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Annual report of the Town of Carroll, New Hampshire PDF

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Preview Annual report of the Town of Carroll, New Hampshire

mi Annual Report of the Town of CARROLL, N.H For the Year Ending December 1997 31, Digitized by tine Internet Arcinive in 2009 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.arcliive.org/details/annualreportofto1997carr Annual Report For The Town of CARROLL NEW HAMPSHIRE For The Year Ending December 1997 31, PLEASE THIS IS THE ONLY REPORT YOU WILL RECEIVE. PLEASE SAVE AND BRING TO TOWN MEETING. -1 C3\ mi TABLE OF CONTENTS CoverPhoto & Thanks 4 Office Hours & Phone Numbers 5 Town Officers 6 Warrant 8 1998 Budget 13 Sources ofRevenue 15 Summary ofInventory Valuation 16 1997 Tax Rate Calculation 17 Town Meeting Minutes - March 1997 19 Schedule ofTown Property 33 & Auditor's Reports - Plodzik Sanderson 35 Tax Collector's Report 38 Town Clerk's Report 40 Treasurer's Report 42 Report ofLong Term Debt 42 Cash Receipts 1997 43 & Appropriations Expenses 1997 45 Report ofSalaries & Wages 1997 53 Water Rent Report 58 Report ofthe Trust Funds 60 Library Trustees Financial Report 65 Selectmen's Report 66 Police Department Report 68 Fire Chief's Report 72 EMS Report 74 Report ofForest Fire Warden 75 Library Report 76 Twin Mt.-Bretton Woods Historical Society 77 Highway Department 78 North Country Council Report 79 White Mountain Mental Health 81 North Country Home HealthAgency 82 Hospice ofthe Littleton Area 83 Twin Mountain Chamber ofCommerce 84 Mt. Washington Regional Airport 87 FrontCoverPhoto TwinMountainAirportandTwinMountainCamps The original TwinMountainAirport, dedicated 1930. Siteof the present dayCharlmontMotel. Onthe lowerleft isthe Bob Mountain house. Onthe lowerright is King's Cottage, today KathleenMonahan's house. Photo courtesyofthe TwinMountain - Bretton WoodsHistoricalSociety Specialthanks toJimmyGardinerforhisassistance whenthe Selectmen's Office computerprinterfailed-hishelp allowedus togetthis reportprinted] -4- 1 Town ofCarroll OfficeHoursand PhoneNumbers OfficeofSelectmen: 846-5754 Hours: Monday- Thursday9:00AM-3:00PM Selectmen'sMeetings: Jan.-April &Nov. -Dec: Mondaynightat 7:00 PM May-October: everyotherMondaynightat7:00PM TownClerk& TaxCollector: 846-5494 Hours: Monday9:00AM-Noon & 6:00PM- 8:00PM Tuesday-Thursday: 9:00AM-3:00PM Library: 846-5818 Hours: October-Apnl: Monday6:30PM- 8:30 PM; Wednesday& PM PM Saturday 1:00 -4:00 April - September: Monday6:30PM - 8:30 PM; Wednesday& PM PM Saturday 1:00 - 5:00 Landfill: Hours: Jan. -May: Monday& Thursday: 11:00AM-4:00PMand AM PM Saturday9:00 -4:00 June-December: Monday& Thursday: Noon - 5:00PM AM PM Saturday9:00 - 5:00 Special SundayHours: Memorial Day-ColumbusDay: Noon-2:00PM ResidencyDecal Requiredforadmissionto facility-seeTownClerk PlanningBoard: Meets onthe firstThursdayofeachmonthat 7:30PM BoardofAdjustment: Meetsonthe secondThursdayofeachmonth, iftheyhave acasebefore PM them, at 7:30 HighwayAVaterDepartment: 846-5735 toreachoverthe radiocall Foster'sat 846-2283 PoliceDepartment: 846-2200 FireDepartment: 846-5545 Emergency: dial 91 State ofNHMotorVehicle Substation: 846-2228 TownOfficesareclosedonlegal holidays Noticesof Special Meetingsandotherpublic information will bepostedontheBulletinBoardsattheFire Station andattheTownHall as needed. CARROLLTOWNOFFICERS 1997 BOARDOF SELECTMEN HEALTHOFFICER WilliamJ. Wright 1998 WilliamR. Harris Chairman OVERSEEROFPOOR MichaelE. Lavelle 1999 WilliamR. Harris 2000 WilliamJ. Wright SELECTMEN'SOFFICE LIBRARIAN KimberlyHallquist,Administrative Assistant ThelmaMonahan MarciaRouillard, Secretary DEPT. OF PUBLIC TOWNCLERK& TAX WORKS COLLECTOR GeneCormier, Supervisor Louise Staples 2000 GaryWhitcomb, part-time helper RobertDupont,Landfill Attn. DEPUTYTOWNCLERK& TAXCOLLECTOR Leslie Marshall POLICE DEPT TREASURER JohnGardiner, Chief DianeHams 1998 William Smalley, Cpl. RobertRoesch,Patrolman LIBRARYTRUSTEES RichardBall,JeffreyDuncan, PatriciaMartin 1999 SharonMatson,JohnWolf AnnFabrizio 2000 Specials EleanorBrauns 1998 FIRE DEPT SUPERVISORSOF Robert Stalaboin, Chief CHECKLIST MarcBrodeur,Asst. Chief, Fire EMT EleanorBrauns 1998 WilliamR. Harris,Asst. Chief, EdwinaBerry 2000 PatriciaMartin 2002 MODERATOR TRUSTEE OFTRUST FUNDS RaymondChaput Dons Luebke 2000 MichelleCormier 1998 Irene Thompson 1999 EMERGENCYMEDICALSERVICE TheresaArmstrong GuyJubinville Marc Brodeur TimMcCole(driver) EdwardDaniels RoyRamsdell JeffDuncan AndreaRoy JohnFoster Kelly Shaheen Geri Gameau Michael Shaheen BobHarris William Smalley KevinHolland(driver) Robert Stalaboin RayHorschIII FranzSzakmary BenJellison Toni Werner RECREATIONCOMMITTEE OFFICE OFEMERGENCY MANAGEMENT JackieGameau MaryTetreau FredHollis, Director BOARDOFADJUSTMENT FrankCaruso,Chairman PLANNING BOARD JamesLeClair(resigned) Paul Cormier, Chairman Russell Clough CharlesRicardi Daniel Luebke HerbertMcGee DianeHarris G. ErnestTemple MichelleCormier RayHorschII KimberlyHallquist, Secretary WilliamR. Harris, Selectman MarciaRouillard, Secretary BUDGETCOMMTTTEE MarkClark, Chairman 1998 Michael Shaheen 2000 MarcTetreau2000 KimberlyCloutier 1999 MarthaWoolhouse 1999 JosephGritzer 1998 Michael E. Lavelle, Selectman -7- WARRANT TOWNOFCARROLL MARCH 10,1998 Tothe Inhabitantsofthe Town ofCarroll, intheCountyofCoosandthe State of New Hampshire, qualifiedtovote intownaffairs: Youare herebynotifiedto meetattheTownHall, Twin Mountain insaidTown ofCarroll, on Tuesdaythe 10thdayofMarchnextat7:30 PMto actonthe followingsubjects. The polls will beopenforvotingforTownOfficersandall othermatters ontheofficial ballotat 10:00 o'clock inthe forenoonandshall not close before 6:00 o'clock inthe afternoon. Article 1. Electthe necessaryTown Officers. Article2. Shall weadopttheprovisionsofRSA40:13 toallowofficialballot votingonall issuesbeforethe TownofCarroll. Article3. To see iftheTownwill voteto raise andappropriatethe sumof Seven Hundred SixteenThousand Forty-seven Dollars ($716,047.00)as recommendedbythe Carroll Budget Committee forthe supportofthe Town. A.

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