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Preview Annual report for the Town of Bedford, New Hampshire

Town ofBedford Annual Town and School Reports zem 4 Town andSchoolDistrict Elections Photo bySusan Clark Tuesday, March 10, 2009 pm BedfordHigh School Gymnasium - 7:00 am- 7:00 ' I ^4 TownofBedford. NH-2008AnnualReport TOWN DIRECTORY TOWNOFFICES 24NorthAmherstRoad,Bedford,NH03110 Hours: Monday-Friday8:00am-4:30pm Tuesday-7:00amto4:30pm Assessing,PlanningandZoning 472-8104 Auto/Dog/VoterRegistration 472-3550 Birth,MarriageandDeathCertificates 472-3550 FinanceandPersonnel 472-9869 ParksandRecreation 472-5242 PublicWorks: HighwayandSewer 472-3070 TaxCollector/TownClerk 472-3550 TownOffice-Administration 472-5242 Website:www.bedfordnh.org SAFETYCOMPLEX 55ConstitutionDrive,Bedford,NH03110 Hours: Monday-Friday,8:00am-4:30pm Building/HealthCodeOfficial/Inspector 472-3838 FireDepartment-BusinessLine 472-3219 PoliceDepartment-BusinessLine 472-5113 FIREANDPOLICEEMERGENCYLINE 911 Website:www.bedfordpd.com BEDFORDPUBLICLIBRARY 3MeetinghouseRoad,Bedford.NH03110 Hours: Monday Thursday,9:00am-8:00pm Friday,9:00am-5:00pm;Saturday, 10:00am-3:00pm Sunday, 1:00am-5:00pm(SeptemberthroughJune) Telephone 472-3023 Website:www.bedford.lib.nh.us OTHERTOWNDEPARTMENTS TownPool,20CountyRoad(summeronly) 472-7331 TransferStation/Dump,ChubbuckRoad 472-4563 Hours:Tuesday-7:00am-5:00pm WednesdaythroughSaturday-8:30am-5:00pm (ClosedSundayandMonday) BCTV-Channels16&22, 1 MeetinghouseRoad 472-8288 1111 ANNUAL REPORT FORTHE TOWN OF BEDFORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE FortheYearEnding December31, 2008 ELECTEDOFFICIALS APPOINTEDOFFICIALS TownManager RussellR.Marcoux TOWNCOUNCILORS ExecutiveAssistant DawnBoufford MikeIzbicki,Chairman 2010 Assessor WilliamIngalls BobYoung,ViceChairman 2009 BuildingCodeOfficial WayneRichardson PaulF.Roy,Sr 2009 EnvironmentalCoordinator SteveCrean NormandLongval 2009 FinanceDirector CrystalDionne MichaelScanlon 2010 FireChief ScottWiggin BillDermody 2011 InformationSystems BrianDavis ChristopherBandazian 201 LibraryDirector MaryAnnSenatro PoliceChief DavidBailey TOWNCLERK PlanningDirector RickSawyer LoriRadke 201 PublicWorksDirector JimStanford BCTVStationManager BillJennings MODERATOR TownTreasurer EdithSchmidtchen RykBullock 201C RecreationDirector Vacant SUPERVISORSOFTHECHECKLIST BenitaDiamond,Chairperson 2012 STATEELECTEDOFFICIALS M. ElaineTeffl 2010 JoanMcMahan 2014 Governor JohnLynch USSenators JuddGregg TRUSTEESOFTHETRUSTFUNDS JohnSununu ScottEarnshaw,Chairman 2009 USRepresentatives PaulHodes MarkPeicker 2010 CarolShea-Porter DanielBarnes 201 ExecutiveCouncilor RaymondWieczorek StateSenator SheilaRoberge LIBRARYTRUSTEES RobertBrooks,Chairman 2009 EdwardMoran 2010 REPRESENTATIVESTOTHE GENERALCOURT AnthonyFrederick 201 MarkClark JohnGraham KenHawkins EdwardP.Moran JayneSpaulding MauriceVilleneuve 11111 111111 TownofBedford, NH-2008AnnualReport APPOINTEDBOARDSANDCOMMISSIONS PLANNINGBOARD ErikAnderson,PlanningBoard PaulGoldberg,Chairman 2010 NormLongval,Councilor JonLevenstein,ViceChairman 2009 Alternates HaroldNewberry,Secretary 201 JohnBostwick 2011 DebSklar 2011 BarbaraPotter 2009 ErikAnderson 2009 BernieRuchin 2010 KarenMcGinley 201 PaulRoy,Sr.,Councilor RobertYoung,Councilor RussellMarcoux,TownManager PARKSANDRECREATION JimStanford,DirectorofPublicWorks WilliamFoote,Chairman 2009 Alternates MichelleCasale,ViceChair 2010 MikeIzbicki,Councilor SueThomas 201 MichaelBurns 201 MikeDesroche 2009 ChristopherRiley 2009 MichaelScanlon,Councilor TomGordon 2010 Alternates KimDaneault 201 ZONINGBOARDOFADJUSTMENT Dennis"Mac"McMahan 2010 JamesO'Neil,Chairman 2009 NormLongval,Councilor EricBernard 201 WilliamWalsh 2010 BEDFORDCOMMUNITYTELEVISION BillJean 2011 RobertThomas,Chairman 2010 ChristopherBandazian,Councilor MaryLouWilson,ViceChair 201 Alternates RichardRawlings,Secretary 2010 JeffreyRopes 2011 EugeneMackie 201 DavidNielsen 2009 MikeRobinson 2010 SharonStirling 2010 MichaelSills 2010 BillDermody,Councilor LaurenHorton 2009 BillDermody,Councilor CONSERVATIONCOMMISSION ChristopherBandazian,CouncilorAlternate MervynTaub,Chairman 2011 TerryWolf,SchoolBoard GlennBoston,ViceChairman 2009 KarenSimmons 2009 HIGHWAYSAFETYCOMMITTEE DavidBrown 2009 PoliceChiefDavidBailey,Chairman AnthonyClark 2010 FireChiefScottWiggin NormLongval,Councilor JimStanford,DirectorofPublicWorks NeilCasale,PlanningBoard PaulF.Roy,Sr.,Councilor Alternates AnneWiggin,SchoolDepartment LandyLabonte 2010 GerryGagne,Resident 2009 MarkDell'Orfano 2010 KenPeterson,Resident 2010 GregMay 2010 TonyGrande,Alternate 2009 PaulF.Roy,Sr.,Councilor KathyBenuck,Alternate 2010 MichaelBurns,PlanningBoard BillDermody,CouncilorAlternate TRUSTEESOFCEMETERIES WATER&SEWERADVISORYCOMMITTEE RalphDieter,Chairman 2009 JohnWood 2011 BruceThomas,Chairman 2010 HowardFrizzell 2010 PaulGoldberg 201 PaulArnold 201 RichardMoore 2009 HISTORICDISTRICTCOMMISSION MichaelScanlon,Councilor AndrewNoyes,Chairman 2010 BobYoung,CouncilorAlternate LauraO'Donnell,ViceChair 2010 SteveCrean,EnvironmentalCoordinator PamelaWeeks-Dorji 2009 RichardSawyer,PlanningDirector GregZimmermann 201 1 TownofBedford, NH-2008AnnualReport TABLEOFCONTENTS Town&StateElectedOfficials 1 AppointedBoards&Commissions 2 TableofContents 3 Dedication 4 Minutesof2008BudgetaryTownMeeting 5 2008TownPopulationandTaxRateInformation 10 March 11,2008ElectionResults 10 TownCouncilChairmanMessage 1 TownManager'sReport 13 Finance&Personnel/TaxCollectionDepartments 14 StatementofBondedDebt 16 IndependentAuditor'sReport 17 BalanceSheet-GovernmentalFundsasofDecember31,2007 19 CertificateofAchievementforExcellenceinFinancialReporting 20 PlanningBoard 21 PlanningandZoningDepartment 22 ZoningBoardofAdjustment 22 SouthernNewHampshirePlanning 23 CemeteryTrustees 24 SupervisorsoftheChecklist 24 BedfordVillageCommonCommittee 24 HistoricDistrictCommission 25 AssessingDepartment 26 ConservationCommission 27 BedfordParksandRecreationDepartmentandCommission 28 BedfordCommunityTelevision(BCTV) 29 BedfordPoliceDepartment 31 BedfordPoliceDepartment2008AnnualStatistics 32 BedfordFireDepartment 32 ForestFireWarden&StateForestRangerReport 33 Building/HealthDepartment 34 BuildingDepartmentStatistics 35 DepartmentofPublicWorks 36 2008RoadProgram 38 BedfordWaterandSewerAdvisoryCommittee 39 BedfordPublicLibrary 39 TownModerator 41 TownClerk 42 TrusteesoftheTrustFunds 43 Births 44 Deaths 46 Marriages 57 CivilUnions 59 2009MunicipalWarrantandBudgetSummary 61 2009TownCouncilProposedBudgetSummary 62 2009GeneralFundAppropriationsbyCategory 64 2009ProposedAppropriations 65 2009ProposedRevenues 67 CapitalImprovementPlanSummary2009 69 TownofBedford, NH-2008AnnualReport DEDICATION T hisyear'sTownReportisdedicatedtotwoofBedford'smostdevotedresidents,DonandBettyFolsom. Bothhave servedthecommunityinnumerouscapacitiesintheir60yearsasresidentsofBedford. BettyrecentlyretiredfromtheBedfordPublicLibrarywheresheworkedfor28yearsintheCirculationDepartment.Other servicetothecommunityincludes: BedfordMother'sClubPresident;ScoutDenmother;BedfordLadiesSocialCircle, President,SecretaryandTreasurer;BedfordUnityClub,Secretary;BedfordGardenClub,President;BedfordLittleLeague Auxiliary,President;BedfordFireDepartmentAuxiliary,President;BedfordPresbyterianChurchElder;SundaySchool teacherfor10years;SupervisoroftheChecklist, 15years;andFriendsoftheBedfordLibraryBoardmember. DonwasintheNavyinWWIIandreceivedtheDistinguishedFlyingCrossandAirMedal.ServicetothetownofBedford includes:BedfordLittleLeagueCoach,ManagerandPresident;BedfordUnityClub,President;BedfordPresbyterian Church,Trustee,ElderandBuildingandGroundsCommittee;BedfordFireDepartmentVolunteer,Captain,ClerkandEMT; BedfordVFW,Adjutant;BoardofAdjustment,TOB,5years;BudgetCommittee;MemberBedfordAmericanLegion;and BedfordCemeteryTrustee. DonandBetty'sloveanddedicationtotheirfamilyandfriendsandtheircontributionstothecommunityaregreatly appreciatedandareaninspirationtousall. TownofBedford, NH-2008AnnualReport BudgetaryTownMeeting-BedfordHighSchool Wednesday,March5,2008 The Bedford Budgetary Town Meeting was held on everything they hoped and more. He read the Wednesday, March 8, 2008 at the Bedford High School presentation: auditorium. ModeratorEugeneVan Loan 111 openedthe meeting at 7:00 PM and introduced those seated on the InAppreciation stage: Councilors Paul Roy, Mike Izbicki, Bob Young, OfBillJeanTownCouncilor Kevin Keyes, Bill Jean, Michael Scanlon, and Norm July25,2007-March11,2008 Longval;TownManagerRussMarcoux;FinanceDirector Crystal Dionne; TownClerk WandaJenkins. There were Bill Jean was unanimously appointed by the Town approximately 110peoplepresentintheaudience. Councilon July25,2007. ModeratorVanLoanledthePledgeofAllegiance. OnbehalfoftheBedfordTownCouncil, wewouldliketo ModeratorVanLoanturnedthemicrophoneovertoTown thank Bill Jean for his service and leadership as a CouncilChairmanPaulRoyforapresentation. Councilorforthe TownofBedford, This was Moderator Van Loan's last Budgetary Town Onthis5lhdayofMarch2008 MeetingasTownModeratorandChairmanRoypresented himwithaplaque,whichread: Town Manager Russ Marcoux came forward to make a presentation. He stated that Kevin Keyes has been a InAppreciationandRecognitionfor TownCouncilorforsixyears,hewaschairforayear,and 31yearsof he was involved inthe Historic DistrictCommission, the Loyal&DedicatedService Planning Board, as well as many other involvements in asTownModerator the community. He stated that Kevin Keyes, Paul Roy, Michael Scanlon and Norm Longval were the ones that 1973-1990 hiredhimandthankedthemforbringinghimto Bedford. 1994-2008 He thanked Councilor Keyes for his friendship and everything that he's done for the community. They all TheCitizensofBedfordareGrateful owehimadebtofgratitudeforthesixyearshe'sgivento foryourCommitmenttoourCommunity. thetown. Mr.MarcouxpresentedCouncilorKeyeswitha plaque,whichread: ModeratorVanLoanthankedallthepeoplewhooverthe years have volunteered their time and effort to assist in InAppreciationandRecognitionofyour the elections; the many citizens who over the years who OutstandingDedicationandService volunteeredtheirtimetoserveaselectionofficialsjustfor asaTownCouncilor the good ofthe town. He also thanked Ryk Bullock, assistant moderator. It'snotanelectedposition,butwas BedfordTownCouncil appointed by Moderator Van Loan. He thanked Mr. 2002-2008 Bullockforalltheassistancehegavehim. Chairman-2005 ChairmanRoystatedthatWandaJenkinswasnotrunning TheCitizensofBedfordareGrateful forre-electionas TownClerk. She is the definition ofa foryourLeadership. lady. Sheisalwayspleasant. Evenonabadday,shestill has a smile. She will truly be missed. Wanda was ModeratorVanLoan statedthat theonlyofficial itemon presentedwitharockingchair. the agenda is Article 6 on the warrant, which is the budget. The other items of business on the warrant Wanda Jenkins thanked everyone for their continued including: Article 1, which is the election of Town support and their friendship. She has enjoyed each and officers;Article2,whichisaseriesofamendmentstothe everyoneofthemand willtrulymissall ofthem. She's ZoningOrdinance; Article3,whichisaproposedCharter lookingforwardtoseeingeveryonearoundtown. amendment; Articles 4 & 5, which are two bond issue proposals,oneproposedbytheTownCouncilandoneby Chairman Roystatedthat BillJean filled the vacancyon petition, relating to road repairs. All ofthese will be the Council left by Bill Van Anglen and that he was voted,byballot,atthetownelectionnextTuesday,March TownofBedford. NH-2008AnnualReport BudgetaryTownMeeting-BedfordHighSchool Wednesday,March5,2008 11th, at the Bedford Middle School/ High School intermediate votes where somebody may proposed to gymnasium. This is by ballot. The polls will be open increase or decrease the budget, once they've taken that nextTuesday, from7:00amto7:00pm. Heinvitedevery vote,andpassedontootherbusiness, theModeratorwill registeredvotertoattend. Hegavedirections: Whenyou not accept any motions forreconsideration. Ifyou wish come into the Middle School/High School from the to make a motion for reconsideration, a) you must have driveway fromNashuaRoad, take ahardright as you're been inthe majorityonthatvote, and b) you mustmake comingupthehillandgoallthewaytothetopwherethe that motion before they pass on to other business. entrancetothegymnasiumis. Regarding motions to close debate, through his entire careeras Moderator, ifhe's erred, he's erredonthe side Moderator Van Loan stated that he's going down the offreedebate. Hewillalwaysrespectfullylookatandif budgetlineitembylineitem. Thebudgetbeginsonpage appropriatewillacceptamotiontoclosedebate,butifin 71 oftheTownReport. Hewillgodowneachlineitem, the Moderator's judgment they haven't had sufficient andreadthecategoryandtheamount. Ifanyonewantsto debate and there appear to be other people that wish to discussaparticularline item ortomakeamotiontothat speak, he may not recognize that motion. If he does particularlineitem,that'sthetimetodoit;notafterithas recognize the motion to close debate, it's a motion that passedover. Heaskedthattheykeeptheirdiscussionsor requiresatwo-thirdsvoteandifpassed,theywillproceed motionsappropriatetotheitemthattheyarediscussingat thereafter immediately to vote on whatever it is that is the time. Ifanyone wishes to speak, take one of the before them. He will onlyaccept a motion and a single microphones in the audience. Anyone wishing to speak amendment to that motion; not a motion to amend, and willbeaskedtogivehisorhernameandaddress. Unless amend,andamendbecauseitgetstooconfusing. specially invited or requested and approved by the Moderator Van Loan continued that there were two Moderator,onlyregisteredvotersareentitledtospeak. If significant items that they would not vote on that night, anybodywishestomakeamotiontoincreaseordecrease butareveryimportanttothe town,andthosearethetwo thebudgetwithrespecttoaparticularlineitem,pleasedo road bond issues that are going to be voted on by secret soatthetimethattheyarediscussingthatlineitem. Such ballot. Inthe Moderator's discretion, ifsome discussion motionswillrequireasecondandthentheymayspeakto ofthoseroadbondsdoesnotcomeupinthecontextofthe their proposal. Voting, unless otherwise requested, will budget, and there are places where they could come up, bebyavoicevote. IftheModeratorisindoubtandcan't aftertheycomplete thebudget, which istheonlyofficial determine whether the ayes or the nays have it, he may business ofthe evening, ifpeople wanted to have some request a standing division. Alternatively, ifthey don't discussiononthoseroadbondissues,especiallysincethis likethewaytheModeratorhascalledthevoicevote,they meetingisbeingtelevised,hewouldpermititbeforethey may ifthey do so immediately after he announces the adjournbecause itcouldbe educational toeveryone who results,askforastandingdivision. Anybodyisentitledto is going to vote by ballot next Tuesday. This is their doso,buttheyhavetodosoinatimelyfashion. Thereis meeting and he is the Moderator. He would run the a provision in New Hampshire state law for a secret meetingfairlyinaccordancewithRobertsRulesofOrder. ballot. Ifanyfivevoters, inwriting,requestordemanda If anyone disagrees with a procedural ruling that the secret ballot on any particular issue, they are entitled to Moderatorhasmade,theyareentitledtoappealtheruling haveasecretwrittenballot. Alternatively,ifaftertheygo ofthe Moderator. Thatismadebyamotionandithasto throughavoicevoteorastandingdivision,andsomebody besecondedandthenit'svotedon. Ifthebodyoverrules challenges it, any seven voters may orally request or the Moderator, that's the ruling and the Moderator's demandasecretwrittenballotandtheywillconductone. ruling will no longer stand. Subject to any appeal, his Itmustbetimelydonesooncethatvoicevoteorstanding rulingonproceduralissuesisfinal. division vote is announced, if they pass on to other business, the opportunity is lost to have a secret written Moderator Van Loan read Article 6 on page 68 ofthe ballot. Once they have passed on from one item to TownReport: anotherand voted on something; when he says voted on somethinghemeansallofthelittlevotesthataretakenon Article6. -TownOperatingBudget line items because they are only preliminary, the only votethatcountsintheendisthefinalvoteonthebudget, ToseeiftheTownwillvotetoraiseandappropriatesuch either adjusted up or down as any intermediate sumsofmoneyasmaybenecessarytodefraytheTown amendments may have been made or ifnone have been chargesfortheensuingyear. made on the budget as proposed. Ifthey do take any TownofBedford, NH-2008AnnualReport BudgetaryTownMeeting-BedfordHighSchool Wednesday,March5,2008 GeneralFund $21,353,088 ChiefWigginofthe Bedford Fire Department statedthat PoliceSpecialDetail 421,875 if there are responsible parties for extinguishment of RecreationDayCamp 140,191 outside fires and other types ofmalicious activity, they BedfordComm.TV 256,393 are charged. They also charge for hazardous materials SpecialRevenueFunds 57,500 responseifthereisanoutsidepartythatisresponsible,so SewerFund 1,409,788 thereareotherrevenues,notjustonambulancebilling. TotalAppropriation $23.638.835 ModeratorVan LoanclarifiedwithChiefWigginthatfor agardenvarietyhousefirethereisnocharge. MOTIONwasmovedandsecondedtoadoptArticle6. (unidentifiedaudiencemembers) Jeanene Procopis, 18 Rumford Lane stated that she doesn'trecallwhetherMr. Shapleystatedifthe$1,000he ModeratorVan Loandirectedthe audiencetopage 71 of wasassessedcameoutofhispocketorwhetherthatwasa the Town Report. He will be reading the various bill that was sent to his insurance provider. It's her descriptiveitemsandwillbereadingthefinancialamount understanding that the company that provides the billing from the last column, which says 2008 Council forambulance services forBedford residents istoaccept Recommended, because those numbers that when added the insurance reimbursement as payment and that up go into the amount ofthe total budget that wasjust resident, whatever other balance there is that has been moved and seconded. He reminded the audience that if incurred,thatistobeforgiven. they wished to discuss something to do so as they approachit. Councilor Young stated that to the best of his understanding in his interviews with ChiefWiggin, it is Moderator Van Loan read the 2006 Proposed only the insurance portion. They do not assess the Appropriations(attached). individual. Councilor Scanlon stated that he remembers that. What Fire Department Operations - Chris Shapley, 46 Pilgrim happens is they bill them for the full amount and ifthe Drivestatedthathewasoneof1,200ambulancerunslast person contacts them and says they don't have the year and it cost him over $1,000. He wanted to know difference, then they forgive it, but if they send in a wherethatwasinthebudget. Hedoesn'tmindpayingfor check, they do accept it. They just don't collect. If it, in fact Blue Cross did. He wanted to know what someone gets a bill for $1,000 and their insurance pays proportion ofthe Fire Department's budget is recovered $600, they call and say they don't have the $400 topay from the insurance of the users and does the recovery the difference, then they will forgive the $400. They extend not only to the ambulance service, but also to don'tdoanycollections. Theyaccept whateverpayment puttingoutfires. Ifhehastopayforanambulanceride,it theyget. EveniftheygetSOpayment,theydon'tdoany doesn't seem unreasonable that he should have to pay collections, theyjustaccept $0 payment, sothat's how it them to put out a fire at his house. How much ofit do works. theyrecoverandwheredoesitshowinthebudget. ConservationCommission CouncilorYoungstatedthat Councilor Young statedthat there isarevenue generated he wanted to make a motion for the Conservation portion from the Fire Department as to ambulance Commissiontobeamendedandwouldliketospeaktohis service,whichpartiallyoffsetsthecost. Therevenuewas motion. $375,000,sothatoffsetssomeofthecostsofmaintaining the ambulance service for the town. There was an MOTION by Councilor Young to increase the inaudible question from the audience. Councilor Young Conservation Commission budgeted appropriations from respondedthatthere'snothingthat'sinthebudget. There $358,035to$481,377. SecondedbyCouncilorKeyes. was an inaudible question from the audience. Councilor Youngrespondedthatit'sbeensaidbyCouncilorScanlon ModeratorVan Loanstatedthata motionhadbeen made that it may not be legally possible to assess a person for to increase the budget in the area of Conservation attending a fire from the Fire Department. The Commissionof$123,342. ambulanceisaservice;it'sbeenbudgeted. TownofBedford, NH-2008AnnualReport BudgetaryTownMeeting-BedfordHighSchool Wednesday,March5,2008 CouncilorYoungstatedthateachyeartheTownincludes with the State forreimbursement. Russ Marcoux, Town abudget appropriation forthe Conservation Commission Managerresponded. for the purchase of conservation land if any becomes available. The amount ofthe appropriation is offset by Mr. Sacks asked ifthere was anything in the legislation Capital Reserve, which will be shown as a revenue line that was put on the books by former representative item in the same amount. At the time of budget Scanlon,thatallowsanyofthatmoneytobeusedforthat preparation the estimated Capital Reserve account was projectorthat legislation to be used forthat project ifat $354,795, thus the budgeted appropriation. After the anypointintimethatRoute 101 projectdoesgetbackon closeoftheyear,theTrusteesoftheTrustFundsreported to the State's 10 or 15 year plan. Councilor Scanlon interest earned on the Capital Reserve and the Finance responded. Director reported the amount allocated to the Conservation Commission for the 70% share ofCurrent John Graham, 8 Ministerial Circle clarified what the Use penalties collected on land sales. These reported TownManagersaidregardingtheamendment. amounts are $17,180 interest and $106,162 on the land purchase respectively. Therefore, these are funds Susan TuftsMoore, 27 BedfordCenterRoadthankedthe available to the Conservation Commission to purchase Council for the replacement windows at Town Hall and land, butonly ifsuch fundsare included inthebudgeted thattheywereabletousetheexistingwindows. appropriations. This increase has zero impact onthe tax rateofthetown. Jolene Worden, Birchwood Circle commented about the workproposedatNashuaRoadand Route 101 andurged Alan Seidman, Windsong Circle asked if the increase thevoterstovoteyesforthe$8milliondollarroadbond. madetothebudgethadtocome fromtheaudience since theCouncilalreadyworkedonthebudget. Chris Shapley, 46 Pilgrim Drive wanted to know if is therewasanycomebackagainsttheoriginalbuildersifin Moderator Van Loan responded that Council facttheydidn'tbuildthemproperlyandhavenow failed recommendations go into making up the budget that is beforetheyshouldhave. CouncilorScanlonresponded. proposed in the warrant, which is actually adopted and posted amonthormore before this meeting. Once they Mac McMahan, 11 Suzanne wantedto know ifthe town get to the meeting, anybody who is a qualified voter paid for modifications on Route 101 ifthey would be whetherheorshe isapublicofficialoravotingmember payingforittwice. CouncilorScanlonresponded. oftheaudiencecanmakeamotion. JoleenWorden, BirchwoodCirclewantedthetownseeif Moderator Van Loan called for a vote to increase the thereissomebetterwaytorebuildourroads. Shedoesn't budgetintheareaoftheConservationCommissionbythe mind spending money on road repairs ifshe knew they amountof$123,342. were going to work and they wouldn't have to go back three years later and do it all over again. Councilor Votetaken-Motioniscarried. Scanlonresponded. Moderator Van Loan stated that the budget as proposed Moderator Van Loan stated that he assumes when the andasamendedis$23,762,177. voters gotothepollstheywill vote fornone, one,orthe other,butnotforboth. CouncilorScanlonstatedthatthey Votetaken-Motioniscarried. couldvoteforbothand it's importanttorealizethateven though the Council has the authority, that authority lasts Thatendedtheofficialbusinessoftheevening. forever. Onceyouexercisethatauthority,youhavethree yearstospendthatmoney. ModeratorVan Loanopenedthe floorforanydiscussion andaskedifanyonewantedtodiscussthetwo roadbond Jonathan Zdziarski, West Drive stated that there is room issues. for improvement and wanted to know if there was David Sacks, 48 Colonel Daniels Drive asked about something that the town could do as far as research to potentialStatereimbursementfortheNashuaRoad/Route bring the town up to national standards. Councilor 101 project and where they are with any conversations Scanlonresponded.

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