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THE GRAND CHAPTER OF ROYAL ARCH MASONS OF CANADA IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 2000 PROCEEDINGS ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-SECOND ANNUAL CONVOCATION ! THE GRAND CHAPTER OF ROYAL ARCH MASONS OFCANADA IN THE PROVINCE OFONTARIO GRANDCHAPTEROFFICERS 1999 Comp. Harry DTurner 2390 Red Maple Avenue, R.R. 1 Jordan Station ON LOR I W R. Ex. Comp. John McGill 1838 Millwood Crescent, Sudbury ON P3E 2T1 M mp. Sheldon Boomhour 14 Robe nt, Brampton ON L6VV K Comp. PeterBarrou 38 Edith Street. Georgetown ON L7G 3B1 Comp. B Andrew Downc 3370TallmastCrescent, MississaugaON L5L 1H5 Comp. Melvyn J Duke 253-3060Constitution Boulevard, MississaugaON L4V 3X8 W Comp. Peter Scott 82 Clementine Square, ScarboroughON MIG 2V7 10 Resolution Cr., North York ON M2H 1N4 t% King Street. Midland ON L4R 5B6 NEXTANNUALCONVOCATION April 5th. 6,h and 7th, 2001 Kingston The AmbassadorHotel THE GRAND CHAPTER OF ROYAL ARCH MASONS OF CANADA IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-SECOND ANNUAL CONVOCATION Held in the FourPoints Sheraton Hotel Kitchener, Ontario Canada Thursday, Friday, Saturday April 13rd 14th 15th 2000 , , , Harry D Turner Melvyn J Duke Grand First Principal Grand Scribe Ezra 2390 Red Maple Avenue R.R. 1 361 King Street West Jordan Station, Ontario Hamilton, Ontario LOR ISO L8P 1B4 7 BIOGRAPHY HARRY DOUGLAS TURNER Personal: Born-Toronto, Ontario, December 14, 1933 Theoldestinafamily offivechildren Educated intheTorontoBoardofEducation Publicand Secondary Schools Marriedto Geraldine Ruth McCarthy June 12, 1954 Three children, Harry Jr., Ruth Ann andThomasGerald Ten grand children, one greatgrandchild Business: Employed in aircraftassembly, A.V. Roe, Malton, Ontario 1952 EnrolledwiththeTorontoCity Police Force, February 28, 1955 RetiredMay 1, 1992 MASONIC Symbolic: 1966-Initiated, Passedand Raised in theBeaches LodgeNo.473 A.F. &A.M. 1976-Member7TorontoDistricts PastMastersAssociation 1978-Worshipful MasteroftheBeaches LodgeNo.473 1992-Affiliated LifeMemberofIvy LodgeNo.l15 A.F. &A.M. Beamsville 1994-MemberofNiagara 'A' DistrictD.D.G.M.'steam and appointedChairmanof theDistrict'sMasonic Foundation Committee 1998-Appointed Grand SeniorDeacon, Grand LodgeA.F. & A.M. ofCanadainthe ProvinceofOntario Capitular Masonry: 1979-Exalted in KingCyrusChapterNo.232, TorontoDistrict8A 1984-LifeMemberKingCyrusChapterNo.232 1985-FirstPrincipal King CyrusChapterNo.232 1985-MemberToronto Districts 8-8A Principal'sAssociation 1988-Elected Grand Principal Sojourner 1989-Appointedtothe GrandExecutiveCommittee, 1 year 1990-Appointed tothe Grand ExecutiveCommittee, 2 years 1992-ElectedtotheGrand ExecutiveCommittee, 2years 1992-Affiliated LifeMemberMountMoriah ChapterNo.19,NiagaraDistrictNo. 1992-MemberNiagaraDistrictNo.7 PrincipalsAssociation 1993-Elected PresidentoftheToronto Districts 8-8A PrincipalsAssociation 1994-Appointed Life MemberoftheToronto District8-8A PrincipalsAssociation 1994-Elected Grand Third Principal and by virtue ofoffice, Vice-president ofthe Grand ExecutiveCommittee 1995-AppointedtheGrand RepresentativetotheGrand ChapterofWestVirginia 1996-Elected Grand Second Principal and by virtue of office, President of the Grand Executive Committee 1998-Elected Grand FirstPrincipal Most ExcellentCompanion Harry DouglasTurner 3 Knights Templar: 1980-MemberCyrene PreceptoryNo.29, Toronto 1983-LifeMemberCyrenePreceptoryNo.29 1994-Affiliatedmember St.Bernard deClairveaux PreceptoryNo.19, PortColborne 1996-PresidingPreceptor, St.Bernard deClairveau PreceptoryNo.19 1996-Member, Hamilton DistrictPreceptors' Association Shrine: 1981-MemberRamesesTempleA.A.O.N.M.S. Toronto 1983-MemberRamesesArab Patrol Unit 1984-MemberShrine Patrol Association ofNorthAmerica Royal & SelectMasters: 1987-Honoured, ChosenandGreeted, KeystoneCouncilNo.20Toronto 1988-ElevatedEtobicokeLodgeNo.17 Royal ArkMariners 1989-LifeMemberKeystoneCouncilNo.20 and EtobicokeLodgeNo.17 1995-Thrice IllustriousMasterKeystoneCouncilNo.20 Worshipful CommanderNoah, EtobicokeLodgeNo.17, RoyalArk Mariners 1996-Appointed Grand OuterGuard Royal & SelectMastersofOntario 1996-Honourary MemberPyramid CouncilNo.7, NiagaraFalls 1997-Appointed Grand InspectorGeneral, District 'C Knights oftheYorkCross ofHonour: 1998-MemberOntario PrioryNo.49London OrderofHigh Priesthood: 1987-MemberOrderofHigh Priesthood 1990-Charter/LifeMemberUnityCouncilNo.4, Midland 1999-Honourary GrandPresident YorkRiteCollege: 1988-MemberAthelstan YorkRiteCollegeNo.41, Toronto 1992-LifeMemberAthelstanYorkRiteCollegeNo.41 1996-Appointed PreceptorinAthelstan York Rite CollegeNo.41 1998-CharterMember&electedDeputy Governorin SeymourYorkRiteCollegeNo.185 2000-Governor, SeymourYorkRiteCollegeNo285 StCatharines Allied Masonic Degrees: 1989-MemberScarborough CouncilNo.175 1991-Sovereign Master Scarborough CouncilNo.175 1995-AppointedmemberoftheGrand ExecutiveCommittee 1995-MemberOrderofthe SecretMonitorTorontoConclaveNo. 1997-Honourary memberBurlington CouncilNo. 70 Milton Holy Royal Arch KnightTemplar Priests: 1990-Life MemberHoly Royal Arch KnightTemplarPriests YorkTabernacleNo.93 1996-Elected High PriestYorkTabernacleNo.93 2000-AppointedPastGrand 2nd Pillar 3 Royal Cross ofConstantine: 1990-MemberHoly Land ConclaveNo.3, Toronto 1999-Invested JuniorGeneral, Holy Land ConclaveNo. A.&A.S.R.: 1992-Toronto LodgeofPerfection 14°, Toronto 1993-Toronto ChapterofRoseCroix 18° 1993-Moore Sovereign Consistory 32°, Hamilton Sundry: Allied Masonic Degrees: - Council ofHonour, Man AtArms, Life Member -Council ofHonour, Esquire, Life Member - Member, Knightsofthe Red Branch ofEri - Member, Ye OrderofCorks, MasonicOrderofthe Bath - Member, GrandTylers ofSolomon, Council No.212, St. Thomas Shrine: - LifeMember, ofthe Mandarin Degree -LifeMemberHogtownersClanNo.46 Grand& GloriousOrderoftheHillbilly Degree -Member, Shrine Patrol Association ofNorth America Tall Cedars ofLebanon: - 1988-Member, Garden City ForestNo.173, Milton - 1991-GrandTall Cedar, Garden City ForestNo.173 THE GRANDCHAPTEROFROYALARCH MASONS OFCANADA IN THE PROVINCE OFONTARIO ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-SECONDANNUALCONVOCATION The One Hundred and Forty-second Annual Convocation ofThe Grand ChapterofRoyal ArchMasonsofCanadaintheProvinceofOntario,heldattheFourPointsHotel,Kitchener, Ontario on April 14th and 15th 2000. , M.Ex.Comp. Harry D Turner Grand FirstPrincipal W R.Ex.Comp. John McGill Grand SecondPrincipal M R.Ex.Comp. Sheldon Boomhour GrandThird Principal PAST GRAND FIRST PRINCIPALS M.Ex.Comp. Charles W Emmett M.Ex.Comp. Aube L Weisman W M.Ex.Comp. Gordon H Stuart M.Ex.Comp. Edward Elcombe M.Ex.Comp. AlbertA Mortlock M.Ex.Comp. Leslie Levitt M.Ex.Comp. Donald F Kline M.Ex.Comp. G RobertJackson M.Ex.Comp. Alan F Walker M.Ex.Comp. RFrank Russell 1 GRAND CHAPTEROFFICERS ELECTEDANDAPPOINTED 1999 R.Ex.Comp. PeterBarrow GrandChaplain R.Ex.Comp. BAndrewDownes GrandTreasurer R.Ex.Comp. MelvynJ Duke Grand ScribeEzra W R.Ex.Comp. Peter Scott Grand ScribeNehemiah R.Ex.Comp. Wesley Massey GrandPrincipal Sojourner R.Ex.Comp. Russell JVarley GrandRegistrar REx.Comp. William Stanfield Grand Historian V.Ex.Comp. RGlen Harvey GrandArchivist GRANDSUPERINTENDENTS 1999 W REx.Comp. George Garwood St. ClairDistrictNo. 1 R.Ex.Comp. RobertRJackson London DistrictNo. 2 R.Ex.Comp. Clifford L Sly Wilson DistrictNo. 3 R.Ex.Comp. John McCusker Wellington DistrictNo. 4 R.Ex.Comp. RobertETodd Hamilton DistrictNo. 5 R.Ex.Comp. LeeAGrove Huron DistrictNo. 6 R.Ex.Comp. RArthurEtling NiagaraDistrictNo. 7 W R.Ex.Comp. Wilfred Luter Toronto DistrictNo. 8 R.Ex.Comp. RolandPManderville TorontoDistrictNo. 8A R.Ex.Comp. Stanley Connors Georgian DistrictNo. 9 R.Ex.Comp. Joseph Janacek Ontario DistrictNo. 10 R.Ex.Comp. ArthurBonGerow PrinceEdwardDistrictNo. 1 R.Ex.Comp. RobertEyre St. Lawrence DistrictNo. 12 M R.Ex.Comp. John Moor OttawaDistrictNo. 13 R.Ex.Comp. RichardRBerday AlgomaDistrictNo. 14 R.Ex.Comp. Raymond RMeadows NewOntario DistrictNo. 15 R.Ex.Comp. B RichmondClemence Temiskaming DistrictNo. 16 EXECUTIVECOMMITTEE HONOURARY - R.Ex.Comp. RolandAPaddle R.Ex.Comp. DavidD Walker R.Ex.Comp. J Lloyd Mellor R.Ex.Comp. Norman D McComb R.Ex.Comp. B Donald Lamont EXECUTIVECOMMITTEE ELECTED - (1998) W R.Ex.Comp. David Laskey R.Ex.Comp. RichardJ Jackson R.Ex.Comp. D Kenneth Bromley R.Ex.Comp. C Gordon Sinclair EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ELECTED - (1999) R.Ex.Comp. William Klapatiuk R.Ex.Comp. Brian RSimpson R.Ex.Comp. William G Birnie R.Ex.Comp. John RPattison R.Ex.Comp. EugeneFdeBeaupre EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE-(APPOINTED 1998) V.Ex.Comp. William H Collinson EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE-(APPOINTED 1999) V.Ex.Comp. Michael J Bowman V.Ex.Comp. Shayne H Eldridge R.Ex.Comp. JamesT Saunders R.Ex.Comp. Grant B Parsons GRAND CHAPTEROPENED Aconstitutional numberofChaptersbeingrepresented by theirqualifiedofficers, theOne Hundred and Forty-second Annual Convocation ofThe Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons ofCanada in the ProvinceofOntario wasopened in AmpleForm at9:00 a.m. The Grand First Principal announced that all Royal Arch Masons in good standing and properlyvouchedfor,wouldnowbewelcomed.AfteradmittingallCompanions,theGrand First Principal welcomed all present at the One Hundred and Forty-second Annual Convocation. Distinguished Guests- Introduced byR.Ex.Comp. Donald Emerick BritishColumbia M.Ex.Comp. Joseph RMarshall P.G.Z. andtheYukon W Newfoundland M.Ex.Comp. Job ParsonsP.G.H.P. Connecticut M.Ex.Comp. Stephen PinerP.G.H.P. Michigan M.Ex.Comp. Leonard Campbell G.H.P. New Hampshire M.Ex.Comp. RogerDeloitte P.G.H.P. Ohio M.Ex.Comp. RobertCrabbsP.G.H.P. Orderofthe High M.Ex. Grand High PriestJamesHutchinson Grand President Priesthood Grand Council M.Ul.Comp. William Klapatiuk M.I11. Grand Master Royal & SelectMasters ofOntario Grand Imperial M.Ill.Kt.Comp. BertMennie PastGrand Sovereign ConclaveofCanada Sovereign GreatPriory M.Em.Kt. Edward SPCarson Past Supreme Grand Master ofCanada YorkRite Sovereign M.Pre.Dist.Bro. Donald A King PastGrand GovernorGeneral CollegeofNorth America SupremeCouncil 33° Ill.Bro. Norman E Byrne 33°LieutenantGrand Commander Ancientand Accepted Scottish Rite The Grand First Principal greeted the Distinguished Guests individually as they were presented and welcomed them warmly. They werethen escorted totheirseats bytheGrand Second and Grand Third Principals. Grand Honours were accorded the guests led by the Grand ScribeNehemiah. Most Worshipful Brother Robert J McKibbon, the Grand Master ofThe Grand Lodge AncientFree&AcceptedMasonsofCanada,intheProvinceofOntario,waspresentedinthe Westwherehewasformallyandwarmlyreceivedby M.Ex.Comp.Turner. FollowingGrand Honours hewasescortedto his seaton thedias by the Grand FirstPrincipal. TheGrand FirstPrincipal called upon theGrand Chaplain forthe Invocation. 7 INVOCATION Letuspray.AlmightyandgraciousGodGreatArchitectandcreatoroftheuniverse;wegive youthanksforthemanyand bountiful blessingswhichwehavereceivedfromyourhands. Weaskforyourblessinguponthisconvocationassembled, uponthe leadersandmenwho lookforward. Weaskyourblessinguponourdeliberationsthattheymayalwaysbetoyour glory and honour and to the welfare ofour beloved chapters. We ask this in your name. Amen. FLAG CEREMONY ANDANTHEMS TheflagsofCanadaandtheUnitedStatesofAmericawerepresentedattheAltarandplaced in theEast, followingwhich theNational Anthems ofboth countriesweresung. REPORTOFTHE COMMITTEE ON THE FRATERNAL DEAD AND MEMORIALSERVICE Companions, let us pray: Great Architect and Grand Geometrician ofthe Universe, we praiseThy HolyNameforall thy servantswhohavefinishedtheircourse, laid down their workingtools, andentered intothatholyandspiritualTemplenotmadewithhands. Make us, webeseech thee, deeply aware ofthe shortness and uncertainty ofhuman life, and let ThyHoly Spiritleadusinholinessandrighteousnessallourdays,that,whenweshallhave servedThee in ourgeneration, wemay begathered untoourfathers, havingthetestimony ofagood conscience, in the confidence ofa certain faith, in the comfort ofareasonable, religiousandholyhope,infavourwithTheeourGod,andinperfectcharitywithallpeople. Grantthis forThy greatName's sake. Amen. Weremembereach ofthe CompanionswhohavepassedtotheGrand Chapterabove: and we have recorded in these proceedings the deaths each ofthe Companions and Excellent CompanionswhoweremembersofChaptersinthisjurisdiction. Wecherishtheirmemory in ourhearts and wecommittheirsoulsto God, confidentofHis love forthem and for us all. We shall observe a short period of silent remembrance in honour of our departed Companions. OLord,supportusallthedaylongofthistroublouslife,untiltheshadowslengthenandthe evening comes, the busy world is hushed, the fever oflife is over, and ourwork is done. ThenLord, inthy mercy, grantusasafe lodging, aholy restand peace atthe last. Amen. AswebeginthisGrandConvocationmyCompanions,Icalluponusalltohearandobserve God'swordstous,andtocarryoutthatword inourlivesand inouractions. Somoteitbe. GRAND MASTER'SREMARKS M.Ex.Comp. Harry D Turner called upon Most Worshipful Brother Robert J McKibbon to bringgreetings from TheGrandLodgeA.F. &A.M.ofCanadaintheProvinceofOntario. M.Ex.Comp. Harry DTurner, Distinguished Guestsand my beloved Companions:

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