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Annual report of the officers of the Town of Albany for the fiscal year ending . PDF

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Preview Annual report of the officers of the Town of Albany for the fiscal year ending .

Annual Report of the Town Officers of the ALBANY New Hampshire for the fiscal year ending 1990 The Tip Top House on Chocorua M(. Built in 1884. This structure was destroyed by wind in Sept. 1915. ANNUAL REPORT of the Officers of the Town of ALBANY New Hampshire for the fiscal year ending December 3 1990 Printed by RMC Graphics, Conway, NH TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Town Officers 3 Selectmen's Report 4 1990 Warrant 6 1990 Budget 10 1990 Summary of Inventory & Tax Rate 16 Financial Report 17 Schedule of Town Property 18 Town Clerk's Report 18 Tax Collector's Report 19 Summary of Tax Sales Accounts 20 List of Delinquent Taxpayers 21 Treasurer's Report 26 Trustee's of Trust Fund Report 28 Sources of Revenue 29 Summary of Payments 31 Auditors Report - Ed McKenzie 39 Planning Board Report 40 Board of Adjustment Report 42 Historical Society REport 43 North Country Council Report 44 Civic Group-Treasurer Report 45 Laura Johnson Pierce Scholarship Fund 46 Fire Warden Report 47 Conservation Commission Report 48 Building Committee Report 49 Cemetery Association Report 50 Report of the School District 51 Vital Statistics 72 TOUN OFFICERS TERN OFFICE EXPIRES Moderator Harilyn Nckenna 1992 Iwo Years Selectmen Ihomas Barbour 1992 Three Years Stanley Tabor 1991 Jonathan Hively 1993 fown Clerk/ Sharon keete 1991 Tax Collector Three Years Treasurer George NorriU 1991 Three Years Auditor Edward Hckenzie 1991 One Year Road Agent Frank Plummer 1991 Three Years Cemetery Committee Ann Croto 1992 Three Years Brad Mckenzie 1991 Ruth Norrill 1993 Trustee of Rita Wells 1993 Trust funds Judith Wilbur 1991 Three Years Brad Hckenzie 1992 Supervisors of Phyllis Hatch 1992 The Check List Bertil Backman 1996 Six Years Bonnie Wilmot 199/ SELECTKEN'S REPORT 1990 The towD of Albany now has a Highway aaintenance facility on land owned by the town, on High Street. It is 20' by 40' and has a storage area for the town's salt needs, and a repair facility to repair equipient. It was built by Toi, Stan, and Prank with luaber froi the trees cut froa the town hall property. The Solid Waste agreeient with the Town of Conway is working well. The cost has gene down over the past two years. County wide Solid Waste is still in the works. The town has signed an agreenent with the Conway Village Fire District for our future needs for fire and rescue. It is to be renegotiated each year as deeied necessary. The Town, in cooperation with Saunders Brother's logging, has agreed to close the Albany Covered Bridge at the end of the Dugway Road to all but pedestrian traffic for safety reasons, while logging operations are being carried out in Deer Brook Valley. We will be opening the bridge April 1st and closing it Noveaber 1st this year for the saie reasons. The ordinances that the town passed at last year's town leeting on alcohol, parking, noise, etc., have had a positive iipact on the town's budget. Approximately $5,000.00 in fines were realized. There were fewer alcohol related rescue calls on the Kancaiagus, all thanks to the Carroll County Sheriff's Departient. In the upcoiing year or years, the Selectien would like to build a new towo ball and office coiplex on town hall land. Hitb the help of the town and donated labor, we feel that with the experience of soie of the townspeople we can build this coiplex and leet all state requireients at liniial cost to the taxpayers. Many of the residents are coiplaining about their taxes. Ne sympathize with thei, but it is out of our hands. The school takes over 2/3 of the town lonies and until we can put soie controls on it, our taxes will continue to rise each year. Sorry. The Selectien would like to thank all of the coiiittees aod volunteers for their help in running the town this past year. Ke will need luch lore help in the coiinq year. If anyone is interested, please contact the Selectien. Jonathan Hively, Chin Thoias Barbour Stanley Tabor ALBANY TOWN WARRANT 1991 To the iQhabitaDts ot the Towd of Albaoy, CouDty of Carroll, State of New Haipshire, qualified to vote in Town Affairs; You are hereby notified to leet at the Town Hall in Albany, Hew Haipshire, on Tuesday, the 12th day of Karch, 1991 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon to act upon the following subjects hereinafter set forth. Voting on Article 1 will be by official ballot and the polls shall be open for balloting at 10 o'clock in the forenoon or as soon thereafter as the Koderator calls the leeting to order and declares a quorui present and shall not close before 6 o'clock in the evening. The retaining articles of the warrant shall be acted upon at 7:30 o'clock in the evening or at the closing of the polls if the leeting shall vote to keep the polls open to a later hour. Article 1. To elect all necessary officers. Article 2. To see whether or not the town will vote to authorize the board of Selectien to begin collecting taxes every six lonths, instead of once a year. Due and payable on June 1st and Deceiber 1st. Article 3. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the following subs of loney for the following purposes: Town officers salaries $18,100.00 Town officers expenses 31,550.00 Election and Registration 1,200.00 Aniial Control 400.00 Governient Buildings 3,300.00 Reappraisal of Property 9,000.00 Planning & Zoning 800.00 Legal Expenses 5,500.00 Regional Associations 1,900.00 Culture & Recreation 2,950.00 Contingencies 5,000.00 Fire/Rescue/Aibulance 25,000.00 Civil Defense I.00 Highways 73,000.00 Solid Haste Disposal 35,000.00 Welfare 8,000.00 Interest on Teip Loan 2,500.00 Cap Reserv-Reappiaisal 5,000.00 iDSuraQce 8.000.00 236,201.00 Article 4. To See if the voters of the town of Albany will vote to discontinue the Albany Covered Bridge so a Quit Clan deed lay be given to the U.S. Forest Service. (Petition by Millard Croto, et.al.). Article 5. To see if the voters of the town of Albany will vote to put into study, the discontinuance of the Dugway Road, froi the state road laintenance line, north to the Kancaiagus Highway, with a Study Coiiittee of three (3), to be appointed by the Koderator. The Coiiittee will report back to the Town at the 1992 Town Meeting. (Petition by Millard Croto, et.al.). Article 6. To see if the town will vote to adopt the optional fiscal year. This would change Town Meeting to May. The town and the school would have the saie accounting period. (Petition by Marilyn McKenna, et.al.). Article 7. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sui of $25,000.00 to be put in the Town Hall building fund. Article 8. To see if the town will give the selectien the authority to ezpend lonies to start the town hall building this year. Article 9. To see if the Town will vote to take over the laintenance of Stacey Lane. Article 10. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sui of $4,500.00 to be used for the laintenance of Stacey Lane. Article 11. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sui o£ $9,000.00 to reseal as lany roads as possible. Article 12. To see if the Town will vote to have the selectien or a coiiittee work out an agreeient with the US Forest Service and the loggers to repair Canada Street froi the Dugway to the Albany covered bridge, approziiately four liles, at no cost to the Tohd. Article 13. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropri ate the sui of $1,200.00 for the CoQway Public Library. Article 14. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropri ate the sui of $200.00 for support of the Eastern Slope Airport Authority. Article 15. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sui of $1,500.00 and appropriate the sui of $200.00 received froi sale of ceietery lots ($1,700.00) for the ceieteries, $150.00 to go into the Trust Fund and $1,550.00 for the care and laintenance of the ceieteries. Any unused balance froi the $1,550.00 shall go into the Trust Fund. Article 16. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sui of $350.00 for Coiiunity Action Out Reach Prograi and $200.00 for the Big Brother/Big Sister Prograi. Both prograis are under Tri- County Coiiunity Action. Article 17. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the SUI of $1,650.00 for the Children and Youth Project. (Petition by Karilyn McKenna, et.al.). Article 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sui of $679.00 for the Visiting Nurse Services of Northern Carroll County. (Petition by Ellen Blanchard, et.al. ). Article 19. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sui of $251.50 for the Early Intervention Prograi of Children Unliiited. (Petition by Ellen Blanchard, et.al.). Article 20. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the SUI of $1,837.00 for the support of the Gibson Center for Senior Services. (Petition by Marilyn McKenna, et.al.). Article 21. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sui of $665.00 to assist Carroll County Mental Health services. (Petition by S. Young Knox, et.al.). Article 22. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the 8UI of $450.00 to assist the Faiily Health Centre. (Petition by Deborah Bell, et.al.).

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