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Annual reports of the town officers of Hinsdale, N.H PDF

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Preview Annual reports of the town officers of Hinsdale, N.H

,o[l ANNUAL REPORTS OF HINSDALE, N. H. 1991 ANNUAL REPORTS OF HINSDALE. N. H 1991 . DEDICATION Ihe Hinsdale Board of Selectmen are pleased to dedicate the 1991 Tcwn R^>Drt to Patrolman David M. Whittle, Firefighter Brian Michaud and Citizen Richard Hood for their life saving efforts on August 6, 1991 v?hen they all assisted in giving life sipport to young Trish Whittle v^en her vehicle struck the "old mill" on Main Street in do^mtown Hinsdale. Trish is currently undergoing theropy and has been since the accident happened, but is shewing inprovement with each day that passes We would like to recognize their endless efforts as workers and citizens in our oomnunity and thank them again for a job well done. Jc^^l^P. MDrris, Jr. Chairman ^hn R. Bennett ,^ -O^ice-Chairman John J. Dominick, Jr. Selectmen 7 IN MEMOFCIAM Rcibert F'. Mai-shaJ. 1 1905 -• 1991 25 Year Member Hinsdale Fire Department Robert N„ Savory 1928 -- 1991 Veteran U. S- Air F-orce Member Hinsdale V. F„ W. Post 4234 Member Brattleboro American Leoion F'ost 5 He1ped Estab1 ish Hinsdale Li111e League Tawn c:>t Hirisda1e 1"3.K Co1 Iector 19 & 1989 Charles A» Rosploch, Sr. 1912 - 1992 Former Member of the Hinsdale Police Department Membet- of the Internationa1 rdei-^ dd F"'eJ. 1ows Member of the Knights of Columbus Charter Member Hinsdale Lions Club Member of the Hinsdale Historical Society Romao W Re au . r"i cl 1916 - 1992 veteraxn of U. S.. Army Member Hinsdale V. F. W. Post 4234 Member Brattleboro American Legion F-'ost 5 Member Disabled American Veterans Member Brattleboro Lodge EHks Hinsdale Selectman 1978 -• 1987 FcjrmeI-- Hinsdale E^ui 1ding Inspector 2. INDEX Appropriations Taxes Assessed 20-21 ?••' Auditors Report 86-87 Bonded Debt 23-24 Budget 15-17 Compartive Statement of Appropriations Expenses 77-83 ?•• Compartive Statement of Indebtness Valuation ?< Taxes 22 Conservation Commission Report 93 Dedication Fire Department Report 100-104 Index 3 Inventory 19 Library Report 86-92 Memoriam 2 Payments 75-76 Police Report 94-97 Receipts 6e'-74 Report of the Welfare Director 105 Revenue 18 Tax Collectors Reports 26-67 Town Clerks Report 25 Town Officers 4-7 Town Warrant e-14 Trustee of Trust Funds Report 84-85 Vital Statistics Births 106 Marriages '7-108 Deaths 109 Water Sewer Department Reports 98-99 ?•/ o or, e e1 soy. r. s 9 TOWN OFF--ICERS tl9„d.^.!'.!.^:-'to.tZ. Ric:harc:l S. Johinson, Jr h Bss.ess.ojrs S.!^.i.^iLl?:.(D.§?.r'!l John R. Bonnet b Tei-"m Ekpir-es 1992 Josephi P. M rris^ J . T& m E";<pif-^e 19 3 Joh-in J'. I)ominicI-::, Ji-" Tei-^m Expires 1994 Town Cl.erk Jean T. Sav•::ji--^y Town Ti.;;f^.asu.r.er Mar.1oI-ie F'. lavorotn Col 1ft?ctor- of Ta;;•es Duff A. Delano Admnistrative Assistant Dean Ei. Shankle, Jr« Pirector yj^.01[Q.yi2.1...tL;^ 0.§jr^.!i..LQP.!l!i?.D.i^ D nna harshall F-". Pu.b.l._i..c Works Su.p r"v^is r Ia)aVne^ I"-"iqi.ie11e Nater- Depai-'tment Sl.'.pt Dennis J, Nadeau klastewater Treatment F;_lant S.up t^_^ Robert M. Br:i.nek 5uperVisors of the ChecI--;list Le03 A,. i3oodeno"..ioh Donna F-'"„ Mar-sha.1 1 Mar-ia ('.'.;. Shaw Vac:hon t: C1ukay OVeI-"iiiie i" of (!!)har-itie A1 1ene Bonrie1 ChieRofbeQrft1F'Jir» eJ.iDohepnasrontment Forest re Warden F:i. Robert J- .Johnson Deputy Wairdens Doi.i.q1a'B Stephen<b Jay Matuszewski Denni5 Nadeau Jon Roy James liitcheell Daniel Seymour Mic:haeI Four-^niei-^ Josephi Dou.ce11e 4. tt« 1 m i e s Health Officer Dr„ George Ide1kope Chief of Police Clayton W. Giroveh-, Jr» Police SerQe-ant John J. Du.dek Patrolmen David Whittle "m". Wi 1 iam 0. Cole Specia1 Pol ice Q.f.l.i.cers John Bonnet Christopher Roberts Fv„ A1 fred (;:)ero, .Ji-^ Danie?1 Stc:)i...icihton !1ic!"Iae1 Hethiei-^man F^:obe^^: Ti 1 1son F-"I-"ederick F-'o11er, Jr« Dennis Wright Serae P„ F-'ou1 io Pol ice Matr.on F-Oj.th W, E^oemig Anima1 Contro1 Gffi.cei-- Wi 1 1 iam 0. Cole yr.Q^.§i.n.9_....Jly^.jc£!.i. Karen )")ingman J'ohn Hc:)we 11-"-ene Page Municipal CoLi_rt_ Eu.gene E. Gaffe?y, Justice MejT!or_i_al Dav Comti:i.11ee^ Michael BoIden Arthur Pavao Trustee of Trust F-unds Grson Smith 'I'erm Ekoif^es 1992 Sl"iarran Smith Term Expir-e 199:3 Grace Worden Term EiKpires 1994 Library Trustees Mary Major Term Expires 1992 IVa Ne1son, Tre^asurer Term Expir^es 199."::; Dor1s Smith Term Ekpires 1994 Budqet Co mi11e James Mitchell Term Espires 992 1 Patr-ick 'C;onnor Term Expires 1992 Ks.thy Stephens Term E;<pires 1992 5. . , o x e r 2s Budqgt Commi11ee Ted Levasseur Term Expires 1993 Ric:hai-"ci Shiawh S3r Term Expir-es 1993 John D„ Smith T'er\i) E)•;p)ir-^es 1993 Lee Brown Term Ekpi i-^e^5 1994 Elizabeth Michaud T'erm Expir-es 1994 F-'eter W., Zavorotny Term Expir-es 1994 John F Bonne11„ Se1ectman Cemetery Sexton Frederick D. Wolfe Nurse Hc:)me Flea11h {;;jai-"e ?^ t!; iTiinunity £5et-"vic::e FJ.. Hinscja1e (I;c:)mmu.nity Hou.se Cor11ac:t !•<obei-^t I--'ei-^kin EnfIeI-"Qenc;y ManaCjement Pirecto FUchard Bradbury 'ili^.H.i.^i.sii.Qir. EfTierqeric:y Manaqement llir.:^£tors, Wayne- Dingman Robert El iot 1 F'1ann1nq Board Earline Nixon Term Exj: ires 1992 Be1-^nard Matl"iew<iiion„ Jr"., Term Expires 1993 Dexter Royce, Jr« Term Expires 1993 Michael Tepper Term Expires 1994 F^1c:hard Bradbury Term Expires 1994 Cory Carrier Term Expires 1994 Leon Dunbar Alternate Douglas Rei 1 ly Alternate JosepFi Pn Morri^, Jr.. , Selectman 13oard of Adjustme^nt LeNis Major TerlYi F:!xidir-^es 1992 Pester Gouqer Term Expires 1992 Ric::hai"d AncJeri:;icjn TerfTi Expir^es 1993 Eyan Deutsch Term Expires 1994 JosepFl F-', Mori-"is Jr.. Selectman F'arks Recreation Committee ?/ Diana Di 1 Ion T'eI"-m E. pii" 's 199 Al lene Bennett Term Expires 1992 Irene F'aqe Term Expires 1992 Chery1ee M>::;)nmaney Term F^xpires 1992 John R. Bonne11 Selectman

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