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Annual report of the Town of Litchfield, New Hampshire PDF

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Preview Annual report of the Town of Litchfield, New Hampshire

u of Litchfield Hampshire Reports al for 2004 700 p in Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ; to Noon; Friday—4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. INGS- Town Hall enin&s during the months of &ty:wff&ii$Bi Town Hall Town Hall Library Town Hall Hi Town of Litchfield New Hampshire Annual Reports Year ending December 3 2004 1 , also Annual Report of the School District Year ending June 30, 2004 69 —INDEX— Animal Control Report 74 Annual Meeting, Election Results 126 Auditor's Report-2004 67 Births 141 Budget ofthe Town 18 Building Department 79 Cable Advisory Committee 81 Comparative Statement 44 Conservation Commission 83 Deaths 144 Deliberative Session 10 Financial Report 38 General Election 123 Highway Department 85 Hillcrest Cemetery Association 88 Librarian's Report 73 Library Director's Report 70 Marriages 139 Nashua Regional Planning Commission 90 Pinecrest CemeteryAssociation 92 Planning Board 95 Police Department 97 Presidential Primary 116 Recreation Committee 112 Resident Population 28 SCHOOL REPORTS Auditor's Report SD-85 Business Administrator SD- 8 Curriculum Director SD-11 Election Results SD-56 Enrollment Projection SD-27 Minutes from 2/7/04 Deliberative Session SD-28 Minutes from 2/5/05 Deliberative Session SD-63 Notes to Financial Statements SD-90 Principal - Campbell High School SD-22 Principal-Griffin Memorial School SD-1 Principal-Litchfield Middle School SD-1 School BoardDistrict Chairman's Report SD- 4 School Calendar SD-26 School DistrictBudget SD-99 School District Officers SD- 2 School DistrictWarrant SD-51 Special EdPrograms & Services SD-98 Special Services SD-10 Staff SD-15 Superintenent's Report SD- 7 Technology Coordinator SD-13 Voting Warrant SD-50 Selectmen 68 State Primary 119 Summary Inventory 28 Tax Collector 29 Tax Rate 27 Town Clerk 34 TownExpenses 45 Town Officers 3 Town Officers & Employee Earnings 136 Town Warrant 6 Treasurer 35 Trust Funds 65 Zoning Board 115 LITCHFIELD, NH TOWN OFFICERS Office: Office Holder a/o 12/31/04: Term Expires: Moderator: John Regan 2006 Assistant Moderator (Town & School) Philip M. Reed 2006 Selectmen: John E. Pinciaro, chairman 2007 M. Patricia Jewett 2005 Raymond Peeples 2005 Jack Scheiner 2006 Cecil A. Williams 2007 Administrative Assistant: Cecile Durocher Budget Committee: Brent Lemire, chairman 2007 Ralph Boehm 2005 John E. Caynon 2006 John R. Devereaux 2006 Susan Rafferty 2007 William Spencer 2005 Cecil Williams Selectmen Rep Cynthia Couture School Board Rep Cable Advisory Commitee Richard Pentheny, chairman 2006 John Beaulieu 2007 Scott Cavanagh 2007 Timothy Kearns 2005 alternate Cynthia Couture 2006 alternate David Hunt 2005 Cemetery Association Trustees Hillcrest Cemetery Rosalyn Calawa, Pres. 2004 Warren Adams 2004 Edith Eldridge 2004 Elaine Young 2004 Pinecrest Cemetery Robert Leary, president 2005 Karen Hodge 2008 Robert Martineau 2006 Richard Stoddard 2007 Checklist Supervisors: Robert Redding, chairman 2010 Christine Lepine 2008 Shirley Reed 2006 Code Enforcement Officer: Roland E. Bergeron tenure Asst. Code Enforce. Officer: Thomas J. Malley 2005 Conservation Commission: Thomas W. Levesque, Sr., chairman 2005 Joan McKibben 2005 Raymond C. Peeples, Jr. Selectman Rep Roger St. Laurent, Jr. 2007 Torene Tango-Lowy 2007 Marjorie Z. Pitcher 2006 Fire Chief: Thomas Schofield 2005 Forest Fire Warden Thomas Schofield 2005 Health Officer: Roderick Jones 8/13/05 Deputy Health Officer Jacqueline Hoey, RN Library Trustees: Michelle Parzych, chairman 2007 Rita Blackadar 2007 Amy Goldstein 2005 Michaela Huston 2005 alternate Jeffrey Hidalgo 2007 alternate Mona Lepine 2005 Director ofLibrary Services Vicki L. Varick Planning Board: John Blackadar, co-chair 2006 Gregg R. Jeffrey, co-chair 2007 Alison Douglas 2006 Raymond Peeples Selectman Rep Mary Ann Geist 2005 Steven Perry 2005 Charles E. Valenti 2007 alternate Leon Barry 2005 Police Chief: Joseph O'Brien 16-Jul-05 Recreation Commission: Horace W. Seymour III, chaiman 2005 Ralph Boehm resigned John Ferlan 2005 Scott Innes resigned Jason Kohm 2007 Raymond Peeples Selectman Rep Richard T. Rafferty, Jr. 2006 alternate John Ferlan 2005 alternate David Hansberry 2006 alternate Anthony Schaffer 2007 Road Agent: Gerard J. DeCosta 2005 So. NH Regional Plann. Comm M. Patricia Jewett Town Clerk/Tax Collector: Diane L. Jerry 2005 Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Col.: Patricia A. Textor 2005 Treasurer: Eberhard Rau 2005 Deputy Treasurer Marion Cason 2005 Trustees, Town Trust Funds: JanetFerren 2006 Sheryl Hartling 2007 -4- Horace Seymour III 2005 Zoning Board ofAdjustment: Gregory Lepine, chairman 2005 John Brunelle 2007 Laura Gandia 2006 John G. Regan 2006 Richard Riley, Jr. 2007 alternate Patrick Crean 2005 alternate John R. Devereaux 2007 alternate Albert Guilbeault 2006 -5- TOWN WARRANT TOWN OF LITCHFIELD To the inhabitants of the Town of Litchfield in the County of Hillsborough in said State, qualified to vote in Town affairs: You are hereby notified that the first session ofthe annual meeting ofthe Town of Litchfield will be held at Campbell High School, 1 Highlander Court, in said Litchfield on Friday, February 11, 2005, at 7:00 o'clock in the evening for explanation, discussion and debate of each warrant article. Warrant Articles may be amended at RSA this session per 40:13, IV, except for Warrant Article 1 1, the wording ofwhich is prescribed by law and cannot be amended per RSA 40:13(IV) (a). You are hereby notified that the second session of the annual meeting of the Town of Litchfield will be held at Campbell High School, 1 Highlander Court, in said Litchfield on Tuesday, March 8, 2005, at 7:00 o'clock in the fore noon for the choice of Town Officers elected by official ballot to vote on questions required by law to be inserted on the official ballot and to vote on all Warrant Articles from the first session on official ballot per RSA 40:13, VII. The polls for the election of Town Officers and other action required to be inserted on said ballot will open on said date at 7:00 o'clock in the fore noon and will not close earlier than 7:00 o'clock in the evening. Article 1. To elect by ballot the following Town Officers: Two Selectmen - three-year terms; One Town Clerk/Tax Collector - three-year term; one Town Treasurer - three-year term; one Road Agent - one-year term; one Fire Chief- one-year term; one Trustee ofTown Trust Funds - three-year term; two Library Trustees - three-year terms; one Library Trustee - two-year term; one Library Trustee - one-year term; two Budget Committee members - three-year terms and one Budget Committee member for one-year term. Article 2. Are you in favor ofthe adoption ofthe Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 1 as proposed by the Planning Board for the Town of Litchfield Zoning Ordinance as follows: AMEND Section 402.00, Temporary Placement ofManufactured Housing, to be consistent with RSA 674:32, II, which increases the period of temporary occupancy from 4 months to 12 months because offire or disaster making the primary residence uninhabitable. In addi- tion, to authorize the Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer to issue permits instead ofthe Planning Board to prevent delay and hard- ship to occupants. The Planning Board will be notified ofissuance and expiration oftemporary permits for manufactured homes. This amendment has PlanningBoardapproval. Article 3. Are you in favor ofthe adoption ofthe Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 2 as proposed by the Planning Board for the Town of Litchfield Zoning Ordinance as follows: -6 AMEND Section 1302.00, Imposition ofPublic Capital Facilities Impact Fees and Section 1402.00, Imposition ofPublic School Facilities Impact Fees, to comply with recently approved Senate Bill 414 by adding subsection c to each section as follows: c. Impact fees imposed pursuant to this ordinance shall be assessed by the Planning Board at the time ofsubdivision or site plan approval, and shall be stated in the Board's Notice of Decision and as a note on the approved plat or plan. When no Planning Board approval is required, impact fees shall be assessed prior, or as a condition for the issuance of a building permit or other appropriate permission to proceed with development. This amendment has PlanningBoardapproval. Article 4. Are you in favor ofthe adoption ofthe Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 3 as proposed by the Planning Board for the Town of Litchfield Zoning Ordinance as follows: AMEND Section 2106.00, Sunset, to extend the expiration of the Growth Management ordinancefrom 2005 to 2006 by changing the year in thefollowing sentence: This Ordinance expires May 1, 2006 unless re-adopted priorto that date. This amendment has Planning Board approval. Article 5. Are you in favor ofthe adoption ofthe Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 4 as proposed by the Planning Board for the Town of Litchfield Zoning Ordinance as follows: AMEND Sections 502.03, Residential District; 802.03, Northern Commercial District; 902.03, Transitional District; 952.03, Northern Commercial/Industrial Service District and 1002.03, Southern Commercial/Industrial Service District, to conform to the intended design standard for Albuquerque Avenue development by adding the following sentence: For Albuquerque Avenue, all buildings or structures shall be setback a minimum ofseventy-five (75) feet from the edge ofright-of-way. This amendment has PlanningBoard approval. Article 6. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $850,000.00 for the construction and fit-up ofa fire station to be located at the inter- section ofWood Hawk Way and Albuquerque Avenue on town owned property and to appropriate the amount of $0.00 representing the 2005 payment of principal and interest and to authorize the issuance of $ 850,000.00 of bonds or notes in accor- -7- dance with the provisions of the municipal Finance Act (RSA Chapter 33), and to authorize the Board of Selectmen to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes, the term ofwhich shall not exceed 5 years, and to determine the rate ofinterest thereon, the form and other details ofsaid bonds or notes. (Three-fifths ballot vote required). Recommended by the Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee. Article 7. Shall the Town raise and appropriate as an operating budget, not including appropriations by special warrant articles and other appropriations voted separately, the amounts set forth on the budget posted with the warrant or as amended by vote of the first session, for the purposes set forth therein, totaling $ 3,442,087.00. Should this article be defeated, the default budget shall be $ 3,369,422 which is the same as last year, with certain adjustments required by previous action ofthe Town or by law or the governing body may hold one special meeting, in accordance with RSA 40:13,X and XVI, to take up the issue of a revised operating budget only. Recommended by the Board ofSelectmen and the Budget Committee. "NOTE: This warrant article (operating budget) does not include appropriation in ANY other warrant article." Article 8. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $502,392.00 to construct 2,500 feet of Albuquerque Avenue (Center Section) from Meadowbrook Lane to Westview Drive, to construct approximately 400 feet of Liberty Way from Albuquerque Avenue to the Town Hall/Police Station, and to reconstruct the Hillcrest Road intersection at Albuquerque Avenue; and to authorize the use of344,000.00 from the Highway Block Grant fund and to further authorized the withdrawal of $158,392.00 from the road impact fees and Hillcrest Road offsite fund. This will be a non-lapsing account per RSA 32:3 (VI) and will not lapse until the work is completed or December 31, 2007 whichever shall occur first. Recommended by the Board ofSelectmen and the Budget Committee. Article 9. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $245,000.00 to engineer and construct a road drainage system on Corning Road. RSA This will be a non-lapsing account per 32:3 (VI) and will not lapse until the work is completed or December 31, 2009 whichever shall occur first. Recommended by the Board ofSelectmen and the Budget Committee. Article 10. To see if the Town will vote to hire a full-time police officer effective July 5, 2005 at an annual salary and related costs of $53,314.00 and to further vote to raise and appropriate the sum of$26,657.00 for wages and benefits for the period of July 5, 2005 to December 31 2005. Recommended by the Board of Selectmen. Not recommended by the Budget Committee. Article 11. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $62,532.00 for the construction of a new egress underdrain and a new gravity drainage system to correct the overall drainage pattern ofthe Aaron Cutler Memorial Library. This is a non-lapsing account per RSA 32:3 (VI) and will not lapse until the project is completed or December 31, 2009, whichever comes first. Recommended by the Board ofSelectmen and the Budget Committee. -8-

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