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Annual report of the Town of Thornton, New Hampshire PDF

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Preview Annual report of the Town of Thornton, New Hampshire

•7 J «* &- 4 iAGc- /. \1 I: i On Tho* 111U11 New i Hampshire For The Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 1996 MIM REPORT OF THE OFFICERS FOR THE THORNTON <^z&> YEAR ENDING December 1996 31, THE TOWN OF THORNTON HAS DEDICATED THIS REPORT TO CLINTON W. (Buddy) PEABODY April 10, 1938 - May 21, 1996 SELECTMAN 1984 - 1990 Clinton will always be remembered... for his never tiring devotionfor the good ofThornton and it's residents... past, present andfuture. 3 Table of Contents Voter Information 5 Town Officers 6 Town Warrant centerinsert Budget centerinsert Minutes Town Meeting (March 12, 1996) 7 Summary Inventory ofValuation 12 1995 Tax Rate Computation. 14 Comparative StatementofAppropriations And Expenditures 16 & ReportofTrust Capital Reserve Funds 17 Cemetery Trustees Report 20 Schedule ofTown Property 21 Comparative View ofTax Rate 22 Town Clerk's Report 23 Treasurer's Report 24 Selectmen's Report/ Accountwith School District 26 Summary ofReceipts 29 Summary ofPayments 34 Summary ofTax Anticipation Notes 61 Tax Collector's Report 62 Library Report 64 Campion-ThorntonFire Commissioners' Report 66 Campton-ThorntonLadies' Auxiliary Report 73 ForestFire Warden and State ForestRangerReport 74 Police Report 75 ADAPT, Inc. Report 76 Planning Board Report 77 Transfer Station and Recycling CenterReport 78 North Country Council Report 79 Grafton County Commissioners' Report 81 Pemi-Baker Home Health Agency Report 83 Tri-County Community Action Report 85 & Pemi-BakerYouth Family Services Council Report 86 Grafton County SeniorCitizensCouncil Report 88 Pemi BakerSolidWasteDistrict 89 TaskForce AgainstDomestic Violence 90 SpeareMemorial Hospital 91 Vital Statistics 92 4 WATERVILLEESTATES VILLAGE DISTRICT Officers 95 Auditor's Report 97 Balance Sheet 98 Financial Statement 100 Auditor's Supplemental Report 105 Road andWater Systems Report 106 SCHOOL REPORT Thornton School District Officers 107 Thornton School DistrictMeeting 1996Minutes 109 Thornton School Warrant (March 11) 112 Thornton School Warrant (March 8) 113 Thornton School BudgetData 115 Thornton School Balance Sheet 120 Thornton School District Contingency Fund 121 Thornton School Itemization ofPayables 121 Report ofthe Thornton School Principal 122 ReportofThornton School Nurse 88 Report ofSuperintendent ofSchools 123 Thornton School Graduates 126 Auditor's Report 127 INFORMATION FOR VOTERS Thornton 1st Grant in 1763 Thornton was incorporated as atown in 1781. Location: Midway ofthe Pemigewasset Valley between Plymouth and the Franconia Notch. Population: 1995 - 1,544 Registered Voters: 1,329 Area: 32,640 Acres ofwhich 15,475 are Public Lands. Altitude: From 555 to 2,610 Feet. Selectmen meet Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall Phone: 726-4232 State Senator: Edward "Ned" Gordon U.S. Senator: Bob Smith Representative in the General Court: P. Ken Chase, RFD #1 P.O. Box NH 989, Campton, 03223 Sid Lovett, P.O. Box 690, Holderness, NH 03245 Representative in Congress: Charles Bass, Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Annual Town Meeting: Second Tuesday in March with Warrant Articles on the Saturday following. The Non-Partisan Town Ballot is used. Filing fee $1.00. See the Town Clerk ifyou are a candidate for Town Office. Town Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; Friday 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Phone: 726-4232, Check at Town Office for any changes. Grafton County Sheriffs Department: Watts 1-800-552-0393 Anyone who wishes to contact a Selectman during the day may contact the Town Office at 726-4232. Campton-Thornton Fire Department 1-524-1545 Thornton Police Department 726-4222 TOWN OFFICERS Board ofSelectmen EmergencyManagementDirector RobertFraser, Chairman EllenEdershein WilliamWalker Emergency Management Director Alton Benton Ellen Edershein Town Clerk Library Trustees limaM. Gross Suzan Gannett Donnie Hughes 726-4232 Eileen Woolfenden TownTreasurer Librarian RebeccaFarnsworth 726-4232 Kathy Uhlman John Hansen Tax Collector Trustee ofTrustFunds Phyllis Buckner Phyllis Holbrook Gerri Ann Benton 726-4232 Duncan Booth Resigned 1/4/97, Appointed till March 11, 1997 Supervisors ofThe Checklist Road Agent Flora Boyce Josephone Hines Neil Robertson Denise Downing 726-4463 PlanningBoard Police Chief Howard Clement, Chairman Walter Joyce, Chief Zoning Board ofAdjustment 911 Paul White, Chairman Fire Chief Conservation Committee 911 Ralph Perron Fire Commissioners, Town ofThornton Advisory Budget Committee Keith Byerly Ann Marie Foote Howard Beaudry, Chairman Overseer OfThe Public Welfare Superintendent ofCemeteries Marianne Peabody Bradford Benton 726-4232 726-3636 Health Officer Transfer Station Marianne Peabody & Recycling Center 726-4232 Joan Marshall Moderator 726-7713 RobertGannett THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE MARCH 12, 1996 TOTHE INHABITANTS OFTHETOWNOFTHORNTONINTHECOUNTYOFGRAFTONIN SAID STATE, QUALIFIEDTOVOTEINTOWNAFFAIRS: YOUAREHEREBYNOTIFIEDTO MEETATTHETHORNTONMUNICIPALBUILDING IN SAIDTHORNTONONTUESDAY,THE TWELFTH DAYOF MARCHAT 11:00A.M. OFTHECLOCKTOACTUPONTHEFOLLOWING SUBJECTS: THEPOLLSNOTTOCLOSEEARLIERTHAN7:00P.M. ABSENTEEBALLOTSTO BE CASTAT2:00P.M. ARTICLES 1 ANDARTICLE2 WILL APPEARONTHEOFFICIAL BALLOT. ARTICLE TOCHOOSE ALLNECESSARYTOWNOFFICERSFORTHEENSUINGYEAR. 1. TOCHOOSE AMODERATORFORTWOYEARS. (ROBERTGANNETT 363) TOCHOOSE A SELECTMENFORTHREEYEARS. (WILLIAMD. WALKER237 LAWRENCESTEARNS 105 ROBIND. LING 29) TOCHOOSE AROADAGENTFORTHREEYEARS (NEILB. ROBERTSON355) TOCHOOSE A SUPERINTENDENTOFCEMETERIESFORTHREEYEARS (BRAD BENTON 345) TOCHOOSEA OVERSEEROFPUBLIC WELFARE FOR ONEYEAR (MARIANNEPEABODY 331) TOCHOOSE ALIBRARYTRUSTEEFORTHREE YEARS (DAUNICE HUGHES 14) TOCHOOSE ATRUSTEEOFTRUSTFUNDSFOR THREE YEARS (PHYLLIS BUCKNER 348) TOCHOOSEATRUSTEEOFTRUSTFUNDSFORTWOYEARS (DUNCAN W. BOOTH320) TOCHOOSE A CEMETERYTRUSTEEFORONEYEAR (GERRI BENTON 339) TOCHOOSE ACEMETERYTRUSTEEFORTWO YEARS (DUNCANW. BOOTH 320) TOCHOOSE A CEMETERYTRUSTEEFORTHREEYEARS (PHYLLIS B. HOLBROOK 341) TOCHOOSE A AUDITORFORTWO YEARS (ALFRED E. O'HAIRE 111 308) TOCHOOSEASUPERVISOROFTHE CHECKLISTFOR SDCYEARS. (JOSEPHINE HINES 342) ARTICLE 2. EXEMPTIONFORTHETOTALLYANDPERMANENTLYDISABLEDRSA72:37-B (VOTEYESORNO) " SHALL WE ADOPT ANEXEMPTIONFORTHETOTALLYANDPERMANENTLYDISABLED? THEEXEMPTION, BASEDONASSESSED VALUE, FORQUALIFIEDTAXPAYERS SHALLBE $30,000.00. TOQUALIFY, THE PERSONMUSTHAVEBEENANEWHAMPSHIRERESIDENT FORATLEAST5 YEARS ANDOWNANDOCCUPYTHE REALESTATE INDIVIDUALLYOR 8 JOINTLY, OR IFTHEREAL ESTATE IS OWNED BYA SPOUSE, THEYMUST HAVEBEEN MARRIED FORATLEAST 5 YEARS. IN ADDITION, THE TAXPAYERMUSTHAVE A NET INCOME OFNOT MORE THAN $25,000.00 OR, IFMARRIED, A COMBINED NETINCOMEOF NOTMORETHAN $30,000.00 ANDOWNNETASSETS NOT INEXCESS OF$50,000.00 EXCLUDINGTHE VALUE OFTHE PERSON'S RESIDENCE." YES 248 NO 83 THE SELECTMENRECOMMEND THIS ARTICLE. ELDERLYEXEMPTIONOPTIONAL ADJUSTEDEXEMPTIONRSA72:43-H (VOTEYES ORNO) " SHALL WE CHANGETHE INCOME LIMITS FOR OPTIONAL ADJUSTED EXEMPTION(RSA 72:43-h) FOR65 YEARS OF AGE ONORBEFORE APRIL 1ST. INCOME LIMITOF $25,000 IF SINGLE, IFMARRIED $30,000. ASSETS NOTINEXCESS OF$50,000. EXCLUDINGTHEVALUE OFANYRESIDENTIALREALESTATE." YES 252 NO 72 THE SELECTMENRECOMMENDTHIS ARTICLE. THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES, WILLBE TAKENUPDURINGTHE BUSINESSMEETING BEGINNING AT 11:00 A.M. ONTHE 16TH DAYOFMARCH 1996 ATTHETHORNTON CENTRAL SCHOOL. ARTICLE 3. TO SEE IFTHE TOWN WILL VOTETO RAISE AND APPROPRIATETHE SUM NOTTOEXCEED $60,000.00 ($60,000.00) FORCLOSURE OFTHE THORNTON-CAMPTON LANDFILL, SUCH SUMTO BE RAISED BY ISSUANCEOF SERIALBONDSORNOTESUNDER AND INCOMPLIANCE WITHTHE PROVISIONSOFTHE MUNICIPALFINANCEACT., NH RSA 33:1 ET. SEQ. AS AMENDEDTO AUTHORIZETHE SELECTMENTO ISSUEANDNEGOTIATE SUCH BONDS ORNOTES ANDTO DETERMINETHE RATE OF INTERESTTHEREONANDTO TAKE SUCHOTHERACTIONS ASMAYBE NECESSARYTO EFFECT THE ISSUANCE, NEGOTIATIONS, SALE AND DELIVERY OF SUCHBONDS ORNOTES AS SHALLBE INTHE BESTINTERESTOFTHETOWNOFTHORNTON AND PASS ANY VOTE RELATEDTHERETO. THISAPPROPRIATIONTO BENON-LAPSING FORA PERIODOFFIVEYEARS ANDNOTTO EXCEED FIVE YEARS (2/3 BALLOTVOTE REQUIRED.) SELECTMEN DONOTRECOMMEND THISARTICLE. THEMOTIONWAS MADE AND SECONDED AND PASSED TOTABLE THIS ARTICLE INDEFINITELY. ARTICLE4. TOSEE IFTHETOWN WILL VOTETORAISE AND APPROPRIATETHE SUMOF SDCTYTHOUSAND DOLLARS ($60,000.00) THROUGHTAXES FOR PURPOSEOFLANDFILL CLOSURE. THIS ARTICLE RECOMMENDED BYTHE SELECTMEN. THE MOTIONWASMADE SECONDED ANDTHIS ARTICLE WAS PASSEDAS WRITTEN. ARTICLE 5, TOSEE IFTHETOWNWILL VOTETO AUTHORIZETHEBOARDOF SELECTMENTOACCEPTONBEHALFOFTHETOWN, GIFTS, LEGACIES, ANDDEVISES MADETOTHE TOWNINTRUSTFORANYPUBLIC PURPOSE, AS PERMJTTED BYRSA31:19. "THIS AUTHORITYSHALLREMAIN INEFFECTUNTILRESCINDED. THIS ARTICLE RECOMMENDEDBYTHE SELECTMEN. THEMOTIONWASMADE SECONDED ANDTHIS ARTICLE WASPASSED AS WRITTEN.

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