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Annual report of the Town of Nelson, New Hampshire PDF

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Preview Annual report of the Town of Nelson, New Hampshire

o ft "3 WIBm O o a ^*. o 05 TOWN GOVERNMENT Selectmen (847-9043) ZoningBoard ofAdjustment (847-9082) Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. 1stTuesday, 7:00p.m. Old BrickSchoolhouse Old BrickSchoolhouse Town Clerk/Tax Collector (847-9043) School Board Meeting Tuesdays, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00noon 2ndWednesday,4:00p>m. Wednesdays, 6:00 - 9:00p.m. NelsonSchool Thursdays, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00p.m. OldBrickSchoolhouse ConservationCommission (847-9705) 2ndTuesday, 7:30p.m PlanningBoard (847-9505) Old BrickSchoolhouse 2ndThursday, 7:00p.m. Old BrickSchoolhouse TownBarn (847-9705) Olivia RodhamMemorialLibrary (847-3214) Monday &Wednesday 5:00- 8:00p.m. Tuesday &Thursday 2:00 -5:00p.m. Saturday 9:00a.m. - 12 noon For POLICE, FIRE and/orAMBULANCE, call 9-1-1 RABIES CLINIC ARabiesClinic tovaccinate cats and dogswillbeheldin theNelsonTownHallon Saturday duringtheSpring. Watchforinformationalnoticesabout this ontheTown bulletinboards and in the KeeneSentinel. HEALTH CLINICS Thefollowingclinicswillbeheld thisyear inNelson inthedownstairsofthe CongregationalChurch. Eachclinicwillrunfrom 10 to 11 a.m. Therewillbe a minimalfeerequested for the screenings andflu shotsto cover thecostofsupplies. Wednesday, April24 Bloodpressure check Wednesday,July 31 Bloodpressurecheck Wednesday, October23 Cholesterol, glucose, hemoglobinscreening, flushots andbloodpressure check NELSON OLD HOMEWEEK Sunday, August 11 through Saturday August 17, 1996 ANNUAL REPORTS of the Town Officers and Inventory of Ratable Property of NELSON NEW HAMPSHIRE For Year Ending December 31, 1995 Aboutthe covers: OnAugust 18, 1915,manyNelson residents and friends gathered to dedicatea large bronze tabletinhonor ofNelson's 124CivilWarvolunteers. Accordingto theprogram ofthat day's events, therewas a "PosterityBox" on displaywhichwastobe filledwith items intendedto "showposterity thenatureofNelson andherinhabitants in theyear 1915." Before thelargetabletwasmounted on the frontofthe NelsonTownHall,this copperboxwas sealed and placed inarecessbetween thebuilding's studs. Historical records oftheseevents donotindicatewhenthisBoxwas tobe opened. In 1995, given that only a few residentswho had participated in the originalfestivities werestill alive, Nelson'sOld Home DayCommittee was asked toverifytheexistenceofthis Box, and, ifitwas found, to catalog and display the contents. Thefrontcover,which shows the ceremony on thecommon, is a reproduction ofone ofthemany photographsand other items discoveredin the Boxwhen itwasopened during a specialReminiscence Night gathering in theOld BrickSchoolhouseonTuesday, August8, 1995. The contents were also displayed on Old Home Day, August 12, 1995, and now reside in theTown archives. On the nextpage is a summary ofwhatwas found in the Box. Theback coverdepicts Nelson's main roads and some ofits topographical features. Such maps cue used by law enforcement, Fire and Rescue Departments and will assist in the development ofNelson's part of the E-911 emergencysystem. CONTENTS OF THE POSTERITY BOX Newspapers and Periodicals 1. NewHampshireSentinel,Wednesday,August25, 1915. 2. NewHampshireSentinel,Wednesday,September 1, 1915. 3. New YorkTimes,Monday,October4, 1915. 4. TheNelson Clarion,Vol. 1, No. 1,March 1870. 5. TheNelson Clarion,Vol. 1,No. 2,May 1871. 6. TheOutlook, October20, 1915 (aweeklymagazine of currenteventsandcommentary). TownReports 1. AnnualReport,Nelson,N.H.,1915 2. AnnualReport,Nelson, N.H., 1916 Booklets 1. GraniteLakeGrangeP. ofH. No. 115,Munsonville, N.H., 1915. Printedbookletoftheprogramsforyear1915. 2. Namesand Services, August 18, 1915. RecordofNelson soldierswhofoughtin theCivilWarandtheprogramfor the dedicationofthememorialtablet. (2copies) Postcards 1. Mt. MonadnockfromNelson,N.H. TownOrganizations 1. YoungPeoplesSocietyChristianEndeavorofNelson,N.H. Listofofficersandmembersin 1915. 2. Pupils oftheMunsonvilleSchoolin 1915. 3. FirstOrthodoxCongregationalChurch, Nelson,N.H. Listofofficersandmembers in 1915. 4. TheLadiesAidSociety. Listofofficersandmembers. 5. NelsonCongregationalChurchSundaySchool. Listofofficersandmembers. 6. TheMethodist EpiscopalChurchinMunsonville, N.H. Listofmembers in 1915. 7. GraniteLakeGrangeNo. 115,Patrons ofHusbandry. Listofofficersandmembers. Nelson'sCivilWarSoldiers 1. DocumentationfromtheLovejoyfamilythatGeorge, Miles,and Ruben LovejoywereborninNelsonandserved intheCivilWar. (Theirnames arenoton theTablet) 2. Photographs ofthe following soldiers: Newton Breed,GeorgeGranville J. Hardy,EdwardBrownHolt,MarquisLafayetteHolt,SumnerP. Fisher, W EdwinP. Hunt,George Osgood,GeorgeS. Petts,JamesH. Scott,Dr. . AlbertH. Taft, and EdwardR. Taft. Other Photographs Numerous otherphotographs were includedinthePosterity Boxthatshow Nelson villageand individualhouses in the town in 1915. There are alsomanyphotographs of town residents thatwillbeincluded ina detailedinventory ofthecontents ofthe Box thatwillbe available forreference when the accession to the Nelson archiveshasbeen completed. TABLE OF CONTENTS Town Officers 1 Selectmen's Report 3 Selectmen's and Auditor's Certificates 4 Warrant 5 Estimated Town Charges 11 Budget/Comparative Statement 12 Balance Sheet - 14 Statement of Appropriated Taxes 15 Summary of Inventory 15 Schedule of Town Property 15 Tax Collector's Reports 16 Summary of Tax Liens 17 Summary of Uncollected Taxes 18 Report of Trust Funds 20 Report of Town Treasurer 21 Librarian's Report 23 Library Fundraising Report 26 Cemetery Board's Report 28 Sexton's Report 28 Fire Chiefs Report 29 Police Chief Report 30 's Town Clerk's Report 31 Boat Agent Report 31 Vital Statistics 32 Report of the Road Agent 33 Conservation Commission Report 36 Detailed Statement of Expenses 37 Town Meeting 1995 Minutes 43 Granite Lake Village District 1995 Meeting Minutes 50 Inventory 72 School Reports Officers, Agents & Employees 53 Compliance Statement 54 Warrant 55 Budget 57 Auditor's Report 63 Report of District Treasurer 64 SAU 29 Adrninistrative Salaries 65 School Meeting 1994 Minutes 66 Administrative Report 67 Nelson School Staff Report 69 Chairman's Report 70 TOWN OFFICERS Selectmen TerryMednick Termexpires 1996 MatthewTolman Termexpires 1997 WalterRohr Termexpires 1998 TownClerk KathyBlaudschim DeputyTown Clerk LeeTrudelle (appointed) Tax Collector KathyBlaudschun DeputyTaxCollector WilliamR. Robertson (appointed) RoadAgent WinstonO. French Police Chief RichardDescoteaux Second Officer TracyCollier (appointed) FireChief Richard Lothrop J. EmergencyManagement Officer Richard Lothrop J. Health Officer Selectmen Sexton WinstonH. French Auditor Richard Lothrop J. Treasurer HaroldE. Gerbis (serving one-year terms) Moderator EthanC. Tolman (two-year termexpires 1996) TOWN OFFICERS Trustees ofthe TrustFund (MembersoftheCemeteryBoard) RobertaWingerson Termexpires 1996 TheresaM. Upton Termexpires 1997 SylviaWright Termexpires 1998 Cemetery Board AlStruthers Termexpires 1997 WinstonH. French Termexpires 1998 Trustees oftheLibrary DorothyM. French CeliaWiechert HenryM. Fuller HenryPutzel Termexpires 1996 LeeTrudelle Termexpires 1997 ZoningBoard ofAdjustment RobertGermeroth Termexpires 1996 KimRich Termexpires 1996 RichardDescoteaux Termexpires 1997 DeniseKearns Termexpires 1997 MichaelBlaudschun Termexpires 1998 PlanningBoard MarionRaynor Termexpires 1996 Russ Thomas Termexpires 1997 EthanTolman Termexpires 1997 Tom Newcombe Termexpires 1998 Road EquipmentCommittee FrankW. Ball Termexpires 1996 Kim Rich Termexpires 1997 BobJones Termexpires 1998 Supervisors ofthe Checklist JoanM. Warner Termexpires 1996 Rita Schillemat Termexpires 1998 BeatriceWarner Termexpires2000 Conservation Commission (appointed) Bud French RobertaWingerson Barbara Fraser JamesJarvela Frankie Brackley Tolman Bookkeeper (appointed) Donna C. Kidd Town Officers1 Assistant (appointed) Mary E. Davis REPORT OF THE SELECTMEN Constructionhasbegun onthenewlibraryand connectingstructure. Thisprocesstook alot oftime andefforton thepartofyourLibraryTrustees,theSelectmen,andmany otherTownresidents. Welookforward tomovingintothenewbuildingthissummer. TheTownis appreciativeofthegenerosityextendedbyBessandJack Bradshaw and Janette Seixas for grantingeasements totheTownwhichallowed thelibraryprojectto proceed. Wealsowishto thankHenryFullerfordonatingtwotracts oflandto theTown, oneof whichconstitutesanaddition toourcemetery. Weunderstand thatthisnewsection willbegintobeusedonceallthelotsinthe currentcemeteryare sold. Theirongates to theadditionwerebuiltwithlabordonatedbyTroyTucker. TheSelectmenare continuingnegotiationsoverwhowillmaintainoldRoute9. Because theStatefelt thattheywereabsolvedofresponsibility,thisroadwent unplowed for 1 dayduringasnowstormlastOctober. Dueinparttohelp fromState RepresentativeBillRiley, andStateSenatorBeverlyRodeschin,theNewHampshire Department ofTransportationhas agreed todowintermaintenanceofthisroad throughApril, 1996. TheSelectmenplanonrequiringtheStatetomaintainthis road, summerandwinter,in perpetuity,based onthe lawpertaining tounfundedmandates. Sincetherearesome potentialdownsides and costsassociatedwiththis courseofaction,weareputtingthis issue tothevotersbyway oftwo articles onthisyear'swarrant. Ifthevoters agree withthe Selecmen'spositions,thiswillmake forastrongercase againsttheState. Weareseeing amarked increaseinthenumberandkinds ofpolicies,rules and requirementscreated atState andFederallevelswhichtowns arebeing compelledto implement. Two suchmajorissueswithwhichNelsonispresentlydealingare: 1) mandatory drug and alcoholruleswhichrequirepolicyand testingproceduresfor townemployeeswho operateheavyequipmentand,2) adoption andimplementation ofa complex "jointlossmanagement" (safetyprocedures) policy ofwhichthe effectivenessisunknownand dubious. During1995,Nelsonwas deprived ofanumberoflong-timeresidentswho contributed muchto thisTown overtheyears. Someofthem died, somemoved away. Inany event, theirabsencesare deeplyfelt. Finally,wewould liketo sincerely thankthemany groups,boards,committees and individualswhoworksohard and giveoftheirtimeandenergy. Inparticular,we would like to acknowledge the contributionsmadebyseveral ofouryounger residents. In recentyears, this townhasbenefitedfrom avariety ofwell-planned and well-executed EagleScoutprojects. Theseyoungmen, liketheirelders acknowledged above, are asignificant partofwhatmakes Nelson sucha specialcommunity. SELECTMEN'S CERTIFICATE This is to certify thattheinformationcontainedinthe following reportswas taken from official records andis correct to thebest ofourknowledgeandbelief. TerryA. Mednick WalterH. Rohr MatthewTolman AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE Iherebycertify thatIhaveexamined and audited the accounts and records ofthe TownofNelsonforthefiscal yearendingDecember 31, 1995. Therecordsand accountsincludethoseoftheSelectmen, Treasurer,Tax Collector, TownClerk, Trustees oftheTrustFunds,Cemetery Board, LibraryTrusteesand Boat Agent. To thebest ofmyknowledge andbelief, Icertifythattheaccounts andrecords ofthe above are true and correct. Richard Lothrop J. Auditor TOWN WARRANT TO THE INHABITANTS of the Town of Nelson, in the County of Cheshire, State of New Hampshire, qualified to vote in Town affairs: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED to meet in the Town HaU in said Nelson on Tuesday, the 12th day of March, 1996, at 12:00 noon to act upon the following articles: POLLS will open at 12:00 noon and close at 8:00 p.m. BUSINESS MEETING will start at 7:00 p.m. ARTICLES OF A GENERAL NATURE 1. To choose necessary Town Officers for the year ensuing. 2. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Town $87,286 to defray charges for the year ensuing. (The 1995 appropriation was $82,675.) 3. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to accept, on behalf of the Town, gifts, legacies and devises made to the Town in trust for any public purpose. This authorization, in accordance with RSA 31:19, shall remain in effect until rescinded by a vote of the town. 4. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to accept, on behalf of the Town, gifts of personal property (other than cash) to the Town for any public purpose. This authorization, in accordance with RSA 31:95-e, shall remain in effect until rescinded by a vote of the town. 5. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,000 for an interior survey of the new section of the Nelson Cemetery. This article shall be non-lapsing for a period of two years or until the project has been completed, whichever comes first. The Selectmen and the Cemetery Board recommend this article. 6. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1 to be added to the Revaluation Capital Reserve Fund. The Selectmen recommend this appropriation. (The 1995 appropriation was $1. The current fund balance is about $9,410.) 7. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $13,578 for support of the Town Library. (The 1994 appropriation was $12,776.)

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