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Annual report for the Town of Bedford, New Hampshire PDF

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Preview Annual report for the Town of Bedford, New Hampshire

NEW BEDFORD, HAMPSHIRE TOWN 1992 ANNUAL REPORT THE SIGNS OF BEDFORD WHERE ARE THEY - BEDFORD To find the signs of TOWN OF Bedford, seepage 34 TOWN MEETING CALENDAR School District Meeting Thursday, March 4, 1993 7:00 PM McKelvie School Town and School District Elections Tuesday, March 9, 1993 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM McKelvie School Budgetary Town Meeting Thursday, March 11, 1993 7:00 PM McKelvie School Please bring this report to Annual Budgetary Town Meeting ANNUAL REPORT forthe TOWN OFBEDFORD, NEWHAMPSHIRE of for the Year Ending December 31 1992 , TOWN ELECTED OFFICIALS COUNCILORS There are four errors in the Annual Report which must be noted: Page 8 - The heading for the continuation of the Warrant from page 7 reads 1992 rather than 1993. Page 9 - Article 7 was changed at the last public hearing on the budget from $5,551,952 for the Town General Fund to $5,559,138 which changes the Total Appro- priations from $6,377,697 to $6,384,883. The $7,186 difference reflects the addition of revenues from 1992 property sales and a corresponding addition of the appropriation to the Town Council's budget to cover expenses of land transactions in 1993. Page 24, 25, & 26 - The Manager's Proposal and the Council Proposal headings at the top of the columns should say 1993 not 1992. TABLE OF CONTENTS Town Meeting Calendar Front Cover Town ElectedOfficials Inside Cover Population and Tax Rate Inside Cover Table ofContents I State Elected Officials 2 Appointed Officials 2 & Appointed Boards Commissions 2 Minutes of 1992 Budgetary Town Meeting 3 Supervisors ofthe Checklist 6 1993 Warrant 7 Town Council 10 Regional Tax Rates 10 Town Manager 11 & Finance Personnel Department 12 Historic District Commission 12 Board ofAdjustment 13 & Zoning Administration Building Department 13 Capital Improvement Plan Summary 1993 14 Trust Funas 18 Treasurer's Report 20 Cemetery Trustees 20 1993 Budget Overview 22 Unallocated Reserve Transfers 23 Statement ofBonded Debt 23 1993 Proposed Budget Appropriations 24 1993 Proposed Budget Revenues 25 Schedule ofProperty Owned by the Town 27 Planning Board 28 Planning Department 29 Economic Development Commission 30 Conservation Commission 30 Police Department 31 Police Department Activities 31 Fire Department 32 Fire Department Statistics 33 Emergency Management 34 Forest Fire Warden 34 The Signs ofBedford 34 & Parks Recreation Commission 35 Recreation Department 36 Recreation Department Statistics 37 Thank You's 37 Library 38 Library Accounts Statistics & Information 39 Public Works Department 40 Landfill 41 Wastewater 41 Voluntary Recycling Committee 42 Tax Rate Analysis 43 Visiting Nurse Association 44 Health Department 45 Assessing Department 45 Town Clerk/Tax Collector 46 & Tax Sales Liens 46 Tax Collector's Report 47 Births 48 Marriages 51 Deaths 54 Auditor's Letter Inside Back Cover Office Hours Back Cover Phone Numbers Back Cover Town ofBedford. New Hampshire 1992 Annual Report APPOINTED BOARDS CONSERVATION & COMMISSIONS Thomas Riley, Co-Chair 1993 William Barry 1995 PLANNING BOARD David Rice 1993 Gary A. Howard,Chairman 1993 William Hallock, Co-Chair 1994 Thomas Cassese 1993 Benjamin Frost 1995 David J. Danielson 1995 Eugene Van Loan, Jr. Councilor Paul Drahnak 1994 Thomas Cassese Planning Bd. John Jacobson 1994 Angelique Mosher, alt. 1993 M. Edward Malta 1993 Roberta Amero, alt. 1994 Artie Robersen Town Manager Margaret Bravar, alt. 1995 Paul Goldberg Councilor Edward Kelly, Public Works Director BOARD OFADJUSTMENT Ray L. Kiestlinger, alt. 1993 Susan Tufts Moore, Chair 1995 Roger Hawk, alt. 1994 Paul F. Harrington 1995 Steven Rousseau, alt. 1995 Sandra J. LaMontagne 1994 Martha Harris, Clerk Eugene Garceau 1993 Richard Young 1993 PARKSAND RECREATION Albert Gelinas, alt. 1993 Richard Fortin, Chair 1993 Richard Sullivan, alt. 1994 Chrystal Ruszenas 1993 Christopher Bandazian, alt. 1995 Mary Selvoski 1994 Scot Pollock 1995 HISTORICDISTRICT COMMISSION Richard Como Councilor Shep Melnick, Chair 1995 Ilene Brogadir, alt. 1993 Stephen Jensen 1993 Ken Hawkins, alt. 1994 Carolyn Richmond 1995 Marilyn Otterson 1993 TRUSTEES OF CEMETERIES James Dias, Councilor Aubrey Robinson,Jr. Chair 1995 Leonard Gerzon, alt. 1993 , Doris Spurway 1994 Madonna Repeta, alt. 1994 Charles Lagasse 1993 D. Laurence Gott, alt. 1995 TOWN APPOINTED OFFICIALS STATE ELECTED OFFICIALS Assessor John Temchack Assistant Treasurer Dana Kelley Governor Stephen Merrill & Building Inspector Merritt Peasley U. S. Senators Judd Gregg Robert Smith Environmental Coordinator Steve Crean U. S. Representatives Bill Zeliff; Dick Swett Executive Assistant Martha Harris Governor's Executive Councilor Earl Rinker Finance Director Tony Plante State Senator Sheila Roberge Fire Chief Bob Fabich, Jr. Library Director Frances Wiggin Representatives to the General Court Police Chief David Bailey Dorothy Bowers Planning Director Karen White Virginia Burke Public Works Director Ed Kelly Dana Kelley Recreation Director Brian Ross Barbara A. Upton Town Manager Artie Robersen Peter Wells Treasurer Richard Larson TOWN OF BEDFORD BUDGETARY TOWN MEETING MARCH 12, 1992 - MCKELVIE SCHOOL The Budgetary Town Meeting was held on Mr. Fortin, Chairman of the Parks and Thursday, March 12, 1992 at McKelvie Recreation Commission, spoke to the mo- School with approximately 100 people in tion. He said the Parks and Recreation attendance. Present were Councilors Paul Commission submitted the warrant because Anderson, James Dias, Paul Goldberg, John there are substantial renovations needed. Miville, Edward Moran, Richard Stonner, The field is used 3 seasons of the year, and and Eugene Van Loan, Jr. Also present was there has been overuse and substantial Artherline Robersen, Town Manager; Edith damage. The level of the field has dropped. Schmidtchen, Town Clerk/Tax Collector; They have made several attempts to include and Anthony Plante, Finance Director. these renovations in the budget, but they have been cut. A warrant article will insure Moderator Earl Legacy opened the meeting that the Town will vote on it. Vote on PM at 7:05 and led the Pledge of Allegiance. motion passed. VFW Earl Isham, Past Commander of Post 8401 and Richard Aldrich, Commander, ARTICLE 4 - To see if the Town will vote presented commendations to members of the to place thirty percent (30%) of the revenues Bedford Fire Department: Deputy Robert collected of all future payments collected Fabich, Kevin Murray and Linda Mikkalsen; pursuant to RSA 79-A (current use penalties) and members of the Bedford Police Depart- in the Conservation Commission land acqui- ment: David Davison and William Donahue. sition fund. The specified thirty percent Mr. Legacy went over the rules of procedure (30%) of such revenues shall be deposited in for the meeting. the Conservation Commission fund at the time of collection. Town Council Chairman, Richard Stonner, commended Paul Anderson for his years of John Miville moved Article 4; motion service to the Town as a Selectman/Counci- seconded. lor, who has chosen not to seek re-election. Mr. Stonner said the budget process began Mr. Miville explained this is a follow up of a many months ago. This budget tries to meet tradition started last year to continue to the needs of the community and not neglect preserve open space. Sue Holstein, 33 the infrastructure and place an unnecessary Ministerial Branch, asked if we have to vote burden down the road. on this every year. Mr. Miville said yes unless the enabling legislation changes. Vote ARTICLE 3 - To see if the Town will vote on motion passed. to raise and appropriate the sum of Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) for ARTICLE 5 - To see if the Town will vote renovations of the Riley Baseball Field on to raise and appropriate such sums of money the corner of County Road and Nashua as may be necessary to defray Town charges Road. Specific renovations will include Ofor the ensuing year. regrading and reseeding the outfield and regrading of the infield area. Town General Fund $5,240,242 Sewer Fund $248,488 Rick Fortin, 39 Old Mill Road, Police Contract Work $59,945 moved Article 3: motion seconded. Solid Waste Disposal Fund $202,993 Town ofBedford. New Hampshire 1992 Annual Report BUDGETARY TOWN MEETING dollar addition, and the bus serves the Mall, MARCH 12, 1992 MINUTES - CONT. Jordan Marsh, and the Bedford Grove shops. This area represents over a million dollars in Day Camp Fund $37,910 taxes. Mr. Riley read a letter from the Bedford Mall in support of the bus service Total Appropriations $5,789,578 and urging passage. Richard Stonner moved the budget in A motion was made, seconded and the amount of $5,789,578; motion passed to move the question. seconded. Vote on the motion to decrease line Mr. Legacy went over each function. 410 by $37,956 failed. 400 - Boards & Commissions - $54,506 420 - Administration - $625,876 & 410 - Agencies Activities - $109,102 430 - Police - $1,451,388 440 - Fire - $694,054 Roy Stewart, 19 Hickory Lane, addressed 450 - Public Works - $1,508,123 line 413 - Manchester Transit. He said the 460 - Health & Welfare - $66,030 Bedford bus goes to two locations, Jordan 470 - Recreation - $159,866 Marsh and Ray's Country Store. The mile- age from the town line to Jordan Marsh is .9 Mrs. Comiskey asked if this includes the and to Ray's 1.6. The fares are 90 cents for $25,000 just voted in. Mr. Legacy said no. regular passengers and 45 cents for senior Mrs. Holstein asked if this includes money citizens. He said we are paying over $1.00 for the summer concert series which she per person which is more than the passengers feels are wonderful and hopefully will stay are paying to ride a much greater distance in in. Mr. Ixgacy said yes. Manchester. He said the beneficiaries of this subsidy are limited to those in the Route 3 Clark Gott, 138 North Amherst Road, asked corridor, and the rest of the town gets no about Public Works. He would like an benefit. explanation of the new things that are hap- pening, and how much money will be spent Mr. Stewart made a motion to elimi on road improvements this season. Mr. nate that line by $37,956; motion Goldberg said there is $222,000 in the seconded. budget for road resurfacing, improvement and maintenance. Mr. Gott asked if this is Mr. Stonner said the bus serves the concen- enough to continue upgrading. Mr. Gold- trated retail/professional area of Bedford. berg said using the data base we have estab- Annually we receive calls from doctors and lished, the Council believes this is a good merchants in the area supporting the bus. He budget given the economic times. Our goal urged we keep this in the budget. This is a is to keep taxes level as best as we can. The small benefit we can provide to the retail Council has put money into the Capital sector. Margaret Comiskey, Maple Drive, Improvement Plan over a period of time to said there aer many people who find the bus improve roads. Mr. Gott asked the time in stops convenient for youngsters to go down the Capital Improvement Plan. Mr. Dias town for lessons or after school jobs. said 6 years. He said the Council increased Edward Moran said Jordan Marsh contrib- the budget by $13,000 for road striping. utes in excess of $100,000 in taxes and does Mr. Goldberg said over the term of the not use the school system. He feels we owe Capital Improvement Plan there is them this bus service and feels it is very $2,365,600 for road resurfacing. worthwhile. Tom Riley, Tiffany Lane, said Mike Olasin, 19 Birchwood Circle, asked if the Bedford Mall just put on a five million Birchwood Circle is in the Capital Improve- Town ofBedford. New Hampshire 1992 Annual Report BUDGETARY TOWN MEETING this year the projection is for a $300,000 MARCH 12, 1992 MINUTES - CONT. surplus. Why do we need another $85,000. He supports Mr. Dias' motion. He does not ment Plan because it is in a deplorable situa- feel we need the contingency fund at all. tion. He said this has been brought up many Mr. Stewart said last year the budget was times and they have had no response. Mr. underspent by $264,000. He supports Mr. Stonner said Birchwood Circle is the number Dias' motion. one priority to be done this year. Mr. Olasin asked if that is in writing. Mr. Stonner said Mrs. Holstein asked about the surplus. Mr. this is a policy decided by the Council, and Dias said this is not a surplus. It is an over- they have set priorities for road resurfacing. lay which is there for emergency. We Mr. Olasin said if it isn't going to be done, cannot use it on anything. Some of that he will move to add money to the budget. money is used to offset the tax rate. 480 - Library - $279,297 Wayne Repeta, 9 Rosewell Road asked about & 490 - Fixed Other Charges - $292,000 the landfill deficit fund. Wouldn't this fund support the $100,000 for the landfill? Mr. Mr. Dias moved to decrease line 499, Miville said that $100,000 is already in the Unallocated Reserve, by $25,000 to budget. We are not getting as much com- read $60,000; motion seconded. mercial dumping in the landfill as we antici- pated. Last year we had to use $59,000 for Mr. Dias said he recommended this to the the 53rd week of payroll. We had to pay a Council, and it was defeated. He said we double manager's salary for 5 months and always try to keep the tax rate at a reasona- had to relocate a new town manager. The ble rate. This budget would decrease the tax police contract came in over what we had rate by two cents, however we voted in budgeted, but we still underspent the appro- $25,000 for Riley Field, so that will give us priation by $50,000. Mr. Miville believes an even tax rate. He feels we have come in we need some contingency, but we never each year at a good level. This year we spend as much as we have budgeted. The were able to put $50,000 in the General fund balance is used to offset the amount of Fund. He urges we pass this and thinks we revenue we need to raise through taxes. We can still make it through next year. can't really spend that, but we don't have to raise as much money to meet the appropriat- Mr. Moran said some members of the ed amount out of taxes. He feels there is Council disagree with this position. The more than enough money throughout the contingency amount of $85,000 is miniscule budget, and a $60,000 contingency is more compared to the size of the budget. He said than adequate. approximately $47,000 of this is already commited to employee wage adjustments, so Someone asked what was the vote of the there is really only $1 ,000 left in that Council on this. Mrs. Robersen said it was 1 account. We are making the budget a little 2-3 with 2 absent. tighter each year. The legal account was dropped by $20,000, Richard Holstein, 33 Ministerial Branch, interest expense was moved down to $5,000. asked about the overlay. Mr. Dias said it is We may need $1.2 million for TAN's for the a percentage of money the state takes and School District. We may have problems puts aside. Mr. Miville said the overlay is in with snowstorms, welfare or equipment excess of the amount of your taxable proper- failure. If we go over budget and don't have ty that the state makes you collect. Mr. a contingency, we may have to have a spe- Stonner said the fund balance is well below cial meeting. He feels it is prudent to leave what Concord would allow us to have. This the contingency as it is. Mr. Stewart said is the tightest budget we have put together. Town ofBedford. New Hampshire 1992 Annual Report BUDGETARY TOWN MEETING Mr. Miville explained the difference between MARCH 12, 1992 MINUTES - CONT. the Finance Department figures and the audited figures. Mr. Stonner said this is a The landfill deficit is not budgeted and would result of the complete audit, and these are the come out of fund balance. Jack Deady, 49 audited numbers. Old Farm Road, asked where the $85,000 figure came from. He is in favor of an Mr. Stonner moved the total budget unallocated fund balance, but does not think at $5,814,578; motion seconded and it makes a difference whether it is $85,000 passed. or $60,000. Mr. Stonner said this repre- sents what was spent in this capacity the last A motion was made, seconded and 2 years. passed to adjourn at 8:10 PM. The question was moved; seconded; and passed. Vote to decrease line 499 from $85,000 to $60,000 failed. Mrs. Comiskey said in line 495, compensa- SUPERVISORS OF THE CHECKLIST tion adjustments, last year it was $58,000. Betty Folsom, Chairman;Doris Peck Spur- Someone said you already spent a consider- way, and Beatrice Miller ble amount. Does the $11,000 left represent the total increase to all employees. Mrs. The Supervisors of the Checklist report that the things we couldn't control by depart- as of October 29, 1992, the checklist shows ments was the amount of money that would 2621 Democrats, 1792 Independents, 5221 be allocated for full salaries versus the Republicans and 66 Libertarians for a total of amount that actually ended up at the end of 9700 registered voters. Since this date, 17 the year due to vacancies. We reduced the new voters have registered, and there have amount of wage and benefit increases line, been 27 deletions, leaving as of December which we put in one line in order to not put 21, 1992 registered voters at 9690. Interest- it in various departments. We reduced this ingly, with the Federal and State elections line to $11,000 using the amount that has this year, we show 1647 more voters in 1992 been previously available. As these occur than at the end of last year with only 8043. during the year, they would be transferred to the $11,000. The average raise is 2%. This It was a busy year with 9 open sessions for is a management tool saying we will use the registration, corrections and/or change of money that comes available in the personnel party. There were 8 nursing home registra- line instead of using it in one-time expenses. tions or absentee ballot visits, 4 all-day voting dates and 2 evening sessions for town 454 - Sewer Fund - $248,488 and school budgetary voting. 439 - PoUce Contract Work - $59,945 456 - Solid Waste Fund - $202,993 Official sessions are posted at the Town Of- 479 - Summer Day Camp Fund - $37,910 fice, Library and published in local news- papers. Residents may also register or Maijorie Peters, 3 Church Road, asked about change their party at the Town Office during "other funds total" which is about 10% ofthe regular hours. Proof of age and residency total budget. Mr. Legacy said that is a are required. subtotal of the four funds. The Supervisors thank Edith Schmidtchen, Bruce Wilson, Seton Drive, asked if we have Town Clerk and her staff for handling the adjusted our expenditures through an audit, majority of registrations. and if there are any other numbers like that.

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