaIin that mµ∗e(ars)ur=e tσhe(rre)la/tσion(sr)betweeIn(rt)he=loγ ˙a(rl)quamn/tiσties(,r) , the e(cid:27)e tive fri tion is no more a fun tion of . rθ rr rr and (or γ˙(r)/ σ (r) rr in dimensionless unit). Epa h simulation providpes dynami dilatan y and fri tion laws in a range 2. Dynami dilatan y law of inertial number. In the following, we try to analyze ν the granular material as a ontinuum, onsequently we We observe a linear de rease of solid fra tion as a I do not take into a ount the (cid:28)ve (cid:28)rst layers where wall fun tion of inertial number , independently of the ge- ν stru turatione(cid:27)e tsaresigni(cid:28) ant(seeFig.5andFig.6). ometry in the inertial regime (Fig. 11 and 12), and 8 (a) (a) 0.45 20 0.40 =0.4 0.35 15 0.30 n 0.25 i 10 0.20 5 0.15 =0 0.10 0 0.05 -3 -2 -1 0 10 10 10 10 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 V I (b) (b) 11 0.45 inertial regime near inner wall 10 0.40 c 9 o 0.35 l quasistatic regime 8 0.30 Ri 7 0.25 0.20 6 -3 -2 -1 0 10 10 10 10 0.15 -4 -3 -2 -1 V 10 10 10 10 λin I FVIG. 9: (a) Width of the inertial zone as a fun tion of θ 0.30 (c) res,eanstsdtehdeu fuedn ftrioomn:Eλqinn.=(65)0a(npd1F+ig0..35aV.θ0.T57h−e s1o)l.id(bl)inWe ridepth- λ V loc θ of the lo alization zone as a fun tion of . Geometry 0.25 R50 . 0.20 0.15 0.45 inertial regime 0.10 0.40 near inner wall 0.35 quasistatic regime 0.05 in the whole sample 0.30 0.00 -4 -3 -2 -1 10 10 10 10 0.25 0.20 I 0.15 quasistatic regime FIG. 8: (Color online) Dynami fri ti≈on1law (a) in linear s ale (the solid lineµin=di 0ates aµslo=pe0.4 ) for parti le o- 0.10 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 e(cid:30) ient of fri tion and . Dynami fri tion 10 10 10 10 10 10 µ = 0.4 µ = 0 law in semi-logarithmi (cid:4)s aRle25for•(bR)50 N Ra1n0d0 ( H) R200. I VDθi(cid:27)=er2e.n5t geometries: ( ) , ( ) , ( )(cid:3) , ( ) . µ∗ . Comparison with plane shear [4℄ ( ). FIG. 10: (Color online) E(cid:27)e tive fri tion as a fun tion of I ⋆ V = 0.00025 H V = 0.0025 θ θ th•e Viner=tia0l.0n2u5mb(cid:4)er V(=)0.25 ◮ V =,0(.5) (cid:7) V = 1.0, θ θ θ θ ( ) , ( ) , ( ) , ( ) , ◭ V = 1.5 N V = 2.5 θ θ tends to a maximum value νmax, whi h identi(cid:28)es to the µ(∗)=0.26 , ( ) R50 . The solid line orresponds to . Geometry . solidfra tionin the riti alstate. We anthenwritethe dynami dilatan y law: ν(I) ν aI, max plane shear geometry is ex ellent [4, 48℄. However, far ≃ − (7) from the walls, in the region where the material is less ν 0.82 a 0.37 max with ≃ and ≃ . The agreement with deformedand soremainsin its initialdense state, higher ν thedynami dilatan ylawmeasuredinthehomogeneous values of are observed. Fig. 12 also indi ates that the 9 inner wall indu es further dilation. Those di(cid:27)eren es are likely related to some pe uliar- ities of assemblies of fri tionless grains [9℄. The qua- 0.86 sistati limit, in su h materials, is only approa hed for I 0.84 =0 µm∗u h smaller values of than in the fri tional ase, and min is itself onsiderably lower. As a onsequen e on 0.82 may expe t awider inertial zone. Moreover,asthe riti- 0.80 alsolidfra tion oin ideswiththerandom losepa king value [9℄, no solid-like region of the system an be pre- 0.78 vented from (cid:29)owing be ause of its density. 0.76 =0.4 0.74 4. Comparison with previous studies 0.72 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 Thevalidityofthe onstitutivelaw,on esuitablygen- I eralized to three dimensions, was su essfully tested in FIG.11: (Coloro≈nl−in0e.)37Dynami dilatan ylaw(the s(cid:4)olidRli2n5e (cid:29)ows down a heap between lateral walls [7, 14℄. In in•diR a5t0e aNsloRpe100 H R2)00for di(cid:27)erent geometries: ( ) , that ase the velo ity (cid:28)eld, as dedu ed from numeri- ((cid:3)) ,( ) ,( ) . Comparisonwithplaneshear[4℄ al omputations in whi h the vis oplasti law was im- ( ). plemented, exhibits a more omplex three-dimensional stru ture. Predi ted velo ities at the free surfa e agreed losely with experimental results. Thus, the appli ability of the onstitutive law as a re- 0.86 lation between lo al values of non-uniform strain rate 0.84 and stress (cid:28)elds, whi h we just established in 2D an- nular shear (cid:29)ow, was previously he ked in the 3D ase 0.82 of a laterally on(cid:28)ned gravity-driven (cid:29)ow. The validity 0.80 of su h an approa hshould be restri ted to situations in V=0.025 0.78 whi h the haral teristi length for stress or strain rate variations, say , is signi(cid:28) antly larger than the grain l=R 0.76 wall effect size. In annularshear, one has i, whereasthe (cid:28)nite w 0.74 V=2.5 width of thel = hwannel wRas found in [7, 14℄ to ontrol i the gradients, . As , in units of grain diameters, w 0.72 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 varies between 25 and 200 here, while the interval of 10 10 10 10 10 extends between 16.5 and 500 in [7, 14℄, similar levels of I heterogeneity are explored. FIG. 12: (Color online) Dynami dilatan(cid:4) yRla2w5 in• seRm50i- logarithmi s ale. Di(cid:27)erent geometries: ( ) , ( ) , N R100 H R200 (cid:3) B. Internal variables ( ) , ( ) . Comparison with plane shear [4℄ ( ). νmax =0.82 The dashed line orresponds to . We now dis uss how internal variables, whi h pro(cid:28)les I aredis ussedinApp.C,s alewiththeinertialnumber , revealing lo al state laws, onsistent with the one mea- sured in homogeneousshear (cid:29)owZs.= Z eIf 3. Fri tionless grains We observe a relation like max − (with Z 3 Z I max ≈ ) between oordination number and on As shown in Fig. 8a and Fig. 11, the mi ros opi fri - Fig. 13, nearly independent of the geometry. µ tion oe(cid:30) ient has a signi(cid:28) ant in(cid:29)uen e on the on- We do not observe a general relation between the mo- M I stitutive law parameters. Those (cid:28)gures also reveal good bilization of fri tion Rand , but an asympMtoti goInh- i agreement with homogeneous shear simulations [4℄. The vergen e for growing toward a relation ≈ I solid fra tion remains a linearly de reasing fun tion of (Fig.14). Forthisquantity,thereisnosatisfa toryagree- a (with afast hangein the quasistati limit). The slope ment with the homogeneousshear ase. ν 0.85 δv max θ is not a(cid:27)e ted, while in reases to ≃ . The dy- Weanalysethe(cid:29)u tuationsoforthoradialvelo ity γ˙ I nami fri tionlawkeepsthesametenden ybutisshifted normalized by the natural s ale as a fun tion of toward smµa∗ller val0u.e1s1of fri tion. The lineaIr ap0p.r0o1xima- (Fig. 15). In the quasistati regime, the development tion with min ≃ (Eqn. (5)) fails for ≤ . We of olle tiveand intermittentmotions(see [28, 29℄ in an- noti e that the range of validity of the dynami fri tion nular shear and [61℄ for a re ent review) explain the law is mu h larger than for fri tional grains, and that it in rease of these relative (cid:29)u tuations. For higher values I δv /γ˙ 1 θ does not seem to depend on the geometry. ofthe inertialnumber , weobservethat → . On 10 3 3.0 10 2.5 2 2.0 10 Z ’ / 1.5 v 1 1.0 10 0.5 0.0 -4 -3 -2 -1 100 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 I I Z FIG.13: (ColoronlineI)Coordinationnumber asafun tion FIG.15: (Color onlinIe)Relative (cid:29)u tuations as a fun tion of ZRof5=t0h,e2(N.i9n)5erR−ti1a70l0.6,n5u(IHm0).b6e5Rr)20fo0(r,th(d(cid:3)ei(cid:27))seoprlieldanntliengeseohrmeeaperrter[i4see℄s.n.tVs(θ(cid:4)th=)e2Rfu.52n5. ,ti(o•n) δRthv2eθ0/0i(,nγ˙e(cid:3)dr)tpi=alaln1neu+msh0be.e0ar7rI[−40℄(..t7hV)e.θs(=o(cid:4)li2)d.5Rl.i2n5e, (re•p)rRes5e0n,ts(Nt)heRf1u0n0, t(iHon) 0 10 ∂ v (r) µ∗ SR2 ( θ )= min i, ∂r r br − br3 (8) M S where the shear stress at the inner wall depends both V R θ i on and on (see Se . IIIA). As shown from the V θ measurements drawnin Fig. 16b, for a largevalue of , S R i ishighinsmallgeometriesandstronglyde reasesas -1 in reases. We now integrate this relation over the range 10 of validity of the dynami fri tion law, this is to say in -4 -3 -2 -1 Ri Rin = Ri +λin 10 10 10 10 the inertial zone → , from whi h we get: I M SR2 µ∗ FIG.14: (Coloronline)MobiIlizationoffri tion asa fun - v (r)= i + minrln(r)+cr. θ tion of thMe =ine0r.7ti3aIl0.n2u9mber (the solid line rep(cid:4)reseRn2t5s th•e 2br b (9) fun tion fordi(cid:27)erent geometries: ( ) ,( ) R50 N R100 H R200 Vθ =2.5 c , ( ) , ( ) . . The onstant isdeterminVe+dbythevalueofthevelo Vity at the inner wall, alled θ , whi h is smaller than θ, revealing some sliding at the wall as previously noti ed (see Se . IIIB). thewholeδ,vwe/γp˙r=op1os+etcoI−ddes ribethedependen ybythe θ equation δv ∝(Fγ˙i0g.4. 15). Experimental re- SR µ∗ sults [22, 26℄ show that . Dividing this relation V+ = i + minR ln(R )+cR . byγ˙,wegetanexponentequalto−0.6, losetoexponent θ 2b b i i i (10) d= 0.7 − , dedu ed from the previous (cid:28)t. On the whole, the velo ity pro(cid:28)le is equal to: V. CONSEQUENCES FOR THE SHEAR r S R 2 µ∗ r v (r)=V+ +r i 1 + min ln . LOCALIZATIONBAENHDAVTIHOERMACROSCOPIC θ θ Ri "2b (cid:18) r (cid:19) − ! b (cid:18)Ri(cid:19)# V+ (11) Using the onstitutive law established in Se . IV, we An absolute measurement of θ happens to be di(cid:30)- now show that it is possible to understand some obser- ult, onsidering the wall e(cid:27)e t that disturbs the mate- vations des ribed in Se . III. rialbehaviorinalayerofafewgrainsneartheinnerwall P γ˙ Still using dimensionless units, sin e the pressure is (like in Fig. 5 for the shear rate ). Consequently, we onstant in the system and the shear stress is given by obtain this quantity from a (cid:28)t, and a omparison with Eqn. (3), the dynami fri tion law Eqn. (5) provides the the measured velo itypro(cid:28)lesis shownon Fig. 16b. The v (r) θ following equation for the velo ity pro(cid:28)le : agreementisex ellent, suggestingon emorethevalidity

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