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Annual report of the Town of Strafford, New Hampshire PDF

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Preview Annual report of the Town of Strafford, New Hampshire

Annual Reports of the TOWN STRAFFORD of New Hampshire %•%•%•%•%•%•%•%•%•%•%•%•%•%r••"V%*""%••%r%•%•V%*%•%•%•%•%•%*%•V"••%•%•*•*%•%•%rVV** 1997 For the year ending December 997 31 1 , jooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocxaoy ANNUAL REPORTS OFTHE TOWN OF STRAFFORD 1997 ForThe Year Ending December 31, 1997 RIDINGS PRESS, INC. DOVER, NH 35 ^.^"7 INDEX TownOfficers 3 TownWarrant 6 ReportfromSelectmen'sOffice 12 TownBudget 13 Financial Report 15 StatementofAppropriation 20 TaxRateComputation 22 SummaryInventoryofValuation 23 TownClerk's Report 24 TownOfficersSalaries 25 TownOfficeExpenses 25 TownTreasurer's Report 25 Auditor's Report 27 TownMeeting 28 TaxCollector's Report 35 PoliceReport 38 AnimalControlOfficer 40 Hill LibraryReport 41 LibraryTreasurer's Report 42 LibraryTrustees Report 44 ReportoftiieTrustFunds 45 Sti-affordHistoricalCommitteeReport 51 BoardofAdjustinent 51 Rural Disti'ictVisiting NurseAssociation 52 Annual ReportofSti-affordFireandRescue 53 RoadAgenfs Report 55 RecyclingCommittee 56 PlanningBoardReport 57 BuildingInspector's Report 57 ReportofTownForestFireWarden&StateForestRanger 58 Sti^affordRecreationCommission Report 59 Sti^affordConservation Report 60 Sti-affordSchool Disti-ictOfficers 63 SchoolWarrant 64 ReportoftiieSchool Disti'ictTreasurer 66 School DetailedExpenditures 70 BreakdownofSchoolSalaries 76 Capital ReserveFund 79 BalanceSheet 80 Financial ReportofSchool 81 Superintendent's Report 85 ReportofUiePrincipal 87 ReportoftiieSchool Nurse 95 ReportofCoe-BrownNorthwoodAcademy 96 DepartmentofRevenue 97 SalariesofSchoolAdministi-ationUnitNo.44 98 SchoolAdministi^ativeUnitNo.44 98 Audtitor's ReportSchool 99 School Disti'ictProposedBudget 101 MintuesofStiaffordSchool Disti'ictMeeting 110 SpecialSchool Disti'ictMeeting 116 ClassofSti-afford 121 VitalStatistics 122 TOWN OFFICERS SELECTMEN Gloria Creamer, 1995-1998 JoAnnBrown, 1996-1999 Lester Huckins, 1997-2000 TOWN CLERK Nancy Goedker TOWNTREASURER Bertha Huckins, 1995-1998 TAX COLLECTOR Juditli Dupre (appointed) 1998 MODERATOR Russell C. Shillaber, 1996-1998 SUPERVISORS OF CHECKLIST Carolyn F.Young, 1994-2000 Marilyn Roderick, 1996-2002 Sandra K. Schwab, 1997-1998 LIBRARIAN Kathryn Steward LIBRARYTRUSTEES Carol McCarty, 1996-1999 Anne O. Smith, 1995-1998 (Chairman) Barbara Feldman, 1997-2000 ROAD AGENT Gregg Messenger, 1997-1998 BUILDING INSPECTOR/HEALTH OFFICER Stephen Smith CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR (Emergency Management) Dan Duffy TRUSTEES OFTHETRUST FUNDS RogerLeighton, 1997-2000 Boyen C.Thompson, 1996-1999 Justine Leighton, 1995-1998 FIREWARDEN Glenn Pierce DEPUTIES Tom Stano ScottWhitehouse John MacDougall Eric Gale Mike Richard POLICE DEPARTMENT ScottYoung - Chief of Police RobertTibetts Donald J. Laliberte Tom K. Bibeau Corey Landry Mike Richard Eric Gale ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER Mike Richard PLANNING BOARD EdgarW. Huckins, Chairman, 1997-2000 JackCreamer, 1996-1999 David Dupee, 1995-1998 Don Rhodes, 1996-1999 Lester Huckins, 1997-2000 ALTERNATES Charles Moreno Roger Leighton JamesF.Kerivan BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT JamesT. McCarty, Chairman, 1997-2000 William G. Lord, 1995-1998 ArthurVanBuskirk, 1997-2000 Stephen Leighton, 1995-1998 Herman Groth, 1997-2000 ALTERNATES George Kitz CONSERVATION COMMISSION James B. Cullen, 1997-2000 Elizabeth Evans, 1995-1998 Leslie Dupee, 1995-1998 HarmonyAnderson, 1996-1999 Calvin Schroeder, 1997-2000 Lori L. Sommer, 1996-1999 JoAnn Brown, 1996-1999 RECREATION COMMISSION Carol Heald Richard Omand Joseph Freda RURAL DISTRICTVSITING NURSE ASSOCIATION, INC. Telephone755-2202 FIRE AND RESCUE Eric Gale, Jr. - Chief of Department Loren Pierce - Deputy Chief Si<ipVogt - Secretary BOW LAKE STATION ScottWhitehouse - Captain MikeRichard-Lieutenant CENTER STATION Glenn Pierce- Captain Corey Landry - Lieutenant CROWN POINT STATION Tom Stano - Captain Doug Hayes- Lieutenant DEPARTMENT MEMBERS Terry Bickford Eugene Burrows Richard Jenisch Terry Bickford, Jr. Corinne Allaire Nancy Penney Elaine Gosselin Dick Rousseau Maura Barry PaulYergeau Robyn Jenisch Dale Perkins Josh Jenisch Eric Stone Chris Grover Dan Duffy TOWNWARRANT THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE The polls will be open from 8:00 a.m.to 7:00 p.m. To the inhabitants of the Town of Strafford in the County of Strafford in said State, qualified to vote inTown Affairs: You are hereby notifiedto meet at Strafford Elementary School in said Strafford onTuesday, thetenth (10th) dayof March, next, at 8:00a.m.toact uponthefollow- ing subjects: ***1. To choose all necessaryTown Officers forthe year ensuing. 2. "Are you in favorofthe adoption ofthe following Amendment tothe existing Town of Strafford Land Use Ordinancesas proposed in this petition asfollows: To amend Section 1.3 General Provisions byaddingthefollowing section in its entirety. "Inordertoprotectthepublichealth,wildlife, andsurfaceandsub-surfaceground- water oftheTown of Strafford. 1) the stockpiling and landspreading of Class B sewage sludgecontaining dis- ease causing pathogens (i.e. hepatitis and meningitis), heavy metals, parasites, and hazardousorganicchemicals, and thestockpiling and landspreading of indus- trialpapermillsludgecontainingcyanide,diosins,furans, andothertoxicsubstances, shall not be permitted in theTown of Strafford, New Hampshire. 2) the landspreading of septage originating in the Town of Strafford and the landspreading of Class A sludge is allowed outside any watershed as defined by the Water Supply and Pollution Control Division, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, so long asthe following conditions are met: a) 250foot setbacksfrom all waterbodies and all wetland areas; b) 500 foot setbacksfrom all waterwell sources; c) a land grade not to exceed 8 degrees 3) the reclamation of any gravel pit area shall be limited to clean, sludge-free topsoil. 4) Nothing in this ordinance prohibits the use of bagged Class A sludge or sludge or Class A compost materials on residential gardens." (by Petition) The Planning Board does NOT approve oftiiis article. 3. "Are you in favorofthe adoption of revisionstoArticle 4.4 Floodplain Devel- opment RegulationsintheBuilding Regulationsasproposedbythe Planning Board. Revision ofthese regulations is requiredforcontinued eligibilityand approval in the National Flood Insurance Program.These amendments would add the statu- tory referenceforthe regulations, updatethe mapdates, amend our Regulationto conform to our current maps showing only unnumbered "A" zones in Strafford, amendand/oraddseveraldefinitionstoconformtocurrent NFIP requirements,and adda newSection 4.4.9VariancesandAppealstoclarifytheprocedureforobtain- ing avariancetoany decision ordetermination regarding Floodplain Regulations." 4. "Shall we adopt an exemption for the disabled? The exemption, based on assessed value, forqualified taxpayers shall be $15,000.00.To qualify, the person must havebeenaNewHampshireresidentforat least5yearsandownandoccupy the real estate individuallyorjointly, orifthe real estate isowned byaspouse, they must have been marriedforat least 5 years. In addition, thetaxpayer must have a net income of not more than $15,000.00 or, if married, a combined net income of not morethan$25,000.00;andown netassets not in excessof$35,000.00exclud- ing the value ofthe person's residence." (by Petition.) The Selectmen recommend this article. ***NOTE:ALLARTICLES EXCEPTNO. 1,2,3AND4WILLBETAKEN UPAT8:00 RM., TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1998 ATTHE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. 5. Tosee iftheTown willvoteto raiseandappropriatethesum ofOne Hundred Fifty-fourThousanddollars ($154,000.00)forcapital improvementstothefollowing roads: a. Second Crown Point Road - Appx. .5 mile North from existing pavement (drainagework, gravel and paving). b. Wingate Hill- Appx. .4 milefrom intersectionof Leighton'sCornertotopof steep hill (drainagework, gravel and paving). c. Beaver Dam Development - Appx. .5mile of Birch Road beginning at the intersectionof Route202AandcontinuingontoBeaverRoad(drainagework, gravel and paving.) d. First Crown Point Road -To paveappx. .7 milefrom K.Wagner's property to Herb Clark's property. The Selectmen recommend this appropriation. 6. Tosee iftheTownwillvotetoraiseandappropriatethesumof FiveThousand dollars($5,000.00) tobeaddedtotheCapital Reserve Fund previouslyestablished forthe purpose of establishing a storage facility for material used in the care and maintenanceofTown roadsandtodesignatethe Board of Selectmenasagentsto expend thefunds in thisfund. The Selectmen recommend this appropriation. 7. Tosee iftheTown willvotetoauthorizethe relocation ofapproximately 1,000 feet of First Crown Point Road nearthe homeof Phebe Chao, asshown ona plan prepared by David A. Berry, in thefollowing manner: a. To authorizethe Selectmen to accept the dedication as a ClassV public wayofthe proposed relocated section ofthis road andthe proposed dedication as a ClassVI publicwayclosedsubjecttogatesand barsofan extensionoftheCross Road, so-called, to intersect with this newportion of First Crown Point Road upon the construction ofthese new roadwaystoTown ClassV gravel road standardsat the expenseof Ms. Chao andthe approval ofthat construction bythe Road Agent and Selectmen; b. To authorizethe Selectmen to accept the conveyance ofa parcel of land of approximately .76 acres from Ms. Chao to theTown forthis relocation, and; c. To discontinue completelyas a public way the uneeded sections of First Crown Point Road on either side of the Cross Road (approximately 900 feet in lengthconsisting of2 parcelsofapproximately .29 and .24acres) uponcompletion ofthe construction, approval and acceptance process outlined above. The Selectmen recommend this article. 8. To see iftheTown will vote to raise and appropriate the sum ofThirty-eight Thousand Eight Hundred dollars ($38,800.00) forthe operation and maintenance of the Strafford Fire Department and Rescue Squad. The Selectmen recommend this article.

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