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Preview Annual convocation 2011 Proceedings

THE GRAND CHAPTER OF ROYAL ARCH MASONS OF CANADA IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 2011 PROCEEDINGS ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THIRD - ANNUAL CONVOCATION THE GRAND CHAPTER OF ROYALARCH MASONS OF CANADA IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO GRAND CHAPTER OFFICERS 2010 M. Ex. Comp. RolandPatrickMandeville GrandFirstPrincipal 36 SapphireCrescent, BramptonONL6Z4M4 R. Ex. Comp. MichaelJonBowman GrandSecondPrincipal 134Skye Street, IngersollONN5C2P8 R. Ex. Comp. BrianVanSickle GrandThirdPrincipal 19 BearbrookRoad, GloucesterONK1B 3H4 R. Ex. Comp. SidneyJames Maddock GrandChaplain 33 HastingsDrive, RR3,WoodlandBeachONLOL IPO R. Ex. Comp. ShavakRussyMadon GrandTreasurer 375 PoplarDrive,OakvilleONL6J4E3 M. Ex. Comp. RichardJamesJackson GrandScribeEzra RR 8,44310FergusonLine, St.ThomasONN5P3T3 R. Ex. Comp. MelvynJamesDuke GrandScribeEzraEmeritus 253-3060ConstitutionBlvd., MississaugaONL4Y3X8 R. Ex. Comp. GeorgeAlanNapper GrandScribeNehemiah 370CulpepperPlace,WaterlooONN2L5L3 R. Ex. Comp. RichardOlavBjerknes GrandPrincipal Soujourner 2273 IsleofManRoad, RR6, KingstonONK7L4V3 R. Ex. Comp. RonaldHerbertBivens GrandRegistrar 804-200LimeridgeRoadWest,HamiltonONL9C 7M7 NEXTANNUALCONVOCATION April 18 -21, 2012 & QualityHotel Suites Woodstock,ON THE GRAND CHAPTER OF ROYAL ARCH MASONS OF CANADA IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THIRD - ANNUAL CONVOCATION Held in Quality Hotel ParkwayConvention Centre St. Catharines, Ontario Canada Thursday, Friday, Saturday March 31, April1, April 2, 2011 Roland P. Mandeville RichardJamesJackson Grand First Principal Grand Scribe Ezra 36 Sapphire Crescent 361 King StreetWest Brampton. Ontario Hamilton, Ontario L6Z4M4 L8P 1B4 A A Biography: Most ExcellentCompanion Roland Patrick Mandeville PERSONAL Born: April 7,h 1944, Barbados , Education (Formal): 1955 - 1963; Harrison College to Grade 13; 1963 Secondary School Diploma 1963-1981 Meteorologist, Barbados; 1965 Initial WeatherForecasting Course, British MetService,Stanmore,England; 1971-1981 WeatherAnchormanonCBCTVBarbados; 1971 UniversityoftheWestIndies;HonoursdegreeinMathematics;Honoursdegreein Physics; 1972 University of Reading, England; Master of Science (Meteorology and Oceanography); 1981-2006 Meteorologist with EnvironmentCanada; 2006 Retired Married: Lynette Ishmael (FICB)June 17lh 1967, twodaughters, sixgrandchildren , Residence: 36 SapphireCrescent, Brampton, Ontario L6Z4M4 Faith: Anglican attending Holy Family Church in Brampton MASONIC CAREER CraftLodge 1976 Initiated, Passed, Unity Lodge No. 1625 ScottishConstitution (SC), Barbados 1977 RaisedUnity Lodge No. 1625 ScottishConstitution (SC), Barbados 1985 AffiliatedtoThe Mount Moriah LodgeNo. 727, Brampton, Ontario, Canada 1995 Installedas Worshipful MasterThe Mount Moriah Lodge No. 727 1996 ElectedSecretary The Mount MoriahLodgeNo. 727 1996-2002 Worshipful MastertheWest Indian DegreeTeam 2002 Resigned as Secretary to Mount Moriah Lodge No. 727 2002 ElectedDistrictDeputy Grand MasterTorontoDistrictNo. 1 CapitularMasonry 1980 Advanced to Honorary Degree ofMark MasterMason - Unity Lodge#1625 SC, Barbados 1980 Exaltedto Holy RoyalArch ofJerusalem. AlbionChapterNo. 65 SC, Barbados 1985 Affiliated with Brampton ChapterNo. 265 1997 InstalledFirst Principal BramptonChapterNo. 265, TorontoDistrictNo. 8 1998 AffiliatedtoOccidentChapterNo. 77 1999 ElectedGrand SuperintendentToronto District 8 2004 Electedto Grand Executive, St. CatharinesOntario 2004 Grand Representative to the stateofWyoming 2004Chairman ofPublic RelationsCommittee, Grand Executive 2006 Elected as Grand Third Principal, Grand Chapter of R.A.M. of Canada in the ProvinceofOntario, St. Catharines 2006 ChairmanCommitteeofCapitularMasonry 2008 Elected as Grand Second Principal, Grand Chapter of R.A.M. ofCanada in the ProvinceofOntario, St. Catharines 2008 Honorary MemberofGrandChapterofR.A.M. ofThe State ofMichigan 2008 Chairman ofGrand ExecutiveCommittee 2009Chairman ofGrand Executive Committee 2010GrandFirstPrincipalofR.A.M.ofCanadaintheProvinceofOntario,St.Catharines Cryptic RiteMasonry 2004 Royal and Select Masters Keystone Council No. 20, Streetsville, Ontario; Royal Master: Royal and Select Master 2007 Etobicoke Lodge No. 17 Royal Ark MarinersofOntario moored at Keystone No. 20 Chivalrk Masonry 2007 Emmanuel Preceptory No. 83 2008 IORC; Malta: Novice and Installation: Consecration Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite 2003 Toronto Grand Lodge ofPerfection Valley ofToronto (14 Degree) 2004 Toronto Sovereign ChapterRoseCroix Valley ofToronto (18 Degree) 2004 Moore Sovereign Consistory Valley ofHamilton (32 Degree) Knightsofthe Red CrossofConstantine 2007 Holy Trinity Conclave No. 34 High Priesthood 2009 Anointed OrderofHigh PriesthoodofOntario AbramCouncil No. 6 Most Excellent Companion Roland Patrick Mandeville 1 1 THE GRAND CHAPTEROF ROYAL ARCH MASONS OF CANADA IN THE PROVINCE OFONTARIO ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THIRD ANNUALCONVOCATION - TheOneHundredandFifty-ThirdAnnualConvocationofTheGrandChapterofRoyal Arch Masons ofCanada in the Province ofOntario, held atthe Quality Hotel Parkway Convention Centre. St. Catharines. Ontarioon March 31s' and April T - 2nd, 201 M.Ex.Comp. Roland Patrick Mandeville Grand First Principal R.Ex.Comp. Michael Jon Bowman Grand Second Principal R.Ex.Comp. Brian Van Sickle GrandThird Principal PASTGRANDFIRSTPRINCIPALS M.Ex.Comp. Gordon H Stuart M.Ex.Comp. Edward W. Elcombe M.Ex.Comp. Leslie Levitt M.Ex.Comp. Donald F Kline M.Ex.Comp. Alan FWalker M.Ex.Comp. R Frank Russell M.Ex.Comp. Harry DTurner M.Ex.Comp. John W McGill M.Ex.Comp. RichardJ Jackson M.Ex.Comp. George H Gifford M.Ex.Comp. Roland APaddle GRANDCHAPTEROFFICERS ELECTEDAND APPOINTED 2010 R.Ex.Comp. SidneyJames Maddock Grand Chaplain R.Ex.Comp. ShavakRussyMadon GrandTreasurer M.Ex.Comp RichardJames Jackson Grand Scribe Ezra R.Ex.Comp. MelvynJames Duke Grand ScribeEzra Emeritus R.Ex.Comp. George Alan Napper Grand ScribeNehemiah R.Ex.Comp. Richard Olav Bjerknes GrandPrincipal Sojourner R.Ex.Comp. Ronald Herbert Bivens Grand Registrar V.Ex.Comp. John Charles Schaeffer Grand Historian V.Ex.Comp. Tim Corrin GrandArchivist GRAND SUPERINTENDENTS 2010 R.Ex.Comp. Douglas WilliamTight Grand Superintendent- District R.Ex.Comp. Charles WyattCrow Grand Superintendent - District R.Ex.Comp. Gerald William Metzger Grand Superintendent- District R.Ex.Comp. Frank Malewski Grand Superintendent- District R.Ex.Comp. James Leutri Grand Superintendent- District R.Ex.Comp. David Beland Grand Superintendent- District R.Ex.Comp. ChristopherDuncan Frere Grand Superintendent - District R.Ex.Comp. EdwardCodack Grand Superintendent- District 8 R.Ex.Comp. Fred Dimmick Grand Superintendent- District 9 R.Ex.Comp. Stanley Irvine Grand Superintendent District 10 R.Ex.Comp. Carman Sararas Grand Superintendent - District 1 R.Ex.Comp. Stewart Evans Grand Superintendent - District 12 R.Ex.Comp AnthonyGeorge Kopf-Johnson Grand Superintendent• District 13 R.Ex.Comp. Michael John Russell Millard Grand Superintendent District 14 R.Ex.Comp. Michael Abbott Grand Superintendent • District 15 GRANDEXECUTIVE COMMITTEE HONOURARY R.Ex.Comp. David EdwardJacklin (1YearTerm) ELECTED2010 R.Ex.Comp. Barry Turnbull R.Ex.Comp. Paraag Natwarlal Suchak R.Ex.Comp. Paul William Hooper R.Ex.Comp. ThomasAlbert Mortlock R.Ex.Comp. RonaldThomas Stinson ELECTED2009 R.Ex.Comp. Alan Donovan R.Ex.Comp. BarryLeslieJones R.Ex.Comp. RobertJoseph McMaster R.Ex.Comp. David RobertPass R.Ex.Comp. John WilliamRichel APPOINTED2010 R.Ex.Comp. RobertCharles Wakefield V.Ex.Comp. J RDouglas Wilson APPOINTED 2009 R.Ex.Comp. John William Lidstone GRAND CHAPTER OPENED A constitutional number ofChapters being represented by their qualified officers, the One HundredandFifty -ThirdAnnualConvocationofTheGrandChapterofRoyalArchMasons ofCanada in the Province ofOntario was opened in Ample Form at9:00 a.m. The Grand First Principal announced that all Royal Arch Masons in good standing and properly vouchedfor, would now be welcomed. Afteradmitting all Companions, theGrand FirstPrincipalwelcomed all presentatthe One Hundred and Fifty - Third Convocation. TheGrandFirstPrincipalthenappointedRExCompsJWilliam LidstoneandMelvynJDuke as Parliamentarians forthe duration ofthis Convocation. Distinguished Guests - Introduced by V.Ex.Comp.Barry Burchill GrandLodge AncientFree andAcceptedMasons M.W.Bro. RonaldE Groshaw, PastGrand Master SovereignGreatPriory M.Em.Kt. Thomas CJanes,, S.G.M., ofS.G.P. Royal and Select Masters ofON R.Ex.Comp M 111 Comp. Douglas Draker Michigan M.Ex.Comp. RobertECooper, G.H.P. New York R.Ex.Comp.Michael Dunn, Grand King Ohio R.Ex.Comp. George Shell, Grand King W Newfound andLabrador M.Ex.Comp. Job Parsons, P.G.H.P. NovaScotia M.Ex.Comp. GeorgeO'Leary, G.H.P. Quebec M.Ex.Comp. Levon Khrigian, GrandFirstPrincipal Alberta M.Ex.Comp. David Hongisto, PastGrand FirstPrincipal TheGrandFirstPrincipalgreetedtheDistinguishedGuestsindividuallyastheywerepresented and welcomed them warmly. Theywerethen escorted to theirseatsby the Grand Second and Grand Third Principals. Grand Honours were accorded the guests led by the Grand Director o\ Ceremonies. Most Worshipful Brother Ronald E. Groshaw, Past Grand Master of The Grand Lodge Ancient Free& Accepted MasonsofCanada, in the ProvinceofOntario,waspresented in the West where he was formally and warmly received by M.Ex.Comp Mandeville. FollowingGrand HonourshewasescortedtohisseatonthediasbytheGrand FirstPrincipal. INVOCATION Most Excellent Sir. PleaseraisetheCompanions. Speaking through Jeremiah theprophet, this is what the Lord says: "Letnottherich man bragabout hisrichness, neitherlet the strong man brag about his strength, neitherletthe wise man brag about his wisdom, but I am the Lord who executes righteousness,justice and peace in theearth."Jeremiah9: 23-24 Letuspray Eternal andeverblessedGod,Thouartthesameyesterday,today,andforever. Werejoice intheorderandthegoodnessofThycreation. LetthepowerofThypresenceandthelove of Thy Divine Being shine into our lives and guide us in all our reflections and deliberations. Give wisdom and strength to our Grand First Principal, and to all the members oftheGrand Executive, thattheproceedingsofthis Annual Convocation ofthe Grand ChapterofRoyal Arch Masons ofCanada, in the Province ofOntario, maybe an appropriateculminationtothosewhoarecompletingtheirtermofofficeandgivetothose whowillbeassumingtheresponsibilityofserviceintheirnewanddistinctduties,vitality andknowledgethatallthechaptersofRoyalArchMasonrymayprosperandcarryoutthe workwhich Thou hastassignedto eachone. WepraythatourvisitingCompanionsmayknowhowdelightedwearetowelcomethem into ourmidst, and mayourcomradeship inspire all ofus to work more diligently inthe interestsofourbelovedfraternity. InThyholynamewepray. Amen- SoMoteItBe. FLAG CEREMONYANDANTHEMS The flags of Canada and the United States ofAmerica were presented at the Altar and placed in the East, following which the National Anthemsofboth countries were sung. REPORTOFTHE COMMITTEEON THEFRATERNALDEAD AND MEMORIALSERVICE "TheeternalGodismyrefuge,andunderneathareGod'severlastingarms."Deuteronomy 33:27. "I know that my Redeemerlives and thatHe shall stand atthe latterday upon the earth."Job 19:25 OpeningPrayer: AlmightyGod,ourheavenlyFather,Thouartthesourcefromwhichwe came, and the end toward which we travel, Thou art the light and the strength ofour pilgrimage and the Shelter and Protectorofourblessed dead. Bind us, we pray Thee, in comradeship with the heroes and saints of every age. In these moments of solemn remembrance,wethinkofourCompanionswhohavefaithfullyservedTheeandwhohave beencalledtotheGrandChapterabove. Liftus,webeseechTheetothatsamelifeandlove whichinspiredourdepartedCompanionstoserveTheesonoblysothatwhenwearecalled into Thy nearerpresence, we too mayhear that divine plaudit: "Come ye blessed ofmy Father, inheritthekingdomprepared foryou." And to Thyname, with the Companions on earthand Companions above, we ascribe all honour, gloryandpraise. Amen- So Mote ItBe. Most Excellent Sir, please seattheCompanions. Scriptures: Psalm 23 - The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want; He makes me to lie downingreenpastures. Heleadsmebesidestillwaters;Herestoresmysoul. Heleadsme inpathsofrighteousnessforhisname'ssake. EventhoughIwalkthroughthevalleyofthe shadowofdeath,Ifearnoevil;forthouartwithme;thyrodandthystaff,theycomfortme. Thoupreparestatablebeforeme in thepresenceofmyenemies. Thouanointestmyhead withoil,mycupoverflows. Surelygoodnessandmercyshall followmeallthedaysofmy life; and I shall dwell inthehouseofthe Lordforever. O Thou eternal Father, we hear today the words ofyour Son: "Wherefore comfort one anotherwith these words." And so, O God, we read from Thy word, andwe wouldwith humility andpatience listentothe lessons fromtheVolumeofthe SacredLaw. WeblessTheeforthecomfortingpowerofwords: rightwordsrightlyspokenandrightly heard. Whata marvelous strengtheningpowerwe find in hours ofanxietyand sorrow in such words. We remember the words ofthe Apostle Paul: "For I am persuaded that neither life or death...shallbeabletoseparateusfromtheloveofGod,whichisinChristJesusourLord." Howgreat isourneed; buthowmuchgreateristheministryofThygloryinJesusChrist. WerememberthewordsofSt.John-"InHimislife,andthelifewasthelightofmen.The lightshines inthedarkness,butthedarkness hasnotovercome it." Webless Theethat in thevalleyofthe shadow,wearenotwithoutthewitnessofThy light andlife. Andwerememberthewords ofourSaviourwho said: "Letnotyourheartsbetroubled." He was the Living Word, the Word made flesh, and He gave us this promise: "I go to prepareaplace foryou...And I will comeagainandreceiveyou." O GreatJehovah, aswereceivetheministryofsuchwords, makeourimaginationsalive, makeourwordsfaithful,oureyesclear,ourearsalert,andourheartsreceptive.Allthiswe askthroughthe grace andmerits ofthegreatJehovah. Amen. InmemoryofthosewhohavebeencalledtotheGrandChapterabove,letusstandwiththe sign offidelityandobservetheminuteofsilence. Most Excellent Sir, pleaseraisethe Companions foramomentofsilence. Closing Prayer: MaytheblessingoftheG.A.O.T.U, restupon us anduponall ourwork and worship done in His Name. MayHegiveus lightto guideus, courageto support us, and loveto unite us, nowand forevermore.

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