ISSN 0376-5482 eS JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE SeSe \\ European Comm ission 4S \ EUROPEAN COMMISSION Report EUR 24228 EN JRC Structure “ f y ! .o Institute for Energy OS 7 my -, BE r . , ips ln “ Chae pla” 7 GEEL Pd BRUSSELS ie ineSte custyo fCt ihtei zen : rat KARLSRUHE cay lecee £F ea \. @s Lene a niet vi eeISPeRA = Ste tT4 —a ‘ ® SEVILLE - } 4a & ¥ pas pert NEO ~ ¥ e — = e - ee ed olad Sustainability Joint Research Centre Contact details Mission Internal and External Communication Unit The mission of the Joint Research Centre is to provide Tel: +32 (2)29 74181 customer-driven scientific and technical support for Fax: +32 (2)29 96322 the conception, development, implementation and E-mail: [email protected] monitoring of European Union policies. As a service of Website: the European Commission, the Joint Research Centre functions as a reference centre of science and technol- ogy for the Union. Close to the policy-making process, it serves the common interest of the Member States, while being independent of special interests, whether private or national. WMI 22502892947 athe Oe ee ae ee pe a yack Moree heer Aloe Sond 63 Pag ee Annual Report 2009 Joint Research Centre European Commission UAC EUROPEAN COMMISSION European Commission Joint Research Centre be LNisee igrtaehlse pron nosttiihbcleeeE tr t for which “mighht eoer abney mapdereso nP oefn t hisi nege, po ubnl ication{.f of the Commi/sL seio n A great deal o itional information on the European Union is available on the It can be accessed through the Europa server (http: // EUR 24228 EN ISBN 978-92-79-14655-8 ISSN 0376-5482 doi 10.2788/54084 JRC 56646 Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union © European Union, 2010 Reproduction is authorised provided the source TABLE OF CONTENTS III MMM 04 Foreword from the Commissioner for Science and Research 05 | Message from the Director-General 06 Observations from the Board of Governors TMM MUU MMM MMMM Supporting EU policies 10 Response to crises in 2009 12 Policy anticipation 14 Policy formulation 16 Policy adoption 17. Policy implementation 23. Policy evaluation IMI Highlights from the JRC institutes 26 JRC Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (JRC-IRMM) 28 JRC Institute for Transuranium Elements (JRC-ITU) 30 JRC Institute for Energy (JRC-IE) 32 JRC Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (JRC-IPSC) 34 JRC Institute for Environment and Sustainability (JRC-IES) 36 JRC Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (JRC-IHCP) 38 JRC Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS) TUITE Selected horie zontal actiev iet ie es 42 Examples oft raining and entrepreneurship 43 Supporting EU enlargement and integration 44 JRC Open Day 45 High-level Trans-Atlantic Science for Policy Workshop 46 Stakeholder events 47. Press and media relations 48 Nuclear decommissioning and infrastructure development Kolm 40) (0)¢ - 100) A Cs-127- 1000 50 JRC Excellence Awards 56 54 JRC Reference Reports MIMI Figures on staff, budget and publications MMII I I 58 Appendices 58 The JRC Board of Governors 60 The JRC Directors JRC Annual Report 2009 Introduction Foreword from the Commissioner for Science and Research European and international collaboration. The European Research Area is the key to Europe’s response to these challenges and international collaboration will be the solu- tion for all. Collaboration will drive innova- tion and new ideas which in turn will help create new jobs andt acklteh e challenges of ensuring a sustainable living environment as mentioned above. The JRC will also have to prioritise and in last year’s annual report, | mentioned that it was about to develop a Corporate Strategy, focusing on core work areas and outlining, in consultation with stakeholders and cus- tomers inside and outside the Commission, how best to implement a new global vision Janez Potoénik, Commissioner forJtRCh. eThe y will deliver on this promise for Science and Research. In my five years as EU Commissioner for in 2010, taking into account the European Science and Research, | have noted that the policy objectives outlined in the Europe independent scientific and technical (S&T) 2020 strategy. support which the JRC provides is becoming increasingly influential in the policy-mak- In this report there are many examples of ing process as reflected through the ever- S&T support provided by the JRC in 2009 growing demands from our customeirn sth e and | invite you to read through and get to Commission, EU institutions and the Mem- know the JRC for yourself. ber States. The JRC has evolved into an or- ganisation that can easily adapt to changing From my side, my role as European Commis- needs yet quickly react to urgent requests sioner for Science and Research has now Commissioner Potoénik at confer- — it is an organisation that takes action, it come to an end. | will miss the close contact ence entitled ‘Sustainable Devel- delivers on what it promises and it is well with the JRC and the diversity of research it opment — a Challenge for Euro- embedded in the EU policy-making process. conducts, but | do look forward to continued pean Research’, 26 May 2009. collaboration in my newrole as Environment However, when looking at scientific re- Commissioner. | now entrust the JRC to my search from both European and global successor, Maire Geoghegan-Quinn, who perspectives, the news is not all positive. I’m sure will continue to support and lead The challenges that lie ahead for Euro- the JRC in its quest to provide timely and pean research are immense. Now that our high-quality S&T support to EU policies. global economy is going through a crisis, both public and private resources are more JANEZ POTOCNIK scarce and so have to be used in the most MEMBER OF THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION efficient and effective manners. Businesses have meanwhile become more keenly aware Commissioner Potocnik visiting of the importance to prioritise research and the nuclear safety stand during innovation in these difficult times. But even the JRC Open Day 2009. before the crisis, we have had the even big- ger challenges of climate change, energy and food supplies, pandemics and an age- ing population. When examining these to- gether, the word ‘sustainability’ becomes crystal clear and echoes an urgent need for Introduction JRC Annual Report 2009 Miessage from the Director-General In 2009, the JRC took on the challenge of reinvigorating its organisation by the crea- tion of a new vision and strategy for 2010- 2020. This was necessaryt o address key so- cietal challenges (‘grand challenges’) facing the EU and the world where the approach requires integrated, pro-active and cross- policy action. As part ofth is, the JRC devel- | oped a new vision that will serve to guide the organisation over the coming years. The JRC’s vision is to be a trusted provider of science-based policy options to EU policy makers to address key challenges facing Roland Schenkel, any taboos, and coming up with recommen- Director-General, JRC. our society, underpinned by inter- dations onthe do’s and don’ts when provid- nationally-recognised research. ing science-based advice to policy makers. It was a truly remarkable experience which benefited all present. The strategy process was initiated througha combined bottom-up and top-down consul- | wish to thank the Board of Governors, our tation process, involving 12 expert working customers and partners and all JRC staff for groups, which represented 12 core compe- their hard work, enthusiasm and dedication. tence areas of the JRC. The proposed strat- | extend a special thanks to Alejandro Her- egy represents significant challenges for rero (Director JRC-IRMM) who retired in Oc- the JRC; it identifies new goals and object- tober after many years of service and | wish ives and sets a scheme for better addressing Megan Richards (Director Resource Man- policy options at EU and global levels. An agement), who left the JRC, luck in her new implementation plan will be defined by mid- position with the Directorate-General for 2010 after final approval of the strategy and Information Society and Media (DG INFSO). will begin to be applied during the 2010-12 transition period in an incremental fashion. Finally, | extend a big thanks to Commis- Roland Schenkel at the 33” Interna- This will place the JRC in a position to ini- sioner Janez Potoénik for his support, guid- tional Symposium on Remote Sens- tiate its preparation for the 8"" Framework ance and leadership since 2004. We look ing of Environment, 5 May 2009. Programme under a new profile. forward to continued collaboration with him in his new role as Environment Com- Also in 2009, a series of events with the missioner. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) were organised and con- | warmly welcome our new Commissioner cluded with the signing of aMemorandum of for Research, Innovation and Science, Maire Understanding between the JRC and AAAS. Geoghegan-Quinn. We see this as amoment This three-year agreement will see the JRC for new opportunities and we look forward and the AAAS collaborating more intensely to working closely with her in the future. The Director-General at the JRC through organising joint workshops, collabo- Open Day 2009. rating on the publication of reports and shar- ROLAND SCHENKEL ing information on key issues. The High-level Trans-Atlantic Science for Policy Workshop, which made up part of the AAAS events, was a unique setup drawing together twenty- two experienced leaders from the scientific community, policy makers, industry, and Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) from both sides of the Atlantic, for a day, engaging in a lively, open debate without JRC Annual Report 2009 Introduction Observations from the Board of Governors The JRC Board of Governors: reference for setting the JRC’s future work an important and active year programme priorities, thus also marking The JRC Board of Governors discussed and an important step towards defining the JRC commented on the key decisions made in part in the EU’s next Framework Programme the JRC during the year, particularly those for Research and Development. aimed at profiling and positioning the JRC and its institutes to respond ever more effi- In early 2009, the Board endorsed the JRC’s ciently and effectively to the evolving needs 2009 Annual Management Plan, having al- of the EU’s policy-making customers. The ready contributed to the formulation of its Board met in March, June and November in general objectives through the inputs of an order to discuss a range of priority topics, assigned ad-hoc working group of the Board — includintghe actions in response to the sys- at the end of 2008. tem of JRC reviews. The Board emphasised the need to strive Killian Halpin, First and foremost, the Board wishes to towards a greater international role, recog- Chairman oft he Board. compliment the JRC on the progress made nition and visibility of the JRC. Its members in the development of its new Corporate believe that both globalisation and the need Strategy 2010-20 which followed on from for scientific communities worldwide to the 2008 Sir David King Review of the JRC. come together and seriously address press- The process employed both top-down and ing issues like competitiveness, energy and bottom-up approaches. Staff at all levels climate change will naturally pull the JRCin were involved, with the inclusion of expert this direction. In the process, the JRC should groups in the key competence areas as well increase its networking with ‘the best’ (both as all of the important stakeholders. The in Europe and globally) in its areas of com- fundamental basis of the process was trans- petence and properly balance and reconcile parency and openness. The Board itself was its proactivity and customer orientation. involved from the very beginning, acting as a sounding board by providing advice and From several independent sources the countries’ reflections. A dedicated ad-hoc Board recognised positive feedback on working group was set up by the Board significant scientific and technical contribu- which put forward recommendations to the tions made byJ RC staff across a wide spec- Board and JRC management throughout the trum of EU policies. The Board commends strategy formulation process. the new structure oft he ‘Support to EU Poli- cies’ section (pages 8-23) of this Annual Re- The implementation of the new Corporate port, where examples ofJ RC support to all Strategy will help position the JRC for the policy stages are described. For example, it next decade by providing an appropriate can clearly be seen how JRC research in the areas of genetically modified crops, greener transport, and security of the gas supply has supported policy anticipation. In terms of The Board believes that the implementation of the new Corporate Strategy is an important step towards defining the JRC part in the EU’s next Framework Programme for Research and Development. Introduction JRC Annual Report 2009 89"" Meeting of the Board of Governors in Malta on 19 November 2009. policy formulation and adoption, examples This flexibility is indispensable for the JRC include JRC research work on biofuels, since it needs to attract young talented sci- land use and nuclear non-proliferation, to entists ina highly competitive environment. name but a few. Examples of JRC support The passing of every year brings with it sen- work to policy implementation cover, inter ior personnel change. The Board wishes to alia, the mapping of current research ef- record its appreciation for the many years forts into low-carbon technologies across of service and dedication given by Alejan- the EU and research on alternative testing dro Herrero Molina, Director of JRC-IRMM, methods for detecting skin and eye irritants. who retired in October 2009. Likewise, we Support work at policy evaluation stage is wish to acknowledge the work of Megan Ri- well illustrated by the results of the Soil chards, Director of Resource Management, Conservation project and JRC assistance to who moved from the JRC to the Directorate- UN FAO in global forest monitoring. Also in General for Information Society and Media this section, the timely and much appreci- (DG INFSO). ated policy-support work the JRC did in 2009 on responding to crises, can be found. Finally, the Board wishes to express its ap- preciation for the work of Commissioner The Board wishes to reiterate the need to Janez Pototnik during his entire mandate. keep up a modernisation programme oft he His leadership and vision played a pivotal buildings and support infrastructures in role in the process of change undertaken all the JRC sites. Acknowledging the great by the JRC over the past five years, embed- strides that have been made in this direc- ding the JRC’s work in the construction of tion despite considerable organisational the European Research Area (ERA). and budgetary challenges, the Board will continue its support and monitoring of the The Board looks forward with both con- key decisions that will enable the JRC to re- fidence and enthusiasm to the further tain its status of a modern research centre advancement of the JRC under the newly with state-of-the-art facilities. appointed Commissioner for Research, In- novation and Science, Maire Geoghegan- The Board also re-emphasises that it is es- Quinn. sential for the JRC to have fast and flexible access to scientific and technical expertise KILLIAN HALPIN, to be able to deliver its mission and there- CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD fore it must retain high flexibility in the recruitment processes for temporary staff. \