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Annual reports of the Town of Barnstead, New Hampshire PDF

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Preview Annual reports of the Town of Barnstead, New Hampshire

Annual Report ofthe •% ^•- o^^Nr^^ m iff -^^1 "' i°\ /^s 1727 %-V: %-.., ..•^/ <>. >< •• • ^v:^ Town of Barnstead New Hampshire For theYear Ending December 31, 2006 INFORMATION ABOUT BARNSTEAD LANDAREA Approx. 42.9 Sq. Miles INLANDWATERAREA Approx. 2.0 Sq. Miles ROADS Approx. 89 Miles ofRoad POPULATION Approx. 4,507 1790HRST CENSUS TAKEN 807 Residents CHURCHES Six LIBRARY OscarFoss Memorial SCHOOL Bamstead Elementary (K-8) & Prospect Mountain High COUNTY Belknap STATESENATOR, DISTRICT4 Kathy Sgambati STATEREPRESENTATIVES, DISTRICT 5 JanetF.Allen LaurieJ. Boyce Charles L. Clark Alida I. Millham James P. Pilliod John H. Thomas Michael D. Whalley UNITED STATES SENATORS JuddGregg John E. Sununu UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE Carol Shea-Porter ANNUALELECTION 2ndTuesday in March ANNUALTOWN MEETING Saturdayfollowing election ABOUTTHECOVER TheTown Seal and the State ofNew Hampshire's Seal are thefocus forour coverthis year. 2007 Bamstead will becelebrating its 280"" birthday. Annual Report Town of Barnstead New Hampshire — |oi :5i ^^\ Y121•;¥^^ %••• Comprising those ofthe Selectmen, Fire Wardens, Fire Companies, Trustee oftheTrust Funds, Treasurer,Tax Collector, Town Clerk, PoHce Department, Committees, and Commissions Year Ending December 3 2006 1 , Remembrance In The Town of Bamstead wishes to acknowledge the passing of these individuals who have made contri- butions to our community over the years. Stephen L. Jones, Volunteer firefighterfor 40 years; friend and mentor to the members ofthe Bamstead Fire Rescue and our community. We celebrate his life. His family expressed theirfeelings by writing the following "...as we struggled to find our way when our world came apart." Ciro F. Singra, Corporal in the Bamstead Police De- We partment until shortly before his passing. miss his special humor. We also want to express our condolences to any ofthe families who have lost loved ones this year whether they are new to the community or have lived here all their lives. Table of Contents Appropriations' 28 Assessor's Report 36 Auditor's Report 37 Balance Sheet 23 Bamstead Fire Department StudyCommittee 54 BamsteadFire-Rescue 57 Bamstead-In-Bloom 85 BCEPSolidWaste District Report 73 Building Inspector's Report 65 CitizenoftheYear 102 Comparative Statement 22 ConservationCommission'sReport 68 Current Use Report 25 Employee Payroll Report 44 Forest FireWarden's Report 71 HealthOfficer's Report 75 Historical Society's Report 81 Holiday Schedule BackCover InventoryofTown 25 Lakes Region Planning Commission's Report 88 Milfoil Control Committee's Report 83 OldHome Day's Report 78 OscarFoss Memorial Library's Report 62 OscarFoss Memorial Library's SummaryofLibraryAccounts64 Parks andRecreation's Report 76 Planning Board's Report 66 Police Department's Report 60 RoadAgent's Report 59 ScheduleofTownProperty 25 Selectmen's Report 35 SenateReportDistrict4 87 State Representative,JanetAllen's Report 86 StatementofPayments 46 StatementofRevenues 42 Summaryof2006Town Meeting 94 SummaryofPayments 40 SummaryofReceipts 39 SupervisorsoftheChecklist's Report 80 Tax Collector's Report 31 Tax Rate Information 26 TownBudget 15 TownClerk's Report 29 TownWarrant 4 Treasurer's Report 34 Trust Funds 53 Vital statistics 89 State of New Hampshire Town of Barnstead Warrant for 2007 Annual Meeting STATE OFNEW HAMPSHIRE Town ofBarnstead Warrant for 2007Annual Meeting THE POLLS WILLBE OPEN FROM 7:00A.M. to 7:00 P.M. To the inhabitants of the Town of Barnstead in the County of Belknap in said state, qualified to vote inTownAffairs: YouareherebynotifiedtomeetattheBarnsteadTownHallin said Barnstead on Tuesday, the Thirteenth (13th) day ofMarch, next at 7:00 a.m. ofthe clock in the forenoon, to act upon the fol- lowing subjects: To choose all necessary Town officers forthe year ensuing. 2 Selectmen 3 year terms 1 Town Clerk/Tax Collector 3 year term 1 Trustee ofTrust Funds 3 year term 2 Planning Board Members 3 year terms 1 Planning Board Member 1 year term 1 LibraryTrustee 3 year term 1 OverseerofPublic Welfare 1 year term 2 Budget Committee Members 3 year terms To vote by official ballot on amendments to the Barnstead Zon- ing Ordinance, as proposed by the Barnstead Planning Board, as fol- lows: 1. Are you in favor ofthe adoption ofquestion #1, amending the Zoning Ordinance, Town ofBarnstead, NH, as proposed by the Planning Board, as follows: To change Section 2-1 Definitions: To delete the definitions ofundevelopable and developable land. Warrant for 2007 Annual Meeting 2. Are you in favor ofthe adoption ofquestion #2, amending the Zoning Ordinance,Town ofBamstead, NH, as proposed by the Planning Board, as follows: To change Section 2-1 Definitions: To change the defini tion ofwetlands from Wetlands, as defined by the New Hampshire Wetlands Board to:As defined by the Department ofEnvironmental Services. 3. Are you infavor ofthe adoption ofquestion #3, amending the Zoning Ordinance, Town ofBamstead, NH, as proposed by the Planning Board, as follows: To amendArticle4-2.03 ofthe Zoning Ordinance to require contiguous frontage. 4. Are you infavorofthe adoption ofquestion#4, amending the Zoning Ordinance, Town ofBamstead, NH, as proposed by the Planning Board, as follows: To revise Ajticle 7-7.01 of the Zoning Ordinance which now reads: reflect the recommendations of the publica- tion "Storm Water Management and Erosion and Sedi- ment Control Handbook for Urban and Developing Areas in New Hampshire" prepared by the Rockingham County Conservation District, prepared for the Department of En- USDA vironmental Services in cooperation with the Soil Conservation Services,August, 1992.Toread:All constmc- tion and/or development activities shall incorporate design standards for erosion and sedimentation control which at a minimum reflect the requirements set forth in the Town of Bamstead Subdivision Regulations and Site Plan Review Regulation. 5. Are you in favorofthe adoption ofquestion#5, amending the Zoning Ordinance,Town ofBamstead, NH, submitted by petition, as follows: To amendArticle 14-3 ofthe Zoning Ordinance to change 5 Warrant for 2007 Annual Meeting theAquifer Recharge District toAquifer Recharge andWellhead Protection District and to make extensive changes to the require- ments. (Not recommended by the Planning Board). The second session for the purpose of discussing and voting upon the remaining articles oftheTownWarrant shall be held on Saturday, March 17th, 2007, at 9:00 a.m. at the Bamstead Elementary School. 3. ToheartheAgents,Auditors, Committees orOfficerschosenand to pass any vote relating thereto. 4. To see ifthe Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Two MillionTwo HundredThousandDollars ($2,200,000) gross budget, for the construction and original equipping of a Town Municipal Building, and to authorize the issuance of not more than Two Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,200,000) of bonds or notes in accordance with the provisions of the Mu- nicipal FinanceAct (RSA 33) and to authorize the Selectmen to issue andnegotiate such bonds ornotes and todetermine the rate of interest and other terms thereon. This will be a non-lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7 III. (2/3 ballot vote required). (Rec- ommended by Selectmen and Budget Committee). 5. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Two Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($260,000.00) to hire CMK the architectural firm of for the purpose of designing and providing construction plans and specificationsforapproximate- ly eight thousand (8000) square foot municipal building/police department. (Recommended by Selectmen and Budget Commit- tee). 6. To see if the Town will increase the allocated number of Full- Time Police Officer Positions from the six (6) full-time officers requiredtominimallyoperatea24/7agencytoseven(7)full-time officers. The current national standard is 2.5 officers per 1,000 population as cited by the Federal Bureau of Justice Statistics which would equate to twelve (12) full time officers given the current year-round population in Bamstead cited as 4,800. This Warrant for 2007 Annual Meeting does not include the seasonal influx which increases as much as three times that of the year-round population. The cost of the additional position including outfitting, training, and the Town Employee Benefit Package would typically be $50,000, HOW- EVER, the bottom line of the 2007 Town Budget would not be impactedby more than$25,000.The transferofthe costofacur- rent part-time police officer position at $25,000 per year would make up the difference. Bamstead Officers have been handling an increasing number of lengthy criminal investigations forcing the department into a reactionary mode which in turn reduces the amount of time officers are able to spend performing patrol and traffic enforcement duties in a proactive fashion. In 2007 the officers of the Bamstead Police Department will be carry- ingfour (4) months worth ofcombined/accrued vacation time to be covered at overtime rates by other officers at a mean cost of $17,000. The straight rate of pay to cover vacation time would be approximately $9,700. That is a $7,300 cost savings in utiliz- ing a straight rate of pay as compared to paying at an overtime rate. (This does not include training time and sick time overtime coverage). The remainder is a net cost of $17,700 in order to implement the seventh (7th) Full-Time Position. The benefits of this position may not be recognized for several months due to hiring and training constraints, however, to wait until the 2008 Town Meeting for consideration would result in the benefits of theaddedposition notbeing recognizeduntil late2008. (Submit- ted by Petition). To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to enter intoa lease agreementforthe purpose ofleasing toowntwoful- ly equipped 6 wheel dump trucks for the Highway Department and to raise and appropriate the sum of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) for the first year's payments for that purpose. This lease agreement contains an escape clause. (Recommended by Selectmen and Budget Committee). To see ifthe Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Twenty Three Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty Eight Dollars ($23,828.00) for the fourth year's payment of the lease for the Road Rescue Ambulance for the Town. (Recommended by the Warrant for 2007 Annual Meeting Selectmen and Budget Committee). 9. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) gross budget, to purchase and outfit a 2007 Crown Victoria Police Package marked vehicle including video and audioforthe Police Depart- ment, to replace the 2001 Chevy Tahoe. (Recommended by Se- lectmen and Budget Committee). 10. To see ifthe Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Fifty FiveThousand Dollars ($55,000.00) to repair Hannah Nut- ter Bridge and to authorize the withdrawal of Fifty Five Thou- sand Dollars ($55,000.00) from the Bridge Construction Capital ReserveFundcreatedforthispurpose.Thiswill beanon-lapsing warrant article and will not lapse until the project is completed. (Recommended by Selectmen and Budget Committee). 11. To see ifthe Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) for the purpose of install- ing a fire cistern at Map 1 Lot 20, 245 Province Road and to au- thorize the withdrawal of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) from the Cistern Capital Reserve Fund created for this purpose. ~ (Recommended by Selectmen and Budget Committee). 12. To see ifthe Town will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Eighteen Thousand Dollars ($18,000.00) for an extensive milfoil treatment of Suncook River during the summer of 2007 and to authorize the withdrawal of Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00) from the Milfoil Prevention Non-Capital Reserve Fund created for this purpose. The balance of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) is to come from general taxation. (Recom- mended by Selectmen and Budget Committee). 13. To see ifthe Town will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000) for the purpose of pur- chasing a modular/trailer to provide housing for the full-time operations ofthe Bamstead Fire-Rescue. (Recommended by the Selectmen) (Not Recommended by Budget Committee).

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