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Preview Annual report of the Town of Pembroke, New Hampshire

H NH Town Pembroke, of 1990 Annual Report & Department Addresses Phone Numbers DEPARTMENT ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER TOWN HALL 311 Pembroke Street 485^747 Assessor • Board of Selectmen • Town Administrator • Tax Collector Town Clerk • Treasurer • Welfare Director • Planning and Land Use Planner • Building Inspector • Treasurer • Zoning Board of Adjustment Planning Board • Checklist Supervisors • Trustees of the Trust Funds Cemetery Commission • Conservation Commission • Recreation Commission Roads Commission • Budget Committee • Recycling Committee AMBULANCE (TRI-TOWN VOLUNTEER) Central Street EMERGENCY 624-2323 COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAM 155 Main Street 485-7824 FIRE DEPARTMENT 247 Pembroke Street EMERGENCY 225-3355 all other 485-3621 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 8 Exchange Street 485-4422 LIBRARY 261 Pembroke Street 485-7851 POLICE DEPARTMENT 4 Union Street EMERGENCY 485-3421 all other 485-9173 SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Superintendent 267 Pembroke Street 485-5187 & 485-5188 Pembroke Academy 209 Academy Road 485-7881 High Street School High Street 485-9539 Pembroke Hill School 373 Rowe Avenue 485-9000 SEWER DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 138 EMERGENCY 485-5600 Billing and Service (voice mail) 639-5112 WATER WORKS 212 Main Street 485-3362 Town of Pembroke New Hampshire Annual Report of the Selectmen and Treasurer Together with the Reports of other Officers Town of the for the Fiscal Year Ending December 1990 31, Table of Contents Budget of the Town of Pembroke 55-56 Building Department 21 Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission 19 Comparative Statement of Appropriations and Expenditures 10 Concord Regional Visiting Nurse Association 69 Concord Regional Solid Waste 32 Forest Fire Warden and State Forest Ranger 28 Long Term Indebtedness 8 Mason & Rich Professional Association 18 Message From The Board of Selectmen 6-7 Minutes Of The Annual Town Meeting (March 13, 1990) 40-42 Minutes Of The Annual Town Meeting (March 17, 1990) Deliberative Session 43-49 Minutes Of The Special Town Meeting (April 21, 1990) 50-51 Minutes Of The Special Town Meeting (November 6, 1990) 52 Old Home Day 66-67 Pembroke Cemetery Commission 20 Pembroke Conservation Commission 22 Pembroke Fire Department 27 Pembroke Highway Department 29-30 Pembroke Library 23 Pembroke Planning Board 20 Pembroke Police Department 24-25 Pembroke Recreation Committee 23 Pembroke School District 73-108 Pembroke Sewer Commission 64-65 Pembroke Waterworks 57-63 Recycling Committee 31 Report of Common Trust Fund Investments 12 Report of the Town Clerk 33 Suncook Area Center Belknap-Merrimack Community Action Program 70-72 Supervisors of the Checklist 31 Tax Collector's Report 15-17 Town Employee Salary Ranges 11 Town Officials, Boards, Committees & Commissions 4-5 Town Officials Salaries 11 Town Warrant 53-54 Treasurer's Report 13-14 Tri-Town Volunteer Emergency Ambulance Service, Inc 68 Vital Statistics 34-39 Zoning Board of Adjustment 21 Citizen of the Year for 1990 Resolution WHEREAS, he served as a Supervisor of the Checklist from 1966 to 1972, and; WHEREAS, he served as Selectman for fifteen years from 1973 to 1989; WHEREAS, he has served on the Pembroke Fire Department for over 28 years, attaining the rank of Lieutenant, Captain and presently Deputy Chief, and; WHEREAS, he contributed to the formulation and implementation of the Town's first Zoning ordinance, and; WHEREAS, while serving the Town as Selectman, he coordinated the construction of the new Town Hall, and; WHEREAS, he helped improve the registration and recording of voters by implementing a computerized voter registration list, and; WHEREAS, he developed a new address system for the Town of Pembroke, enhancing the response time of all emergency vehicles to the benefit of residents, and; WHEREAS, he now serves as a Trustee for the New Hampshire Municipal Association/Public Liability Insurance Trust, and; WHEREAS, he has provided leadership to the Scouts of Boy Scout Troop #270, serving as Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster. NOW, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED that in recognition of his services, and in order to signify their gratitude, affection and respect, the citizens of the Town of Pembroke here assembled do designate, HAROLD PAULSEN E. CITIZEN OF THE YEAR FOR 1990 and call to the attention of all citizens of Pembroke, especially the young, many of whom have already been influenced by Harold's example, that service to the community can be initiated while young, and through dedication, be continued over many years, touching the lives of an entire generation of people. Dated in Pembroke, New Hampshire this seventeenth day of March, 1990 Town Officials, Departments, Boards, Committees & Commissions BOARD OF SELECTMEN SUPERVISORS OF TFIE CHECKLIST Meetings: Mondays, 7:00 p.m. Voter Registration John B. Goff, Chair 1992 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Mon - Fri Chester R. Martel 1993 amd Thurs. evenings 5-7 p.m. Larry W. Young, Sr. 1991 Manson Donaghey 1992 David L. Stack, Town Administrator Roland Young, Jr. 1994 Barbara Payne 1996 TAX COLLECTOR Nancy Clifford LIBRARY TRUSTEES DEPUTY TAX COLLECTOR Catherine Dowling 1991 Isabelle Racine Katherine Fowler 1992 Linda Fenn 1993 TOWN CLERK Virginia Batchelder, Librarian James F. Goff 1991 DEPUTY TOWN CLERK SEWER COMMISSION • Elaine A. Couturier Meetings 3rd Tues. of the month, 7 p.m. TREASURER Michael Loso, Chair 1991 Elaine Brown 1991 Andre St. Germain 1992 Roger Martin 1993 ASSESSOR Donald Dollard WATER COMMISSION ASSISTANT ASSESSOR Helen Petit, Chair 1991 Isabelle Racine William Stanley 1992 Armand Nolin 1993 PLANNING AND LAND USE Maurice Lavoie 1994 Mike Toepfer, Director Michael Bobblis 1995 Robert Schneiderheinze, BI/CEO Maurice Lavoie, Superintendent Andre St. Germain, Office BOARD OF FIEALTH PLANNING BOARD Dr. Vincent Greco, Health Officer Meetings MODERATOR 2nd & 4th Tues. of the month, 7 p.m. Thomas Petit 1992 Mark LePage, Chair 1992 ASSISTANT MODERATOR Cindy Lewis, Vice-Chair 1992 Gerald Belanger Norm Provencher - 1991 Tom Dyke -1991 AA1 Brian Tufts - 1993 Faye Donaghey - *11993 POLICE DEPARTMENT Alternates Lucien L. Bouffard, Chief George Fryer - 1991 David Harrigan -1993 Lt. Wayne Cheney, Sup./Train. Off. Franz Vail - 1992 Paula Kudrick --1991 Sgt. Larry Houghton, Pros./Juv. Off. Larry Young, Selectmen's Representative Sgt. Stephen Gubitosi, Sup. Mike Toepfer, Town Planner TRUSTEES OF THE TRUST ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Dale Robinson 1991 Meetings: by notice 7 p.m. Janice Edmonds 1992 Donna Severance, Chair 1991 Linda Smith 1993 Andre St. Germain, Vice-Chair 1991 Bill Bonney - 1992 Read Parmenter 1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Alternates Larry W. Young, Sr., Director Vivian Adams - 1991 Secretary Patricia Manseau - 1993 & Town Officials, Departments, Boards, Committees Commissions CONSERVATION COMMISSION CEMETERY COMMISSION Gordon Riedesel, Chair 1992 Arthur Fowler, Chair - 1993 Susan Seidner - 1991 Cheryl Tufts - 1993 Kenneth Fowler - 1993 James Garvin - 1991 Ted Natti - 1993 Thomas Beaulieu - 1993 Stanley Prescott, II - 1992 Michael Payeur - 1992 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Alternates Mark Munroe - 1991 Carl Hoffman - 1991 Road Agent, Henry Malo Dr. Vincent Greco - 1991 Foremen, Mike Baum David Bouffard RECREATION COMMISSION ROADS COMMISSION Rose Galligan, Chair - 1993 Floyd Smith, Chair - 1991 Mary Kennedy - 1991 Greg Goff - 1992 Tom Dyke - 1992 Mark LePage - 1993 David Seavey - 1992 Robert Musil - 1993 Brian Tufts PB Rep. Henry Malo RA . BUDGET COMMITTEE Patricia Fair, Chair - 1991 Nancy Despres, Vice-Chair - 1993 Bruce Archambault - 1991 • Florence Woods - 1991 • Charles Albee - 1992 Floyd Smith - 1992 • John Fillmore, Jr. 1993 • Richard Therrien - 1993 Ryland Weisiger, School Board Representative • John Goff, Selectmen's Rep. Town Hall Staff p SEATED LEFT TO RIGHT: Susan Richard; Nancy Clifford; Ruth Simard STANDING LEFT TO RIGHT: Robert Schneiderheinze; Elaine Couturier; James Goff; Isabelle Racine; Michael Toepfer; David Stack NOT PICTURED: Don Dollard Message from the Board of Selectmen 1990may wellbetheyearthatisremembered astheYearofChallenge.TheBoardofSelectmenwaschallengedboth by residents and the economy to establish procedures that would provide the most economical approach to the operation of the Town. It became very apparent early in the year that both imagination and management would be the key words for all departments. The challenge would be to provide needed town services, ensuring public safety and planning for future needs, all the while being mindful of difficult economic times. With this as our yardstick, the Board consistently reviewed all programs and challenged all requests for expendi- tures to be certain that goals were being met in the most efficient way possible. It was during this period that we experienced unswerving support from all of the town department heads, as well as from each of the boards and committees. Because ofthis support, we were able to implement many of the programs that had been planned at thebeginning of the year. The Solid Waste Facility at the foot of Pleasant Street, that used to be known as The Town Dump, was improvedaspromised inlastyearsreport, toafacilitythatismoreattractive,moreusable,andmorenearlymeetsstate requirements. There are now no unsightly piles of waste and the area has been fenced with a chain link screen. Dumpstershavebeen installed and when full areremoved and replaced on a regularbasis. TheHighwayGaragehas been painted and needed roof repairs made. The residents voted at last years Town Meeting the necessary funds to complete another portion of our ongoing roadsprojectandinthisinstancetheeconomyhelped Duetoalackofavailableprojects,thebidsreceivedbytheTown . were much lower than expected and we were able to accomplish more for less outlay. The projects included the completion of Buck Street and a substantial portion of Church Road. The road projects are readily visible to most residents, but another needed project that was completed this year is not asvisible to most residents. That is the removal ofasbestos and the paintingand improvements to thecell area of the Police Station. We're sure that we speak forChief Bouffard when we say that any resident is welcome to visit the station and observe first hand the improvements that have been made, in the interest of safety, and to meet state standards. Another area that the Board would invite residents to visit is the upstairs in the Town Hall. During the year there was a reorganization of planning and of building and code enforcement. A new department was established when the Board hired a new Town Planner. The new department has been designated the Planning and Land Use DepartmentandcomprisestheofficeoftheTownPlannerandthatoftheBuildingInspector/CodeEnforcement.Once established, thehead of thedepartment, newly hired Mike Toepfer,and our Building InspectorBobSchneiderheinze organized the open area into five very attractive and usable offices through the use of moveable partitions. The acquisitionofthepartitionsandthedesignoftheofficesisoneoftheprimeexamplesofimaginationand management at its best. Possibly the most attractive aspect of the entire project was the very small cost to the Town because Mike and Bob shopped around for suitable partitions and equipment and installed it all themselves. We now have office areas for the Planner, Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer, the Board ofSelectmen, a Planner's work area, and a utility meeting room that is used by the Pembroke Sewer Commission. It was in the month of De- cember that the Selectmen deemed itappropriate to rec- ognizeHaroldPaulsen forhis many years of service to the Town and his involvement, ROOM, while selectman, in the con- Town struction of the Hall. The recognition included the naming of the main meeting roominhishonor.Nowwhen you attend meetings at the Town Hall you will be meet- THE PAULSEN 4 ing in ROOM. Many residents will get a first hand look at the p Paulsen Room in March be- cause for the first time, the voting portion of this years Town Meetingwillbeheld in our new Town Hall. The de- Xt»«§ilS» liberativesessionwillbeheld, as in the past, at Pembroke Academy. Selectmen The Board of Selectmen now meets every Monday nightat 7:00p.m. and we sin- cerely solicit your input. It is through your suggestions, recommendations, and yes, yourchallenge ofouractions that we know that you are being represented in our de- liberationsanddecisions.The meetingsareopenandwelike to think that our minds are too. When running for office each of us expressed a will- ingnessto"ServeontheBoard of Selectmen." It is you the residentofPembroke thatwe agreed to serve. To serveis to represent. Let us represent We youbyhavingyourinput. look forward to 1991 and its challenges with the same in- PEMBROKE BOARD OF SELECTMEN sight expressed in 1990. LEFT TO RIGHT: Chester R. Martel; John B. Goff, Chairman; Larry W. Young, Sr. Long Term Indebtedness Debt Service Requirements as of December 31, 1990 Purpose Sewer Bonds Water Bonds Town Hall Bonds New Equip. Bonds Total Annual Year 1971 1985 1988 1988 Interest 5.1% 8.5% 6.9% 7.5% Amount $3,042,000 $240,000 $350,000 $225,500 Total Annual Maturities Princ. Int. Princ. Int. Princ. Int. Princ. Int. Princ. Int. 1991 100,000 53,500 20,000 7,650 70,000 14,665 45,000 11,812.50 235,000 87,677.50 1992 100,000 48,450 20,000 5,950 70,000 9,800 45,000 8,437.50 235,000 72,647.50 1993 100,000 43,350 20,000 4,250 70,000 4,935 45,000 5,062.50 235,000 57,597.50 1994 100,000 38,250 20,000 2,550 45,000 1,687.50 165,000 42,487.50 1995 100,000 33,150 20,000 850 120,000 34,000 1996 100,000 28,050 100,000 28,050 1997 100,000 22,950 100,000 22,950 1998 100,000 17,850 100,000 17,850 1999 100,000 12,750 100,000 12,750 2000 100,000 7,650 100,000 7,650 2001 100,000 2,550 100,000 2,550 TOTAL 1,100,000 308,550 100,000 21,250 210,000 29,400 180,000 27,000 1,590,000 386,200 Inventory of Taxable Property - 1990 LAND Current Use $ 825,050 Residential 104,019,600 Commercial/Industrial 14,464,550 Total Taxable Land $119,309,200 BUILDINGS Residential $129,867,150 Manufactured Housing 3,041,250 Commercial/Industrial 20,585,700 Total Taxable Buildings $153,494,100 PUBLIC UTILITIES $ 3,214,750 VALUATION BEFORE EXEMPTIONS $276,018,050 - LESS EXEMPTIONS 1,540,000 = NET VALUATION OF PROPERTY $268,432,300 TAX RATE 1990 UNIT OF GOVERNMENT RATE Municipal 7.36 County 1.47 School 13.76 COMBINED RATE $22.59 8

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