Cumulative Indexes Contributing Authors, Volumes 53-63 A Bauer DJ, 62:583-619 Aarts H, 61:467-90 Baumeister RF, 62:331-61 Zampbell LC, 56:601-30 Abernethy AP, 56:601-30 Benedetti F, 59:565-90 ampione-Barr N, 57:255-84 Adolphs R, 60:693-716 Benet-Martinez V, 57:401-21 Yaramazza A, 60:27-51 Aguinis H, 60:45 1-74 Bentley AC, 61:411-37 Jarey S, 55:87-124 Ahmad SA, 53:309-39 Berger LK, 60:525-48 Zarstensen LL, 61:383-409 Allen HA, 55:181-205 Berman MG, 59:193-224 Carver CS, 61:679-704 Amabile TM, 61:569-98 Berridge KC, 54:25-53 Caspi A, 56:453-84 Anderman EM, 57:487-503 Berscheid E, 61:1-25 Castellani AM, 57:317-4 Anderman LH, 57:487-503 Berthoud H-R, 59:55-92 Cerutti DT, 54:115-44 Andersen RA, 61:169-90 Birnbaum MH, 55:803-32 Cervone D, 56:423-52 Anderson CA, 53:27-51 Bishop DVM 60:283-306 Charles ST, 61:383-409 Angelillo C, 54:175-203 Blake R, 58:47-73 Charuvastra A, 59:301-28 Aquino K, 60:717-41 BlausteiJnD , 59:93-118 Chassin L, 55:463-91 Arauz RM, 54:175-203 Bloom P, 63:179-99 Chawarska K, 56:315-36 Ariely D, 60:475-99 Bohner G, 62:391-417 Chen E, 60:501-24 Arnold DH, 54:517-45 Bolger N, 54:579-616 Chen X, 59:591-616 Ashby FG, 56:149-78 Bollen KA, 53:605-34 Cheney DL, 54:145-73; Avolio BJ, 60:421-49 Bollini A, 55:401-30 63:153-77 Aycan Z, 58:479-514 Bondi MW, 60:257-82 Cheng PW, 62:135-13 Bower GH, 59:1-27 Chiu C-y, 55:689-71 4 Bowker JC, 60:141-71 Chun MM, 62:73-101 B Bradley RH, 53:371-99 Cialdini RB, 55:591-621 Bachorowski J-A, 54:329-49 Brandon TH, 55:463-91 Clark LA, 58:227-57 Baddeley A, 63:xxii-29 Brauer M, 63:259-85 Clayton NS, 60:87-113 Baker TB, 55:463-91 Brief A, 53:279-307 Cloitre M, 59:301-28 Bargh JA, 55:572-90 Brown JS, 56:287-314 Cochran SD, 58:201-25 BarlingJ ,6 0:671-92 Buchtel EE, 60:369-94 Cohen JD, 59:647-72 Barnes NW, 58:201-25 Buckner RL, 61:27-48 Cole S, 60:501-24 Barrett LF, 58:373-403 Buckwalter W, 63:81-99 Collins DW, 53:309-39 Barsade SG, 59:507-36 Bushman BJ, 53:27-51 Collins LM, 57:505-28 Barsalou LW, 59:617-45 Butts MM, 61:599-622 Collins WA 60:63 1-52 Coltheart M, 62:271-98 3-5 | Gould E, 61:111—40 Conger RD, 58:175-99 55-78 Graber D, 55:545-71 Connor-Smith J, 61:679-704 Graham JW, 60:549-76 Cook TD, 60:607-29 Green DP, 60:339-67 Coplan RJ, 60:141-71 F Greenfield PM, 54:461-90 Correa-Chavez M, 54:175-203 Faigman DL, 56:631-59 Gross JJ, 58:373-403 Corwyn RF Fairchild AJ, 58:593-614 Grusec JE, 62:243-69 Crabbe JC, 53:435-62 Fanselow MS, 56:207-34 Gunia BC, 61:491-515 Crano WD, 57:345-74 Farah MJ, 63:571-91 Gunnar M, 58:145-73 Crosby FJ, 57:585-611 Fazio RH, 54:297-327 Cudeck R, 58:615-37 Federico CM, 60:307-37 Curran PJ, 62:583-619 Federmeier KD, 62:621-47 H Curry SJ, 60:229-55 Fernandez-DoJl-sM, 54:329-49 Hall RJ, 61:543-68 Fingerhut AW, 58:405-24 Hampson SE, 63:315-39 Finniss DG, 59:565-—90 Hanson DR, 56:263-86 D Fivush R, 62:559-82 Hardt O, 61:141-67 Davidson RJ, 53:545-74 Folkman S, 55:745-74 Harring JR, 58:615-37 Davis A, 54:579-616 Fouad NA, 58:543-64 Hauser M, 61:303-24 Deary IJ, 63:453-82 Fox NA, 56:235-62 Hawkins EH, 60:197-227 Delicato LS, 55:181-205 French DC, 59:591-616 Hawley KM, 56:337-63 Derrington AM, 55:181-205 Fried I, 63:511-37 Hayman-Abello BA, 53:309-39 de Waal FBM, 59:279-300 Friston KJ, 56:57-87 Hayman-Abello SE, 53:309-39 Dickel N, 62:391-417 Frith CD, 63:287-313 Healey MP, 59:387-417 DiefendorfJfM , 61:543-68 Frith U, 63:287-313 Heatherton TF, 62:363—-90 Diehl RL, 55:149-79 Fritz MS, 58:593-614 Heil SH, 55:431-61 Diener E, 54:403-25 Fuligni A, 54:461-90 Heine SJ, 60:369-94 Dijksterhuis A, 61:467-90 Furman W, 60:63 1-52 Hen R, 57:117-—37 Dishion TJ, 62:189-214 Henderson HA, 56:235-62 DiZio P, 56:115-47 Hennessey BA, 61:569-98 DoctorofGfL , 54:517-45 G Henry D, 57:557-83 Domjan M, 56:179-206 Gaissmaier W, 62:45 1-82 Herman CP, 53:187-213 Donnellan MB, 58:175-99 Gallo LC, 62:501-30 Hewstone M, 53:575-604 Doosje B, 53:161-86 Garb HN, 53:519-43 Higgins ET, 59:361-85 Doss AJ, 56:337-63 Geisler WS, 59:167-92 Higgins ST, 55:431-61 Dovidio JF, 56:365-92 Gelfand MJ, 58:479-514 Hirst W, 63:55-79 Dudai Y, 55:51-86 Gelman SA, 60:115-40 Hochman KM, 55:401-30 Dunkel Schetter C, 62:531-58 Gerhart B, 56:571-600 Hodgkinson GP, 59:387-417 Dunn EW, 55:493-518 Gernsbacher MA, 54:91-114 Hollenbeck JR, 56:517-43 Dupré KE, 60:67 1-92 GervainJ , 61:191-218 Hollins M, 61:243-71 Ghera MA, 56:235-62 Hollon SD, 57:285-315 Gigerenzer G, 62:451-82 Holsboer F, 61:81-109 E Glaser R, 53:83-107 Holt LL, 55:149-79 Eby LT, 61:599-622 Glimcher PW, 56:25-56 Holyoak KJ, 62:135-63 Eccles JS, 53:109-32 GliickJ , 62:215-41 Huston AC, 61:411-37 EchterhoffG , 63:55-79 Goethals GR, 56:545-70 Hwang E, 61:169-90 Einarsson E, 61:141-67 Goldstein NJ, 55:591-621 Ellemers N, 53:161-86 Golomb JD, 62:73-101 Emery NJ, 60:87-113 Gonzalez CM, 59:329-60 I Emmons RA, 54:377-402 Goodman GS, 61:325-51 Iacoboni M, 60:653-70 Erez M, 58:479-514 Gorman-Smith D, 57:557-83 Ilgen DR, 56:517-43 Espie CA, 53:215-43 Gottesman II, 56:263-86 Ising M, 61:81-109 Contributing Authors Iyer A, 57:585-611 LeBoeuf RA, 53:491-517 McGuire L, 53:83-107 Izard CE, 60:1-25 Lehman DR, 55:689-714 McKay R, 62:271-98 Le Moal M, 59:29-53 McKenna KYA, 55:572-90 Leonardo ED, 57:117-37 McNally RJ, 54:229-52 J Leuner B, 61:111-40 Meaney MJ, 61:439-66 Leventhal EA, 59:477-505 Meece JL, 57:487-503 Johnson EJ, 60:53-85 Leventhal H, 59:477-505 Mehl MR, 54:547-77 Johnson M, 56:517-43 Levine B, 53:401-33 MehlerJ , 61:191-218 Joiner TE Jr, 56:287-314 JonidesJ , 59:193-224 Levine EL, 63:397-425 Mermelstein RJ, 60:229-55 Lewis RL, 59:193-224 Mesquita B, 58:373-403 Jost JT, 60:307-37 Lieberman MD, 58:25°-89 Metzger A, 57:255-84 Judge TA, 63:341-67 Lievens F, 59:419-50 Milad MR, 63:129-51 Jundt D, 56:517-43 Lilienfeld SO, 53:519-43 Miller GE, 60:501-24 Loewenstein G, 59:647-72 Mischel W, 55:1-22 Logan GD, 55:207-34 MonahanJ , 56:631-59 K Loken B, 57:453-85 Moore KS, 59:193-224 KaganJ , 54:1-23 Lord RG, 61:543-68 Morris R, 59:451-75 Kammeyer-MuelleJrD , Lotto AJ, 55:149-79 Morris RG, 61:49-79 63:341-67 Lowenstein AE, 62:483-500 Morrison C, 59:55-92 Kanwisher N, 55:87-124 Lucas RE, 54:403-25 Moskowitz JT, 55:745-74 KarpJ , 55:333-63 LussieJrP , 55:431-61 Mukamel R, 63:511-37 Kaschak MP, 54:91-114 Lustig CA, 59:193-224 Mulliken GH, 61:169-90 Kazdin AE, 54:253-76 Keefe FJ, 56:601-30 Keen R, 62:1-21 M Keil FC, 57:227-54 MacKenzie SB, 63:539-69 N Keller H, 54:461-90 MacKinnon DP, 58:593-614; Nader K, 61:141-67 Kelley K, 59:537-63 62:299-329 Nagayama Hall GC, 60:525-48 Kelloway EK 60:67 1-92 Maddox WT, 56:149-78 Nairne JS, 53:53-81 Kelman HC, 57:1-26 Maher CP, 61:599-622 Napier JL, 60:307-37 Kerr NL, 55:623-55 Mahon BZ, 60:27-51 Narayan AJ, 63:227-57 Kersten D, 55:271-304 Major BN, 56:393-421 Nee DE, 59:193-224 Kestler L, 55:401-30 Mamassian P, 55:271-304 Nesbit JC, 61:653-78 Kiecolt-GlaseJrK , 53:83-107 Mar RA, 62:103-34 Nezworski MT, 53:519-43 Kingdom FAA, 59:143-66 Marshall PJ, 56:235-62 Nichols KE, 56:235-62 Kitayama S, 62:419-49 Martin A, 58:25-45 Nichols S, 63:81-99 Klin A, 56:315-36 Martin C, 61:353-81 Niedenthal PM, 63:259-85 KnobeJ , 63:81-99 Martin RC, 54:55-89 Niederhoffer KG, 54:547-77 Koob GF, 59:29-53 Mashek DJ, 58:345-72 Nitschke JB, 53:545-74 Kopp CB, 62:165-87 Masicampo EJ, 62:331-61 Norton ES, 63:427-52 Kraiger K, 60:45 1-74 Masten AS, 63:227-57 Norton MI, 60:475-99 Krantz DS, 53:341-69 Matthews KA, 62:501-30 Kruglanski AW, 58:291-316 Maxwell SE, 59:537-63 Kutas M, 62:621-47 Mayer JD, 59:507-36 Mayer RE, 55:715-44 O Maynard A, 54:461-90 O’Brien LT, 56:393-421 L Mays VM, 58:201-25 Ochsner KN, 58:373—403 Lachman ME, 55:305-31 McAdams DP, 61:517—42 Ogle CM, 61:325-51 Lackner JR, 56:115-47 McArdle JJ, 60:577-605 Oishi S, 54:403-25 Langdon R, 62:271-98 McCeney MK, 53:341-69 Olson BD, 61:517-42 Latham GP, 56:485-516 McDermott C, 55:519-44 Olson EA, 54:277-95 Leary MR, 58:317-44 McGuffin P, 54:205-28 Olson GM, 54:491-516 Contributing Authors 595 Olson JS, 54:491-516 Recanzone GH, 59:119-42 Shaywitz BA, 59:451-75 Olson MA, 54:297-327 Rensink RA, 53:245-77 Shaywitz SE, 59:451-75 Orehek E, 58:291-316 Reuter-Lorenz P, 60:173-96 Sherry DF, 57:167-97 Ozer DJ, 57:401-21 Revenson TA, 58:565-92 Shevell SK, 59:143-66 Rhodes G, 57:199-226 Shiffrar M, 58:47-73 Rick S, 59:647-72 Shiner RL, 56:453-84 P Rilling JK, 62:23-48 Shinn M, 54:427-59 RissmanJ , 63:101-28 Shors TJ, 57:55-85 Paloutzian RF, 54:377-402 Robbins P, 63:81-99 Siegel JM, 55:125-48 Paluck EL 60:339-67 Roberts BW, 56:453-84 SilbergJ , 53:463-90 Paradise R, 54:175-203 Roberts RD, 59:507-36 Simonton DK, 54:617—40 Park DC, 60:173-96 Robinson TE, 54:25-53 Sincharoen S, 57:585-611 Parke RD, 55:365-99 Robles TF, 53:83-107 Skinner EA, 58:119-44 Parks L, 56:571-600 Roediger HL III, 59:225-54 Skitka LJ, 57:529-55 Peissig JJ, 58:75-96 Rogoff B, 54:175-203 Smetana JG, 57:255-84 Penn DC, 58:97-118 Rothbart MK, 58:1-23 Snyder DK, 57:317-44 PennebakeJrW, 54:547-77 Rourke BP, 53:309-39 Sobel N, 61:219-41 Penner LA, 56:365—92 Rubin KH, 60:141-71 Sommers T, 63:81-99 Pennington BF, 60:283-306 Rubin M, 53:575-604 Spears R, 53:161-86 Peplau LA, 58:405-24 Ruble DN, 61:353-81 Sporer AK, 60:229-55 Peretz I, 56:89-114 Runco MA, 55:657-87 Staddon JER, 54:115-44 Phelps EA, 57:27-53 Rusbult CE, 54:351-75 Stanton AL, 58:565-92 Phillips DA, 62:483-500 Russell JA, 54:329-49 Staudinger UM, 62:215—-41 Phillips LA, 59:477-505 Rutter M, 53:463-90 Stewart AJ, 55:519-44 Piliavin JA, 56:365-92 Rynes SL, 56:571-600 Stewart MO, 57:285-315 Pinder CC, 56:485-516 Stickgold R, 57:139-66 Pittman TS, 59:361-85 Strunk D, 57:285-315 Pizzagalli D, 53:545-74 S StuewigJ , 58:345-72 Plomin R, 54:205-28 Podsakoff NP, 63:539-69 Sackett PR, 59:419-50 Stuss DT, 53:401-33 Podsakoff PM, 63:539-69 Salmon DP, 60:257-82 Sue S, 60:525-48 PolivyJ , 53:187-213 Salthouse T, 63:201-26 Suh EM, 53:133-60 Posner Mi, 58:1—23 Samuel AG, 62:49-72 Sutter ML, 59:119-42 Poulos AM, 56:207-34 SancheJzI , 63:397-425 Povinelli DJ, 58:97-118 Sandler IN, 62:299-329 Pratte MS, 63:483-509 Sanfey AG, 62:23-48 T Price DD, 59:565-90 Sargis EG, 57:529-55 TangneJyP , 58:345-72 Prislin R, 57:345-74 Saribay SA, 59:329-60 Tarr MJ, 58:75-96 Proctor RW, 61:623-51 Sarkissian H, 63:81-99 Tennen H, 58:565—92 Putnam K, 53:545-74 Saxe R, 55:87-124 Thau S, 60:717-41 Schall JD, 55:23-50 Thompson LL, 61:491-515 Schaller M, 55:689-71 4 Thompson RF, 56:1-23 Schippers MC, 58:515-41 Tindale RS, 55:623-55 Q Schmidt AC, 61:543-68 Tipsord JM, 62:189-214 Quas JA, 61:325-51 Schoenfelder EN, 62:299-329 Tolan P, 57:557-83 Quevedo K, 58:145-73 Schroeder DA, 56:365-92 Tong F, 63:483-509 Quirk GJ, 63:129-51 Schultz W, 57:87-115 Toohey SM, 54:427-59 Serbin LA, 55:333-63 Tourangeau R, 55:775-801 Seyfarth RM, 54:145-73; Triandis HC, 53:133-60 R 63:153-77 Trickett EJ, 60:395-419 Rafaeli E, 54:579-616 Shadish WR, 60:607-29 Tulving E, 53:1-25 Rausch JR, 59:537-63 Shafir E, 53:491-517 Turk-Browne NB, 62:73-101 Rauschecker AM, 63:31-—53 Shanks DR, 61:273-301 Tyler TR, 57:375-400 Contributing Authors U Wanberg CR, 63:369-96 Wiaxted JT, 55:235-69 Uleman JS, 59:329-60 Wandell BA, 63:31-—53 Wolchik SA, 62:299-329 Uskul AK, 62:419-49 WangJ , 61:491-515 WolfM , 63:427-52 Wang S, 61:49-79 Wood J, 61:303-24 Warriner EM, 53:309-39 Wood JM, 5?:519-43 Vv Weber EU, 60:53-85 Weber TJ, 60:421-49 van Knippenberg D, 58:515-41 WeinmanJ , 59:477-505 Y Van Lange PAM, 54:351-75 Weiss H, 53:279-307 Vohs KD, 62:331-61 Weisz JR, 56:337-63 Yeatman JD, 63:31-53 Volkmar F, 56:315-36 Wells GL, 54:277-95 Yeshurun Y, 61:219-41 Vu KL, 61:623-51 Welsh DP, 60:63 1-52 Yuille A, 55:271-304 Whisman MA, 57:317-44 Wigfield A, 53:109-32 Ww Williams KD, 58:425-52 Z Wagner AD, 63:101-28 Willis H, Zane N, 60:525-48 Walker BM, 58:453-77 Wilson TD, 55:493-518 Zatorre RJ, 56:89-114 Walker E, 55:401-30 Wingate LR, 56:287-314 Zhang T, 61:439-66 Walker MP, 57:139-66 Winne PH, 61:653-78 Zimmer-Gembeck MJ], Walumbwa FO, 60:42 1-49 Winter DA, 58:453-77 58:119-44 Contributing Authors 597 Chapter Titles, Volumes 53-63 Prefatory Chapter Episodic Memory: From Mind to Brain E Tulving Biology, Context, and Developmental Inquiry J Kagan Toward an Integrative Science of the Person W Mischel enan w| In Search of Memory Traces RF Thompson unnnnN NhNbmmMew w rn Interests, Relationships, Identities: Three Central Issues for Individuals and Groups in Negotiating Their Social Environment HC Kelman Research on Attention Networks as a Model for the Integration of Psychological Science MI Posner, MK Rothbart The Evolution of aC ognitive Psychologist: A Journey from Simple Behaviors to Complex Mental Acts GH Bower Emotion Theory and Research: Highlights, Unanswered Questions, and Emerging Issues CE Izard 60:1-25 Love in the Fourth Dimension E Berscheid 61:1-25 The Development of Problem Solving in Young Children: A Critical Cognitive Skill R Keen 62:1-21 Working Memory: Theories, Models, and Controversies A Baddeley 63:xxii-29 Animal Learning and Behavior: Basic Learning and Conditioning Animal Cognition Causal Cognition in Human and Nonhuman Animals: A Comparative, Critical Review DC Penn, DJ Povinelli 58:97-118 Basic Learning and Conditioning Learning: From Association to Cognition DR Shanks 61:273-301 Classical Pavlovian Conditioning: A Functional Perspective M Domjan 56:179-206 Neuroscience of Learning Fear Extinction as a Model for Translational Neuroscience: Ten Years of Progress MR Milad, GJ Quirk 63:129-51 The Neuroscience of Mammalian Associative Learning MS Fanselow, 56:207-34 AM Poulos Operant Operant Conditioning JER Staddon, DT Cerutti Biological Bases of Behavior Brain Mechanisms and Behavior Addiction TE Robinson, KC Berridge The Early Education of Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Children DH Arnold, GL Doctoroff The Role of the Hippocampus in Prediction and Imagination RL Buckner Cognitive Neuroscience Cognitive Neural Prosthetics RA Andersen, E Hwang, 61:169-90 GH Mulliken Consummatory Behavior The Brain, Appetite, and Obesity H-R Berthoud, C Morrison Decision Making Indeterminacy in Brain and Behavior PW Glimcher The Neuroscience of Social Decision-Making JK Rilling, AG Sanfey Developmental Psychobiology Structural Plasticity and Hippocampal Function B Leuner, E Gould 61:111-40 Learning to See Words BA Wandell, 63:31-53 AM Rauschecker, JD Yeatman Emotion and Motivation Emotion and Cognition: Insights from Studies of the Human Amygdala EA Phelps Genetics of Behavior Genetics of Affective and Anxiety Disorders ED Leonardo, R Hen 57:117-37 Chapter Titles 599 Learning and Memory Plasticity; Neuroscience of Learning On Building a Bridge Between Brain and Behavior JD Schall The Neurobiology of Consolidations, Or, How Stable is the Engram? Y Dudai Hippocampal-Neocortical Interactions in Memory Formation, Consolidation, and Reconsolidation S Wang, RG Morris 61:49-79 Pharmacology and Bebavior Addiction and the Brain Antireward System GF Koob, M Le Moal 59:29-53 Reward and Addiction Behavioral Theories and the Neurophysiology of Reward W Schultz Sex Neuroendocrine Regulation of Feminine Sexual Behavior: Lessons from Rodent Models and Thoughts About Humans JD Blaustein 59:93-18 Sleep Sleep, Memory, and Plasticity MP Walker, 57:139-66 R Stickgold Stress and Neuroendocrinology Stressful Experience and Learning Across the Lifespan TJ Shors Stress Hormone Regulation: Biological Role and Translation Into Therapy F Holsboer, M Ising 61:81-109 Biological Psychology Genetic Contributions to Addiction JC Crabbe Hypocretin (Orexin): Role in Normal Behavior and Neuropathology JM Siegel Chemical Senses See SENSORY PROCESSES Clinical and Counseling Psychology (See also Psychopathology) Adult Clinical Neuropsychology Child-Clinical/Pediatric Neuropsychology: Some Recent Advances BP Rourke, SA Ahmad, 53:309-39 DW Collins, BA Hayman-Abello, SE Hayman-Abello, EM Warriner 600 Chapter Titles Adult Clinical Neuropsychology: Lessons from Studies of the Frontal Lobes DT Stuss, B Levine 53:401-33 Neuropsychological Assessment of Dementia DP Salmon, MW Bondi 60:257-82 Child Clinical Neuropsychology Relations Among Speech, Language, and Reading Disorders BF Pennington, 60:283-306 DV Bishop Child/Family Therapy Youth Psychotherapy Outcome Research: A Review and Critique of the Evidence Base JR Weisz, AJ Doss, 56:337-63 KM Hawley Clinical Assessment Clinical Assessment JM Wood, HN Garb, 53:519-43 SO Lilienfeld, MT Nezworski Individual Treatment Enduring Effects for Cognitive Behavior Therapy in the Treatment of Depression and Anxiety SD Hollon, MO Stewart, D Strunk Family/Marital Therapy Current Status and Future Directions in Couple Therapy DK Snyder, AM Castellani, MA Whisman Therapy for Specific Problems Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents AE Kazdin Therapy for Specific Problems: Youth Tobacco Cessation SJ Curry, 60:229-55 RJ Mermelstein, AK Sporer Long-Term Impact of Prevention Programs to Promote Effective Parenting: Lasting Effects but Uncertain Processes IN Sandler, 62:299-329 EN Schoenfelder, SA Wolchik, DP MacKinnon Cognitive Processes The Mind and Brain of Short-Term Memory J Jonides, RL Lewis, 59:193-224 DE Nee, CA Lustig, MG Berman, KS Moore Chapter Titles 601 Attention and Performance Cumulative Progress in Formal Theories of Attention GD Logan 55:207-34 A Taxonomy of External and Internal Attention MM Chun, JD Golomb, 62:73-101 NB Turk-Browne Brain Imaging/Cognitive Neuroscience Child-Clinical/Pediatric Neuropsychology: Some Recent Advances BP Rourke, SA Ahmad, 53:309-39 DW Collins, BA Hayman-Abello, SE Hayman-Abello, EM Warriner Understanding Other Minds: Linking Developmental Psychology and Functional Neuroimaging R Saxe, S Carey, N Kanwisher Models of Brain Function in Neuroimaging KJ Friston The Representation of Object Concepts in the Brain A Martin 225-45 Distributed Representations in Memory: Insights from Functional Brain Imaging J Rissman, AD Wagner 63:101-28 Concepts and Categories Human Category Learning FG Ashby, WT Maddox 56:149-78 Concepts and Categories: A Cognitive Neuropsychological Perspective BZ Mahon, 60:27-51 A Caramazza Judgment and Decision Making Rationality E Shafir, RA LeBoeuf 53:491-517 Mindful Judgment and Decision Making EU Weber, EJ Johnson 60:53-85 Experimental Philosophy J Knobe, W Buckwalter, 63:81-99 S Nichols, P Robbins, H Sarkissian, T Sommers Language Processing Neuroimaging Studies of Language Production and Comprehension MA Gernsbacher, 54:91-114 M Kaschak The Neural Bases of Social Cognition and Story Comprehension RA Mar 62:103-34 Memory Remembering Over the Short-Term: The Case Against the Standard Model JS Nairne 602 Chapter Titles