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Annual Review of Physiology 1999 - 2003: Vol 61-65 Index PDF

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Preview Annual Review of Physiology 1999 - 2003: Vol 61-65 Index

CUMULATIVE INDEXES CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS, VOLUMES 61-65 A Branco LGS, 64:263-88 Dorn GW II, 63:391-426; Abrahamson D, 62:649-71 Breyer MD, 63:579-605 64:407-29 Accili D, 65:313-32 Breyer RM, 63:579-605 Downey JM, 62:79-109 Ahima RS, 62:413-37 Britt K, 64:93-127 Drazen JM, 61:593-625 Ahn S, 62:803-23 Biinemann M, 61:169-92 Driskell RR, 65:585-612 Al-Awgati Q, 65:567-83 Butler AA, 63:141-64 Dudley R, 62:135-55 Alper SL, 64:899-923 Byrne BJ, 61:219-42 Duman JG, 63:327-57 Amiri F, 61:193-217 Dunlap JC, 63:757-94 Anderson ME, 64:431-—75 c Dunlap WC, 64:223-62 Anderson SR, 62:697—722 Cancela JM, 63:99-117 Andreoli TE, 63:631-45 Canessa CM, 62:573—94 E Aperia AC, 62:621—47 Cardoso WV, 63:47 1-94 Edwardson JM, Araque A, 63:795-813 Carmignoto G, 61:777-807 Arias IM, 64:595-608 63:795-813 Ellington WR, 63:289-325 Arshavsky VY, 64:153-87 Casseday JH, 61:457-76 Else PL, 62:207-35 Auwerx J, 65:261-311 Clyne C, 64:93-127 Endow SA, 65:161-75 Avery J, 61:777-807 Cohen MV, 62:79-109 Engelhardt JF, 65:585-612 Conkright JJ, 63:555—78 Espey LL, 64:69-92 B Contreras D, 63:815—46 Baines CP, 62:79-109 Cossins AR, 65:231—59 F Balasubramanian K, Cote GJ, 62:377-411 Farmer CG, 61:573—92 65:701-34 Covey E, 61:457-76 Farrugia G, 61:45-84 Balser JR, 64:431-75 Crouch E, 63:521-54 Fayard E, 65:261-311 Barker DS, 65:161-—75 Czech MP, 65:791-815 Feder ME, 61:243—82 Barrett KE, 62:535—72 Fernandez-Chacén R, Baumgartner I, 63:427-—5S0 D 61:753-76 Behar KL, 65:401—27 Daniel TO, 62:649-71 Fettiplace R, 61:809-34 Bell PD, 65:481—500 Davies PL, 63:359-90 Filipek S, 65:851-79 Bennett MJ, 64:477-502 Davis GW, 63:847-69 Finn PW, 61:593-625 Bezprozvanny I, de la Rosa DA, 62:573—94 Fleming RE, 64:663-80 63:847-69 Delpire E, 64:803-43 Fletcher GL, 63:359-90 Biber J, 65:531—42 De Sanctis GT, Flier JS, 62:413—37 Bichet DG, 63:607—30 61:593-625 Forbush B III, 62:515-34 Binart N, 64:47-67 Deutsch C, 64:19-46 Foreman RD, 61:143-67 Bindels RJM, 64:529-49 Devlin PF, 63:677—94 Forster I, 65:531-42 Bolton TB, 61:85—115 De Weer P, 62:919-26 Forte JG, 65:103-31 Boon WC, 64:93-127 Dimaline R, 63:119-39 Forte LR, 62:673-95 Borkan SC, 64:503—27 Dockray GJ, 63:119-39 Francis GA, 65:261-311 Boron WF, 61:699-723 Dohlman HG, 64:129-52 Frappell PB, 62:847-74 921 922 CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS Freeman RH, 62:673-95 Horowitz B, 61:19-43 Lee KB, 61:169-92 Frey N, 65:45-79 Hosey MM, 61:169-92 Lefkowitz RJ, 62:236—60 Fuchs PA, 61:809-34 Hulbert AJ, 62:207—35 Le Roith D, 63:141-64 Furness JB, 61:117-42 Hummler E, 64:877-97 Levine DZ, 65:501-—29 Fyfe GK, 62:573-94 Hunninghake GW, Lewis JF, 65:613-42 65:643-67 Li D, 62:51-77 G Hunt CC, 61:1-17 Li X, 64:609-33 Gagel RF, 62:377-411 Hyder F, 65:401—27 Lightfoot DW, 62:697—722 Garbers DL, 63:215-34 London RM, 62:673-95 Garcia R, 61:193-217 I Lépez-Barneo J, 63:259-87 Gazdar AF, 64:68 1-708 Ichikawa I, 64:551-61 Loros JJ, 63:757—94 George AL Jr, 64:431-75 Ikegami M, 62:825—-46 Gilbertson TA, 61:873—900 Isner JM, 63:427—50 M Ginty DD, 62:803-23 MacLellan WR, Glynn IM, 64:1-18 J 62:289-319 Goffin V, 64:47-67 Jahn R, 61:777-807 Mann DL, 65:81-101 Gold GH, 61:857-—71 Jalife J, 62:25-50 Marden JH, 62:157—78 Gold MS, 61:835-56 Janmey PA, 65:761-89 Masaki T, 61:391-415 Goldin AL, 63:871-94 Jobe AH, 62:825—46 Masereeuw R, 64:563-94 Goodman MB, 65:429-52 Johnson CH, 63:695—728 Massaro D, 62:95 1-60 Gordienko DV, 61:85-—115 Jones M, 64:93—127 Matalon S, 61:627-61 Gracey AY, 65:231-59 Jorgensen PL, 65:817—49 Matern D, 64:477—502 Gratzl M, 65:371-82 Mathieu-Costello O, Greger R, 62:467-91 K 61:543-72 Gullans SR, 64:503-—27 Kahn CR, 65:313-32 Matsusaka T, 64:551-61 Gustafsson J-A, Karlish SJ, 65:817—49 Matthews G, 61:725-52 63:165—92 Kaupp UB, 63:235-57 McCleskey EW, 61:835—56; Kay SA, 63:677-94 65:133—59 H Keely SJ, 62:535—72 McCormick DA, 63:815-46 Haas M, 62:515-34 Kelly PA, 64:47-67 McCray PB Jr, 64:709-48 Hakansson KO, 65:817-49 Kessler PD, 61:219-42 Meier PJ, 64:635-61 Hammond TG, 61:683-—97 Kidd JF, 62:493-513 Melchers K, 65:349-69 Hardie RC, 65:735-59 Kipp H, 64:595-608 Mendelson CR, Harris HW, 61:683—97 Kiriazis H, 62:321-51 62:875—915 Harrison JF, 62:179-205 Kitamura T, 65:313-—32 Minna JD, 64:68 1-708 Hawgood S, 63:495-519 Koch WJ, 62:236—60 Miyauchi T, 61:391-415 Haydon PG, 63:795-813 Kranias EG, 62:321-—51, Miyazaki Y, 64:551-61 Heintz N, 62:779-802 965-69 Mochly-Rosen D, Hernando N, 65:531-42 Krause WJ, 62:673—95 64:407-29 Herness MS, 61:873-900 Kung C, 64:289-311 Molkentin JD, 63:391-426 Hew CL, 63:359-90 Kunze WAA, 61:117-42 Monick MM, 65:643-67 Hilgemann DW, 65:697—700 Moon C, 64:189-—222 Hinkle KL, 65:383-400 L Morello J-P, 63:607—30 Hoenderop JGJ, 64:529-49 Lamb TD, 64:153-87 Mortola JP, 62:847—74 Hoff AO, 62:377-411 Lapointe JY, 65:481—500 Mount DB, 64:803-43 Hofmann GE, 61:243-82 Lazar MA, 62:439-66 Moyes CD, 65:177-201 Hood DA, 65:177—201 Leaf A, 63:1-14 Murer H, 65:531-42 CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS 923 N Richards JS, 64:69-92 Sheng M, 62:755-78 Nattel S, 62:51-77 Rinaldo P, 64:477-502 Shick JM, 64:223-62 Nicoll DA, 62:111-33 Robbins J, 62:261—87, Shulman RG, 63:15-48; Nigam K, 62:595-620 961-63 65:401-27 Niggli E, 61:311-35 Roberts SP, 62:179-—205 Siegelbaum SA, 65:453-80 Nilius B, 64:529-49 Robertson K, 64:93-127 Simpson ER, 64:93-127 Nimchinsky EA, 64:313-53 Robinson RB, 65:453-—80 Sly WS, 64:663-80 Rockman HA, 62:236-60 Sokoloff L, 62:1—24 O Roden DM, 64:431-75 Somero GN, 62:927-—37 O’Brodovich H, 61:627-61 Romero MF, 61:699-723 Speed C, 64:93-127 Ochsner S, 64:69-92 Ronnett GV, 64:189-—222 Srivastava D, 63:451-69 Oertel D, 61:497-519 Roseberry AG, 61:169-92 Stainier DYR, 65:23—43 Olson EN, 65:45—79 Rossier BC, 64:877—97 Steiner AA, 64:263-88 Ortega-Sdenz P, 63:259-87 Rothman DL, 63:15—48; Stenkamp RE, 65:851-79 Osborne N, 65:23-43 65:401-27 Stieger B, 64:635-61 Rozengurt E, 63:49-75 Stocco DM, 63:193-213 P Rubin G, 64:93-127 Stuart RO, 62:595-620 Pajor AM, 61:663-82 Russel FGM, 64:563—94 Siidhof TC, 61:753—76 Pak DTS, 62:755—78 Russell DL, 64:69-92 Svoboda K, 64:313-53 Palczewski K, 65:851—79 Pals-Rylaarsdam R, S i 61:169-92 Sabatini BL, 61:521—42; Teller DC, 65:851-79 Pardal R, 63:259-87 64:313-53 Thibault G, 61:193-217 Parker KL, 61:417—33 Sachs G, 65:349-69 Thorn P, 62:493-513 Paul DL, 61:283-310 Saimi Y, 64:289-311 Touraine P, 64:47-67 Pearson KG, 62:723-53 Sakurai H, 62:595-620 Trapnell BC, 64:775-802 Peti-Peterdi J, 65:481-—500 Samson WK, 61:363-89 Trussell LO, 61:477-96 Pettersson K, 63:165—92 Samuelson LC, Philipson KD, 62:111-33 65:383—400 U Picard F, 65:261-311 Sanders KM, 61:19-43 Unger RH, 65:333-47 Pohl M, 62:595-620 Sands JM, 65:543-66 Usrey WM, 61:435-56 Poulain FR, 63:495-519 Sather WA, 65:133-59 V Powell FL, 65:203—30 Schedl A, 61:417-—33 Pradervand S, 64:877-97 Schild L, 64:877-97 van Aubel RAMH, Prestwich SA, 61:85—115 Schimmer BP, 61:417—33 64:563-94 Prinz C, 65:371-82 Schneider MD, Varro A, 63:119-39 Pugh EN Jr, 64:153-87 62:289-319 Veldhuizen R, 65:613-42 Schnermann J, 65:501—29 von Gersdorff H, R Schroit AJ, 65:701—34 61:725-52 Reeves WB, 63:631-45 Schutte BC, 64:709-48 Regehr WG, 61:521-42; Schwarz EM, 65:429-52 Ww 64:355—405 Scott DR, 65:349-69 Walsh JH, 63:49-75 Reid RC, 61:435-56 Sehgal A, 63:729-55 Wang T, 63:119-39 Renfree MB, 62:353-—75 Seifert R, 63:235-57 Ward DT, 61:683—-97 Reppert SM, 63:647-76 Seino S, 61:337-62 Ward SM, 61:19-43 Reuss L, 62:939-46 Shaul PW, 64:749-74 Warnock DG, 64:845-76 Riccio A, 62:803-23 Shaw G, 62:353-75 Weaver DR, 63:647-76 924 CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS Weaver TE, 63:555—78 Williams MC, 65:669-95 Z Wedel BJ, 63:215-—34 Wilson JD, 62:947—50; Zanner R, 65:371-82 Weeks DL, 65:349-69 65:1-21 Zhang J, 62:439-66 Weinman SA, 64:609-33 Winters CJ, 63:631-45 Zhang P, 62:573-94 West JB, 61:543-72 Wright JR, 63:521-54 Zholos AV, 61:85—115 White TW, 61:283-310 Zéchbauer-Miiller S, Whitsett JA, 64:775-802 3g 64:68 1-708 Williams John A, 63:77—97 Yao X, 65:103-31 Zoghbi HY, Williams Julie A, Yin HL, 65:761-89 62:779-802 63:729-55 Yue L, 62:51-77 Zucker RS, 64:355—405 CHAPTER TITLES, VOLUMES 61-65 Cardiovascular Physiology Mechanisms of Cardiac Pain RD Foreman 61:143-67 Desensitization of G Protein-Coupled Receptors in the Cardiovascular System M Biinemann, 61:169-92 KB Lee, R Pals-Rylaarsdam, AG Roseberry, MM Hosey Regulation of Natriuretic Peptide Secretion by the Heart G Thibault, F Amiri, 61:193-217 R Garcia Myoblast Cell Grafting into Heart Muscle: Cellular Biology and Potential Applications PD Kessler, BJ Byrne 61:219-42 Ventricular Fibrillation: Mechanisms of Initiation and Maintenance J Jalife 62:25-50 Basic Mechanisms of Atrial Fibrillation—Very New Insights into Very Old Ideas S Nattel, D Li, L Yue 62:51-77 Ischemic Preconditioning: From Adenosine Receptor to Karp Channel MV Cohen, 62:79-109 CP Baines, JM Downey Cytoplasmic Signaling Pathways that Regulate Cardiac Hypertrophy JD Molkentin, 63:391-426 GW Dorn II Somatic Gene Therapy in the Cardiovascular System I Baumgartner, 63:427-50 JM Isner Genetic Assembly of the Heart: Implications for Congenital Heart Disease D Srivastava 63:45 1-69 Intracellular Transport Mechanisms of Signal Transducers GW Dorn II, 64:407-29 D Mochly-Rosen Cardiac Ion Channels DM Roden, JR Balser, 64:431-75 AL George Jr, ME Anderson Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorders P Rinaldo, D Matern, 64:477-502 MJ Bennett 926 CHAPTER TITLES Lipid Receptors in Cardiovascular Development N Osborne, 65:23-43 DYR Stainier Cardiac Hypertrophy: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly N Frey, EN Olson 65:45-—79 Stress-Activated Cytokines and the Heart: From Adaptation to Maladaptation DL Mann 65:81-101 Cell Physiology Genetic Diseases and Gene Knockouts Reveal Diverse Connexin Functions TW White, DL Paul 61:283-310 Localized Intracellular Calcium Signaling in Muscle: Calcium Sparks and Calcium Quarks E Niggli 61:311-35 ATP-Sensitive Potassium Channels: A Model of Heteromultimeric Potassium Channel/Receptor Assemblies S Seino 61:337-62 Sodium-Calcium Exchange: A Molecular Perspective KD Philipson, 62:111-33 DA Nicoll Molecular Diversity of Pacemaker Ion Channels UB Kaupp, R Seifert 63:235-57 Cellular Mechanisms of Oxygen Sensing J Lépez-Barneo, 63:259-87 R Pardal, P Ortega-Sdenz Potassium Channel Ontogeny C Deutsch 64:19-46 Cell Biology of Acid Secretion by the Parietal Cell X Yao, JG Forte 65:103-31 Permeation and Selectivity in Calcium Channels WA Sather, 65:133-59 EW McCleskey Processive and Nonprocessive Models of Kinesin Movement SA Endow, DS Barker 65:161-75 Comparative Physiology Heat-Shock Proteins, Molecular Chaperones, and the Stress Response: Evolutionary and Ecological Physiology ME Feder, 61:243-82 GE Hofmann The Evolutionary Physiology of Animal Flight: Paleobiological and Present Perspectives R Dudley 62:135-55 Variability in the Size, Composition, and Function of Insect Flight Muscles JH Marden 62:157-78 Flight Respiration and Energetics JF Harrison, 62:179-205 SP Roberts CHAPTER TITLES 927 Mechanisms Underlying the Cost of Living in Animals AJ Hulbert, PL Else 62:207-35 Evolution and Physiological Roles of Phosphagen Systems WR Ellington 63:289-325 Antifreeze and Ice Nucleator Proteins in Terrestrial Arthropods JG Duman 63:327-S7 Antifreeze Proteins of Teleost Fishes GL Fletcher, CL Hew, 63:359-90 PL Davies Mycosporine-Like Amino Acids and Related Gadusols: Biosynthesis, Accumulation, and UV-Protected Functions in Aquatic Organisms JM Shick, WC Dunlap 64:223-62 Hypoxia-Induced Anapyrexia: Implications and Putative Mediators AA Steiner, 64:263-88 LGS Branco Origin and Consequences of Mitochondrial Variation in Vertebrate Muscle CD Moyes, DA Hood 65:177-201 Functional Genomics and the Comparative Physiology of Hypoxia FL Powell 65:203-30 Application of Microarray Technology in Environmental and Comparative Physiology AY Gracey, 65:231-59 AR Cossins Endocrinology Adrenomedullin and the Control of Fluid and Electrolyte Homeostasis WK Samson 61:363-89 Pathophysiology of Endothelin in the Cardiovascular System T Miyauchi, T Masaki 61:391-415 Gene Interactions in Gonadal Development KL Parker, A Schedl, 61:417-33 BP Schimmer Diapause MB Renfree, G Shaw 62:353-75 Multiple Endocrine Neoplasias AO Hoff, GJ Cote, 62:377-411 RF Gagel Leptin RS Ahima, JS Flier 62:413-37 The Mechanism of Action of Thyroid Hormones J Zhang, MA Lazar 62:439-66 Control of Growth by the Somatropic Axis: Growth Hormone and the Insulin-Like Growth Factors Have Related and Independent Roles AA Butler, 63:141-64 D Le Roith Role of Estrogen Receptor Beta in Estrogen Action K Pettersson, 63:165—92 J-A Gustafsson StAR Protein and the Regulation of Steroid Hormone Biosynthesis DM Stocco 63:193-213 928 CHAPTER TITLES The Guanylyl Cyclase Family at Y2K BJ Wedel, DL Garbers 63:215-34 Prolactin: The New Biology of an Old Hormone V Goffin, N Binart, 64:47-67 P Touraine, PA Kelly Ovulation: New Dimensions and New Regulators of the Inflammatory-Like Response JS Richards, 64:69-92 DL Russell, S Ochsner, LL Espey Aromatase—A Brief Overview ER Simpson, 64:93-127 C Clyne, G Rubin, WC Boon, K Robertson, K Britt, C Speed, M Jones Nuclear Receptors and the Control of Metabolism GA Francis, E Fayard, 65:261-311 F Picard, J Auwerx Insulin Receptor Knockout Mice T Kitamura, 65:313-32 CR Kahn, D Accili The Physiology of Cellular Liporegulation RH Unger 65:333-47 Gastrointestinal Physiology Cellular and Molecular Basis for Electrical Rhythmicity in Gastrointestinal Muscles B Horowitz, 61:19-43 SM Ward, KM Sanders Ionic Conductances in Gastrointestinal Smooth Muscles and Interstitial Cells of Cajal G Farrugia 61:45-84 Excitation-Contraction Coupling in Gastrointestinal and Other Smooth Muscles TB Bolton, 61:85-115 SA Prestwich, AV Zholos, DV Gordienko The Enteric Nervous System and Regulation of Intestinal Motility WAA Kunze, 61:117-42 JB Furness Role of CFTR in the Colon R Greger 62:467-91 Intracellular Ca** and Cl~ Channel Activation in Secretory Cells JF Kidd, P Thorn 62:493-5 13 The Na-K-Cl Cotransporter of Secretory Epithelia M Haas, 62:515-34 B Forbush, III CHAPTER TITLES 929 Chloride Secretion by the Intestinal Epithelium: Molecular Basis KE Barrett, SJ Keely 62:535-72 Gastrin, CCK, Signaling, and Cancer E Rozengurt, 63:49-75 JH Walsh Intracellular Signaling Mechanisms Activated by Cholecystokinin- Regulating Synthesis and Secretion of Digestive Enzymes in Pancreatic Acinar Cells JA Williams 63:77-97 Specific Ca”+ Signaling Evoked by Cholecystokinin and Acetylcholine: The Roles of NAADP, cADPR, and IP3 JM Cancela 63:99-117 The Gastrins: Their Production and Biological Activities GJ Dockray, A Varro, 63:119-39 R Dimaline, T Wang Trafficking of Canalicular ABC Transporters in Hepatocytes H Kipp, IM Arias 64:595-608 Chloride Channels and Hepatocellular Function: Prospects for Molecular Identification X Li, SA Weinman 64:609-33 Bile Salt Transporters PJ Meier, B Stieger 64:635-61 Mechanisms of Iron Accumulation in Hereditary Hemochromatosis RE Fleming, WS Sly 64:663-80 The Gastric Biology of Helicobacter pylori G Sachs, DL Weeks, 65:349-69 K Melchers, DR Scott Physiology of Gastric Enterochromaffin-Like Cells C Prinz, R Zanner, 65:371-82 M Gratzl Insights into the Regulation of Gastric Acid Secretion Through Analysis of Genetically Engineered Mice LC Samuelson, 65:383-400 KL Hinkle Neurophysiology Synchronous Activity in the Visual System WM Usrey, RC Reid 61:435-56 Timing in the Auditory System of the Bat E Covey, JH Casseday 61:457-76 Synaptic Mechanisms for Coding Timing in Auditory Neurons LO Trussell 61:477-96 The Role of Timing in the Brain Stem Auditory Nuclei of Vertebrates D Oertel 61:497-519 Timing of Synaptic Transmission BL Sabatini, 61:521-42 WG Regehr Neural Adaptation in the Generation of Rhythmic Behavior KG Pearson 62:723-53 930 CHAPTER TITLES Ligand-Gated Ion Channel Interactions with Cytoskeletal and Signaling Proteins M Sheng, DTS Pak 62:755-—78 Insights from Mouse Models into the Molecular Basis of Neurodegeneration N Heintz, HY Zoghbi 62:779-802 Spatial Considerations for Stimulus-Dependent Transcription in Neurons S Ahn, A Riccio, 62:803-23 DD Ginty Dynamic Signaling Between Astrocytes and Neurons A Araque, G Carmignoto, PG Haydon On the Cellular and Network Bases of Epileptic Seizures DA McCormick, 63:815—46 D Contreras Maintaining the Stability of Neural Function: A Homeostatic Hypothesis GW Davis, 63:847-69 I Bezprozvanny Resurgence of Sodium Channel Research AL Goldin 63:87 1-94 Calmodulin as an Ion Channel Subunit Y Saimi, C Kung 64:289-311 Structure and Function of Dendritic Spines EA Nimchinsky, 64:313-53 BL Sabatini, K Svoboda Short-Term Synaptic Plasticity RS Zucker, WG Regehr In Vivo NMR Studies of the Glutamate Neurotransmitter Flux and Neuroenergetics: Implications for Brain Function DL Rothman, 65:401-27 KL Behar, F Hyder, RG Shulman Transducing Touch in Caenorhabditis elegans MB Goodman, EM Schwarz Hyperpolarization-Activated Cation Currents: From Molecules to Physiological Function RB Robinson, 65:453-80 SA Siegelbaum Perspectives Pulling the Cart and Enjoying the Ride CC Hunt In Vivo Veritas: Probing Brain Function Through the Use of Quantitative In Vivo Biochemical Techniques L Sokoloff Medicine or Physiology: My Personal Mix A Leaf

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