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Annual reports of the town officers of Alstead, N. H PDF

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Preview Annual reports of the town officers of Alstead, N. H

/^ Annual Reports Of The Selectmen And Other Town Officers of the Town of ALSTEAD, N.H. FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31 1995 TOWN MEETING Tuesday, March 1996 12, TOWN INFORMATION Selectmen 835-2986 Meetings on Tuesdays, as posted. Town Clerk - Tax Collector 835-2242 Hours:Mon., Tues., Wed. 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Thurs., 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Planning Board - Fourth Tuesday ofthe month 8:00 p.m. Zoning Board ofAdjustment- First Monday ofthe month, 7:30 p.m. Zoning Officer: E.Dale Wilson 835-2231 evenings Health Officer: James O'Brien 835-2349 evenings Conservation Commission - FirstThursday ofthe month, 7:00 p.m. Fire Department Executive Board - First Monday ofthe month, 7:00 p.m. Regular Meeting - Second Monday ofthe month, 7:00 p.m. Ambulance/Rescue Squad - Third Wednesday ofthe month, 7:00 p.m. Drills held on the fourth Monday ofthe month, 7:00 p.m. Library Hours 835-6661 Wednesday 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. & 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Thursday & Friday, 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Transfer Station Hours 835-2425 Monday and Wednesday, 1:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Town Highway Garage 835-2428 Front Cover: Alstead Town Insignia TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Town Officials 1 Town Warrant 3 1996 Budget 8 Inventory of Property 11 Board of Selectmen Report 12 Auditor's Report 15 Road Agent Report 70 Transfers Recycling Report 72 Zoning Board ofAdjustment Report 73 Shedd Porter Memorial Library Report 74 Conservation Commission Report 75 Shedd Porter Memorial Library Report 76 Police Department Report 77 Fire Commissioners Report 80 Vilas Pool Report 81 Forest Fire Warden Report 82 Fire Department Report 83 Ambulance Report 85 Trustees ofTrust Funds Report 86 Historical Society Report 87 Cemetery Custodian Report 88 Planning Board Report 89 Town Clerk/Tax Collector Report 90 Birth Statistics 91 Marriage Statistics 92 Death Statistics 93 TOWN OFFICIALS Betty Woodell Michael F. Rodgers Veronica LaFleur Stephen Blake Gloria Seddon Joni Jo Roy Kenneth Winham Neil Swift Jr. Warren campbell Erwin Ward Warren Campbell H. Douglas Bays Julia Cunniff E. Dale Wilson Marie Bender Bruce Bellows Reginald Clark James O'Brien Carroll E. Hatch H. Douglas Bays Dorothy Walker Geraldine Swift Suzette Langlois Mary Lou Muffling Susan Rogers Howard Goss Harry Neal Clifford Clark Harry A. Neal Molly Leonard Stanley F. Kmiec Cindy Miller Planning Board Term Betty Woodell Ex-Officio Walter C. Righter Planning Board Matt Saxton Alternate Rosemarie Caffrey Alternate Jayne L'Heureux Alternate Donald Bascom Planning Board Julie Stevens Planning Board Peter Rhoades Planning Board David Young Zoning Board of Harry Neal Adjustment Thomas Hancock, Jr Alternate Alan Wilson Alternate Heather Gendron Alternate Jerry Blake Alternate Matt Saxton Thomas Smidutz David Fiske Richard Minard STATE OF NEWHAMPSHIRE TOWN WARRANT To the inhabitants ofthe Town ofAlstead in the County ofCheshire, in said State, qualified to vote in Town affairs: You are hereby notified to meetatthe Municipal Building in said Alstead on Tuesday, the 12th day ofMarch, next at 1:00 p.m. Pollswill be open until 7:00 p.m. The business meeting to be holden at 7:30 p.m. on the following: Article 1: To choose all necessaryTown Officers forthe ensuing year. Article 2: To see ifthe Town will vote to adoptthe provisions of RSA40:13 to allow official ballotvoting on all issues beforethe Town ofAlstead. By Petition Official Ballot Recommended bythe Board ofSelectmen Note: Understate lawthis articlewill require a 60% affirmative vote foradoption. A copy ofRSA40:13 is available during normal business hours atthe Town Clerks or Selectmen's office. Article 3: To see iftheTown will voteto raise and appropriatethe sum of $5,000.00 (Five Thousand Dollars) forthe purchase oftwo smoke filtration systems to be placed in the new EastAlstead Fire Station, to satisfythe requirements ofNFPA (National Fire Protection Association). By Petition Recommended by Fire Commissioners and Fire Department Recommended bythe Board ofSelectmen Article 4: To see ifthe Town will vote to raise and appropriatethe sum of $12,120.00 (TwelveThousand One Hundred Twenty Dollars), for thefollowing health agencies; a. Home Health Care & Comm. Serv. $ 9,500.00 b. Monadnock Family Serv. $1,754.00 c. Southwestern Comm. Serv. $ 866.00 Recommended bythe Board ofSelectmen Article 5: To see iftheTown will voteto raise and appropriate the sum of $7,800.00 (Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars) forgates and fence replacementtotheAlstead cemeteries. Recommended bythe Board ofSelectmen Article 6: To see iftheTownwill voteto raise and appropriatethe sum of$500.00 (Five Hundred Dollars) to be used to form a committee to look into the feasibility ofestablishing a Youth Centerin the town ofAlstead. By Petition Recommended bythe Board ofSelectmen Article 7: To see iftheTown will voteto raise and appropriate the following sums for items and purposes listed, with $20,000.00 (Twenty Thousand Dollars) to be taken from current surplus as provided by RSA 35:5, to be applied tothese expenditures; a. Executive ff. Special Revenue, Recycling Fund $ 4.500.00 $893.314.00 Recommended bythe Board ofSelectmen To see ifthe Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of$2,500.00 (Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars), forthe purpose ofconstruction and installation ofa newconcrete pad and blockwall along with reroofing ofthe dugouts on Millot Green. By Petition Recommended bythe Board ofSelectmen To see ifthe Town will voteto reclassifythe Class VI portion ofthe now named Rogers Road to a ClassV highwayfrom the Rogers drivewayto the driveways ofCooper, Vos and Burke, a distance ofapproximately 1,300 feet (One Thousand Three Hundred Feet) pursuantto RSA 231:22 and RSA231:29. Recommended bythe Board ofSelectmen To see ifthe Town will voteto raise and appropriate the sum of $12,970.00 (Twelve Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy Dollars) to repair the Vilas Pool bridge and authorizethewithdrawal of$8,970.00 (Eight Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy Dollars), plus interest, being all of thefunds in the Capital Reserve Fund created forthat purpose. The balance of$4,000.00 (FourThousand Dollars) to come from general taxation. Recommended bythe Board ofSelectmen To see iftheTown will vote to urge our representatives to the General Court of NH and US Congress to pass laws reforming electoral campaign financing, thus returning the political process to the will ofthe people and encouraging the participation ofcandidateswith great ability and limited means. Measures to accomplish this may include, but not be limited to, the following. 1. Sharp limitations on all forms ofcontributions to candidates, including soft money contributions (contributions to political parties). Maximum spending limits perelection linked to geographic and demographic makeup ofeach state and district, such as $1.00 pervoter. Sharp limitations on all forms ofspending to influence elections, including independentexpenditures. Sharp limitations on contributionsto and spending by political action committees; and 5. Remedies, such asfree broadcasttime, postal subsidies, and democratic (public) financing, to balance inequities between credible candidates, incumbent and challenger, rich and poor. By Petition Recommended bythe Board ofSelectmen Article 12: To see ifthe Town will voteto adoptthe provisions ofRSA 32:14-23 ofthe Municipal Budget Law pertaining to the establishing ofa Budget Committee. Note: Ifthe vote is favorable, theTown shall atthatsame meeting vote, by ballot or othermeans, determine the numberofmembers at large, as provided by RSA 32:15 I, and whetherthey shall be elected or appointed by the Moderator. Copies of RSA 32:14-23 are available attheTown Clerk or Selectmen'soffice during normal business hours. By Petition Ballot Not Recommended bythe Board ofSelectmen Article 13: To see ifthe Town will vote to establish a Capital Reserve Fund, known as the Parks and Conservation Fund underthe provisions of RSA 35:1 forthe purpose ofacquiring additional parks and conservation land within the town ofAlstead, and to raise and appropriate the sum of$4,000.00 (FourThousand Dollars) forthis fund and purpose. Recommended bythe Board ofSelectmen Article 14: To see ifthe Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of$5,000.00 (Five Thousand Dollars) to be added to the Capital Reserve Fund entitled Town Office Capital Reserve Fund previously established, forthe purpose ofacquiring/building a structure forfuture use as municipal offices. Recommended bythe Board ofSelectmen Article 15: To see iftheTown will authorize the Selectmen to sell and convey any real estate acquired bytax deeds, by auction, sealed bids or private sale

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