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Annual Review of Medicine 1995: Vol 46 Index PDF

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INDEXI SUBJECT INDEX and, 129 olt age -lopathies Acetylcholine amyotrophic later treatmento f sis and, 137 inderdiagnosis of, voltage-gated ion nelopathies and Ironate Aching )porosis an j 25 Cumulative trauma Alkaline phosphatase ders and, ¥ hepatitis C virus and Acquired immunode Alkaloid syndrome (AIDS plant tuberculosis and, 49, § wound hez Action potentials Alkylating ag oltage-gated ion chan bone marrow transplanta nelopathies and tion for multiple myeloma 438 ind, 299-300 Acute rejection Allogeneic transplantation xenotransplantation and bone marrow and, 300-1 348 Allografts Acyclovir ellular reduced-size hepatic trans — Epstein-Barr virus-associ plantation and, 507-11 ated posttransplant lym clinical studies and blockers phoproliferative diseases extracellular matrix and hypertension in elderly heapnda,t it3i8s5 C-8 8v,ir us3 9a0n-d9, 1 314 in2hi9b5i7to6r s and, . s—40. ) healnidc,i ty3 2 33 Adenomatous polyps introduction to 992_9 i nuclear hormone receptor sporadic colorectal cancer African Americans gene superfamily and, 446 and, 375-77 carcinoma of head of pan prazolam Adenosine creas and, 362, 365 psychiatric comorbidity organ preservation and hypertension in elderly with gastrointestinal dis- 235, 239-4] and, 28 ease and, 493 INDEXES hormone iippaa roscCoOpP IC ne superfam! in Ifb/Illa as triptyiin and. 261—63 hiatric comorbidit nsin-converting ACE) inhibitors pancreas transplantation | liabetes and, 288-89 itheter ablation Amyloidosis entricular tachycz transmissible. 57 marrow trans am, v9o t yotrophic late for multiple rt stenosis ALS) 299 itheter treatme autoimmunity and nital heart dise 32 160-61 Aortic valve obstructior hal, | 34 fetal surgery and, 69 radicals and Epstein-Barr virus-assoc AP 1 binding site future research and ited posttransplant lym nuclear hormone receptor utamate and, 135 phoproliferative diseases gene superfamily and, 448 introduction to, 133 and, 383, 392 1PC gene pathophysiology and insulin-dependent diabet colon cancer and, 3 é 39 mellitus and, 20 familial adenomatous poly poradic 35—38 subclinical hypothyroidis posis and, 373-74 Analgesics in depression and, 39-4 APOA-|! ulcerative colitis and, 500 transmissible spongiform pancreas transplantation in Anatomic malformations encephalopathies and, 62 diabetes and 197 fetal surgery and, 69-76 vascular endothelial cell \POB Androgen rec eptors growth factor and, 475 pancreas transplantation in nuclear hormone receptor xenotransplantation and diabetes and, 292 polymor perpiasia tral Splar ta tion and transmissibl §-thalassemia and encephal Beta carotene unrelated donors and, 176 Autosomal re Sive ) idult respiratory distress Aspirin lers syndrome and, 201 ulcerative colitis and, 500 diabetes insipidus and §-N-methylamino-apl Ataxia 339-4 alanine (BMAA) transmissibl e spongiform lear hormone rece] amyotrophic lateral scler Oo encephalopathies and, 57 g superfamily 60-62 A4VPR2 gene ATGAM polyclonal antilym diabe and transmissible pongiform phocyte globulin 336-39 encephalopathies and, 58 pancreas transplantation in Azathioprine (AZT BIBU 104 diabetes and, 288 pancreas transplantation in glycoprotein IIb/Iila an- Atherectomy diabetes and, 288, 290 tagonistasnd , 263 glycoprotein IIb/IIIa an ulcerative colitis and, 499 Bilateral hydronephrosis tagonists and, 261-62 502 Seal aeaneny gad 18.06 Atherosclerosis Azulfidine Bilirubin diabetes and, 277, 290, 292 ulcerative colitis and, 499 fulminant hepatic failure INDEXES ssemia and mappi lated donor r ablatior ich and, | entricular ta iftment and ind. 418 ”) rsus host di irdiac tamponade 16 on and sone Marrow Uf tocompatibility and n multiple myeloma tion in §-thala in 5-thalassemia 3726 ? introductio f sutanedione mon xine catheter ablation ~pportunistic , organ preservation and ventricular tach and, 176 ind, 424 overview ol 10 ardiomyopathy recurrent malignancy af hypertrophic, 29 ter transplantation, 176 SA complement ardiovascular disease registrieso f HLA-typpeedd idult respiratory hypertension in elder! volunteer donors, 17 1—73 syndrome and, 197 and 44 survival and, 176-78 c7E3 chimeric antibody left ventricular remodeling Bone mass glycoprotein Iib/Illa an after myocardial in osteoporosis and, tagonists and, 260—62, 264 farction and, 455-64 labora mpl 166 introductior alvuloplast\ tio chronic ind, 476 aucasians hormone re alcohol in elderly and uperfamity amyotrophic lateral sclero sis and, 134 bone marrow transplanta tion from unrelate nors and, 173—7 omorbidit carcinoma of head of pan diabetes an yastrointestinal di creas and, 362, 365 reduced-size hepat . ase 1, 493 Creutzfeld-Jakob diseas« transplantation and, 507 tridiur ff é infectior and. 60 1] olitis and, 500 diabetes and, 270 protet 1S HLA class II antigens and hloride rmone re 18-19 voltage 110n chan gene superfamily hypertension in elder! nelopathies and, 432, 4 obra venom factor and, 28 40) xenotransplantation and tuberculosiasn d, 48, 50 holangiography 356 ( avitation carcinoma of head of pan Cognitive dysfunction tuberculosis and, 51 creas and, 362 subclinical hypothyroidism ( ‘D34-positive cells holecystectomy in depression and, 41-42 bone marrow transplanta laparoscopic transmissible spongiform tion for multiple myeloma as minimally invasive sur encephalopathies and, 5 and, 303 gery, 149-5] 60 Ss 1i 8 INDEXES ibclinical hy potnyro! i n depression and, 43 storage solution ervation and as transplantat and, 288 m (CC ize hepatic tra nd { 509 genital diaphragn hernia (CDH y and hronic wound therapte ind. 468. 478 ntricular remodeli myocardial u ind inant ld hepaetpai c { solution 1d, 186 1 preservation and opper-binding peptide 38 hronic wound therap! pathog incer ind, 476 cl| ophosepnhieants opy DNA (cDNA bon marro application of molecular tissue factor pathw “netics, 378 hibitor and, 105 DNA mutations and orneal transplant Creutzfeld-Jakob adenomatous and 59 polyposis and. 52 79 74 oronar’ artery fistulae clustering and atheter treatment of genital heart dise 1Se a55 -reditary nonpolyposis 164 lospor ylorectal cancer and oronary thrombolysi bone ma 37A 5 lycoprotein I[b/IIla ar nherited syndromes and tagonists and, 2¢ — 39 orticosteroids introductiont o, 371 dult respiratory distr molecular pathogene yndrome and 200 and, 377-78 hepatitis C virus and, 3 I pancreas Uf poradic colorectal , canc pancreas transplantation | habdetk and idenomatous polyps diabetes and 2900 290 275 iiceratiy olitis and, 44 ) licerative colitis and, 503 5013 olon resection ortisol laparoscopic, 154 nuclear hormone ( ( yony-stimulating factor gene superfami! CSFs) 147. 450 hronic wound therapies ough syndrome and ind, 475-76 tuberculosiasnd , 51 201 ( oma peptide assay chronic wound therap fulminant hepatic failur liabetes and ind 468 69, 475 ) and, 182, 185 R1 osteoporosis and, 2 { ymplement xenotransplant ition am xenotransplantation xenotransplantation and 356 351 349. 356 ramping ytome galovirus ( omplete heart block repetitive motion injure bone marrow tra fetal surgery and, 69-70 and, 2 tion and Computed tomography (¢ Ti ulcerative coli and, 501 (-thalassemia and carcinoma of head of par reatinine unrelated donors an creas and, 361-64 clearance 176-77 schizophrenia and, 11 diabetes ar xenotransplantation and 15 RS 294 34 INDEXES Diabetes insipidus autosomal dominar genic, 336 autosomal re rogenic, 5 520 INDEXES i mater homografts ifter myocardia reutzfeld-Jakob dise farction and, 4¢ ind 38 59 nce phalopathy Jysautonom hepatic RR Creutzfeld-Jakob dis ulminant hepat introduction and, 60 and, 181-82, 184 monoclonal polymorp dyslipidemia transjugular intrah 3-cell lymphoma micrealbuminuria portosystemic shu pathogenesis and tes and, 100 polyclonal polymo Yysplasi ul insmissible cell lymphoma 57-64 atment of , 390 docarditi uncomplicate spiratory d iatheter ablation i plant infec ind. 194 entricular tact cleosis 384-6 notransplantatior 1doprosthesis 347 ircinoma of head RAP160 coactivator creas and, 369 tein ir }h ormone ndoscopic ultrason nuclear hormone tf gene superfamily Zollinger-Elliso gene superfamily Echocardiography ind. 395. 403 tal surgery an 3 ndothelial adhe HI ft ventricular remodeling Culies 1s ifter myocardial in adult respiratory rythromycit farction and, 456, 45% syndrome and carcinomoaf fT Education Y creas and, 366 1lconol in elderly ndothelial cells EGTA xenotransplantation and tissue 349. 5] 3565 hibitor ndotoxin electin tissue factor pathw xenotransplan tissue factor pathway mibditor and, 109 480) 356-57 hibitor and, 105 nd-stage renal failur sophageal procedur Elbow pad diabetes and. 79. § laparoscopic, 153 umulative trauma disor s ~ 35, 2> 608 > X6 strogen lers and, 10 nthesopathies osteoporosis and lerly repetitive motion nuclear hormone ilcohol use and, 12 and, 1-3 gene supertan yotrophic lateral ntrapment 144-5] sis and, 133 cumulative traur thambutol liabetes and ders and, 9, 14 tuberculosis ¢ hypertension in, 27—34 nzyme-linked immunos« thionamide ubclinical hypothyroidism bent assay (ELISA) tuberculosis < n depression and, 39 hepatitisC virus and thnicity tuberculosis and, 48 xenotransplantation ar alcohol tn elderly and ctrical fields 349 tidronate hronic wound therapic pidemiologic Catcl »steoporosis and + ind, 476 Area Study uroCollins solution Electroconvulsive therapy alcohol in elderly organ preservation and, 238 (ECT) pidermal growth fac XCILOLOXICILY subclinical hypothyroidism (EGF) amyotrophic lateral scler« in depression and, 42 chronic wound therapies sis and, 135-3 141 Electroencephalogram (EEG and, 474, 477 xercise Creutzfeld-Jakob disea nuclear hormone receptor osteoporosis and, 250 and. 58-59 gene superfamily and, 44 XOSURI Electromyography (EMG pigastric pain adult respiratory distress cumulative trauma disor Zollinger-Ellison syndrom syndrome and, 200 ders and, 13 and, 396 xtracellular matrix voltage-gated ion chan pilepsy advanced glycation end nelopathies and, 439 myotonia of brain and, 440 products and, 225-26 Electrophysiology pstein-Barr virus (EBV) chronic wound therapies catheter ablation in supra posttransplant lymphopro and, 468-71, 473, 478 ventricular tachycardia liferative diseases anc xtracorporeal membrane and, 413-23 benign polyclonal poly oxygenation (ECMO) Enalapril morphic B-cell hyper congenital diaphragmatic left ventricular remodeling plasia, 386 hernia and, 69-70, 7 72-7732 INDEXES S nor 99 ubDerculosis ialuridine fulminant h ind, 183 ibrillatic atrial, 42 ibrin tissue factor pathw hibitor and, 103—4 Fibrinogen glycoprotein Ib/illa ar RS ees insipidus and tagonists and, 257 YY experimental therapies and liabet s melllitus and, 27 7 6 2 189 in-induced paralyses tissue factor pathw iV in general inter SIV ind, 431 hibitor and, 104, 109 185—86 subclinical hy pothyroidisn Ss 22 INDEXES Jepression and olta re-gated 101 nelopathies and Zollinger-Ellisor ind, 396 ( yene knockout osteoporosis ind 1 ( yenes idenomatous poly] 3745 77 iumyotrophic lateral sclero sis and |}3 4-3 bone marrow transplanta tion from unrelated d ron nors and 169, 171 anndd, +4 lon cancer and Growth fact Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease tion an chronic w ind, 60-61, 63 multiple myeloma and and, 468-78 diabetes insipidus an ywth hormor 40 nic woun Epstein-Barr ated posttransplant lym UL le if hormone I phoproliferative disease gene upertan and, 382 IRA BRE ) 444 446-50 319] Glucose H amilial adenomatous poly liabet Ssa nd posis anc 1 373-74 75 4 4 H>-rece fatal familial insomnia ar Glutamate Zollinge 6U imyotrophic and, 3‘ Gerstmann-Straussler-Scl is and, 135 HK-ATP inker disease and, 61—63 Glutamic acid d1 ecarbox yla Zollinger hepatitis ¢ virus and, 31( isulin-dependent diabete and, 399 hereditary nonpolyposi mellitus and, 20 Halothane Jorectal cancer and Glutathione GSH fulminant hepati 37475 idult respiratory and, 184, 188 hypertrophic syndrome | Headaches cardiomyopathy and cumulatiy 20 ers and microalbuminuria in diabe -alth care tes and, 85 1 IIb/Ila hepatitis¢ nultiple myeloma and 305 antagonitso,t s 257-64 HIV and nuclear hormone receptor Glycosaminoglycans Heart 443-5] tissue factor pathway adult respiratory sporadic colorectal cancer hibitor and, 108 syndrome and and, 375-77 Goiter catheterization ¢ §-thalassemia and subclinical hypothyroid in congenital hea transmissible spongifo in depression and, 40 ease, 159-67 encephalopathies and, 57 Gonadotropin organ preservatior 60 bone marrow transplanta 35-% 243-44j oltage-gated ion char tion from unrelated do xenotransplantation and nelopathies and, 431—40 nors 346. 348 xenotransplantation and Heat-shock proteins 347 nuclear hormone receptor Genetic susceptibility Grafts gene superfamily and HLA claIIs antsige ns and chronic wound therapies 4.45—4 7 > ges ails ie 21 and, 4 s Helicases Gerstmann-Straussler-Sche Graft versus host diseas« hepatitis C virus and inker disease GVHD Helicobacter | genetic control of, 57, 6 bone marrow transplanta peptic ulcer disease and 63 tion and 154, 487 Gestational age in multiple myeloma Hemag glutination fetal surgery and, 68, 70, 73 300-1 subclinical hypothyroidism Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia in B-thalassemia, 321-24 in depression and, 40 glycoprotein IIb/IIa an 326-29 Hematoma tagonists and, 258 unrelated donors and, catheter ablation in supra Global ventricular enlarge 169-71, 174-76, 178 ventricular tachycardia

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