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Annual reports of the town officers of Hinsdale, N.H PDF

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Preview Annual reports of the town officers of Hinsdale, N.H

ANNUAL REPORTS OF HINSDALE, NEW HAMPSHIRE 1997 ANNUAL REPORTS OF HINSDALE, NEW HAMPSHIRE :sss: 1997 The Hinsdale Board of Selectmen has dedicated this year's town report to Michael F. Bolderi "ilk»@|9K||^'Hnsfirai^l Mike embodied what the heart and soul ofthis community is all about. A resident ofHinsdale for most ofhis life, he attended the same schools he was later to serve. He served as the Hinsdale Truant Officer and worked as custodian ofthe schools until his retirement. He was a veteran ofWorld War II, coming home from serving his country- to serve his town. He was active in the Town of Hinsdale Fire Department, the Hinsdale Police Department, the Hinsdale Memorial Day Committee and a Director ofthe Hinsdale Historical Society. Mike was what small town life is all about. It is with great sadness that we saw his passing this year. He will be greatly missed by the community that he served so well. Memoriam In Orson Smith 1909-1997 Town fv^ >derator Trustee ofthe Trust Funds Hinsdai' Historical Societ} 1 INDEX Report Page 997 TownMeetingMinutes 82 1 AppropriationsandTaxesAssessed 18 Ashuelot LocalRiverAdvisoryCommitteeReport 71 Auditor'sReport 67 Births 88 bondedDebt 22 BudgetWorksheet-Expenditures 12 BudgetWorksheet-Revenues 14 BuildingInspectorsReport 75 CommunityDevelopmentOfficeReport 74 & ComparativeStatementofIndebtedness,.Valuation Taxes 21 Deaths 91 Dedication 2 FireDepartmentReport 79 InMemoriam 3 Index 4 LibraryReport 69 Marriages 89 PoliceReport 72 Selectmen'sOrdersPaid ^ 52 Selectmen'sReport- SummaryofInventory 17 SewerDepartmentReports 78 TaxCollector'sReport 25 TownClerk'sReport 24 TownOfficials 5 TownWartant 9 Treasurer'sReport- SewerDepartment — 51 Treasurer'sReport-TownofHinsdale 47 Treasurer'sReport-WaterWorks 50 TrusteeofTrustFundsReport 65 Uncollected 1994TaxLiens 4 Uncollected 1995 TaxLiens 40 Uncollected 1996TaxLiens 38 Uncollected 1997TaxLiens 35 Uncollected 1997PropertyTaxes 28 Uncollected 1997YieldTaxes 41 Uncollected 1997CurtentUsePenalty 41 UncollectedWater& SewerRents 43 UnpaidResidentTaxes 42 WaterDepartmentReports 76 Town ofHinsdale Officials Moderator RichardS. Johnson,Jr KathyA. Steplicns TermExpires 1998 LewisD. Major Term Expires 1998 Daniel S. Seymour Tciir. Hxpires 1999 Richc.iJ F. Tracy Term Lxpires 1999 WilliamNebelski TermExpires 2000 TownClerk JeanT. Savory TownTreasurer MarjorieF.Zavorotny CollectorofTaxes RichardE. Shaw, Sr. TownAdministrator CoryCarrier CommunityDevelopmentDirector DonnaP. Marshall HighwaySuperintendent FrankPodlenski ActingLandfillSuperintendent FrederickPotter WaterDepartmentSuperintendent DennisJ.Nadeau WastewaterTreatmentPlantSuperintendent RobertJ. Johnson SupervisorsoftheChecklist LeeA. Goodenough DonnaP. Marshall MariaC. Shaw Auditors Vachon&Clukay OverseerofChanties AlleneBonnett ChiefofFireDepartment RobertJ. Johnson ForestFireWarden RobertJ. Johnson DeputyWardens Douglas Stephens JayMatuszevvski Daniel Seymour JonRoy JamesMitchell MichaelFoumier DennisNideau HealthOfficer Dr.GeorgeIdelkope ChiefofPolice DavidM.Whittle Patrohnen JohnJ. Dudek, Sgt. ChristopherK. Roberts EdwardJ.Wilson,Jr. JohnR. Bonnett SpecialPoliceOfficers AlfredGero,Jr. RobertTillson MichaelC. Bomba ToddA.Faulkner ThaddeusJ. Derendal Jason R.Graves Dispatcher/Secretary MichelleD.Rideout CrossingGuards PeggyCatozzi JohnHowe MemorialDayCommittee JohnBuraczynski PaulPelkey TrusteeofTrustFunds GraceWorden TermExpires 1998 KristineC.Zavorotny TermExpires 1998 RichardWorden TermExpires 1999 LibraryTrustees EarlineNixon TermExpires 1999 IvaNelson TermExpires 1999 JudySmith TermExpires2000 CemeteryTrustees RobertBrinck TermExpires 1998 CharlesRoy TermExpires 1999 DwightBlossom TermExpires2000 BudgetCommittee JamesMitchell Term Expires 1998 PatrickO'Connor TermExpires 1998 GeorgeSmith Term Expires 1998 BemieNixon Term Expires 1999 RichardE. Shaw, Sr. TermExpires 1999 John D. Smitli TermExpires 1999 KevinCarrier TermExpires 2000 .ElizabethM. Micliaud TermExpires2000 Pel..rZavorotny TermExpires2000 DanielS. Seymour, SeLctman CemeterySe?rtQn FrederickD.Wolfe EmergencyManagementDirector MichaelG. Fournier PlanningBoard DexterRoyce,Jr. TermExpires 1998 RoyRyan TermExpires 1998 MichaelTepper TermExpires 1999 Russell Pelloni TermExpires 1999 KennethLee TermExpires 1999 JamesSavory TermExpires200^ WilHamNebelski, Selectman BoardofAdjustment DavidCastine TermExpires 1998 DonaldVenice TermExpires 1998 RichardAnderson TermExpires 1999 JamesO'Malley TermExpires 1999 JamesDenno TermExpires2000 MichaelTepper Altemate WilliamNebelski, Selectman Parks&RecreationCommittee AlleneBonnett TermExpires 1998 JeromeEbbighausen,Jr. TermExpires 1999 DianaDillon TermExpires 1999 AnnMarieDiorio TermExpires 1999 MarkProuty TermExpires 1999 RichardF.Tracy, Selectman W Solid asteCommittee RichardBradbury TermExpires 1999 RichardJohnson TermExpires 1999 RickCarrier TermExpires 1999 PatrickO'Connor TermExpires 1999 Mattliew Edson Ter i Expires 1999 SolidWasteCommittee(continued) GeorgeSmith TermExpires 1999 DanielS. Seymour, Selectman ConservationCommission Gordon Schofield Term[expires 1999 Barbara Fostyck TermExpires2000 WilliamRoberts TennExpires2000 BerylKendrick Alternate ClaytonFecto Alternate LewisD. Major, Selectman CommunityCenterCommittee DavidWard TermExpires 1999 JeromeEbbighausen,Jr. TermExpires 1999 DonnaTuUer TermExpires 1'^'99 DianaDillon TermExpires2000 Timotl^.yGirroir TermExpires2000 AnnDiorio Alternate LewisD.Major, Selectman Volunteersaretheheartofanycommunity!

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