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Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry [Vol 41] - A. Wood (Elsevier, 2006) WW PDF

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Preview Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry [Vol 41] - A. Wood (Elsevier, 2006) WW

CONTRIBUTORS Babu Y. Sudhakara 287 Baker Susan C. 183 Bergnes Gustave 263 Black Shawn C. 77 Blagg Julian 353 Borthwick Alan D. 409 Boyle Craig D. 127 Chand Pooran 287 Cho Aesop 395 Clark A.R. 383 Carpino Philip A. 77 Di Santo Roberto 299 Dwivedi S.K. 383 Eldon M.A. 383 Evrard Deborah A. 23 Ghosh Arun K 183 Glossop Paul A. 237 Haydar Simon N. 39 Hegde Shridhar 439 Hepworth David 77 Hirst Warren D. 39 Hop Cornelis E.C.A. 369 Hopkins Andrew L. 425 Humphries Paul S. 141 Johnson, Michael E. 183 Johnson Theodore O. 141 Kalgutkar Amit S. 369 Kotian Pravin L. 287 Kowalski Timothy J. 127 Krafte Douglas S. 169 Krilov Leonard R 275 Kumar Chandrika 337 Labow Mark A. 331 Lee Paul J. 275 Liu Jiwen 221 Mader Mary M. 251 Marron Brian 59 Medina Julio C. 221 Meinke Peter T. 99 Meng Charles Q. 197 Mesecar Andrew D. 183 Nirmala Nanguneri R. 319 Pfannkuche Hans-Ju¨ rgen 211 Polinsky Alex 425 Price David A. 237 Qian Xiangping 263 Rogers Bruce N. 3 Sandham David A. 211 Schmidt Christopher J. 3 Schmidt Michelle 439 Soglia John R. 369 Suto Mark J. 169 Szewczyk Jason W. 99 Tice Colin M. 155 Wolff Andrew A. 263 Wolff R.K. 383 Wood Harold B. 99 Xi Kai 183 Zhang Lili 127 xi PREFACE Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry continues to focus on providing timely and critical reviews of important topics in medicinal chemistry together with an em- phasis on emerging topics in the biological sciences, which are expected to provide the basis for future drug discovery. Volume 41 mostly retains the familiar format of previous volumes, this year with 30 chapters. Sections I–IV are disease-oriented and generally provide updates on specific medicinal agents and approaches considered to have developed significantly since previous review in this series. As in past volumes, annual updates have been limited only to the most active or topical areas of research in favor of specifically focused and mechanistically oriented chapters, where the objective is to provide the reader with the most important new results in a particular field. Sections V and VI continue to emphasize important enabling topics in biology, medicinal chemistry, and drug design illustrating critical interfaces among these disciplines. Section V, Topics in Biology, is focused on the application of genomic approaches to target identification exemplifying the power of emerging biological technologies like RNAi. Chapters in Section VI, Topics in Drug Design and Dis- covery address the highly prevalent problem of drug toxicity as well as progress in pulmonary drug delivery and oral pro-drug design. Volume 41 concludes with a thought-provoking chapter on Knowledge Manage- ment and last but not the least our regular chapter ‘‘To Market, To Market’’ covering NCE and NBE introductions worldwide in 2005. In addition to the chapter reviews, a comprehensive set of indices has been included to enable the reader to easily locate topics in Volumes 1–41 of this series. Volume 41 of Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry was assembled with the indispensable editorial assistance of Hannah Young and I would like to thank her for her hard work and enduring support. I would also like to recognize the in- novative and enthusiastic section editors who have worked hard to deliver the content of this book and my sincere thanks go to them again this year. Finally, I hope that you the reader will enjoy and profit from the contents of this volume. Anthony Wood Sandwich, UK May 2006 xiii Novel Approaches for the Treatment of Schizophrenia Bruce N. Rogers and Christopher J. Schmidt Pfizer Global Research & Development, Pfizer Inc., Eastern Point Road, Groton, CT, USA Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Approaches targeting altered NMDA receptor function 4 2.1. AMPA potentiators 4 2.2. GlyT1 inhibitors 6 2.3. Metabotropic glutamate receptors 7 3. Approaches primarily targeting cognition 10 3.1. Alpha7 Nicotine acetylcholine receptor agonists and positive allosteric modu- lators 10 3.2. Dopamine D1/D5 receptor agonists 11 3.3. Serotonin 5-HT6 antagonists 12 4. Approaches primarily targeting psychosis 13 4.1. Dopamine D3 receptor antagonist 13 4.2. Serotonin 5-HT2C receptor agonists 14 5. Emerging mechanisms and conclusions 15 References 16 1. INTRODUCTION Schizophrenia is a complex psychiatric disorder characterized by the variable ex- pression of three major categories of symptoms: positive, negative and cognitive symptoms. Psychotic or positive symptoms include hallucinations and delusions, while negative symptoms include apathy, anhedonia and social and emotional with- drawal. Cognitive symptoms, although recognized in the earliest descriptions of schizophrenia, have recently come to center stage in schizophrenia research. The first pharmacotherapies developed for the treatment of schizophrenia were aptly termed antipsychotic agents as they primarily affected positive symptoms. These initial ther- apies, discovered serendipitously in the mid-1950s, were ultimately determined to be D2 dopamine receptor antagonists and their efficacy gave rise to the proposal that schizophrenia was a disorder of excessive dopaminergic activity – the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia. The dopamine hypothesis has driven drug discovery in this field for decades. The most recently marketed agents, referred to as atypical antipsychotics due to their reduced side-effect profile, are active at several additional transmitter receptors, but still owe their efficacy to D2 receptor blockade. Despite recent imaging studies confirming a dopaminergic hyperreactivity in patients [1], schizophrenia is now viewed as the result of a neurochemical imbalance across mul- tiple transmitter systems, with both genetic and developmental contributions [2]. Reduced glutamatergic neurotransmission, particularly at the NMDA receptor ANNUAL REPORTS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, VOLUME 41 ISSN: 0065-7743 DOI 10.1016/S0065-7743(06)41001-0 r 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved subtype, is now believed to underlie even the dopaminergic abnormalities [3]. The hypoglutamatergic hypothesis is supported by the observation that NMDA receptor antagonists can reproduce the positive, negative and cognitive symptoms of schiz- ophrenia in healthy volunteers and exacerbate these symptoms in patients [4]. Although antidopaminergic therapies still dominate the treatment of schizophre- nia, our growing understanding of the neurochemical deficits underlying this dis- order has led to a corresponding broadening in the search for novel treatment approaches. Very recently, this search has been further invigorated by the reali- zation that although current therapies are effective treatments for psychosis, it is their cognitive symptoms that ultimately prevent schizophrenia patients from achieving functional recovery [5]. In this brief review, we begin with a description of several new approaches tar- geting the proposed deficit in NMDA receptor-mediated neurotransmission. As this is believed to be the primary neurochemical deficit in schizophrenia, it is possible that such therapies, if successful, will ultimately produce improvements in all as- pects of the disorder. The recent focus on the cognitive deficits of schizophrenia has led to a number of approaches specifically designed to target this symptom domain. The most promising of these mechanisms will be described next. Finally, despite their marketing success, upwards of 30% of patients do not respond adequately to the atypical antipsychotic agents and many patients have residual positive symp- toms leading to problems of compliance and relapse. Thus, there yet remains a need for improved antipsychotic agents and several promising approaches to this chal- lenge will be described. The goal of this review is not to be exhaustive, but rather to describe approaches where recent examples of progress in the area of schizophrenia research have occurred. 2. APPROACHES TARGETING ALTERED NMDA RECEPTOR FUNCTION 2.1. AMPA potentiators Excitatory glutamatergic neurotransmission involves the activation of both ligand- gated ion channels and ligand-activated second messenger-coupled receptors. The ionotropic glutamate receptors include the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), a- amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropanoic acid (AMPA) and the less well- studied kainate subtypes. There are also eight classes of metabotropic glutamate receptors some of which will be described later in this review. NMDA and AMPA receptors interact in a dependent, almost circular fashion and play a complemen- tary role in controlling excitatory neurotransmission. AMPA receptors mediate the majority of fast excitatory transmission in the brain. These are hetero- or ho- motetrameric receptors composed of GluR1 – GluR4 subunits with each subunit also existing as one of the two splice variant termed ‘‘flip’’ and ‘‘flop’’ [6,7]. RNA editing provides the opportunity for even greater structural and functional diversity [8]. While AMPA receptors’ gate primarily Na+, the NMDA receptor is a high conductance, slowly activating Ca2+ channel. At normal membrane potentials, the B.N. Rogers and C.J. Schmidt 4 NMDA receptor channel is subject to voltage-dependent Mg2+ blockade and its opening requires membrane depolarization by AMPA receptors. Thus, manipula- tions increasing AMPA receptor activity have the potential to augment NMDA receptor function as well. At the same time, NMDA receptor activation is involved in the membrane trafficking of AMPA receptors, a process believed to underlie basic forms of neuroplasticity such as long-term potentiation (LTP) [9], and long- term depression (LTD) [10]. The enhanced synaptic efficacy of LTP is due in part to the rapid insertion of ‘‘silent’’ AMPA receptors into the neuronal membrane fol- lowing NMDA receptor activation. Direct activation of AMPA receptors carries the risk of producing seizures, ex- citotoxicity and a loss of efficacy due to desensitization. However, the discovery of positive allosteric modulators (PAMs) offers a mechanism for enhancing receptor activity while avoiding these issues [11]. As indicated by their name, AMPA PAMs do not interact with the agonist/glutamate site on the receptor but rather at an allosteric site where they affect the kinetics of receptor desensitization and/or de- activation. Crystallographic studies of the AMPA receptor have confirmed the location of an allosteric site on the extracellular domain of the receptor. Binding of a PAM at this site stabilizes the receptor in its’ active, agonist-bound conformation [12]. The presence of multiple allosteric sites is suggested by experiments demon- strating that some potentiators affect receptor deactivation to prolong signal du- ration, while others slow desensitization and enhance signal amplitude [13]. Regardless of the molecular mechanism, these allosteric sites provide a target for amplifying activity at AMPA receptors without eliminating either signal content or the homeostatic processes that maintain excitatory neurotransmission in the physio- logical range. It is important to emphasize that despite the virtually ubiquitous distribution of AMPA receptors throughout the brain, AMPA potentiators have been observed to have specific rather than global effects on CNS function. This is presumed to be due to both subtype selectivity among compounds and regional differences in the expression pattern of the subunits and splice variants. Pyrrolidi- none nootropics such as aniracetam (1) and piracetam were among the first agents shown to enhance the rate of AMPA receptor signaling. Modifications of these structures led to the benzamide potentiators or AMPAkines including CX-516 (2) and CX-717 (3). Compounds in this group tend to increase AMPA receptor signa- ling by slowing dissociation of the agonist from the receptor rather than by affect- ing peak current amplitude. Despite significant pharmacokinetic issues, preliminary clinical studies with CX-516 have yielded encouraging results in studies of human memory and as an adjunctive therapy in schizophrenia [6]. A second generation AMPAkine, ORG 624448, was selected for evaluation in the first NIMH sponsored MATRICS study of cognitive therapy for schizophrenia [14–16]. N O O O Aniracetam (1) N N N CX-516 (2) O O O N CX-717 (3) O Novel Approaches for the Treatment of Schizophrenia 5 The benzothiadiazine potentiators include the diuretic cyclothiazide (4) and more brain penetrant molecules such as IDRA-21 (5) and its analogs. Like the benzam- ides, agents from this class have been shown to facilitate LTP in vitro and in vivo, improve cognitive performance in both rodent and primate models and to enhance the behavioral activity of antipsychotic agents [17]. Only preclinical information is available on the activity of a series of biarylsulfonamides disclosed by Eli Lilly and Co. Exemplified by LY404187 (6), these agents share the therapeutic potential of the earlier potentiators. They are active in animal models of cognitive function, but also have neurotrophic/neuroprotective effects [18]. Their ability to increase levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) may underlie this activity and con- tribute to their efficacy in models of behavioral despair. The latter effect is con- sistent with suggestions that AMPA potentiators may also be useful in the treatment of depression. Cl Cyclothiazide (4) S NH2 O O N H NH S O O Cl N H NH S O O H N S O O N LY404187 (6) IDRA-21 (5) 2.2. GlyT1 inhibitors The NMDA/glutamate receptor is unique in requiring the binding of a second co- agonist for activation. Both D-serine and glycine are believed to act as endogenous ligands at the NMDA co-agonist site. The affinity of glycine at the NMDA receptor varies somewhat among configurations of the NMDA receptor but is in the range of 0.1 mM. Extracellular glycine concentrations in the CNS are estimated to be be- tween 6 and 10 mM indicating that the glycine site of the NMDA receptor should be saturated. However, preclinical studies suggest that this is not the case and that NMDA receptor activity, particularly receptors containing the NR2A subunit [19], can be enhanced by the addition of agonists at the glycine site [20]. The concept of increasing NMDA receptor function via the activation of the co-agonist site is supported by the results of several double blind trials in which high-dose glycine (up to 60 g/day), or glycine site agonists such as D-serine, have been administered to schizophrenic patients, stabilized on either typical or atypical antipsychotic agents. While these studies have generally not demonstrated improvements in positive symptoms, presumably due to the presence of the antipsychotic agent, the majority have demonstrated improvements in negative or cognitive symptoms [3]. Synaptic glycine concentrations are maintained at subsaturating levels by two high-affinity glycine transporters, GlyT1 and GlyT2 [21]. Both are members of the Na+, Cl� dependent transporter family that includes monoaminergic transporters such as SERT and NET. GlyT1 is widely expressed in glia and some neurons throughout the CNS and is believed to regulate extracellular glycine concentration in the vicinity of NMDA receptors. In contrast, the GlyT2 transporter controls glycine concentrations at the inhibitory glycine receptor in the spinal cord. B.N. Rogers and C.J. Schmidt 6 Preclinical evidence confirms that NMDA receptor function can be augmented via GlyT1 inhibition indicating that this transporter may be targeted for the treatment of schizophrenia much in the same way the serotonin transporter is targeted for depression. Early in vitro studies of the GlyT1 transporter used inhibitors such as the glycine ester, glycyldodecylamide and the competitive inhibitor, sarcosine (N-methylglycine) [22]. A breakthrough was achieved with the discovery of ALX- 5407 (NFPS) (7), a sarcosine derivative of fluoxetine. NFPS is a single digit nano- molar inhibitor of glycine transport by GlyT1 with no activity at GlyT2. A number of related compounds have been described, although the majority resemble 7 in suffering from behavioral toxicity, apparent irreversibility at the transporter [23] and the need for high systemic exposures to gain access to the CNS [24]. One such analog, NPTS (8), is completely inactive following peripheral administration, but has proven to be a useful GlyT1 ligand [25]. Although the patent literature indicates that many companies have moved beyond these amino acid analogs to achieve better drug-like properties, very little information is available on the pharmaco- logical characterization of these agents [26]. One exception is Sanofi’s SSR-504734 (9), which has been profiled in a series of neurophysiological and behavioral assays in rodents [27]. Relevant to its’ use in schizophrenia, 9 (IC50 ¼ 18 nM for uptake at human GlyT1) increased extracellular glycine in the rodent brain as measured by microdialysis, enhanced NMDA-mediated currents in rat hippocampal slices, reversed MK-801-induced hyperactivity and normalized a spontaneous prepulse inhibition deficit in mice. The improved pharmaceutical properties and behavioral activity of SSR-504734 (9) confirms the potential of the GlyT1 transporter as a drug target for augmenting glutamatergic function. N H NH O Cl CF3 SSR-504734 (9) O N OH O NPTS (8) O O N OH O F ALX-5407/ NFPS (7) 2.3. Metabotropic glutamate receptors The metabotropic glutamate receptors are members of the G-protein coupled receptor family. There are eight metabotropic receptors grouped into three families. Group I receptors (mGluR1 and 5) are linked to Gaq and increase phosphotidylinositol turn- over to elevate intracellular Ca2+. Both groups II (mGluR2 and 3) and III (mGluR4, 6, 7 and 8) are negatively linked to adenylyl cyclase via Gai. Group II mGluRs are located presynaptically on glutamate terminals where they may act as autoreceptors regulating glutamate release in vivo. Unlike the group II and III receptors, group I (mGluR1 and mGluR5) are primarily postsynaptic and their effect on intracellular Ca2+ allows them to modulate the activity of other signaling pathways. Each of these receptor subtypes has potential utility for the treatment of schizophrenia. Novel Approaches for the Treatment of Schizophrenia 7 2.3.1. mGluR5 agonists and potentiators The mGluR5 subtype of receptors have been shown to augment NMDA receptor activity. Activation of mGluR5 receptors therefore has the same therapeutic po- tential described for the AMPA potentiators or GlyT1 inhibitors. Not surprisingly, as in the case of AMPA receptor agonists, there are significant drawbacks to the development of direct mGluR receptor agonists including the added difficulty of achieving subtype selectivity within a group (i.e. mGluR5 vs. mGluR1). Once again, however, these receptors possess subtype-specific allosteric sites; negative and posi- tive allosteric modulators as well as neutral ligands have now been described for the mGluR5 receptor [28]. Like AMPA receptors, mGluR receptors possess a large extracellular domain. In this case, however, the extracellular domain contains the agonist binding site, while the allosteric sites are found within the transmembrane domain of the receptor [29]. Merck has described three series of mGluR5 potentiators. The benzaldazine series, exemplified by DFB (10), has been reported to exhibit the full spectrum of negative, neutral and positive allosteric modulators of the mGluR5 receptor. Micromolar concentrations of DFB, although without affect alone, produce a two- to threefold leftward shift in the concentration response curve for glutamate-induced increases in intracellular Ca2+ without altering the maximal response to glutamate. Exploration of the SAR around a benzamide screening lead yielded CPPHA (11), which produced a six- to ninefold shift in the glutamate response at submicromolar concentrations [30]. Unlike DFB (10), CPPHA (11) did not displace the binding of the negative allosteric modulator, [3]MPEP, suggesting the two potentiators have different binding sites [31]. A pyrazole series exemplified by 3-cyano-N-(1,3-diphenyl-1H-pyrazol- 5-yl)benzamide (CDPPB (12)) yielded the first compound deemed to have sufficient potency and selectivity for in vivo characterization. In cells transfected with the human mGluR5 receptor, 12 produced up to fourfold shifts in the concentration response curve for glutamate-induced increases in intracellular Ca2+ with an EC50 value of 20 nM. Consistent with the potential for mGluR5 PAMs in the treatment of schizophrenia, 12 reduces amphetamine-induced locomotor activity and nor- malizes amphetamine-induced disruption of prepulse inhibition [32]. Addex Pharmaceuticals has characterized a series of 3-oxadiazolyl piperidines as mGluR5 potentiators. Although less potent than the compounds described by Merck, ADX47273 (13) (EC50 351 nM) produces a 410-fold leftward shift in the glutamate-induced increase in intracellular Ca2+ but is inactive alone. In vivo 13 antagonized amphetamine-induced hyperactivity as well as apomorphine disruption of prepulse inhibition in rats [33]. N N HN O CN CDPPB (12) N N F F DFB (10) N H O N O Cl OH O CPPHA (11) F N O N N O F ADX47273 (13) B.N. Rogers and C.J. Schmidt 8 2.3.2. mGluR2 agonists and potentiators Group II metabotropic glutamate receptors, mGluR2 and mGluR3, are located presynaptically on glutamate terminals where they may act as autoreceptors reg- ulating glutamate release [34]. The potential for these receptors in the treatment of schizophrenia has been established, and is reviewed in several recent accounts [35,36]. The largest dataset for this mechanism has been generated using the mGluR2/3 agonist LY354740 (14) and antagonist LY341495 (15) [37,38]. Recent reports from the Lilly group on the extremely potent mGluR2/3 agonist LY404039 (16) [39], and peptide pro-drug LY2140023 (17) have augmented the arsenal of agonists available for clinical evaluation [40]. Compound 16 is reported to be orally active and �30 � more potent than 14 in PCP and amphetamine-induced loco- motor activity models of psychosis. In addition, 16 has been reported to increase cortical dopamine turnover in rats, an effect predictive of potential procognitive activity (see below). Despite the availability of these excellent compounds, it has been very difficult to achieve group II subtype selectivity in an agonist. In the past year, the first example of a selective agonist was reported with 18, which demon- strates good agonist potency (EC50 ¼ 160 nM) at the mGluR2 receptor and is an antagonist (IC50 ¼ 1050 nM) at the mGluR3 receptor [41]. H HO2C H NH2 CO2H LY354740 (14) O NH2 H HO2C H CO2H LY341495 (15) H HO2C H NH2 CO2H 18 S H HO2C H NHR CO2H R = H, LY404039 (16) R = L-Ala, LY2140023 (17) O O Several noteworthy reports in the mGluR2 area have appeared in the past 4 years with regard to selective mGluR2 potentiators [42]. The first reported selective po- tentiator of mGluR2 was LY181837 (19) [43]. Extensive SAR studies at Lilly led to the discovery of LY487379 (20), a potent potentiator (EC50 ¼ 270 nM) with vivo activity but only modest oral bioavailability [44]. For example, 20 antagonized PCP- induced hyperlocomotor activity, suggestive of potential antipsychotic efficacy [45]. Merck has also disclosed a series of potent mGluR2 PAMs exemplified by 21, with in vivo activity in a ketamine-induced hyperlocomotor assay (40 mg/kg, i.p.) [46]. N N O S O O LY181837 (19) N N O S O O CF3 OMe LY487379 (20) S O N O C3H7 Cl Cl 21 Novel Approaches for the Treatment of Schizophrenia 9 3. APPROACHES PRIMARILY TARGETING COGNITION 3.1. Alpha7 Nicotine acetylcholine receptor agonists and positive allosteric modulators It is believed that neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are involved in a variety of attention and cognitive processes [47]. These Ca2+ permeable, ligand- gated ion channels modulate synaptic transmission in key regions of the CNS involved in learning and memory, including the hippocampus, thalamus and cer- ebral cortex [48–50]. Among the nAChRs, physiological, pharmacological and human genetic data suggest a link between the loss of a7 nAChR and sensory gating deficits in schizophrenia [51]. Conversely, improvements in sensory processing are thought to correlate with enhanced cognitive performance in animal models and in patients with schizophrenia [52], suggesting a role for selective a7 nAChR agonists in treatment of cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia. Nicotinic ligand diversity has expanded greatly over the past decade, and several recent key reviews focus on the identification of selective agents [53–56]. Recent disclosures describe the in vivo activity of agonists based on the azabicyclic diamine template. The selective partial agonist SSR180711A (22) [57–59], is a diazabicy- clononane carbamate derivative (Ki ¼ 50 nM, EC50 ¼ 800 nM) active in object recognition, Morris water maze and an MK-801-induced memory deficit model. The selective a7 nAChR agonist PNU–282,987 (23) (Ki ¼ 24 nM, EC50 ¼ 128 nM) [60,61], was recently reported to restore P50 gating deficits in rodent models. Researchers at Mitsubishi recently reported that the potent spiro-oxazolidinone (24) (Ki ¼ 9 nM) significantly improves MK-801-induced auditory gating deficits [62]. PHA-543613 (25), an agonist of the a7 nAChR (Ki ¼ 9 nM, EC50 ¼ 65 nM) also demonstrated in vivo activity in both an amphetamine-induced P50 gating deficit model and object recognition [63]. N N O O Br SSR180711A (22) N N H O Cl PNU-282,987 (23) N N H O N O PHA-543613 (25) N N O S Cl O 24 Interest continues to grow for the use of positive allosteric modulators of the alpha 7 nAChRs, and recent reviews cite their therapeutic potential in the treatment of cognition [64,65]. Positive allosteric modulators increase the probability of channel opening, while decreasing the inherent agonist potential for receptor de- sensitization. Much of the early work by Gurley and coworkers was accomplished utilizing 5-hydroxy indole (26) as a modulator of the alpha 7 receptor [66]. The recent disclosure of the selective alpha 7 positive allosteric modulator, PNU-120596 (27) provides a selective tool for further exploration of this mechanism [67,68]. Compound 27 increases agonist-evoked Ca2+ flux mediated by an engineered var- iant of the human alpha 7 nAChR, and enhances the acetylcholine-evoked inward B.N. Rogers and C.J. Schmidt 10

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