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Annual report Town of Chatham, New Hampshire PDF

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Preview Annual report Town of Chatham, New Hampshire

ANNUAL REPORT Of Town the Officers of the of CHATHAM NEW HAMPSHIRE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING December 1996 31, Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2009 witii funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries littp://www.arcliive.org/details/annualreporttown1996chat ANNUAL REPORT Ofthe Municipal OiEcers Town of the of CHATHAM NEW HAMPSHIRE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING December 31,1996 Saco Valley Printing TOWN OFFICERS SELECTMEN WAYNE McAllister - 1997 E. HERBERT EASTMAN - 1998 RONALD BRIGGS -1999 TREASURER DONALD Mcpherson -1997 MODERATOR FRANK EASTMAN -199? TOWN CLERK WANEETA MARQUIS - 1997 TAXCOLLECTOR KATHLEEN BRIGGS - 1997 ROADAGENT JIM LAYNE- 1997 SUPERVISORS OF THE CHECK LIST STEVE EASTMAN -1998 BARBARA EASTMAN -2000 JACK RICE - 2002 AUDITOR DEBORAH MONTGOMERY- 1997 CONSTABLE WAYNE McAllister -1997 CIVIL DEFENSE JIM LAYNE SURVEYORS OFWOOD, BARK& LUMBER JAMES DIEGOLI HARRY GROUSE TRUSTEES OF THE TRUST FUNDS RODNEY BROOKS - 1997 PERLEY HEAD - 1998 STEVE EASTMAN -1999 FENCEVIEWERS JAMES DIEGOLI HARRY GROUSE PERLEY HEAD BUDGET COMMITTEE ELEANOR EASTMAN, Chr. 1998 WILLIAM PITMAN- 1998 LINCOLN GARLAND - 1997 GAIL COLOMB- 1997 TOM STRYKER- 1999 MELVIN CHERRY- 1999 PLANNING BOARD JAMES DIEGOLI, Chr. 1997 STEVE EASTMAN- 1997 CARL LESICZKE- 1998 SUSAN LOGAN- 1999 WILLIAM PITMAN -1999 RONALD BRIGGS - Select, Member FIREWARDENS JIM LAYNE, Warden WAYNE MCALLISTER, 1st Deputy EDWARD LAYNE JR, 2nd Deputy PERLEY HEAD, 3rd Deputy GARY BANHART, 4th Deputy JEFF STONE, 5th Deputy WILLIAM BRIGGS, 6th Deputy WAYNE MCALLISTER, Jr., 7th Deputy MICHAEL MCALLISTER, 8th Deputy . TOWN WARRANT THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Tothe Inhabitants ofthe Town ofChatham, in the County of Carroll in said State, qualified tovote inTown Affairs: You are hereby notified to meet atthe Town House in said Chatham on Tuesday, theeleventh (11th) dayofMarch, nextat6:30ofthe clock inthe evening, to act upon the following subjects: 1 To choose ail necessaryTown Officersforthe yearensuing. 2. To raise such sumsofmoney as may be necessaryto defrayTown Charges for the ensuing yearand make appropriations ofthe same. 3. Tosee iftheTownwill allowa 2% discounton all Property Taxes paidwithin 30 days ofmailing tax bills. 4. To see if theTown ofChatham will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $290.00fortheVisiting Nurse& HospiceCare ServicesofNorthern Carroll County, Inc. Recommended by Selectmen 3 - Recommended by Budget Comm 6 - 5. To see ifthevoterswillvoteto raise and appropriatethe sum of$125.00forthe supportofthe MountWashington Valley EconomicCouncil. Recommended by Selectmen 3-0 Not Recommended by Budget Comm 4 - 2 6. To see if The Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $ 365.00 to assist Carroll County Mental Health Services. Recommended by Selectmen 3 - Recommended by BudgetComm 6 - 7. To see ifTheTown will raise and appropriatethe sum of$ 260.00to assistthe Family Health Center. Recommended by Selectmen 3 - Recommended by Budget Comm 6- 8.ToseeiftheTownwillvoteto raiseand appropriatethe sumof$3,850.00dollars forthe Chatham/SacoValley Fire Association forthe ensuing year. Recommended by Selectmen 3-0 Recommended by Budget Comm 6-0 9. To see ifthe Town will raise and appropriate $ 300.00 for the support ofthe Eastern Slope AirportAuthority. Recommended by Selectmen 3 - Recommended by Budget Comm 6 - . 10. To see ifthe Town ofChatham will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $150.00 forthe Early Supports & Services Program (birth to 3 years) ofChildren Unlimited, Inc.. Recommended by Selectmen 3 - Recommended by Budget Comm6- 11 To see ifthe Town ofChatham will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,265 .00 forthe support ofthe Children's Health Center. Recommended by Selectmen 3 - Recommended by Budget Comm 6- 12. To see iftheTown will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of$ 300.00for the support ofthe Chatham Community Library. Recommended by Selectmen 3-0 Recommended by Budget Comm 6-0 13. To see iftheTown will vote to raise and appropriatethe sum of$ 600.00for theTown ofLovell Recreation Dept. Recommended by Selectmen 3- Recommended by Budget Comm 6- 14. To see iftheTownwill vote to raise and appropriate the sum $ 200.00forthe support ofBig Brothers/ Big Sisters ofAmerica. Recommended by Selectmen 3- Recommended by Budget Comm 6 - 15a. To see iftheTown will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of$ 1,454.25 as its share ofthe Fryeburg Rescue Expenses. 15b. Tosee if thetownwill raise and appropriate $ 500.00 as its share in the pur- chase ofa NewAmbulance. Recommended by Selectmen 3 - Recommended by Budget Comm 6 - 16. To see iftheTownwillvoteto raise and appropriatethe sum of$ 350.00to de- fraytheoperating expense ofthe services and programs as carried out bythe Mt. Washington Valley ChapteroftheAmerican Red Cross. Recommended by Selectmen 3 - Recommended by Budget Comm 6-0 17.ToseeiftheTownwillvoteto raise and appropriatethesumof$275.00for the support oftheTri-County CommunityAction Program. Recommended by Selectmen 3- Recommended by Budget Comm 6-0 18. To see iftheTown will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of$ 3,000.00 to enlarge and insulatethe Office atthe Town Hall. Recommended by Selectmen 3-0 Recommended by Budget Comm 6 - 19. To see iftheTown will authorizethe Selectmen to transfer any such Real Estate acquired bythe Town as a result ofa tax deed as provided in RSA 80:80. Suchtransferto beby PublicAuction, Sealed Bidsorin a mannerthat justice may require. . 20. ToseewhatactiontheTownwill take on the Budgetsubmitted bythe Budget Committee. 21 Totransactany otherbusiness that may legally come beforethis meeting. Given underourhandsand seal, this 10th day ofFebruary in thatyearofour Lord nineteen hundred and ninety seven. Selectmen ofChatham: Wayne McAllister E. Herbert Eastman Ronald Briggs. COMPARATIVESTATEMENEOFAPPROPRIATION&EXPENDITURES TYPEOFAPPROPRIATIONS 0O)) oooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o o T3 o o o o o m oododooooiondoco)odoco>oo d d d d d Eo odocoocNoooooomm ocm o OO CCDD oo o T-" T-" -^" CO* 0) OoooOoOoo OooOoO O o o o o o o o o o dodododdodioocSocoiociocozoi d d d d d o o O o OOC0OCM00OCX3OIO10 O CD o D) CN CD •o d" v-" -r-" <^" CO CsT -r-" CQ < X ooo ooo I<- X o U- o z g o c _o h- "^to q<: LXU C2L>LU < Q o ^ B I- < LU o o GQ

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